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in Rapid Christian Science. some education and liberal culture. is hereby given that i will Our Pride is our new line of mens’ Charles Day died at his home Noticesell to the highest bidder for cash the fol- of the 10th inst. The following extracts on Christian IIKR RELIGIOUS CHARACTER. A friend ofthe Home- lowinK described to-wit: (ha mittens and gloyes. City on the morning A foe tho Truet property, Fifty Years Standard by Judge Hanna, It may not be atnifts for say of One Barrel of Whiskey, wholesale stamp No. J. N. Granger Co. Mr. Day for years past was city editor 0/ Science, from a lecture me to that ft,974,32ft. widely known was handed us a few days ngo with the for nearly ten years, as First Reader in One Barrel of Whiskey, wholesale stamp No. P. D. McClelland, 8. C. Lummis, and the Jourtiul and is 5,974,329. thronghout the Hills. When the war request that it be published in the the Motlior Church in Boston, and edi- One Barrel of Whiskey, wholesale stamp No. one or two names we fail- others whose a tor of the official periodicals, 6,974,330. with Spain broke «>ut Mr. Day was Chronicle: I have bad The same having been duly seised by me this ed to aacertain, left Wednesday after- opportunities w Calumet November, under member of the company from Rapid Christian Science is a deep and sacred hich enable me to speak 10th day of A. D.’ 1902, provi- k. noon for a few days hunt in the vicinity sion ofSection 3460, Revised Statute*, providing Philippines subject; the deepest and most Bacred of Mrs. Eddy’s life and character as well Stamping branding Spirituous Liquors. Red Canyon. will return to- City, which was sent to the for and of of Thev has that cun occupy human thought and as of her labors and literary qualities. The aforesaid sale will take place at 10 o’clock a. day. and saw much service there. He ra. on the ftth day of December, A. D. 1902, at the past purpose, for it treats of God, man, anrl Speaking from this vantage ground, I Baking business place of Donglas Oasler In the City of been in ill health for some time of There is not a place in the Fitih- truthfully say Custer, Custer County, South Dakota, by virtue and his death was not unexpected. the universe. It teaches God’s omni- can that, intellectually, authority vested In me. Willis Co’s, new store where you cannot potence, omnipresence and His om- she is, without exception, the most acute Dated at Custer, Custer county, South Dakota, His this 10th day of November, A. D. 1902. see goods as well as out in the sunlight. Chas. Bowles, who committed suicide niacitfuce. It teaches that God is the and alert person I have ever seen ; that W. I. HOWLAND, Visit their store and you will see that last week left man, she labors incessantly unselfishly Powder Deputy Collector Internal Revenue, District at Sheridan, Wyoming, one and only Principle of and the and Moderate In prloe-Makee purest food. North aud South Dakota. they have the goods that are new aud the following instructions for his burial: one and only Principle of the universe. for the cause to which she has devoted First publication, , 1902. the right prices. He wished to be buried in the cemetery It is the duty of the lecturer upon this her life, and that, notwithstanding her Notlee of Heating Petition for Letters of have sago years, performs Minute Cough Cure In the county court lust week the peti- on th* hill at Sheridan and subject to speak, primarily, to those who she an amount of labor One Administration. grave and a corrall not day which, known, cough tion of George 8. Ayant was filed, ask- brush planted on his are Christian Scientists. I shall en- each if would seem Is the only harmless cure that State of South Dakota, County of Custer, ss. built around it. lie also wished to be deavor to this rule, but I cannot incredible. As to her religious charac- gives relief. Cures coughs, colds, In County Court. ing for the appointment as administra- follow quick Tlie State of South Dakota sends greeting to corduroy de- buried in his clothes and have see bow I can speak of Christian Science ter, I speak tuy profoundest conviction croup, bronchitis, whooping cough, Ellen Avaut, surviving widow, aud to Alta Avant tor 0/ the estate of Richard Avaut, and George Dewey children, heirs at law him, it died at at some things to I BHy that to grippe Avant, ceased. November 24th has been set as his horse buried with if all, without saying and when I believe it be nearly pneumonia, asthma, la and all and next of kin of Richard