National Science Foundation § 670.29
National Science Foundation § 670.29 the unique natural ecological system ASPA 115 Lagotellerie Island, Mar- in that area; and guerite Bay, Graham Land (c) Where a management plan exists, ASPA 116 New College Valley, information demonstrating the consist- Caughley Beach, Cape Bird, Ross Is- ency of the proposed actions with the land management plan. ASPA 117 Avian Island, Marguerite Bay, Antarctic Peninsula § 670.29 Designation of Antarctic Spe- ASPA 118 Summit of Mount Mel- cially Protected Areas, Specially bourne, Victoria Land Managed Areas and Historic Sites ASPA 119 Davis Valley and Forlidas and Monuments. Pond, Dufek Massif, Pensacola Moun- (a) The following areas have been tains designated by the Antarctic Treaty ASPA 120 Pointe-Geologie Parties for special protection and are Archipelego, Terre Adelie hereby designated as Antarctic Spe- ASPA 121 Cape Royds, Ross Island cially Protected Areas (ASPA). The ASPA 122 Arrival Heights, Hut Point Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978, as Peninsula, Ross Island amended, prohibits, unless authorized ASPA 123 Barwick and Balham Val- by a permit, any person from entering leys, Southern Victoria Land or engaging in activities within an ASPA 124 Cape Crozier, Ross Island ASPA. Detailed maps and descriptions ASPA 125 Fildes Peninsula, King of the sites and complete management George Island (25 de Mayo) plans can be obtained from the Na- ASPA 126 Byers Peninsula, Living- tional Science Foundation, Office of ston Island, South Shetland Islands Polar Programs, National Science ASPA 127 Haswell Island Foundation, Room 755, 4201 Wilson ASPA 128 Western shore of Admiralty Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22230. Bay, King George Island, South Shet- ASPA 101 Taylor Rookery, Mac.
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