˃ No Detail Omitted Or Repeated Study Edition ˃ Charts Showing Harmonization of Key Passages ˃ Scripture References in Body of Text
˃ No detail omitted or repeated Study Edition ˃ Charts showing harmonization of key passages ˃ Scripture references in body of text The NET Bible Synthetic Harmony of the Gospels Study Edition Jerry Peyton, ed. Biblical Studies Press Richardson, Texas COPYRIGHT © 2015 BY JERRY PEYTON AND BIBLICAL STUDIES PRESS L.L.C. BETA VERSIONa ALL RIGHTS RESERVES SCRIPTURE QUOTED BY PERMISSION. ALL SCRIPTURE QUOTATIONS, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, ARE TAKEN FROM THE NET BIBLE® COPYRIGHT ©1996-2006 BY BIBLICAL STUDIES PRESS, L.L.C. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The NET Bible® is not a shareware program or public domain document and may not be duplicated without permission, however: The NET Bible® verse text and the NET Bible® notes, hereafter called NET Bible®, is available on the internet at www.bible.org. You may copy the NET Bible® and print it for others as long as you give it away, do not charge for it and comply with our guidelines for content control including current valid copyright and organizational acknowledgments. In this case, free means free. It cannot be bundled with anything sold, used as a gift to solicit donations, nor can you charge for shipping, handling, or anything. It is provided for personal study or for use in preparation of sermons, Sunday school classes, undergraduate or seminary religion classes or other noncommercial study. This release is also available to organizations like the Gideons, who may distribute millions of copies of the NET Bible® text without royalty. This release does not apply to media other than paper. For free distribution of more than 1000 paper copies (or distribution in any other form, e.g.
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