The London Gazette, April 22, 1901 2695
THE LONDON GAZETTE, APRIL 22, 1901 2695 The King's (Shropshire Light Infantry), Lieutenant Yeomanry Act, 1901, each retaining his present Percival Cuthbert Huth, from 3rd ' Battalion rank and seniority, viz.:— (nominated by the General Officer Commanding- Glamorganshire, Lieutenant-Colonsl and Honorary in-Chief, South Africa), in succession to Lieu- Colonel W. H. Wyndham-Quiu, D.S.O. (Major, tenant H. G. Bryant, U.S.O., promoted. Reserve of Officers). Major C. L. Dillwyn-Venables-Llewelyn. The Manchester Regiment, Lieutenant William Lieutenant C. F. T. Wyndham-Quin. Charles Clark, from 6th Battalion, in succession Lieutenant J. G. Moore. to Lieutenant E. N. Fisher, promoted. Second Lieutenant M. H. Tyler. Lieutenant A. F. Thomas, from 24th Battalion Surgeon-Lieutenant R. M. Moynan, M.D. the Imperial Yeomanry (nominated by the Veterinary-Lieutenant P. T. B. Basset. General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, South Africa), in succession to Lieutenant H. W. S. Lanarkshire, Captain W. Whitelaw. Robison, deceased. Lieutenant (Honorary Lieutenant in the Army) Lieutenant W. G. Young, from Johannesburg J. St. J. Graham. Mounted Rifles, to be Second Lieutenant, on Second Lieutenant Sir W. R. C. Anstruther, augmentation. Bart. Lanarkshire (Queen's Own Royal Glasgow), Lieu- The York and Lancaster Rejiment, Trooper Charles tenant - Colonel and Honorary Colonel J. Schmidt Sharpe, from the Imperial Light Neilson. Horsj, in succession to Lieutenant D. D. Northumberland (Hussars), Supernumerary Cap- Wilson, secondad. tain (temporary Captain in the Army) M. R. C. The Durham Light Infantry, Lieutenant Charles Backhouse. Richard Shirreff, from 4th Battalion (nomi- Nottinghamshire (Southern Nottinghamshire), nated by the General Officer Commanding-in- Supernumerary Captain (temporary Lieutenant- chief, South Africa), in succession to Lieu- Colonel in the Army) R.
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