A.A. Burbidge, A taxonomic revision of Beaufortia (Myrtaceae: Melaleuceae) 165 Nuytsia The journal of the Western Australian Herbarium 27: 165–202 Published online 1st July 2016 A taxonomic revision of Beaufortia (Myrtaceae: Melaleuceae) Andrew A. Burbidge Western Australian Wildlife Research Centre and Western Australian Herbarium, c/o Department of Parks and Wildlife, Locked Bag 104, Bentley Delivery Centre, Western Australia 6983 Email:
[email protected] Abstract Burbidge, A.A. A taxonomic revision of Beaufortia (Myrtaceae: Melaleuceae). Nuytsia 27: 165–202 (2016). Beaufortia R.Br. (Myrtaceae) is endemic to the south-west of Western Australia and is almost confined to the South-West Botanical Province, with a few species extending a short distance into the Eremaean. Twenty-two species are recognised in this revision of the genus, including three new species: B. burbidgeae A.A.Burb., B. kwongkanicola A.A.Burb. and B. raggedensis A.A.Burb. Beaufortia puberula Turcz. is reinstated and B. interstans F.Muell. placed into synonymy under it. Lectotypes are selected for B. anisandra Schauer, B. dampieri A.Cunn., B. elegans Schauer, B. empetrifolia (Rchb.) Schauer, B. micrantha Schauer, B. micrantha var. puberula Benth., B. orbifolia F.Muell., B. schaueri Preiss ex Schauer, B. schaueri var. (?) atrorubens Benth., B. sparsa R.Br. and B. squarrosa Schauer. Introduction Beaufortia R.Br. has been considered a separate genus since 1812; however, its retention has been disputed. Ladiges et al. (1999; 2003), Brown et al. (2001), Wilson et al. (2001; 2005) and Edwards et al. (2010) have analysed molecular data from some species within the tribe Melaleuceae Burnett and reported evidence for the non-monophyly of Melaleuca L.