CHAMPS FROM DRUMHiLLER THE HANNA "AND EAST CENTRAL NEWS" VOLUME XXXXVI No. 4 THE HANNA HERALD ond EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS — THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1958 $3.00 per year in Conoda — 7c per copy. HERE FOR THE WINTER 1 — PROG. CONSERVATIVES IN HAND SPORTSMEN'S DINNER GOES DOWN SNOW REMOVAL UP TO CITIZENS HILLS CONSTITUENCY ISSUE IN HISTORY ij^^^'S I The town council is seeking the public's cr>o[Vration in keeping sidewalks free from FINEST CIVIC ACCOMPHJi-ffiNTS L snow this winter. In an appeal CALL TO NOMINATING CONVENTION made Monday by councillor R. Start Plans For Anticipated Early Wonderful Example of Community Spirit Whyte citizens are asked to remove snow from sidewalks Election In Alberta Next Year; Hard Work and Co-operation Shown in front of their residences In "First Attempt" By Sports Assoc. and business places. This also Provincial Leader Comments On "North" includes sidewalks which may • With the prospect of an early election next year, political Community spirit, the principal of co-operation, the will run alongside any of the two activity in the province is becoming more apparent. This is types of buildings. While the to work, and above all to help the younqer generation, all these council doesn't intend to force emphasized by the number of nominating conventions being out together, culminated in one of the finest and most success­ citizens to do so, it reminds conducted by the three major parties. The second of such ful public ventures ever staged in the town of Hanna. It was them that a Town by-law pro­ meetings in the Hand Hills constituency is slated for next the sportsmen's banquet held in the Memorial Hall last Wed­ vides that the town crews can month. The executive of the Hand Hills Progressive Conser­ nesday night. At ten dollars per plate, the affair was a sell-out, remove the snow and charge vative Association last week set the date for their convention as the cost to the business man as sportsmen from distant points, as well as on the local level Saturday, December 13. The meeting will be held in the Mem­ got behind the project in fine style. Marvelling at the enthus­ or private citizen. Sidewalks orial Hall in Hanna at 2:30 p.m. adjoining town property will iasm and will to pull together, all patrons were well sat­ be cleared by the town crews. • Highlighting the meeting will be "Mickey" Linneli isfied with the big night. But most of the satisfaction was an address by the Provincial Lead­ is due to arrive in Hanna tomorrow directed to the aim of the banquet, itself, to raise money for er of the Progressive Conservative and will be here for the entire Miss Grey Cup Party W.J.C. "Cam" Kirby of Red winter as full time coach and or­ promotion of minor sports in Honna. Deer. Among the topics which he ganizer for the hockey program The dinner attended by a glitter­ the country," he said, "if other will discuss are surface rights, mu- involving youngsters 8 to 16 years ing array of sports personel, both communities would follow the ex­ present and past, was outshone Left to right at the Royal Winter Fair in are Mr. Title In Europe j nicipal tax burdens, transportation of age. The "Mick" in making his ample of Hanna." To us from Hanna Teen I facilities and the provincial agri­ only by the banquet itself, arrang­ Saskatchewan the spirit of Hanna Phil Rock of Drumheller, Mr. Fen Wilson of Medicine Hat and second winter appearance in Ha­ r cultural picture. nna, hails from Nipawin, Sask. ed and served by the Ladies' Aux­ is an inspiration", he declared. Mr. Henry La lo or Drumheller. Mr. Wilson with S and T. a Last week Mr. Kirby addressed iliary to the Canadian Lgion, as­ "The greatness of our country Ranching Co. won grand championship ewe lamb and had Agers Organize Goes To Bev' Fehr rests on our own individual citizens almost one thousand people in the sisted by many ladies in the com­ reserve in the ram lamb and three first in the Suffold and Ham­ Honno Girl Honored ARENA MANAGER munity, wives of sportsmen in at­ and towns and we return home' pshire classes. From Drumheller C. H. Barwick won champion­ By Members Of Armed I Peace River constituencies. The tendance, as well as some who with a tale of great achievement in With 30 Members Services In Europe | party leader termed his four-day could not be present. Words fail this town of Hanna." ship ram cr.d five first in the Suffolk Classes. tout of the area, as "very encour- Invite Others To to describe in precise detail this Al Ritchie, who snares the Lester Interest in the Grey Cup game in | aging." sporting extravaganza, which lived Patrick nickname of "Silver Fox" A "ROYAL" VISITOR Join; Plan Trip Vancouver this coming Saturday,! i„ commenting on his impres- To Soon up to the letter advance predict­ of hockey, lauded the spirit and has been brought "close to home " i sions of the Peace River tour, he ions that it would give patrons tradition of sport in all Alberta as in the announcement that LAW]Sai Hanna. Mr. Kirby went on to samy that I His many friends, especially" th* BE cided ihat at every function at the present administration has I "our gang" type are mighty pleas-1 r*i J?HBC•*7Z,U,' £l!^Tf' ^ In tbe trend hack to skill and least four adults must be present. been in power so long that it has ed to see him back in the arena ™* W*J1? —a Ron Albright, stars tb clean play ia hockey, he gave the Heading the adult committee is Resident Since lost its communion with the people.' again this winter. •\'°l *. Calgary Stampeders were in opinion, which he said was shared Glen Sinclair. A total of about 30 'attendance. Golf WIS represented by many experts across the coun­ paid members and 30 invited teen­ 1910 Dies In Hanna by Bob Wylie, well known Calgary try, that the most skillful type of agers comprise the present club. A resident of the Hanna district j professional. Wrestling had Han­ SPORTS DINNER All other teenagers interested in THREE HOCKEY PLAYERS INVOLVED na's own Dave Ruhl and Stu Hart, continued on page 8 joining may contact Jack Halvor­ since coming here in 1010 from Po- lan, Fredrick Mattis Sr. passed a- Calgary promoter. Curling enthus­ son, Kathy Crawshaw or Diane iasts were able to meet the famous Smith. The co-operation of all teen- way in the Hanna hospital on Nov­ 1 ember 24. He was 90 years of age IN CAR ACCIDENT NEAR VERMILION; Art Simpson rink of Bassano, form­ agers is requested in making the r er Dominion Brier champions. The club a success. and had been living with his son Hanna Group Daniel. When first coming to this rodeo world was well represnted Mr. P. J. Rock of Drumheller ond his herdsman, Sandy area he was engaged in farming. WILL BE IN HANNA LINEUP SOON by Marty Wood, world champion Davie discuss the chance of their Shorthorn bull entry at Tor­ He is survived by four sons, Dan­ bronk rider for 1958 from Calgary. Well Treated Af Upland Game Coolidge, Linneli and Anshelm Frank Currie, former manager of onto's Royal Winter Fair. iel Hanna; Fredrick, Standard; Season Closes Albert, Hanna and Henry also of Sustain Injuries When Car Side the Calgary Stampeders hockey Hanna district, and one daughter olub, came all the way from his Oyen Banquet The open season on upland Swiped Late Saturday Afternoon work at Lethbridge to attend the ( Martha Mattis, Hanna. He is also Find Selves Guest Of game birds ends this Saturday survived by seventeen grandchild­ function. On "the local scene Hanna SALE THIS SATURDAY MARKS Cold weather, however, failed to ren and six great grandchildren. Three members of the Hanna Hornets hockey club suffer­ was weU represented by Mayor Honor As Speakers dampen a few local hunters who Funeral services will be conduct­ ed a severe shaking up, but escaped serious injuries in a car Peter Kennedy, and farmer coun­ Fall Te Appear on Monday of this week went into cillor C. K. French, plus the ed from the Seventh Day Advent­ accident near Vermilion late last Saturday afternoon. They The sportsmen's banquet at Oyen END OF ANNUAL FALL CATTLE the Eastern Irrigation District for ist Church, Hanna at 2 p.m. today, ore goalkeeper Earl Anshelm, recently arrived here from Sask­ "gang" who did so much to put pheasants. They reported the birds the big night over in grand fash­ Monday night, proved most success­ with Rev. R. R. Patzer officiating. atchewan, and star forwards Don Coolidge and Harvey Linneli. ful despite weather conditions fairly plentiful, hut difficult to Interment will follow in the Hanna ion. AUCTIONS; VOLUME UP OVER 1957 get. They were driving to relatives of "Spirit of Hanna" which prevented the two guest cemetery. Whyte's Funeral Direc­ speakers from attending. Scheduled Just for the records, the season tors are in charge of arrangements. the Linnell's at Lashburn, Sask. In a stirring address Father Over Seven Hundred Head Sold on migratory fowl doesn't close and were sidswiped by an oncom­ to orate before a capacity house Equipment Lost Murray paid tribute to what he were Gus Kyle, coach of the Cal­ Last Week For Gross Returns of until December 13. These birds C. K. French of Hanna is attend­ ing car which sent their vehicle in­ termed "the spirit of Hanna" as have - taken off to the southern ing the annual convention of the to the ditch. Occupants of the other gary Stampeder hockey club, aad $85,469; Horses Offered This Week a builder of greatness in Canad­ Alex Kaleta, sports director for the climes, and most hunters have Alberta Social Credit League in As Garage Burns car, numbering six escaped with­ ians. The tribute was echoed by "packed it up" for the season. Edmonton this week. out injury. Coolidge sustained two City of Medicine Hat. This coming Saturday will mark the end of the annual Al Ritchie, who in personal appear­ By virtue of the absence of these broken ribs, plus cuts and bruises, ance and easy-going conversation fall cattle sales held at the Hanna Round Up Grounds. Sponsors while Linneli also suffered bruises speakers, a delegation from Hanna North-East Hanna reminds one of the great Connie found themselves in the unexpect­ Fitzsimmons and Powell report that the 1958 sales far sur­ and lacerations. They were taken Mack. passed the volume of last year, both in gross returns and in HANNA LIONS CLUB SPONSORS Fred Johnston, farmer 13 miles to hospital in Vermillion but have ed but nevertheless pleasant posi­ north east of Hanna, sustained Rapping the modern trend to­ tion of being guests of honor. Ed number of cattle sold. The Herald will at the close of the final since been released. Anshelm was wards conformity and standardiz­ sale, secure complete statistics covering all sales, but even at heavy losses to equipment in a fire still in hospital Tuesday, but was Peddie, J. D. Parker, L. Crawshaw, ation. Father Murray declared and Jack Horner, MP. capably this stage all figures are higher than last year. C.N.I.B. CANVAS WITH HELP which broke out in his garage expected to be ont by Wednesday. last Wednesday at four o'clock in "greatness of soul must be the "filled in" for the main speakers. in light or heavy draft horses, sad He sustained concussion as well as ideal of Canada'. Continuing he Last Saturday, 749 head went the afternoon. severe bruises. Officials of the Oyen senior herb die or pony stock, may find just Mr. and Mrs. Johnston were at said, "I know of no way to train ey club, sponsors of the banquet through the ring, to keep the fall what they wanted. OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS NOV. 29 All three will be able to play average per sale well over the 800 home alone, when smoke was not­ our youth to greatness than rested the Hanna delegation most iced. The flames had gained too for the Hornets this winter, and | through sport. Religion and busi- royally. When they departed each mark. The gross returns at this sale Increase In Service For Blind are expected to be fully recovered i ness put men into groups, but were $85,469. Yearlings brought much headway and they were un­ received a Christmas turkey. BLOOD DONOR CLINIC Necessitates Even Greater Public able to remove a 1949 passenger from their injuries by the time the sports bring them together." He While some local patrons were 23c a pound while calves maintain­ hockey season opens, in a week or spiced his address with anecdotes, ed strong at $7.90 per hundred. IN HANNA TODAY Assistance; House to House Drhre car and a 1947 one ton truck. Nei­ unable to attend well over one Hanna and district residents ghbors after being notified by so. Anshelm comes to Hanna with many of them personal of his long hundred tickets at five dollars each The coming of extreme weather a better than average reputation are reminded that the Red The Hanna.Lion's Club will sponsor the annual Canvas phone went to their assistance and association with sports in Canada. were sold. The proceeds go towards conditions and heavy fall of snow Cross Blood Donor Clinic will concentrated their efforts on sav­ a goalie and is expected to fill one "There would be no trouble for icing a senior hockey club hs Oyen. of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind for this dis­ of the team's weak spots last win in some parts of the district, has be here today. Tha clinic op­ ing the other buildings close to trict on Saturday, November 29. Reports indicate that the ter. Coolidge is employed at the prompted hoth sponsors and sellers ens at the Memorial Hall from the garage. past year saw a marked increase in the volume of work conduc­ Hanna hospital, while linneli has to call tt quits for thk year. Gen­ 2 to 4 pan. and from 6:30 to Numerous tools, etc. were also eral satisfaction has been express­ ted by the C.N.I.B. The registration of 205 new cases of blind­ lost, which was partially covered also been employed here with a ed on all sales this fall, and annual 9 p-m. If you ar* In good ness brought the total registration for the year end to 1,355, Drumheller electrical firm. NUMBER 9 LEAGUE PLAYERS AND health between the ages of It by insurance. auctions here every fall will more the highest in Alberta's history. The service activities of each likely be a permanent fixture. and 65 you can be a blood donor. "Stretch out your arm department were correspondingly greater, and the prevention GUY WHEATON OF ACADIA VALLEY OFFICIALS MEEET NEXT TUESDAY A highlight of the sale this week to save a lite." of blindness, registration, and work also Increased Strong efforts will be made to The other four prospective will be the Miction of forty or mere HONORED FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE again operate the Number • High­ head of horses. Anyone interested The work ef the ON.I.B, lifts the teams include the Hand JBlh way Hockey League this winter, Hanna Juniors, Hanna CNJL and blind from the depths of frustra­ ACADIA VALLEY, Nov. 24 — Valley spoke of the high esteem and preparations are already un­ tion and despair and places them in which Mr. Wheaton is held by the Delia Legionnaires. J. D. Park­ CHRISTMAS EDITION More than ISO persons gathered in derway to get the league started at er, chairman of the town's recreat­ on the firm path to self-reliance "OUT" DECEMBER 17 the hall on Sunday evening to his co-workers in school administ­ an early date, la order to do so — yes, and to a full, useful and ration ami elsewhere. Since this ion department will be en head OYEN LEGION OFFERS HELP pay tribute to Mr. Guy Wheaton considerable reorganization must to hate htm out any problem* es happy life as well. The work of re- With Christmas falling on was tbe occasion of his 70th birth­ be done immediately, and tor this habilation carried ont by the C.N.- for his long service to the com­ to obtaining ice far regular games Thuraday, December 25, a munity as councillor for 35 years. day a replica of an OM Age reason a meeting of prospective LB. includes teaching useful oc­ Pension check was presented. This Phis the playoffs. Francis Ceurt- WITH CHILDREN'S XMAS PARTY change In tho publication of Reeve of the Municipality. Trustee team representatives and last cupations trades, hobbies, Braille The Herald's Yuletide edition was later endorsed by all present. year's league officals will be held "•J. league vice president, will OYEN, NOVEMBER 17th — this week in the Legion hall. of the Divisional Board, member of also be in attendance, aad will Acadia Branch Candian Legion A Christmas party for children reading and writing, and many Is announced this week. The Mrs, Norris Storey of Empress next Tuesday evening. The gather­ forms of recreation. The blind the hospital board and other num­ rendered a much enjoyed solo. Mr. conduct the meeting. held their November meeting last was discussed. The use of the Le­ publication carrying Christmas erous committees. A program con­ ing will take place ta the arena Wednesday in the Legion hall with gion hall will be gladly given, as place their confidence in the GJt> greetingc from local and dist­ L. E. Niwa, a fellow councillor and starting at 8 pan. 13., while the CNJ.B. is torn sisting ef a mock Municipal Coun­ AH players aad team represent­ thirty-two member* present Mr. well as help financial and other­ rict won al teats will bo oft tho life time friend, addressed the This year there ate prospects ef atives aw urged to make every wise to any organization wishing to places its confidence in the help­ press Wednesday, De camber cil, meeting and'a shadow graph group with inimitable humor, and five and possibly sta teams hi flay ArOones, president of the Empress of the highlights of the life ef effort to attend this meeting. A branch and Mr. Wechlinski, were put on Christmas entertainment for ing hand of the generous bublic. 17. lloWtrST, tho regular edit­ presented to Mr. Wheaton a rock­ league. Ii is understood that hock­ tho guest of honor, was presented. ing chair on behalf of the com­ "fell house'* next Tuesday, 'lac- guests for the evening. Mr. Jones the children. The executive wishes The students ef the Hanna High ion will alao appear Christ* ey boosters in Oyea are interested ember 2, etM assure a aaaaath .gave a most enlightening talk tm to extend thanks to aU who helped School who have assisted in con­ mas Day. Copy far advertise­ A congratulatory telegram was munity. A bouquet of eat flowers in coming into the league, icing road from the Acadia Social Credit was presented to Mrs. Wheaton. takeoff in what censa he a most [ legion officers, their duties and Le­ with the installation of natural gas ducting the campaign for the past ments must be submitted by one team from Oyea, plus another successful season in the Number 9 on work. A social committee was in the Legion hall. four years Mil again assist in the Monday, December IS far In­ Federal Association. Mr. C. M. Following lunch, the singing of made up ef players from other Ward, Superintendent of Schools For He's e Jolly Oood Fellow aad League. Winners ef the league tt ned and wiH be in charge of all At the close ef the meeting, the CN.I.B. welfare work conducting clusion in (he Christmas issue. central east of Haaaa. A rentes the end ef the ssasaaWill activities, 4be first being a Legion members adjourned to the the house-to-house canvas, as well for the Acedia Division and Mr. Auld Lang Syne concluded a happy entative hem Oyea is expected at evening. hahtare ef the Herb HeCrea and whist drive to be held auxiliary meeting room for lunch. as the tagging on the main street. N. Bozak, principal of the Acadia the meeting. orial Trophy. -w ••"""""""""""""""""""" '" • -7*sr*rTX>

