Proc. of the 2nd International Symposium on Ambisonics and Spherical Acoustics May 6-7, 2010, Paris, France


Alexander Mattioli Pasqual Philippe Herzog Jose´ Roberto de Franc¸a Arruda

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Laboratory of Mechanics and Acoustics State University of Campinas National Center for Scientific Research Rua Mendeleiev 200 31 chemin Joseph-Aiguier 13083-970, Campinas – SP, Brazil 13402 Marseille cedex 20 France [pasqual,arruda] [email protected]

ABSTRACT ARMs are real orthogonal functions (or vectors, if the vibrating body possesses a finite number of degrees of freedom) describ- Compact spherical loudspeaker arrays in the shape of Platonic ing velocity patterns over the surface of a vibrating body. As far solids have been used as directivity controlled sound sources. as compact loudspeaker arrays are concerned, one of the main Such devices are commonly used to synthesize spherical har- advantages of the ARMs over the SHs is that they span a fi- monic (SH) radiation patterns, which might be later combined nite dimension subspace (the subspace dimension is the number to produce different directivities. The SH synthesis presents of drivers in the array) on which any radiation pattern the loud- two main difficulties whose extent depends on the Platonic solid speaker array is able to produce can be projected with no approx- used: large synthesis error at high frequencies due to spatial imation error, whereas SHs span an infinite dimension subspace aliasing and huge membrane velocities at low frequencies due so that truncation error generally arises. On the other hand, un- to low radiation efficiency. This work presents a comparative like the ARMs, the SHs lead to a directivity format that does not theoretical study of the five Platonic loudspeakers. Their ability depend on the reproduction device and therefore the sound mate- to reproduce SHs and the radiation efficiencies of their acoustic rial so encoded is compatible to different loudspeaker arrays [8]. radiation modes are evaluated. It is shown that the dodecahe- In fact, the real SHs are the ARMs of the continuous dron presents the best compromise between complexity of the [9], which is defined here as the sphere able to assume controllable patterns, number of channels and sound power. any surface velocity pattern (infinite number of degrees of free- dom). Moreover, at low frequencies, the ARMs of spherical ar- 1. INTRODUCTION rays give rise to far-field radiation patterns that match the real SHs, although the radiation efficiencies of an ARM and its cor- Compact spherical arrays of independent loudspeakers operating responding SH are different [7]. In other words, at low frequen- at the same frequency range have been used as directivity con- cies, the synthesis error in mimicking a given target directivity in trolled sound sources. The transducers are usually distributed the far-field remains unchanged whether the ARMs or the SHs over the spherical frame according to a Platonic solid are used. However, only the ARMs provide the correct radiation to obtain a highly symmetrical configuration, so that the occur- efficiencies associated to each channel of the loudspeaker array. rence of preferred regions in the 3-D rendition space is reduced. This work presents a comparative theoretical study of the Hexahedral [1], dodecahedral [2, 3] and icosahedral [4] five Platonic solid loudspeakers (with one driver per face) as di- sources with one driver per face have been reported in the liter- rectivity controlled sound sources. Their radiation patterns are ature (an icosahedron with six drivers per face was proposed in derived analytically by approximating each driver as a convex [5]). Such devices are commonly used to synthesize pure spher- that oscillates with a constant radial velocity am- ical harmonics (SHs) in the far-field under free-field conditions, plitude over its surface, as described in [6]. The ability of the which might be later combined to produce different directivities. Platonic sources in reproducing pure SH patterns in the least- The synthesis of pure SHs by a compact loudspeaker array squares sense is reviewed. In addition, the radiation efficiencies presents two main difficulties, namely, spatial aliasing in the of the ARMs of each Platonic source are computed in order to high-frequency range and low radiation efficiency in the low- evaluate the low-frequency constraint mentioned before. frequency range. The former degrades the SHs synthesis [1, 2,6] and the latter implies huge membrane velocities in order to pro- duce meaningful sound power levels [7]. The extent of these 2. THEORY problems is greatly affected by the position of each driver on the array and by the number of transducers, i.e., the choice of the This section gives an overview of the main theory related to the Platonic solid is of major importance to the array performance. radiation control by a compact spherical loudspeaker array. Instead of using SHs as preprogrammed basic directivities, the acoustic radiation modes (ARMs) of the loudspeaker array 2.1. Acoustic radiation modes (ARMs) can be used as a basis for directivity representation [7]. The This subsection presents a short introduction to the ARMs. For This work was sponsored by CAPES (Brazil) and CNRS (France). further details, refer to [7, 9]. Proc. of the 2nd International Symposium on Ambisonics and Spherical Acoustics May 6-7, 2010, Paris, France