Avant, deceased, and Awardtd same time. As he left no instruc- the Scientists, as well. I Christlike as is possible to a denizen of throat, lung troubles. I got to all to whom these preseuts may come. the date for hearing said petition. the for Christian chest and Notice is hereby given that George S. Avant hast Honors World's Pair. tions for the horse to be killed, it will assume, therefore, that yon will expect this earth. I cannot conceive how a soaked by rain, says Gertrude E. Fen- has tiled with the Judge of this Court, a petition, Rif praying for Letters of Administration ot the Es- Win. Tarrant, Br., Win. Tarrant, Jr., taken to his home at North Platte and me of the Christian person on this plane of existence could Ind., and contracted a se- tosts U.S.lov’t Cboailsts be to tell you something ner, Muncie, tate of Richard Avant, deceased, aud that Sat- Mlfhost John Wells and Wm. Wiehe returned as long There were a its author, walk more closely with God or exempli- cough. failed rapidly; urday, the 24th dav of November, 1902, at 10 cared for it lives. Science text-book and also of vere cold and I day regu- from hunting o’clock a. in., of said day, being a of a .Sunday evening their trip large number of mourners at the funeral. the Discoverer and Founder of Christian fy a more exalted Christian life. And lost 48 lbs. My druggist recommended lar term of this Court, to-wit: of the November to the limestone, bringing twelve deer, Express. work, Cough term, 1902, at the court bouse. In the Town of —Edgemont Science. do not the wonderful results of her One Minute Cure. The first bot- Custer Citv, County of Custer has been set for CUSTER CHRONICLE the result of six day's uhootiug. Deer THE TEXT-HOOK. even thus far, prove this? To those tle brought relief; several cured me. I hearing said petition, when and where any per- That the Hills are in it with most any snn interested may appear and show cause why are reported to be plentiful all over the A few words, then, as to the text-book. familiar with them they most assuredly ain my weight, 148 lbs. One the said petition should not be granted. Morning fol- back to old Published every Saturday at Custer climate on earth is attested by the Mary Baker Dated at Custer City, tills sth day of November, Custer County, South Dakota, Hills. This book, of which the Rev. do. To the mauv thousands all over the Minute Cough Cure cuts the phlegm, re- City, lowing taken from the Hot Springs Star: A. D. 1902. (». Eddy is the author, was first publish- globe who arc the conscious beneficiaries lieves cough at once, draws out in- ALFRED T. FEAY, KUBLKIt,Publisher. The annual Ministerial association of the the County JOSEPH “Election day Mrs. Clara Lacey Greene As aud enlarged at Judge of Court. the Black Hills Mission of M. E. church ed in 1875. revised of her w ork, she has indeed proved her- flammation, cures croup. An ideal rem- First publication, November 8,1902. TERMS—ALWAYS It* ADVANCE. sent a package of strawberries and flow- at Rapid City, November vurious times since then, it has reached self to be u religious reformer and a edy for children. Alb. J. Jones. - will be held Billups’ One Year $7.00 ers—home grow n, from Mrs. fine the time two hundred Notice of Hearing Petition. Stx Months r! 18th aud 19th. The subject assigned to at present over Christian evangel. Yet. notwithstand- Months so vegetable garden—to U. S. Senator Alli- FLOUR at Oarlock’s. State of South Dakota, County of Custer, ss. Three Rev. W. R. Jeffrey of this city is, “Best and fifty-one editions of one thousand ing her highly spiritual nature, she is BUY CREAM Entered at the Postofflce ut Custer, South Da- son, Secretary Shaw, Jus. Callahan, the In County Court. Class Matter. ol to volumes each. It bears the title of withal an intensely practical person. In tlie matter of the Estate of Carl Srger, De- kota, as Second Method Getting Church Members Moines, Best .Liniment on Barth. ceased. L wealthiest man in Dt-s to the “Science and with Key to Work.” Health the She keeps close watch of current affairs On reading and tiling the verified petition of Register and Leader, leading papers Tex., writes Krause, setting forth facts upon which the Scriptures,” and contains within its and acquaints herself with the world’s I. M. Mcllany, Greenville William TABLE city; to Eugene, Ore, and 2d, rheumatism he predicates a claim that lie is entitled to have Mrs. J. F. Smith and Mrs. 8. C. Lum* of that to covers, in comprehensive and compre- doings. Her message to the Mother Nov. 1900: “I had last conveyed