I-Keyboard: Fully Imaginary Keyboard on Touch Devices Empowered by Deep Neural Decoder Ue-Hwan Kim, Sahng-Min Yoo and Jong-Hwan Kim, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Text-entry aims to provide an effective and efficient points for the same input without the physical boundaries. In pathway for humans to deliver their messages to computers. With addition, users type in an eyes-free manner [5] in a couple of the advent of , the recent focus of text-entry mobile computing context where a display is separated from research has moved from physical keyboards to soft keyboards. Current soft keyboards, however, increase the typo rate due to the typing interface. In such situations, the effect of hand drift lack of tactile feedback and degrade the usability of mobile becomes greater. devices due to their large portion on screens. To tackle these Second, soft keyboards hinder mobile devices from pre- limitations, we propose a fully imaginary keyboard (I-Keyboard) senting enough content because they occupy a relatively large with a deep neural decoder (DND). The invisibility of I-Keyboard portion on displays. Mobile devices provide smaller displays maximizes the usability of mobile devices and DND empowered by a deep neural architecture allows users to start typing from than non-mobile devices in general and soft keyboards can any position on the touch screens at any angle. To the best of our fill up to 40% of displays. A survey over 50 iPad users [6] knowledge, the eyes-free ten-finger typing scenario of I-Keyboard indicates that users show dissatisfaction towards current soft which does not necessitate both a calibration step and a pre- keyboard dimensions. Users wish to minimize the size of defined region for typing is first explored in this work. For the virtual keyboard to view more information from the display. In purpose of training DND, we collected the largest user data in the process of developing I-Keyboard. We verified the performance short, we claim that current soft keyboards on mobile devices of the proposed I-Keyboard and DND by conducting a series degrade the usability of mobile screens. of comprehensive simulations and experiments under various In this paper, we propose the imaginary keyboard (I- conditions. I-Keyboard showed 18.95% and 4.06% increases in Keyboard) along with the deep learning (DL) based decoding typing speed (45.57 WPM) and accuracy (95.84%), respectively algorithm to tackle the above-mentioned limitations of soft over the baseline. keyboards. First of all, the proposed I-Keyboard is invisible, Index Terms—Soft Keyboard, Virtual Keyboard, User In- which maximizes the utility of the screens on mobile devices. terfaces, User Experience, Human-Computer Interaction, Text- Users can view the content of an application in full screen Entry, Decoding, Eyes-Free and type freely at the same time. To further improve usability, I-Keyboard does not have pre-defined layout, shape or size of I.INTRODUCTION keys. Users can start typing on any position at any angle on touch screens without worrying about the keyboard position EXT-entry takes a crucial role in human-computer in- and shape. teraction (HCI) applications [1]. It is one of the most T Next, I-Keyboard comes with DL-based decoding algorithm effective and efficient methods for humans to deliver messages which does not require a calibration step. The proposed deep to computers. In the early stage of HCI research, physical neural decoder (DND) effectively handles both hand-drift and keyboard-based text-entry methods were prevailing. Since tap variability and dynamically translates the touch points into then, researchers have focused on designing keyboards with words. In order to design DND for I-Keyboard, we conduct a high usability. In the post-PC era, the birth of mobile [2] and user study to analyze user behaviors and collect data to train arXiv:1907.13285v1 [cs.HC] 31 Jul 2019 ubiquitous computing have prompted the development of soft DND. To the best of our knowledge, this data is the largest keyboards. Soft keyboards [3] set mobile devices free from dataset for designing a soft keyboard decoder. For training equipping additional hardware, thus improve the mobility of DND, we formulate an auxiliary loss without which deep mobile devices. architectures does not converge. Moreover, the eyes-free ten- However, contemporary soft keyboards possess a few limi- finger typing scenario which not only discards a calibration tations. In fact, current soft keyboard techniques damage the step, but also liberates users from typing at a pre-defined area usability of mobile devices in multiple ways other than the has not been explored. The proposed I-Keyboard attempts to mobility. First, the lack of tactile feedback increases the rate of unfold such truly imaginary soft keyboard for the first time. typos. The absence of tactile feedback causes hand drifts and In summary, the main contributions of our work are as tap variability among people when typing with soft keyboards follows. [4]. Users gradually misalign their hands and touch different 1) Research Scenario: We define an advanced typing This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Ko- scenario where both a pre-defined typing area and a rea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. NRF- calibration step are omitted. 2017R1A2A1A17069837). 2) Data Collection: We collect user data in an uncon- The authors are with the School of Electrical Engineering, KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), Daejeon, 34141, Republic of strained environment and comprehensively analyze user Korea (e-mail: {uhkim, smyoo, johkim} behaviors in such an environment. 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3) Deep Neural Decoder: We design a DL architecture for the usage of the optimized text-entries. I-Keyboard proposed in a shape, position and angle independent decoding and this paper does not involve learning and calibration processes formulate the auxiliary loss for training DND. since it operates with ten fingers and its decoding algorithm 4) Verification: We verify the effectiveness of the proposed does not need any prior knowledge. I-Keyboard through extensive simulations and experi- Last but not least, imaginary keyboards, which are invisible ments. to users, save invaluable screen resources and enables multi- 5) Open Source: We make the materials developed in this tasking in the context of mobile computing [14]. Imaginary work public1: the source code for the data collection keyboards reduce constraints during interaction and users can tool, the collected data, the data preprocessing tool and freely and comfortably deliver their messages. In addition, the the I-Keyboard framework. imaginary keyboards coincide with the potent vision for user The rest of this paper is structured as follows. In Section interfaces (UI) which has evolved from mechanical, graphical II, we review conventional research approaches and compare and gestural UI to imaginary UI, achieving tighter embodiment them with the proposed I-Keyboard. Section III describes the and more directness [15]. Conventional works on imaginary data collection process and analyzes user behaviors. Section IV UI, however, have only shown the feasibility not reaching delineates the I-Keyboard system architecture and DND. Sec- the practical deployment level. Our I-Keyboard proposes a tions V and VI verify the performance of I-Keyboard through new concrete concept for imaginary UI and demonstrates the comprehensive simulations and experiments. Discussion points practical implementation of the concept deployed in a real- follow in Section VII and concluding remarks in Section VIII. world environment.