For a vibrating body with L degrees of freedom, the ARMs where mn = n2 + n +1+ m is used for linear indexing of the (1,2) form a set of L real orthogonal vectors that span the subspace SHs, k is the wave number, a is the sphere radius and hn ( ) of the achievable velocity patterns over the body surface. The are the spherical Hankel functions of the first and second kind.· ARMs can be obtained by the eigenvalue decomposition of an Equation (2) shows that σmn does not depend on m and is operator related to the radiation efficiency of the vibrating body. only a function of the non-dimensional parameter ka for SHs of The radiation efficiency, σ, of a vibrating structure with L a given order n. The radiation efficiencies for the first 49 ARMs degrees of freedom can be written as (SHs up to order n = 6) are presented in Fig. 1.

H u Cu 0 σ(u)= (1) 10 uHVu where u is a column vector of velocity amplitude coefficients, −5 C is an L L real symmetric matrix which couples the power 10 radiated by× the elements of u, V is an L L real positive diag- × onal matrix which leads to the spatial mean-square velocity on mn −10 10 the structure surface and the superscript H indicates the complex σ mn=1 (n=0) mn=2−4 (n=1) conjugate transpose. Throughout this work, unless otherwise mn=5−9 (n=2) −15 specified, lower case bold letters indicate vectors, while upper 10 mn=10−16 (n=3) case bold letters indicate matrices. mn=17−25 (n=4) mn=26−36 (n=5) Notice that the radiation efficiency is in the form of the gen- mn=37−49 (n=6) −20 eralized Rayleigh quotient. Thus, the solution of the generalized 10 −2 −1 0 1 eigenvalue problem Cψ Vψ leads to a set of real orthog- 10 10 10 10 = λ L ka onal eigenvectors ψ1, ψ2,..., ψL corresponding to real eigen- values, ordered as λ1 λ2 . . . λL. These eigenvectors ≥ ≥ ≥ Figure 1: Radiation efficiencies of the first 49 acoustic radiation are the ARMs and the eigenvalues are their radiation efficiency modes of the continuous sphere (spherical harmonics). coefficients, i.e., σl σ(ψ )= λl. ≡ l It can be shown that these modes (ARMs) radiate sound en- Figure 1 illustrates the grouping characteristic of the acous- ergy independently, i.e., the total radiated sound power is given tic radiation modes discussed in [9]. The number of modes by a linear combination of the sound power produced by each within each group is 2n+1, i.e.,1(n = 0),3(n = 1),5(n = 2), mode. Because such a modal decomposition is closely related 7(n = 3), 9(n = 4), etc. It is shown that σmn increases with to the radiation efficiency of the vibrating body, it permits rank- ka and decreases with n. Moreover, at low ka values, the radia- ing the expansion terms (ARMs) with respect to their radiation tion efficiency is strongly affected by n, so that simple directiv- efficiencies, so that a reduced number of active channels can be ity patterns (lower order SHs) radiate much more efficiently than obtained by not driving inefficient modes. In addition, the ARMs complex ones. This result pinpoints the main difficulty concern- are only a function of frequency, the radiating structure geome- ing sound radiation reproduction in the low-frequency range: the try and the constraints the body is subjected to; they do not de- sphere surface must present a huge velocity amplitude in order pend on the source of excitation and on the mass and stiffness of to produce complex directivity patterns with meaningful sound the structure. Furthermore, the ARMs of some radiators (e.g., a power levels. continuous sphere) are proven to be frequency independent. For It is worth noting that σmn can be increased over a given these reasons, the ARMs are a useful representation of vibration frequency range by increasing a. However, for compact spheri- patterns when one is mainly interested in the sound field radiated cal loudspeaker arrays, it is known that a larger sphere limits the by a vibrating structure. radiation control in the high-frequency range due to spatial alias- ing artifacts. Therefore a compromise must be sought between 2.2. Continuous sphere low and high frequency reproduction. Before considering the spherical loudspeaker arrays, it is helpful to investigate some acoustical aspects of the sound field radiated 2.3. Discrete sphere by a “continuous sphere”, which was defined in section 1. Some attempts have been made to predict the interaction of the It was demonstrated in [9] that the real-valued SHs are the radiated sound fields produced by the independent drivers of a ARMs of the continuous sphere. In this case, since the vibrating compact spherical loudspeaker array [2, 3, 6, 7, 10]. For the mo- body has an infinite number of degrees of freedom, the ARMs ment, the spherical caps approach proposed in [6] is the most are functions rather than vectors. Moreover, there is an exact elaborate radiation prediction model for a spherical array, in correspondence between each ARM and the radiation pattern it which the drivers of the array are modeled as convex spherical produces, which means that when the surface velocity distribu- caps, each one oscillating with a constant radial velocity am- tion over the sphere matches a given SH function, the angular plitude over its surface. This model presents the advantage of distribution of the radiated sound pressure field is also given by having an analytical solution and is inspired in a previous work the same SH, regardless of frequency. Such a correspondence dealing with a single driver mounted on a rigid sphere [11]. does not hold for the spherical loudspeaker arrays. In this work, the radiation patterns of compact spherical Let n N and m Z : m n index the SHs. Then, the ∈ ∈ | | ≤ loudspeaker arrays are evaluated by using the spherical caps ap- radiation efficiencies of the ARMs (SHs) are given by [7] proach mentioned above, which is briefly reviewed in this sub- − section (for further details, refer to [6, 7]). Here, this model is (1) (2) 1 2 dhn (ka) dhn (ka) called “discrete sphere”, in contrast to the “continuous sphere” σmn = (ka) (2) d(ka) d(ka) ! considered in the previous subsection. Proc. of the 2nd International Symposium on Ambisonics and Spherical Acoustics May 6-7, 2010, Paris, France

