![(Iowa City, Iowa), 1943-08-22](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
_ - If· 1~3 .. , . == Ration Calen_ IUOA ....,.n II •• ,1,•• All. lS: Warmer IUOAa ••••• '1 It ,,,p'r.. o.~ . II: MIAT .lamp. ran '1'. V. V aD' W ell,I •• ",.,. II: .aOCIIIUD rOODII .~.u ..,,, ... ,1. U: 'VaL OIL ,er, 5 ••• , •••• IOWA: Scattered tbllDdenho,,'en, . ", •• ,Iro .. I, 10. IUG"a ••••,. II a.' II, ...... Tft 'E~ ILY: '~" IOWA ~N :. ••1-, ••• ,1 •• ••1 ... , 11 ..,Ir •• 001. DA lay r. g.,. I~I II"O~ cO\ltlnued warm. n; 'U.L OIL ",r. 1 G•••••• , '.s_t ....ap'r. su... IITOV~' .arllfl••••••• 1 nU' .'10. A ... II. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ~r FIVE CENTS Tal A8100lATID ' ••11 IOWA CITY. IOWA SUNDAY, AUGUST 22, 1943 'lB. "'IIOCIATID ..." VOLUME XLIll NUMBER 281 recen tly n islands FEAR 50 DEAD AS BLAST LEVELS SIX-STORY PLANT • batl1~ or , ervieWell Imlinson Kiska Falls )\va City I,," ~azi 'Summer 'losses ude nt in nd area To Allies ~ein lized llversity. AP Correspondent 'mbat 18 r.II.:of Landing. ' Irmy reo Realch hed Ser. ·1000I . I OOO---Reds. On Aleutian .1.land 'in two nons, he UUeR note: . Ale(Jtia n Tbe lollowlnl' story bJ William bing of L. Wehlen, a ..oclated prell I. ·V. Soong Kiska's Fall Completes- Special Soviel Communique Correspondent W" wrlUen after isn't en_ lie bad participated In the land­ lOt, Fall<; iDI at J(Iska. It was the second DDI fo ~ ~~ Ume be had landed wUh Amer­ Will Arrive !/lembers , Estimate 'of Dead, Wounded lain combined operations for~c. ROJd at Carl II Aleutian a.saults. He landed eago, he w\UI U1e troops whleb tl/'1k Athl, 1 ErWin and remained gaUl afler the AI Quebec to opon LO ro '. have' t 1,000,000 39 "Iron undayB~l':!~~,O~~= Jlmnese defenders were wiped .. .. .. men killed and wounded in th third summer of lighting in RUB. :0, befty and 01' tbe occupatton com­ ADAK, Aleutian Islands, Aug. ia, 8 special 'oviet bulletin announced la t night. 'fhis is a third pleled. China Foreign Minister 10 (Delayed) (AP)-"Our recap- of their estimat d cffectiv along the l,Goo'mile Rll/ll ian front. = :: Worden bas been &sslmed to ture of K1ska without opposition On the basis of pre"ious Ru 'ian announcements this brought lite AI ..ka thea"r .Inee befqre Will Join Conference means that we have completed our the 108!!CS of G rmany and her 8llie to 7,400,000 men killed, I/Ie boJlllllnc Putch Harbor. 0' Tq Plan ~gainst Japan northern road to Japan," Vice Ad- wounded and captured since Adolf Hitler first plungcd to the 8e formerly worked In the mlral Thomas G. Kinkaid, com- - BeaWe, San Francllco an4 Ta­ mander of the north Pacific, aid ea t on June 22, 194,1. eeliii' bUreaus 01 the AP. QUEBEC ' (AP)-T. V. Soong, ~oday. A peeial oviet communique marking the cond anniversary Chinese foreign minister, is ex­ . He added: "Our completed chain of the Will' last June 22 said UJat 6,400,000 German and satel­ pected to join the Quebec war 8, WlillaQl Worden pf air and naval bases also will lite troop had been kHI ed r mad pri oner, turning Ru ' ia into 48 BAMBOO BAY, Ktska (De- cOllference within the next hours for discussions with Presi­ protect our curface vessels and our a graveyard for Germnn hopes of world empire. 18yey) (AP) -Th~ occupation of dent Roosevelt and Prime Minis­ shipping units two-thirds of the Ev n as the e stagg ring 1 w r . announe d, Kiska by United States and Can­ ter' Churehill on China's role in way to Tokyo." radio aid that mor than 4.000 . ------------- The Kiska battle, Admiral Kin- lost their lives .dlan troops was ~mpleted today forthcoming offensive operations other Nazis ye . kaid declared, actually was tought terday a th ned army dl' W in one of the strangest anti-cli­ aga,inst Japan. on Attu. Wonj of Soong's expected ar- "By the recapture of Attu, we it noo. e tighter about vital Aerial Baltle ""x~ on record for a military '" rival was the day's second devel- obtained the means of preventing Khal'koy aud hammcrecl at tuO­ campaign-the disappearance of ONLY A TA(J.. chimney 'above, a iiix'.li$orr concrete .bulldlnr of tbe Conl'oleum-Nalrn 0 p 10 en t focusing attention on rem~lnl : wbe~ sup\>lies from reaching K1 ska is- born German forces near Bryansk \he Japanese deflmqers. Plant in Kearny, N. J., had stood. When' ihls, plc~ure was "Ile~, .was ra,In&, throu&'h the wreckare plans for powerful new smashes nre land and the means of bombing and Spas-Demensk, The occupational began sunday after ·tbe entire bulldllll' had been levelled by a terrifIc explo.lon. Several persons were dead and scores at the enemy in the Pacific. The For South Italy Kiska by the 11th air force from The midnight communique sup- marn/ng when tJle Ilrst units hit were Injured, many of them crUle~lIY., ":-:,..,..