II.RELATED WORK B. Ten Finger Typing In this section, we review previous research outcomes Ten finger typing is one of the most natural and common relevant to the proposed I-Keyboard. We discuss the main ideas text-entry methods [16]. Users can achieve typing speed of and limitations of previous works and compare them with the 60 - 100 words per minute (WPM) by ten finger typing on proposed text-entry system. physical keyboards [17]. Ten finger typing experience stored in muscle memory and tactile feedback from mechanical A. Intelligent Text-Entry keys enable eyes-free typing [18]. However, transferring ten- finger typing knowledge from mechanical keyboards to soft Intelligent text-entry aims to provide quick and accurate keyboards does not successfully occur in general due to lack of typing interfaces to users. Although mechanical keyboards tactile feedback, though a few works have shown the viability can also employ intelligent text-entry schemes, the schemes in special use cases [19], [20]. in general target virtual keyboards since virtual keyboards A number of works have attempted to understand the user offer simpler ways to modify the keyboards. In this paper, behavior with ten finger typing with soft keyboards. The major we categorize intelligent text-entry schemes into three classes: findings are as follows: gesture-based, optimized, and imaginary text-entries. First of all, gesture-based text-entry allows drawing-like 1) Speed: The typing speed with soft keyboards drops dra- typing [7], [8]. Drawing-like typing removes the need for lo- matically compared to the speed with physical keyboards calizing each key position and users can start drawing from any [21]. place on the screen in an eyes-free manner. Though gesture- 2) Typing pattern: The distribution of touch points resem- based text-entry offers concise eyes-free typing interfaces, bles the mechanical [22], though the it requires gesture recognition algorithms, which can hardly distribution varies over time in shape and size [17]. achieve a high accuracy [9]. Gesture variability among users 3) Hand drift: Hand-drift occurs over time and becomes and similarities between gestures for each key cause ambiguity stronger for invisible keyboards [4]. that increases the inherent difficulty of sequence classification 4) Tap variability: Various factors cause tap variability [10]. In addition, gesture-based text-entry takes longer time among users [23]. The factors include finger volume, than other text-entry methods since each key involves a gesture hand posture and mobility. rather than a touch or a key press. The proposed I-Keyboard In summary, ten-finger eyes-free typing on virtual key- targets a more tractable decoding problem and utilizes deep boards, which is most natural and easy to transfer knowledge learning techniques to successfully deal with the variability directly from physical keyboards [17], is feasible according among users. to the previous research results, though a couple of obstacles For the second point, optimized text-entry supplies accessi- need to be resolved. The proposed DND handles hand drift, ble and comfortable typing interfaces by optimizing the size, tab variability and automatic calibration with a deep neural shape, and position of keys [11], [12]. Current optimized text- architecture to improve typing speed and to reduce error rate. entry methods require users to learn new typing interfaces [13] because knowledge transfer seldom occurs for novel typing C. Decoding Algorithms interfaces. Furthermore, the optimization process frequently demands a calibration step. The calibration step complicates Classical statistical decoding algorithms translate user in- puts (key strokes) into characters or words using probabilistic 1 models. These statistical decoding algorithms have proved IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS 3 their effectiveness in a few controlled environments [24]. The goal of statistical decoding is to find the sequence of characters that maximizes the joint probability of the given user input sequence. Mathematically, the user typing pattern for the decoding process is formulated as ˆ C = arg max P (t1, ..., tn|c1, ..., cn), (1) C ˆ where ti’s are the position of each key stroke, C = (ˆc1, ..., cˆn), ci’s are the characters and n is the length of the sequence. Since the complexity of modeling the joint probability be- comes untractable as the sequence length increases, the inde- pendence assumption is employed in most cases. By assuming the independence property, (1) becomes Fig. 1. The data collection environment. We set up an ordinary monitor and a touch screen in a room. n ˆ Y C ' arg max P (ti|ci). (2) C i=1

