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Index Aboukir Bay, battle of 32, 159, 190 Baltic Coalition, termination of 175 Achille, the 305 Bantry Bay 177 Achille, HMS 197–9, 290 Barcelona, relief convoy 267–9 Achilles, HMS 208 Barfleur, HMS 126, 129, 130–31, 132–3, 169, 170, Addington, Henry 165, 192, 193 178, 312 Admiralty Board 45 Barham, Lord 199, 200, 225 Adriatic, the 248, 250, 265–6 Bastia 141, 145 Africa, HMS 290 Bellerophon, HMS 208, 290, 306 Agamemnon, HMS 124, 290 Bellisle, HMS 208, 220, 290, 310 Aikenhead, Midshipman 206–7 Berkeley, Captain 59 Ajaccio 143 Blackett, Sir Edward 110, 144, 146 Ajax, HMS 290 Blackett, John Erasmus 109, 236, 261 Ajuntament, the, Mahon 19–20 Black Gate, Newcastle 36 Alexander, HMS 135 Blackwood, Captain Henry 24, 205, 213, 215 Algiers 225–7 Bligh, Captain William 103 Allemand, Admiral 247 blockade strategy 168–9, 186 American Revolutionary War 60–74, 76–7, 88, Bonaparte, Napoleon 280 early life 140 Amiens, Treaty of 20 at Toulon 125 Andreossi, General 183 rise of 135–6 Anson, Admiral Lord George 41–2 Italian campaign 142–3, 144, 145 Antigua 84–8 Collingwood on 143, 168, 237–8 Ardent, HMS 107 Egyptian campaign 158, 159, 161, 176 Atlas, HMS 160 declared First Consul 167 Aubrey, Jack 13, 16, 44, 94, 116, 239 peace negotiations 168 Audacious, HMS 129COPYRIGHTEDBritish MATERIAL plot to overthrow 183 Austen, Jane 25, 163, 189 military buildup 184 Austerlitz, battle of 217, 224 demands evacuation of Malta 185 Austria 19, 40, 112, 169, 265 prepares to invade England 187, 192 proclaims self Emperor 192 Badger, HMS 77, 78, 79, 311 combines French and
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