Page 2 rH* *H4JMNA HERALD ond EAS? Cf NTIj-At ALQERTA NEWS — THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 195$ iii School Boards And Their Duties THE MANNA HERALD by J. Bascom St. John "AND EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS" in "The Legionary" Est. Dec. 24, 1912 by H. Q. McCrea Published by THE HANNA HERALD G. R. McCrea. Editor The opening up of Canada fo general settlement, which begal MEMBER OF THE AUDTT MBMBER OF THE CANADIAN in earnest in the late seventeen BUREAU OP CIRCULATION'S WKKKI.Y NEWSPAPERS' ASSOCIATION hundreds with the United Empirq Loyalists immigration from the A strictly independent weekly newspaper published every Thursday ir the Herald Building, Main Street, Hanna. Authorized as Second Class Mail by (he I>r>si of fir United States, coincided roughlyl ? Department, Ottawa. with the birth of the movement! for publicly supported schools in 'North-Line" Mail Service Europe and North America. Demands for schools were made "IT IS NOTHING less than callous disgard for The Independent suggests a daily mail at the very first meeting of the simple conveniences of the present day." truck, and we see no reason why this wouldn't newly-formed Legislature of Upper Canada in 1792, but the principle | j This is what the Stettler Independent had to be feasible, for there are good roads, which in say recently when discussing the mail service of state aid for education was not | the past might have been some reason for no fully accepted for many years. Sim- w| from Stettler south to Big Valley, Byemoor and such service. Instead of "shooting for the ilar demand were made in the Mar- g other points along the line. itime Provinces and in Lower Can- £ Time was when ox carts hauled mail out moon," let's shoot a little speed into the mail ada. Although Government sup-* of Castor and Stettler, and the speed of ser­ service from Stettler to Hanna, and this by no port for secondary and higher edu- \ vice and efficiency hasn't improved much over means the only route that could stand some cation for a long time had to rely* thoes pioneer days. betterment. on local organization and support.! The conditions of pioneer lifei with its sparsity of population an^ Another Farm Squeeze isolation, made this form of schoo organization inevitable. So deepl( JUDGING FROM the national picture Canad- support prices has also been suggested. embedded did tthe principle ain farmers are in for another squeeze. That in our humble opinion is asking a local administration become th4 The political promises made by the present lot from our rural industry. True, the govern­ even 's dynamic Dr. Egei| federal government, prior to the election last ment is in somewhat of a dilemma. But Can­ ton Ryerson found it necessary tf year, are not proving out quite so readily as adian farmers can't reduce costs because of build upon it, and it remains thf they sounded from the hustings. tariffs and booming prices which have made cornerstone of the educational structure in Canada to this day. Farmers at that time were promised a their cost of production rise. Farmers will not greater share of the national income. As a soon forget those election promises of a fair The basic unit of most of thaf start Hon.Douglas Harkness, minister of agri­ shcre of the national income. Farmers must Canadian school systems was a continue to produce, as it is their only way local area resembling the stilly culture instituted a new system of floor prices existent Ontario school section,, for farm products. Now Mr. Harkness says that of making a living, and that living is tough which has for many years been de-k production of certain food products has been enough to eke out already. Then there is this lined as an area of not more than! proceeding in too great a volume. He suggests "bogey" of an increase in freight rates. The Fosdick, president of Rockfeller THE BIBLE TODAY four square miles and with a mini that the farmers voluntarily curtail produc­ farmer is not merely being squeezed. To our Foundation, made this fateful imum of fifty children between the tion, and failing this that some system of regi­ layman's way of thinking he is getting sorely statement, "To many ears comes In the Middle East the old and ages of five and twenty-one. Ont­ the sound of the tramp of doom". mentation might be introduced. Lowering of pinched! Qui MUudtesti, £>4%eak * * * new contrast sharply. In existence ario law permits an extremely | William Vogt, Associate director alongside modern cities of western varied combination of these units,j of Science and Education for the lesign, moves a way of life which but in rural areas the largest j Babylon saw it that way, and the office of inter-American affairs, in has changed little since Biblical school administrative district is the; A Solid Boost For Recreation "AMERICA IS LAUGHING his recent book says, "The hand­ ITSELF INTO HELL" h •ndwriting on the wall came times. township school area. WHILE FEW OF the sponsors and workers felt writing on the wall of five contin­ Lebanon, half Christian, half us to believe that at long last Hanna is on the Submitted by Rev. A. H. Brown Rome saw it that way, and faded ents now tells us that the day of There are also consolidated that the sportsmen's banquet last week way towards organized sports among the Pastor of the Evangelical United from power. France followed suite, judgement is at hand". Moslem, ia tne centre for Scripture school areas, which usually include would be a "let down," it even surprised the youngsters in our community. Brethren Church moral decay became a cancer. Now. publication, colportage training, both rural and urban (town and most optimistic. It was a tremendous success, Is that so? Everywhere you go, America laughs at sin. Fellow citizens: 1 can t see any­ and publishing centre for Arabic village) units, an 1 one school We have noticed that in the larger cen­ thing funny, in the con, lion ot edition of "The Bible in the and if ever the spirit of community co-oper­ billboards shout at you: "Hilarious There is an absolute absence of board administers a central school tres, the same condition has prevailed, to such the world in which you and I live, World" magazine circulated by the to which all the children of the ation and good neighborliness among adjacent - funniest comedy of the year"; heartfelt sorrow for sin in our an extent that civic and sports leaders as well country. We need a real recogni can you? What ought we to do? We British and Foreign Bible Society. area are brought. In many other communities was ever evident, it had no peer on television and radio, fn the ought to be a praying nation. First as others are loud in their sugaestions for an movies and newspapers, we see tion of sin and a genuine sorrow In Iraq scriptures distribution types ol merged school administ­ at last Wednesday's sports gathering. Those improvement in the situation. The same idea for it and an honest turning away of all confess our sins and short­ has increased. Thus the Book rative districts in Ontario, the old people knocking themselves out coming to God, and ask him to for­ responsible most assuredly can take a well des­ has been advanced across the country, but it trying to entertain us. They seem from it, if we are to survive. II which tells of Abraham, Isaac and one-room schaals remain in use. erved "bow," for it indeed was a job well done. Chronicles 7:14 says, "If my people give and cleanse us. Then we ought Jacob, of the Great Prophets and There are in Canada at least takes community "try" and money to promote to feel that if America would only to pray for our government offic- So much for the magnificent effort put such enterprises. In the not too distant future collapse in a paroxysm of mirth which are called by my name, shall of Jesus, supplies a need in this SCHOOL BOARDS — ials, that they seek the mind ol continued on page 6 forth by all connected with the affair. The community athletic directors must be added all of our problems would be sol­ humble themselves, and pray, and God, and His guidance in all. Lasi land of contrasts. ones who will really reap the benefit of this to the scene, men and women properly trained ved. Frankly, I don't fee! like seek my face, and turn from their of all, let us pray for a Spiritual laughing. I can sec ideals and wicked ways; then will 1 hear from quickening, awakening and Revival fine sporting gesture, are the youngsters in in various sports, with the capability of good heaven, and will forgive their sins, Hanna and district. administration. standards and heritages dying- in ill the World. Only if we find dying before our eyes. Sins that and will heal their land." the ff.vor of God, can we expect to Freedom of the Press It is for certain that we have lacked co­ We have not reached this stage as yet, our fathers and mothers blushed at What is so funny? Are atomic find Mercy in His sight. Let's stop ordinated and well operated sports programs but it could come to happen. Last Wednesday's in their day, we have taken as bombs and broken bodies, twister laughing, let's start Praying! (Peterborough Examiner) Normally speaking the press does on an all year round basis in Hanna. The out­ function was a tremendous boost in local rec­ common life, and think they're and wrecked by atomic radiation Gerard Filion, the publisher of not have access to places which come of the enterprise mentioned, would leave reation circles, with emphasis on the "kids." funny. funny, Are weeping widows, alone Le Devoir, a French-language are inaccessable to the determined In a night club, a half-naked with hungry and sick children OFMANYTHJNGS Montreal newspaper, told the public. It cannot claim protection woman comes out, goes through I funny? Its coming, whether we like Canadian Chamber of Commerce from the law and, except hy nrev tuuvy y iiror not. Are drinking leaders and MUM - riMWWtrrjl lior«r ' trrsWs by Ambrose Hills this week that freedom of the vious and special arrangement, it joke. A wild orgasm of raucous shady business deals and open j press is for the proprietors of cannot accompany the police on its', laughter rocks the room. This is gambling a cause of mirth? Are newspapers and not for newspaper duties any more than the publici OTHER happening in "Christian" America. filthy jokes and immorality causes CANADIAN WRITERS men. What Mr. Filion means by can. Freedom of the press is not! The Poet's Corner What does God think about it? of hilarity? Why laugh when the Because I belong to the Canad­ this, we do not know, but since a licence to publish untruths anyg EDITORS ian Author's Association, I've met Vnur Contribution*"* Ar#» Invinwi Around a table men and women moral fiber of a nation is being the expression freedom of the more than the freedom of speeclji SAY sit, their drinks before them. They wrenched, apart by Godlessness? many of our best Canadian writ­ press is frequently misused and as is a licence to tell lies—that botjl have been there a long time. One We hear them sing, "Enjoy your­ ers, and I am much impressed. frequently misinterpreted, a work­ freedoms are occasionally abusw, man rises to his feet, extends his self, it's later than you think". The One of the things that impresses able definition of it will be att­ CALGARY STEPS BACKWARD ... BUFFALO TRAILS is nothing to the point—those alf* glass and proposes an obscene last part of that title is truer than me most is that vou seldom hear empted here. Sooner or later a ected by lies in both cases have From The Red Deer Advocate / followed them when but a little child — toast. Loud guffaws fill the room, what we like to believe. "IT'S them moaning about the lack of precise definition will be neces­ means of redress. Old Buffalo trails, so silent and forlorn. and they all stagger to their feet LATER THAN YOU THINK" Lis­ opportunity for . The sary—especially in view of Mr. I galloped on a buckskin stick horse wild — Most of us here in Central Alberta enjoy for the drink, laughing. ten to what our authorities say on successful Canadian writers are do­ Deifenbaker's proposals to guar­ Neither does freedom of the But now, by cruel plows the prairie shorn the subject. In a book written by ing pretty well. antee this freedom in his Bill of our visits to Calgary and to the people who live Shows not a sign of where they used to be. At a Washington cocktail party T press mean that the public has a there. It is a busy, bustling sort of place, and Like buffaloes, they are just a memory! in he corner of some top govern­ 15 scientists we find this quotation, The other day . picked up an Rights. At the outset we can say right to express itself in a news­ "The world will probably be dest­ American magazine noted for its we do not agree with Mr. Filion. it still retains, not only at Stampede time, ment officials stand, with glasses paper's columns. This privilege is Old skulls and bones lay bleaching in the sun; in their hands, planning our war royed within 5 years or less by excellent cultural content, and I Freedom of the press is a free­ something of the old ranching spirit in which I played with them they were not bones to me! atomic warfare". Scientist C. Urey dom which, Jn this country, is invariably extended by responsible strategy. Around them, partially immediately recognized three of newspapers as part of the' job; it began. Generally, Calgarians are fairly I saw len thousand buffalo on the run! drowning their conversation, is a said, "I am an alarmed man, we the contributors as Canadians — open to anyone who cares to pub­ bright, but, like most other people, they do Or watched them rest, and graze contentedly can expect at least 15,000,000 dead lish a newspaper. It means that nevertheless, the publisher is-'resp- I was a little Indian, as a child. hollow laughter of men and the a poet, a «hort-story writer, and an onsible in law for every word the \ some stupid things occasionally. shrill crackling of the sophistic­ the first day of atomic war". essayist. Quite a good score for news gathered by a newspaper's And rode upon a buckskin horse wild! George Earles said, "25,000,000 correspondents is not subject to newspaper prints and he cannot ; Their latest blunder, ond that is certainly ates. a single issue! And their work delegate his responsibility to the \ The settlers come — where are my buffalo trails? Overseas, the enter t a i n e r s Americans will die the first 24 stood out in the issue for its wond­ censorship from governments or what it is, was the City Council s decision to Where are the bones that once my visions stirred? hours of attack," but in his more their agencies; it can be publish­ author of the irresponsible mat­ "make the boys laugh"—after all, erful quality. They hadn't slanted erial; though the author, too, may order the preparation of a by-law to destroy O'er golden wheatfields come faint Indian wails — recent speech he said, "There will their writing for American con­ ed as it is received. When such And muffled hoofbeats of a thundering herd! they might die tomorrow. Let's be held responsible in part by the the city's present method of voting by propor­ laugh today. Down deep in the be only 10,000,000 Americans left, sumption, because Ihey all used news is gathered at meetings of In windswept forest, and the rivers song, to tell the story of Human exist- public bodies it is said to be priv­ courts. Generally speaking the tional representation. Surely the example of I still can hear them thundering along. hearts of those boys, there is an­ Canadian backgrounds. guiding rule for the publication of tjhe' province, which destroyed the right of min­ other cry. I've had too many of ance after the first 24 hours of Today I picked up the wealthy, ileged; that is to say, if a news — Elma Helgason atomic war." Murray Butler, ex- report contains some matter which doubtful material is: if it is true orities to be represented when it abolished the my own blood relationships exper­ slick - papered Saturday Evening it is publishable. if in doubt, leave ience those gruesome days. Their president of Columbia University Post, and the very first item I could be construed as defamatory single transferable ballot in rural ridings, ^TiuiinrintiiTiniiiniiitnitTiiiinimnunEniHnmitTnTTmninnftiiTniniiimtiiimiimmnniitmnnTrinr has said, "The end cannot be too and the defamatory matter was out. And although the greater part heart cries to God, they don't feel read was by John V. Hicks, a tal­ of published news does not require should have been sufficient warning to Cal­ like laughing, they are asking far". Douglas McArthur said, uttered by someone taking official AFTER DINNER MINTS ented writer from Prince Albert, part in the public meeting, it is such conscious assessment, every gary. Before that, this province was far in front God's Mercy to be with to-morrow, "Humanity has had its last Saskatchewan. Of course, Canadian of all others, and its system of voting had tt i tm ttnui in n »i ni nmtt m n tim innmnTmi nm iTTnnnirnmtnminiinniiii when they face the barbed wire, chance". Dwight Eisenhower put it not actionable. Other defamatory word which is published is the this way, "Unless there is a moral writers have often been Post reg­ matter is subject to action in th<> truth as far as it can possibly be done good service for more than thirty years. Russ's pal, Ernie Hartwell, tells of the man who and guns of the enemy. ulars — men like R. Ross Anett, started at the bottom and stayed there. regeneration throughout the world, courts. Thus if Alderman X says, ascertained— that is so in this Now Calgary has done the sqme to its own cit­ America finds sin hilariously there is no hope for mankind". R. Edward McCourt, Jack Paterson in the course of a debate, that newspaper, at least. izens. funny. We are not the first nation. etc. Alderman Y is a bigamist, a rob The new recruit didn't salute the colonel. "Do Canadian writers are also being It is wrong to say that news­ vou realize who I am? asked the officer. "I run ber and a pickpocket a newspaper papermen are venal; they may be • • • this entire camp. I'm in charge of twenty-five thou­ welcomed by American television is entitled to report that such a networks. Mac Shoub, of Montreal, in Quebec—Mr. Filion appears to THE AIRLINES DEBATE . . . sand soldiers." think that Quebec newspapermen "You got a good job, said the private. "Don't is an American favorite, for ex­ statement was made. However, a louse it up." ample. H. Gordon Green is anoth­ are corruptible — and it is quite From The Lacombe Globe newspaper which published such possible that there are corrupt er. And it is thrilling to learn that an accusation in anything but pri Whether the transport board will give Ca­ An irate guest at a small-town inn grabbed the four of the hour-long GM tele­ newspaper reporters. They do not telephone and hollered into it, "Are you the con­ vileged circumstances would be