The probability P (ti|ci) is approximated by a Gaussian dis- tribution with Markov-Bayesian algorithm [17] or a bivariate Gaussian distribution [25] in conventional approaches. In addition, the probability is separately modelled for left and right hands. Conventional statistical decoding algorithms, however, can- not perfectly deal with the complex dynamics of user inputs. The independence assumption applied in these methods cannot count both long-term and short-term dependencies among the key strokes. The independence assumption confines the conventional approaches to regard only the current input. Fur- thermore, the previous research outcomes have proposed fixed models for statistical decoding, thus they cannot adaptively handle hand drift and tap variability that vary over time. Though a few have designed adaptive models, those models (a) Interface of the instruction screen. (b) Interface of the touch screen. require either an additional calibration step or a controlled Fig. 2. Typing interface. Only the center part of the instruction screen and experiment environment [17]. the right half part of the touch screen are shown. On the other hand, the proposed I-Keyboard comes with DND that overcomes the limitations of previous approaches. We train DND to translate the user input data containing A. Data Collection hand-drifts and tap variability into a sequence of characters. 1) Participants: We recruited 43 participants from the The deep neural architecture for DND inherently models campus (32 male, 11 female) aged from 22 to 32 (average = the long-term dependency without relying on the indepen- 25.84, std = 2.68). All participants regularly use both physical dence assumption and its implicit dynamic feature success- QWERTY keyboards and soft keyboards on touchable mobile fully eliminates the effect of hand drift and tap variability. devices. All of them could type in an eyes-free manner with Moreover, the semantic embedding integrated in the neural physical keyboards. architecture functions as a language model that boosts the 2) Apparatus: Fig. 1 shows the overall data collection decoding performance. The reduced computational cost due environment. We set up one touch screen (LG 23ET63, to the joint architecture of decoding and language models is 1920 × 1080 pixels, 555 × 338 mm2, touchable) for text- another advantage. entry and one ordinary screen (LG L1980QY, 1280 × 1024 pixels, 422 × 410 mm2, non-touchable) for instruction on a III.USER STUDY:UNDERSTANDING USER BEHAVIOR desk in a room for data collection. We placed the touch screen In order to understand the user behaviors on invisible and parallel to the desk so that users could treat the screen as a layout-free keyboards, we design a user study. Specifically, usual keyboard. We placed the ordinary screen for instruction we aim to answer three questions: 1) “can users type on touch perpendicular to the desk. screens without any visual and physical guidances from the 3) Typing Interface: Fig. 2 illustrates the interface of the screens?”, 2) “if they could, what are the characteristics of instruction and the typing screens. We implemented the inter- their typing behaviors in such an environment?” and 3) “what face using Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). The in- type of feedback could improve the user experience during struction screen shows the task sentence (phrase) at the center. data collection?” During typing, three types of feedback could be offered: none, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS 4


Participants Age Phrases Points 9, 664 BlindType [23] 12 20 − 32 40, 509 (words) TOAST [17] 15 22 (mean) 450 12, 669 Invisible 18 18 − 50 2, 160 N.A. Keyboard [25] Ours 43 25 (mean) 7, 245 196, 194 asterisk [17], [25] and highlight. For highlight feedback which is evaluated in this study for the first time, each character of the task sentence gets background-highlighted step by step as Fig. 3. Examples of user mental models. The scales are normalized and the a legal touch is detected. The highlight feedback ensures one- offsets are removed for visualization. to-one mapping between the touch points and the characters in the task sentence. TABLE II Next, users could start typing from anywhere on the typing SUMMARY OF USER BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS screen at any angle. Neither a pre-determined area nor con- Metric Direction Average S.D. Range straints were set for typing. The typing screen only contains Horizontal 0.96 0.16 (0.92, 1.02) the proceed and the delete buttons. Completing the current task Scale sentence activates the proceed button and users can touch no Vertical 1.00 0.13 (0.96, 1.04) Horizontal 44.73 75.81 [0.00, 70.07) more than the length of the task sentence. Users can delete the Offset 25.95 44.69 [0.00, 45.57) touch points collected for the current sentence in case users Vertical Horizontal 259.0 87.57 (246.5, 276.2) feel they have made typing mistakes. Size 125.9 22.11 (120.4, 130.4) 4) Procedure: We first collected the demographics of par- Vertical ticipants and instructed the participants the data collection procedure. We asked users to assume there exists a keyboard typed in a less-restricted environment. The participants in this on the touch screen and type as naturally as possible. For the study could naturally exhibit their typing behaviors with more first 15 sentences, participants familiarized themselves with freedom. the typing interface. After the warm-up, users transcribed Though each user recognizes the keyboard layout in men- 150 - 160 sentences randomly sampled from Twitter and tally different ways, each model consistently resembles the 20 Newsgroup datasets. We preprocessed the task sentences physical keyboard layout. This indicates that users can type so that the sentences only included 26 English letters in on touch screens even though there is no visual and physical lower case, enter, space, period (.) and apostrophe (’). We guidances. randomly connected two sentences with the enter key. The data 2) Physical Dimensions: To estimate the physical dimen- collection process for each participant took approximately 50 sions, we utilized the distance between space and the character minutes. In total, the data collection included 7,245 phrases ‘p’ in each sentence. We omitted the sentences that did not and 196,194 key stroke instances. Table I compares the dataset include ‘p’ for the analysis. Table II summarizes the analysis size collected in this study with those of other studies and results. First, the average scale ratios among participants are verifies that the dataset is the largest among the recent studies. 0.96 and 1.00 for horizontal and vertical directions, respec- In addition, we randomly selected nine of the participants tively. On average, users keep the overall dimension of the and asked them to evaluate the three types of feedback. The mental keyboard. The low standard deviations of the scales selected participants typed ten phrases with each feedback, imply that the scales do not alter significantly over time. totalling 30 phrases. After the typing session, we collected Fig. 4 further examines the variation of the mental keyboard three subjective ratings from the participants for each feedback scales in both directions over time. As implied by the standard type in 5-Likert scale: intuitiveness, convenience and overall deviation, the scales do not vary greatly in both directions. satisfaction. Next, the average offsets for horizontal and vertical direc- tions are 44.73 and 25.95 pixels, respectively whereas the B. User Behavior Analysis standard deviations are 75.81 and 44.69 for each direction, 1) User Mental Model: Fig. 3 exemplifies user mental mod- respectively. We calculated offsets compared to the mental els for the keyboard. We normalized the scales and removed keyboard model estimated from the first typed sentence. Users the location offsets. Each user mental model characterizes tend to move in both horizontal and vertical directions, though different shape, size and location. Contrast to previous reports the tendency is stronger in the horizontal direction. Fig. 5 where users have typed on predefined regions, the keys do not investigates the change of the mental keyboard offsets over align on straight lines, but rather on curves. We presume this time. The mental models drift away from the initial position results from the fact that the participants in this work have in both directions as expected. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS 5


