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October 1988 Daily Egyptian 1988

10-27-1988 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 27, 1988 Daily Egyptian Staff

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Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Thursday, Octobtlr 27,1988, Vol. 75, No. 49, 24Pages Nitz to ~e sentenced today, vows: 'I'll be back' By Richard Goldstein this case was the most clear "There is not any doubt that In a plea against the death penalty, said Nitz compounded S(!lffWriter cut he has ever seen. he (Nitz) is a murderer," sentence, he said Nitz has the crimes of first degree Convicted murderer "He (Nitz) is as gu!.lty as any Lowery said. serious problems if he com­ murder during a kidnapping Richard Nitz will be sentenced man I have seen tried," Judge Continuing his closing mitted the crimes he was and an armed robbery by then at the Williamson County Donald Lowery said, in­ statements BroekJig said Nitz comicted of but that there is cutting off and hiding Miley's Courthoase in Marion today terrupting Pablic Defender "is not some kind of animal still hope for the man. "head so the family can !I'lt following Wednesday's Larry Broeking's plea for crawling on th~ ground" that State's Attorney Charles heanng where the judge said Nitz's innocence. should be killed. Gamati, advocating the death See NITZ, Page 5 Gorbachev to release Burris: State's prisoners leader at fault ~IOSC'OW ,L'PI: - West German Chano.:ellor Helmut Kohl said Wednesday Soviet Calls Thompson dismal leader leader !\Hkhail Gorbachev has agreed to release ail political By Scott Perry prisollers by the end of the Staff Writer year in exchange for Bonn's The situation confronting support for a human rights higher education in Illinois can conference in Moscow. be traced to poor mana,ement Kohl, on the third day of a on the part of the state s chief four-day visit to the Soviet executive, State Comptroller Union. said Gorbachev's Roland Burris said. promise to rei€clse political "(Gov') Jim Tbompson has prisuners was one of three been a dismal leader and bas conditions set by Bonn for not made education a top supporting the K,emlin's priority during bis ad­ desire to trumpet its improved ministration," be said. human rights record by hosting an internatlonal human rights conference in Moscow. Burris meets with "The German side ex­ local officials pressed its readiness to sup­ port along with olbers after -Page 10 hu~an nghts conferences in Pa' is and Copenhagen also a Roland Bums human nghts conference in SIIIH Photo by P«ry A. Smith Burris was in Carbondale general fund. Moscow if it follows the Wednesday taking part in a "This moner could be going standard set by the previous Barbara Bush, wife of presidential candidate Georg. bearing where the state's to education' instead being meetlllgs." Kohl sa id Bush, greet. Jes.e Richardson, a trainee at Mount Ver­ responsibility in helping local used to bail out various other "In this context, the Soviet non's Comprehensive Services, a facility that government was discussed. state programs, he said. side stressed it would release rehabilitate. disabled people Into the work force, Wed­ Burris disagrees that a tax Burris said with funding for by the end of the year all nesday afternoon during 8 campaign stop In Southern increase is needed to lift education dropping at the state persons whIch are regarded in Illinois. primary, secondary and level, "the school districts the West as political higher education out of their have to begin tapping into the prisoners," said Kohl. making financial slumps, and blamed public" througb an increase in the first state visit by a West the Thompson administration German leader in five years. Barbara Bush to 'vvork for creating education's pr::::IStax:!'id there is The other two conditions set dismal situation. documented proof showing by West Germany were in­ "D~ his (Tbompson's) with every decrease in state creased emigration for ethnic for improved literacy 10 years m office, funding for funding for education, there is Germans residing within the education bas gone down," an equal increase in the Soviet Union and an end to the Burris said. "The money bas jamming of German • adio By John Baldwin P~:r ~iate taxes have broadcasts into the country. Staff Writer Bush's campaign a i'~~s~it. ~~t.,froperly. gone up proportionally to the Moscow has moved to meet MOUNT VERNON slick media event "Tuition bas to rise here at drop m funding from the the conditions with stepped up Barbara Bush said im- our University because the state," Burris said. emigration for the ethnic -Page 6 universities have not been able Burris called Tbompson's Germans to record levels in Cr:;1~g rai~~oul~ub:rr:;~ ~ta~~,proper funding from the proposed tax increase a the past nine months and main objective as first lady. "hodge podge," saying very negotiating an end to the But she said her main Burris, a native of Centralia, little thought went into iti' jamming. Foreign Minister purpose for coming to children from low-income graduated from the University creation. Hans Dietrich Genscher said lllinois was "to get people to families gain social com­ in 1959 with a bachelor's "Who's idea was it to tax Wednesday his government vote for George Bush." petence. degree in political science. funerals and beauty s~ and was "satisfied" with the Burris said many of the She spent about two hours There are Head Start octors progress of npgotiations on here before traveling to programs on Giant City financial problems confronting ::~ !:~ta::.r.ers, those conditions. California. Road in Carbondale; in the the state can be dealt with by Burris then attacked Reacting to Gorbachev's The wife of Republican basement of the Shiloh reapportioning resources Thompson's staff and their presidential candidate Baptist Church, 418 S. Fifth already at the slbte's disposal. part in creation. See RELEASE, Page 5 George Bush spoke to in Murphysboro; and one in Burris said Thompson is "Thompson's staff put the repori.ers at Comprehensive Johnson City. asking for too much money to budget together; his top man services, a facility to help Bush is meeting her come from the people of the manipulated things back there the disabled become in­ husband this weekend in state, and not using what they 80 badly that it took my staff ~hiS '.Iorning tegrated into the work California, but she said, have already in a wise man­ and my experts to find out force. "You know, I don't know ner. what the hell they put I Oukakis ignoring "I'm not pushing just exactly where my husband "No matter how much together." latest polls George Bus'!, I'm pushing is at right now," and then money you have, you'll never the ticket," she said. laughed. have enough to solve all the I - PageS "Every last vote counts." She said his whereabouts problems of the state." "I came here to let you Praise was given to Gus BOd/i..... : know we care about ha~~l:f~a~errh~d. Com- Thompson's Build Illinois I Cross Country Southern Illinois, we care prehensive Center, she met program, but Burris said "the ~' to host meet with the people working on program is so complicated it a~~! ;:rJ ~~I::Sa'~d her projects there, spoke sign takes people with PbD's to -~~~- \ , _. Sports 24 husband were strong language with a group of figure it out. .. --..... - .... I supporters of the Head Start people, and helped mix l<"unding for the program has - -- ... - . program, which is a chocolate mint chip cookie been a problem too, Burris Windy, 60•• nationwi:ie effort whelp dough. said, with a large percentatre' Gua uya Big Jim haa mad. .4 it coming froin IllinoiS' edUc.tIon. big m.... NEWC NCEPT HAIR SHOP RO."'i~~~ 0451~.1 Newswrap p.(fii~" 300 E. tvidlll, Hunter Bldg. ~. .cree~. Pizza Men-Cut - *12.00 world/nation . 8 FREE Small Cheese Pizza with order of Women-Cut - $10.00 Perm - $25.00 lG. 2 Ingredient Pizzo "The~ Best Around" Limit 1 per ord,,. Price Includes Israel bombards Lebanon Pick-Up or Delivery Style Also Grand Ave. Mall 11 Carbondale call and ask for Debbie with air raids on 6 camps SIDON, Lebanon (UPIl - Israeli jetfighters unleashE'd their biggest blitz this year on Lebanon Wednesday, p.>unding six WELLNESS Moslem guerrilla camps near Beirut and in the south as Israeli­ CENTER backed troops pushed the insurgents off a strategic hilltop near T-BIRDS the southern port of Sidon. Security sources and guerrillas i:iaid GROUPS & at least 19 people were killed and 40 others wounded, including WORKSHOPS women and children, in the air strikes and ground attacks. ac&u.(Tlmtr Crews find 144 survivors from sunken ferry TACLOBAN, Philippines (UP!) - Rescuers Wednesday rJUdrenOf plucked at least 144 survivors from a cluster of islands in the stormy Visayan Sea where a ferry carrying 481 people sank ~(COhO(IC5 Monday at the height Typhoon Ruby's fury, Coast Guard ana What does It medn to be an shipping officials said. The confirmed death toll was 32, the of­ adult child or !3.n alcoholic~ ficials said. Come Identity patterns, chardt­ terlSlics, roles and behaViors that children develop in a dY5- Officials attempt to end massive farmers sit-in functional family learn about your options tor healing NEW DELHI, India (UPIl - Government officials Wedne:;day Drafts met with leaders of more than 100,000 farmers occupying a mall 7-9PM in central New Delhi in hopes of settling the 2-day-old sit-in and All Day All Nlte THURSDAY. OCTOBER 27 clear the area before a huge rally planned by the ruling Congress MisSIssippi Room Student Center Party next week. There was no word on progress in the talks Presented bv Barb Fljolek between senior members of the Bharatiya Kisan Union - Hindi for Indian Farmers Union - and Home Minister Buta Singh and 529-3808 Balram Jakhar, the speaker of the lower house of Parliament. Seven La\.n presidents to meet on debt, drugs BITTER'S PUNTA DEL ESTE, Uruguay (UP!) - The presidents of seven Latin Ameri('an countries began arriving Wednesday at a pol)h beachside reuo~~ for a meeting to chart ways to revive their ARMY SURPLUS failing, debt-strapped economies and curb international drug rackets. The seven presidents !:attending the meeting opening r.n"ion and anxiety are common Thursday are being lodged in private home<' in the neighborhood lo..,rt:e, of heodoches. Join III for th}, of San Rafael. one of the most luxurious districts of Punta del OUTLET on. night preaentotion of technique, Este. 320S. Main rou can use to prevent Of' ov.rcotIWt 'enslonl'lecYiocMs.. I ~~~~~~~F7"'~ Benton, II. 62812 7·9PM U.S. offers limit on 'Star Wars' defense test PH (618)439-7050 TUESDAY, NOV~BER 1 WASHINGTON (UP!) - Fulfilling a promise President Illinois Room. Student Center I eAliceGear Reagan made to Mikhail Gorbachev at the 1987 Washington -Surplus Clothing HALLOWEEN summit, the United States has offered to limit the number of eM,artia\ Art Supp\\es satellites in any "Star Wars" spaee defense test, U.S. officials said Wednesday. The officials, who spoke on condition of -Repelling Gear anonymity, said U.S. negotiaton. at the nuclear arms reduction -Guns &Ammo talks with the Soviet Union in Geneva proposed Monday to limit -Full Line of Military _m~ to 15 the number of satellites used in any tests of the U.S. Supplies Slay With Your Grallp Strategic Deiense Initiative, as "Star Wars" is formally known. Southern Illinois Largest Surplus Outlet Drought loss, exports slow economic growth ''WE AIM TO PLEASE" WASHINGTON (UPl) - Slower exports and drought losses dropped total economic growtn to a weak annual 2.2 percent in the third quarter, the lowest in two years, the Commerce Department said Wednesday. Growth in the real gross national product, the nation's total output of goods and services, was lower than most analysts had predicted, but economists and administration officials agreed the report was basically good news.