Let (r,θ,φ) be, respectively, the radial coordinate, the zenith angle and the azimuth angle. Under free-field conditions, an oscillating spherical cap placed at the north pole of a rigid sphere yields an axisymmetric sound pressure field given by [12]

∞ (1) pˆ(r, θ)= Anhn (kr)Pn(cos θ) (3) n=0 Figure 2: Platonic solids and their midspheres. X where Pn( ) is the Legendre polynomial and · ιρcu For the , hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron − (4) An = (1) [Pn 1(cos θ0) Pn+1(cos θ0)] and icosahedron, it can be demonstrated that the upper limits dhn (ka) − 2 of θ0 so that the spherical caps do not overlap each other are d (ka) 54.70, 450, 35.20, 31.70 and 20.90, respectively. Then, the ra- 2 2 tio 2πa (1 cos θ0)L/(4πa ) gives the available fraction of where ι = √ 1, ρ is the fluid density, c is the sound speed, u is − − the spherical surface to mount the loudspeakers, namely, 84.4%, the radial velocity amplitude over the cap surface and θ0 is the 87.9%, 73.1%, 89.5% and 65.8%, respectively. It can be no- half aperture angle of the cap. ticed that, among the Platonic solids having the same midradius By superimposing the radiated fields from L caps distributed a, the dodecahedron presents the largest surface area available over a rigid sphere and truncating the series given in (3) at n = for assembling the drivers and therefore it is expected that this N, the sound pressure and the radial acoustic velocity generated will lead to the highest sound power for a given a. by a spherical array become [7]