Metric None Asterisk Highlight Intuitiveness 1.13 3.63 4.63 Convenience 1.5 3.5 4.25 Overall Satisfaction 1.25 3.25 4.13 (a) Variation of the scale in the horizontal direction

(b) Variation of the scale in the vertical direction Fig. 4. The variation of scale over time. The scale does not change much in both horizontal and vertical directions indicating consistent user mental model size over time.

(a) Variation of the offset in the horizontal direction

Fig. 6. I-Keyboard system architecture. The user interaction module accepts user inputs and displays the decoding output. The data preparation and the data transfer modules function as a data pathway. DND translates user inputs into character sequences.

asterisk feedback. When no feedback is given, users could (b) Variation of the offset in the vertical direction hardly type the given text during the data collection process. Fig. 5. The variation of offset over time. The offset increases in both horizontal and vertical directions indicating user mental model drifts over time. IV. I-KEYBOARD SYSTEM DESIGN We describe the overall architecture of the proposed I- Keyboard and DND in this section. DND proposed in this Lastly, the average size of the user mental models is smaller paper allows the efficient and effective translation of user than the size of an actual physical keyboard (350 × 150 mm2) inputs into character sequences. in both directions. This contradicts the previous report which has stated that user mental models are slightly larger than an actual keyboard [17]. We surmise that the difference results A. System Architecture from the different instructions provided to users and the dif- Fig. 6 describes the overall system architecture of I- ferent data collection settings. Compared to the previous work, Keyboard. The user interaction module receives user input we did not enforce any restrictions on the typing environment through a touch interface and displays the decoded sequence such as a pre-defined typing area or an initialization process through a display interface. The touch interface and the for calibration. Thus, we expect our study can examine user display interface can be contained in one device, though the behavior in a more natural and precise manner. We do not present work separates the two. The data preparation module plot the variation of the size over time since it shows the preprocesses and formats the raw user input and stores the data same tendency as the scales with a different dimension (scale in a user input buffer. Since the proposed DND can consider factor). both short-term and long-term dependencies present in the user 3) Typing Feedback: Table III shows the user experience data, the data from the past time steps improve the decoding results depending on the feedback types. The results demon- performance. For this, the user input buffer keeps a certain strate that highlight feedback used in this study is more number of past input data as a context. After the number of intuitive, convenient and satisfactory than the conventional past input data gets stored in the user input buffer, the decoding IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS 6 becomes instant. The new input character is decoded with the and semantically examines both short-term and long-term past inputs stored in the user input buffer. dependencies. To support this, the input vectors are windowed The communication layer between the data module and the and DND uses a certain number of past input vectors each DND module enables a tight integration of a deep learning time. framework and an application framework. Technically, current The statistical decoding layer receives the input vectors and deep learning frameworks hardly support a native implemen- translates them to a sequence of characters. The decoding tation of DL algorithms for application frameworks with a layer does not take the semantic relations between characters few exceptions. The need for the communication layer will into account, but the layer only considers positional relations disappear when the support for the native implementation among the user input during the translation. The decoding emerges. DND decodes the user input in both short-term layer consists of a stack of bi-directional GRU units. Bi- and long-term manners. When a user starts to type, DND directional GRU’s can model the dependencies in forward decodes in the short-term manner due to the vacancy of user and backward directions. Since I-Keyboard lets users type at input buffer. After the user has been typing for a little while, any position on the touch interface, regarding both forward DND uses the long-term prediction scheme. The details of and backward dependencies is crucial for the decoding per- DND follow in the next subsection. The data transfer module formance. We select GRU’s instead of LSTM’s for the sake receives the decoded sequence and lets the interaction module of computational efficiency. display the result. The softmax selection of the intermediate and the final output layers first maps the output from GRU units to a tensor B. Deep Neural Decoder (DND) whose dimension matches the size of the character dictionary. The softmax selection utilizes a linear layer for the mapping. 