Agenda, Planning and Licensing, 30.07.18
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Telephone: 01455 285655 Broughton Astley Parish Council VAT Registration No. 705 5707 41 Council Office, Station Road, Broughton Astley, Leicester LE9 6PT [email protected] Dear Sir/Madam NOTICE OF MEETING A meeting of the Planning and Licensing Committee will be held in the Astley Room at the Village Hall, Station Road, Broughton Astley at 7.30pm on 30 July 2018 for the transaction of the following business. Your attendance is required. D S Barber Parish Manager 24 July 2018 AGENDA 1. Attendance and apologies. 2. Declarations of interests and requests for dispensations. 3. To consider new and amended planning applications: 18/01143/FUL Location: 15 Derby Close, Broughton Astley, Leicestershire Proposal: Erection of a single storey rear extension 18/01150/ADV Location: Bulls Head Inn, 2 Main Street, Broughton Astley, Leicestershire Proposal: installation of 3 x internally illuminated fascia signs, 1 x externally illuminated hanging sign, 2 x externally illuminated, 2 x internally illuminated and 1 non-illuminated hoardings and 5 building lights 18/01152/FUL Location: 3 Whitby Close, Broughton Astley, Leicestershire Proposal: Erection of a summer house (retrospective) 18/01198/FUL Location: 95 Station Road, Broughton Astley, Leicestershire Proposal: Erection of a two storey front, side and rear extension, single storey rear extension and house remodel 4. To note those decisions where the Planning and Licensing Committee has commented upon applications: 18/00387/PCD – Land East of Broughton Way – Approved (C) 18/00433/REM – Land Off Crowfoot Way – Approved (C) 18/00925/FUL – 8 Fretter Close – Approved (C) 18/01044/NMA – 8 The Meadow – Approved (C) Appeal Decision – Sutton Farm Golf Club, Sutton Lane, Sutton in the Elms – Approved (C) 5. Harborough District Council’s Reported Endorsements. 6. Licensing Act 2003 to note those applications received by Harborough District Council and make comments where agreed. 7. To consider matters relating to the Neighbourhood Plan. 8. Any urgent planning matters by consent of the Chairman. .