p(r,θ,φ)= uTBT(r) y(θ,φ) (5) 2.4. Synthesis of spherical harmonics and This subsection reviews the synthesis of pure SH patterns in the υ(r,θ,φ)= uTET(r) y(θ,φ) (6) far-field under free-field conditions by a compact spherical loud- speaker array. For an in-depth discussion, refer to [2, 6, 7, 8]. where u is a column vector containing the velocities of the Since the synthesized SHs are preprogrammed basic direc- L caps, the superscript T indicates the transpose and y is a tivities which are intended to be later combined to achieve the 2 vector that contains (N + 1) complex-valued SHs, so that final desired directivity (e.g., the directivity of a musical instru- m 2 ymn(θ,φ) Yn (θ,φ), with mn = n + n +1+ m. B and E ment), the synthesis of each SH must take into account the spa- are (N + 1)≡2 L propagation matrices explicitly defined in [7], × tial distribution of both its magnitude and its phase. The simplest which depend on ka, θ0, ρc, kr and on the positions of the caps way to perform this task is to minimize the Euclidean norm of the over the sphere. difference between the target SH pattern and the directivity pat- For a discrete sphere, it can be shown that the coupling ma- tern produced by the loudspeaker array, which is a well-known trix introduced in subsection 2.1 is given by [7] convex optimization problem (least-squares) whose solution can be easily found. The least-squares problem applied to the SHs r2 C = BHE (7) synthesis by a discrete sphere is summarized in the following. 2ρcS ℜ 2 Let Y be an (N + 1) Ns matrix containing Ns spatial n o × where S is the effective area of the vibrating surface. It can be samples of the complex-valued SHs as rows (sampled version of demonstrated that C is real and symmetric, as required, and that the vector y) and p be a row vector containing Ns spatial sam- it does not depend on r and ρc. ples of the sound pressure field produced by the discrete sphere By assuming that all spherical caps have the same area, the evaluated at r = r0, where r0 >> a in order to ensure far-field 2 propagation. Thus, application of (5) yields net vibration surface is S = 2πa (1 cos θ0)L. Hence, the − matrix V presented in subsection 2.1 becomes [7] T T p = u B (r0) Y (9) 1 V = I (8) 2L By referring to (9) and letting Ymn be the mn-th row of Y, the least-squares optimization problem can be formulated as where I is the identity matrix. follows, which must be solved for each frequency due to the fact Finally, the ARMs of the discrete sphere and the correspond- that B depends on the non-dimensional parameters ka and kr, ing radiation efficiencies can be obtained by substituting (7) and (8) into (1) and solving the eigenvalue problem. T T min u B (r0) Y Ymn (10) Although (7) and (8) hold for any discrete sphere made up u − 2 of identical spherical caps regardless of their positions over the (n) sphere, this work deals only with discrete whose caps Now, let Y be a 2n + 1 Ns matrix whose rows contain × (n) are distributed over the sphere according to a Platonic solid ge- spatial samples of n-th order SHs and U be an L 2n + 1 × ometry, i.e., the spatial orientation of each cap is made equal to matrix containing the optimum u associated with each one of the 2n + 1 rows of Y(n). So, the maximum and minimum singular the vector normal to a face of the polyhedron. Figure 2 shows 1 the five Platonic solids and their midspheres. The midsphere values of W 2 [YTBU(n) (Y(n))T] provide upper and lower of a polyhedron is a sphere which is tangent to every edge of mean square error bounds− associated with the subspace spanned the solid. The radius of the midsphere is called midradius. For by SHs of order n [2, 7]. The directivity patterns associated with acoustic purposes, a Platonic solid can be approximated by a such bounds can be determined by examining the right-singular sphere whose radius, a, is the polyhedron’s midradius. vectors obtained in the singular value decomposition. It is worth Proc. of the 2nd International Symposium on Ambisonics and Spherical Acoustics May 6-7, 2010, Paris, France

noting that W is an Ns Ns diagonal matrix containing non- ARMs have been arranged in descending order of their radiation dimensional area weight× factors applied to the spatial samples in efficiencies evaluated in the low-ka range. order not to favor densely sampled regions on the sphere [7]. 0 10 The singular value decomposition mentioned above can be Continuous sphere: modes # 2 to 4 used to evaluate the ability of a discrete sphere in reproducing Tetrahedron: modes # 2 to 4 target directivity patterns in the subspace spanned by SHs of a −1 Hexahedron: modes # 2 to 4 10 given order n, which is known to be rotation invariant [2]. Octahedron: modes # 2 to 4 Dodecahedron: modes # 2 to 4 Icosahedron: modes # 2 to 4 −2 10 3. SIMULATION RESULTS

−3 This section presents simulation results that permit a comparison 10 between the five Platonic loudspeakers as directivity controlled sound sources. First, the radiation efficiencies of the ARMs Radiation efficiency −4 are evaluated, which yield a quantitative description of the low- 10 frequency limitation of such spherical radiators. Next, the root mean square error (RMSE) in reproducing SHs are evaluated in −5 10 −1 0 order to take into account the spatial aliasing artifacts which de- 10 10 grade the directivity synthesis in the high-frequency range. ka The results shown here were obtained by using the maxi- mum θ0 values presented in the last paragraph of subsection 2.3. Figure 4: Radiation efficiency of the ARM # 2 to 4 of the con- 0 0 Spherical caps with θ0 as large as 54.7 and 45 are not expected tinuous sphere and the Platonic loudspeakers. to be good approximations of real driver membranes. Anyway, for the sake of convenience, such values were adopted in the Inspection of Figs. 3 to 7 reveals that the ARMs of the dis- simulations for the tetrahedron and hexahedron, respectively. crete spheres possess the grouping characteristic in the same way as the continuous sphere — each one of these figures corre- sponds to a radiation group except for Fig. 6, which presents 3.1. Radiation efficiency two radiation groups for the icosahedron. The continuous and The eigenvalue problem described in subsection 2.1 was carried discrete sphere curves present the same behavior at low ka val- out to obtain the ARMs of the Platonic solid loudspeakers and ues and the radiation groups are well discriminated. In addition, their radiation efficiencies — with C and V given by (7) and (8). none of the Platonic loudspeakers is able to radiate more effi- ciently than the continuous sphere, as expected.