to him certain real estate, iu said peti- belonging the of E>. mis entertained u number of lady friends Lacey Bros, of Oskaloosa, la., prominent form, entire text winter, was down in bed six weeks; tion described, and to estate CUHTKR H. hensible the of Chris Church in Boston of last June shows Carl Sager, deceased, and praying for a decree Thursday the of Mrs. —John F. Lacey being everything, but got no relief, till a authorizing the ad- afternoon at home attorneys the con- tian Science. It is true that Mrs. Eddy this in an especial manner. It shows, tried of tills Court and directing from of a ministratrix of the said estate to execute a con- Smith. A nice sprea. of refreshments gressman the Sixth district lowa. written many num- friend gave me a part of bottle of Bal- veyance said petitioner, LINCOLN,¦~TIMEDENVER. lias other books and moreover, that she possesses the mental thereof to the elosed the evening, and those present Mrs. Greene says she believes in adver- essays lard’s Hnow Liniment. I used it, and It is ordered, that all persons interested in the OMAIIA. HELENA, erous articles and for magazines grasp of the world’s great scholars and estate of said Carl Sager, deceased, be and ap- CHICAGO, BUTTE, report never having had a more pleasant tising our beautiful climate. and newspapers, as well a* messages to got two more bottles. It cured me and pear before the county court, at the court room statesmen. of said Court, In ttie court house in Custer City, JOSEPH, SALT LAKE CITY, tiuie, and that the hostesses art ideal haven’t felt any rheumatism since. I St. Personal Men lion. the Mother Church in Boston, but these CHRISTIAN* SCIENCE, A PRACTICAL RELIGION. I South Dakota, on Saturday, the 29th of Novem- KANSAS CITY, PORTLAND, can recommend Snow Liniment to be ber, A. D. 1902, (the same being the time and entertainers. up are in explication of the text-book. This Christian based upon the said St. Louis and all San Francisco Reisin Otis was from his runch Science is place appointed l»v the Court for hearing healing the best linimeut on earth for rheuma- petition) then and ttiere to-show cause why the south, and all points west. Thursday on business. book is a treatise on through the Bible. The Mosaic Decalogue and the point* east and Read Dr. Ilultz’s ad in another column rheumatic, sciatic or neural- prayer of said petition should not be granted, power of God, or the divine Mind, and Sermon on the Mount are its Articles of tism.’’ For ami whv this court should not make its decree TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: of this issue. The doctor has come to John Collins left Wednesday evening gic pains, rub in Ballard’s Snow Lini- authorizing and directing the administratrix of is, therefore, properly called and exposi- Faith. The Church Tenets restate, in ttie said estate to execute conveyances in accord- WERT. permanently locate in Custer and has for a visit in Missouri. ment, you long, but will 4:35 p. ni. tion of .Mind-healing. More specifically, will not suffer ance therewith. No. 43, Passenger few words, the spirit of the Decalogue further a of order 4 ;47 tt. nt. opened an office over the Custer County Mrs. C. S. Akers returned Tuesday be gratified a speedy and effective It is ordered that copy this No. 20rs, Frelirt.f is a thorough exegesis of the Scriptural with be published weekly for four successive weeks No. 205, Freight 10:40 a. m. He is graduate of Beau- it and Sermon on the Mount. Christian 11:59 m. Bank. a the from a visit in Missouri. cure. 25c, 50c and SI.OO at A. J. Jones. before said hearing in theCusTKß Chronicle,' No. 213, FrelKiit it. method of healing all manner of diseases Scientists are taught, from the beginning a newspaper printed and published in the said mont Hospital Medical College of St. up KANT. Mrs Pauline Mills was from her and of curing all manner of sin through to the end of their text book, to emulate Custer county. No. 44, Passenger 7:15 p. ni. Louis, and has had considerable experi- Dated at Custer City, S. I)., October 28, 1902. ,n ranch near Fairburn Thursday. of Do your smoking in this world, but No. 204, Freight 3:35 P- - the understanding God as all-present, Jesus iu all his ways. The sincere By the Court, Freight 1:00 p.m. ence in hospital work. ALFRED T. FEAY, No. 200, P. 8. Engelbrecht represented Buffalo all-powerful, all-wise and universal Christian earnestly get your cigars and tobaccos of tho No. 210. Freight 11:.W p. m. Scientist endeavors Attest: J udge of the County Court. • 43, and 204 run daily. the In short, J. N. Granger Co. J. It. Smith, No’s. 44. 