The ethical and legal framework for a Genomics England and Sano Genetics participant engagement platform england Authors Colin Mitchell, Tanya Brigden and Alison Hall April 2021 A PHG Foundation report on the ethical and legal framework for a Genomics England and Sano Genetics participant engagement platform developed with funding from Innovate UK’s Digital Health Technology Catalyst competition. Acknowledgements This report is funded through grant funding from Innovate UK Industry Strategy Challenge Fund, Digital Health Technology Catalyst Round 4: Collaborative R&D, grant number 105415. We thank Fiona Maleady-Crowe, Shahla Salehi and Christine Patch (from Genomics England), Patrick Short (Sano Genetics) and other members of the project team for their input. Declaration of interests Alison Hall is a member of the Ethics Advisory Committee of Genomics England. Disclaimer The following report is intended to provide general information and understanding of the law. It should not be considered legal advice, nor used as a substitute for seeking qualified legal advice. URLs in this report were correct as of March 2021 Written and produced by PHG Foundation 2 Worts Causeway, Cambridge, CB1 8RN, UK +44 (0)1223 761900 © 2021 PHG Foundation Correspondence to:
[email protected] The PHG Foundation is a health policy think-tank and linked exempt charity of the University of Cambridge. We work to achieve better health through the responsible and evidence- based application of biomedical science. We are a registered company, no. 5823194. PHG Foundation 2021 The ethical and legal framework for a participant engagement platform Executive summary The development of digital technologies has greatly increased the potential for more active involvement by participants in large-scale, long-term health research.