Hindawi Geofluids Volume 2021, Article ID 5583191, 22 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/5583191

Research Article The Lithological Features of Sublacustrine Fans and Significance to Hydrocarbon Exploration: A Case Study of the Chang 7 Interval of the Yanchang Formation, Southeastern Ordos Basin, North

Bo Yang ,1 Hongjun Qu ,1 Jianchao Shi,2,3 Yuqi Bai,2,3 Wenhou Li,1 Yanrong Zheng,1 and Rongjun Zhang4

1State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics, Department of Geology, Northwest University, Xi’an, 710069, China 2National Engineering Laboratory of Low-Permeability Oil & Gas Exploration and Development, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710018, China 3Exploration and Development Research Institute, PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710018, China 4Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Advanced Stimulation Technology for Oil & Gas Reservoirs, College of Petroleum Engineering, Xi’an Shiyou University, Xi’an 710021, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Bo Yang; [email protected] and Hongjun Qu; [email protected]

Received 23 January 2021; Revised 23 February 2021; Accepted 18 March 2021; Published 8 May 2021

Academic Editor: Zhigang Tao

Copyright © 2021 Bo Yang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

The Chang 7 interval of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in the Ordos Basin represents a typical deep lacustrine depositional sequence. On the basis of field outcrops, cores, well logs, light/heavy mineral provenance analysis, and petrological studies, we evaluated the characteristics of deep-water gravity flow deposition of the Chang 7 interval and constructed a depositional model. The sediments mainly came from the northeast of the study area, and multiple sublacustrine fans were deposited in the center of the basin. Different from the deep-marine fan, the sublacustrine fan in the study area develops under the background of gentle slope without any erosional canyon between the fan and delta front. Gravity flow deposits in the study area can categorised into three groups: sand debris flow deposits, turbidity current deposits, and deep-water mudstone deposits. The main channel and branch channel are mainly developed with thick massive sandy debris sandstone, while the channel lateral margin and branch channel lateral margin are mainly developed with middle massive sandy debris sandstones and turbidite sandstones, which from bottom to top, the thickness of sand layer becomes thinner and the grain size becomes smaller. Thin mudstone is developed between channels; the lobe fringe includes sheet-like turbidite sandstones and deep lake mudstones. The widely distribute, good quality source rocks (TOC = 2% – 6%) developed in deep lacustrine have attained the peak stage of oil generation (Ro =0:9% – 1:2%). The superimposition of the sublacustrine fan sand bodies and the wide distribution of good quality source rocks favor the formation of large lithologic reservoirs characterized by source–reservoir integration, self- generation and self-storage, and near-source accumulation.

1. Introduction eries prompted deep-water exploration in marine basins such as the Qiongdongnan and the Yinggehai and continental The continuous development of new technology and basins such as the Ordos and the Bohai Bay in China. Con- advances in knowledge on oil and gas exploration and devel- currently, theoretical advancements improved understand- opment have remarkably improved exploration and develop- ing of deep-water sedimentation [11, 12]. Deep-water ment in deep-water basins worldwide. Major discoveries of gravity flows sedimentary models were primarily developed oil and gas in tight sandstones include the Gulf of Mexico, between 1950 and 1970, such as the Bouma sequence, the the North Sea, and the Norwegian Sea [1–10]. These discov- York model, and the ancient submarine fan model [13–18]. 2 Geofluids