215 John Martin, assistant superintendent Gqp at county seat Saturday. Mind. this book is a spiritual to carry out their teaching. In the the No’s. 203,205, 200 and 216 daily except Sunday. [s f.a l. j Clerk of County Court. of the stute hospital for the insane, pass- H. 11. Francis returned Saturday from interpretation of the Bible; hence its measure that he fulls short of this, he Asleep Amid Flamee First publication’, , 1902. inlng (seats Sleeping, dining and reel elmlr ears through Thursday evening, trip title—“Key to the Scriptures.” lam of his free) on through trains. Tickets sold ami hag- ed Custer a three weeks business east. fails discipleship. Christian Breaking into a blazing home, some gage any all points in the United that I am making for the text- tiif. General checked to and having in charge two insane patients George Bowman, of Colorado, a aware Scientists do not claim to have reached lately dragged the sleeping in- or interior. ~ was firemen Department Washington, May D. , 29, States and Canada. .. of tremendous land Olliee, C For Information, time tables, maps and tick- from Lawrence county. Here he took guest at the Kleemann Saturday. book Christian Science a perfection—far from it. But in so far from death. Fancied security, 1902. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids di- C. W. Perrin, agent, or J. mates or the General Land ets, call on or write to Fowler, from claim, but I shall endeavor to make good as they sincerely striving that rected to the Commissioner Franeis, oenT. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Ne- aboard Jacob H. a farmer W. R. Millliatn, the tombstone man, are for and death near. It’s that way when Office "111 he received by the Receiver of Public braska. near four Mile, who was adjudged in- this claim before I close. goal, they are obeying their teaching Moneys at the U. S. Land Office at Rapid City, went down the road Monday evening. you neglect coughs and colds. Don’t do South Dakota, up to aud including the 15th day sane some months ago. THE DISCOVERER AND FOUNDER. and accomplishing good. Their Leader it. Dr. King’s New Discovery lor con- of November, 1002, for the purchase under the Postofflce Hours. Henry Marty, of Hot Springs, was provisions of the Act of June 4. 1892 (30 Stat., 34- Mrs. Eddy is at once the Discoverer has repeatedly said: “Follow me only gives perfect protection 250,000 green open a. to 7:30 p. m. sumption against of approximately ft. b. m. saw- Office from 7:30 in. It is rumored that the Bla:k Ilills transacting business iu the city Tues- all of the Wood from the lops and tops Sundays -one hour after arrival of mail. and Founder of Christian Science. She as I follow Christ.” So, in turn, should throat, chest and lung troubles. Keep timbor and p. m. South Clay company day. all thereof, estimated at ."O cords, all to be cut amt Mail going north closes at 4:04 Porcelain und Marble followers say of They '<* pcc. and discovered for herself how to be healed her themselves. it near, and avoid suffering, death, and taken from the W NW 6, T. 2 H., R. 5 7:2ft o. ni. 7;:toa. in. onTnesdav put up stone cutting plant during Bee. 2 s., R. 4 •Saturday. 1:15 Tuesday and Sat- will a W. E. Moore went to Deadwood Mon- a perfect life, they must con- IE., and the N NE NE I,T, Otis, p. m. on of a sickness, the result of an accident, must seek doctor bills. A teaspoonful stons a late E., B. 11. M., within the limits of the Black Hills „ _ to prepare urday. „ the coming winter, their day, expects to remain for Reserve, South Dakota. No bid of less JONEI’H Kubi.kr, P. M. where he which, according to all ordinary evidence stantly desire and unceasingly pray for cough, persistent most Forest marble and lithograph stone for the use the stubborn. than $3 per thousand r-£t for saw-timber or 40 some time. placed her at the very door of death. guidance to such a life, and they, in per cord for the wood will be considered. Churches. had Harmless and nice tasting, it’s guaran- cents market. The plant will be erected in or Gap, her w ith all earnest seekers there- A deposit of 9250 must accompany each bid, and CONOREOATTONAL. Regular services : Run- Wm. 11. Palmer of Buffalo coun- This may he said to have been ori- common teed to satisfy by Alb. J. Jones. Price payment in full of the approximate value of said preaching near this city and will be supplied with d vv in a. in. Sunday School; 11 a. in. ty treasurer elect, was in the city Satur- ginal discovery. This aroused within