Identification of Coliform Bacteria in Sambal Infood Stalls Around

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Identification of Coliform Bacteria in Sambal Infood Stalls Around IDENTIFICATION OF COLIFORM BACTERIA IN SAMBAL IN FOOD STALLS AROUND GORONTALO CITY SNACK MARKET Ana Pepiana1), Laksmyn Kadir2), and Agusrianto Yusuf3) 1,3) Bina Mandiri University of Gorontalo 2) State University of Gorontalo Email: ABSTRACT Unsafe food will be the cause of health problems in the community. Chili sauce is a sauce based on chili that is crushed until the water content comes out so that it appears spicy. Chili sauce is processed in a simple way so that it can trigger contamination of microorganisms, one of which is coliform bacterial contamination. This research aims to look at the contamination of coliform bacteria in Chili sauce offered to eat around the snack market of Gorontalo City. This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach and examination of Coliform bacteria using the Most Probable Number (MPN) method. The population in this study was 14 samples with Accidental Sampling techniques. Coliform bacterial test results showed that in Chili sauce samples found positive results contaminated with Coliform bacteria, namely 11 samples with a percentage of 78.6% and negative results as many as 3 samples with a percentage of 21.4%. Based on the results can be concluded that a positive result was found 1 sample from the fecal coliform bacterial group in this case suspected Escherchia coli bacteria and 10 samples from the nonfectual coliform bacterial group. Keywords: sambal, coliform bacteria, food stalls INTRODUCTION marketers in accordance with its existence Food Stalls is a place that sells food then food stalls should be able to provide and drinks. Food stalls are located in a services or provide food and drink needs public environment. A food stall is a to good food stall consumers will be able building that closes with equipment used to cause comfort to consumers so that it for the manufacturing and sale or can also be profitable for food stalls [5]. presentation of food and beverages to the The requirements are stated in the public, where the process of making and Decree of the Minister of Health of the selling or serving food is intended for the Republic of Indonesia No. general public and the way it is presented 715/Menkes/SK/V/2003 on Jasaboga at a certain time [8]. Sanitary Hygiene Requirements covering The quality and safety of the food the location, buildings and facilities of provided in the food stall must be disposal and management of construction maintained because every food processing waste, floors, walls. lighting of treatment process contains potential contamination plants and clean water sources. Factors to that needs to be controlled to ensure the note in order to be able to organize safety of food consumed, therefore it is effective food sanitation are food factors, necessary personal hygiene in food human factors, and equipment factors. 11 Identification of Coliform Bacteria in Chili Sauce in Food Stalls around Gorontalo City Snack Market Food is a source of human energy in health facilities was 4,274,790 sufferers order to be active. Food that is well and there was an increase in 2018 to consumed is a healthy and safe food. Food 4,504,524 sufferers or 62.93% of the is one of the three basic sources of need estimated diarrhea in health facilities. The for human life in addition to food and incidence of diarrhea of all ages nationally food. Sandang and food are a basic human is 270/1,000 inhabitants [9]. necessity because they are useful for Prevelence of diarrhea in Indonesia in providing protection for each other [6]. 2017 the number of people with diarrhea Bacterial contamination of food of all ages (SU) served in health facilities indicates the risk of various food-borne as many as 4,274,790 sufferers, and there diseases that are harmful to public health was an increase in 2018 to 4,504,524 and should be sought solutions. Many sufferers or 62.93% of the estimated studies state that Escherichia coli causes diarrhea in health facilities. The incidence diarrhea. There are now 4 groups of of diarrhea of all ages nationwide is Escherichia coli that can cause diarrhea, 270/1,000 inhabitants. The Central Bureau namely ETEC, EPEC, EIEC, and EHEC. of Statistics of Gorontalo Province (2018) Humans can be exposed to these bacteria also recorded 22,117 cases of diarrhea and when consuming food or drink that has in Gorontalo City there were 3,189 been contaminated by faeces from the cases. This diarrhea is caused by livestock. Escherichia coli is dangerous contamination of microbial agents, because it produces toxins commonly namely coliform bacteria in food known as shiga toxins that can penetrate consumed [7]. the intestines and interfere with the Coliform bacterial contamination due function of other organs. Food Safety to lack of hygiene and sanitation in food needs to