Comment on the Commentary of the Day by Donald J. Boudreaux Chairman, Department of Economics George Mason University
[email protected] Disclaimer: The following “Letters to the Editor” were sent to the respective publications on the dates indicated. Some were printed but many were not. The original articles that are being commented on may or may not be available on the internet and may require registration or subscription to access if they are. Some of the original articles are syndicated and therefore may have appeared in other publications also. 29 August 2010 should do almost the suburbs so that more opposite of what he people can enjoy Editor, Washington advocates. McMansions situated on Examiner large grassy lots. We For example, it's beneficial should quit protecting Dear Editor: to help others. So I argue endangered species that that we are morally obliged humans don't consume as David Sirota identifies a to do more to help others, food, as protecting such benefit - namely, reduced regardless of the costs species hurts people by human impact on the (including any resulting reducing economic output. environment – and argues impacts on the And we should certainly that, therefore, people are environment). avoid Mr. Sirota's practice morally obliged to take of bicycling to work: steps to achieve that We should spend more because travel by bike benefit ("A week of living time working in factories takes far more time than with low impact on the producing furniture, cars, does travel by car, bicycle environment," Aug. 29). cell phones, and the commuters thoughtlessly – But because he ignores countless other products nay, irresponsibly! - reduce competing benefits, Mr.