last long; no reputable newspaper nadian Pacific Airlines authority to open air founded desk clerk of this diapidated joint?" The vision dramas were being broad­ open to court action. by ORAL ROBERTS cast by the American Broadcast­ will employ such men and they are routes in.the dominion is not yet known, ot nettled clerk answered, "Yes, I am. What's eating This is roughly the extent of easily discovered. Newspapermen least at the time of writing. Trans-Canada Air­ you?" "That," said the guest coldly, "is what I'd ing Company simutaneously with press freedom in Canada. As re­ like to know." GOD SHARES YOUR INTERESTS CBC. It was disappointing that are purely the voice of the public, lines hove enjoyed a monopoly in Canadian vealing about the freedom of the they can say nothing, write noth­ air travel since its inception in 1937, and the Lee Braxton has had fellowship ABC took only four, but that's a press are the things which it does David Elliott swears he overheard this at Bill and to the Lord's work. All the start. It was also disappointing that ing, and express an opinion on hearings held over the past month to deter- in more homes of Christian busi­ glory and all the praise should go not mean. It does not mean that nothing which cannot be said by Jordan's Bar of Music. nessmen than any other man we to Cod." one of the scheduled dramas, by mine w*h*efher C.P.A. will be allowed to enter Two coboys are talking. One says, My name's newspapers have any privileges— any number of the public on a Tex." know. He has found that one is That is quite an admission for John Whelan, who wrote the pow­ except in obvious circumstances into competition have been revealing and high as mistaken to believe that busi­ a competent businessman. To God erful "Maiden Voyage" is the same street corner or in a public hall. Second one says "You from Texas?" nessmen are not interested in God which the public does not have. The same laws apply to both. ly interesting. First one says, "Nope, I'm from Louisiana, but belongs the glory and the praise. series, was crowded out of the as he is to believe that God is not It is God's will for us to pros­ foursome at the last minute. It sefems apparent that their submission who wants, to me called Louise?" interested in businessmen. per, in soul, mind and body. Lee Life's Darkest Moment A WEBSTER CLASSIC cannot be denied in the long run, if it should God is interested in whatever Braxton and countless others have A Canadian writer willing lo At the insistence of one of my chic friends, but you do. With respect to business, learned that God is a perfect work hard has a tremendous mar­ be refused In fhe interim. Canada is a growing against my own better judgement, I brought a che­ God is in business, too—many partner to have in any business, ket available to him. Our own nation, ond because of its geography it has al­ mise dress home on approval. I was timidly model­ businesses, the greatest of which for with him as a partner, failure journals, such as Saturday Night, ways been an itinerant nation. The needs of a ing if for my husband, who was eloquently noncom­ is the saving of the souls of lost is impossible. When failure is im­ mittal, when my 18-year-old son came in. When I possible there can be only pros­ Chatelaine, Maclean's, go out of and condemned humanity. their way to encourage canuck tal­ greater population must be satisfied in future asked how he liked it, he smiled at me indulgently God is the greatest of all busi­ perity. As you work for him, he years, and the country would seem to be large and said, "Well.. Mom, I always say, if you can't nessmen and he constantly seeks works for you. In mutual interest, ent; and American magazines cert " •WW •*& sUWfcJrf 'two .'competing of rHnes. stack,it. sack it*". . aiwlified partners. In turn, he^ pf-, t"iere is mutual aid—and mutual ainly place no barrier against fers himself and all of his infinite success. tne*rh. indeed, many Ametic'ah mag­ • A lot of statistics have been preferred with An agent delivered a check from his insurance resources to hit partners for their company to the widow of a deceased client. She was The- world's population today is azines and advertising agencies the intewt of showing how much money TCA own businesses here on earth. almost three billion people. The assign stories, articles, and writing apparently inconsolable and had been weeping three Not long ago Lee and I ex­ would lost each year if CPA entered the field. days without stopping. A glance at the mount of goal of God's business is to save of advertising campaigns to Can­ The figures don't necessarily apply to next changed greetings with an ac­ souls, bodies and minds of eveiy the check — it was for fifty thousand dollars — still­ quaintance in an Indiana city. We one of them. adian scribes, because they like year or the year after, however. It is amazing ed her tears. "You may not believe it," she told the thanked him for all he was doing the vigor displayed in a great deal agent soulfully, "but I'd give twenty thousand of For this important business, how.gjjl^ty .tir*0|ickil statements can change to help win souls' to the Lord. He God calls qualified businessmen of Canadian prose. this to have him back." wouldn't hear of our thanks. "It's Any young Canadian who wants with pressure from outside competition. Econ­ the other way around," he said. as partners. omics ofe effected in administration, savings • • * Every businessman should real­ & writing career can be sure that "I am the one who to grateful." if he has the talent and the will­ art* often- found in operation, and the profit He said that as soon as he ac­ ize his need ter a partnership with and efficiency. While complaints about TCA God and his value in return as a ingness to work, he has a fair and loss sheet doesn't look too bod even rf rev- cepted God's partnership offer and have not been excessive during the past few used his faith, the Lord blest him partner with Godl To realize that chance of making a decent living k enties Hi6Ve' fallen off: This is not to suggest years, they have at least been audible and fre­ beyond his fondest dreams. "I God to interested in businessmen at it. He shouldn't be scared off by IthdfTranSr^Canada Airlines are guilty of core began at first," he explained, "by and their businesses to. the be­ pessimistic talk about the lack of quent enough to be justified. If relations were building small frame houses, one ginning of successful business -ca» less SfMSrndipflr.' twiitjit" is .easy to disregard ex- better, there might be a big jump in air traffic refers. opportunity here. In reality, he at • time. Later I was able te probably has a better opportunity that would surprise officials and knock their build three at a time, and now. Cod shares your interests what* • few yean later, I have several ever they may be. Will you share than a writer in any other country. ipys available to balance the budget. 'accurate forecasts" into, a cocked hat. large real estate developments his Interest te the saving of souls Canadian, publications give him »» Some opposition would soon force TCA TCA is doing a commendable job on the under way. I have been able to be by helping take his gospel to every special attention; American maga­ * to tight for business, ond this In turn would whole. It could do better, given the incentive a greater blessing to my church creature in every nation? zines {|ive him an even break. lead to on tir-provement In service, courtesy of competition. What more could a writer ask? THE HANNA HERALD and EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS — THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1958 Pope 3 WED IN OYEN the Universe does not change to | EXCEL WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION PLAN Residing In Edmonton wedding cake. Receiving with tha fit » with men. ideas. He has ~! R "HOME" bridal party the bride's mother vealed in his Word, the provisions CHR|STMAS G|FTS F0 wore a gown of brown faille taffeta for man to gain everlasting life with brown accessories and corsage and it is only through this channel EXCEL, Nov 24—The Excel lad- outstanding bills. The manse com of white chrysanthemums and thalt man can survive this old ies W.A. held their meeting Thurs- j mittee reported that the gas furn- yellow roses. Tha groom's mother world at hand." day, November 20. In the absence ace had been installed in the Oyen chose a gown of navy blue crepe Mr. Hodge, the Assistant Direct­ of the president, Mrs. Bishop was ma'ise. The W.A. representative with which she wore blue and or of the assembly, kept the pro­ chairlady of the meeting which gave a report on the official board white accessories and corsage of. gram running smoothly aiding in opened with the singing of the meeting held in Oyen recently. white mums and yellow roses. I the success of the convention: 25 hymn "I Need Thee Every Hour". Visiting and card committee re­ Leaving for Edmonton the bride departments in all were used. A reading "The Sheer Joy" was ported five visits made and eleven wore a brown tweed salt with Local ministers thoroughly ap­ given by acting president. Devot­ cards sent out. It was decided to brown and white accessories and preciated the "spiritual food" and ion conducted by Mrs. Chaplin was give the usual Christmas gifts, also corsage of yellow rose buds. Mr.» especially the climax talk, "The entitled "No Room at the Inn".t o send a gift to Rundle Lodge in and Mrs. Hayworth will make their Watch Tower Society In God'i Minutes of the last meeting were Calgary. All members are request home at Sedalia. Out of town Purpose", delivered by Mr. Hep­ read and accepted. The treasurer ' ed to please bring a Christmas gift guests included Mr. Jack Serna, worth. Feeling built up the wit­ reported $12.50 was realized from' to the December meeting which | Mr. and Mrs. N. Mitchell. Mrs. nesses are more determined than the sale of church calendars and will be sent to Pleasant View Home Clara Denny, Edmonton, Mr. and ever to pursue the ministry in this the mystery supper cleared $144.4*). ' at Youngstown. A motion was Mrs. T. Kulyk, Cappon, Mr. and community. A motion was passed to pay the made lo purchase three tubes foi Mrs. N. Markiew, Midlandvale, Mr. - the lights at the community centre | and Mrs. D. Prysiazny, Oyen, Mrs. i i r> J as well as eighteen yards of plastic Minister To Address n | A. Lodoen and Miss B. Lodoen of Local Prayer Band jtlotn for table covcn.. I Provost. Sibbald Assoc. Prepare For Christmas Ron can showed only five mem- j bers pres'-nt. It is hoped that a Pioneer Delio Former The regular meeting ol the Sib- For the afternoon meeting of better attendance will be at the hald Home and School Association the Alliance Ladies Missionary j December meeting which will also Pases In Hanno will be held on December 2 at 8 Prayer Band, Mrs. Harold Howery be the annual meeting. Hostesses p.m. The meeting's special guesi presided in the absence of the for the next meeting will be Mrs. John Freddiek Nelson a widely will bo Rev Kenneth Edmondson president. Wetheral, Mrs. Bishop and Mrs. known pioneer fanner of the Delia of Marengo, Sask. Rev Edmondson The hymn 'Trust and Obey" Robertson. Devotion will be by district passed away in the Hanna has served as a missionary in Indij was sung, followed by prayer and Mrs. Baker. The meeting closed Hospital on Monday, November 17, for several years and will speak Scripture reading with the singing of a hymn and at the age of 87 years. Born in Arvika, Sweden, Mr. on some of the highlights of his Thank you cards were read from repeating the Lord's Prayer. work there. He will be bringing a The W.A. wishes to extend its Nelson who had previously lived at two friends to whom the group I Wetaskiwin and Calgary came to film, which should prove inter­ sent flowers during their bereave­ (hanks to all those who gave don esting to all who care to attend ations to their recent supper in th.i I Delia in 1909, where the family Coffee will be served and members ment. • have since resided. Mr. and Mrs. A letter from Verna Tetz was school, al>o to those assisting in and guests are urged lo be pres­ the kitchen, waiting on tobies \ Nelson were married in Calgary ent. received thanking the ladies for \ in 1901. Besides his wife, he is a basket of fruit sent while she and who helped in any other way I Owing to the few members in the i survived by two sons and five was ill. Members are pleased to | daughters; Harry and Paul of hear that Verna is again well en­ organization this kindness was greatly appreciated. Delia. Mrs. Alice McKeever, Mrs. SOCIAL & PERSONAL ough to attend classes. VI. Lynch, Edmonton, Mrs. Ethel The meeting closed with a pray Devalerola, Morrin, Mrs. Ed Patt­ Mrs. M. Philips of Craigmyle is er period. CGIT Croup Has erson, Dawson Creek and Mrs. A. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Edward in Edmonton this week attending A number of ladies spent sever­ Schaffer of Delia. Funeral services Cofield have taken up residence in the Legion Hall which was decor a Civil Defense orientation course al afternoons quilting Mrs. G. Wil Eleven to Meeting were conducted from tbe Delia Spokane, Washington following ated for the occasion with pink lis made and donated the quilt top. United Church at 2 p.m., Thurs­ for nurses, November 24 - 28. NEW BRIGDEN, Nov. 21—The Iheir marriage in All Saints Ang­ ond white streamers and silver » • • which is to be included in the day with Rev. J. Klassen of Hanna lican Church, Oyen at 2 p.m. Nov­ horse shoes. The bride's mother Home Worker Christmas parcel. New Brigden CGIT met in the officiating. Interment followed in chose a grey suit with blue acces­ Mrs. Ian Smith of Calgary was The parcel will be packed at the school recently with eleven mem­ the Delia cemetery under the ember 1. The bride is the daught­ a visitor in Hanna last week at the er of Mr. and Mrs. George Virgo sories and corsage of pink carna­ evening meeting December 4, in bers present. The meeting opened direction of Whytes Funeral Home. tions, and the groom's mother home of her mother Mrs. F. A. the home of Mrs. Walter Kittler— with all members repeating the Bouquets of mixed sweet peas, flanked by huge baskets of Oyen and the groom is the son Mathe. of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cofield of wore a brown dress with tan aces- it will be interesting to see the pledge. New officers were elected of yellow shasta daisies and white chrysanthemums, graced Wainwright. Rev. Hayhurst was the sories and corsage of pink carna­ » • • various items brought for the par­ as follows: president, Thelma Hol­ the altar of Bethlehem Lutheran church in Bruderheim for the BIRTHS officiating clergyman. The bride tions. Mr. Alfred Greig and Mr. Oliver cel which will help to make a mes; vice president, Jean Ander­ recent wedding of Miss Marlene Meyers, daughter of Mr. and given in marriage by her father A three tiered wedding cake Greig of Edmonton were visitors brighter Christmas for Mr. andson ; secretary, Beth Symes; treas­ Mrs. J. H. Meyers of Hanna and Bruderheim and Mr. Lawrence HANNA MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL v/ore a gown of white chiffon centered the bride's table flanked in Hanna and Sunnynook during Mrs. N. Morriss and their little urer, Carol Wilson. D. Astley son of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Astley of Vermilion. Mr. the week end. girls. TOPOROWSK1—To Mr. and Mrs. nylon with sleeves ending in lily by lighted tapers on either side The roll call for the next meet­ and Mrs. Astley have taken up residence in Edmonton. C. Toporowski, Hanna,, Novem­ point. Her three quarter length Members of the Anglican W.A Thanks are extended to those ing will be suggestions for roll ber 20th, a daughter. net veil was held in place by a acted as serviteurs. ENGAGEMENTS who are saving Nabob and Blue calls. Lunch committee and wor­ head piece of sfeed pearls and The bridal toast was proposed Ribbon coupons for the Church ship service tests were made up KNOX UNITED CHURCH CONSORT rhinestones and she carried a bou­ by Rev. Hayhurst. Leaving for the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zilinski of Kitchen Project. for the year. Names were drawn SEENE OF PRETTY WEDDING quet of Delight roses. south, the bride changed to a grey Cavendish, Alta., announce the en­ for Christmas gift exchanges. The Melt-ln-Your blue dress with matching jacket gagement of their daughter Rose next meeting will be held Decem­ Miss Marlene Smith of Clares­ Knox United Church in Consort of yellow roses tied with gold rib­ and white collar, aqua hat and Bernice Holoway to Mr. William W. A. Elect ber 2 with Carol Wilson and Sand­ was the scene of a pretty wedding Mouth holm as bridesmaid was gowned in Jackson McDonald of Cappon. The ra Tye on the lunch and worship bon. Miss Freda Andrew as maid gloves, black purse and shoes and Officers ceremony at 3 p.m. Friday, Nov­ of honor wore a floor length gown pink chiffon nylon with which she her corsage was of red roses. wedding will take place at 4 p.m. committees. After the meeting in every bite wore pink nylon gloves and pink ember 14, when Miss Audrey Eliz­ of dark blue taffeta with white net December 20, in Bindloss United The regular monthly meeting of cocoa and sandwiches were served. abeth Serna of Sedalia became the feather hat Her bouquet was com­ Church. head band. The bridesmaid Mrs. posed of yellow and -white carna­ the Women's Missionary Society of bride of Mr. Ruben William Hay­ Lillian Schroeder, sister of the Mr. A. Hodge Attends the First United Church was held tions. The wedding music was . * . worth of New Brigden. The bride groom wore a floor length gown of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Galster of at the home of Mrs. Richard Carr, Elizabeth Gourlay played by Mr, T. Smith of Cereal Meeting at Three Hills is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.ligh t blue taffeta with matching and selections sung were "Oh Per­ Hanna -wish to announce the en­on Thursday, November 20th, with Receives Awards John Serna of East Coulee and the Mr. A. Hodge, presiding minister gagement of their youngest daught­ Miss Sadie Lamb, president, pre­ groom's parents Mr. and Mrs. Wil- head band. Both attendants caariea fect Love" and "Blest Be The Tie red roses tied with pink and silver That Binds." of the local congregation of Jeho­ er Marlene Violet to Mr. Albert siding. Elizabeth Gourlay, daughter of fird Hayworth reside at Sedalia. vah Witnesses has returned from a Jerome Durand, son of Mr. and The meeting opened -with the Rev. and Mrs. W. L. Gourlay, pres- ribbon. Mrs. A. Fawcett The groom was attended by Mr successful assembly held at Three Mrs. L. E. Durand of Spondin, Worship Service wbicb was con- [entlx. cgntiauing her siudies in Lighted tapers and, plants tprm-1 nacW&na nra»te John Stiaert of Wainwright and Hills. He heard Mr. C. E. Hep-Alberta. The wedding will take MtUH tot <*»• ITrnnWrrin \« Mr. John Virgo brother of the worth, District Supervisor from place December 29, at 4 p.m. in ttJ^JZ*£^i?Z wJ^rom the WeTeS ^ K«r-J J- marriage by her fath; | McClennan and Mr. £ Schroeder bride ushered the guests to their Toronto. Bay in reference to Isaiah the Redeemer Lutheran Church, in Japan" was continued, led by word from the Western *~«.v. »- , th