be considered in order to improve such as Chili sauce processing. Chili the degree of health and avoid the degree sauce is a companion food that is part of of disease [12]. the eating culture known to Indonesians Foodborne disease isacommon public from Sabang to Merauke. Chili sauce can health problem. Around the world there be served in conjunction with other foods are millions of people due to foodborne as flavorings. Each region has different diseases. Each year, there are Chili sauce recipes that are often added approximately 1,500 million cases of with local plants known in the area. Chili diarrhea and an estimated 70% of cases of sauce is often added with famous diarrhea disease occur due to foodstuffs in certain areas. This is what contaminated food. One of the bacteria makes Chili sauce have a distinctive taste that can cause foodborne disease is in each region [14]. coliform bacteria that can have an impact The addition of chili sauce as a on diarrhea disease [12]. companion food is able to invite appetite Diarrhea disease is still a public health and reduce the taste of blandness in problem in developing countries such as food. Chili sauce is a product that has in Indonesia. The target coverage for been very well known by the public people with diarrhoea of all ages (SU) because it is able to accompany almost all who come to health care is 10% of the kinds of processed foods. The high level estimated number of people with Diarrhea of Chili sauce consumption makes SU (Incidence of Diarrhea SU multiplied consumers want to consume it in a by the number of residents in one working practical form. This makes Chili sauce area within one year). In 2017 the number often used as a business opportunity in the of people with SU diarrhea served in form of instant Chili sauce [11]. 12 Journal of Health, Technology, and Science (JHTS) Ana Pepiana E-ISSN: 2746-167X, Vol. 1, No. 2, December 2020 Inappropriate processing practices can contamination in food with be seen from hiegene food cookers, APM Coliform maximum 100/g. sanitary equipment and foodstatives used, Based on that background, researchers are as well as the location of selling will also interested in conducting research with the title affect the quality of the chili sauce [15]. of identification of coliform bacteria in Chili Food commonly sold in food stalls sauce in restaurants around gorontalo city around Gorontalo city is usually served snack market. with additional chili sauce. Chili sauce is a sauce based on chili that is crushed until RESEARCH METHODS the water content comes out so that it The type of research used is appears spicy. There are various variations descriptive observative with a qualitative of Chili sauce. Each variety demands a approach, i.e. researchers observe directly variety of ingredients and condiments as the objects to be studied, then described well. Although the simple process of descriptively to know the or not of making chili sauce can’t be taken coliform bacteria in Chili sauce in food lightly. All seasonings, ingredients, and stalls around the city's snack market ways of making them should be properly Gorontalo. The number of samples as considered. That resulted in a delicious many as 14 Chili sauce samples taken spicy taste [13]. by accidental sampling method. The fact in the field is found that the Coliform bacteria identification data people of Gorontalo love food that has a is obtained through testing in the spicy taste, without thinking about the microbiology laboratory of Universitas quality of the Chili sauce itself. In the Bina Mandiri Gorontalo using mpn process of making Chili sauce is made method (Most Probable Number)series 3 simply. In addition to the simple way of tubes. Isolation stage and identification making it, the Chili sauce in this food stall stage using 3 stages of testing namely, has also been served on the dining table, identification test using Lactose so these people do not know if this Chili Broth media (LB), second stage booster sauce has good quality or not. test using Eosin Methylen Blue From unknown quality and simple Agar (EMBA) media, and third stage way of making it can certainly be one of complementary test by performing gram the factors of declining public health level coloring technique. On identification tests when consuming Chili sauce that is easily and booster tests for recent results use polluted by various types of micro positive and negative categories. organisms such as coliform bacteria [13]. The positive category if the results of Based on Indonesian National the test are proven to contain Standard (SNI) No. 12–7388–2009 Coliform bacteria by evidenced from the recommends the maximum limit identification test results using lactose of coliform bacterial contamination in broth media (LB) shows the appearance of Chili sauce with the most likely number noise and gas formation, and in the (APM) coliform which is < 3/g.
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