for, may rest assured that, in the meas- 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottles free. timber must be made to the Receiver within 30 Services; 7:*io p. IU. Y. P. S. C. K;8 V. 111. the latest improved machinery. davs of date of notice or award or may, if the preaching service. Thursday 7:30 p. m. Pray- day oti business. her a burning desire to know bow she ure of their earnest seeking, they will, bidder so elect at time of bidding, be made in throe in 3d, go and 90 days, re- er meeting. was ami also to to others time, equal payments Coine uncalled H. A. Adams had rooms at the Klee- healed, impart in due achieve and attain. Mean spectively, fioin said date. The bidder agrees and worship. „ The following letters remain Notice for Publication. Mhn. K. W. Powell, Pastor. mann Saturday. lie registered from the knowledge of how the sick are heul* time they must he about their Father’s to cut ail marked timber and only that so mark- for in the Custer postofflce for the week Land Office at Rai*ii*City, s. I)., i ed; to cut onlv on the cutting area; to pile under 1902. Cleveland, Ohio. ed. This led her to search the Scrip business according to their best under- November loth, 1902. $ direction of tfie forest officer in charge all brush 15,1002. ending November Bth, When call- Notice is hereltv given that the following- and rubbish resulting from logging; to SATURDAY. NOVEMBER tures that she might find the healing standing and opportunities. To this end utilize ing for same pleuee say advertised: Mrs. C. S. Johnston returned Saturday named settler lias tiled notice of his intention to the lops and tops down to a diameter of three Principle. She pursued her search uu are they impelled by the very necessity make dual proof in support of his claim, ami inches. No timber will tie removed from ttieciis- BUY CREAM FLOUR at Oarlock’s Thomas B. Drane, G. P. Gilbert, L. M. evening from a several months visit with that said proof will lie made before Register and todv of ttie forest officer until measured and Principle to of studentship. as they for in full. Timber on Griggs, IVter Ryan, J. B. Schloss, George daughter in Denver. til she found the healing be their So far are Receiver, at Rapid City, S. D., on December 15, marked by him and paid Regular of the Eastern Star her IW, viz: valid mining or other claims is exempted from meeting God. She proved this by healing all thus engaged they are daily rooting out may purchased proj>- Stufford, VV. B. Ward, Mrs. W. H. Put- oyer from Ra- CHARLES HEUMANN, Custer, S. D. sale. Timber unsold lie on to-night. Miss Bessie Smith came manner of diseases, ami she proved as of their own consciousness the seeds of er petition therefor within one year without fur- nam, Jennießosaco, Miss Margrot pid City the forepart of the week for a 11. E. No. oil, for the cast half northeast.quar- ther adv •rtisement. Purchasers failing to re- Mrs. James Hare has recovered from well that the same understanding of God error, the seeds of sin and disease, ami ter. Section 12, township 4 south, range 4 east, move timber within on** year from date ofnotice Zoga Vucurovick. lots and section township south, visit with relatives und friends. destroyed they they and 2 3, 7, 4 of award, forfeit nut cliasc money and right to her recent illness. which healed sickness also to the extent that do this aro range r> east, B. H. M. timber imremoveo, unless an extension of time Richards, CitV Dnnn, representative lie names the following witnesses to prove Ills to reject and all bids shape the turkey lion. J. 11. of Boise ( L. C. the popular sin. Having so found and proved the pointing the way for others. A good life is granted. The right any Get vonr gun in for continuous residence upon and cultivation ot is reserved. IWngkk Hermann, Commission- Idaho, president of the American Min- of a Council Bluffs cigar tactory, was saying Principle, she pro- reflects itself as naturally and inevitably said land, viz: shoot November 25th. healing and (Ulster. er. ing Congress a meeting ofthe calling on Saturday. Robert S. Lewis, of S. 1).; Wallace A. has called trade in Custer ceeded to teach others, to found a col- us the sun reflects its light. The sun Smith, of Custer, S. D.; Charles Harbaeh, ot That line of overshoes at the Fitch- 1). executive committee to meet in Dead Mrs. R. S. Lewis and Mrs. Bessie Bur- lege for teaching this healing system, to cannot help reflecting light. No more Custer, S. D.; Denis Ifonault, of Custer, S. Willis Co. are the best that are made. GEO. P. BENNETT, Register. Subscribe