Elite pilots die in Marine helicopter crashes YUMA, Ariz. (UPIl - Two Marine helicopters crashed in the Arizona desert while on night maneuvers for elite pilots prac­ ticing advanced tactics, killing all 10 men aboard, military of· ficials said Wednesday. The CH-46 Sea Knight and UH-IN "Huey" were on a training exercise for a weapons and tactics UP-THE instructor course when they crashed about 7:45 p.m. MST Tuesday on the Barry Goldwater Gunnery Range 125 miles HIGHER EDUCATION UNION southeast of Yuma. Russian ships open freedom path for whales BARROW. Alaska (UPl) - Two Russian icebreaking ships HERE's THE SCORE bashed a passageway through an arctic ice ridge Wednesday that ecstatic rescue workers hoped would soon send two once­ UP/ sm (1FT/ AFT) IEA/NEA I doomed California gray whales finally swimming to freedom. Number of Registered Lobbyists (K-12) The whales, splashing with new life, were apparently only a half­ 3 4 mile from open wa tel' after the Soviet vessels destroyed a section Number of Registered Lobbyists

Editorial and business offices located in. Co~muni<:Btions Building, VOTE FOR THE UNION WITH EXPERIENCE IN REPRESENTING North Wmg, Phone 536-3311, Walter B. Jaehnig, fISCal offtcer. UNIVERSITY FACULTY Subscriptioo rates are $45 per year or $28 for six months within the I VOTE UP/ sm, 1FT / AFT ON NOVEMBER 16 United. States and $115 per year or $73 for six months in all foreIgn r:ountnes . Postmaster: Send change of address to Daily Egyptian, Southern TUinois University, Carbondale, IL6290l. Page 2, Daily Egyptian, October Z1, 1988 ) SIU-C student wins writers' contest I Committee HE IS now working on an his homeground, at SIU-C. wants ff.'8 Gets first place album at Soundcore in for original music Carbondale, which will be "EVERYBODY ASKS me, recorded on Epic Records, 'Why Carbondale?' " he said, lowered one of the sponsors of the "but I love it here." and short story contest. "Any place with a building By Kathleen DeSo By Beth Clavin Making records '.s not a called Quigley Hall must not Staff Writer IOntertainment Editor new experience for Quigler, be too bad," he joked. The Undergraduate Student after attending coUege 10 After graduation next Government Committee for Robert Quigley writes for Hollywood for three years December, Quigley pia ns to his hobby. Internal Affairs told the newly majoring ill social and go to graduate school and formed Alpha Chi Rho Little did he know that this performmg with bands to keep writing on the side. pastime would get him a fraternity it will have to lower work his way through "I hadn't planned on going its local fees to become a $10,000 SC~OlarshiS' a ~hort college. back (into music) after Registered Student ~~?rS~lished all an c.ibum Quigley, who had always school, " he said. "Things Organization. written !-.i5 own music, sent a happen like this. At the committee meeting Quigley, a senior in health tape of some of his work to a "I'll let nature take its care management, won the Tuesday night, Mike Putzek, manager, and within a week, course," he said, but added the Na~lonal Writers Competition East Side senator, said he was in the same rehearsal that he will always write. University has a $35 ceiling on sponsored by the National studio with Rod Stewart. Center ior the Endowment of QUIGLEY SAID he hopes fees local clubs can charge. the Arts. It is an annual, th~Ui~'iidsth~mb~~fa ~~~ to write a couple of books in The fraternity had proposed a national contest open to his lifetime. He has already $40 fee for its organization. MOlltrose before starting his Representatives of the people over 18 years old who called to tell him he had won own band, Borealis. begun writing one about his are not currently under experiences in Vietnam. fraternity agreed to lower the called his winning in two local fees to $35. contract. categories "unprecedented... HE HAS recorded three "Writing has always come Quigley entered in two of "Toe categories are so albums prior to this one, and easy for me," he said. He The committee also the spven catergories in the diversified," he said. has toured with Journey and said he can write a song in 15 discussed bills for im­ contest: original mUSical Loverboy, among others. One to 20 minutes. peachment of senators who "I NEVER believed to of his tours brought him near Quigley said he hopes to have not signed information HOem~it~~ ~~~~:;ttin~7~ these contests before," he his homeground, when he give people in this area the release forms or who have both. said. "I thought they were opened for Van Halen at the chance to help out on his missed more than four probably fixed." SIU-C Arena. eight-song album. meetings with or without QUIGLEY, FROM But it was real and Quigley Quigley said the lyrics of "I learned from my peers. I proxy representation. Shelbina, Mo., said he was won a $5,{)()() scholarship for went there and paid my hiS music have always been dues," he said. "I don't mind The committee removed notified previously that he each of the categories, whicb different ~rom that of others had won the regional com­ sharir.g that with others." Brad Jeffers, a former senator he plans to use atSIU-C. because he doesn't write who had resigned, from the petition, including seven His non-fiction short story, Eddie Chappa, an SIU-C abOut "sex, drugs and rock graduate in music, currently impeachment list. states in the Midwest, and his entitled "The Missioll," 'n'roll." work was sent to a panel of is heJping Quigley with the The committee also listened currently is being pUhlished. "You wouldn't believe all to a proposal for a revised five judges in the national It tells of the first time he the things record companies pre-production of the album, competition. which Quigler hopes will be constitution from a killed another human during want you to do to sell representative of thF. Air Force Last week, he found out he his stay in ViDtnam at the age records," he said. "It's like out in latespnng or summer. had won and flew to St. Louis ROTC Wild Blue organization. of19. selling yo:rr soul." BECAUSE OF his time in Wild :llue, a cadet choU", is to be recognized in a His svng, "If I Only Had "I never lost my Mid­ Hollywood, Quigley also is an ceremony with the other You," is described by western values," he said, anti-drug activist. He plans to aPC~~f?[t~Osta~tection winners. Quigley as a pop rock ballad. "and many people respect give some of the proceeds of scheduled for Wednesday was "There were 3,000 entrants He wrote the music and lyrics me for that." the album to a local facility, in the two categories," also discu'ised. There was one and performed the song, Quigley tired of the such as the Wellness Cenl(>r, open seat on the committee. Quigley said. which he submitted to the Hollywood scene and decided to help in the fight against He said the person who A closed committee meeting contest on a video tape. to finish his education near drugs. to discuss senators' grade point averages