Junior says: SALVATION — HEALING REVIVAL... \%2 I LOVE For All People of All Churches - Everyone Welcome! Bring The Lost — The Sick — The Fearful \ CREAMY-RICH I Jesus Saves and Heals ICECREAM < a gift that keeps on giving ... t •onrnt 9*^tM^aa*^aaam*mrominaing, Ja**^*a ay sWoyw atmm^aaa ay an ammama^a

oy yoox. Tnoro s an •loctncol TRY TASTY VANILLA HANNA FULL GOSPEL that will iTKifc* an IOOOI gift foe What a treat to serve your fo/nily on any Ofl jnjW URiMHiw Ml. emWW yvisT IUVW evening of the week? Alf bur See cream is made from pure country fresh cream, and KM pleased to Show you off tho CHURCH our "special-f lavors-of-the-month" are yaw can sey "Merry Christines" « • • chock full af fruit. Buy it in either bricks, 5th Ave. ond Main Street bulk pack; or how about a half-gallon! NOVEMBER 26lh lo DECEMBER 7th ~ CENTRAL ALBERTA DAIRY POOL ^Pemer f: MORNING SERVICES MON. TROUGH FRI. 10 a.m. Phone 87 Hanna, Attn. EVENING SERVICES MON. THROUGH SAT. 8 p.m. Alberte's Canadian Utilities. SUNDAY 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. ful DAIRY FOODS Fregream" LIMITED

*ah\a*\-3& EH22 Page 4 THE HANNA HERALD and EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS — THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1958 Buying Selling Renting Services Employment *.;:. JSs&fcft «tf i$H Phone For Best Results ^DAHD USE THE 52

K ANNOUNCEMENT CARD OF THANKS CHURCHES THE HERALD'S I wislr Irr llrrrrrk Mrs. A.iruc HANDSAWS Wilkins, tlie matron anrl stall' rrf FIRST UNITED CHURCH HERALD CLASSIFIED AD RATES The C.W. I*, of YoutiKHtnwn are MACHINE SHARPENED ! huldiiiK a tea, bake sale, and raffling Karma Hospital, rrls,. nry menus Hanna, Alberta Minimum charge 75c first insertion, 50c each subse­ la money doll on Saturday, November their many kindnesses during OLD SAWS RETOOTHED Sunday, November 30 quent insertion. In Memoriae, Church Notices, Cards of I 29, in the W.I. Rest Room. 4 stay in the Hanna Hospital. Mrs. Heid tlordon Pair — 11 :<>o a.m. HENRY T. COOK Thanks, Coming Events $1.00 per insertion. Display adver­ Garden Plains — 2:00 p.m. WANTED TO RENT Hanna — 7:l"r Sinn Son;; We wish trr express rrur sinreri 105 Sth Ave. West, Hanna tising rate card upon request. Copy must reach Herald Of Hanna — 7:3f p.m. Irivlne Wnrsl llrrrrrKs tr, Uc* an.' .Mrs .1. Klassen, ROOM WITH TELEPHONE FACIL­ Sunday Schools or Leave Saws at fice by 12 noon each Tuesday l>rs. I.alnK and Wilson, matron anrl ITIES—For business man. Apply VoiinKstown — 11:00 a.m You'll Save Dollars - You'll Get Prompt nursing staff ol" lne Hanna Hospital MARSHALL - WELLS Herald Box N'o. 1014. 4|r Hanna — 10:3(1 a.m TELEPHONE 52 — TO CONTACT 6,000 READERS and Ir, each rrur* who showed love Hanna — 11 ::i0 a.m HARDWARE STORE Service By Using Your Telephone to Contoct and kindness to rrur dear mother, OPPORTUNITY You rtre so very welcome also trr thos- whrr set floral triturtcs, at church. These Business Firms letters rrnrl cards. Also frrr every pray­ (OR SALE FOR SALE A WAY TO MAKE MONEY?—That's Manse 112 4tlr Ave V. BUILDING what you are looking for? . . . Just er- anrl spoken word r,f comfort sitter I'hone i:.t QUAKER OIL BURNING C O O K | TWO MILCH COWS—Both to freshen sell our dally necessities in your rrnr recent bereavement. All Iras heen Urn. Will I- Cm .-. r:.A., CONTRACTOR 8TOVE — In good condition. Mac- within a month. Herb HouHch, Ha­ surroundings. No risk. High com­ deeply appreciated Pastor leodrV Store. Oyen Alta. 50tf nna. Phone 909. 4p I'M and I'tlythe Housch General Carpenter Work— mission. Sales aids provided. Write 1 for particulars and we will tell yrru and family. HI CHURCH Cabinet Making — Brick ONE CUSTOM BUILT SNOW PLANE REDEEMER LUTHERAN CENTRAL TAXI WEANER PIGS—At *10 each, or (jraii how to preceed. Famiiex, Dept. Tit —Fully equipped and powered try air HANNA Work Painting and at market price. PIRS available ev­ lfiOO Dglormier, Montreal. 4c I sincerely sir tr thank all m> ery month of the year. John Baird, craft engine. Garanteed A-l cond­ friends and neir*hl for the lirvelj Sunday, November 30 ition. Hanna Machineland Ltd. Ha­ Specialist on Stoneboard Byemoor. Alta. 61 tf IN MEMORIAM flowers, sifts, letters anrirll rcard s I re Sunday School H':00 a m nna. 4 -rip ceived while I was a patienpatl t in thr German Worship Serlvec 10:0(1 all' Joint Filler Decorating - Phone 32 - QUANTITY OF 2 CUT PLYWOOD— Holy Cross Hospital. lOnKllsh Wor-ship Service 11:17. a.m. BLUE BABY CARRIAGE—In PETERSON—In loving memory of Also lumber reasonably priced. Jub­ K< Mrs. A. Hettler

if t yiverr at tire same buildings, hydro and water, located Ood knows how much we miss ber services. We welcome you rrt 170, Hanna. 4-5 time. Thank yon one rrnrl rrll. We will :xxxzxxxxxxz*i Len Underwood S miles south east of Three Hills. Never shall her memory fade, rrur services ! Courteous and Safe Driven l.#ovimc thoughts HIIHII ever- wander not fot-uet you. -I {18,000 with option to cash rent COLEMAN OIL HEATER—In gr.od Phone 774 three quarters. Johnnie Baronets, To the spot where she is laid ST. PETER LUTHERAN CHURCH condition. Reasonably priced. Mrs. .Is SCAPA Hanno Alta. R.R.I Three Hills, Alta. 2-3-4 A. T. Shepherd, Craigmyle. 4-5 Always remembered by ber daught­ We wish thank ill "in fri MOTORISTS er Martha, son-in-law John iinri jrrand and neighbors win kindly Xo services this Sunday 0 PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE— ELECTRIC WELDERS, BATTERY children. 4p us when fire broke oul Pastor O. Sommerfeld Walnut finish. Apply CHARGERS. BATTERY BOOSTERS last Wednesday. We \v mill illy rt 1 ft - Ti th Ave. W. For the Best Prices and Service —Like new. Craltrmlye. Mrs Henry Schissler. —Also new and used welders, one like trr thank those win ph.. Phone 112 3.4.5-6P A Good Place To Eat Phone R3518. 32 volt stand by plant. Just over­ SALE BY TENDER frrr hel|). On All Your Tire Requirements HANNA hauled, also one 300 Hmp generator Fred W. Johnson BARN 28 FEET BY 42 FEET—Lean- Call On old tyoe. J. Van Rossum, Phone 2, ESTATE OF JAMES McNAUGHTON CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE to 22 feet by 42 feet. Will sell for Rose Lynn. 4-5-K-7-X The Public Trustee ofl ers for sale ELECTRIC cash or will trade for grain or cattle. by Tender: TENDERS WANTED Friday to Saturday—November 2v .'-•' The Broadway Apply 10 miles west of Hanna on 1949 FORD—2 door, custom radl.r Tbe North-Went quarter of section I't-v. Kli.ytle COXHOII of Alix, Alberta. Electrical Contractors And .Virtue is her eby II No. » highway. Keith C. Cordon. good rubber—cheap for r.-rsh twenty-five (25) in township twenty- I'icsicling iOlder for the V\ ec HANNA TIRE Wiring Specialist* •rpcriar Craigmyle. 3tf 1951, 1 TON DODGE TRUCK new seven (27) ranee seven (7) west ol lenders will be r er erverl hy the Methodist Church in the Alberta C-n:- of il. T-V & RADIO SALES motor, grain box. good rubber new tlie fourth meridian in tbe province Areas Board frrr tire holdings I'ercnce is the guest speaker at Craig- SERVICE Cafe Cabin TWO HOUSES—Both movable. Will paint. of Alberta as shown on a plan oi 1'Jmrrnuel Cohen, farmer', of in.\ le and Youngstown over the we.-k AND SERVICE rcsrrl- sell for cash or will trade for grain 1954 BUICK SPECIAL-4 Poor. : lrrn< survey of tbe said township approved Lake, Alberla, from liinia-liile • ml of November 2.s to 30 and will Leon Mehl, Prop. - Phone 31 Representing Jensen's Radio or cattle. Apply I.. E. (Sam) Bran­ ents of the Special Areas. pic.uh at thw services as announce'! Featuring Chinese and green. custom radio, nutrn at Ottawa, December 27th, 10ls, con­ (Next Door to K & B Motors) and T-V Service, Calgary um. Phone Sort. Craigmyle. new tires all way prrornd. taining one hundeied and sixty-one The said holrlinas COIIVIM of: below. Canadian Dishes- iit 1949 FORD U, TON TRUCK — Foi nnl> (Ifil) acres more or less t'ATIOXTKI) I.AMlS Cruigmyle: Agents for: $125.00 cash Reserving unto Her Majesty, Her X WIH-24 -*-\\ 4th. fontiiinini; Kriday. November 28th. 8:00 p.m. 8 PIECE WALNUT DINING ROOM xxxxxxxxxxxx Open 6 a.m. to 12 p.m. Daily Electrohome T-V A Will take "rain. H-«. o' I'ocrV in *radr. successors and assigns all mines and measurement Hi" acres, more n Saturday, November 2!*th, 7:.'in p.m. SUITE—In good condition, reason­ FAUPGL & WEIK MACHINERY minerals and tlie r IK lit to -work the illOVIXCIAJ. LAX I'S Sunda> , November ::0th Hi-Fi Phonographs ably priced. Harvey Faechner, Phone rl frrr Saturday to 1 a.m. Phone 725 Hanna, Alta same, I ilrr/.iliK :)71 is Sunday School :{:IMI j>.m. SS17 Craigmyle. 3-4p rnrl fl ,1 une Corner Centre St., 1st Awe. E. Offers will be received by the under- n tern ol u. Worship Service \ -no p.m PHONE 35 — HANNA FOR SALE OR TRADE sitrnod up to 2:00 o'clock in the after­ I, r.T.T. r'orrsi I-^enini: Service 7:30 p.m, Phone 579 Hann* GOLDEN GLIDE VACUUM CLEAN­ :ii', w II - ERS— Singer Sewing Machine Co. noon on Thursday, the 11 th day or Firstly: W ' Younastown. Smday November 30. FINE PLYMOUTH CAR, 1953 MODEL i/2 ::, All 4 Al Sales and Service. General Delivery Oecember, A.P. 195S, for tbe purchase Secondly: W Sunday School 10:00 a.m SPECIAL 1958 EDSEL —In grrod shape. Will sell rrr trade '., rrnrl SW 1."., K \ id, of the above property stating whether W i2 10, X M. nfiiK Worship 11 :00 a.m. .Drumheller. Phone VA 3-3167. 2tf 20. S 1 rnrl NW 2 All for hay. pigs or cattle. Hox 1011, terms or cash. Tenders should he for­ All 1*7. IS. Ii' 2 V Iteitty lnv"»ii"ii to All rnrl V 21, All PRICED TO SELL 1951 DODGE 2 POOR SEDAN—Good Herald. 2tf warded In a sealed envelope and !2, A!! 2 I'.v C V. K;i\\son. Pas*'-'' marked "Tender, McNauerhton Kstate" .'. x y-i anrl S !V All 2 •IP Condition. Good tires, radio, heater, GOOD COAL FURNACE—Will sell rrr ind a certified cheque for ten per II, All •-Vi. .1; |-S- W4tl iQCaCt Monarch, two tone, CHIROPRACTOR new seat covers. Apply Conrad Han­ trade for oats. Fred Fitterer. Scot- sen, Craigmyle. -2-3-4-5 • . Pc 'ent of tbe of Ter must neenmp- IIK b.v atlnu THE EVANGELICAL UNITED 1990 Rodio & Heater, Po­ field, Alta. 3-4|) nore or les.^ mv the S'-ime. BRETHREN CHURCH Is Your Spine STORY HOUSE— Cultivation I. N. wer Seats, Power Brakes, and 7 ROOM, TWO ONE REGISTERED PURE BRED The highest or anv tender not HPI*- Sunday:- grandaU. .Eatly ln- for a term 10 rKMrV YORKSHIRE. BOAR—Farrowed July essarilv accepted. Denosltp will be 1-4-50. Welcomes you to the Regular Services Power Steering, Very Clean & Causing Illness? affittittmlma t soo to wo lbs. way* turnvft to umucc«M(u\ Und«r«ra, , ti av^.v. -vu vi.--t4.ii--wu-n. 10:00—Junior Church. In many cases, people who com­ e*-W \n-.ts,—flunday Schnnl Ready to go. Agricultural College Containing by adme-.isurement 32' Priced reasonable. Also one floor Priced JL-ind Titles BufMiner 1 1 :'lll—Or/rman \\'r»rslii|r Sr-rvi.-rv plain ot poor bealtb find chiro­ WIH trade for grain err i acres, more or less. furnace and one battery radio In Rdmonton. Alherta. 3-4( TTin—Sunrl'IV Sr llrrr.l. -f AJTQ Ford Fairlane, 2 Tone practic helps tbem after all Collins, Rose Lynn. I in addition, thei tons rp- excellent condition. Terms can be S-M—STN'OSI'II! \TI 'S.W. KVAXi miles south of Sheerness hind hay \alued at ?12 per 1930 Priced to Sell. Loads else fails. This science works ( arranged. Write or phone J. W. lOl.iSTH- SIOHVH'1 place An offer has been receix on the nerve centres of your | Doolan. phone 103. New Brigden, PUBLIC NOTICE non-re.siilent of the Soecia AI. Wednesday:- of extras. "Your Pick of the Yard at Alta. or Mrs. Lewis Barrack, phone the amount of }:{.">,omi which is the 7 Tin - r IrTUKrn Pf;r> r-r body. 1956-K.8. 3l/j TON DODGE TRUCK— Uy the Hoard uf Trust Ul till 106. Cereal, Alta. 2-S-4-5P upset price, terms cash, (he highest m Friday: - IQCQ Chev. 4 door Sedan, Reasonable Prices" Investigate Thit New Way s New pistrrns and IrearlnKs, motor itdia "Hcliuol iMvitjion N< of th. P top Rhape. Oood 900x20 tires. Renn any tender not necessarily accepted. PAIR OF SKATES—Slse 8, like new \itice of Alberla. rill—Y.i Mr K i|r hour-. IVwO Two Tone Blue and To Health Now Hoist, Box and Racks. $3,r.00 cash Sealed tenders with tlie word*- Phone 32, Hanna. 4p WHKKRAS it is deemed expedient nn—r 'Ir ir pr; White, Very Clean. Don't Miss or part payment in Knod cattle. Stan try tile Hoard of Trustees of I lie Ac­ "Tender for the Cohen Holdings" on Atlas Lumber Co. Dr. I. S. PAXMAN the outside of the envelope must b*> SPECIAL: •KATES SIZE 5 AND 6.—Phone 343 Milan, Tree Hills, Alta I'hone R11»rr adia St-hool Div inion N'o. s, of the This Or>e. in tbe hands of the undersigned not This Sunrirry Kvr'ninri T. Scott, Mgr. — Phone 208 Phone 300, Hanaa 4P 4-5p Province of Alberta, that the sum later than 9:00 a.m. Monday, Decem­ Wnnicn's Missinnary Srn-icly r.r. of due Hundred Seventy-one Thou­ •IQC4 Chev. Coupe, Black, a ber 22, 19.18. Wr.rlrl Si'i'Vii•<•, irresrnl Their Ann­ 1953 1/t, TON G.M.C. TRUCK —In FOR RENT sand ($171,000.00) Dollars should be ual Thankrrfffcl-inri I'rnrjrnm. l«7vr£ Real Beauty. Don't good condition. Hanna Klectric, borrowed on tine security of the said A certified cheque for 10 per cent :. DrW'Vliilivr 2-7::ln-Yiiulh fr.r r'hrin! •1- Phone S79. FLATS, SUITK8, HOUSES—Call 381, Division by the issue of I )ebentures of the amount tendered must be en­ THK SINCl.vr; SMll.INC I'lll'KI'H Miss This, Custom Radio. closed with the tender Hanna. Z5tf repayable to the bearer in 20 e*iuul ON THK COHXKIl \VF1,I'().MKS 2 StdRY HOUSE—24x30, Good shape Dated at Hanna, Alberta, this 2711- BUILDING? i onflectitive annual instalments wilh—"vor ": 1QCI Ford, Radio & Heater, 11 rooms. Will sell reasonably or 2 AND 3 ROOMED SUITES — Kirby day of November, 195S. -will consider grain or cattle as pay­ interest at the rate of not more titan Pa slur A. H. ISir.wn. 1*131 Ready to Go. Cartaice Co. Phone 183, Hanna. SPKCIAT, AREAS BuAUl ments. EHmer J. Mohl. Phone R813, SOtf six per centum per annum for the WE OFFER: r,-6p following purpoxes, namely: Hanna, Alberta. HANNA FULL GOSPEL CHURCH .. Hanna. 4 -:>-(*,-•; IQCO Chev. Sedan, 2 Tone, 7 ROOMED SUITE Fully modern. 1. Constructing, furnishing a n d 5 Ave. and Main Street Excavating Service Bltf Our services with Kvannelisl 1 >< >ti 19VV Radio ond Heater, MOUSES FROM (1500.00 TO $16,000.00 Phone 183. equipping a one classroom addi­ Sand and "Stovel —Have sold $3800.00 houae at the tion, gymnasium and auxiliary < :«>8sett are under WJ* y, heRinnins Very Clean. New Rubber. extra Kood price. Have 4 room FIVE ROOM FULLY MODERN rooms at Kblher. Wednesday, November 26. They wiU Rural Sewage Disposal SUITE—Otto Haessel. Phone 529. houae with chicken houae and Kar­ 2. Constructing, furnishing a n d THUROO BROS. continue tlircmtrh Dwemlier 7 ^t the F 4tf tullowinR times. 1 QCA ord, New Rubber, Systems A Specialty aite nnd Harden on 10 acrea, 4 miles equipping a one classroom port­ able addition at New Brigden. Spray and Brush Painting Week days through Friday — Id:Wi a.m. IwwT Low Mileage from ocean and U.S.A. border. Will 4 ROOMED FULLY MODERN SUITE 3. Constructing, furnishing and Week dnyt* through Saturday—X p.m trade for farm. Have 2 customers —Centrally located, adults only. 203 Roofing and Siding — Cement wanting fair houses from $5,000 to equipping a modern teacherage and Block Construction Sunday, November 30 4th Ave. AV. 4-5p 10 a.m. Sunday School with clat- $10,000.00. l*t ua know now If you and a 5 classroom school with gymnasium, audio-visual, science, Chimneys Built and Repaired all HKt-s. reHAPt to sell. Cassidy Agency 4 2 ROOMED FULLY MODERN SUITE library - typing and auxiliary 11 a.m. Worship and Ministry Lyle Grover & Sons PIGS—And 18 —Ormiston Agencies. 4-5-fi "Farm Building Our Specialty" 25 GOOD FEEDER rooms at Cereal Rev. fioKsett speiiker Centact Phone 151 — Hanno weaner pis*. Geo. M. Maetche HOUSE- Uedrooms, kitchen, living 4. Constructing, furnishing and 7:30 p.m. Kvaimelist ic Service CralRmyle, Alta. room and bathroom, All conven- equipping a two classroom school THUROO BROTHERS Rev. (lossett speaker Ralph Pogson, Prop. iences. $50.00 month. A|.ply J. I. with gymnasium and auxiliary (lod lias endowed Rev. Oossett with 84 INCH GUERNEY 4 BURNER PRO- Richdale, Alta. Pldgeon, % Seymour Hotel. Phone rooms at Chinook. a special ministry to the sick and at'f- PANE KITCHEN RANGE —With 54. 5. Constructing a modern teacher­ Or Phone 3 licted. In his meetings hundreds have tank, white enamel. In Rood condi­ age at Sedalia. CLARK'S STORE been healed and delivered. He works tion, $60.00. Phone 40. Craigmyle. exclusively by tlie power of (lod, and NEWLY DECORATED SMALL THEHKPORR, notice is hereby giv­ HOUSE—Coal range and heater. --rives ("od all the "dory for what is en by the Board of the said School HANNA BAKE $23.00 per month. Enquire at 202 done. If you need help in any way you Division that unless a poll of the USEO APPLIANCES Railway Avenue, Hanna. —l-2p WVKRYONK is invited, Fully Automatic Modern Maid Klect­ proprietary electors of the said School con receive it in these services, ric Range, 4 burner, almost new 199.00 Division for and against the said de­ COFFEE SHOP— In Royallte Ser­ HANNA SASH If you would like to receive Rev. t SHOP Westlnghouse Refrigerator, benture loan is demanded as provided vice ' Station on Main highway in (lossett's prayers durine this cam­ 7 cu. ft.. Oood condition 99.00 by the School Act, the said Board will Drumheller. reasonable rent, equip­ paign, Prayer t'ards are available ^S& apply to the Board of Public V til ily AND CABINET The Store of Good Things Crosley T.V. 1?'\ mantle type, ment required. Phone 3-3400 Drum­ i mm me fur the asking, overhauled SO.oo heller, or write Herald Hox No. Commissioners for authority to borrow stor S. K Check To Eat Kodfcera T.V. 21'' mantle model 150.on 1012, Hanna. 2-3 the said sum by debentures. Generol Carpenter Work .T15 - 3dr Avenue West For Better Lights New 1858 T.V. models at reduced ()f which all persons interested are Phone 474 Good Wholesome prices, TWO BEDROOM HOME—With 12x25 hereby not ified, and they are requir­ Custom Cabinet Making No. 5 wheat for sale at 85c per bus. ft. garage attached to house. Avail­ ed to govern themselves accordingly. Come to BREAD — BUNS Phone 328 Wm. Gibrjon Delia able Immediately Fred Fano. Phone H. Chiliak Show Cases - Sash Doors 514 Hanna 2tf (Chairman) Lino and Tile Laying Dated nt Oyen CAKES, PASTRY CORRAL PINE POLlL»-5ct» per ft. LOST this 24th day of November, 19T.S Interior Finishing Geuder Electric delivered. Harry Q. Buckler. R.R 1 MAGAZINES Bowden, Alta. P« ROLL OF ELECTRICAL WIRING— INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPRIETARY Hanna Phone 321 Between Hanna and Castor. Finder ELECTORS IN A SCHOOL Hanna Phone 116 480 ACRE FARM—"14 miles N.W. kindly contact Hanna Klectric, Ha­ DIVISION Craigmyle, &% miles N.E!. Delia CHES. ROSSLER nnn. Phone 579. 4 A poll may be demanded in a School Good houae and fair buildings, good Division by a demand signed by five Phone 690 Hanna water aupply, exceptionally good BIG GREY AND BLACK FLUFFY proprietary electors of each of at pasture. 355 acres under cultivation. 