Congressional Record-Senate

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Congressional Record-Senate 1919. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. Bv l\Ir~ SANFORD: A bill (H. R. 10061) granting a pension The Secretary proceeded to read the JouTnal of yesterday's to 1\Iary L. Drake; to the Committee-qn Invalid Pensions. proceedings, when, on request of 1\Ir. SMOOT and by unanimous By Mr. SNYDER: A bill (H. R. 10062) granting a pension to consent, the further reading wns dispensed with and the Journal Ferdinand Buhler · to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. was approved. By Mr. SMITH, of Idaho: A bill (H. R. 10063) granting a Mr. SMOOT. Mr. President, I s1,1ggest the absence of a pen ·ion to William G. Rowland; to the Committee on Pensions. quorum. The VICE PRESIDE:NT. The Secretary will call the roll. The Secretary called the roll, and the follo"-ing Senators an­ PETITIONS, ETC. swered to their names : Ball Gerry McKellar Sherman Under clal,lse 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid Bankhead Hale Nelson Shields Brandegee Harding New ,'mith, Ga. on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: Capper Harris Newberry Smith, S.C. By the SPEAKER (by request): Petition of A. Kalajan, of Chamberlain Harrison Norris Smoot .Union Hill, N. J., relating to the barbarian Turks in Armenia; Colt Henderson Nugent Spencer Cummins Jones, ·wash. Overman Sterling to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. · Curtis' Kellogg Page Thomas By Mr. BARBOUR: Petition of the Stanislaus County Farm Dial Kenyon Penrose •.rownsend Bureau, representing 1,021 farmers of Stanislaus County, Calif., Dillingham King Phelan Trammell Edge La J:;_,ollet te Phipps Walsh, Mass. fa>oring a tariff on foreign-grown beans; to the Committee on Elh."ins Lenroot Poindexter Walsh, Mont. 1Ways and Means. Fletcher Lodge Pomerene w ·arren By Mr. BRIGGS: Petition of Local Camp No. 321, United France McCormick Robinson Watson Confederate Veterans, of Polk County, Tex., favoring the re­ Frelinghuysen McCumber Sheppard payment of the taxes collected on cotton in the South during the Mr. FllA.i~CE. I desire to announce the absence on official Civil War; to the Committee on Claims. business of the Senator from New Hampshire [1\Ir. KEYES], tlle By Mr. CASEY: Petition of Paul Rother and 25 other citizens Senator from New York [Mr. WADS WORTH], and ihe Senator· of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., protesting against the Smith-Towner educa­ from Oregon [.l\:lr. McNARY]. tional bill; to the Committee on Education. Mr. KING. '.rhe senior Senator from Louisiana [Mr. RAJX S­ By Mr. DALLINGER: Petition of board of aldermen of the DELL] and the junior Senator fi·om Louisiana [1\lr. GA.Y] are city of Medford, favoring restoratio!l. of daylight-saving law; absent in attendance at a meeting of the Committee on Agricul­ 'to the Committee on the Judiciary. ture and Forestry. The Senator from Arizona [l\Ir. AsrruRsT], By Mr. DEWALT : Petition of sundry citizens of Pennsyl­ the Senator from Wyoming [Mr. Jrru..-rnmcK], the S.enator from ;vania, prote ting against the passage of the Smith-Towner edu­ Arkansas [Mr. KmnY], and th~ Senator from Korth Carolina ·cational bill; to the Committee on Education. [Mr. Sru:Mo~s] are detained on offiCial busines. The Senator By Mr. ELSTON: Petition of Piedmont Parlor, No. 120, Natiye from Delaware [:Mr. WoLcoTT]. the senior Senator from Ken­ Sons of the Golden West, Oakland, Calif., urging rigorous meas­ tucky [Mr. BECKHAM], the Senator from Mis ouri [Mr. Rm], .ures to restrict oriental immigration and settlement; to the and the junior Senator from Kentucky [Mr. ST.J.!.'\LEY] are de­ Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. tained from the Senate on public business. The Senator fi·om By Mr. HAMILTON: Petition of J. 0. Wells and others, asking South Dakota [Mr. JoHNSON] is detained from the Senate on t4at the Coast Guard and Life-Saving Service be retained by account of illness in his family. and kept under the power and control of and made a part of the The VICEJ PRESIDENT. Fifty - sen~n Senators have an­ .United States Navy Department; to the Committee on Na>al s"-ered to tbe roll call. There is a quorum present. ~ffairs. MESSA.OE FROM THE HOuSE. By Mr. KAHN: Petition of San Francisco Parlor, No. 49, Native Sons of the Golden West, of San Francisco, Calif., in A message from the House of llepresentatiyes, by D. K. favor of the continued exclusion of Asiatic immigrants and Hempstead, its enrolling clerk, announced tllat the Speaker of recommending additional legislation to render our present exclu­ the House had signed the enrolled bill (H. n. 8624) to amend sion laws more effectiYe ; to the Committee on the Judiciary. an act entitled "An act to provide further for the national Also, petition of