HE CENTRAL POST LETTERS to the EDITOR Scrvingsouth Brunswick Township Business Courses Published Every Thursday in Kendall Park, N.J
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T •'Url-O-rt A H _X_ .. M tt H ij'N SW I'tlC-'- V.° ■MjUN 1C1.PA*- VtNGS'TON .>*»£- CENTRAL POST iiJ 0SB-S2 HE v w o u t M Serving South Brunswick Township V O L. XIH , NO. 38 TWO SECTIONS, 22 PAGES SOUTH BRUNSWICK, KENDALL PARK, NE)V JERSEY, 08824, T O U R S D A Y . SEPTEMBEiT B m p le Is < Acting As - Principal Rose Refuses Housing developers can put upheld in court and that the nine- apartments and single family Tuesday.night he felt the zoning -■their plans for South Brunswick month deadline was “ excessi ve'1. dwellings, was.prbposed so that board would abide by the Offer To Serve in the closet for the next nine “ We will have a year before the,u" n,Planning :— »*B...... o a rd........ 'cou ld•• moratorium and not hear ap months, With only a modicum of anyone can do anything in this - complete and implement a study plications for variances?-------•— Temporarily discussion, . the Township township. Small scale - already underway of housing Another wrinkle which also . Committee Tuesday night ap development will be unfairly alternatives-and rezoning in the must be ironed out is the con By James Bemiss -.... - proved a nine-month moratorium restricted,” he told the com- township. ... The present zoning tinuing problem -of so-called on housing development. The only mittee. ordinance mades no provision for “ health and 'safely problems" Superintendent of Schools, Dr. nay votes- were cast by Com Mayor Richard llnicki told the muiti-family dwellings and such existing in the Oakdale Village James Kimple is serving as high mitteemen Joseph Spa taro and developer that while from one development has proceeded so trailer camp on Route 1 in the school principal, following the Edward Visinski. standpoint nine months . may be far because of variances granted township. The owner, Murray L__resignation _of__Walter,-.W-. — .The modicum _o f „ discussion prohibitive, it—-was— not- developers.------- —• Ncckman, is seeking the Finn- Chesner, principal of the school came from Alexander Molnar, unreasonable considering the Planning Board Attorney ning Board’s approval of a new -for the past 14 years.-Dr. Kimple whose Dayton Square townhouse involvement of the Planning Robert Longhi has alreadyjsaid site plan for the mobile home . however,.was not present at the development will not be affected Board, Planner Carl Hintz and the moratorium will probably be park and a new location off Sand . Board of Education meeting this _ by the moratorium, since any the Township Committee. He tested in court but said he Hill Road. He is also seeking the week, for he was attending a PTA plans which have advanced further said.that since the winter , thought it would be upheld since it renewal of his license by the meeting at Greenbrook school. beyond the preliminary approval season is rapidly approaching, is “ not unreasonable in.Jcngtb Towpship Committee, _ItJs _urr- _ ■yi^Se»ygaaida-s»pre3cntatioB,-oni-thg "'.'tve'thought lib development w ould-' iiof restrictive*' iri* 'application.”application.’ clear wnefber or riot tfie trailer ..., upcoming, bond: issue, ...... ; ' ..included,in. the housing-halt..... ...... be going.on anyway TH E THREE (POLITICAL) GRACES of South Brunswick surround co-chairman of the Republican —One problem which had to be park will be effected by - the Kimple assumed the position of Mr. Molnar told the group that The moratorium, which would campaign Dr. Robert Nicholas at the GOP picnic Saturday. The young lady supporting Gilbert Spahr's straightened out last night housing moratorium arid the principal after Carlton W. Rose, the moratorium would not be ban development of townhouses, plariners have requested a- iegal - candidacy for township clerk is Miss Kirn Doerr, while Miss Mandy Nicholas, a Rueschmann backer, leans was whether or not the Zoning Jr.‘, assistant principal-turned Board of Adjustment would abide opinion on the matter. Planning down an offer > to act as tem against her father, Miss E.llie Ann Nicholas hopes her father does a good job for her man. Mayor llnicki. by the housing ban. The board is Board Attorney Robert Longhi porary head of the l',100 student empowered by state statute and has asked not to be involved facility. BAHA Supports 1 since a local ordinance can not because of a conflict, Requests by many parents for override state, rules, the Zoning . 'i..The . matier began.. severa 1: ... a late bus to serve Crossroads Did You Have Board of Adjustment is faced years ago when a suit was and the high school, providing with the decision of whether or initiated by the township against transportation for students Softool'Bond Issue not to-follow the local plan. all three trailer parks locate^ — participating., in! extracurricular Chairman Herman von Thun said (See'HOUSING'BAN',"pai“e’'4r A)~' activities was one of the main The “ embryonie but growing” study to determine: 1. Is a new topics tended to by the board. 