for the Chroniele. wood about December 18th. At this ton spent a few days down at Pringle found periodicals for its propagation, to can a good character help reflecting First publication. , 1902. Eggs selling at thirty five cents a are meeting the committee will make per- the forepart of the week visiting with found a church wherein the healing Gos goodness. Reflecting goodness is the the Custer market, and hard to dozen in manent arrangements for the convention friends. pel could he preached and expounded most practical, even as it is the most get at that. delegates that is to meet in Deudwood Through of Herman Iteinbold was an arrival from through public services ; and she adopt- ideal business on earth. the licenses September next Over one hundred hunters and Lead in of year. Omaha Monday evening. Ho was ac- ed, from time to time, such other propa- ministrations of tho true Christian county have been issued in Custer since by Jennings, also of ganda as became necessary to the estab- Scientist pain is relieved and destroyed, Services in the Congregational church companied F. M. November Ist. lishment of a healing ami saving religion. all forms of sickness are healed, all kinds THE LINE WE CARRY Sunday, November 10th, morning and Oinuhu. Apollo Dancing Club sre making such a system has been successfully of sin are overcome, sorrow is assuaged, The evening. Sabbath School at 10 a. m- E. M. Barnes, of the Central Black That preparations for a Thanksgiving ball established I need not say, for it is mat- broken hearts are restored to wholeness, Preaching services at 11 a. ui. and 7:30 p. IlillsCopper company, returned Satur- HARDWARE. November 27th. ter of common knowledge. Thus, I say, separated and estranged friends, wives m. Topics for the day,“Are we Immor- day evening from a three weeks business children and parents, moved his othce from Mrs. Eddy is both a Discoverer and and husbands, Dr. Calkins has tal or Immortable,” and “Side Lights trip east. brothers and sisters, are brought into Stoves, and tinware, shovels, picks, steel, Hercules, Dyna- over the postoffice to the second room in Founder. from tho Anthracite Strike.” Every- Aaron went to Deadwood Sun- sweeter and more harmonious relations caps, fuse, pertaining to block, street. Dunn LIFE AND CHARACTER. More specifically, mite, Blasting and everything the Hanley on Fifth body welcome.. day and to look than ever before. for a visit with friends And what of the life and character of organic, w ell as acute dis- mining supplies. Hayes went to HillCity Thurs- Powell, chronic and as Father Katherine VV. Pastor. after his mining interests in the north- one who has accomplished so much? I eases, in all stages and forms are brought day, where on Friday he held services healed, BLINDS, plastering hair; everything ern Hills. am sure a few words in reference to these under subjection and licentious SASH,w 1 uDOORS and Building Catholic church at that place. presented a scene of great busi- ness is curbed and destroyed, drunken- L pertaining to Supplies. in the Custer W. T. Payne, representing the Cham- will he welcomed by every sincere in- 15th, 1902, ness activity last Saturday. The full ness is overcome, and mental distress and all sizes For rent after December berlain Medicine Co. of Des Moines, quirer. Dorn amid the beautiful but out, through this Steam and Gas Fitters supplies, gas pipe, and winter trade is beginning to flourish and worry driven one first-class 7 room house. lowa, was looking alter the firms busi- rugged hills of Dow, near Concord, New Science of Christianity. These results of fittings up to inches. Pipe cut and threaded to order. W. Calkins. and busy days are the lot of our mer- beyond 3 R. ness in this city Monday. Hampshire, of sterling and strictly relig- are accomplished dispute. In- repaired. chants at this time. There is no getting deed , there are few who now have the Pumps Fitch-Willis Co. have the line of men’s Walker, from near ious parents, descended from a long line around the fact that this good old town Mr. and Mrs. 0. 