(Iowa City, Iowa), 1943-08-22
_ - If· 1~3 .. , . == Ration Calen_ IUOA ....,.n II •• ,1,•• All. lS: Warmer IUOAa ••••• '1 It ,,,p'r.. o.~ . II: MIAT .lamp. ran '1'. V. V aD' W ell,I •• ",.,. II: .aOCIIIUD rOODII .~.u ..,,, ... ,1. U: 'VaL OIL ,er, 5 ••• , •••• IOWA: Scattered tbllDdenho,,'en, . ", •• ,Iro .. I, 10. IUG"a ••••,. II a.' II, ...... Tft 'E~ ILY: '~" IOWA ~N :. ••1-, ••• ,1 •• ••1 ... , 11 ..,Ir •• 001. DA lay r. g.,. I~I II"O~ cO\ltlnued warm. n; 'U.L OIL ",r. 1 G•••••• , '.s_t ....ap'r. su... IITOV~' .arllfl••••••• 1 nU' .'10. A ... II. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ~r FIVE CENTS Tal A8100lATID ' ••11 IOWA CITY. IOWA SUNDAY, AUGUST 22, 1943 'lB. "'IIOCIATID ..." VOLUME XLIll NUMBER 281 recen tly n islands FEAR 50 DEAD AS BLAST LEVELS SIX-STORY PLANT • batl1~ or , ervieWell Imlinson Kiska Falls )\va City I,," ~azi 'Summer 'losses ude nt in nd area To Allies ~ein lized llversity. AP Correspondent 'mbat 18 r.II.:of Landing. ' Irmy reo Realch hed Ser. ·1000I . I OOO---Reds. On Aleutian .1.land 'in two nons, he UUeR note: . Ale(Jtia n Tbe lollowlnl' story bJ William bing of L. Wehlen, a ..oclated prell I. ·V. Soong Kiska's Fall Completes- Special Soviel Communique Correspondent W" wrlUen after isn't en_ lie bad participated In the land lOt, Fall<; iDI at J(Iska. It was the second DDI fo ~ ~~ Ume be had landed wUh Amer Will Arrive !/lembers , Estimate 'of Dead, Wounded lain combined operations for~c. ROJd at Carl II Aleutian a.saults. He landed eago, he w\UI U1e troops whleb tl/'1k Athl, 1 ErWin and remained gaUl afler the AI Quebec to opon LO ro '.
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