As understanding of deep-water sediments improved, Shan- Pacific tectonic region in the east, and the Qilian-Qinling fold mugam proposed a deep-water model dominated by debris tectonic belt and the Tianshan-Xingmeng fold tectonic belt flow [6, 19–23]. The hyperpycnal flow is recently attracting in the north and south, respectively (Figure 1). It is the sec- significant research attention. Zavala et al. explored the for- ond largest onshore sedimentary basin in China, with an area mation conditions, the dynamic characteristics, the sedimen- of about 37 × 104 km2 [58–63]. Under the influence of colli- tary processes, and sedimentary principles of hyperpycnal sion orogeny in Qinling area, the strata of the Middle and flow and established a deposition model for the flow ([24, Late Triassic basin are generally high in the north and low 25], 2011; [26–30]). In addition, the new technology of for- in the south, thin in the north and thick in the south. The mation physical simulation research and engineering stress water body is characterized by a shallow north and a deep technology has provided technical support for the effective south, and the sedimentary range is much larger than that and economic development of tight oil and gas reservoirs in the present basin. The Yanchang Formation consists of [31–36]. 1000–1300 m (3280–4265 ft) fluvial, delta, and lacustrine sed- The study of deep-water sediments in the Ordos Basin iments [64, 65]. The evolution of the Yanchang Formation began in the 1970s, and divergent views exist on the large involves a period of early subsidence and extension (Chang scale development of sandstones attributed to deep-water 10-Chang 8 intervals), a peak stage (Chang 7 interval), and gravity flows in the basin. Chen et al. concluded that the a late basin shrinkage stage (Chang 6-Chang 2 intervals) that deep-water sandstones of the Chang 6 and Chang 7 intervals continued and was followed by uplift and filling of the lake are primarily turbidite deposits including slope displacement basin in the Late Triassic (Chang 1 interval) [64, 65]. Fluvial turbidite fans and slumping turbidite fans [37–41]. Zou et al. and lacustrine facies dominate the sediments, with thickness reported expansively developed debris flow sand bodies in ranging from 1000 m to 1600 m [12, 49, 66–69] (Figure 2). the Chang 6 and Chang 7 intervals in the center of the basin The Chang 7 interval represents the peak stage of the Triassic [42–46]. Recent studies indicate that turbidity flow and lake development in the Ordos Basin. The basin experienced debris flow deposits exist in the Ordos Basin [47–52]. In major subsidence during this period, affecting an area of over addition, Yang et al. found a gravity flow-induced sandstone 5×104 km2, with water depth in the deep lake attaining different from those of debris flow and slumping turbidite 150 m (Figure 2). Deposition included dark mudstones and sediments of the Chang 6 and Chang 7 intervals in the south- thick and abundant black shales named the “Zhangjiatan ern part of the basin, which are considered as hyperpycnal shale.” These constitute the principal Mesozoic petroleum flow sediments [53, 54]. source rocks in the basin, with layer thickness of 15 m– The knowledge from deep-water sedimentary research 30 m. Organic geochemistry data support the dark shale as effectively guides the exploration and development of the the primary source rock for reservoirs in the basin because Chang 7 reservoir formation and remains significant for of the potential for hydrocarbon generation and expulsion exploration in the Ordos Basin. The Changqing Oilfield associated with its high organic carbon content [70–75]. Company made a significant discovery in the Xin’anbian area The study area lies in the southeast of the Ordos Basin of the central and western part of the basin in 2014. This rep- bound in the south by Yan’an, in the north by , resents the first tight field in China with over 100 million tons in the west by Yichuan, and in the east by Heshui and covers of proven reserves and highlights the significant exploration an area of about 4:4×104 km2. It belongs to the Yishan slope potential of the Chang 7 interval [55–57]. However, when and partly to the northern margin of the Weibei uplift compared with the central and western parts of the basin, (Figure 1). The eight outcrops studied are mainly in the east- no major discovery exists from exploration for tight oil in ern and southern margins of the study area. the southeast, with only occasional tight oil-enriched areas such as the Zhidan and the Ganquan. Detailed studies on 3. Data and Methods the genetic types and sedimentary models of sand bodies in the Chang 7 interval in the southeast of the basin are scant. This study is based on 240 wells’ log data, 22 well cores, and This study examines drilling core, logging, and analytical test several outcrops to interpret the gravity flows in the study data for more than 300 wells in the southeastern Ordos Basin area (Figure 1(b)). The outcropping sediments deposited and eight outcrop profiles (Shanshui River, Jinsuoguan, Yao during the Late Triassic, which were described in detail to Xian, Xuefengchuan, Hongshiya, Shiwang River, Yunyan illustrate the vertical characteristics of gravity flow deposits River, and Yan River). The results reveal the characteristics, and interpret lithofacies. Then, the interval thickness and the sublacustrine fan development, and the significance of the ratio of sandstone thickness to interval thickness can be the gravity flow sediments for exploration in the Chang 7 calculated through the integrated application of well logs, interval in the southeastern Ordos Basin. The research results including gamma-ray, acoustic, and resistivity logging. Fur- provide a theoretical basis for further exploration and devel- thermore, casting thin section (CTS) observation and scan- opment in the southeastern Ordos Basin. ning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to analyze reservoir characteristics of sublacustrine fan sand bodies. 2. Geological Setting 4. Results The Ordos Basin extends from the central to the western part of the North China Craton and is surrounded by the Helan- 4.1. Thickness Distribution. The average thickness of the Liupan Mountain north-south tectonic belt to the west, the Chang 7 interval in the study area ranges from 100 m to Geofluids 3

0 40 80 km B A Daqing mountain Yanan Hohhot YH Yongning Yanchang Lang mountain Huachi Linhe Baotou

YY Dongsheng

Yimeng uplif SW Fuxian Yichuan Fugu Zhiluo Heshui

Helan mountain Otog Banner Tianhuan depression Tianhuan Jinxi fault-fold belt

Yinchuan belt tectonics margin West Yulin B’ Huanglong XFC Yishan slope Zhengning Huangling

