Telephone: 01455 285655 Broughton Astley Parish Council VAT Registration No. 705 5707 41 Council Office, Station Road, Broughton Astley, Leicester LE9 6PT
[email protected] Dear Sir/Madam NOTICE OF MEETING A meeting of the Planning and Licensing Committee will be held in the Astley Room at the Village Hall, Station Road, Broughton Astley at 7.30pm on 10 September 2018 for the transaction of the following business. Your attendance is required. D S Barber Parish Manager 4 September 2018 AGENDA 1. Attendance and apologies. 2. Declarations of interests and requests for dispensations. 3. To consider new and amended planning applications: 18/01319/PCD Location: Land Off Crowfoot Way, Broughton Astley Proposal: Discharge of Condition 3 (landscape management plan) 6 (levels) and 9 (pedestrian visibility splays) of 18/0433/REM 18/01365/PCD Location: Land Off Crowfoot Way, Broughton Astley Proposal: Discharge of Condition 4 (drainage) 5 (levels) 6 (crime prevention) 7 (construction method statement) 8 (travel plan) 9 (ecology) off 17/02031/VAC 18/01406/PCD Location: Land Off Crowfoot Way, Broughton Astley Proposal: Discharge of condition 2 (materials) of 18/00433/REM) 18/01434/FUL Location: 36 Jubilee Road, Broughton Astley Proposal: Erection of a single storey side extension 18/01442/FUL Location: Longstone Barn, Sutton Lodge Farm, Frolesworth Road, Broughton Astle Proposal: Conversion of existing garage, addition of roof lights, erection of link corridor 4. To note those decisions where the Planning and Licensing Committee has commented upon applications: 18/00112/PCD – Land East of Broughton Way – Approved (C) 18/01049/FUL – 2 Chestnut Grange – Approved (C) 18/01143/FUL – 15 Derby Close – Approved (C) 5.