
Daniel Webster once said that "America has proved that It may l»e able to keep out of jail. The damage cAse will probably is practical to elevate the mass of mankind the laboring or lower come off in Octolier, but just how we are coining out and how we Œbr Silerton journal class—to raise them to selfrespect, to make them competent to are to puy the expenses of these trials and pay our other obliga­ act a part in the great right and the great duty of self-govern­ tions we cannot tell our rentiers. But we’ll do the l>est we can ah 1 Published every Friday morning at Silverton. Oregon, by ment; and she has proved that this may be done by education and trust to those in the "Chain Gang” to keep the subs coming in, J. E. HOSMER. Editor. the diffusion of knowledge. She holds out an example a thousand as it is the only ho|>e we have of pulling through this critical times more encouraging than ever was presented before in those period. But, of course, we must not lose sight of the fact thMt nine-tenths of the human race who art» lairn without hereditary this is also a critical time in the history of the world’s civilization. fortune or hereditary rank.” Catholicism does not elevate the We must do our part at pointing out the evil that lias brought ubecription. Soc p*r year. in ad vane*. Single mass of mankind. All the good, all the real liberty, all the part eoptea. Scent«. on this terrific war. "The |a>n is mightier than the sword,” and Adrertiain< rate* made known upon applica­ that the people take in self-government has come in spite we hope our friends will use it in this great cause for Liberty and tion. of priestcraft. We hate the ’s government because it is against that they will In Ip us to circulate what the mighty |>en puts in the interests of a free people, and, realizing that our nation is yet Thl« paper .tend, for freedom of thouaht, free­ action. This is indeed a critical time, but everybody can do some- dom of the pre», freedom of speech, equality of very young, and that as Fisher Ames has said, “Aineeica is rising