Sexual Minority and Gender Expression Resources National Phone and Online Resources The Trevor Project 1-866-4-U-Trevor is a 24/7 lifeline for LGBTQ youth 24 and under Chat service at Protected online community GLBT National Help Center 1-888-843-4564 Online peer support chat at Parents and Friends of LGBTQ Individuals (PFLAG) Find a local chapter, great resource for parents of LGBTQ youth and allies. Oregon Resources HIV/AIDS Resources Cascade AIDS Project/Oregon AIDS Hotline 208 SW Fifth Avenue, #800 Portland, OR 97204 Phone: 503-223-5907 * Toll Free: 800-777-2437 Fax: 503-223-6437 Email:
[email protected] Non-medical services for people with HIV/AIDS in Oregon. Sub-categories: ASO, Helpline Multnomah County Health Department HIV Health Service Center 426 SW Stark Street, 8th Floor Portland, OR 97204 Phone: 503-988-3674 Fax: 503-988-3035 Anonymous and confidential testing, prevention, outreach. Sub-categories: Testing, Education Pivot 209 SW Fourth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 Phone: 503.445.7699 Email:
[email protected] HIV/STD testing, social and educational programming and support groups. Formerly Men's Wellness Center. Sub-categories: Testing, Education, Support Outside In 1132 SW 13th Avenue Portland, OR 97205 Phone: 503-535-3836 Fax: 503-223-6837 Email:
[email protected] For HIV+ homeless youth 17-22. Sub-categories: Housing Oregon Health Authority HIV/STD/TB Section 800 NE Oregon Street, #1105 Portland, OR 97232 Phone: 971-673-0153 Fax: 971-673-0178 Email:
[email protected] Outreach, prevention, education, and testing sites.