Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1940-07-27
Clcvckmd 1lldlan, i Partly Cloudy ,. Come Within ilal'-Game or lOW A-ParUy cloud, toda, aud j DetroU Tlpia tomorrow; cooler In IOUth portion , See 8&or, oil rue • Wa,. -- 10.., a Mornin, NeID,paJJe; , IOWA ' CITY, IOWA SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1940 11VE CENTS , ' VOLUME XL NUMBER 254 National Political Rouudup . Jf TH.: ASSOCIATED P~E88 "ABBIN,G.TON Secretary lfillltce to quit agricultural post !AI campaign for v ice presidency; .rues AAA will be used as po- -b It' rPowerfulSquadronOfftoMeet IIilcal machine, I COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO, Italian Planes Bomb GJ ra a Spreading Menace of Flotillas ,We/ldell Willkle's manllg~rs are ------- IIPOrted considering formation of I new porty, such as a "democra Se d P' td G d C .p t p Of Nazi Torpedo ,Motor Boats tic Wlily party," 10 enllble ,south- 611 democrats to vote fbr Wil,kle SUf.fers con reSt ent rante onscrl tton owers Admir41ty Acknowledges Loss or Crippling Of II!II yet retain their democratic Jt«islration, Major Attack ,* * * • Half of 21.Ship Convoy Before Combined WASWNGTON'-Paul V, Mc ~utl says country Is too confused In Two Da s Senate Military To Exempt Married Men J Raider Disruised as Sw~dish Air, Torp,edo Boat Attack Dl' issues ot recent ~olitical con ItDtlons for anyone to forecast y GAg "· S~ ril B·· h BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ilIe outcome of the president elec Itep0i18 From Spain roup rees FreIghter t {es at rltls LONDON, July 26-Britain and the Frenchmen under her lion now, "I'm going' to keep my flag manned for sea tonight a powerful squadron of French JIIIj\Ith shut until the country cools Indicate British Ship O M July 20 after men o'war to meet the new llnd spreading menace of flo- 1If," he says.
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