Jingbian HSY Lvliang mountain Lvliang Wuqi A’ Zhidan Heyang JSG Huanxian Xunyi Baishui Huachi YananYanchang SS YQ Tongchuan Qingyang Yichuan Basin Yellow River Basin boundary Place name

Liupan mountain Huangling

Xunyi Chengcheng Helan Mountain Study area Unit boundary Denudation line Tongchuan Zhongtiao mountain Beijing JSG Jinsuoguan profle YQ Yaoqu profle Weibei uplif Well China Xi’an HSY Hongshiya profle XFC Xuefengchuan profle YH Yan river profle Qinling mountain SS Shanshui river profle SW Shiwang river profle YY Yunyan river profle (a) (b)

Figure 1: Location map of the Ordos Basin and the study area: (a) the structural units of the Ordos Basin and the study area location (modified from Yang et al.); (b) the area of study area with the included wells. The black line is the section depicted in Figure 10 with wells named.

160 m, with the maximum thickness in the middle of the over 50% garnet. The light minerals are dominated by feld- study area. The maximum thickness is in the Zhiluo- spar containing over 50% and less than 30% quartz, suggest- Huangling area, with thicknesses of 140 m–160 m that indi- ing low maturity sandstones. The Zhengning-Xunyi area is cating the center of the basin and the deepest part of the lake. the south provenance control area, and its heavy minerals The thickness of the strata decreases gradually to about belong to the garnet–leucosphenite–zircon assemblage. The 100 m–110 m in the west, north, and east. The area experi- content of stable minerals such as zircon is generally over enced subduction of the Yangtze Block to the North China 40% and increases from the southwest to the center of the Block in the Late Triassic and subduction of the Late Meso- basin, whereas unstable minerals such as epidote decrease zoic Paleo-Pacific Plate to the North China Block. These and are absent in some areas. The light minerals generally caused uneven uplift in the basin, with erosion of strata of comprise 40%–50% quartz and about 20% feldspar, with an the Yanchang Formation in the southwest of the Yichuan- overall high compositional maturity. The zircon–tourma- Huanglong-Binxian area (Figure 3). line–rutile (ZTR) contour map displays increasing ZTR indi- ces from the northeast, southwest, and south to the central 4.2. Provenance Direction. We analyzed the characteristics of region (Figure 4). Several heavy minerals occur in the central light minerals, heavy minerals, and detritus in outcrop sec- region, and the heavy mineral contents vary significantly. tions and wells and divided the area into northeast, southern, This indicates proximity to the sedimentary depocenter and and central portions, reflecting two provenance directions. is characteristic of a turbidity convergence zone affected by The northeast and the southwest are indicated as the domi- multiple provenances. nant provenance directions. The heavy minerals in the Chang 7 reservoir strata 4.3. Sedimentary Characteristics mainly include zircon, garnet, leucosphenite, tourmaline, rutile, and subordinate amounts of chloritoid, epidote, and 4.3.1. Turbidity Current Deposits. Turbidite deposits are sphene [76–80]. The Fuxian-Yan’an area is the northeast widely distributed in the study area, and normal graded provenance control area mainly comprises fine-grained lithic sequence is developed. Massive, parallel, horizontal, and feldspar sandstones and feldspathic sandstones. The heavy cross-bedding can be observed in cores and field outcrops, minerals are the zircon–garnet assemblage, with generally showing incomplete Bouma sequence (Figures 5(a)–5(d)). 4 Geofluids

Oil Sequence Main For- Sedimentary Sub- Tickness layer Tickness Lithology Series Formation Reservoir Lithology sedimentary mation facies division (m) interval (m) 3rd 2nd facies

Meandering J Fuxian J 0-150 1 1f river Anastomosed T y 5 Chang1 0-240 3 river K9 Meandering river

Chang 71 35-40 K8 T y 4 3 Chang2 120-150

Braided river

K7 fans subaqueous

Chang3 90-110

K6 Chang 7 Chang Yanchang K5 Shallow lake Triassic Chang4+5 80-110 and deltas


35-40 Chang 72 T y 3 3 Chang6 110-130 Delta front



Chang7 100-120 Semideep -deep lake


Chang8 75-90 Dalta front

T y 2 Chang 7 35-40 3 K0 Semi-deep lake 3

Chang9 80-110 Shore-shallow lake lake semi-deep to Deep

T y 1 3 Chang10 170-250 Braided river

T T z Chang8 Chang 81 2 2

Silty Muddy Sandstone Siltstone Mudstone Shale Oil shale mudstone siltstone

K0-K9 Tufaceous mudstone key bed Disconformity

Figure 2: The generalized stratigraphic chart showing lithologies, sedimentary facies, the sequence stratigraphy, and evolution of the Yanchang Fm and Chang 7 interval in the Ordos Basin (the data were referenced from Yanhe outcrop and wells Z526 and Y221).

