Issue 142 January/February 2013
THE PrOfESSIOnAL EDGEISSUE 142, jAnUAry-fEbrUAry 2013 Profiles in Achievement The Professional Edge committee Grant Guenther, P.Eng., fEC (Chair) ben boots, P.Eng., fEC Kwei Quaye, P.Eng. Achieving a Safe and Prosperous future john Masich, P.Eng. james Gates, P.Eng. through Engineering and Geoscience Gillian Ash richard, P.Eng. Ken Linnen, P.Eng. Zahra Darzi, P.Eng. john Styles, P.Eng. (Liaison Councillor) rajeev Chadha, P.Eng. Editorial provided by: brent Marjerison, P.Eng., fEC Martin Charlton Communications jeanette Gelletta, Engineer-in-Training #300 - 1914 Hamilton Street, regina, Saskatchewan S4P 3n6 Tel: (306) 584-1000, fax: (306) 584-5111, Email: Staff Advisor Chris Wimmer, P.Eng. Editor: Lyle Hewitt, Director of Message, Martin Charlton Communications councillors Elected by Membership Email: Leon botham, P.Eng. - President Dwayne Gelowitz, P.Eng., fEC - President-Elect Design and Layout: Andrew Loken, P.Eng., fEC - Vice-President jo Anne Lauder Publishing & Design, Tel: (306) 522-8461, Email: Peter j. jackson, P.Eng., fEC - Past President Doug Drever, P.Eng., fEC - Group I (Civil) Opinions expressed in signed contributions are those of the individual authors only, and the Association accepts Andrew r. Lockwood, P.Eng., fEC - Group II (Mechanical & Industrial) no responsibility for them. The Association reserves the right to make the usual editorial changes in manuscripts Margaret Anne Hodges, P.Eng., fEC - Group III accepted for publication, including such revisions as are necessary to ensure correctness of grammar and (Electrical & Engineering Physics) spelling. The Association also reserves the right to refuse or withdraw acceptance from or delay publication of john Styles, P.Eng.
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