204 • 2 Ave. E. CAT—Answers to Petey. Anyone least twenty per cent of the districts When In Hanna Stay 170 acres summerfallow. A. Betcher, knowing the whereabouts of this cat in the Division. 51 Moncton Road, Calgary, Phone please contact Mrs. Dean Mayberry, Kvery demand for a poll must be At The JR76176. Hanna, Phone R1915 evenings or mMtm delivered to the Secretary of the Div­ 48S. Sentimental value. 4p MO SELECTED POULTRY1 REGISTERED HEREFORD BULL— ision, or*In his absence, to the chair­ NATIONAL HOTEL 4 years old, also 32 volt light plant, IB FT. LENGTH SEISMIC DRILL man of the Board of Trustees, within wlndckarg-er and motor, T.V. con­ STEM AND BIT—Between Drum­ p-Jfteen days after the date of posting verter ana other appliances. R. Sln- heller and Castor. Finder kindly- or of the publication In a newspaper .- clalr, Delta, Alherta. 4-5p contact. Harvey Drilling Co. Re­ nf this notice. A certified copy of the Before You Build! The Central 3-4P demand must be forwarded forthwith Eat ot the National ward. Phone 630 Hanna. T PAIR OP LADIES WHITE C.C.M to the Board of Public X tillty Com- ' ' SKATE* ' 'Blue**.' Mre.| - Dean. May­ CH«V; -TRUCK' f MMr" AN©- WHEEL m1s*t>>'n'*f*r?r rrt Albert*!' Rt'Wdmo*nton: • PICK THE RIGHT berry, Banna, Phone;R19l5 evenings —888-20. Dost between Hanna and "Proprleary elector" mean? an elec­ Meal Market pr 486. 4P Federal. Reward. Finder kindly con­ tor, who Is liable to assessment and CONTRACTOR Coffee Shop tact M. A. Malaka, Phone R102, taxation for school purposes In resp­ Quality Moats — Freezer 1% STORY HOUSE- ON FARM—11 Coronation. 3-4p ect of any property situate in the He's the man you are depending up­ Fresh Fruits & Vegetables miles west, t south No. 9 highway. School Division. on to make your housing dream* N.W. corner of 34-30-16. Can be ESTRAYED Because of a technicality with re- come true. By combining the technl J. E. Eskestrand. Manager P. KENNEDY, Prop. moved. For full particulars phone Bard to procedure, lt was found nec­ eel knowledge with the practical «• 318 or writ* P.O. Box l«5 Hanna ONE YOUNG HEREFORD COW— essary to republlclze the Intention to perlence of working earpenfara »• Hanna Phone M Alto. 4P With horns turning towards centre apply for authority to borrow. Tn the fly* yoa the beat workmanship avail­ of forehead. Contact Ted Wanek, meantime. It became evident that it able. For quality material! and better Craigmyle, Phone R871S. 2-3-4P would be prudent to Increase the am­ . workmanship aee TRUCKING BUWfcESS — In •"»" ount of this loan to cover expendit­ town. Can fco »>^h»ee*^mf hWf : 6 YEARLING HEIFERS—Also cow ures for furniture, equipment and KNOBLAUCH 12500.00, seven tham. bungalo, •"*« aad calf, est rayed from the farm of architects' fees which Had been* omit­ haul If twantedr Dotl* Jmts. J*9 Wes Edler, Toungstown. 'Branded ted from the original by -la w sum. CONSTRUCTION The Firms Offer You The Very Finest acres. MNirn PW™ent about »».- W.B. over quarter circle' on rlgh t Hence a new money by-law for the 4KW.00. mSa rtami 8«0 acres, down hip. Anyone knowing the where­ greater amount baa been nassed. Tt Is SEN. CONTRACTORS—CONCRETE pwmontT&.Mo.OO- *^^™-««f abouts of these animals kindly con­ n hoped that this will eliminate the MASONRY acres, fW.MO.00 down, H.0MM tact owner. Phone 514, Toungstown. neoessltv to apply fo?- a' further loan Service—When In Hanna They Will might be arranged. Hanna houses at 4-»p to complete tbe project as has fre- HANNA, ALTA. Phone 451 $1500. ttaM***. •*«». eMO* ***W- ouentlv been the esse In tbe past. tUY YOUU RUBBfR ST AM IK There has been no change fn the W oitormir^wahtfng good house $6,000 '•^M THE HANNA HERALD building plans or estimates. 4-5 Appreciate Your Patronage L to $10,0*0. Cae«l4y Agenejr ~-a* —————

THE HANNA HERALD and EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS — THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, T958 Pag***** Post Office Opens ARABIAN HORSE ASSOC. PLANS At New Brigden NEW BRIGDEN, Nov. 21—Today Delia News Bureau SHOW FOR CALGARY NEXT YEAR marked the opening of the newly remodelled post office in Herron's (By the Herald's Correspondent Mrs. fee** 8arrti*WiL Hanna Woman Elected To Assoc. store. The modernistic styling Directorate; Program Discussed greatly adds to the appearance and ease of working and handling the DELIA, Nov. 27—Bora to Mr. The Delia CWL is holding a bake The annual fall meeting of the was set as previously the western mai'- and Mrs. A. C. Marshall la the •alt in the FWUA club rooms on Arabian Horse Association of West- or prairie division had been inclu- Home from Calgary for the week Drumheller Hospital, November Deecmber 6. ern Canada (prairie division) was ded with that of British Columbia.' end was Miss Edith Code who is 16, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sinclair re­ held Armistice week end at the | Seven directors were appointed j attending the southern branch of Miss Doreen McLeod and friend turned to Calgary last week end GOOSE LAKE LINE HOOP LEAGUE Women Curlers home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Guthrie ; with the representative each from I the University of Alberta. Margaret Menzie of Calagry were after visiting at tile home of their in Edmonton. | Saskatoon and Manitoba. From the Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Robinson and recent week end visitors with her son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Foundation plans were laid for j directors appointed officers are: son and Mr, Jack Wilson motored parents Mr. and Mrs. Neil McLeod. Mrs. Bob Sinclair. Mrs. Wm. Sin­ OFFICIALLY OPENED NOV. 21 Elect Officers the second annual All Arabian president, Dr. O. B. Bode, Edmon- out from Calgary fbr the week end Miss Cherrone Battle of Calgary clair is recuperating from aa Horse Show to be held at the Vic ton; first vice president, Paul J. to visit Mr. and Mrs. Nels Holmes. spent last week end with her par­ eighteen day illness in the Hanna Hanna High School Takes Double Ten rinks wil Icompose the Han­ toria Arena, Calgary. The sched ents Mr. and Mrs. Les Battle. na Ladies' Curling Club this win­ Guthrie, Edmonton; second vice Mr. Lloyd McClellan, Mrs. Ken Hospital. Win; One Contest Is Postponed ule dates are July 24 25, and 26 president, Eric Ratledge, Calgary; McClellan, Mr. and Mrs. M. Herron Mrs. Peterson of Cereal spent a ter. The ten were formed at the next year. Performance classes will secretary-treasurer, Mrs. L. Wilson, few days last week with her dau­ annual meeting of the club Mon­ motored to Edmonton where they The Goose Lake Line High School years of competition, the average be held Friday evening and halter Calgary; directors, Jim Ward, Ed­ took in the football game. Mr. Ken ghter and son-in-low Mr. and Mrs. day night at 9 a.m. and on Friday classes Saturday and Sunday morn- Basketball League was officially height of the Veteran players was monton; Mrs. Dean Mayberry, Han- vrcCleilan who has been in the Bob Hands, Delia. Play will get started this Friday ing. Advanced ticket sales with a na; Mr. V. Webb, Athabasca Ranch opened on Friday, November 21st 6 ft. 2 ins. with the President-VlcePresident, University Hospital the post one Mr. Andrew Mason was a patient chance on a lovely hand tooled Entrance, Alberta; Saskatchewan and a half months was discharged with Hanna at Drumheller and This coming Friday, November starting at 7 p.m. Prizes will be a- in a Calgary hospital tor several 28 will see basketball action on child's saddle will soon be available representative, Miss Carley Cooper, and able to come home with them. days last week. Delia at Morrin. The Oyen at warded to the winners and a meet­ from all members. I Tompkins; Manitoba representative three fronts, viz., Morrin at Oyen, ing and lunch will follow. A shower sponsored by the Com­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeMott, Mr. Youngstown game was postponed. Drumheller at Delia, and Youngs­ Also at this meeting directorate | Mr. L. Thompson, Winnipeg. munity dub was held Tuesday John Olson and Mrs. R. Olson, have Hanna High School took a dou- town at Hanna. The ladies will curl every Tues­ evening in the curling rink wait­ recently returned from a three bleheader from Drumheller High day night at 9 p.m. an don Friday ing room, in honor of Mrs. Rueben weeks' motor trip to various points School, the senior girls winning 20 Skating Lessons nights at 7 p.m. The first draw Hayworth, bride of November 14. in the U.SA. and Vancouver Is­ to 14, and the senior boys by 24 to "round robin" will start Tuesday, SALE OF TB. CHRISTMAS SEALS Several contests were played and land, as well as other points in 18. Both games were close exciting Under the auspices of the Hanna December 2 at 7 p.m. then Miss Barbara and Master British Columbia. and full of action. In the girls' Skating Club, lessons in skating Officers for the coming season, Ronny Hazelwood pushed in a Mr. and Mrs. A. C. McCully game the Hanna team was leading will commence shortly after the elected at Monday's meeting are as COMMENCES; SEEK TO RAISE $230,000 buggy of gifts for the bride. Lunch motored to Edmonton last, week 10 to 2 at the half, faltered in the optening of the Arena, Sunday, follows: President, Mrs. P. Ken­ was served after the gifts were end. Help Fiofrt Ti third quarter when the Drumheller November 30. Children or adults nedy; vice president, Mrs. Don Mil­ Drumheller Kinsmen Sponsor Drive opened and displayed. team outscored Hanna 6 to 2, but interested in taking up skating this lar; secretary-treasurer, Miss Jean In This Area; Envelopes In Mail Many people gathered the even­ the Redwings came back strong in season are requested to contact Johnson; executive, Mrs. G. R. ing of November 14 for the wed- the last quarter to win 20 to 14. Gail Donaldson, Phone 494, Han­ McCrea, Mrs. B. Hutchison and Mr. E. A. D. McCuaig of Edmon believe that the incidence of the j 01**g dance of Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Doris Wolchina, the star for Drum­ na. Miss Violet Ulmer. ton, president of the Alberta Tub­ disease is actually on the increase Hayworth which was held in the heller High netted 12 points for erculosis Association, announced but rather that our expanded eff | community hall with the Jorgen- her team, while the Hanna scorer today the completion of weeks of orts are bearing fruit in that the ; s>°n orchestra furnishing the music. CATTLE MARKET REPORT included Donaldson, Gullekson, preparation by voluntary commit­ disease is being discovered earlier ' A collection of money was given to Beach, Offen and Cheecho. tees throughout the province with as the result of the examinations ; the newlyweds with all the best NOVEMBER 25 SALE AT THE In the senior boys' game, Drum-1 Me Week In Snorts the mailing, during the past few of more people, and it is our inten- r wishes of the community, heller jumped into a 8 - 0 lead at days, of Christmas Seals in the tion to continue to devote every the end of the first quarter, but by BILL BAKER opening of the campaign to raise I effort to the case-finding phase of YOUNGSTOWN after that the Hanna team pressed 230,000 to aid in the eradication our operations. Thus far during I Stettler Auction Mart hard throughout and outscored of Tuberculosis. The Association's 1958, our mobile units, in co-oper- j *— —* their rivals in every quarter. Harry Etcheverry Wins football and I also knew that Walk­ program includes case-finding, re- | ation with the Department of J YOUNGSTOWN, Nov. 24—Mr. habilitation of TB patients, nurs- l Health, have X-rayed more than j and Mrs. Mervin Laughlin spent Gough was the individual star for Russell Trophy er would give an unbiased opinion. Good Feeder Steers $21.50 to $23.00 Drumheller netting 12 points, fol­ Sam Etcheverry, the fabled "Machum said the procedure ing services, welfare and health 95,000 Alberta people and by the the week end in Calgary, education. The campaign in Drum-1 year end we expect to far surpass | Miss E. Osborne of Calgary spent lowed by Norm Slemp and Ian 'Rifle" of Montreal Alouettes, won was in order and that the idea Common fo Medium ...... $19.00 to $21.00 Laing of Hanna with 10 and 8 the Russell Memorial Trophy for sounded like a good one. heller is sponsored by the Kins­ the 105,000 examined during 1957." the week end at her home here. points respectively. men Club of Drumheller. Mr. Arthur O'Dwyer of Drum­ Mr. and Mrs. Allan Charles and an unprecedented second time, it "So Walker was asked, He has Good Stock Steer Calves . $27.00 to $20.50 At Morrin High School the same was announced in Montreal last made his decision." In connection with the campaign heller, in commenting upon the Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Ward and week. evening, the Delia Senior Boys de­ The terms of the award stip­ Mr. McCuaig said, "That the num­ campaign in Drumheller and dist­ Glenna of Castor were Sunday vis­ Common to Medium .. $25.00 to $27.00 feated the Morrin boys in a hard The trophy is awarded to the ulate; ber of new cases of TB being dis­ rict of which he is chairman, said, itors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Ward. covered in Alberta is increasing "We have no doubt we will be suc­ Mrs. Jessie Schmitz spent a few (ought contest. Peter Boyka, led player who, in the opinion of the 1. After the fifth game, players Heifer Calves $22.50 to $24.00 the Delia boys to their victory with judges, has the best combination of every year is indicated by the fact cessful in raising $9,000, which is days in Calgary over the week end. of each club ballot for their choi­ that there were 1,307 last year our share of the provincial object­ Mrs. Vera Landels who has been an all-star performance that netted fair play, true sportsmanship and ces. Names of the two players with Common to Medium . $21.00 to $22.00 him 16 point. The Morrin Junior whose performance "inspires his compared with 1,133 the year be­ ive. That TB is still a serious prob­ training as a nurses' aid in Cal­ most votes from each club are sent fore and 978 four years ago. This girls evened up matters for the ev­ teammates". lem in Alberta cannot be denied, gary has been posted to the hosp­ Stock Cows $15.00 to $17 to the secretary of the Big Four is contrary to the experience of and we are confident our friends ital in Hanna for further training. ening when they defeated the De­ But this year's judging present­ 2. The secretary sends the eight other provinces in Canada where lia Junior girls. Good team play by will support us as they have so A large crowd attended the Cash Butcher Cows $14.00 to $15J ed some problems. names to the league governors and the number of new cases is grad­ splendidly in the past. We ask that Bingo and Dance in the community the Morrin girls and the lack of Ted Workman, president of tho officials who worked in league ually declining. We do not really substitutes on the part of Delia they buy and use the Christmas hall on Friday last. The proceeds Good Bologna Bulls up to $18.00 Big Four and also president of the games. In this instance, there were Seals on all their mail, and in this were satisfartory and will be used High quickly told the story in this Alouettes, had a tie on his hands 17 officials. game. way let their friends know that towards the community hall. when the ballots were counted. 3. Each governor and official is HAND HILLS * they are with us in the fight to Miss Arlene Luckham had as At the beginning of the week, (The other player involved was asked to vote for one of the eight * * bring this disease under control." I her guests over the week end the Hanna Senior and Junior Boys tra­ never mentioned publicly.) names submitted. Misses Phyllis Lidgett and Sharon velled to Coronation to play exhib­ 4. Regulations provide that in HAND HILLS, Nov. 24—Friends Contributions may be sent to the "I was in a really embarrassing of Mrs. Phyllis McDonald will be Kinsmen Club of Drumheller TB Hyman both of Calgary. ition games against teams from oosition because one of the players case of a tie the Big Four pres­ Roy Bignell is leaving this week Coronation and Veteran High Sch­ ident shall cast the deciding vote.' pleased to learn that she is back Christmas Seal Sale Committee, is a member of my team," Work­ teaching, following her recent ill­ Drumheller, Alberta. for Lacombe where he and his 1 . ools. Each Haqna team played half man told the press. "I called trus­ ness. family have taken up residence. a game against Coronation and the tee George Machum and asked if \l«r*. %l«MMfc»*Mrrft taantty kvr« tMMr* other half against Veteran. The Hand Hills Club The Hand Hills Local F.U.A. there was anything to prevent me held their monthly meeting Nov­ Calf Club Meeting there since early fall. Hanna Junior Boys lost 28 to 10 Enters 2 Leagues A miscellaneous shower was but put up a good effort against passing the decision to someone ember 18, at Elmer School, under Held at Netherby else. held in the rest room on Wednes­ I wrmim | their much bigger opponents. The HAND HILLS, Nov. 24 ^- The the chairmanship of Walter Radke. The membership drive is incom SCAPA, Nov. 24 day evening last in honor of Miss Hanna Senior Boys were successful "I told him my idea was to ask annual meeting of the Hand Hills I , Cathy Cameron, bride elect of in winning against the Coronation- Gordon Walker of the Toronto Athletic Club was held in the El- &** as. ** and, »* ls h°Pef ,that the SD.N. 4-H Calf Club was held this month. Cathy received many Veteran Senior Combines 34 to 7. Globe and Mail, who is president mer school Sunday, November 23. som« t™? *n the «ear ia*n. Nov. 19 at the Netherby school. All lovely and useful gifts. Hostesses Veteran High School Senior Boys of the Football Reporters of Can­ The new slate of officers include: membership dues could be collect members were present including were Mrs. Ray Bowman, Carol Bow­ l.i ed by the Special Areas on a vol-1 the Pee Wees and several interest- proved to be the tallest team that ada. I felt this would also be a 1 man and Carol Stoll. Hanna has played in their four gesture to the fellows who cover S'lST^'Srtii*. -Ury basis, to ease the work of | ed fathers It was deeded at the YOUNGSTOWN, Nov. 18—Mr. TRADING POST thP hoekev team this winter Jack canvassers. Best wishes and last meeting that the members would and Mrs. C. Von Matt spent a few MacDonald and Panels SurtnS meetin* instructions were given take a trip to the stockyards and a Mr and M Dou days in Calgary this week. w^ere Sned by awlamatioT ™ 8 .Lenfesty who packing plant in Calgary. It was Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wells have this 1 thel nne dthat b tourwou,d had their two sons visiting with We still have Ihe biggest and best SECOND ANNUAL . . . Tw^SedV^^^ 'r f e d n^m^r « in -both- Drumheller- and- Hanna them. Percy from Edson and Paul commercial leagues this winter. A F.U.A. Convention in Edmonton 1.1 be made on December 6. from Victoria. Paul returned to raffle will be staged to defray ex­ December. As a project the club members Victoria via plane from Calgary on selection of New and Used Trucks penses. Among those taking to the moun- j wm ma]ce gate signs in black and Saturday last. PONY SALE tians in search of big game are wahitt one ean dollad wilr leach offe. rAfte therm th foe r meetsale­ Mr. and Mrs. D. Ward and Henry Karg, Albert Moench and ing games were played and lunch Glenna from Castor have been vis­ was served. in Town - Any Size - Any Price STETTLER AUCTION MART, LTD. ESTHER Ben Mommol. iting the past week with Mr. and * . + Beef prices are getting so high Mrs. E. Ward. ESTHER, Nov. 21—Roy Pratt the farmers in this district can't Mr. Jas. Wade spent a few days | AC 7 GMC Half Ton, L.W., Low Mileage *4f CJI FOR JOB PRINTING sprained his ankle recently in a afford to eat it. I in Calgary last week. skiing accident. Mr. King-Morton is recuperating FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12th-1p.m. Many Esther residents attended from an operation undergone in a j PHONE 52 — THE HERALD 10C7 Chev Ha,f Ton< LW-< with Rodio $91CA the vaudeville act "Ole the Swede" Calgary hospital. Youngstown Students 1991 and Racks, A-T £W*mueme held in the community hall on To Present Ploys Thursday night. IQCO Half Ton Rl 10 L.W., A-1 Shape, VlAAC 250 Head of Horses... Mr. Charles Laycock of Calgary Under the auspices of the 1990 Repainted : _ IV**?