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Daily r::gyptian, C~!ober V, 1I11III, Page 3 DailyFmDtn Opinion & Comnlentary HaJ:oween ain't fun without the costume WE SHOULD take this year's Halloween a step further. Carbondale already is years ahead of other college towns with silnilar celebrations. Safety measures developed at Carbondale hav~ become a model for Halloween festivals as far away as Athens, Ohio. WATCH THEM Students, townspeople, businesses, police, city workers BLUBBER A.W and Universit¥. administrators have come up with a plan RUN RJR COVER! that has curtailed the violence that marrei celebrahons in the eariy- to mid-'BOs. The emphasis this year is again on safety. There is, however, one thing the celebrants can do to make the festival more enjoyable and possibly safer. MANY OF mOSE on the Strip and Grand A venue last year bemoaned t.~e relative absence of costumes. Halloween once was a journey into a surreal world where a person might meet up with a dozen Richard Nixons,' followed by three or four sets of Blues Brothers, walking Viewpoillt just ahead of a whole funeral procession. Costuming once was creative. Those who tried it on, fO:lnd that it fit, and was a great deal of fun. "'Ie have come a long way toward providing a safe eo­ How gaudy! How vuigar! How cruel! vironment for our revelers. This should be the year that we bring back the costumes. Uberals distribute dirty propaganda WHY ARE costumes so important? For one thing, MY CONSERVATI\'E friend stamps ar.:! buy mink coats. costuming can put alcohol in the back seat where it Everybod~' knows that." belongs. WtIile we do not fault those who drink in Grump was scowli'lg even mcre than usual. His skin was Yes, I've heard of such moderation, drinking should not be the sole reason for livid and his hands shook so goings-on. coming to downtown Carbondale. violently that his martini "And this nonsense about Heavy drinkers are likely to find themselves the cer.ter spilled. undertipping Old' caddies. An of attention among the many police who roam the "An outrage," he said, "an absolute lie. At my club, most Halloween crowds. Underage drinkers should take thE:" a bsolute outrage." of us ride golf carts. DCJ you recent police raids on downtown bars as a premonition of What happened'? Did the know why? Because the lower things to come on Halloween weekend. bartender forget to add the classes have become too lazy twist'? Mike to caddy. They prefer idling Costuming is the most viable alternative to getting stone about and having babies to drunk and risking jail, injury or death in the pursuit of a "Not my drink," Grump said. "It's those liberal, pinko Royko carrying our clubs and earning good time. Democrats." an honest dollar." What are the scoundrels up Tribune Media Services THE VETERAN COSTUMERS plan their disguises well to now'? How true. This ;s th~ dirtiest in advance. Many ~roups develop a theme in which "This," he said, slamming a campaign trash ever. everyone ('.an partiCipate. That's good advice. There's pamphlet on the bar. "As for the quality of toilet saiety in numbers, especially in the large crowd that can "Scurrilous campaign It is a known fact that . tissue, do you know what it be ~xpected Friday and Saturday night. literature. Look at it." costs these days'? Besides, a Costuming also allow:; the participants to drop some of I studied it and fully agreed most cruel factory coarser brand builds their inhibitions. This does not mean that costumers with him. It was disgustir.g. character and inspires am­ owners who put bition. Encourages a fellow to should use disguised identities as an excuse for any move off the assembly line and kind of hijinks, illegal, immoral or otherwise. IT SHOWED a picture of a cheap toilet tissue in grinning George Bush, holding into the managerial ranks. Costuming is a lot like dreaming, though. A person can a squash racket in one hand, employees' washro­ You don't hear the Japanese don a costume and become a world leader, a cidstarclly and a gi:l and tC'lic in the oms will vote for workers complaining about villain, an animal, ve~etable, even a small househoid other. He was ·... earing a Yale their toilet tissue, do you? " appliance. The onl)' limit is the person's creativity. cap an" p -f·shirt that said: Bush. Do you prefer Irr.agine how this will delight visitors, who come to see "Beat t .arvard, Boola Boola, cheap toilet tissue? GREAT WORKERS. lJutrageous costumes, and disappoint critics, who say Boola doola ! " They're glad to make do with Halloween is just another excuse for the drunken students But even worse was the big, dry seaweed. to go on a rampage. black headline above the "Have y:>u ever seen picture. anything this low'?" he m~~i~h~~n~':~dg:~~~ This should be the year that Halloween comes full circle, is being distributed by the back to the fun-loving days of an impromtu street party, It said: "The La7Y Rich Vote bellowed. for Bush. Greedy Wall Street party of liberal murderers, where entertainment and creativity were the order of the Tycoons Vot.e for Bush. Money NEVER. IT IS the depths of rapists and fiends." day. Grubbing Bankers Vote for political mudslinging. ExacUr. As well 8£ liberal Bush. People Who Live in Big ,·It is worse than that," porch climbers, second story Mansions and Ride Grwup said, waving it over his men and huocap thieves. Thanks for safe Halloween Limousines Vote for Bush." head. "It is garbage, gar~age, "Not to even mention the WE WANT to say thanks to all those who have worked And beneath it was a garbage." liberal smash and grabbers, over the past few years in general, and the last year in ~lessage that said: Exa-::Uy, I said. That's the pickpockets, shoplifters, gold particular to make this year's festival a success. "Friends: It is a known fact word I was groping for, gar· chain pluckers and schoolyard that almost all women who bage. flashers." The Public Relations Student Society of America, one of And don't forget the liberal the premier chapters in the country, has evolved a safety wear mink coats will vote for George Bush. Do you have a "1'otal distortion. A squash pim~, panderers, procurers campaign that goes beyond public service announcements mink coat'? racket. Can you imagine that? and philanderers. andlmages. Everybody knows tellllis is his "Yes, and ti,ey are joined by The students work hard each Halloween weekend, "AND I'i' IS a known fact game." the liberal bus station per­ directing lost souls, comforting those who did not take that the members of the most verts, tree-climbing window­ their advice to drink in moderntion, and generally provide exclusive golf clubs, especially Absolute disregard for the peepers, and the porno house a place folr someone to get away from all the crazmess of those who give cheap tips to truth. matinee crowd." the celebration. their caddies, will vote for "And that shirt that says Liberals all. George Bush. Do you belong to 'Boola Boola, Boola Boola. '" "But as low as they are, I didn't think they could sink to THE UNIVERSITY. Carbondale Convention and an exclusive country club and Are they implying that he stiff your caddy'? speaks Swahili,? these depths. I am going to call Tourism Bureau and tne toW!l'S liquor distributors have "It is a known fact that most upon Dukakis to apologize and dontated the $10,500 b:ldget for the safety and first aid cruel factory owners who put "No, idiot, that is Yale's denounce this material." tents and the safety campaign. The Chamber of Com­ cheap toilet tissue in em­ fight song. But he never sings merce and Theater Guild are sponsoring a Haunted House. ployees' washrooms will vote it during campaign ap­ A DECENT MAN wouldn't The Chamber is providing prizes for the costume contest, for Bush. Do you prefer cheap pearances o!' while attending besitate. But I doubt if he will. and sponsoring two nights of musical entertainment on toilet tissue'? funerals of foreign potentates. "Then Bush must come out GrJmd Avenue. "U George Bush is elected ana ,-all it exacUy what it is in Other students groups have been involved also. Campus president, ric!} women will °w~ft!Ir;:~~~'" the strongest of terms." Garbage? Ministries, The "'Jewman Center and ~he Wesley Center are t.ave more mink coats, more caddies will be stiffed, and you .. AND THE SHEER gall of d~~~,er than that. It is providing alcohol-free events. will get an even chp..sper grade liberal Democrats even The city will provide a great deal of support, security of toilet tissue. mentioning mink coats. Do you You're right. He should kick and cleanup crews. "Is this what you want for know who owns most of the a little bottom. This shows that the whole community is coming together America? The choice is yours mink coats in this country'?" "I'm sure he will. Well, I'm behind the celebration, not to stille it, but to make it as safe oliNov.8." Who? off to my club .. , as possible. These people and organizations should be Shakin~ my head in disgust, "Welfare mothers, that's Boola Boola. commtnded for their effe rt<:;. I handed It back to Grump. who. They sell their food "And Boola Boola to YOI'. " Page4,DailyEgyptian. OctOOer27, 1:JS8 1------COUPON------I Roast Beef Combo ! $ i~~, 1i29 I ~\ =_'-.lJX. I FAST FOOD.WITH STYlE, I !\lot Valla with ~nlf other offer I (include, regular roast be("'. Sa;, IdA chdrg.d Off"r good al I regular fr:es & regular drink) pdOlclpdlmg Ra. oniv L_~~~~'o!~·~~!.m~-- ___ ~~_~~~~~~.!I_ _.J -Ik~ 0i'J THE STRIP PlatQ !.onch 11:tJOam· 2:OV.,:'Tl SUck production IIno:M!f\I£'dlll klmln ~fluOl;;hl!o •. _ Adrlanne Moreno, senior In ladlo and Tom Bell, from University Photo Com· television trom Manorvllltl, NY, works with munlcatlons, or. a recruitment video. Side Spughetti Garlic Bread & Thunder Salad Nitz, from Police Blotter Page 1---- $3.85 Pork Tenderloin Three University students SIU·C Security said give a proper burial for the were charged with underage Chris topher Abbott, man." &. french fries possessiod of alcohol Wed­ sophomore in pre-major, Steve Miley's decapitated body nesday and relE'.ased with Bylinowski, £ophomore in was found April 9 in the t.""U'lk notice to appear in Carbondale finance, and Raymond of his car near Rocky Comfort Sl.5S City Court, Sgt. Robert Drake, Trepanier, junior in speech Road in Union County. The SIU-C Security said. communication report:ldly !lead not bee:l recovered. Police said Martin trepassed on state property at Nitz's wife Rita also has Fullington, freshman in Small's Fruit Farm, west of been charged with three construction technology, Dean Tower Road on Chautaugua counts of first degree murder Jansen. freshman in ar­ Road, Drake said. and one count of concealing a chitectural technology, and homicide. Arthur Williams, freshman in SIU-C Security responded to Garnati said Nitz is "evil" architecturltl technology, were a call at 9 a.m. Tuesday that for hiding Miley's head and for charged with underage someone was trespassing on slanderillg Danny Walker who possession aud were released the property and was asked to Nitz accused of killing Miley. with notice to appear Nov. 7 in leave but did not, Drake said. "Danny has got to Carbondale Citv Court. Officers found the three men in live with this (accusation}," SIU-C 3ecurity observed an orchard 800 yards east of a Garnati said, "He's got to go Fullington, 18, Jansen, 18, and b&rn on the property, Drake around Southern Illinois" with Williams, 19, drinking, police said. the accusation hanging over said. The three were seen The men voluntarily allowed him. running and kicking a vehicle police to search their vehicle, In the trial Nitz accused in Lot 106 onS. WallSt.,at1:35 Drake said. The officers found Walker of committing the a.m. Wednesday, Drake said. em~ty gun cases in the vehicle. murder of Miley a week after Police then found two shotguns Walker and one other behind the barn, Drake sa:d. prosecution witnE:SS testilied Three University students Abbott, 22, Bylinowski, 20, that Nitz told them he had were charged and arresWd and Trepanier, 22, each posted killed a homosexual and cut off with crimmal trespassing on UOO bond and were released to his head. s~ate property Tuesday appear Nov. 16 in Jackson Garnati has based his case morning, Sgt. Robert Drake, COI. ..aty C:rurt. on the idea that Nitz was motivated to kill Miley because Nitz has a deep RELEASE, from Page 1-- aversion to homosexuals. Wednesday he brought this pledge on the release of The Helsinki Watch grollp in idea out mo:-e funy as he political prison<:-rs, President New York says there are 234 presented evidence not Reagan said in Washington he documented political prisoners directly related to Miley's had heard the reports and, in the Soviet UrJon. death, but which painted Nitz "I'm hoping that's true and "But the deal will probably as the leader of the "Trog" will happen." involve about 50 - those whom club. Witnesses testified that State Department the Soviets re~ard as political the club was a motorcycle club spokesman Charles Redman prisoners, and they haVE: a that also persecuted said, "We welcome this report narrow definition of what that homosexuals who congregated as evidence that the Soviet means," said Cathy Fitz­ in the parking lots at Crab leadership recognizes the patrick, research director for Orchard Lake near Nitz's importance of releasing all the human rights group. trailer. political prisoners now held in "The Soviets make these Michael Miley's brother the Soviet Union. We look very splashy announcements, Mark, Lawrence S. Weiss and iocward to actual release of but really you have to monitor James R. McClure testified these prisoners." how they turn out," she said. that without provocation Nitz Asked how many prisoners The West German chan­ and two others threatened there might be regarded as cellor, who promised to make them with baseball bats and political, Kohl and Genscber human rights a major point of damaged their vehicles and mdicated there were lists in discussion during his six radios on a May 1987 evening. the West that would be con­ m~tings with Gorbachev, Nitz was later convicted of a sulted. underlined his concern for the misdemeanor criminal The Soviets claim to be issue by visiting with Nobel destruction of property over holding less than a dozen Peace Prize winner and the incident. people convicted of "political human rights activist Andrei offenses," but the dissident Sakharov Tuesday. The hearing ended with Democratic U~ion say,> the LO\'ery asking Nitz if he number is closer to 400. Kohl said the release of wanted to comment before Redman said the State political prisr)ners in the Soviet sentencing was passed. Department had a list of mure Union was part of a SovIet Nitz replied, "No your honor than 200 Soviet ci tizens in labor p[fort to create the proper I'll just save that for an lOp camps, prisons and conditions and atmosphere pellate court," then more psychiatric institutions. The that cOI~ld allow Moscow to quietly added, "I'll be uack. ' prisoners mclude those con· host a human rights con­ Lowery left an expedant victe