1) Problem Formulation: We formulate the keyboard de- Then, the softmax selection applies the softmax function to the coding problem as follows. Given a set of touch points on the tensor and selects the most probable components as follows: touch screen T = (t1, ..., tn) where ti = (xi, yi) consisting c of x and y positions and n stands for the sequence length, exp(vi ) cˆi = arg max k j , (6) c P a decoding algorithm finds the most probable sequence of j=1 exp(vi ) ˆ characters C = (c ˆ1, ..., cˆn) where cˆi ∈ D = {e1, ..., ek} where i (1 ≤ i ≤ n) is the index of the character, v is for 1 ≤ i ≤ n, D is a character dictionary including space, the output vector of CLM and k is the size of the character enter, period and apostrophe, and k is the size of the character dictionary. dictionary: The acceleration layer enforces an additional auxiliary ˆ loss [26] for the intermediate output to boost the training C = arg max P (c1, ..., cn|t1, ..., tn) = arg max P (C|T). (3) C C procedure. The acceleration layer significantly improves the We use the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). By apply- convergence speed as well as the decoding accuracy. Without ing the Bayes rule, the right hand side of (3) becomes the auxiliary loss, the DND architecture becomes too deep for the gradient caused by the final loss to travel through P (T|C) · P (C) arg max P (C|T) = arg max . (4) the network. In such case, the learning would not occur in C C P (T) the appropriate direction for the middle layers. We use the Removing the invariant P (T) turns the decoding objective into softmax cross-entropy loss for both the acceleration layer and the final output loss. The acceleration layer is enabled only Cˆ = arg max P (T|C) · P (C). (5) for the training step. C Next, the semantic embedding layer embeds each character In this setting, P (T|C) and P (C) refer to a user mental model into a character vector [27]. The embedding vectors stores and language model, respectively. Since considering the long- the semantic relations between characters after training. The term dependency complicates the statistical model for P (T|C), CLM revises the positional errors entailed in the user input conventional models approximate the mental model by assum- data using the semantic relations between characters. It learns ing the independence property and a Gaussian distribution. On how characters are related and how to correct typos. The CLM the other hand, we model both the user mental model and the also employs bi-directional GRU units to handle both forward language model using bi-directional GRU’s to handle the long- and backward dependencies. term dependency. By incorporating bi-directional GRU units, the proposed decoder can translate the input touch points into V. SIMULATION a character sequence without compromising the performance In this section, we focus on verifying the decoding accuracy with the model complexity. of the proposed DND compared to a couple of baselines. 2) Neural Architecture: Fig. 7 shows the neural architecture Then, we present ablation study results for various parameter of DND. The user input flows from the input layer to the choices. final output layer. The input layer concatenates the x and y components of user input and transforms the user input into input vectors. In addition, the input layer receives the A. Simulation Setting user input at multiple time steps for the statistical decoding 1) Baselines: We verified the performance of DND in layer and the character language model (CLM) statistically comparison with a few baseline methods. We did not include IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS 7

Fig. 7. DND architecture. The statistical decoding layer extracts character sequences from positional information implicit to the user input. The character language model corrects positional errors with semantic information. The acceleration layer facilitates the learning process.

Fig. 8. The architectures of the baselines. For the transformer model, we only employ the encoder part to generate a sequence of characters from user inputs. Other baselines do not vary from the basic architectures. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS 8