0 −2 10 10 Continuous sphere: modes # 5 to 9 Continuous sphere: mode # 1 Hexahedron: modes # 5 to 6 Tetrahedron: mode # 1 Octahedron: modes # 5 to 7 Hexahedron: mode # 1 Dodecahedron: modes # 5 to 9 Octahedron: mode # 1 Icosahedron: modes # 5 to 9 Dodecahedron: mode # 1 −4 10 Icosahedron: mode # 1

−1 10

−6 10 Radiation efficiency Radiation efficiency

−8 10 −2 10 −1 0 −1 0 10 10 10 10 ka ka

Figure 3: Radiation efficiency of the ARM # 1 of the continuous Figure 5: Radiation efficiency of the ARM # 5 to 9 of the contin- sphere and the Platonic loudspeakers. uous sphere, the dodecahedron and the icosahedron, as well as ARM # 5 to 6 of the cube and ARM # 5 to 7 of the octahedron.

Despite the fact that C depends on ka and θ0, it has been The ARMs of the Platonic loudspeakers give rise to far-field observed that the eigenvalue analysis leads to the same set of L directivity patterns that match the real-valued SHs in the low-ka orthogonal eigenvectors regardless of the ka and θ0. Therefore, range [7], which explains the similar trend of the radiation effi- the results indicate that the ARMs of a discrete sphere based ciency curves observed for the continuous and discrete spheres. on a Platonic solid do not depend on ka, as is the case for a The first radiation group (ARM # 1) yields a monopole, the sec- continuous sphere. On the other hand, the radiation efficiencies ond one (ARMs # 2 to 4) yields dipoles, the third one (Fig. 5) of the ARMs depend on θ0 and strongly on ka. Figures 3 to 7 leads to 2-nd order SHs, the fourth one (Fig. 6) yields 3-rd order show the radiation efficiencies of the ARMs in the low-ka range. SHs and the fifth radiation group (Fig. 7) leads to 4-th order SHs. For comparison, the radiation efficiencies of the ARMs of the Figures 3 to 7 show that the radiation efficiency curves of continuous sphere (SHs) shown in Fig. 1 are repeated here. The the Platonic loudspeakers are very similar. Thus, as far as the Proc. of the 2nd International Symposium on Ambisonics and Spherical Acoustics May 6-7, 2010, Paris, France

sound power is concerned, the dodecahedron seems to be the terns; both can be determined by examining the right-singular best choice among the Platonic solids because it possesses the vectors obtained in the singular value decomposition. largest available surface area to mount the drivers. The RMSE rises as ka and n increases. As a rule of thumb, it is not possible to synthesize a pure SH of order n> √L 1 due − to spatial aliasing [6]. However, high order SHs might co-exist Continuous sphere: modes # 10 to 16 with low order ones in the radiated field from a discrete sphere. −4 Octahedron: mode # 8 10 Dodecahedron: modes # 10 to 12 This phenomenon is also due to spatial aliasing and takes place Icosahedron: modes # 10 to 13 as ka increases, leading to synthesis error as shown in Fig. 8.

−6 Icosahedron: modes # 14 to 16 Such a behavior can be explained by examining the radiation 10 efficiencies of the SHs, which were presented in Fig. 1. Figure 1 shows that the efficiency curves of the radiation −8 10 groups are well discriminated in the low-ka range, so that sim- ple directivity patterns radiate much more efficiently than com- plex ones. Thus, even if the discrete sphere excites high order −10 Radiation efficiency 10 SHs due to spatial aliasing, they will not propagate to the far- field. Therefore, error in SH synthesis is small at low ka values