Bush's campaign a ESUf»'ES slick media event Get a Laserset By John Baldwin Resume and 50 Staff Writer News Analysis copies for only MOUNT VERNON ~ Baroara B.!.so walked through programs by visiting such a the door, past about 20 people facilitr is good - good for the from the media in a roped off facilities and the campaign. $19.88 area to her right, and went directly to sign a book for an But in the process, she tried litE LuotGRApkIc C.anu 9-Close admirer. to make it look as though the KOPIES & MORE She began to work her way media just happened upon her 60¢ Drafts down a row of people maiting a visit to the f~cility. 607 S. ILLINOIS AVE. I hook rug at the facility, After greeting all the people 529·5679 . designed to help disabled wor.king on the rug, she went to 53.00 Pitchers people get inio the work force. a table directly behind it where The fOllrth person in line, a sign language discussion was 2 For 1 Blue Devils A.J. Allen, showed the wife of going on. the Republican presidential To9rQ! fro r!ght~n candidate a picture of them Making sure to stand at an European together at an earlier meeting. angle convenient for the Making sure to stand toward media, she spoke to the people Body Wrap the cameras, but never looking in sign language. Process Do You Want To: .&t the;r., she said, "Here we Then she walked around to ai'E' old friends. When did we the opposite side of table so ~ T~~ fn~D~~,'W~6" do this?" she could sit facing the media M~surements in Just "That's me." A.J. replied, and talked in sign language. One 2'" Hour Session? • Rm1uce UnSiGhtly Enjoy Casual Dining r;ellulte' • RlHluce ~~~i~~w ~!jd ~ehe~~~t~8raph On the portion of the round ;;!rdlch MariS' Sht! smiled, almost laughed, table facing the media, no one and saia, "And that's me." She ensuring a clear opening :~Ii~~~ I~~~ a~~rs;a~or At Its Best gave A.J. a hug before working for cameras to get shots of fuilhEI mformation .- call in the t;r- her way further down the line. Barbara Bush having a talk in US or come 10 and see us s;g"llanguage. 9~~'Ie/ Ramada Inn's Ii.. .J./ It's another example of the She spent a little time slick operation known as the tall{ing tv people reading the 997-3927 dining room. tr...a Republican presidential ney, .. paper searching for jobs Westmore Plaza. Marion campaign, L'1e same {'ampaign suited to them, and to people -Speeials- that transformed George Bush using a computer program in from a wimp without a per· '''hich pictw<:!S are matched Mike Maurizio sonality into a fighter, a strong with-words. Prima Rib man with a vision and a Then she went into the kit­ "Just Makes Sense" Co~~~C::~a" Ga~~Solod dedication to making life chen to mix some dough for better for the average man. chocolate mint chip cookies. Top Oft Your Wejtkend With Our Sunday That same image is being It was all planned. Workers .runch projected onto Barbara Bush. at the facility could tell you I Carved Oasis Round Her entire visit here was what she would do next. A bowl 11-3 All-You-Can-Eat 86,25 extremely well choreographed of already-mixed dough sat on andsliclr.. a table for Bush to work until OreulftIJ ar ..... la.t80r Mixed veeatabl­ enough time had been given Soup-of-lhe·Ooy Fruit lor There were ropes keeping the media for pictures. When you elae! our nex! SIs,,'. Solod80r o.... rtllor the media from interfering. A Then she left and went back Attorney, you wall: to eIacI a man wilh great deal of effort went into to the airport, where she experienoe and inlergrity A lawyer, a Buffet Tues-Fri 11·2 keeping the event from looking hugged a young child and former policeman. a VHllnam ve",",", a like what it was - an event boarded ber plane, but not mamba< 01 a lamilr 01 law enforcement All You CattEat '4.98 prepared to make for good 1nIdilion, C1ars Mike Mauriziol before turning around for oue ....,iIorbr .... __ ·,.....lIIIdIMIIw.~ .. ~amada Inn Rt 13 West pictures and television spots. last wave - and one last pboto s.. ..·.A..,..,.,..OCIpt'allll· ...... ~ c:::..t. .. ID'_ .. _aII...... ,...... _~~ 457·6736 Oasis Olnlng ~oom Carbondale Showing suprJOrt for disabled opportunity. t:IMae.1bJlht1Dclro,1IIh* Tickets on Sale Today! l :lPC Presents

ff(.8sH Salarday-ttovember 12 8:0,0 p.m. Ticket Information Shryock Auditorium -Limit 10 Tickets Per Person (no cameras and recording devices al:owed) -Limit one Student Ticket per 1.0. '14.50.. SIU Students, '15.50.. General Public -Tickets available through the Student Center C~ntral Ticket (All Seats Reserved) ~ Office. Disc Jocke~ ~ecords in Carbondale & Mt. Vernon and CII:FM ~ Rabbit Records in Marion. ~ OCKINRADIO For more Information call SPC at 536·3393 SPCCONSORTS 1------, Saturday Bri.efs : LA ROHWS PIZZA ~J~~~ I I $ 1 00 ff FREE De'ivery4~ :; [\ I AMERICAN CHEMICAL will feature speaker GkTJn I - 0 1 ·32oz. PepsI ~-:.:)!.~ ~ I lock-in Society Student Affiliates' Poshard, Democratic cal. I ,M.dIUm, LarSIt wlth,deliverYOfS,mall 51-,'j-' \',: I Book Sale is from 8 a.m. to 4 didate for Congress. I or X·l.u·SIt or medium plua \ I. ': I p.m. today in Necker's I f'l:uo 21 J,,:oz. ?epsi 5 '1 J I Breezeway. Technical, text I L,m,! one per P'ZZO with lar-ge or X-large .. -~ at Rec and fiction books available. COLLOQUIUM ON How to Publish Scholarly Articles will : We Always Deliver FR.EE Peps!"s By Wayne Wallace BISEXUAL AND Lesbian be given by Professor Arthur StaffWriler Women's Support Group is Kinney, Editor of English ! -529-1144 I Literary Renaissance, will be .L ______~~~!!!!!:!~~~ ______.J Campus Ministries !s be~ sponsored by Women's SeTVlces at 4:30 on Tuesdays at 3 today in the Humanities prc,vldmg a non-alcoholic Lounge. Faner 2302. alterr.ative to the strip this bej{inning Nov. 1. For details, Halloween with a Saturday can 453-3655. .--finnouncing-- night lock-in '.t the Recreation REGISTRATION CLOSES for your convenience Center. VOLUNTEERS ARE needed Nov. 3 for the Law School According to Campus from 6 to 9 tonight at the Admissions Test (LSAT) to be We will be open 6 Days a WClClk M;.nistries president Karen Jackson County Democratic given Dec. 3. For information Knodt, the Rec Center will Headquarters in Carbopdale. and registratir,:l, contact Startino Oct. 31. 1988 batten down its hatches at 7 For details, call 457-4854. Testing Services at Woody p.m. Saturday. Hall B204. or call 536-3303. "Whoever is outside when "ASYMMETRIC TANDEM Varsity South we lock the doors slays out­ Addition to Cbiral 1- and 2- Barbershop & Hairstyling for Men & Women side. Nc; one wi.1I be allowed in Substituted Naphthalenes. "MICROCOMPUTERS AND after 7. We don't want people Application to the synthesis of Instruction" workshop will be 704 S. Illinois 457·6564 wandering in and out just to O-Phyltetralin" seminar will given at 10 tod&.y in the use the bathroom." be at 4 today in Neckers 218. Learning Resources Service Hon thru Frl 8:30·Spm "Whoever is inside may stay Conference Room. For details, rtClW Hours: Sat 8:00· 4pm as long as they like," Knodt AMERICAN MARKETING call 453-2258 . said. Students will be free to Association will hold a general leave the party anytime they meeting at 7 tonight in Lawson .Ie 'c ,.~ 201. Bm MUDDY Film Festival AEASTGATECENTER .'57·5685 .;:;;-.:- please. Committee will meet at 5:30 All students, regardless of Starts Fridayl their relilZion. are invited. BETA BETA Beta bnight downstairs in the Volleyball, racquetball and Biological Honor Society, will Communications Building, ping pong tournaments will meet at 6:30 tonight in Life Room 10. /J lJ'i each will sponsor ~ HALLOWEE" I~ individual group functions, 118 Knodtsaid. - ~~ PfiRTYI ~ ~ "This is the first year we've ...... ~ .... AA ...... ~- ever done this, so we want to • ISOO RepIar Ca.tom~... ~ ~~ \~ ~':-P. . m see how it goes first before I, trying it both nights of • ~". Can't Be Wrong ~ ~~~ ~(/ ",<~,~. Halloween," Knodt said. • ~_"OOdal.'. ;.t••• D .... Bar: ,~I t!;e" J~f ~ · 1m. :Th..... dar- K /\ If c ~I . ~ • HalloweenCostumeParty C ruTal1 Paul & DaBlooze fil .. Drink Specials, Prizes, .. W I r Giveaways _ C -~ (\\e Partyl, 1l Friday: Tall Paul & DaBlao& C L. Part 1 a. (,o~\~\t'% m '2.00 C"IJerDrinkSpecfals C L ,~o~~ I1 ill • Saturday: ~l.ooSchnappsAllNite C 1m --v~ Jt:YPClrtyl :- • SUD4ay:Bal1oweeDBa.h-Comel~ w! E.. vryHoar : ! I i • Costume Drink Specials C - Beer & Margarita, ~ !~ ... Fri-Sun Bock Door Open All Weekend C ml Specials IN./; '~,' j~1 • 457-2435 213 E. Main ~ ...... ~ I .~NQLE )300KS IS NOW OPENJJ .•C" LIlU_washlngto.. '" --./~57-3]Oa I~ •••••••••••••••• :.~I~!~I~Ir=:::;~l.~rj Daily Egyptian, October 'rl, 19118. Page 7 Reagan: Bush talking issues All '{'he President defends Bush's relentless campaign strategy Beer and Bowling

