The Communigator
Ge Zs*e{ THE COMMUNIGATOR VOL 18 .No. 5 v T ' D .12 IS RTDIFONIS NTtlI i:,, .:1,r,... rORhI AR D-ACT IN8 TERROR ERECTOR EE E ERROR CORRECTOR and it measures only 6" x 4' x 20 Unlrke conve:tt:-: r::-'--:e:- l=l s':::-s :- s -:.'. one acts fori.,a'l c- . T.e -'c'-:: :- : ;-: s :::--:: 3. an encoder in th: i':-:-: L^: .'.-:- :^e^ ;:-:':::: : stream of pariil'b ts aq-a, :: :-= -':'-:: :- : :s A decoder in the Re:et'e U.,t -s.s l^as:::':. ::!:: detect and correct errors. But, beca,s: 3a:^ Da':. : : > computed from a scanntng of the inforn atro^ sra^3 a ':' : 20-bit length, the s'i stem has the remarkable a3 : ' :: correct'burst'errors of as many as 6-inforn'atlon-brts o us 6 parity-bits, as well as random errors. The TD 12 operates with normal 5-unit code teleprinter or data transmission equipment, synchronous or non-syn- chronous, at a number of speeds. lt is suited to HF and troposcatter radio links, as well as landline or submarine circuits. And because of its forward action it is ideal for one way transmissions such as naval traff ic broadcasts, meteoro- logical broadcasts, and all forms of data transmission. For f urther information please contact the Sales Manager, Communications Division :- REDIFON LIMITED COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION Broomhill Fload, Wandsworth, London, S.W.18. fe: 01-874 7281' A member company of the REDIFFUSION Group A 4 LIG HTWEIG HT the Services newest PROVEN adaptable- BCC 30 "Against intense competition the BCC 30 has been selected to f ill the 414 role for the British Services." The Alzl--BCC 30 is the lightest, smallest, fully transisto- rised, one man high power H F transmitter-receiver station with an output of up to 30 watts.
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