254 member Brunswick Acres school needed? 2. What would Several letters were read, and a A 'Hectic Weekend Homeowners Association happen if Greenbrook School — number of parents-were present __ decided last Thursday to “ en (which children from Brunswick to provide impetus fqr the in thusiastically support” the - Acres now attend) went on split ception of the after school runs. special school referendum Oct. sessions?” 3. Can , Greenbrook Mr. James Shuke, tran 17. Thedecision came at the end School he expanded? .. ; sportation coordinator for the of a lengthy, sometimes heated, In answering the first question, monthly general membership district, stated that a study was.... .the. group..found.that,,.based..on being cbhductedastb.-the ... .......meetingheldat'St:'Augustine’s projections, the 498 student ....-School. ...... .........— ........ scheduling of the buses, but that capacity Greenbrook School __theincreaseddemandsplacedon Over 130 members of the would be 40 per cent over the buses available by thb offset association heard a report capacity in 1974. Overall capacity sessions at the high school, - prepared by Joseph Jacobs,' in the township is 3900, while the combined with thq normal chairman of—the -Education .'student population as of Sept. 14 elementary runs made it difficult Committee for the group,' \vas 4,100. T he group decided a to provide the late buses. Eleanor Geller, Larry- Blake, new school was needed. - - Board member Eugene Glazer . - Carla Kniss, and Joy Russo, who ' To determine whether" or not -spoke out strongly for the after ----- spent some 450 “ people hours” inr- Greenbrook School could be —school-transportationr-saying-he- xpandedj-^the-rgroup—checked— believed the board had the r™Mtv"Jacobs.'’Because of the- with the state Board of obligation to institute some type shortness of manpower, the Education, where they found that of program to aid the students group restricted its area of study the state recommends school __involved in clubs and sports. He to the proposed $1.52 million .sites be 10 acres, with an ad- cited - the hardship to many Brpnswick Acres school. ditional aero for each 100 pupils. parents of having to pick up The committee prepared and The school occupies a 12 acre students at late hours, along with mailed out a - questionnaire site, and while the area around it the ever increasing number of designed to elicit the educational is vacant, the Board of Education, people hitch-hiking home. concerns of those in the Brun- indicated it would not be possible — tn-otner-Dusmessj—tne-Doard— ----- swick-AcresDcvelopment.-The- “ to expand “outward. They also- .approved a contract with Curtis survey. was : mailed to each said it would not be possible to Conover for the transportation of home in the development, with 33 add an additional floor to the one the athletic teams to away games per cent of the questionnaires story building. for the 72-73 school year. being;returned to the committee. • While investigating the effects Mrs. Ruth Small was appointed The group found that by far the of split or staggered sessions on acting board secretary in the greatest concern of the students, the: group found that absence of Milton Colbert who is homeowners who responded was dual use of the classroom would -inssfea on vacation. M A Y O R R IC H A R D ILN IC K I adds some spice to Governor William Cahill's visit to the GOP picnic taXbs. Second in concern was hamper teachers, and that no split, sessions, with third and R O U T E 18 in East Brunswick offers visual as well as air pollution to A report by the superintendant, held Saturday at Reichler Park. Committeeman Hans Rueschmann, left, prepares to join the governor in after school activities would be citing 'the many ac fourth concerns lunch those who gravel on it or live near it. Will Route 27 look like this in his snack. Both Mr. Rueschmann and Dr. llnicki are Republican candidates for re-election to the available. The Rev. H. Eugene complishments of Mr. Chesner as arrangements and busing 30 years? (Photo by Jafftps Bemiss) Township Committee. Committeeman Joseph Spataro who is running for the post of County Surrogate Speckmen, president of the principal/of the high school was respectively. Following these, Board of Education, told the in the November election, looks on at right. (Photo by James Bemiss) ' .... read by Mrs. Small. Mr. Kimson and closely ranked, were group the board believes that it is Editorial expressed-the wish that a copy be „ facilities for after school and better to put older children on sent to /the Montgomery school. ^ m ^ i t y activities, traffic and staggered sessions than younger system, and was unanimously neighborhood school. children, who are less able to use backed by the other members of The committee admitted that added after school' or before the board.; in its effort to be unbiased, the school time creatively.