3AJ~TIMORE (UPI) - In had their party in Atlanta this upset two-term Democratic the bitter feud over the summer. But he stood the fire Sen. Paul Sarbanes, also saw You Want negative tone of Campaign '88, and all he did wa~ cite the Reagan caution against President Reagan rose record - his and theirs. And overconfidence in warning Wednesday to the defense of now they're squealing, 'He's that "these last two weeks are BEER 'Nt George Bush, i-,sisting that running a negative campaign.' critical." "Republicans are talking "Well, I think they're about the issues and the squirming because Gearge has With polls giving Bush an _i;,., .... American people are shown America how far out­ enlarged lead over Duli.akis . <:{~/ BOWL ":-. listening. " side the mainstream they even in Democratic Maryland, On a mission to raise badly really are." Reagan told thE.' If eyes con, needed campaign funds for Consistent with the theme he tributors, "You!' financial '.~ underdog Senate candidate has sounded for weeks on the support is important, but it's .JE BASH Alan Keyes, Reagan dismissed campaign trail. Reagan your blood and sweat and tears -.::."'----. Every Thursday Democratic charges that Vice hammered away at the issues that will make the difference President Bush's campaign of crime, drugs and pa triotism come Nov. 8." , \1;;6.00 Per Persoruj ~ has attacked Michael Dukakis in ripping into the liberalism of Admonitions aside, Rertgan with distortions and outright the Democratic ticket, rrom portrayed the Democrats as ,')n lOpm-lam (\ lies. t')p to bottom. the run as a result of a "You know" he said The $1,OOO-a-person fund­ relentless barragae of at, Sports CC)1tcr "George to~k quite ~ raiser, intended to bankroll a teacks from Bush 3nd the shellaciting when the liberals last-ditch effort by Keyes to GOP. l Behind University Malle Carbondale 529-3272 Dukakis ignores polls, ~~~I{ Bush: Race not over Thursday, October 27, 1988 Unitec: Press International Democrat Michael Dukakis, Student Center searching Wednesday for a new spark to his campaign, pleaded for the people, not the FREE pollsters, to decide the election WITCHES' BREW and Republican George Bush, House chief of staff and insisting he does not have the treasury secretary, would run Apple Cider) race locked up, charged the State Department for Democrats are wrong to say he Bush. However, the vice only would help the wealthy. president refused to start Cats screeching, sk£/etons creaking With most polls showing the naming names. Ghosts roaming, witches waiting, vice president holding a Be prepared, your secrets bared; double-digit lead over the "I think it may be against Massachusetts governor, the law; I'm not sure about Won', you come and join the fun? Dukakis tried to shore up that" Bush said "There's a support among Hispanics, rule' about promising ap­ attending a Denver breakfast pointments ana all of this that I think meeting with Hispanic leaders is appropriate. Secondly $.75 ... to respond to questions of Moonshine (Lollisiana Corn Chowder) from 14 states. (English Beef Barley Soup) $.75 "The pollsters will not call that nature conveys a sense of this election. The people will," overconfidence that I do not Dukakis said after the feel." Wlleh'. SI_ (Weslern Slyi. Porlc 51_I -t1.85 breakfast. "We go forth for the "1 will appoint someone as next 13 days with a deter­ secretary of state in a broad Vampire Rosst (Roast Round of Beef) $1.95 mination to work and to win." qualifications sense who's tad But Dukakis had no com­ Sorcerer's Surpristl (Rice Pilaf) $.55 O::Dt when asked repeatedly to ~ra~e~c:d :hO ~dr.:~~ the world as it really is," Bush Monster's Mud (Whipped Polatoes & Gravy) $.55 said. Mysteries (Green Peas with lIushrcoms & Onions) $.55 The vice president ..Iso "Don't you believe the rebutted charges from Conjurer's Calee (Decorated Cupcakes) $.50 half dozen 12.79 pollsters, " Dukakis that his economic $.75 policies, especially his plan to -Michael DAakis restore a capital gains tax break, would benefit the wealthy at the expense of the assess his performance ~n poor and middle class. ABC's "NigbUine" Tuesday. "Let's get beyond the The candidate, who seemed rhetoric. Let's cut throu~h the OLD MAIN stiff and broke no DEW ground demagotmery. America IS No. in the appearance, is trying to 1. The question is how to keep ROOM use network television in­ it that way," Bush said at a terviews to boost his effort in RESTAURANT the waning days of t..':Ie general ~'lub:C D~~~~. the Economic election campaign. "Unfortunately, my op­ ponent's only experience with te~~~!~ !v~~n ~e ~,dfs business is regulating it and Evening News" today, his taxing !t," he said. "He's running mate, Sen. Lloyd never rwl a business. He's Bentsen of Texas, was scheduled to be i.nterviewed on ~~~'t =Jer:taJdt~'Wh~~ the same program Wed­ you're starting out, you need nesday. people to join you in taking 8 However, Dukakis - who risk. So he paints my (capital unvp.iled another set of com­ gains tax) proposal as an ef­ mercials with the theme "He's fort to help the rich. Wrong." On Your Side" - appears to be having little FUccess in gaining Bush contends thai reswring on Bush with only 13 days to go the tax break would spur in­ to the Nov. 8 election. vestment and actually raise While nationwide polls show government revenue. Dukakis Bush leading in double digits argues that only the very rich GHOST HOU$E and Electoral College surveys would benefit and the tax If friendly ghosts you 'ue never seen, hint at a GOP landslide, new break would be paid by the polls found a surprising Bush middle class and poor. And thinJr there's nothing to it, edge in two traditionally "I believe ... that the link come on in to our Ghost House--the Old Main Room Democratic states - by 9 between low tax rates and THE MENU We'r~ sure "au will not rue it. ' points in Maryland and by 5 economic ~rowth is simply .GhoHly Dose (Louisiana:~CornChowder . Soup) . October 27, 1988 points in Rhode Island. undeniable, ' Bush said. "But Bush, in Detroit before despite tile certifiable success .Hobgoblin Salad.L $' .- .' The Old Main Room is ·Satan's Skeleton (BBQ Sjlare Ribs)' - IOc81ed on the 2nd heading to South Dakota and of O~ tax cuts in unleashing 4 95 .~ .Montana, tried to guard this longest recovery in our .Treebark Moss .(Bu~tered· Green.Beans) . .~.. g:~f':: ~'!selll against appearing over- history, my opponent thinks .Blossoms In DIsgUIse (flreaded _Caulifl~werJ plus teu:" lunch Monday confident when pressed about they were a disaster." .Magic Mold (Whipped Potatoes & Gravy) through Friday from who he would choose as The Vlce president argued. secretary of state if he Wins. that taking steps that would .Moonshine (Orange She.rbet with Black }t;HybeaIU) 11:00 am 10 1:30 pm" IHB-wide!y--AIIl~.tha£u stall ,the._Wi.Uqn's . ~onomic -Conjurer's Cake .(Decorated Cupcakes'> ..' For reservations call campaign Chairman James growth would mostly hurt the ''Potions (Sev-erages) ~~.', .J.~H."-',l' .• _'c,. '" 453-5277. B¥4rrc Jilt ,rI~ .oWiittf~r. PAIl! I, Daily EIYJItiaI1, October J7, U. Bush pushes campaign despite lead SCANNER SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (SHNS) to continue to run like I'm 10 states that would be skipped in Now you can - George Bush claims he is points behind across the a heated battle. running his oresidential country." "As the polls trend better it Digitize Pictures, campaign like underdog, He's certainly not resting, an gives us more flexibility to go Graphics, and but his schedule and stJ Ie show but his schedule, speech topics into other states," explains a candidate with a comfortable a~": refusal to appear at Bush national field director anything else you lead who is taking no chances. solid because of his iI"­ forums that might be even the Jim Wray. "These are states Bush has been steadily in­ pregnable base in the Sm. n leasi I" -iskv show a can­ we ... might not have been able can dream up or creasing his lead in national and West. didatc w'.· has put his cam­ to spend time" in if the race create. polls since the Oct. 13 debate Privately, his aides - and paig;] veHicle in cruise control. wasc\oser. with Democrat Michael all but the most partisan South Dakota. which ha~, "The numbers look so good ThE lAsrnGRApitic (mER ! Dukakls, and most surveys Democrats - think Bush has a onlv three eiedoral votp,;. in several (major: states. 1 now :ndicate his margin over lock on enough electoral votes W0U ri not even be on the They are looking at another I KOPIES & MORE: ')ukakls i5 in the double digits. to be elected. Jarring an eve;:t :;ch"du!e if the race wert' -:lose tier of Sldes to try and cap­ Bushs iead in [he Electcra\ of unforeseen proportions. BUl:>h aides conced!' A~ it is ture." ;,ald Republican I 6~'7 2LLiNOIS A'JE Colle;!:e. Which acmallv elects :-.ievertheless. all wePk Bush 31:.::h has se'·;;2rdl appearances :"'ation,,] Committee political ~I ::::2~·5C"9 'he president.- IS even more has told auc;ences: . T:n goin~ ~";,ecuied this ',,'eek ir. 'mai; direc~or l'!"!:-~S BOVI:rr:2n I' Economic issues net Dukakis votes Workers in Decatur ready for charige