* was a recent visitor at the home of Youngstown Students' Union, three INCLUDING PONIES, SINGLES, DRAFT, MATCHED Mr. and Mrs. J. Laycock. plays entitled, The New Car, Jour­ Mr. Charles Wilson of Edmonton ney To Trenton and Two Crooks 1153 ri^_l : 17S. TEAMS AND MIXED ENTRIES TAKEN UP TO has been visiting at the home of and a Lady will be presented in Mr. and Mrs. V. Bamber. the School Auditorium on Friday Ton c SALE TIME Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Lye of Eng­ evening December 5, commencing 1952 A" , . ™L _ -._-.- in. at 8 o'clock. Musical numbers have land who have been working at IQCA Half Ton Dodge, Good *£95 "This Is o Good Time to Pick Up a Good Pony For a the Blue farm left for Calgaiy been arranged between acts. recently. Christmas Gift" Mr. V. Bamber returned home Q 1 Ton Ford with Groin Box, ^QQ*% last night after an extended trip OBITUARY to Scotland. m — AUCTIONEERS — DALE ROBERT HANDS New Tires, Good . 099o A survey in North Dakota by a DELIA, Nov. 24—Dale Robert |QC*i Three-QuarterTonL120with $Q7K CHAS. McKAY ACE PRATT LEN BROWN team of U.S. public health re­ Hands, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. 1991 Stock Racks, New Tires wl* Robert Hands of Delia, passed Lie. No. 286 Lie. No. 394 searchers has shown that farmers Lie. No. 233 are less subject to the severe away suddenly on Sunday, Nov­ i AC*) Plymouth Sedan, Very Good, *117C -4-5c forms of heart disease than other ember 16 at the age of two and a 1990 Low Mileage j. Ill* groups. half months. Besides his parents he is sur­ 1AEJ Fordomatic Sedan, Power Steering, $-i J7K vived by his grandparents Mr. and 1994 Radk>, A-l .-..L^:^. fe^— •-Tl*: Mrs. Orval Hands, Delia and Mr. and Mrs. Peterson, Cereal. I'm Coming To Town... Funeral services were held in Delia United Church on Monday, November 17 with Rev. Starr of SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29th Hanna officiating. Winters Funeral NEW HALF TONS AND 1 TONS IN Home, Drumheller, had charge of TO VISIT MACLEOD'S arrangements and interment took STOCK - SPECIAL DEALS I CJDV place in the Delia cemetery. rm sure looking forward to seeing you aU JOHN NELSON DELIA;' -NOV. 24"*•*»»•oldtim»; again, so be sure to ask Mom or Dad to bring resident of the Delia district Mr. We are selling new and used Twmks every day.— you down to your friendly Macleod's Store John Nelson passed away on Mon­ Why not pick out yours, while the stock is food, and get RADIO 910 day, November 17 at the age of Saturday afternoon. We'll have a real nice a real deal. — I will take In Groin en used unite, me 87 years. visit, and for every girl and boy I'll have Besides his wife he is survived here's your chance — We pay a dollar per bushel by two sons, Paul and Harry Nel­ delivered ot your local I.H.C Dealer. DRUMHELLER son and one daughter Mrs. Agnes A SPECIAL FREE GIFT Schafer all of Delia. ' Funeral services were held in the Delia United Church on Thurs­ day, November 20 with interment On - The - Air in the Delia cemetery. The 5,000,000-bushel government L -NEXTWIEK- elevator at the port ot Churchill MACLEODS it reported to be almost filled to Phone 121 capacity in readiness for an ex­ i pected bumper season in 1959. ifi"iri-ii


Thomas H. Greene Posses In Calgary Thomas H. Green, father of Mrs. M. P. Bergman of Hanna, passed away in a Calgary hospital Satur dav, Novemher 22, at the aee of *>' years following a brief illness. Mr. Greene was born in Belfast, Ire land and came to Calgary 51 years ago. He had been employed by tho CP.R. as a plumber and pipp filter for 42 years, retiring in 1946. He vas a memoer oi present Locl^ \ F. & A.M. of Cal<">-v. Predecea ed by his wife in 1955, Mr. f.reene had made his home with the Berg­ man family in Hanna for Ihe pasi three years. Besides his daughter, is survived by three granddaught ers. Funeral services were con­ ducted from Gooder Brother.-;' Funeral Chapel, Tuesday at 1:3!) p.m., with M. P. Breakenridge off­ iciating. Interment followed in Queen's Park Cemetery.

ircas or municipalities. From Hi." earliest days in Ontario, public school boards have generally been elected and secondary >chonl Six members of Moscow's Beryozka folk ballet are all member of the company for a U.S. tour. boards appointed. ;miles as they pose in New York following arrival of 59 PUDDING FOR THE In Ontario, Saskatchewan, most . THOUSANDS — Little Jack of Quebec, and in Manitoba except ed accidents down seven per cent, reported accidents up one per cent Horner would be pop-eyed at Winnipeg, school boards have ab­ and injuries also down seven per and injuries up 37 per cent. two tons of Christinas pud­ solute control over their current ALBERTA TRAFFIC DEATHS SOAR cent. ding, but he'd recognize the !)U(i.,e'.s. In Ontario, capital c\ Edmonton reported accidents up In the six-month period, August pendilures must be approve! 1\\ taste. A very old English eight per cent and injuries up 20 1 to September 30, 1958, Japan councils and the Ontario Municipal TO NEW RECORD THIS YEAR per cent. Calgary reported accr- recipe is the basis for pre­ imported 57.2 million bushels of Hoard, ln Alberta and British Co: Thirty-Two Fatalities Recorded dents up 13 per cent and injuries paring Christmas puddings umbia. councils may argue ovei up 28 per cent. Medicine Hat re­ wheat of which 18.7 million came for service in Canadian Na­ school budget demands, and in ca^e On Highways During October ported an accident rate decrease ol from the United States, 20.2 mill­ of a deadlock the issue may be ar­ 12 per cent and in injury rate de- tional Railways dining cars Thirty-two traffic deaths on Al­ ion from Canada and 2.6 million bitrated. In the Maritimes, council are up by 39. No fatalities were chease of 10 per cent. Lethbridge over the holiday season, appointment and representation on berta highways in October pushed reported in October, 1957. from Australia. according to Chef Instructor the school boards provides a check the total for the vear to the rccop' In Calgary in October, 460 acci on school expenditures. In Ne'.v figure of 271, the Alberta Safety dents brought injury to 78 persons Joseph "BUI" Nellis and his Council reports. two assistants, Joe Panko foundland, there is no local taxa­ and death to two. The number of tion. The figure for this year, prepar­ injuries is triple the figure for and Camille Fleurent. They Mark Twain has been credited ed from a survey of police reports, October. 1957. One fatality was re­ A New Service are seen using silver-plated with the cynical remark: 'God is an increase of nearly 35 pel ported in October last year. cent over last year. paddles to mix ingredients for first made idiots; that was for So far this year, Edmonton has nearly 20,000 pudding por­ practice. Then He made school Traffic accidents reported in the recorded 11 traffic fatalities, a 22 boards." Witty as that view may province to the end of October In The HANNA Area... tions. Liz Gillan, who does per cent increase over last year. have been in the United States of totalled 18,428, a three per cent Calgary has reported 10, an in­ her own home cooking, vis­ eighty years ago, it would libel an increase over last year. Injuries crease of 43 per cent. R.C.M.P. ited the commissary car average Canadian school board in reported in the 10-month period have reported 246, an increase, of kitchen in Montreal for a few 1958. totalled 4,838, an increase of near­ nearly 40 per cent. Medicine Hat ly five per cent. tips, then stayed to sample There are no more hard-working this month marked its fourth fatal­ The October death toll in the ity-free year, while Lethbridge the finished product. and high-minded people in public life than the school trustees. It is province was the same as that in this year has had two fatalities, EARTH BORING customary to look down on school October, 1957. With the exception compared with four in the first boards as the lowest of the polit­ of last April, October was the only 10 months of last year. Holes 12 Inches to 9 Feet in Diameter ical bodies, but on the whole a month in the 10-month period In Medicine Hat last month, 23 SCHOOL BOARDS — municipalities, which some educa ^06 secondary school boards. Dur­ school trustee's duties are more which did not show an increased accidents brought injury to six Specializing in Soil Testing, Rat Holes, continued from page 2 tors claim "usurp" the independ­ ing the war, the Ontario Depart­ difficult and require more careful fatality rate. persons. In Lethbridge, 43 acci­ ence of the school boards. Alberta 12,000 school areas, each with a ment of Education actively foster­ and well-informed judgement than Accidents in October totalled dents brought injury to six. Cam- Conductor Pipe, Man Holes, Etc. school board, to handle the educa­ school divisions are run by either ed the formation of township area that of the average municipal 1,988, a slight decrease from the rose reported three accidents and tional needs of about 17 million a three-man or a five-man board boards, and about 560 of these councillor. There should be full 1957 figure; injuries totalled 563, was injury-free. Jasper Place re­ people. By contrast, New York elected at large by the rate-payers. took the place of more than 3,000 measure of respect for the trus­ an increase of more than 100. ported 20 accidents and 14 injur­ Stale, with almost the same popu British Columbia has likewise re independant rural boards, approxi­ tees. Two traffic deaths were record­ ies. Twenty-seven other towns re­ lation has only 1,465 administra­ duoed ihh number of its local mately half the original total. The As might be expected, people ed in Edmonton in October, as well ported a total of 27 accidents and Charlie Miller Drilling Service tive units, which it is now in proc­ school districts from 670 to 81, policy was suspended about 1950, who run for the school board are as 143 injuries and 677 accidents two injuries. ess of reducing to about 700. A with boards of five, seven or nine and very few new township boards stirred by various motives. Some While, the number of accidents is members elected by the ratepayers. have been formed for several Across the province in the J0- Phone: 3390 Red Deer — AM9-5452 Calgary few years ago it was noted teat merely want to stand out among down 16 from last year, injuries month period, the R.C.M.P. report­ Canada had 75,000 trustees and Saskatchewan has a more complex years Excellent progress has been their neighbors through a little only 73,000 teachers! The ratio of scheme, with large units subdivid­ made, however, in the formation official distinction. Some like boss­ t«arctters haa risen considerably in ed into five or six bus-units. Repre­ ot rural district high schools, est­ ing the teacher, and some act from tlie interval, bat it is easy to ar­ sentatives to the large area board ablished on the larger school area a strong sense of civic duty. Some gue that Canada is over-organized are elected by the ratepayers of j principle, each serving an average use the school board as a stepping educaionally. the sub-units. Local boards remain area of 200 square miles. stone to a political career. This is for advisory purposes. As in Alb Large numbers of small It is generally held among edu­ erta, there are also separate not in itself a bad thing, as there cators that the small administra­ school areas tend to produce should be more knowledge of the school boards for the Roman Cath administrative ineffid • n c y. tive unit offers a much more limit­ olic ratepayers. Manitoba has a schools in the higher levels of ed educational opportunity than a mixed system of large and small They cause an immense amont government. large unit with a broader base of of reporting and paper work, VJUVLO REVS UP WITH units. Many become trustees because assessment, and larger, better equi­ which is imposed on inspect­ they are fascinated by one of the pped and more effectively staffed The four Maritime Provinces ors and Department of Educa­ most interesting of human activi­ schools. Setups have been taken in have been moving toward a system tion. They complicate the ad­ ties. These people generally make several of the provinces, especially of larger units. New Brunswick ministration of a grants pro­ the best trustees. Probably a few in the West, to simplify administ­ has had county financial unit for gram and they tend to waste run for the school board because ration. The most striking change schools for some years, with local tax funds. Educationally, as they have been set on fire by criti­ boards for administration. Munici­ has been stated, they provide OPERATION "HIGH GEAR" has been in Alberta, which reduced cal articles or books on education­ its one-time total of 3,965 school pal councils appoint about halt an inferior service. al methods, fads, frills and the districts to 59 units, most of them the trustees in the Maritime Most rural school sections are | rest, and they want to get in and called "school divisions." A few boards. administered by a three-member change all that. were included in the new "county" In Quebec, Roman Catholic school board. In Ontario, the trus­ People with this view soon find school administration is based on tees are elected by direct vote of they are helpless. Trustees have the parish except in large centres the ratepayers at an annual meet­ no control over the course of This has brought the number of ing — one member each year. In study, the professional training Catholic boards down to about boards representing larger areas and certification of teachers, or 1,500. Protestant schools have had there is usually an election accord­ Dollars Saved Toda teaching methods, or textbooks. local elected administration in ing to a specified plan, representa­ These matters belong to the Prov­ rural areas, but larger units ar< tion often being weighed on a pop­ incial Department of Education. being organized. Trustees are local­ ulation basis. In Ontario towns There is a growing tendency to de­ ly elected except in Montreal and and cities, public school trustees centralize control of such matters Quebec, where the school commis­ are ordinarily elected at large, ex­ as curricula, but even these are thout obligation. sioners are appointed. The Pro­ cept when there are wards, which handled by the professional people. testant commissioners are appoint­ usually elect either one or two not be the trustees. ed by the Lieutenant-Governor and trustees each. include evcrvon Nevertheless, the trustees can the City Council, and the Catholic In bigger centres, a Board of commissioners by the Lieutenant- set the standard of educational op­ Education is common. This com­ portunity in their school areas. Governor and the Archbishops, ir prises Doih (he public school board each case. They have an immense indirect in­ jnd the secondary school board in fluence in expressing public de­ Ontario has taken a very caut- one body of persons. It is elected mand for improvements in the edu- A. H. ILLSEY, C.L.U. ' ious attitude toward the larger by wards or at large. tational system, and sooner or later I school area. It still has over 4.20C In Ontario, the rural district high the people, through them, get the local school boards, including 76* school area boards are appointed sort of schools and the sort of R.C. separate school boards an: by councils of the participating education they wish to have. In this country, the schools belong to the people, not the state. Go It is the duty of the trustees to ior mM build and maintain the schools in The biggest engineering, CNR the number required by regulat­ What is happening to GMC is Best of all, Operation "High ions and equip them according to design and quality-con­ the most exciting thing that Gear" is paying off—by giving the standards set down. They hire has ever happened in the truck you lighter, tougher, better, teachers and pay them, buy books industry! GMC is engaged in DEPEHDABLE and other materials for the use of trol program the industry more trouble-free trucks... and the classes. It is their duty to see a gigantic engineering, design at an initial price that not only that the regulations and require­ has ever known brings and quality control program. is competitive but in many cases WI«TER TRAVEL ments of the Department of Edu­ you the greatest money- It represents the greatest for­ is considerably below trucks of cation are fully complied with, and ward surge the truck industry that records are kept in proper other makes. form. They are able to levy taxes making, money-saving has yet seen. And it is backed WHKHVER; THI WEATHER — YOV CAN RELY ON THE CNR Find out what Operation for school purposes, make budgets by the keenest brains and "High Gear" can mean to you Cold blows and winter snows are no problem when you travel and enter into contracts. advances in trucks manufacturing know-how in The trustees are elected people, by visiting your local GMC CNR. YWte song and warm, in modern comfort, as your. CNR the business. dealer soon. train speeds you on your way. Sit back and relax in you* mdin- and their qualifications for office today! are usually the same as those fox kWs ing seat... enjoy • mouthwatering' snack or meal in the dining municipal councils. They have to A GENERAL MOTORS VAIUE . Wi*y Itimjl*, car. And, them's » wonderful range of accommodation* to rah conduct their official business with ••ery budget. their electorate in mind but, with­ in their legal sphere of authority, I* they have a duty to act according CM JOY to their own best judgment. TROUBLE-FREE . . . TRAFFICFIII Whether they act for their imme­ TRAVEL AT ITS BIST I diate neighbors or, in the larger city or rural administrative areas, for hundreds or thousands of peo­ ple, trustees as a group are remark­ ably devoted to their task and seek RelkiUo Schedules to do the best they can for the schools and the children in "heir MOORE'S MOTORS care. No citizen could ask for more BERG'S MOTORIS LTD. / kfeoneHoe and Reservation* from any CNR Agmat. from these unpaid servants of the HANNA-ALTA. ibitt public. OYEN-ALTA mm-. %.L .

