Little Hadham Parish News June 2014 Rector of Parish: Revd. Giles Tulk Asst. Priest: Revd. Clive Slaughter 01279 842609 01279 844955 e-mail:
[email protected] e-mail:
[email protected] Team Vicar: Revd. Stephen Fielding 01279 771892 e-mail:
[email protected] Churchwarden: Don Gibson 771325 Log on to for issues dating back to May 2006 Letter from the Rectory Dear friends in Little Hadham Are we a Christian Country? Writing in The Church Times just before Easter, our Prime Minister, David Cameron, caused a bit of a stir in the national media when he stated that people in the UK should be more confident about our status as a Christian country. This prompted a letter by 50 public figures to The Daily Telegraph insisting that the UK was a non-religious and plural society, and that to claim otherwise fosters alienation and division. The problem with those disputing that Britain is a Christian country is that they tend to paint a picture of what they think Christians believe, and then they attack this picture, rather than the reality of Christian faith in this country. Too often, militant atheists or aggressive secularists assume (or like to assume) that Christians are fundamentalists; people who believe in the inerrancy of Scripture, and are not open to reason or science. In my experience nothing could be further from the truth. I would suggest that the vast majority of people within the Church of England have a Christian belief that is open to reason and never in conflict with the trusts and insights provided by science, and sometimes by philosophy.