Editor's 11(1[(: The St. Louis see so much pr,vert), 50 mal~.'· Post-Disl-a~ch recently sent people ill that '~an't have a reporters around the country decent life. "ion nu: excited to gather interviews with about him lDukakis.) But I'm ordinary \"oters who will help probably !wing to vote for choose the next president. This him," Meece, a widowed is one story in a series. great·grandmotte·:, said. "Something's got to change." By Kathleen Best Linda Hector, a 46-year-old st. LOUIS Post· Dispatch caterer, said she voted for Reagan in 1984. "But the DECATUR, Ill. - The economy has made me change Reagan Democrats of Precinct back," the self-described 64 may be coming home thi'i Democra: said. "Unem­ November. ployment really scares us." For two consecutive elec­ Center.2 tions, this predominanlly THE ECONOMY of Decatur, Stuoent Democratic, working class a blue-collar city of 94,000 in neighborhood in Decatur has central Illinois, IS closely tied given slim majorities to to the agriculture, automobile Ronald Reagan while voting and construction industries. As for Democrats seeking lesser a result, it was hit hard by !he offices. recession of the early 19805 and But behind the doors of the has been slow to r~over. one-story bungalows along In 1987. unemployment Cushing and Center streets topped 11.5 percent. And '"~ \.~."~.r this year are a lot of worried - though Caterpillar and other and frustrated - people. manufacturers have been on A few say they are so turned the mend in recent months, the off b~' politics and government jobless level in August hovered MiC) - Te~rn B~eak they won't vote at all. at 8.6 percent. + -+ "Me and my wife are going Ron Garrett, a 27-year-old Thuu. OCt:. 27, 1 9 9 9 to skip this year," said a welder, has a full-time job. But young, sandy-haired man who even working, he said, his refused give his name. "Either family of four lives below the 10:30 a.m.-2. p.m. way yoo look, there's n'J[ much poverty level. He and his wife, to see." Carol, used to tell their friends proudly that they voted for Hall -0":- Fame Auea, St:uoent Center..z Ronald Reagan. But this year, Some are so turned they will vote for Dukakis. Muslc-·l0:30 a,n:.-2 p m.··hy "'DD off by politics and "THIS WORLD is really in Guess the We~hl of the PllIllpkm bad shape," said Carol •• C'rn~ guess pt"l" JX'nron pkil~' government that they Garrett. 25. "Look at the How Mam: Cand\" Corll~ 111 1;1(" .Jar" won't vote at all. deficit. I'm not going to have to Umited"1O flrsl~:W t"nlrants am11zn.1 10 Sludl"fH ('t"li!C.'1 ~'nlpit!q·t'!"I pay that, my kids are. Prizes wlil be" aw,ardt'd lor [:k"",j Cu~lom("f PlllllpkJn "And we need to control and. Best El11plo!'(~' PUllln!.;,m (foreign) trade. Even what Pumpkin PIt: LllmJ,! C~U1tt'~l· 1():30 .. I II. 1::iO il III . I pm 2 II III BUT AMONG those who do they call American cars aren't E'lch hr"at lUllitCU {I} first 10 t::"fllr.Hlls .. Hid fir:-.t ]5 Sl1ldr"Ili (('llkJ ~'ll1pJ{]''''''':-' plan to go to the polls and have really made in America Cn·at pnz('s win h,," aw.lrdl,d' M.ldn(1,al J)ll1n~'r tl("k~ts. already made UD their minds, anymore. We're buying C:d Mam Room c.llt t"("r1iJU·,ltt'S .•.:01':0: {'anb. a=ld lJ1uC""h. U,lIcil "lOll"!" Michael DlIkakis, the everything from foreign Democratic nominee, appears contries." AJI Day Food ~pc:'<.·qls lfl MiJrkl'1 Place-. H.H Qwck~. :'V.I-<.I PetC"s, Old ~1aUl HO(JIlI .•md tht· H.iJk("f\' to be the candidate (If choice. "We need new ideas," her dthough a reluctant one. husband said. Bush is not the "It's not that I like Dukakis, man to produce them, he said. Old M;lUl H:oom--Ghost Town I Chostly DUM:" (l.A.lUI~Jarla Co~n Chowdnl it's that dislike (Republican "I don't trust him." Hou(ohlm 5.11ad George) Bush more," said But the concerns of this Sal~m's Skeleton (BUY Span" Hlu::.l Merle Waggoner, a retired neighborhood stretch beyond -I rCl"bark Mo~ IBu1ln Gn"('"1l I.i(·iln~) grandmother. Blo~m~ .n l)1~'U:~ {Hre ...... :h.-d C'llJhflo","nl the economy. Crime is also on ~1a~lI.: Mold (\'.1liPPl"port education," Lan-j fewer dol/ars. " Woolard, Chairman of the ORLANDO, fl Williamson County Board of -Don Brewer Commissioners, said. $222.00 IEAARL Per Person/Dbl-:OCcupancy ~ BI~~ ;;E~I~d Although Woolard said that "mcome tax is a fair means of Th" advisory board agreed collecting school funds, " he with Brewer that, ideally, the Call for Details added that he doesn't want to state should provide for the 529-5511 see taxes r,~i!\ed in Williamson basics of public education, 1-800-356-3 I 20 Get your haircut County because the tax burden while tocal govel"llllliIDts have 700 S.lllinois Ave. C'dale L~'~''''''::- on the people is heavy enou(~h the responsibility to' fund" -; to :-:"ome from the Richard Loman, C.P.A., a federal government to member of the comptroller's Local Government Advisory support education." Board, highlighted Burris' -Larry Woolard dedication in personally at­ tending each meeting and Ask the' for buormation on... confronting local government Don Brewer, Regional officials. Ladles'8-Ball Tournament Sun. Oct. 30 Superintendent of Education Upon returning to for Jackson and Perry Springfield. the advisory &iI~ OPEN 9 BALL Tournament Sun. Nov. 6 Counties, said it is up to the board will comoare state legislature to fulfill its testimonies gathered -from Advanced reQistration preferred constitutional obligatio!} by around the state and pro~.e ~~illll0am-9pm m &Hot s1.25 providing a majority of legislative changes concerniIlg educational fundira~ to the how state funding and local local levels. revenue could be better Brewer cited a 1985 distributed.

STUDENT CENTER ~ OLD __~~:'i~ -Conjurer's Cake (Decorated Cupcakes) S.50each $2.79 half-dozen MAIN~j'J~ -Hal!oween Chocolate Chip Cookies S.9geach

RESTAURANT -9" Halloween Chocolate Chip Cookies Presents SS.50each

-Halloween Single Layer Cake peel-n-Eat Shri~ $4.29 (Fri., Oct. 28,1988) Clam Chowder French Fries Hush Puppies Soup and Salad Bar

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Pap 10, Dally Egyptiran, Octobec 71, 1M Diamond Astronomers find energetic pulsar wind PASADENA, Calif. (UPl) -­ He<>ter said in an interview A star that is spinning like a the finding is significant found in figure-skater, 3,000 light years The pulsar, a whirling star that makes a because the pulsar is an an­ from Earth, bas given complete rotation every 1.6 milliseconds, is cient astrophysical object and scientists their first evidence part of a two-star system. The ovaries of a pulsar wind born of surrounded by' a halo of hydrogen gas. pulsar, noted for its charac­ ROSEVILLE, Calif. galactic shock waves, it was teristic radio signals that (UPl) - A surgeon reported Wednesday. sweep across the heavens like removed a cyst from a The pulsa1, a whirling SLar current issue of the British 'This is very exciting a beacon, receives the extra patient's body and found that makes a complete journal Nature. because astronome'.'S for a torque that drives its spin from a diamond inside instead rotation every 1.6 The wind itself is composed long time have been interested the companion star that of the cancer that her milliseconds, is surrounded by of the very particles of which in understanding how pulsars continually dumps energy into family feared. a halo of hydrogen gas that "the solar system, all of the interact with the medium It. The patient, VirginiC\ scientists at the California planets and even people are around them," he said of the Because so little is known Argue of Roseville, Institute of Technology sur­ made," said Hester, noting the interstellar gases and dust about pulsars, the new finding guessed from her mise is the luminescent hydrogen, helium. nitrogen that surround the star. about the wind flow generated hospital bed Tuesday evidence of the pulsar wind. and carbon composition he and Shrinivas Kulkarni, prin­ oy the !'itar adds ye~ another that the diamond may "This pulsar is giving off his colleagues detected. cipal author of the report, item in the growing catalogue been dropped into her high velocity wind composed The hydrogen, carbon and wrote with Hester thai the of data on pulsars whose cores reproductive tract by a of very energetic ~rticles. nitrogen components are the finding will !_clp scientists are estimated to be billions of careless doctor or nurse The star is pushing wmd out ?f basic elements of DNA and better understand the degrees hot. during the Caesarean its way," explained J. Jeff amino acids, thl "asic building evolution of pulsars and The first pulsar, Hester Hester, co-author of the blocks of proteins m plants and eventually tIle universe as a explained, was pinpOinted by birth of her daughter, discovery reported in the Sharon, 52 years aga. animals. whole. astronomers just 21 years ago. The four-faceted stone, one-eighth of an inch across, was removed from he... ovary last week at Roseville Community Hospital. After 15 Years Her husband, Rollo, agreed with the theory. "That's when this In Business, jewel, whatever it is, feU in there," he said. PLANNED "That's the only way it could happen." EXPANSION He said since that 1936 birth in a Covina tor hospital, his wife's body has been building a cyst UNIVERSITY around it. Rollo Argue said he will MALL ... have the stone mounted on clack onyx so his wife can wear it on a neckh>.ce. Rollo Argue said he first heard about the diamond from Dr. Harold Burton when the physician emerged from the operating room. "He WE... smiling and saying, 'There's no cancer but guess what? He held ull this glass container with a diamond in it." Burton said: "It's got to be real unusual. She was quite lucky not to have cancer, and she was extra lucky to have a diamond." Hospiu,J spokeswoman Barbara LitUe said gems havo;! been fuund in patienUi' bodies before but "usuaUy not in that areB.. A lot of times in­ dividuals will swallow or inhale foreign objects but not often are you going to find something of that nature in a cyst."

'"~. ~t'h' t dUW,t1t (Ulnph't,'i\ oH \(lJd1d I'Hld .... 1!h tl t~, {II 1\', 1\ I( JU\ rJj fTlI'n' .. (IOlhlf1~ \.\ t \4l \. 1 '\<\( H!t!(! P\{{lIll'" tl) tlt'llt 'lui (!II l!lI"'l h;t~d .. , Id .. 1 OUi 10"'" i ... \OUl I:,d411: !u·nwnr1nlJ ..... ,1\ H1~ .. [J11 Dance show • ~t \ (" • ~PORl( ().\i'" • ~t -\( k,"', • ~\~ f \1 ~ U'" • I H \1\1' • i ()I'( i) \1 ...., • H.\I\( ().\I~ • t I \l1H R' ,jilt! till d( [. ' .... fIlW' ~ \ ~ ~\ : IH\(, \'1l 1.,,1 1,0 to feature Here are But a Few of [he: A1al]f' BIC V41.1.':::5 AI a/laUe' . ballet An evening of ballet, jazz and modern dance will be l.Ield at 8 p.m. Nov. 4 in Shryock SA I.E NOW Auditorium. Dance Expresso, sponsored by the Southern Iliinois Repertory Dance Theater of IN PROGRESS! the Department of Physical Education, will feature student and faculty choreograpby. Some of the performances of the nigbt will include liturgical ballpts, "Blues in Motion," and "Dedicated to Freedom." The Susan Barnes Dance Company. comprised of young dancers from the area, will be guest performers at the HOlJRS . 10-9 MON.-SAT. Tickets for the performance are $4 and may be purchased 12-6 SUI\JDAY at the Student Center ticket office or at the Q'lOr the evening of the performance. Daily Egyptian, October 27, 1988, Page II For all your Halloween costume need.... look to us. Happy Halloween We also welcome Angie Gladson to our ,taff A non-profit project Appointments & of the Church Women United of Carbondale Walkins Mon- Sat 9-Spr:1 0 (3 mlles West • • Evening Appts. of Midland's) . Hours: Tue-Sat 9·5 Available on Thursday:5lClosed IU."-1n... ,"';;,,,. 106 E Jackson 457-6916 600 Eastgate Dr;ve Call 549,0031 OldRt.13 ~ &Rt.127 All dona{ions gratefully Nail Technician - Kim Finney accepted. Owner/Stylist - Mary Ramsey 1 ON THE STRIP Thuncl.y, 'rldcry, s.turcloy a2 oz. Drwfta -1.50 Get Away From The Strip and HEAD TO: COLD MY BROTHER'S PLACE FOR A SAFE 2nd Annual HGyride BEER HALLOWEEN • 2 rides Fri. Oct. 28 7:00 & 10:00pm • K ids ride Sat Oct. 29 at 3:00pm TO The Safety Center include. the following • Sat. Oct. 29 Adult Ride 7:00 & lOpm services for your Hallow_n safety: GO! of.... Pepsi for ....Ignated driven Sat Only live Music on Wagon! of ... Vell_ Cab aervice tor _Ie who Pumpkin Carving Contest For need ....1.lence oGTEphoneo Saturday Night. of ... food for o.. lgnoted drive.. Thrills. Clnd ofr.. LEVI'S 501 jean. llive away Chills Hopefully No Spills ~.~ """'" A· The Safety Center Is located at: Call Stop by for details 1013 E. Main .. !" the corner of 457-3331 Carbondale 5 1 5 VI S. Illinois five. 519·1 ]44 Grand & Illinois Avenues No Reservations/First Come First Serve "-_IIr":1' ./t'0.1J·. "NEEJ>'113... _-' :1:"'$' •.. For Halloween Supplies P~~0'Wl~~"(4~L·~~~_ Halloween I. a time for silly castllln... Create Your Own Costume With It'. also a time to be cautiou •• Hove a Healthy Hallo~1 mmySays: * Geniune U.S. Military Clothing * Camouflage Face Paint Have a * Combat Boots Safe & Fun * Ninja Robes HALLOWEE" * Kamakazi Headband, "" 'rom YeCir Friends at ~5:-:¥ ~ the ~ ~~' "HAPPY HALLOWEEN i -" ') ~~ ~,.,.... THAT'S AN OROERI" ~",I-~ \("\~