Incomplete Bouma sequences such as the ABC, the AB mem- The grain size distribution curves for turbidity cur- ber, and other assemblages are mostly developed in sand- rent deposits in the study area are characterized by stones (Figures 5(a)–5(d)). Flame structure, flute, and straight line or approximate straight line (Figures 6(a) groove casts are developed at the bottom of turbidite sand- and 6(b)). The absence of rolling or saltation size stones (Figures 5(e)–5(i)). Muddy clastics are also common populations, the high total suspended particle content, with abundant dark mudstone debris in the silty mudstones. and the poor degree of sorting are typical particle size Geofluids 5

0 10 20 km

Yanan Yanchang 140 Yongning Huachi 130



120 130



140 150





Yichuan Fuxian Zhiluo 160 Heshui

Huangling Huanglong Zhengning

Heyang Baishui Xunyi Binxian Tongchuan Yanan 5 Wells Place Stratoisohypse Denudation name (metres) line

Figure 3: Strata thickness map of Chang 7 interval in southeast Ordos Basin. characteristics of turbidites. The distribution of points 4.4. Well Log Characteristics. The characteristics of well logs parallel to the baseline on the C-M diagram (Figures 6(c) are diagnostic of the sediments and sedimentary environ- and 6(d)), which further supports deposition from turbidity ments. Sedimentary facies and lithologies show peculiar currents. and often distinct responses in well logs. In this paper, the log facies characteristics of several sed- 4.3.2. Sand Debris Flow Deposits. Large-scale sandy debris imentary microfacies in the study area are presented on the flow deposits are developed in Chang7 interval of the study basis of data including core descriptions and sedimentary area. The typical lithology is massive fine sandstone associ- structures (Table 1, Figure 7). ated with dark mudstone, siltstone, and fine sandstone rich in irregular mudstone (Figures 5(j)–5(o)). The thickness of 5. Discussions single-layer sand body varies greatly, and the maximum thickness can be up to 5 m. 5.1. Lithofacies Association and Facies Types. Field observa- In the observation of core and field outcrop, the sandy tions revealed the presence of Bouma sequences and that debris flow deposit has the following characteristics: devel- the longitudinal thickness of a layer of the sublacustrine fan oped massive structure; some massive sandstone has a sand body ranges from a few centimeters to a few meters in flushing surface at the bottom; and the massive sandstone the study area. The horizontal distribution of the sand body is rich in irregular mudstone, and there are floating mud- is stable, and core observations confirm common thin mud- clasts at the top, which often show sharp contact with the stone and argillaceous siltstone intercalations of the sand overlying strata. The common sedimentary structures body. The core characteristics and evolution from the sedi- include flute and groove casts. mentary structures of the Chang 7 interval reveal subfacies 6 Geofluids

0 20 40 60 km 0 20 40 60 km

Yanan Yachang Yanan Yachang Huachi Huachi

High feldspar Zircon+Garnet

Fuxian Fuxian

Heshui Heshui Similar content of quartz and feldspar

Huanglong Huanglong

Zhengning Zhengning

Yijun Yijun 100 Barite Zircon Zircon+Garnet High quartz 80 +Leucosphenite Garnet 60 Quartz Epidote Xunyi Xunyi 40 Feldspar Leucos- 20 Tourmaline Debis phenite 0 Rutile (a) (b)