conventional statistical models such as a Gaussian model TABLE IV [25] since they failed to work in the challenging I-Keyboard SUMMARY OF SIMULATION RESULTS scenario. The positions of user hands vary over time and Model Name Parameter CER WER Time the position of each key is not restricted to a specific area s2u32 11.21 41.27 0.72 msec in the scenario. Therefore, each key can present at all posi- s2u64 7.93 30.89 0.95 msec tions of touch devices and the Gaussian modeling becomes s3u32 9.19 35.32 0.94 msec meaningless. We selected four models among the latest and uni-rnn s3u64 7.10 28.53 0.89 msec most popular deep learning networks [28]: RNN (uni-rnn), bi- s4u32 7.15 29.22 1.12 msec directional RNN (bi-rnn), encoder-decoder attention (seq2seq) s4u64 6.42 25.21 1.08 msec [29] and transformer (trans) [30] models. Fig. 8 shows the s2u32 6.22 22.85 0.88 msec architectures of the baseline models. For the transformer s2u64 4.53 16.62 0.98 msec model, we only used the encoder part to transform the user s3u32 4.08 15.24 1.11 msec bi-rnn inputs into the sequence of characters. s3u64 1.84 8.73 1.10 msec 2) Ablation Study: We explored various parameter choices s4u32 4.08 16.62 1.28 msec for each model. We modified multiple parameters and investi- s4u64 1.99 9.97 1.33 msec gated the effect of parameter modifications on the decoding s2u32 83.45 100 1.97 msec performance. We controlled the following parameters: the s2u64 54.43 68.98 2.04 msec numbers of stacks (2, 3, 4), units for GRU (32, 64), heads s3u32 64.18 81.44 2.54 msec seq2seq (8, 16 for trans models) and the use of auxiliary loss (for s3u64 15.82 18.14 2.58 msec DND). s4u32 48.92 63.16 2.63 msec 3) Data Preparation: We separated the collected data into s4u64 8.59 9.97 2.69 msec three parts: train, validation and test datasets. We randomly s3u32h8 24.91 56.37 0.65 msec chose two participants and assigned their data as the test s3u32h16 28.16 64.68 0.71 msec trans dataset. For the validation dataset, we selected one participant. s3u64h8 23.70 55.26 0.63 msec We randomly shuffled the train dataset for better convergence. s3u64h16 23.98 55.40 0.74 msec In addition, we augmented the train dataset by adding random s2u32 77.33 100 1.67 msec offsets in both horizontal and vertical directions. We repeated s2u32au 2.37 9.00 1.67 msec the data augmentation process five times. We used the vali- s2u64 68.19 100 1.72 msec dation dataset to prevent overfitting. We stopped the training s2u64au 1.18 4.16 1.65 msec procedure when the error rate on the validation dataset started s3u32 76.22 100 2.05 msec s3u32au 1.86 6.65 2.12 msec to increase. DND 4) Evaluation Metrics: We assessed each decoding algo- s3u64 75.26 100 2.06 msec rithm with three metrics: decoding speed, character error rate s3u64au 1.54 5.12 2.10 msec (CER) and word error rate (WER). We measured the average s4u32 75.77 100 2.72 msec decoding speed since ensuring a real-time operation is of great s4u32au 4.33 15.51 2.50 msec importance for decoders. We measured the accuracy with CER s4u64 77.36 100 2.65 msec and WER. CER is defined as s4u64au 1.26 4.43 2.72 msec MCD(S, P ) CER = × 100, (7) lengthc(P ) when the minimum validation loss was updated and decreased where MCD(S, P ) is the minimum character distance be- the learning rate when the minimum validation loss was not tween the decoded phrase S and the ground-truth phrase P updated. The rate of learning rate variation was 0.1. We and lengthc(P ) is the number of characters in P . Similarly, stopped training when the minimum validation loss did not WER is defined as change for 10 epochs. We chose models with the minimum validation loss for the simulation. We used one GPU (Titan X) MWD(S, P ) WER = × 100, (8) for training and one CPU (2.9 GHz Intel Core i7) on MacBook length (P ) w Pro for testing. where MWD(S, P ) is the minimum word distance between S and P and lengthw(P ) is the number of words in P . CER and WER count the number of insertions, deletions and B. Results and Analysis substitutions of characters or words to transform S into P . Table IV summarizes the simulation results. The characters 5) Implementation Details: We implemented DND with ‘s’, ‘u’, ‘h’, and ‘au’ in the parameter column indicate the Tensorflow (Python 3.6). We set the size of character em- numbers of stacks, units of GRU and heads and the presence bedding vector and the character dictionary as 16 and 31, of auxiliary loss, respectively and each number following the respectively. We used Levenshtein measure to calculate MCD character specifies the dimension. CER, WER and time (the and MWD. We set other model parameters as stated in Section average time needed to decode one word) in the table were V-A-2). For training, we used Adam optimizer and set the evaluated on the test data. Table V displays decoding examples initial learning rate as 0.001. We increased the learning rate of bi-rnn and DND models compared to the ground-truth. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS 9