02 n. Coart Marlon 997

Page 12, Daily Egyptian, October '1:1, 1988 Hours: Sun-Tues 412W. lOam-3am Walnut Wed·Thurs Drive Up lOam-4am off of M-Th 8:30-11 :30; F-S8:30-12:00; Sun 1-10 Fri-Sat Walnut Awold The Crow...... ty lOam-5am Of Parking Plus A Dan,. Special. .... Drlve.up Window ...... ,...... - ...0 ~.or-....-..... DIt.Il • ••1. Coors & Schaeffer & ..... or-...... DIt.Il ..... NlKE 3-point Shootout ~ Coors Light Schaeffer Light ...... Pd.~ ...... ~ ..... at the Student Recreation '1Ia&.1'Iau-...... DIt.Il ..... Cent~ Gymnasimn 99 99 '4 12pak '2 12pak .... ~(~ ..... Nov. 2, 7pm-Preliminaries This Halloween Run to the Nov. 16, 7pm-Semi-Finals Boarder and have a Happy & Finals al half time of the Stroh's &. Hamms-Oly Dec. 10 Saluki Baskelball Game Stroh's Light Safe Halloween Fri. & ht. OPEN 24 hoursJ '5~9 Registration closes 10/28. l5pak ,r------c: Buy a Burrito " I Sign up at the SRC Information desk. Call Import Beer in Cans Too ! I 8. Supreme and get gI 536-5531 for more details. \8 one FREE gl Murdal. Shopplne Cent.r 529-1211 L___ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~___ J

Locally Owned BG's offers delicious deli sandwiches, fried chicken, a variety of appetizers and full waitress service in a relaxing atmosphere. Try Video Rental Stop in for the best World's Most Delicious Cookie Horror Movies live professional comedy OnUs show in So. Illinois! 99C for * *Thls W_k-Rob.rt ONEFREE 24hrs. York-Tulsa, Ok. COOKIE Rent Video Recorders 3 FOR 1 ]UMBO HAPPY for '3.89 HOUR DAILY (Regular Size) Free Pop.::om and Complimentary Food Expires 11-4-88 No Membership Fees during HAPPY HOUR 4:30 - 8:30 Ad must be presented. University Mall \\Ie resen'e the righl to limit quantities Center Court COUNTRY FAIR. 24-HOURS A DA t! 529.2882 Your One Slop Shopping E~perience

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,. Stay Slim & Trim All ~- Winter By Flrm~ng and Toning. ~~) 549.2137 or WATCH ALL ~ THE FESTIVITIES '.(618).443.9020 ON THE STRIP 457·8200 406 S. Illinois 549-3366 West Park Plaza Mall Home of SIU Skydivers Creat Food. Creat Drinks. Creat Times (across from Ramadai)U•• lllrI •• ., •••••••••••• Daily Egyptian, October 'D. 1988. page 13 AIDS risk low for health workers, study reveals BOSTON (UPl) - Health health care workers who were the blood of a patient infected ability to fight infection. - researchel'8 foI1ow~ a group workers face little danger of exposed to the AIDS virus by with HIV is low." the The researchers also found of 2,002 workers at tile Mama being infected with the AIDS patients from 1983 through researchers wrote in reporting that more than a third of the Yemo Hospital in Kinshasa, virus by caring for victims of July, researchers at the their findings in The New incidents in which the workers Zaire, from 1984 to 1986 and l.he deadly Jisease and could federal Centers for Disease England Journal of Medicine. were exposed to ~e AIDS found that wcile a high per­ reduce their risk even further Control Jr. Atlanta found only HIV, which stands for virus, such as through ac- centag~ were infected, there by taking more precautions, four were infected with the human immunodeficiency cidental needle sticks, could was no pvidence th~y became researchers reported Wed- VirUS. virus, causes acquired im- have been prevented. infected on the JO~, even nesday. "We conclude that the risk of mune deficiency syndrome, though precautIonary In a study involving 1.201 HIVinfectionafterexposureto which destroys the body's In an accompanying study, measures were lax. Doctors look to cut down number of Caesarean section deliveries WASHINGTON (UP!) - Caesarean section," said Dr. and one in three are repeat Doctors, reversing a long-held Mary Jo O'Sullivan, a operations. position, called Wednesday for professor of obstetrics and A Caesared.n section in­ fewer repeat Caesarean gynecology at the University volves making an incision is section births and advised of Miami in Florida. made in a woman's lower women who have undergone Unless there is a pressing abdomen and into the uterus, the surgcI] to try normal medical need, normal delivery through which the baby is delivery in ruture pregnancies. should be attempted to cut delivered. The American College of down on unnecessary and "Very frequently, women Obstetricians and somewhat risky surgery, select 'C secuons' because Gynecologists issued medical costs and hospital they want to avoid the pain of guidelines to the medical stays, O'Sullivan told a news labor," O'Sullivan said. profession to end the dictum conference. These risks, common to any "once a 'C section,' always a A normal delivery costs major surgery using general 'C section,'" which it said has about $2,000 compared to anesthesia, include infection been the rule in obstetrics $4,000 for a Caesarean section, and respiratory complications. since 1916. medical experts said. Data also indicates a slight "For the first time in 70 Of the more than 3.7 million increase in the mortality of years in this country, it is no babies born each year in the babies delivered by Caesarean longer the routine that patients United States, public health se.!tion, O'Sullivan said, and a who had a Caesarean section vfficials estimate 24 percent woman's recovery takes up to should have a repeat are delivered by Caesarean, five days. r~LAND~ \\ IN~ ) ~------I 'I I Draft With purchase I I I 5'" of a Hickory Smoked I I ~ 'I I BBQ Sandwich I .) : From Midland'sown Smokehouse l \ I L ___ ~I::h~':.:'~~~~~2.?~ ___ J ,'I Carn·.ours a"ai/able . f1r:1~ {;:\ Man·Sat 11-4am-Sun 12·4am I! \\j~2?4Rl.13::S:~~9~~~J

Do You Care About People?

Do You Care About Health? "Glenn Poshard has one of the strongest records in the Illinois BECOME A "He has been a state senator Senate in supporting and streng­ CiS long as I've been a sheriff and thening local law enforcement ef­ he has always been tough on forts to stop the drug dealers in crime and on the drug pushers." this state from pushing their Harry Spiller. Sheriff Williamson poison on our children and our -HEALTH­ County communities." Joe Mudd. Illinois ~ADVOCATE Police Association "I want our children to be able to learn and grow in school and com­ • Receive quality training from health professionals munities free from drug pushers and the crime they bring with them. I want • Receive valuable practical work experience our elderly citizens to feel safe and secure in their homes and neighborhoods. As your Congressman I'll continue to fight against drugs and the terri­ • Receive course credit for s6rvi~e to others ble influences that they bring to our people." Glenn Poshard For more intormltion or an appJiution, call the Wellness Center, 536-4441 - or !top by - KeslIIIl Hall across tlte !traM from tlte Health Serviu. Vote For and Elect GLENN POSHARD Democrat For

Port 01 Your slue Congress Student "","W",llne8lll Health Progrom "He will 'push hard' for Southern Illinois" "'-Center PaId for by Poshard fot Congress