Figure 4: Light and heavy mineral distribution map in Chang 7 interval in the study area: (a) light minerals distribution; (b) heavy minerals distribution. types including main channel, the branch channel, the inter- to include irregular sand-shale interbeds, argillaceous silt- channel, lobe fringe, and deep lake plain (Figure 7). stones, and silty mudstones, with a CDE Bouma sequence assemblage (Figures 8(b) and 8(c)). 5.1.1. Main Channel Filling Deposits. The main channel fill- ing deposits are close to the provenance area and includes 5.1.3. Lobe Fringe and Deep Lake Plain. The terminal area of the main channel and overflow deposits. The main channel the sublacustrine fan deposition is mainly developed the lobe filling deposits in the study area is not well developed than fringe. It intersects the deep lake plain and shows an inverse branch channel deposits. The main channel facilitated the grading in the sections. Outcrop observations indicate the transport of sediments along the slope characterized by the presence of dark shales, with a thin sandstone layer (<0.1 m development of massive sandstones. The thickness of a sand thick) at the top (Figures 8(d)–8(g)). body is over 1 m, whereas the thickness of a multistage super- imposed sand body exceeds 10 m. The lithology is dominated by fine sandstones with graded bedding from bottom to top, 5.2. Facies Distribution. Taking the Ch-72 period as an exam- with scour structures at the bottom. The Bouma sequence is ple, gravity-flow deposits developed widely in the deep lake, characterized by repeated occurrence of the A or AB mem- with sediments mainly accumulated in the northeast and ber. The planar distribution of the main channel reflects the south (Figures 9 and 10). The scale of sublacustrine fans topography, the flow direction, and the scale of the trans- increased as sublacustrine fans from different directions con- ported objects. The lateral thickness of the lenticular main verged in the center of the study area, with sand bodies channel sandstones changes rapidly, and the overflow spreading smoothly. deposits comprise mostly dark siltstones and mudstones The sand bodies of the sublacustrine fan in the northeast (Figures 8(a) and 8(b)). deep water area extend far, and six large fan bodies can be identified (Figures 9 and 10). The extension distance of the 5.1.2. Branch Channel Filling Deposits. The branch channel sublacustrine fan sand bodies in the southern deep water area filling deposits are generally developed in the middle and is slightly shorter, and two large fans are developed (Figures 9 upper parts of sublacustrine fans, and the microfacies types and 10). The main channel and branch channel were strip- include the branch channel and the interchannel. The branch shaped in plan, and the thickness of single sand bodies varies channel is the extension of the main channel characterized by from 0.5 to 11 m, but composite sand bodies can reach more a weaker hydrodynamic condition. The sand body therefore than 20 m. The channel sand bodies with single layer thick- is thinner, ranging from 0.3 m to 1 m, and the lithology is ness more than 2 m are mostly caused by sandy debris flow, mainly fine sandstone. The branch channel microfacies rep- which can form reservoirs. The channel lateral margin sand resents the main facies of the sandstone reservoirs in the bodies were strip-shaped, which are mostly a deposit combi- study area, with the Bouma sequence showing overlap of nation of sandy debris flow, muddy debris flow, and turbidity the AB and A members. The interchannel microfacies are current, with a thickness ranging from 0.2 m to 2.5 m. The mainly fine-grained sediments revealed by core observations lobe fringe was sheet-like in plan and developed multilayered Geofluids 7





(a) (b)



(c) (d)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)

Figure 5: Continued. 8 Geofluids

(i) (j)

(k) (l)

Figure 5: Continued. Geofluids 9

(m) (n)


Figure 5: Turbidity current deposits, and sand debris flow deposits characteristics of Chang 7 interval in the study area: (a) Bouma sequences, Hongshiya profile, Huanglong county; (b) Bouma sequences, Shiwang river profile, Yichuan county; (c) Bouma sequences, Shanshui river profile, Xunyi county; (d) Bouma sequences, Yaoqu profile, Yao county; (e) flute groove casts, Yaoqu profile, Yao county; (f) groove casts, Yaoqu profile, Yao county; (g) flute cast, well Z24, Chang 72; (h) flame structure, well H25, Chang71; (i) flame structure, well H25, Chang71; (j) irregular mudclasts, well X41, Chang 72; (k) floating mudclasts, Yaoqu profile, Yao county; (l) floating mudclasts, well ZT4, Chang7; (m) floating mudclasts and argillaceous parcel, well X99, Chang71; (n) sharp irregular contacts, well M9, Chang7; (o) sharp irregular contacts, well Y67, Chang7. vertical mudstones. The thickness of single sand body ranges data presented in this and previous studies (Figure 11). Con- from 5 cm to 0.2 m, and the grain size is fine. trary to a classical marine sublacustrine fan, the lacustrine fan of the study area does not develop large canyon channel in 5.3. Depositional Models. The depositional model of the sub- the study area. In addition, the boundary between the delta lacustrine fan in the study area is established on the basis of front sand bodies and the sublacustrine fan is not obvious. 10 Geofluids

99.99 99.999 Well: Xin43 Well: fuxi6 99.995 99.95 Depth:1044.97 m Depth:1104.03-1104.18 m 99.9 99.99 99.8 99.95 99.5 99.9 99 99.8 98 99.5 99 95 98 90 95 80 90 70 80 60 50 70 40 60 30 50 40 20 30 10 20 5 10 2 5 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 (a) (b) 1000 1000

C M C M m) m) = = � � 100 100 C ( C (

10 10 10 100 1000 10 100 1000 M (�m) M (�m) (c) (d)

Figure 6: The grain size accumulation curve and C-M diagram in the study area: (a) the grain size accumulation curve, well X43; (b) the grain size accumulation curve, well FX6; (c) the C-M diagram, well X43; (d) the C-M diagram, well FX6.