−12 provided that r0 is made sufficiently large. On the other hand, 10 the efficiency curves of the SHs become closer as ka increases, −1 0 10 10 so that spatial aliasing produces non-evanescent undesirable pat- ka terns in the sound field, leading to synthesis error. In order to reduce the spatial aliasing artifacts that degrade Figure 6: Radiation efficiency of the ARM # 10 to 16 of the the SH synthesis at high frequencies, the sphere radius a can continuous sphere, ARM # 8 of the octahedron, ARM # 10 to 12 be made smaller. However, the low radiation efficiency at low of the dodecahedron and ARM # 10 to 16 of the icosahedron. ka values imposes a constraint on the directivity synthesis in the low-frequency range, as said before. Thus, the design of a spher- ical loudspeaker array for SH synthesis must be a compromise between low and high frequency reproduction. −6 Continuous sphere: modes # 17 to 25 10 Icosahedron: modes # 17 to 20 Figure 8 reveals that the dodecahedron yields the smallest RMSE for the SH subspaces of orders n = 0 and n = 1, while

−8 10 it performs similarly to the icosahedron for n = 2. However, un- like the latter, the former is not able to provide full radiation con- trol for n = 3. Nevertheless, the icosahedron’s ability to synthe- −10 10 size functions in this subspace is limited to the low- and medium- ka ranges, and also the radiation efficiencies of its ARMs corre-

−12 10 sponding to the 3-rd order SHs are very low at low ka values, as

Radiation efficiency shown in Fig. 6. Furthermore, the icosahedron gives the small- est net radiation surface among the Platonic solids, whereas the −14 10 dodecahedron presents the largest one. Hence, the synthesis of functions in the subspace n = 3 by an icosahedral array is re-

−1 0 stricted to a narrow frequency band. Moreover, the extra eight 10 10 ka channels that must be handled when using an icosahedron rather than a dodecahedron might be critical in real-time applications. Figure 7: Radiation efficiency of the ARM # 17 to 25 of the Thus, among the Platonic solids, the simulation results indicate continuous sphere and the ARM # 17 to 20 of the icosahedron. that the dodecahedron is the best choice for directivity control.

4. CONCLUSION 3.2. Synthesis error This work presented a comparative theoretical study of the five Figure 8 shows the upper and lower bounds of the RMSE that Platonic loudspeakers with one driver per face as directivity con- arise when synthesizing functions in the SH subspaces up to or- trolled sound sources. The comparison was made in terms of ra- der n = 3 by Platonic loudspeakers. The RMSE was computed diation efficiency and synthesis error, which limit radiation con- as described in subsection 2.4 by assuming the following values: trol at low and high frequencies, respectively. Ns = 780, r0 = 10a and N = 10. For each spherical array, The results indicated that the dodecahedron gives the best only one curve is presented for n = 0 and n = 1 because com- compromise between number of channels, sound power and putations have shown that upper and lower error bounds for these complexity of the controllable patterns. Although the latter in- subspaces are not distinguishable — the same is valid for n = 2 creases with the number of drivers, using more transducers does as far as the dodecahedron and the icosahedron are concerned. not ensure a reduction in the synthesis error for low-order SHs. This means that a given directivity pattern in these subspaces In this sense, the area and shape of the vibrating surface were can be freely rotated without affecting the RMSE. However, for proven to be more important than the number of drivers. n = 3 (and n = 2 for the tetrahedron, hexahedron and octahe- It is worth noting that the only benefit of using more drivers dron), the error is not uniformly distributed over the subspace, per face is to provide control over some extra high-order SHs so that there are unachievable patterns and well synthesized pat- within a very limited frequency range. No significant improve- Proc. of the 2nd International Symposium on Ambisonics and Spherical Acoustics May 6-7, 2010, Paris, France

Spherical harmonic of order n=0 Spherical harmonics of order n=1 60 70 Tetrahedron 50 Hexahedron 60 Octahedron 40 Dodecahedron 50 Icosahedron 40 30 Tetrahedron 30 Hexahedron 20 20 Octahedron Dodecahedron 10 10

Normalized RMSE (%) Icosahedron Normalized RMSE (%) 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 ka ka

Spherical harmonics of order n=2 Spherical harmonics of order n=3 100 100

Hex.: upper bound 80 Tetr.: upper bound 80 Tetr.: lower bound Hex.: lower bound Hex.: upper bound Oct.: upper bound 60 60 Hex.: lower bound Oct.: lower bound Oct.: upper bound Dodec.: upper bound 40 Oct.: lower bound 40 Dodec.: lower bound Dodecahedron Icos.: upper bound Icos.: lower bound 20 Icosahedron 20 Normalized RMSE (%) Normalized RMSE (%) 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 ka ka

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