City of Oakland Design Guidelines for Bicycle Wayfinding Signage 10’ typical 7’ minimum Confirmation Sign Turn Sign Decision Sign City of Oakland, Community & Economic Development Agency Transportation Services Division, Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities Program 250 Frank Ogawa Plaza, Suite 4344, Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 238-3983 |
[email protected] | July 2009 Design Guidelines for Bicycle Wayfinding Signage Background Action 1A.4 of the City of Oakland’s Bicycle Master Plan (2007) states, “Route Signage: Develop an informative and visible signage system for the bikeway network, building on existing bikeway signage, that includes directional and distance information to major destinations.” In Section 3.3, the Plan provides a discussion of the bicycle wayfinding signs that Oakland has used in the past. The following approach applies to all new bicycle wayfinding signage in the City of Oakland. Overall Approach Destination, direction, and distance information will be included on designated bikeways. Figure 1 provides a full list of supported destinations with guidance on how distances are measured. Figure 2 is a map of these destinations showing their distribution throughout the city. The destinations are organized into a hierarchy of three categories. Primary destinations are downtown and adjoining jurisdictions and are signed at distances of up to five miles. Secondary destinations are transit stations and districts and are signed at distances of up to two miles. Tertiary destinations include parks, landmarks, colleges, hospitals, and high schools. They are generally signed at distances up to one mile. Overall, the system supports approximately 100 destinations. Standard Signs for Bicycle Wayfinding The overall approach follows the look and feel of standard highway guide signs while the detailed design is tailored for bicyclists.