Daniel Webster once said that "America has proved that It may l»e able to keep out of jail. The damage cAse will probably is practical to elevate the mass of mankind the laboring or lower come off in Octolier, but just how we are coining out and how we Œbr Silerton journal class—to raise them to selfrespect, to make them competent to are to puy the expenses of these trials and pay our other obliga­ act a part in the great right and the great duty of self-govern­ tions we cannot tell our rentiers. But we’ll do the l>est we can ah 1 Published every Friday morning at Silverton. Oregon, by ment; and she has proved that this may be done by education and trust to those in the "Chain Gang” to keep the subs coming in, J. E. HOSMER. Editor. the diffusion of knowledge. She holds out an example a thousand as it is the only ho|>e we have of pulling through this critical times more encouraging than ever was presented before in those period. But, of course, we must not lose sight of the fact thMt nine-tenths of the human race who art» lairn without hereditary this is also a critical time in the history of the world’s civilization. fortune or hereditary rank.” Catholicism does not elevate the We must do our part at pointing out the evil that lias brought ubecription. Soc p*r year. in ad vane*. Single mass of mankind. All the good, all the real liberty, all the part eoptea. Scent«. on this terrific war. "The |a>n is mightier than the sword,” and Adrertiain< rate* made known upon applica­ that the common people take in self-government has come in spite we hope our friends will use it in this great cause for Liberty and tion. of priestcraft. We hate the pope’s government because it is against that they will In Ip us to circulate what the mighty |>en puts in the interests of a free people, and, realizing that our nation is yet Thl« paper .tend, for freedom of thouaht, free­ action. This is indeed a critical time, but everybody can do some- dom of the pre», freedom of speech, equality of very young, and that as Fisher Ames has said, “Aineeica is rising <mng to hasten on the good time coming when war and its causes opportunity and the rvliaion of rurhteou.nees It with a giant’s strength. Its bones are yet but cartilages,” we can • mdlcally opposed to every form of superstition will l»e removed from our beautiful floating earth-island. and tyranny, or Remain« or permittimr any form not remain silent and see the old enemy of freedom atjts hellish of evil. work of destruction. WORK FOR THE AMERIC AN CITIZEN T WHAT DO YOU WANT? What is the real cause of the war in Europe that threatens to THE GEM THEATRE, become a hell all over the world? Of course the causes are various when viewed from one standpoint but there are some main causes Hogs want to wallow in the mud. It is their nature, Do you and these main causes are what we, the people, want to get after. want to make money? Do you want to have a good time? Do Never Gets Old We hold that the main causes of war through the ages has been you want to get even with some one who has wronged you? Do ENJOYED BY ALL-CHILDREN AND GROWN FOLKS priestcraft and kingcraft. These two fundamental errors of the you want war? Do you want to dress in he latest la-lnon? Do human race are much in evidence today in spite of their power to you want notoriety? As a man thinketh so is he, and if we can Instructive and Educative. hide themselve from the people, and they are the direct causes of get at what our chief desires are, we can easily determine what the Mexican wa; as well as the European war and will be the cause we are, and know if we are of any use to the world. Any of the of an Americ. i u; if we let them have their way. Priestcraft above mentioned desires, becoming the paramount characteristic has been pretty well aired in the columns of this paper and a word of men or women make fools of them and dangerous fools at that. about kingcraft might not be out of place, it is one o ;• >» If we have no higher aim than that of making money the very great arms of the octopus devil of which priestcraft is the other country in which we want to make the money will become bank­ arm. In a republic it takes on a different form but it is here just rupt and we will hasten on to the time when money can't be mude bv any one. When every citizen has become embued with real the same. In Servia, the bone of contention, as elsewhere, the PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. royal family, are almost worshiped and their members are almost patriotism, when he can say that "the world is his country,” and exempt from prosecution, no matter what they do. This makes it when the great majority of the people care for money, pleasure, PHONE BLACK 681 very convenient for the ruling classes, for if they want any dirty to get even, war, clothes and to be well known, only when it is for work done they can “let George do it” and no one will be punished the public good—when people are really in love with permanent, and the royal bloods can regret the action publicly, condemn the universal good aod can not be happy unless they are heroically All work done In the aliorteat pmarib * lime. We are equip­ culprit openly while protecting and conniving with him secretly. killing evil principles and establishing the true ones, then we will ped to handle all kinds of furniture, pianos, etc., with very little Prince George of Servia, who is called the“worst boy in Europe” be able to beat our gattling guns into auto trucks and our war danger of any damage done. is said to be the immediate cause of the war. He has been ships into factories and the high cost of-living will trouble us no more and we can live lives of individual happiness. allow’ed to do everything bad, even to pillage, drunkenness, profli- NO I OAD TOO HEA FOR OUR TEAMS TO HAU! acy and murder, ending in the assassination of Archduke Francis But before everybody can be converted to this simple but all Ferdinand. This gave an excuse for another of the royal family powerful religion of unselfish service, there must l>e some work who has been crazy for a long time to own the earth, to declare done to open up the way, and there is still much need of pioneer, war. volunteer, self-sacrificing, undaunted, never-give-up circuit riding Why wasn’t this “dare devil of Servia” taken care of long ago? It preaching. Time has made the old methods of no account to be is for the same reason that the priestly crimes in Marion County, sure, and many of the accompanying doctrines have proven of no Oregon go unpunished. It is because we still permit priestcraft use, untrue and burdensome, but just in projiortion as has the WE MUST GROW OR DIE! and kingcraft to rule the world. There is work for you to do, you minds of the most civilized people developed, just so much fiercer > free American citizen. Will you do it? has waged the conflict and in order that civilization may not l>e The Silverton Journal must keep its Subscription list entirely overcome by wrong incentives and abnormal growths of > growing or it will surely die. We need your help, but we what might be right ones, somel>ody must raise-the banner, even ; want to give even more than value received. in the face of the howling mob who deride and spit upon even the. Get us one or more at fifty cents a year. Use DECEIT AND CRIME AS BAD HERE AS ANYWHERE very signs of righteous ideas. The world needs real men and - the following blank: î women now and it needs them so much that it will die without I A FREE PRESS The Catholics’ rotten doctrines have kept the people of the them; but only those who cannot or will not think of conditions world in ignorance and taught the rulers the ruinous game of ex­ can drift with the tide or go with the crowd and enjoy the swinish ploitation, deceit and brute force to accomplish their selfish ends. fruits of selfishness; for the precious principles which have cost so I THE SILVERTON JOURNAL Austria-Hungary is the center of this world’s war and it is one of much are s*ill in the balance. the most superstitious countries of Europe while Mexico is known Life is short. It will soon be over. Under different circuin-1 « ► The subscription price has been changed from $100 to as a Roman Catholic country and it is another sore spot that may stances, when suffering and misery and crime and hell are the 50 cents per year. yet endanger the whole life of civilization. And in our own exception instead of the rule, you might properly want and work country the most corrupt and ignorant centers are Roman Catho­ for an individual happiness.
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