WE ~il THE HANNA HERALD ond EASTXENTRAL ALBERTA KEWS — 1HURSPAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1958 III— I 1 III II l—~—rr-————ia—w-m —————~ix Row Barley, first in its class grown by Mr. John Kluik of Attractively wrapped gifts add contained in the seventh edition saving in installation costs, parti­ was a visitor with the M. Sleuttons Commerce, will address the meet­ of the Canadian Electrical Code, cularly in such buildings as schools recently. Hairy Hill, a former World's Champion. ilf Club Plans ing on December 1st. so much to the festive air of the season. The choice in the line of recently adopted as the minimum and hospitals. Mr. and Mrs. H. Shannon and standard for Alberta. [inter Activity fancy ribbons, paper and other Existing circuits need not be re­ children were Edmonton visitors seem to be doing a real good job decorations for gift wrapping, is As of January 1, all circuit wir­ placed upon introduction of the this week. in keeping the old radiators sing­ THERBY, Nov 22—The S.D.N. unlimited. ing a merry tune. A good western Calf Club held their second ing in Alberta must be of three- new rules. However, any additional Four inches of snow fell Friday Christmas messages and differ­ wire type in place of the former wiring or that in new construction night and Saturday, and 2 degrees epititled 'The Sheepman' was ing of the season Wednesday shown to the 'bovs' this past week ent designs can be produced on two-wire class. The additional wire must conform to the altered regu­ below zero was a new low for the PRINTING ng November 19, with a good and all claim it was a very good gifts, mirrors or picture windows provides for automatic grounding lations. season so far. dance. It was suggested at show. A couple of good pictures with colored scotch tape either to of defective equipment and appli­ Requirement for a grounding The best..for less this meeting that 4-H members Winners at the recent court were also shown during the week. m match or contrast the wrapping. ances, decreasing the danger of IJfithitheir leaders make a tour of (by Blanche Ross) conductor in all circuits is the in­ whist party were Mrs. G. Agar of : To preserve some of the lovely "Ski-ways" and "Fishing the '-*k :Mlcking plant in the near DISTRICT HOME itial step in a program designed to Calgary, ladies first and J. Bair wrappings and bows cover the lid Streams of Alberta". These films PHONE 52 — THE HERALD fbtttre but plans are not definate ECONOMIST reduce the number of accidents and G. Dahl tied for gentlemen's separately from the bottom. were supplied by the Dept. of jjjjjrt. Jt was also suggested as a pro- Hanna Alberta 4-H Action resulting from use of faulty, non- first, and in the draw Mr. Dahl Create different and original Economic Affairs. ttaBthat members make and sell CRAIGMYLE CLUB grounded equipment and appli­ won. Consolations went to Miss M. plates for gates, etc. By Mrs. Blanche M. Graumann ideas for decorative trim. Glitter, ances. The next step will be re­ Coulter and Mr. C. Garbutt. Mr. George Hart has not been old cut out Christmas cards, jokes, Dundee W.I. monthly meet- District Home Economist (By Reporter Wendy Smyth) placement of two-wire type recept­ Mr. J. Kroker has offered his feeling so well of late and has been insets of leftover paper, miniature as held at Dundee on Tues- Hanna, Alberta acles with three-wire, ground engine for snow plowing this win admitted tc the Hanna Hospital. toys or Christmas tree decorations The Craigmyle 4-H Jolli Janes | , ^ evening November 18 with With Christmas just six short type The fina gtep in program ter. Mr. W. Hayworth will be the Mr. Emil Knutson is also a patienl are just a few of the unlimited members and two visitors weeks away, its time we started to held their regular meeting at the wi'l require three-wire connecting operator. in the fine Institution. BE WELL ding. The two chicken dinner plan our work so that we can relax decorative trim that can be used. Craigmyle School on November 12. cords and caps on all appliances Our T.V. has conked out again pers to be raffled near Christ- and enjoy the holiday season with Holly, spruce, fern or pine sprigs, The president, Joyce Davey presid­ and equipment offered for sale in and we are waiting parts from DRESSED FOR Fi and natural or painted cones also were the main topics of busi- our families and friends. ed. Members answered the roll call Alberta. Calgary or Toronto and a good may be used as substitutes for The many small additions to Chirstmas Gifts: by handing in their completed Due to thc increasing use of : T.V. mechanic. Often timtes we bows. le hampers will make them well It is always nice to receive a pot-holders. The Pee Wee' roll call large mobile homes with extensiVe wish Eddie was back with its. A.y An individual can create glam­ th winning. The next meeting gift that has been made especially for..the month was a sample of '""•''MWirin . im*»UnV-"" i «k.-lMw become\ RAMJUNGj \ suppertune on Tuctdri] night ttrvsl o held Tuesday evening, Decern for you. Why not make your gift orous duplicating the bought ones their first attempt at home made necessary to adopt rules covering Tfrom^rTiie power we^r oft 'aim nre'lmTBi, as 16. list up today and decide which and at the some time, gain self candy. All projects and materials such homes and courts where they one senior said, had a romantic satisfaction at being able to create were distributed to the members. r. and Mrs. Rayford Johnson gifts you would like to make. are parked. These regulations also Youngstown Home appearance, lit up with candles. them. The following are a few The Jolli Janes will arrange a ompanied Mr. and Mrs. Otto Any mother always appreciates will become effective January 1, We'll here we go again, Christ­ suggestions and directions: party sometime after the Christ­ 1 on a hunting trip to southern extra mitts, skating socks, scarves along with revised regulations mas cards and two cents stamps mas holidays inviting last year's respecting oil field installations This past Sunday we had the berta recently. They reported and warm woolen hats or toques For the basic bow overlap the are already on the move. Mr. ribbon several times, then cut the 4-H Calf Club and families. farm wiring, and distribution and pleasure of seeing and hearing the lg fine success. for their "small fry". There are Aamodt started the ball rolling center of the bow on either side in Rev. and Mrs. Cheek of Hanna e "Friends of the School Ass- numerous attractive patterns that Mrs. Anna Hansen is the Pee transmission lines with a card or two to relatives in the form of a V. Tie a knot using for the first time and their pro­ lation" meeting is to held Tues- you can make excellent gifts which Wee leader and will take complete the United States. No sooner gei would be so practical. a narrow strip and spread the ends. charge of their program for the gram was very much enjoyed by the black and yellow of Hallow­ evening December 2 when Dr. the men at Pleasant View and the If you have a flare for sewing, The front of the bow is a variation year. The next meeting will be e'en in the mothballs again and we D. Wilkins ol Hanna will be the I POLLOCKVILLE visitors. We h^pe to see more of the new winter fabrics are a real of the basic bow above and can held at the home of the Jolli Janes take out the red and green. It's a speaker. Lunch will be serv- rrK 4 Rev. and Mrs. Cheek. Next Sunday challenge. Corduroy, always pop­ be produced by cutting into and leader Mrs. Clara Smyth on Nov­ good thing we are all grown ups. at three p.m. we are looking for- ular for children's wear is present along the edge from the overlapped ember 26. The meeting will start at POLLOCKVILLE, Nov. 24—The The little guys must get a little \e film 'Force of Arms" will be wivrd to halting Rev. and Mrs. this year in printed patterns as portion towards or near the centre 8 p.m. and all the demonstrations Barick family of Drumheller were impatient waiting for Santa. vn at the old Netherby school Klassen of the Alliance Church in well as plain rich colors. There are of the V. on both ends. The form­ recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Friday evening, December 5. of cooking projects for the year Hanna. You are cordially invited many possibilities for gifts with al or circle bow is created by mak­ will be given. All girls interested Satre. |A card party will be held in the ing a small circle of ribbon around Mrs. Satre and the Barick family to come and worship with us. school, Friday, December 12. such a fabric — why not make in joining the club must attend the the thumb and adding other cir­ next meeting. were recent visitors with the Not many of us are rambling RANCHERS . . . cles each gently larger, until the Keytes, and Loreths of Cessford out these cold days. The fireman bow is the desired length and size. Following adjournment of the Now Offering Pass a short strip of ribbon meeting Wendy Smyth was in The sale you have asked for! Special Prices in through the center loop and se­ charge of the evening's entertain­ The Calgary district Hereford 40 YEARS' EXPERIENCE cure the back. ment. The lunch was served by the Club's Range Bull Sale. High MADE-TO-MEASURE month's hostesses Alice Mansell, A number of bows are made sep­ SPECIAL River Auction Mart, Wednes­ SUITS & TOP COATS Jean McDonald and Marlene day December 10, 1958, 1 p.m. arately instead of looped. To form Smyth. — THIS WEEKS SPECIAL — AT YOUR SERVICE! a knotless bow, cut the following 70 Selected Hereford Range lengths of sheen: four 13", two 11", Bulls from leading Hereford PHONE 63 or 276, HANNA two 10", and one 4". Moisten the final effect. For a fluffier bow, cut strips all the same length and at MODERN SERVICE Breeders. 12-30 months, to be ends of the 13" strips and press to sold Unfitted, Ready to go to WE ARE NOW TAKING LISTINGS center. Repeat the same proced­ add as many loops as desired. Morris & Borgward Dealers — Hanna IDEAL TAILORS FOR AUCTION SALES "BIG or SMALL" ure with the other strips and place Wire, needle and thread or scotch Work. Also some Heifers. Auc­ one on top of the other in thc tape or ribbon can be used to hold 1947 — FORD, Only . - $ 99.00 tioneers Warren Cooper, Nan­ and CLEANERS above order of lengths. Each bow the bows together. 1951 — PONTIAC, Only $350.00 ton; George McLean and Jerry D. Dong, Prop. Hanna may be arranged at a different Bye until next week Home- Phone 250 - Hanna — or write Box 191 Going, High River. 3-4-5c FITZSIMMONS & POWELL angle at the center to produce the makers. "AUCTIONEERS THAT SELL"

SHIP YOUR - - - 1 DON'T MISS THE... HANNA CATTLE IT'S SO WISE... HOGS & CATTLE FURNITUR to read and use SALES Every Monday From the Follow­ OUR AUCTION Sponsored by Fitzsimmons and Powell ing Points: dl the CEREAL AUCTION MART HANNA ROUND UP GROUNDS WANT C. EMBREE, HANNA-Phonc 353 SATURDAY ...._ NOVEMBER 29 E. FLEMING, Youngsrown-Ph. 41 ADS! L E. REIMAN & SONS, Cereal, Ph. 17 — MORE IF NECESSARY — WEUECEIM10 JACK McCULLY, Delio, Ph. 912-15 Entry $1 per Head when Entered — Selling — 1P.M. Commission 1% Percent Per Head JIM REIMAN, Oyen-Ph. 61 When money is an object and getting value Complete Line Of... COOPER and VOLD, Auctioneers counts, check our classified ad columns! "LIVESTOCK IS OUR BUSINESS NOT A You'll find ever/thing from cars to homes, SIDELINE" NEW HOME FURNISHINGS IMPORTANT — Please place your entries as soon at including service of every sort, advertised at SPECIALIZING IN XMAS GIFTS possible — We can handle approximately 1,000 head real bargain rates! For the best buys always "YOU NAME YOUR OWN.01ICE" of Cattle at each Sale. read and use our want ads! Call 52 soon! LE •Mm% — AUCTION* —it* M FITZSIMMONS and POWELL THE HANNA HERALD AGENTS FOR CALGARY PACKERS Phono OS Hanno Phono 1P0 ••HGiWmfy\\*W.!*^i**M$^ ROSS REIMAN W »• =

-- -'"^---'"^--^ ri-,-lirriMiinfTi r A **oge THE HANNA HERALD and EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS — THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1958

ing four members are on the lunch week. An exchange of Christmas gifts will fortune to fall off the rjpf at the committee for that evening: Jean Rev. A. E. Archer and Mrs. be held at this meeting. Tlie birth­ home of T. Machell whfce doing Dziuba, Nan McCallum, Muriel Jo­ Archer motored to Didsbury this day box receipts were $4.63. Ser­ carpentry work. He recehjpd fract­ hnston, Christine McKay. week to attend the funeral of the vitors will be Mrs. Opheim and Mn. ured bones and will be confined to f€yen District Bureau Acadia Valley Bureau former's father. Olsen. The meeting closed with the the hospital for several weeks. His NEWS — CIRCULATION — JOB PRINTING The Acadia Wolf Cub Pack are Mizpah benediction. many friends wish him a speedy fil^S — ClfceULATION — JOB PRINTING CHINOOK pleased that they collected $27.38 Mr. and Mrs. R. Nichols, Mr. and recovery. Mrs. L. Gibson, Resident Representative Phone 50 Mrs. E .Krempien, Res. Representative Acadia Valley in the Poppy Sale. The money has Mrs. A. Wood, Mr. A. Duffield, Mr. Mrs. K. Uruhart of Olds and Mrs. been turned over to the Empress and Mrs. C. Duffield, Mr. Ches Ol­ D. Chrig were recent visitors at the CHINOOK Nov. 25 — Mr. and home of Mr. F. Roberts. Mr. Rob­ Mrs. R. V. Lawrence were Calgary Legion Poppy Fund. sen and Mr. Clifford Olsen all mo­ OVEN, Nov. 24 — Mr. Frank ing November 18 at the school. Rev visitors recently and also viatted' AC™ ^^l' Nov. 24-I elected as treasurer. Mrs. H. Krem- A one bushel quota on hard tored to Olds to attend the funeral erts and Stanley accompanied Mrs. Adams returned home last week Keith Page, president, conducted for a few days with Mr. and Mrs.i™6 CWL' m,f « the school aud- pien presented a short program wheat was opened here today, the of the late J. Williams. Urquhart home for the week end. end after attending a Chrysler sch­ the meeting. Miss Holloway's room •tonum recently with 28 members [ before lunch was served by Mrs. first of the season sinco the units Mr. and Mrs. H. Olsen and Bon­ ool in Calgary. Art Harris and family at Cochrane won the attendence prize for Octo- Mr. and Mrs. John Siwy of Drum­ and two visitors present. On a mot- G. Buker and the hostess, were delivered. nie motored to Calgary to visit SPORTS DINNER The CWL wishes to extend a ber.A shield for room attendance ion the meeting decided to send j Those from here who attended It is with regret that we hear their daughter Barbara. Mrs. K. continued from page 1 has been ordered. It was decided heller were visitors at the home of its annual donation to the Creche ' the Annual Convention for Rural thank you for the co-operation Mr. Vincent Siwy recently. that Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ball and Michaels accompanied them. shown and the general patronage that two parents be guests of the and Sister of the Precious Blood in Municipalities held in Edmonton boys will be moving to Bindloss Miss Donna Thomas was a week amateur hockey was seen in tlv received at their tea and bazaar Students' Council at their regular Mr. and Mrs. W. McFalls of Han­ Calgary. Members were asked to this week were Mr. and Mrs. G. soon. Mr. Ball who has been a end guest at the home of her par west and the most pleasing variety na were Sunday visitors with Mrs. which was held last Saturday. Will "sock hops." Mrs. Walter Kalancha bring to the next meeting articles Wheaton, Mr. L. Niwa, and Mr. buyer for the Alberta Wheat Pool ents Mr. and Mrs. L. Thomas. of professional hockey could bi the holder of ticket number 14, replaces Mrs. Furneaux as member­ S. Gilbertson. for a pantry shower for the Bene- and Mrs. M. Meers. here, has accepted a position with Mrs. Irene Peterson and Mr. and watched in the Western Canada who was the winner of the door ship convenor. Donald Johnson, The community Club will hold a dictine Sisters in Oyen. Plans were the Alberta Trunk Lines, taking Mrs. B. Hains have been spending prize, please contact Mrs. Frank former Oyen student, who attended dance on Friday evening Decem­ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mactavish had League. made for the annual Christmas as guests this week their daughter over the job held by Douglas Fer­ several days at the home of Mr. Lydsman, president to collect the the United Nations summer school ber 12. Music will be by the Jorgen­ party to be held on December 21 guson since last spring. Mr. and and Mrs. K. McBain Sr. An unexpected, though most prize. in Banff last summer, gave a talk son orchestra of New Brigden. Lun­ Mrs. Martin Christensen and child­ welcome guest was Father Godfrey for parish children. Instead of hav­ ren of Carsland. Mrs. Doug Ferguson will be mov­ Mrs. E. Forrester is visiting at Mrs. Bob Rehill and son Kenny on the highlights of his stay. He ch will be sold, and proceeds are ing a speaker, discussion groups ing to Brooks shortly. Pogue, head of the Catholic Youth now attends school in Hanna. for the operation of the skating On Tuesday of this week Mr. and the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. of Hanna spent last week end vis­ were formed to study educational Rev. and Mrs. Harley Traub ol Forrester at Altario to make thc Organization in the United States