Carolyn Abraham: Everyone's DNA Tells a Story: Do You Want to Know Yours?

Selected Further Reading

Note: With Carolyn’s permission I have selected some items from the “Source Notes” of The Juggler’s Children that I think may be of general interest.

Many thanks to Ian Elliott of A Different Drummer Books for lending me a copy to facilitate compiling this list. [Mairi Fulcher, Chair, Program Committee]


Kennet, Debbie. DNA and Social Networking: A guide to Genealogy in the Twenty-first Century. Gloucestershire, The History Press, 2011

Ridley, Matt. Genome: The Autobiography of a Species. New York, Harper Collins, 2000

Wells, Spencer. Deep Ancestry: Inside the Genographic Project. Washington, National Geographic, 2006


Foster EA et al, “Jefferson fathered slave’s last child “ Nature, Vol. 396, Nov 5, 1998

Hughes J.F. et al, “Chimpanzee and human Y chromosomes are remarkably divergent in structure and gene content” Nature, Vol 463 Jan 28, 2010

Jobling M.A, “In the name of the father: surnames and genetics” Trends in Genetics, Vol 17, June 2001

Kalaydijeva, L et al, “A newly discovered founder population: the Roma/Gypsies”, Bioessays Vol. 27, October 2005

Shriver, Mark D, and Rick A, Kittles, “Genetic ancestry and the search for personalized genetic histories” Nature Reviews, Vol 5, August 2004

Zerjal T, et al, “The genetic legacy of the ”, American Journal of , Vol 27 March 2003

Articles and Essays

Baumeister, Roy F. “Is There Anything Good About Men?” Full mefdia transcript address to American Psychological Association, August 2007

Frudakis, Tony N., “Powerful but Requiring Caution: Genetic Tests of Ancestral Origins” National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol 93, 2005

“Genetic ailments due to endogamy” The Times of India, Sept 25, 2009

Harris, Paul, “The genes that build America” The Observer, July 15, 2007

Olsen, Steve, “The Royal We.” The Atlantic, May 2002

Thompson, Ian, “Gangster’s Paradise” The Independent on Sunday, May 10, 2009


British Library online:

Cacciottolo, Mario, “My ancestor traded in human misery”, BBC News, June 23, 2006:

Database to freely upload and compare Y-DNA test results with those who have tested through other companies or projects operated by Family Tree DNA:

“Falmouth Wharves” presented by the Jamaica National Heritage Trust:

General Y-DNA sites - information on using DNA to investigate ancestry. Free online resource operated by the International Society of , a non-commercial, non-profit group designed to promote the use of in genealogy. An open resource covering subjects related to European Prehistory, Anthropology and genetics, including articles, studies, and discussion forums. Home page of The Genographic Project, the multi-year, international effort to map the history of human migration through DNA

Genealogy sites containing various vital and property records, discussion boards, census materials, and related links:

The Free Encyclopedia of the International Circus: NB: Carolyn’s link appears to be broken but this one will take you to the Circopedia homepage.