-;_-.:...:;.' -.:!.... ___ -'-.:.- ___~---;-_-_ first was the simultaneous dis- billies to the westward, thereby quisling cove, on the west si<te of , ' closure here and in Washington Insuring the Ial1 of Kiska itself," plement, recorded by the Soviet. Kisca, in rubber boats to establish he explained. monitor from a Moscow broad- 8 beachhead while naval artillery I Railw,aY$ ' "T~at we. Could?'t ~ill more C4l5t, said that 1,000 Ge~ans were Blasts poUndecj' the Gertrude cove here lrom the south. ' UtV};:' <> If) (/6.(. :,'.: Jap.s, Adrmr.<ll . KinkaId added" killed as a Russian column fight­ ~9Y;~~t;~;;~~@ti$S a f.3J:g:Qd:i;:;;?i "was dljiappomtmg ~o every.one. T1iese units were followed by However, 'had the Japs chosen t.o mi, northwest. of Kharkov over- Round-the-Clock regular landing forces at dawn stay and , fight from their . en- ran several more villages. Patrols Maintain Sundar at Qulsing and th.er!!iore. , ~· to· lJ.;~<$~~ , ; ':: ;Relie,veJCJ." 1 :0 f " '~ [)[jties ~a~;~e~~~S~!· ~~~*~~~· Mi~iS_ : -.· ... trenched strongholds and foxholes, The embattled Germans threw dawn Monday on. Bamboo Bay. ~ ." '.' , ,'" - I ,',"," _ " 'll'. ' . " .'1, ,ter l :oN. "X. .•. ~cl.te~i~et- KirW "of Stiff Bombardment • . ~ . Can alia: • in a' Joint sta ement ac- our cl\Sualties would have been fres\} reserves into the battle rag­ 8lnee tbeJ) thousa,ds of troops • ------,-- . \ ' claimed' this blOodless reconqu'est heavy." . ban been pourln6 ..hore at the .in' west of Kharkov, and the ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN of: tbe' Al~utian iSland ,as a vidory Army estimates of potentiai cas­ Iw, pr\nelpal landln. points. ' , . uaities in taking Kiska by force Moscow bulletin said that Russian NORTH AFRICA (AP) - The air Patrols pepetrated to all impor- forces cut down 1,200 of them as batHe tor southern Italy is going Andrei A: Gronlyko' .I: Philtip .Murr ,ay'r :.(10," Head,"Backs : Plan '( ~hi~1] "~rees .~ t"'e " la~t ve$tige ' of ranlto 7,000 wounded and J<llled, . !:/,orth, ~eri~an tet;ritpry ,of }ap- full tilt tour days alter the fall of tant ,P,arts of the former Japanese Admiral Kinkaid said the blood­ the y counterattacked strongly, Sicily. fortress island and also Uttle less victory of Kiska changed the Forty Nazi tanks were knock~ Kiska. 'they found nothing except Named New ,Envoy · , Air Chlef Marshal Sir Arthur 'yo ·. Revive ,$25:000 CeiUng Ion Incomes ', ancse.s~!~~. ~rrlv,s . T~aY whole Pacillc picture. out in this action, the Russians gear the Japanese had bandoned ,. " '. Stephen Early, prC!\idential sec- Tedder's flying buzzsaw - which "The northern route--the short­ said. in' hasty flight, apparently about , fetarn saiq that S«,:lO!lg . was' ex- torced the surrender of Pal'\tellcria By est. route to Japan-is now cleared Naill Counterattack a week pr ten dal'S ago. Red Government WASHIN~TON (AP) -'p.resi~ .. As to an;)! increase in income pec~ed, lIlthqug~ ,he Indlca,ted ar­ and cut Sicily's communications to and from ~ttu we are only 6~0 N a z I forces counterattaoked There was rio living Japanese 'dent Phillip MUJiTay of ' th,e Con- 'tax, he observed: . rangelllents , fQt' his joini!}g the near Bryansk in the central sec­ pieces even belore the invasion­ miles from Paramu hiro, Jaan's is ripping at long range into thc anywhere and nothfng but a few Moscow Communiqu~ gr~ss .ot Industrial Organization~ "We don't want to k:iU thc goose. l:o/lt~r~1\ce ' hll<!, nQt been finally nortliernmost naval air and army tor of 1he active front, the mjd­ a\landoned artUlery pieces, in the , that ~ayS the golden egg." completed: 'Eady also said that nieht communique said, but were vital co nnecting Unks between ralllt;d ,;:-h's yester ay ?e- . 'SlIlflsb Secretary at War Stimson, who balle," he decla;ed. midl't o( wreCka&e caused by . Gives No ExplQDCI.tion u~lons M~orl~y' repulsed' with losses. An enemy nortl'lern and southern Italy around Naples months of American ljIombing. Of Sudden Shakeup hind a revenue prolll'am rev vmg Murray, said in his letter thl\l a recently returned frQm a tour of strongpoint was captured in that Close ... hand round-the-Iock What could have been one of the idea ' of a $211,000 celling on '''selfish minority In congress" was the north . African theater, would sector by Russian cavalrymen, the bloodiest battles In the Aleu­ LONDON, Sunday (AP)-The indlvidual 'incomes to oftescl what pushing sales tax and other plans get in today and that Major Gen­ patrols are malntalnln.
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