The sublacustrine fan is lobed and tongue shaped in planar and the slope belt. Factors such as earthquakes, volcanoes, view, with a wide front at the fan margin and is lenticular and floods triggered stability loss of the sand body origi- in the longitudinal direction. The grain size of the fan sedi- nally in the delta front, causing gravity flows including ments decreases away from the source. debris, turbidity, and grain flows. These flows transported Gravity flow deposits can be developed on both gentle large quantities of debris to deep portions of the lake area, and steep slopes of the lake basin, and the sedimentary with turbidity flow dominating during rapid transporta- types are controlled by both slope and provenance. In tion and terminating with the formation of sublacustrine the northeast of the study area, the slope is gentle, and fans in the relatively low-lying part of the lake basin. As the provenance supply is sufficient. So the lacustrine fan the terrain slope becomes gentle, the main channel forks developed in the deep water area is large, and most of to form multiple branch channels, and the branch chan- the sand bodies are vertically superimposed along the nels are easy to overlap with each other. After the branch provenance direction and extend to the center of the lake channels enter the sublacustrine plain, with the further basin. On the other hand, the southern slope of the lake decrease of the terrain slope, the erosion of the gravity basin is steeper than that of the northeast, and the subla- flow sediment to the underlying argillaceous sediment custrine fan is also developed in the deep water area, but gradually weakens, and the channels disappear. In front the scale is relatively limited, and the extension distance of the channel, a wide lobed area is formed, and most to the center of the lake basin is slightly shorter. The sub- of them are argillaceous siltstone and silty mudstone with lacustrine fan formed at the junction of the delta front thin sands. Geofluids 11

Table 1: The characteristics of log facies of different sedimentary facies in the study area.

Characteristics Sedimentary Development Facies Microfacies Lithology GR logging curve characteristics Geometry structural position

Tabular cross bedding, Box trough cross Thick- Main shape, bedding, bedded channel zigzag massive massive box shape bedding, sandstone graded bedding

Horizontal Thin Overflow Zigzag bedding, interbed of deposit box shape ripple cross fine sand Near the bedding and mud boundary of deep lake, the area Sublacustrine where the fan sublacustrine fan has just entered the deep lake

Tabular cross Zigzag bedding, Medium to box trough cross thin- Branch shape, bedding, bedded channel bell- massive massive shaped bedding, sandstone shape graded bedding

Ripple cross bedding, Thin Zigzag horizontal interbed of Interchannel shape bedding, fine sand deformed and mud bedding 12 Geofluids

Table 1: Continued.

Characteristics Sedimentary Development Facies Microfacies Lithology GR logging curve characteristics Geometry structural position

Sheet-like The area adjacent Ripple cross turbidite to the deep lake Zigzag bedding, sandstones plain at the Lobefringe shape horizontal and deep outermost margin bedding lake of the mudstones sublacustrine fan

Horizontal bedding, rich Deep lake Zigzag Mudstone Deep lake in siderite, Deep lake center plain shape and shale deep lake fossils

5.4. Potential Implications in Hydrocarbon Exploration maximum thickness of 40–70 m. The source rock thickness generally decreases from the middle to the basin sides. The 5.4.1. Source Rock Distribution. The source rocks in the study hydrocarbon generation center is in the area between Huachi area are mainly developed at the bottom of Chang 7 reser- and Huangling. voir. The source rocks are distributed throughout the study The principal reservoirs currently in the study area occur area but generally lie along a NW-SW direction. The source within or adjacent to Chang 7 source rocks. The close rela- rocks extend to Yanchang-Yichuan in the northeast, to Hua- tionship between reservoirs and source rock distribution sug- chi in the northwest, to Zhengning-Xunyi in the southwest, gests a “source control.” and to Huangling-Huanglong in the southeast, with an effec- tive distribution area of about 3:3×104 km2 (Figure 12). The 5.4.2. Reservoir Characteristics of Sublacustrine Fan thickness of the source rocks commonly exceeds 10 m, with a Sand Bodies Geofluids 13

30 GR 180 Depth Micro- 30 GR 180 Depth Micro- Lithology Lithology (m) facies SP (m) facies –60 SP 5 0 100

Main channel Interchannel Overfow 1540 deposit Branch channel Main Interchannel channel Branch channel

1640 Interchannel Overfow Branch deposit channel Interchannel

1560 Branch channel Interchannel Branch channel Main Interchannel channel Branch channel 1660 Interchannel

Overfow Branch deposit channel

(a) (b)

30 GR 500 Micro- Depth Lithology SP (m) facies 0 100

Lobe fringe


1240 Lobe fringe


Figure 7: Characteristics of logging curves in different sedimentary facies: (a) logging curve characteristics of main channel filling deposits; (b) logging curve characteristics of branch channel filling deposits; (c) logging curve characteristics of lobe fringe. 14 Geofluids

1 m 1 m

0 0

(a) (b)

3 m 2 m

0 0

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Figure 8: Continued. Geofluids 15

5 cm


Figure 8: Outcrop of sublacustrine fan in southeastern Ordos Basin: (a) main channel deposits, Shanshui river profile, Xunyi county; (b) main channel deposits and branch channel deposits, Shanshui river profile, Xunyi county; (c) branch channel deposits and interchannel deposits, Shanshui river profile; (d) lobe fringe deposits, Niejiashan profile, Tongchuan city; (e–g) deep lake deposits, Tongchuan city.