Keith Parlor, No. 137, Native Daughters of security and defense by encouraging the production, consening the Golden West, of San Francisco, Calif., in favor of the con­ the supply, and controlling the distribution of food products tinued exclusion of Asiatic immigrants and recommending addi­ and fuel," approved August 10, 1917, and to regulate rents in tional legislation to render our present exclusion laws more the District of Columbia, and it was thereupon signed by the effective; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Vice President. Also, petition of Lompoc Valley Chamber of Commerce and PETITIOKS A• -o :Y:KllOlli.iLS. Lompoc Valley Bank, both of Lompoc, Calif., urging tariff on Mr. NORRIS. Mr. President, I have here a re,::olution })asse<l foreign-grown beans; to the Committee on Ways and Means. by the House of Representatives of the Kebruska Legislature, By Mr. o·co:r-..TNELL: Petition of sundry citizens of New now in session, which I send to the desk and nsk that it may be •York, favoring the immediate passage of a bill giving six read . months' pay to soldiers and sailors who participated in tbe The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will r ead the re o­ great world conflict; to the Committee on Military Affairs. lution. Also, petition of Private Soldiers and Sailors' Legion, asking The Secretary read as follows: the Judiciary Committee for the immediate favorable report of llesolution as· adopted by the House of llcpre.·cnl:ativcs of ~ellraska the bill incorporating the legion organized by the privates ; to October 17, 191!>. the Committee on the Judiciary. Rcsolccd, Tbat our Senators, Hon. G. M. HrTcrrcocK a nd lion. G. ''· Nomns, arc hereby requested to do all in their power to defeat the By Mr. SUMMERS of \"Vashington: Petition of the Woman's league of nations as now pending befol'e the United States Senate. Christian Temperance Union of Walla Walla, Wash., various "-ILL F. HITCIICOCK..t :churches, Sunday schools, and others of the same city, urging Chief r..;lerl;. Congress to pass House bill. 8063, a bill to punish >iolation of 1\lr. SHERl\IAN. I present a resolution of a local labor the eighteenth amendment to the Constitution by American citi­ union at Duquoin, Ill., which I ask may be -11rinted at length in zens in foreign countries; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the R ECORD but not read. It is a v.ery short resolution. There being no objection, the ,resolution was ordered to be printed in the REconn, as follows: "'Vhereas ouT GoYernment, the United States of America, i::; nt SENATE. war with Germany; and " Whereas we, the peoples hereof, are figllting for the freeLlom Tm:soaY, October 21, 1919. of the whole world from autocratic tyranny; and The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m. " .Whereas the honor and virtue of our mothers nml isters arc The Chaplain, Rev. Forrest J. Prettyman, D. D., offered the placed in peril by the barbaric methods of our enemies : r following prayer : Therefore be it Almighty God, in this sacred moment, a moment that has "Resolved 'by Local Union No. 510 of the U-nitc(l Brotlterhoo£Z the . unction of the cu tom of this Nation and the indorsement of Carpenters and Joine1·s of America, That we, the members of the habit of a praying people, we pause to make mention of thereof, tender our loyal support, both at home and abroad, Thy name and worship Thee. Thou art the God of all the earth. to,Yard the successful conclu ion of the war; and be it fur- ~ou art our God. \Ve commit our way irito Thy hands and ther · pray Thee to guide u. · to the fulfillment of Thine own purpose in "Rcsolu~cl, Tl1at we most emphatically denounce the propa­ us. For Christ's sake. Amen. ganda of the 'I. ,V. 'V.' (Industrial Workers of the World) as CONGRESSIONAL RECORD--SENATE OcTOBER 21, being unpatriotic, un-.American, and deserving of no place in By Mr. KENDRICK: the free institutions of our country. A bill (S. 3271) granting a pension to Annie F. Rountree " Signed with our official eal this 19th day of November, 1917. (with accompanying papers) ; to the Committee on Pension . "S. L. VoiGHT, President. AMENDMENT TO DEFICIENCY ..e\.PPROPRIATION BILL. [ SEA.L.] "W. R. WRIGHT, Secretary." 1\lr. POINDEXTER submitted an amendment propo ing to Mr. 'V ALSH of .Massachusetts. I ba\ e a communication in appropriate $496,000 for the purchase of a site and the erection' the nature of a petition from citizens of Wayland, in the Com­ of an archives building in the city of Washington, D. C., in­ monwealth of Massachusetts, urging the ratification of the league tended to be proposed by him to the first deficiency appropria­ of nations covenant. The communication is brief, and I ask that tion bill, which was ordered to lie on the table and be printed.
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