11. hardihood to question them. Shall any suits and overcoats that you can make a the of worthy and distinguished ancestors of so and best in the HillCity, spent Sunday in the city, one say then, that in tar as this kind you are getting is one of the liveliest English blood, Mrs. Eddy being accomplished, is not selection from and know guests of the family of their daughter, Scotch and of work is it southern Black Ilills. Let us keep the did and GROCERY DEPARTM’NT the best and latest. Clark. was favored by nature and by God with what Nazarene taught hustling, by which means we willkeep Mr. and Mrs. James should he done ? And is not this a most comet is on the wav to earth at advantages which fitted her for a great is with the finest A new ou top. F. C. N. Graydon, of Valpariso, Indi- practical work in its result, even if it Our grocery department well stocked day, says the career. Her early environments were the rate of 3,000,000 miles a ana, who is connected with the Crown seems to be ideal in its methods? the market affords. All kinds of fancy and staple grocer- The famous McDonald-Mastick land such as to nurture and enlarge her in nstronoiners, and will be the brightest Mica company, was an incoming passen- ies. special line Coffees, and spices. contest has been decided by the depart- herited gifts. .She was a student by na- J. A. Folgers of Teas seen in twenty years. ger Saturday evening and has since been are finest to be had. ment at Washington in favor of McDon- tural bent and intuition. This native Try them, they the hunting for deer one day last busy looking over business interests While , ald. This was a case where it was claim- trend was strengthened by careful train- , is n winner Yon can,t mftte week, Ira Mealey of Preston accidentally here. n n ri a lUT T?T - ed that Mastick purchased the improve- ing in schools and academies as well as L/Jliijiilfi J? JLiV-J U iX poor bread from it if you try. and killed his hunting partner shot ments from McDonald and filed on the E. H. Johnson and F. W. Swezey, by competent private tutors, among Lewis Sherwin also of Preston. of feed, bran, shorts, corn, corn land. The circuit court decided that two capitalists from Marion, Indiana, whom was her brother, Albert Baker, a We carry a full line away by Wrinkles are smoothed its there was no consideration for such arrived in the city Sunday evening. graduate of Dartmouth College, and a chop, corn and oat chop, corn meal and graham. heuling touch. Brain tired and depress- transfer, and a long series of litigation Monday and Tuesday they spent in distinguished lawyer und member of Rocky lily \lvjLi I KM ed people will find a cure in has been had, which so far has been in visiting several mica mines, among oth- Congress elect, having died, after a short V Mountain Tea. 35 cts. A. J. Jones. McDonald’s favor. ers tho Crown. They left for the east illness, before taking bis seat. Among GENTS* FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. Dr. C. B. Clark of Deadwood, superin- Tuesday evening. her other instructors were such well- consignment of pipe for the All goods in our gents’ furnishing department are new tendent of the Black Hillsmission of the The last known educulors as Mrs. Sarah J. Bod- water works arrived Tuesday and Worm Destroyer. to Hats, caps, shirts, dress and work, under- M. E church was in Custer .Sunday and water weil Lane, Mr. Corser of Saudbornton and up date. put two hose White’s Cream Vermifuge not only mittens, sorts, over- Monday on his regular quarterly busi- are being in place. The Bridge Academy, and Prof Dyer il.San- ware, ties, collars, gloves, pants, all part last kills worms, but removes the mucus and the carts arrived the latter of week born, author of Sanborn’s grammar. This halls, the largest line ever shown. Prices to meet ness visit. slime, which they build their nests; and the hose is on the road. The en- in training supplemented a call, we will please you; no trouble to Frank Kirk of Four Mile,commission healthy condi- early has been times. Give us gine and pump are set and in running it brings, and quickly, a thorough and to date. er elect from the third district to fillthe by long years of careful and show goods. Our clerks are courteous up order, and the engine house and reser- tion of the body, where worms cannot vacancy caused by the resignation of D’ research and study. Poetry was with I I have had occasion to use your Our motto, quick sales and small profits. voir completed. With weather favor- exist. 