19250 19300 19350 19400

01020 km

Yanan Yongning Yanchang Huachi 4.0 4.0

Fuxian Yichuan 4.0

4.0 Zhiluo Heshui 3.0

3.0 Huangling Huanglong Zhengning

Heyang 3.0 3.0 Xunyi Binxian Tongchuan Yanan Wells Place Residual extent Semi-deep Shallow name of YC Fm. lake boundary lake

Deep Subaqueous Sublacustrine Lobe Channels lake distributary fan fringe channel 19250 19300 19350 19400

Figure 9: Sedimentary facies map of Chang 72 interval in the study area.

(1) Distribution of Sand Bodies in the Sublacustrine Fan. The most developed in the study area (Figure 13). The thickness extensive sublacustrine fan sand bodies accumulated in the of the sand body varies from 5 m to 25 m. From the 3rd layer semideep areas of the lake and constituted an important res- to the 1st layer of the Chang 7 reservoir, the lake shoreline ervoir of the “tight oil near-source” accumulation. Turbidite gradually decreased and allowed the sand body to advance sand bodies accumulated on a large scale in the Chang 7 toward the center of the deep lake, thereby increasing the interval of the study area, with reservoirs widely distributed extent of the sublacustrine fan. Concurrently, the multistage from the delta front slope to the center of the basin. The sand sand bodies were superimposed and continuously deposited. bodies exhibit transverse and longitudinal superimposition The wide distribution of sublacustrine fans and significant in spatial distribution and constitute tight reservoirs. The thickness of the sand bodies are suitable for the formation sand bodies of the 1st layer of the Chang 7 reservoir are the of tight reservoirs. 16 Geofluids


Ch7 Ch7





Shallow Main lake channel

Semi- deep Branch channel

Deep lake (a)


Ch7 Ch7





Semi-deep Main lake channel Deep Branch lake channel (b)

Figure 10: Cross section showing sedimentary facies distribution of Chang 7 interval in the study area (the section position is shown in Figure 1).

Northeast provenance NE A

South provenance Main channel Inner fan B B’ Overfow deposit A C Branch channel

Interchannel Middle fan D C’ Branch channel

B A’ Interchannel C C’ D’ B’ Lobe fringe Outer fan D D’

Ch7 deep water sandstone Delta front Deep lake basin Ch7 mudstone A’ Delta front Ch7 source rock Semi-deep lake and deep lake

Delta front Source rock

Shallow lake Sublacustrine fan

Semi-deep and deep lake Muddy stone

Figure 11: Depositional model of deep-water depositional systems in the Upper Triassic, southwestern Ordos Basin, and vertical sequence of all the three sedimentary microfacies. Geofluids 17

0 5 10 15 20 25 km 0 5 10 15 20 25 km Yanan 0.8 Yanan Yongning Yanchang Yongning Yanchang Huachi Huachi 0.8 0.6

2.0 5.0 0.7 5.0

Fuxian 2.0 Yichuan Fuxian Yichuan Zhiluo Zhiluo Heshui Heshui

0.7 Huangling Huanglong

Zhengning Huangling Huanglong 0.8 Zhengning 0.6

Heyang Heyang Xunyi Baishui Binxian Tongchuan Xunyi Baishui Tongchuan Wells Yanan Placename 5.0 TOC Binxian Wells Yanan Placename Ro Tickness of 0.8 source rock (m) 10 20 30 40 60 7050 Tickness of source rock (m) 10 20 30 40 60 7050

(a) (b)

Figure 12: Thickness of source rocks and contour line of Ro and TOC, Chang 7 interval, and southeastern Ordos Basin.

0 5 10 15 2025 km 0 5 10 15 20 25 km Yanan Yanan Yongning Yanchang Yongning Yanchang Huachi Huachi

Fuxian Yichuan Fuxian Yichuan Zhiluo Zhiluo Heshui Heshui

Huangling Huanglong Huangling Huanglong Zhengning Zhengning

Heyang Heyang Xunyi Baishui Xunyi Baishui Binxian Tongchuan Binxian Tongchuan Wells Yanan Place name Wells Yanan Place name Tickness Tickness of sand (m) 5101520 of sand (m) 5101520

(a) (b) Figure 13: Thickness of sand body in the study area: (a) thickness of sand body, Chang 71 oil layer; (b) thickness of sand body, Chang 72 oil layer.