iting at the Ben Weller home. rink. and religious topics. Servitors were Mrs. Chester Neilson and Mr. anil and chairman of the famous Chic­ The regular meeting of the Lad­ Mrs. Ankar Andersen will leavu Didsbury were here over the week acquaintance of her new grand­ Miss Marion Hamilton of Hanna ies Auxiliary to the Canadian Leg­ On December 3 a card party and Mrs. G. Senger, Mrs. L. Bishoff, end. Rev. Traub is Superintendent son. ago Golden Gloves boxing tourna­ was a guest at the Howard Munroe social evening will be held in the and Mrs. J. Ibach. i by car for New York, from where ment. In praising the activities of ion was held last Wednesday even­ \ they will sail on December 4th for of the United Missionary Church. A religious film will be held in home during the week end. ing with 21 members present. One hall, and lunch will be served. Fifty persons attended thc meet­ Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hart and child­ the Cereal hall November 30 at Hanna, he said: "I wish we could Mr. and Mrs. Lee Harris of Mrs. Annie Shippelt has movtcl Copenhagen, Denmark. They will new member was initiated by the ing of the Home and School Ass­ sail for home on January 8, with ren of Rowley recently spent their 'S p.m. Everyone is cordially invit- get in Chicago more groups of Brooks are presently on holidays president. A social committee of to Hanna for the winter months. ociation in the school last week. 1 holidays here. d. men with the vision and spirit of and visiting at their respective Mr. Frank Dumanowski is a busi­ January 28 as an alternative sail­ three was elected to convene with A report from the treasurer show­ ing date. Their many friends wish Word has been received of the Mr. Merrill Rogers has the mis­ you in Hanna." homes here. Their wee son is again three Legion members. This com­ ness visitor to Calgary attending ed a balance of $67. Mrs. P. Mar­ the G.M.C. school. them Bon Voyage. During the death of one of Acadia Valley's in Calgary hospital in a cast and is mittee consists of Judy Berg, Lil­ shall gave a scanning of the Home original pioneers, Mrs. M. J. Chap­ not here with them at present. j absence of their parents, Brenda ian Reiman and Helen Ball. Friends of Wm. Zawasky are and School News highlights. Com­ I Neilson will stay with Mr. and Mrs. pie at her home in Swanton, Ver- j Born to Mr. and Mrs. Marshall pleased to see him back at his job Mr. Art Jones, president of the mittees were drawn up for assist­ JJ. W. Ferguson, Sussi Anderson mont, U.S.A. She is survived by Dzurko of Oyen, in the Oyen hosp­ of being the local barber. ing with costuming and decorat­ I will live with Mr. and Mrs. T. her husband and two daughters, ital, November 23, a son. Empress branch visited while the meeting was in session and gave a ing for the Christmas concert to be | Dillabough and Nancy Andersen Barbara and Irene, two sons, Char­ The United Church ladies are held on December 19 in the gym­ will stay with Mr. and Mrs. A. les and Miles, three sisters, Mrs. holding a bazaar and tea in the Un­ very interesting talk concerning Pioneer Resident Legion work and correct proced­ nasium. The expense of treats anrl | Dalshaug. R. E. Shannon of Acadia Valley, ited Church basement this Satur­ Dies Here Nov. 24 materials used by the teachers will Mrs. M. Glover of Vancouver, B.C., day, November 29 from 3 to 5 p.m. ures. It was agreed that the aux­ Clifford McGhee had the mis iliary order a set of flags for cer­ be defrayed by a collection to be and Mrs. M. Mitchell of Toronto. There will be a Christmas gift A resident of the Hanna district taken at the door that night. It fortune to break his wrist this week Mrs. Chappie will ever be rem­ booth Christmas baking and a fish emonials. The next meeting will be and later a citizen of the commun­ while cranking a truck. He w;is embered with gratitude for l^er a week earlier than usual and will was decided that this year parents pond. ity Adolf Weich passed away in should be asked to arrange for hospitalized for a few days. care of the sick during the^-^Srly Ihe annual W.A. meeting will be be held on Wednesday evening, the Hanna hospital November 24 Mr. and Mrs. Melvin McGhee years when the doctor was be­ December 10 All are reminded that billeting their oun children in held next Thursday December 4. at the age of 76 years. Born in Rus­ town and should notify the teach­ ":ave returned from a trip to Cal yond reach. ONLY 23 SHOPPING DAYS The Oyen Home and School As-1 roll call will be answered with salt sia he came to the Scapa district ers of the arrangements made. gary where the former again had sociation held their regular meet' I and pepper shackers. The follow- in 1912 where he farmed until mov­ Mrs. Jake Marshall and Mrs. F. treatments on his eyes. ing into Hanna several years ago. Peers volunteered to find billets Winter has come to stay. Al­ I CEREAL BEFORE CHRISTMAS monton, the victim of a car acci­ He was a member of the Redeemer for any families who cannot find though temperatures are hovering SPONDIN dent about a month ago. Funeral Lutheran Church, Hanna. their own. A copy of the completed well above zero, the depth of snow CEREAL, Nov. 24 — Mr. and services attended by the families Besides his wife Kristina, he is list will be posted in the school, for has remained from the several Mrs. John Laughlin and Peer ol took place in Edmonton. survived by three sons and seven ready use in the event of a sudden SPONDIN, Nov. 25—A F.U.A. inches that fell last weekend and Big Stone have taken up residence daughters. They are: Louis and storm and the need for van stu­ piled over the roads in a severe in the Archie Matheson home for meeting was held in the Spondin Bert of Hanna and Leonard of dents to stay in town. Mrs. Dennis hall Monday night with a very storm. It is reported that herds the winter months. CESSFORD Grande Prairie; Mrs. Elsie Eagle, Niwa gave a report on the Banff of cattle moved with the storm A shower in the home of Miss good attendance. Mr. Wager of Minstrel, B.C.; Mrs. Ilene Smith, Workshop. There will be no meet­ Federal was the guest speaker. and were found long distances Pat Dahl was held in tbe rest room Seattle; Mrs. Mae Fecho, Hanna; ing until January when Rev. North­ from their pastures. last Tuesday with forty ladies in Mr. and Mrs. Ben Weich are CESSFORD, Nov. 24—Congrat­ Mrs. Lydia Maron, Brownfield, Al­ rop, Regional Director, will be I Youngsters are eagerly looking attendance. An hour of games was visitors in Edmonton this week. ulations to Mr. and Mrs. A. Stone berta; Mrs. Bertha Faulkner, Van­ present to speak. enjoyed by all present .Mrs. T. on the birth of a son Everett Les­ couver; Mrs. Lavina Cliff, Vancou­ forward to doing some skating as Mr. and Mrs. George Sneeth, The evening program consisted soon as the flooding has been done Smith presented a miniature truck Mrs. Lawrence Anderson and Mrs. lie, November 17, in the Brooks ver; Mrs, Mandy Schrader, Edmon­ of a panel on the topic "What Is load of gifts to Pat, who graciously Hospital!. ton; also two brothers Carl of Cal­ on the new hockey rink. T. Burke Gottschalk spent a pleasant after­ a Home and School". Through im- and volunteers completed the fen­ thanked everyone present. A de­ noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. The box social and dance was gary and Rudolph of Hanna. He is phomptu role-playing, a Home and licious lunch was served to draw also survived by one sister Mrs. ce around the rink this week, at its Carl Looseing in Coronation last "well attended last Friday. The School executive paid a visit to a new location near the town reser­ the evening to a close. Thursday. raffle was won by Mrs. C. Connors. Marie Hein, Edmonton. Another housewife who neither understood Miss Shirley and Evelyn Seeger son died in Poland in 1012. voir. Water will be pumped from Friends of Mrs, Mary Durand are Mr. and Mrs. G. Lyster visited nor cared for this organization. the dug-out to the rink. Elmer spent the week end at the home of i pleased to know that she is mak­ with Mr. and Mrs. G. Kitchen Sun­ Funeral services will be conduct­ Through careful explanation of the Nunweiller is busy at the curling their parents Mr. and Mrs. C. See­ ing satisfactory progress toward day evening. ed from the Lutheran Church, Han­ aims and objectives of the organiz­ rink these days, and has begun the ger. recovery in the Coronation Hosp- The FWUA met at the home of na at p.m, on Friday, November ation, as well as the aims and early flooding. The annual meeting of the Lad­ tiaL Mrs. Dorothy Williams last Wed­ 28 with Rev. O. Sommerfeld offic­ objectives of the association and Remember the Students' Union ies' Hospital Auxiliary was held in Tfe* Clifford Entertainers held a nesday with eight members and iating. Interment will follow in the its accomplishments on the local Basketball Dance on Friday night. the rest room on November 20. The show here last Friday night which one guest present. The next meet­ Hanna cemetery with Whyte's Fun­ and provincial scene, Mrs. White Lunch will be sold at the hall. minutes of the last meeting were eral Home in charge of arrange­ reluctantly agreed that she would waas wewelul rreceivede . A dance follow- ing will be held at the home of ACADIA VALLEY, Nov. 17— read and the treasurer's report sh­ Iba- C. Connors, December 10 in ments. at least attend the meetings and mmeu ilaaaV limm : , 1 , Remembrance Day dawned bright owed a bank balance of $334.22. r ISutgrove and Ctarene* perlups become a lWem"b£r but WkWr ' -t.i!am. '• il the font! tW*r t""brtT*fltlw'•'^r"l"rtT)!V" ' and crisp as a perfect setting for A donation of $13 was received f Heggen nmadu e a trip to Calgary on West Berry Creek held a bingo A drouth, said to be the worst in she wasn't so sure that she could from the Helmsdale Local. It was Monday with cattle. more than 50 years, has bit the convince her husband Joe. Mem­ the ceremonies held by the Em­ last week. Quite a few attended press Branch of the Canadian Leg­ decided to purchase men's house­ ThTfeSpondip n Beniley School has from Cessford. Mrs. C. Connors "outback" area of Australia and bers of this much enjoyed panel coats for the hospital with this mo­ been moved to Spondin to be con­ were Mrs. Wm. Smith, Mrs. P. ion. At 10:00 a.m. in the Com­ and Mrs. D. Williams won prizes. thousands of cattle are said to be munity Hall, Rev. J. Beaton and ney. Mrs. Halpenny is to do the verted into a teacherage for Mrs. Congratulations are extended to dying. In the grain areas condit­ Marshall, Mrs. J. Wescott and Mr. mending and Mrs. Hill is to head H. Neilson. Rev. Rhind of Empress, assisted Housch. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Griffith on the ions remain satisfactory. by Legion President A. Jones, con- the visiting committee. It was mov­ Al Nessman of Hanna has in-, birth of a son, born in the Hanna Servitors were Mrs. N Skappak, ducted a service or worship and ed that the Auxiliary would pay stalled T.V. in the Howard Mul­ Hospital. Mrs. C. Marshall and Mrs. A. Dal-1 commemoration. A parade to the their share on the plywood tables. grove home and reports indicate Mr. and Mrs. 6. Kitchen visited shaug. The room banner was won cenotaph followed in which the Mrs. Wilson gave a very interest­ that reception is good. at the home of Mrs, A. Patton and Castor Legion by Grade 3, with Mrs. Brausse, members of the Legion and Legion ing report on the convention in Sympathy ft! this community is family in Hanna last Saturday. • teacher. Mrs. W. McGhee, mem­ Auxiliary marched along with Wolf Edmonton. Election of officers was extended to Mrs. John Bye and $1,000 Cash Play-at-Home bership convenor, reported a total Club Packs from Acadia Valley and as follows: president, Mrs. Wilson; Mrs. Chris Ellis tn the death of PHONE LOCAL NEWS STEMS TO of 62 members, after the lunch ' Empress. first vice president, Mrs. E. Olson; their sister Mra. Baldwin in Ed- THE HERALD — PHONE 52 BINGO hour. Rev. FT. Mongeau of Empress second vice president, Mrs. H. Mrs. Les Wheaton was hostess officiated at the Cenotaph where Hains; treasurer, Mrs. H. Diakow; secretary, Mrs. J. Halpenny. The "Now Under Way" to the United Church W.A. when the wreath laying was preceded by it met at her home last week with the sounding of the Last Post and next meeting will be held Decem­ Reveille and the flag-laying rites. ber 4 due to Christmas concerts. Our stock of Christmas Goods of all kinds is now Number Drawn so Far: 1-16; 1-17; 19 members and one visitor pres­ ent. The ladies presented to Mrs. In the evening a turkey banquet on display — We can't begin to give you item by item 1-19; 1-24; 1-26; 1-28; N-35; N-39; J. Beaton a gift of a pair of woollen was served by the Auxiliary to but call and look over our many items . . . G-57; G-58; G-60; 0-62; 0-64; 0-63; blankets. Plans were made for a Legion members and their wives. 0-73; G-52; 1-25; N-37; 1-20; N-34. Christmas party for the children An open dance followed. N-36, 041, 0-75, B-ll, N-38, N-32 of the congregation on December Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Meston and CHRISTMAS TREE STANDS — as a rule these are al­ 1-21, N-31, B-l, 0-66, N-44, B-10, 13 at 2:30 in the school auditorium, family have moved to their farm ways in short supply just before Christmas so we it was agreed to start another near Three Hills. Mr. Henry Kurtz advise buying one early — Only 99c each. N45, 1-27 B-15, 0-69, G-48, 0-70, travelling basket and that the has taken their place on the 0-72, B-3, 0-68, N-33, B-9, G-49, B-12 names of the members be divided Kollon farm. CAPITOL CHRISTMAS TREE DECORATIONS — These are many between the baskets. In the elect­ Mr. and Mrs. George Riffle of Cards are available at; Hanna Yorkton, Sask. are at present the and varied and most of them are unbreakable and Herald, French Drugs and W. T. ion of officers Mrs. T. Dillabough non-inflamable —Pick yours out early. remained as president, Mrs. Cevard guests at the home of their daught­ Irom ^ Watson. er Mrs. Peter Knapik. THEATRE Pedersen was made vice president, PLASTIC CHRISTMAS TREES — make a beautiful Mrs. W. McGhee was re-elected Messrs K. N. Peers and W. F. PRESENTS secretary and Mrs. L. Barros was Peers were Calgary callers last THIS WEEK END table centre — $1.49 each. DECORATIVE CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS — 10c ea. Thur., Fri., Sat. Standard tree lights, packets of 5 asorted colors, 45c FLEMING'S NOV., 27-28-29 / KINDERGARTEN TABLES & CHAIRS — Childs rock­ "THE frUENDLY STORE IN HANNA" Country ing Chairs, Doll Carriages now on display. See the new Roastmaster Roaster with broiler base — A Few Suggestions To Make ,„- In Hearty Appreciation Music Holiday beautiful and practical — $7.95 for 161b turkey size CHRISTMAS TABLE COVERS — wet strength size Felin Huskey - Jesse White 54 x 88 - each 35c — Serviettes 25c pkg. of 36 Christmas Shopping Easy!... x Rocky Graziano - June Carter On beholf of fellow members of the Hanna Civic Sports Association, Faron Young - Rod Brasfield In our China Department we have a large selec­ Let's take the labor out of Christmas so we can I wish to sincerely end most heartily thank the following for tlieir magnifi­ Al Fisher - Lou Marks tion of Dinner Sets as well as Breakfast sets — Many enjoy the spirit of this gladsome season. Do Your Zsa Zsa Gobor designs on display — Vases, Cake Plates ond numerous cent contribution towards the success of tlie Sportsmen's Dinner held in Han­ SHOPPING EARLY! In today's and following advertise­ other dishes including a large assortment of Cups and ments we will help you plan your list and give every na November 19: The Hanna Branch Canadian Legion for the free use of Mon., Tues., and Wed. Saucers. order our best attention. the Memorial Hall; the Ladies Auxiliary ta the Canadian Legion ond thoir DEC, 1-2-3 assistants who prepared such a lovely baewqruet; the busines men and individ­ For Mother and Grandmother... uals who donated iagiadients far the dinner; all those near and for who pur­ The Lady Her Special Gift, A New Dress! Choose one from chased tickets for tha a selection of new wools in trapeze style, also Silk Takes A Flyer Jocket Dresses and a Good Array of Half Size Frocks. It is quite impeislilr ta Hat «ach and everyone individually for their Lana Turner SWEATERS — So Cory* tn Soft Banlon. Night- splendid efforts ond waling «ebj». However, the success of thie first annual Jeff Chandler gowns flflcP^ryiamas. House-Slippers 4or Tired Feet. event is in itself a tribute *o year willingness and endeavors ta make this such Handbags ond the Useful Clutch Bags. Matching Scar­ Cinemascope - Color ves and Gloves. How about a half dozen nylons scatter­ an outstanding eueeew. Your contributions will go a long way ta assist the ed here and there on *• Oirtstrnos Tree wrapped in BUY AT youngstut* of now community -and district. Once again may I say that the Thurs., Fri., and Sat. Christmas angels? You hod better come in and see these and so many coinm'niea. ami asersmff vre*Heep\y grateful. DEC.,4-5-6 other gifts we can't [ist *»m all. Can-sight Ridge J. D. PARKER, //You'll Have Easy Christmas Joel McCrea Chairman Hanna Civic Sports Asoe. Mark Stephens Shopping at Fleming's In Hanna"