25c at A. J. Jones. 'Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medl- V. Coe, qualified and filed his bond with her a natural gift. As a young girl she Yours for business, able, Donnely, the contractor, ex- WOOD, WOOD, cine and am plea ;cd to say that I never courts Saturday. Mr. WOOD, wrote poems of such merit that they the clerk of completed some used anything for stock that gave half as pects to have the work Anyone wanting sixteen inch, twenty- much sought for and published in We invite your attention to our new were good satisfaction. I heartily recom- time during the coming week. four inch or four foot wood, cut from newspapers and magazines. She was line of wash goods, flannels, hosiery uud mend it to all owners of stock. T. V. GARLOCK, Custer. advisers, green timber and seasoned, can procure also a prose essayist of distinction long J. B. BELSHER, St. Louis, Mo. underwear. Ifyou are billious and seeking ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ by to the M. J. Bailey Co. began her labors as a Chris- J. N. Granger Co. Take DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, it applying before she Sick stock or poultry should not tian Scientist. In evidence of this I eat cheap stock food any more than Deputy Collector In- Just before going to bed. Over Sixty X ears W. I. Howland, For a single circumstance. sick persons should expect to be North You willfind on the morrow, make mention of ternal Revenue for the district of An Old and Well-Tried Remedy.- in cured by food. When your stock of your sorrow During Mrs. Eddy’s residence the poultry sick give appetite is poor, I at You are rid and are them med- ** & and South Dakota, with headquarters Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has beer, George gf 4* I¥*» «**** Your just enough South, as the wife of the late Col. icine. Don’t stuff them with worth- Falls, was in Custer Monday on That’s all; said. years by millions ol S wf# your heart “flutters/*. I Sioux used for over sixty W. Glover ofCharleston, South Carolina, less stock foods. Unload the bowels .It JlOUt connected with his office. These famous pills do not gripe, but while teeth headaches, is coated, bad breath, bowels business mothers for their children she w rote much for Southern magazines. and stir up the torpid jiverand the you have tongue $ move the bowels gently and easily, animal will be cured, if it be possi- said that every bride lias many ing, with perfect success. It soothes to the North, after the constipated, bad taste in the mouth? It is cleansing the liver. Their tonic effect Upon her return ble to cure it. Black-Draught Stock idjf they dwindle the child, softens the gums, allays all Glover, reputation If not all of these symptoms, friends, but in a few years, gives strength to the glands, preventing death of Colonel her and Foultry Medicine unloads the cures w ind colic, and is the best down to one. That’s Rocky Mountain Alb. J. Jones. pain, as a writer had become so wide that the bowels and stirs up the torpid liver. a return of the disorder. remedy Is pleasant to It cures every malady of stock if Tea. Makes and keeps her well. 35cts. for Diarrluea. Rev. Albert Case, then editor of the Odd In every taken in time. Secure a can A. J. Jones. big haul by highwaymen, substitutes the taste Sold by Druggists Fellows’ Magazine, offered her a salary A Twenty five cents a of Black-Draught Stock and Poultry steal the good name anti part of the World. thousand dollars per year to be- ten The Pennsylvania capitalists who ac- and others who bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure of three Medicine and it willpay for itself fame of Rocky Mountain Tea made fam- Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing come a regular contributor to his period- times over. Horses work better. Cows companied J. N. W right on his return and ask for more milk. Hogs gain flesh, by the Madison Medicine Co. 35c. Syrup, and take no other kind. icals. At that time this was a large sal- from the east last week, have been busy ous sivend hens lay more eggs. It solves the Jones. ary for literary work, and speaks strong- since their arrival looking over the min A. J. of making as much blood, ly of the estimate put upou Mrs. Eddy’s Sroblemesh and energy as possible out of era I resources of the southern Hills. Cough and Work* off tho j narcotic poisons. It will correct Btot>a the literary ability. She husstudied deeply the smallest amount of food con- with the bread Cold. Buy a can from your dealer. \bi6&r an or au symptoms, make your health, If you are not pleased <8 iu many of the higher branches of sumed. F&jJ jn| y Laxative Tablets cure This signature ia on every bos of the jpnuine von have, try a sack ofCREAM FLOUR, Bromo-Qulnine learning and in general literature. She appetite and spirits good.^tjirugg^^ cease, n cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Tablets and your troubles will bor sale Laxative it*, froai every poiut of view, a woman of remedy cure'.} a cold in cue dajr hy T. V’. Garlock. Price 25 cents th&t