(2) Pore Structure and Petrophysical Properties of Sublacus- 0:1×10−3 to 0:5×10−3 μm2, with an average value of 0:24 trine Fan Sand Bodies. The reservoir rock types are feld- ×10−3 μm2 (Figure 15). The reservoirs of the Chang 7 inter- spathic sandstone and lithic feldspar sandstone, with val are tight, with the main channel and branch channel moderate sorting and subangular grains. The main reservoir sandstones showing good petrophysical properties primarily spaces of the Chang 7 reservoirs are primary intergranular hosting the tight reservoir oils. pores, dissolved intergranular pores, dissolved intragranular pores, micropores, and microfracture pores (Figure 14), 5.4.3. Effective Source–Reservoir Relationship as an Important which are effective transport avenues for tight reservoirs. Factor for Accumulation. The horizontal and vertical distribution of turbidite sand bodies and source rocks The measured porosity varies from 6% to 8%, with an partially controls the distribution of reservoirs. In the process average value of 6.83%, and the permeability ranges from of hydrocarbon generation, pressure build-up, and 18 Geofluids

(a) (b)

HV Spot Mag WD Det Pressure 20.0 �m 200 kV 4.0 5000x 9.0 mm ETD ... (c) (d)

HV Spot Mag WD Det Pressure 100.0 �m HV Spot Mag WD Det Pressure 50.0 �m 20.0 kV 4.0 1073x 9.0 mm ETD ... 20.0 kV 4.0 1589x 9.2 mm ETD ... (e) (f)

Figure 14: Pore types in the study area: (a) primary intergranular pores and dissolved intergranular pores, well X66, (-); (b) lithic dissolved pores, Shiwang river profile, (-); (c) microfracture pores, well X66; (d) intercrystalline pores, well X54, (-); (e) dissolved intergranular pores and grain-coating chlorite, Shiwang river profile; (f) feldspar dissolution pores, Shiwang river profile. hydrocarbon expulsion, the generated oil first migrates to the The relationship between the source rocks and the adjacent horizons. The sublacustrine fan sand bodies tight sandstone reservoirs in the Chang 7 interval in the extended to the basin center and established direct contact study area reveals three types of source–reservoir assem- with the source rocks. The expelled oil accumulated in the blages including (1) thick sand bodies with multiple source reservoirs following short distance migration (Figure 16). rocks assemblage, (2) source rocks overlain by multiple The vertical superimposition of the thick sand bodies depos- medium-thick sandstone assemblage, and (3) source rocks ited by the main and branch channels formed large scale res- overlain by multiple thin sandstone assemblage. The first ervoirs and provided favorable conditions for oil two assemblages are the most favorable source and reser- accumulation. The dark mudstones in the Chang 7 interval voir combinations and represent favorable exploration were suitable for cap rock. areas for tight oil. Geofluids 19

35 100 80 100 ) 90 )

) 90 30 70 ) 80 80 60 25 70 70 50 20 60 60 50 40 50 15 40 30 40 10 30 30 20 20 20

5 ( % frequency Cumulative Distribution frequency ( % frequency Distribution Cumulative frequency ( % frequency Cumulative 10 ( % frequency Distribution 10 10 0 0 0 0 12-13 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-1111-12 0.01-0.1 0.1-0.5 0.5-1 1-5 5-10 Porosity distribution interval Permeability distribution interval

Distribution frequency Distribution frequency Cumulative frequency Cumulative frequency (a) (b)

Figure 15: Porosity and permeability distribution frequency and cumulative frequency in the study area: (a) histogram of porosity distribution frequency; (b) histogram of permeability distribution frequency.




Migration direction Sandbody

Fracture Reservoir

Source rock Mudstone

Figure 16: Reservoir forming model map of Chang 7 reservoir in southeast Ordos Basin.

6. Conclusions tical direction. The grain sizes of the sublacustrine fan sediments decrease gradually away from the source (1) The main body of the Chang 7 interval of the Yanchang fl Formation in the southeastern Ordos Basin is a deep- (2) Gravity ow deposits in the study area can cate- fl water gravity flow system of semideep to deep lacus- gorised into three groups: sand debris ow deposits, trine environment. The sublacustrine fan in the study turbidity current deposits, and deep-water mudstone area is a sublacustrine fan with gentle slope, without deposits. The main channel and branch channel are any erosion canyon between the sublacustrine fan sand mainly developed with thick massive sandy debris bodies and delta front sand bodies. The sublacustrine sandstone, while the channel lateral margin and fan is lobed and tongue shaped in planar view, with a branch channel lateral margin are mainly developed wide front at the fan margin, and lenticular in the ver- with middle massive sandy debris sandstones and 20 Geofluids

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