.' Rassenger . List
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" , ' 561 FIFTH AVe• . t.a . V'!. ' , .' Rassenger .list . ' . Curtcrd-Ancho.r Line ' s~ S. CAL,E.DONIA · .. • ,. ~ " <"f: . _ ~; \: ·'.EASTER CRUISE To Havana and Na.ssau . - 'SAILING FRIDAY, APR~ 3rd, 1931 " . "'- ~ . ., ; E X C L U S I V E MAN .A Ii E ~:E N ,t RALPH D~LLEVIE, President 'I 561 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW V-ORK Passenger List and General Information SAILING FROM NEW YORK FRIDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1931 to HAVANA and NASSAU Arriving Back in New York Sunday, April 12th, 1931 , SHIPBOA RD Barbe r Shop and Beaut y Pa rlo r-There is a wel l eq uipped borber shop and beauty parlor on "8" and "C" decks open for service to all members o-f the cruise. Baths-Cruise members should arrange with bedroom Steward or Stewardess for the t ime at whic h they desire their bath. C ust oms Re g ulations- Each ad ult passenger may bring back into the United States, free of d uty, $ 100 worth of articles p urchased in Havana for their persona l use. In add ition each adu lt passenger may bring in 50 c'gars or 300 cigarettes or 3 ' pounds of t obacco: Passengers desirous of purchasing articles in excess of $ 100 may do so by paying d uty for t he amount purchased in excess of $ 100 upon arrival in New Yo rk . Deck Chairs and Steame r Rugs-May be secure d upon applic ation to the De ck Steward a nd are availa b le to cruise members for $2. 50 for the chair and $ 1.50 for the rug, for the entire c ruise . Doctor and Nurse-Will be aboard shi p. Th e Doctor is authorized to make customary ch a rges for his se rvice t o passe ngers subie ct t o the . approval of t he Commander. Fancy Dress Ball-W ill be held Thu rsd ay, April 9th, at 9.3 0 P. M. In ord er t o make this event a successful a nd e nioyable one, we urgent ly req uest every passenger to secure' so me 'kind of costume. Spe cia l mu sic will be played by the Rudy Vallee Orchest ra. Passengers d esiring t o rent a costume may do so. See note on next page. It's bound t o be lots of fun. Ma ny beautiful lovi ng cups wi ll be awarded. Don't miss the g ra nd , march. Hot W ater-Stewards will gladly supply, hot water to passengers upon request. Important Eve nts- Schedule of specia l events will .be posted d aily on the bullet in board or a nn ounced by cru ise staff. J>assengers should consult the bulletin board daily and are in vite d t o pac.ticipate in "II of the events scheduled . Libra ry-Books wi ll be loane d t o me mbers of this cruise on applica tion t o the libraria n. Pe rsonal Funds a nd Valuables-May be left in care of the Pu rser's offi ce. The company is not responsib le for thefts and makes no charge for va lu ables le ft at the pu rser' s offi ce. Radio Communication-The S. S. "C al edonia" is In const a nt radio communication with New Yor k fhroughout t he voyage. Mess ages may be sent at regular t ariff rates. , I ~ Re lig io us Servi c e s~P assengers are requested to consult bulletin board for the hour at which religious services will be held aboard ship. Seats in Dining, Sa loon-May be secured by making application t o the Second Steward, Meals are served in the Forward and Main Dini ng Saloons at the foll ow ing hours: Breakfast Luncheon Dinner 1st Sitting 8:00- 9:00 12:00-1 :00 6:00-7:30 2nd Sitting 9:00-10:00 1: 00-2:00 7:30-8:45 Meals in port will be maintained at the re gular hours unle ss otherwise bulletined. Swimm ing Pools- The S. S. "Caledonia" is equipped with an open air swi mmin g pool for the use of crui se members. MASQUERADE COSTUMES May be re nte d from the Brooks Costume Compa ny who have placed a wide selection of costumes a board the "Caledonia" for t he greater convenie nce of cruise passeng,e rs. Renta ls as low as $2.00 per costume. We are officia l re p-rese ntatives of railroads, steamship lines and hotels throughout the World. Consult us wheneve r you plan to travel. We ca n assist you. The National Tours Tours and Tickets Everywhere 56 1 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK (S outheast corn er 46th Streel) Telephone Murray Hill 2·9 100 The National Tours Cruise Staff .oN .BOARD CUNARD - ANCHOR LINER S. S. CALEDONIA CRUISE DIRECTOR J. Norwood. Smith ENTERTAINMENT MANAGER Wm. Hennessey . r ASSISTANT CRUISE DIRECTORS I. J. Li nnehan J. E. Ward Robt. Reinhardt Watterson Lowe Joseph Romano Arthur Hack A. W. Gill J. M. M anning IN CHARGE OF BRIDGE, CAMELOT, BACKGAMMON AND PING PONG UNDER THE DIRECTION O F THE CONTRACT BR IDG E C LUB OF NEW YORK, In c. Da vid H . Van Damm, Presi dent Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hayma n R. J. Doherty Joseph Fox IN CHARGE OF MASQUERADE COSTUM ES Mr. A. M. Blumberg Mrs. A. M . Blu mberg IN CHARGE O F DRAMATICS Harold H ennessey MUSICAL DIRECTOR J oh n G ell er ORIGINAL RUDY VALLEE VAGABONDS Edward Bergman Angie Rattiner J ack Ru ssin Fred Norm an B. Russin Bill Lewin A . Rattin er M. G ape lle .. T. S. S. "CALEDONIA" CAPTAIN ALEXANDER COLLIE OFFICERS Chief Officer ........ .............................................................................. .......... William Young Chief Enginc~I · ..................................... ........... ,..... .........................................Ch arles Grant Surgeon ................... .... .................. ................... ............. ..................................... A. V. RU8lIe-lI Purser ......................................................................................................... R. S. Willoughby, O.B.E., R.D., R.N .R• Chief Steward .......................................... ........ ........ .... ....... William Lindsay SAILING FROM NEW YORK TO HAYANA AND NASSAU Friday, April 3rd, 1931 'p ASS ENG E R LIS T Abel, Miss Mar-ion Berry, Miss Dorothie E. AbramsvIl, Miss Esther Bett-erman, Mrs. A. H . Acampora, Mr. P. V. Biglin, Miss Catherine Acampora, Mrs. Biglin, Miss Margaret Ackerman, Mr. J. Biren, Miss Lillian A'Hearn. Miss Catherine Birkland, Miss E.. , A lex, Mr. A. Bissell, Miss Jewell Allen, Mr. H. C. Bissell, Miss Lillian Allen, Mrs. Blackburn, Miss F. Allen, Mr. Rufus Blann, Miss R. E. I Allen. Mrs. Blatt, Mr. Max ~- Arnot, Miss E. Blatt, Mrs. Amsterdam, Miss R. Blau, Mr. E. Anderson, Mr. Arthur Block, Miss Beatrice Ayer, Mrs. Bernard ~. Block, Miss Blanche Blum, Miss Mirian Blumberg, Mr. A. M: Blumberg, Mrs. Babcock, Dr. W. F. Bodkin, Mrs. Irving Bachman, Mr. T A. Bodkin, Master Robert Baker, Mrs. Charlotte Boli, Mr. George Baker, Master Robert Boli, Mrs. Banks, Mrs. Ruth S. Botto, Miss Dorothy Banta, Mrs. B. F. Boyer, Mrs. Murray C. Barber, Miss Margaret Bradford, Mr. J. c. Barlow. Mr. R. B. Brennan, Mr. James Bat chelder, Miss Helen F. Brennan. Mrs. Bausch, Miss Grace E. Brennan. Miss Lillian Bayley, Mr. George T. Brenninger, Miss Lucy Bayley, Mrs. Harold R. Breslin, Mrs. Elizabeth Bayley, Mr. Harold, Jr. Rrodney, Mrs. Spencer Bearey, Mr. John Brown, Mrs. H . Becker, Mrs. H. B. Runce. Mr. Harvey Recker, Mr. H. B. BUlTce, Mrs. Benedict, Mrs. Katherine Burbank, Mr. Richard Benneck, Mr. C. J. Burbank, Mrs. Bennett, Mr. Royce E. Burns, Miss Agnes Berger, Mr. Irving Burns, Miss Mary E. Bergman, Mr. Edward Burns, Mr. Harold, J. Berkan, Miss M. E . Burroughs, Miss Mabel l - , - - Burt, Mrs. Townsend Coleman. Miss Ethel Bussman, Mr. J. H. Coleman; Miss Rosemary Bussman, Mrs. Coleman, Mr. J. J. Bussman, Miss Hazel Coleman, Mrs. Bussman, Miss Eva ' Collins, Mr. Edward J . Butler, Mr. Thomas E. Condreu, Miss Alice Butler, Mrs. Conkein, Miss A. M. Byrne, Mr. Ignatius P. A. Cooke, Miss B. Cooke, Miss Mary Dickson Cooke, Mr. R. D. Cahill, Rev. Joseph A. Cooke, Mrs. Callahan, Mrs. M. Costigan, Mrs. 'James J. Callahan, Miss Beatrice Costigan, Mr. James J. Callahan, Miss Marie M. Covert, Mr. Arthur S. Callahan, Mrs. J. J. Covert, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. J. Coyle, Mr. F . X. '. Campbell, Miss A. Coyle, Mrs. Campbell, Miss A. Coyckendall, Mr. S. A. Canavan, Mrs. John F. Coyckendall, Mrs. Canavan, Miss Katherine Craiger, Mrs. B. Carr, Mr. A. L. Crave, Mr. Francis Carr, Mrs. Cray, Mrs. E. M. Carr, Miss Doris Cray, Miss Kathryn Charce, Mr. J. Crigler, Mrs. H. T. Cash, Mr. Edwin Crowley, Mr. F. C. Cash, Mrs. Crowl~y, ¥rs. Cashin, Mr. D. B. Crowley, Miss Mary Cashin, Mrs. Crowley, Miss Jeanne Cauley, Miss Katherine Cunningham, Mr. W. A. Canley, Miss Anne E. Cunningham, Mrs' Chauncey, Mr. Richard Cunningham, Miss Grace Christie, Miss M. E . Curtiss, Mrs. E. Christoph, Mr. J. Cutner, Mrs. H. B. Christoph, Mrs. Cutner, Miss Louise Clark, Miss May Cutner, Miss Ruth Clarke, Mr. Stephen T . Clements, Mrs. Jean C Close, Mr. John H. Clynes, Miss Helen A. ~ DahlIof, Miss Vera Cohen, Mr. H . D. Dalton, Miss B. Cohn, Mr. Moe M. Daniels, Miss Lillian Cohn, Mr. Samuel Darrow, Mr. C. F. Colan, Mr. H. Davis, Mrs. Alice Colan. Mrs. Davis, Miss Mae Coleman, Mr. Eugene J . Davis, Mrs. D. Davis, Miss Mildred Falk, Miss Nan Decker Miss· A. Faulkner, Mr. G. I-I. Delaney, Miss- K athleen F(::inberg, -Miss Jessie Dellevie, Mrs. Antoinette F(::nelon, Miss B. De NiH, Miss A. G. Fenlon, Mr. E. A. Dillman, Miss Lucy Fenlon, -Mrs. Dillon, Mi-ss A. E. Fenlon, Master E, Dodd, Miss Muriel Ferguson, Dr.