TABLE V A. Experiment Setting EXAMPLESOF DECODING RESULTS 1) Participants: 13 skilled QWERTY keyboard users (5 G.T. do you know where there’s a store that sells towels. male, 8 female) from the campus who had not joined in the Ex. 1 bi-rnn do you know where there’s a store that sells towels. data collection process participated in the experiments. Their DND do you know where there’s a store that sells towels. ages range from 22 to 32 (average = 25.6, std = 2.5). All G.T. can i have a receipt please. subjects responded that they used on daily basis both physical Ex. 2 bi-rnn can i have a receilt please. keyboards and soft keyboards on mobile devices and they DND can i have a receipt please. could type in an eyes-free manner. G.T. my throat is sore. 2) Apparatus: We conducted the experiments using the Ex. 3 bi-rnn my thrat his sore. same apparatus of the data collection process. In addition, we DND my theat ois sore. measured the time spent on typing the task phrases. Other than that, we used the same interface as in the data collection procedure. Comparing the performance between models reveals the 3) Baselines: We did not select a baseline method for intuitions for designing DND. First of all, the results of uni- comparison in the experiments for the following reasons. First, rnn and bi-rnn imply the importance of considering the back- we pioneered the I-Keyboard scenario in which users type ward dependencies in decoding performance. The superior using ten fingers in an eyes-free manner with no pre-defined performance of bi-rnn (s2u32, s3u32, s4u32) over uni-rnn region for typing and no calibration step. As this scenario is (s2u64, s3u64, s4u64) proves the importance of the backward first attempted in this work, this type of method has not been dependency since uni-rnn with 64 GRU units and bi-rnn with mentioned in the literature. Second, there is no probability 32 GRU units have approximately the same model size. In that conventional methods with an enhanced calibration may addition, uni-rnn could not achieve high accuracy even when perform better. The I-Keyboard setting reduces the constraints the model size increases. other methods impose such as a pre-defined typing region Next, the superior performance of DND over bi-rnn suggests and a calibration step. Without such constraints, the decoding the limitation of decoding with only positional information. becomes statistically more difficult since the touch points Though bi-rnn models showed reasonable performance, they spread over larger area and vary significantly point after point could not correct the positional mistakes made by users. By due to hand position shifts. Third, we designed I-Keyboard employing semantic embedding, DND further improved the through comprehensive simulations which already compared performance of bi-rnn. In addition, the auxiliary loss forced various model architectures and parameters. We only referred by the acceleration layer lets gradients pass through the DND to the performance metrics of the previous state of the art [17] architecture. Without the auxiliary loss, DND becomes too to assess the performance of I-Keyboard, since the accuracy deep for the single loss to train. The performance difference of the state of the art in the challenging I-Keyboard setting between DND with the auxiliary loss and DND without the was only 32.37% (CER). loss verifies the effectiveness of the acceleration layer. 4) Performance Metrics: We evaluated the I-Keyboard per- The seq2seq and trans models did not exhibit acceptable formance with the following metrics: speed in WPM, accura- performance although they have demonstrated the state of the cies in CER and WER, and subjective rates in 5-Likert scale. art performance in other tasks such as neural translation. We WPM is defined as follows: presume the seq2seq and trans models require semantic infor- |length (S) − 1| 1 mation implicit in the input data to show high performance as WPM = c × , (9) reported. The input for the decoding task in this work rarely M nc contained semantic information but only physical (positional) where M is the time elapsed from the first key stroke to the information. The lack of semantic meaning in the input data last key stroke for S in minutes and nc is the average number hindered the models to translate the input sequence to the of characters in a word. We set nc = 5 in the analysis. character sequence. We gathered subjective feedback from the participants in All of the models guarantee a real-time operation with rea- five perspectives: mental, physical and temporal demands, sonable decoding speeds. We did not use a special computation comfortability, and overall satisfaction. device, but just a normal one. Moreover, we did not utilize a 5) Procedure: We first collected the demographic informa- batch-based computation since DND accepts user input one at tion from the participants. Then, we informed them the experi- a time, not in the batch-based form in the real-world setting. ment procedure. The experiments consisted of two phases: typ- When DND accepts a batch of input, the throughput increases ing with a physical keyboard and I-Keyboard. To remove the several times (up to the batch size). If DND is deployed in a effect of bias, we alternated the order of typing devices from server, the server can utilize the batch-based computation. participant to participant. We instructed the participants to type as accurately and quickly as possible. For each keyboard, we VI.EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION first presented 10 phrases randomly sampled from the phrase To demonstrate the performance of I-Keyboard in real appli- set as a warm up session. After participants became familiar cation settings, we design an experiment incorporating users. with each keyboard, we required each participant to transcribe We report the typing speed and the accuracy as performance 20 phrases randomly selected from the phrase set. Finally, metrics. participants took a survey to rate I-Keyboard subjectively. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS 10

suspect the participants do not take typing as a burden. The overall satisfaction is 3.62.


I-Keyboard implements an eyes-free ten finger typing inter- face that does not involve a calibration procedure. Moreover, users do not need to learn any new concept regarding I- Keyboard prior to usage. They can just start typing naturally by transferring the knowledge of physical keyboards. Users can keep typing even when they have taken off their hands Fig. 9. Subjective ratings from the participants. The result attests that users phrase after phrase without an additional calibration step. I- can type with little mental and physical fatigue. Keyboard targets mobile devices since most mobile devices (Android iOS) support QWERTY keyboards and users in general use them. However, there still exist a few remaining B. Results and Analysis works for further improvements although we established the Fig. 9 and Table VI summarize the experiment result. effectiveness of I-Keyboard. The average typing speeds of the physical keyboard and I- First of all, we can further experiment with various touch Keyboard were 45.57 and 51.35 WPM, respectively. The av- screen sizes. In this paper, we utilized a relatively large erage speed of the physical keyboard measured in this work is touch screen. By using the large touch screen, we intended slower than the previously reported average speed (55 WPM) to consider radical situations such as moving hands dynami- [17]. We investigated the typing speed of each participant and cally phrase after phrase. Even in such situations, I-Keyboard some of them showed fairly slow typing speeds with both can decode the key strokes with high accuracy. Thus, users the physical keyboard and I-Keyboard. The minimum typing can both naturally and comfortably type with I-Keyboard. speeds for each typing interface are 35.13 and 26.88 WPM, Furthermore, increasing display size is the trend for mobile respectively. This factor lowers the average typing speeds of devices and the trend will accelerate with the development of both interfaces. However, the typing speed of I-Keyboard is foldable screens [31]. The current version of I-Keyboard can faster than the previous state of the art (41.4 WPM), though already support with a few adjustments such as the average speed of I-Keyboard might have been reduced. supporting typing on a QWERTY keyboard with two thumbs. In addition, we report much higher speed ratio between the Nevertheless, we plan to extend I-Keyboard to other touch typing interfaces (45.57/51.35 = 88.74%) than the baseline screens in the succeeding study. When targeting multiple (41.4/55.5 = 74.59%). We infer from user feedback that the screen sizes, transfer learning [32] would enable one general enhanced typing speed resulted from the increased freedom platform for all. provided by I-Keyboard. Users can type anywhere on the We implemented I-Keyboard with the LG touch monitor touch screen without worrying about key positions and typos. using WPF. In the following research, we can extend the Participants replied that this feature makes I-Keyboard conve- presented I-Keyboard environment to any flat surfaces with nient. In fact, we can further improve the typing speed of I- advanced touch sensing techniques. A depth-based touch de- Keyboard with more sensitive touch devices. Participants tried tection system [33] could enable such extension. When I- to type faster but the device in this work could not sense the Keyboard is integrated with advanced touch detection meth- touches when the typing speed exceeded the sensitivity of the ods, a number of mobile systems would benefit from it. For device. We expect I-Keyboard would offer more comfortable example, I-Keyboard can offer an effective text-entry method and faster typing interface with careful choice of touch device. for VR systems. Since VR systems require an eyes-free text- The overall accuracies of I-Keyboard in CER and WER entry method, I-Keyboard can be an attractive alternative for are 98.91% and 96.12%, respectively. The accuracy is slightly current text-entry tools for VR systems. higher than the accuracy of the test set in simulation. We Finally, the next generation I-Keyboard can support non- assume the participants attempted to type as precisely as alphabetic characters (e.g., numbers, punctuation and func- possible following the instruction given before the experiment. tional keys) for better user experience, though users can type We instructed the participants to type as precisely and swiftly lower case alphabets, apostrophe, enter, space and period with as possible. For the data collection process, we did not inform the current I-Keyboard. Specifically, the shift key can be such instruction. detected by a multi-touch detection algorithm by recognizing The subjective rating from the participants reveals key the first key pressed while the second key is stroke as the features of I-Keyboard. The physical and temporal demands shift key. A gesture detection algorithm would enable the are left-skewed, meaning users can type quickly without expe- delete key by assigning a swipe gesture as the delete key. In riencing physical fatigue. This implies improved typing speed addition, users would not need to wear gloves with a multi- and user experience. The mental demand and comfortability touch detection algorithm by detecting palms. We plan to approximately show Gaussian distributions signifying these develop the above-mentioned features for the next generation metrics require further investigation to extract meaning. We I-Keyboard. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS 11


“I expect I-Keyboard will show more excellent performance in terms of speed and comfort with better touch device.” Positive “It was nice that I can comfortably and freely position my hands.” “I could hit the keyboard with my usual typing habit instead of typing it on the pre-defined keyboard.” “It would be better if the touch device can perceive fast touches” Negative “Users can get confused with the keys in similar locations.” “I-Keyboard could not recognize key press when I touch it with my fingernail.”

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Ue-Hwan Kim received the M.S. and B.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Korea Advanced In- stitute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Dae- jeon, Korea, in 2015 and 2013, respectively. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree at KAIST. His current research interests include service robot, human robot interaction, cognitive IoT, human com- puter interaction, computational memory systems and learning algorithms.

Sahng-Min Yoo received his B.S degree in Electri- cal Engineering from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KASIT), Daejeon, Korea, in 2017. He is currently working toward integrated Master’s and Doctoral Degree at KAIST. His current research interests include user experience, service robot and deep learning algorithms.

Jong-Hwan Kim (F’09) received the Ph.D. degree in electronics engineering from Seoul National Uni- versity, Korea, in 1987. Since 1988, he has been with the School of Electrical Engineering, KAIST, Korea, where he is leading the Robot Intelligence Technol- ogy Laboratory as KT Endowed Chair Professor. Dr. Kim is the Director for both of KoYoung-KAIST AI Joint Research Center and Machine Intelligence and Robotics Multi-Sponsored Research and Education Platform. His research interests include intelligence technology, machine intelligence learning, and AI robots. He has authored 5 books and 5 edited books, 2 journal special issues and around 400 refereed papers in technical journals and conference proceedings.