Page 14. Daily Egyptian, October Tl. 1988 HIGH RENT BLUES? T'Y SISDI 2 sprUNG SEMESTEfC I or 2 '.mel.s bdrms N.c. C/.an !fee: Room '0,- nice l..w/s Pork Apt with gnto' Good mea'ions Cleon Pork. .549· roommates Coli Lion. or Kat)' 01 J850 S29·S .... 2 II·J·88 06338<54 11.{)1·88 0248B.S2 GIANT CITY AREA. 2 lxI,m 12X52. SP~ING SEMESTER. SU8LEASER qul.t seHlng. gorde". pers 0, Ie . coli ~ed for Meadow Ridge Api Cal1 457·6845 S.9·5.... 9 I , ·3-BS 0230Bc54 II·J·88 02.S8.54 CARTERVILLE·ROOMY.12X6021x1,m ROO/oI/oIA TE NEEDED FOR nlre Elles Aile-No gos ,,"obll. hom. Prlv bath. kitchen S17S mo, Ideol for serIO"'$,.nts V'lv. w-dryer. qu/.r pre' cot lieolly nIce 985-2769 t "00.,549·7979 !0·28·88 02J68<50 I, 01-88 07028,,5; NIC~/ CLEAN I CHEAP I Only $1501 I MALE OR Fe-mole ne.dfld for 2 Don't get the h.,h rent b/lJes '2 bdrm opt 01 Brookside Manor . .s2()1) bJrms v ..·r-y nice. 549-3850 Indud.s uH'- 457·8061. Bf'n i6f?:~8~SINGml A""JI:::~c;! r------~~~:~7~n. 0= ':::rr';'t';5 :::~. j Duplexes 8etween SI('; and Log"n 5.9·6(./ 2 do,. 549·3002 nit. CARBONDALE 2 BCRM. app/lonc-es. II·t9·88 06S18c66 unturn. 208 Emerald Lane near QUIET COUNTRY SETTING I 2 bd,ms. Murda/e. Yard. S3~O. 529- d,on, no pets. SJ 75 ma 8.,-••" 1540 SIU ond LOilon 549·6612 doy. 549 IIJ·88 04668#5. 3002njfIJ AVAIL IN JAN' One bdrm. unfum. i '-29-U G6S2Bc66 appliances. carpet. hord....,,,od VERY NICE '4X65. 2 bdrm. ft-ont and lloors. qul.t. neor SIU. cats ok a mo, na'uraJ ges, cable. extra In­ lease. $Ias mo. -457-7299 su(o;,on. Frosl MHP. 457-892" 11"-a8 . 0643815S "·9·88 ...... 078JIIcSlI 2 BORM. VERY nice. S;:50 mo, 549. COALE, REAL NICE, fron' ano , 2 SS.1'voHer 5 and wtJekends b.drooM, new furnltur.. new II 8·88 0249BI57 cor,,-•. IiJOI n.ct and n") pets. 529. rl-~~----~ ~;.88...... D6S68c5J I Bu.lne •• Property COALE: 2 MILES East. 2 bdrm. nice, cl.on. mlcrowove. turnlshed. C-DAU: J2DOSQltofshopondoHIce deposit, no pets 549·3043 space ~SO. per mo. 104 B/.y.,. IJ·J·88. 0255k68 Phone • .)7.7"22afl~"pm 8 C FURNISHED MOBILE hom.. I", "·18·88 DJJ7Bh.5 ren', reasonable_ A/lawonc.s lor repairs Glisson Courl. 616 E. Pork Ask fOI" Wallace. -451-6405 Mobile Home Lots 10·JI·88 ...... 04188cSI CAR80NDALE NICE 2 b.d'oom. locole.d In qui.' pork. co" 529-2432 LARGE LOT AT Wildwood Mobil. or 684-2663 Home Park. lowted on Giant 0..., 11·2-88 04S08cSJ Rood. 529·5J3 I. 0' 529·S878 LRG 2 8DR/oI $ 19(> . • moll 2 IxInn II ·9-088 070681S6 ~:!~a:~tRd~~So~;~r:!ds ~~:~: LY.M ..s_G,eg4S7:;5a~ I .....• :ilU i hil· 10.7·88...... 01~98c5~ _ _ .... - ...... SUPER NICE RECENTL Y ,.modolfJd slngl. or doubl. occuponcy. co,. GOVERNMENT J08S $16.040· ".t«l. 0"<. natural gas. complefely $59,230 ".r ye>or Now hlr'ng. Your fum. J mi. S. from SIU. Reasonoble or-ea. 805·687--6000. Ex'- R·95tH for rates. Speclol extended contract Cutfent Federaliisf. Coli illinois Mobde Home Rental J- 12·5·88 4857C70 833·5475. _ OVERSEAS J08S SU/oI/oIf.VS. y' ~'o~.s:ENiING FOR h,I'-' 21J°;::'~~~ ':s~~d !~~ror,:jd!-, A~_.S:OC;;ra~~, ~,:,e:~ge H;m:Obll:~~~~' IIY~~~ I ~/~~ts::~n~2.J~r d"or':now;:,~ ~!;. check with us II".. Ih.n compo,... I CA 92~25 No appointment necessary. Sorry no " .... -88 0524C5.5 pets. QuJe1 atmosphere. 2 and 3 AVON CHItISTMAS IS hen,' To buy ~=r;:ar~~c%~~Sf G::;5:m~~bl~ r:c:,r,'~ ::r~J~~~~~~~CJ' 983-5960 or town, 616 E, Perk Roxanne Mobile 11--8-88 -- - 0123C51 HO<".. Pork dose to campus. It 51 1 r--AM~US REPS NEEDED eorn big So. 549·"113 I(omrr:lulons and fr.. "rIps by 12-2""'...... 06038~9 seiling Nassau·Porodlse ':Iood.

:~~Jro;.V.. ~/!t. 1xI.yo.r:". f~:::~~2 ;=~U:~t ~~d'C~OI'::~d;kIF~;'P:'o:~. miles North Ph. S49.38~O. Information calt toU Ir.. I--IOO-2,j I 10.JI-88 ...... 06178c51 01lJo"n Ct 20J·967·3330 BETWEEN M·80~0 AND C·dol. nlc. I 10·21-aa...... D523C49 ~,::!",,;4S '~~~s~~. ~87~·187~ I ~~~f. I~~~~fe D:,,'!;~::s r~~ evenings. \ on •.our. Hld~y Loung•. al3 and 10.JI-88 ...... 055J8c51 ohollf Main. C"do/ •. Co/f529·9JJ6 FAll AND SPRING. 2 o,d 3 12-14·88...... OSbOC77 be-drooms. dose to compu-s. dean. TYPIST 1500 WHKL Y at hamel Info i' quiet. ..../ kepI. I"fiISOnobly 1""1«<1.1 S&nd SASE. W"'. T.,.'Y Wlllioms. Call529·I:'?9,,,4S7..f9J8. 417 S. Gr-ohom Apt 01. Cot-bondole. 11-8-88 ...... 06198c57 II. LOCATED BEHIND UNIVERSITY /01011 IO·Jj-88...... 02UCSI of 230 Hon5eman. r mIle fo StU. 2 THE SOUTHERN ILUNOIS Center- for bdrm. -457·6193 *"' or 549-8238 Inde".ndent Living Is oecepf'n9 dc:ry5 appllco'ions 1M employment (or 11·14-13 ..... , ...... 0693Bc6' I pofel'lflo( personal COnt offendon's SAVE S40 PElt mO'nth_ 2 bedroom to be p/ac.-d on a ref.".,-gl 'Jst -fr;Jr ~s,'kO:O:~:'~·c::~nfo'~;~°Ca::"~ t!C::~'~r;'r8~r;;s3~~ af~!!O~: parking, very nlee. Call Clndyot 529. Spm MO'1doy thrO'ugh FrIday tor an I S39 South Woods pone appointment 12·9-88 ...... 07008c74 11·2-88 an6CSJ PflIVATE LOCATION. BEAUTIFUL ·HIRING/ =VE~NMENT JOBS· you' mobIl. 110m •. 529...... 0'"· Call 602·8J8· 11.1-88 .... 056 I 8cS2 8885 b'1793. LOW COST MOBILE hom••. SI2S Dod .10·28-88...... 0193(50 S!50p..-mon.h.5.19...... THE DAILY EGYPTIAN I. lookIng '0' 11-1-a8 ...... 05S88cS2 a Gl-OphlC1 Design.,.. " to J.4tI'v • ..,n ~P~~~!'~~~ :O~~b~ ~~!: :~,:~!:r':h~::';~: c~:: "'c. place. 529· 1941 adVise stude,," In the preparatIon O'f 11.2-88 OS!l)A.t-JO_1 adv""'IJng layouts on MacIntosh 1-- ~v7,P~:.,::U!=~~·O't~:n,'a:e ~~~ , Rooms dldote must hov. eltn., a bachelor'J. I degr.. In graphiCS. vIsual cam· KING'S INN MOTE~ (formerly :t;:~~:~J:'I~~~eo;;~~~~70~ SunSef)., 82.S. E. MO.I"... C do.,e. ISO P" 1 11'olnlng or- a romblnofJO/i of both 2.:*1s whll. fhey lasf. Coll-4~~592 The candldot. 0150 must nove 30 ~OOMS foR 'FEMALES ~/th N)mmon !~s:;:rt.~~;~ ~rod~:'e add~~n:' S;~~~(x/OO~~pe~~tch!~tr~~ o~th:t ;~;~~s .::::;~;,cr o~u~;:~b7:.a't~o~ ~=O!:m4;~'~.f3;~; -4~~~;:rom of both Mor. IpfKlflcs are avaJlobie J ''''--88 ...... , ,. 031 78dSS on Ih. SIU Job Hotline. 536-2116 or New Laxury ~~!.E~:;~! ~~~./~/V2 ::;:. $o,~t5 ~:'l~~~ ~~;=~n~~r~~C:J~. ~;.;. Townhouses mo .. holt lIl/i., 529. r2-«. Jeff applications ma)' be made prJor to JO-28-sa 02144dSO ~':;Id~ p!~rlo~~p!~a~:;/~'Or;:u:~ Highest Quality , college transcrIpts and descrlpfJOns Lowest Prices t Roommates ::t~O: ~:'~~~;~r~~:;&.~~/~~J rn~ Deily Egyptlun Is on equal op' .. BDRM. I pMSon n..a 3 more porfuoltyemployer I .,,\~~.~ 400 Block W. Colleg. :;:P~,f:~ ~7m~nlS'~I~ d~~~7·~~: ::c5:K8~ARD FOR 4 mas {c::!2gC~~ I 529-3513. you"" comper- and pJonting frees '0 I ,., -88 J522S.52 end 'he season with 'he time ond Call: 5 BEDROOM HOUSE; 2 peopl. n ..d 3 money for ycwr- dr-80m prated <~L mar.. 1116 East WaJnut n.xt to Women. men and couples coli SOl UnIversity Mall S170 per mon,h. >B-4·SSJ7orwrll.VR Coy. Rt380)l: 529.. 1012 avail Immed., off "",W',.s Included ~. HunlsvlHe, Ar 72740 S29 J51J 10·28·88 0577C50 RENTALS II· J ·88 04408e52 BE ON T V. Many needed for ONE FEMALE ROOMMA TE 1t, -..ded comm.ricials Costing Info (I )-805 Office At Two & Three -fO'r-' bdrm trOller. SI2S a mo. plus 6.8]·6000Ext TV,9S0J nalt ufllmes. coli 5"9-4975 IJ-/3-IJ8 0606C75 501 E. College Bedroom 11·9-88 oI 68Be58 GOVERNMENT JOBS $16040 FE.M.ALf ROOMIt'.A T£ WANTfD to $59,230 per Now hu,ng Your Computer Sien now through ~ubleose nice. furnlshd'd apt for oreo 805·687·6000 Exl R-950' tor 906 W. McDaniel with a spring semester 6~~:'JfO ~~~;'s sC:;;~~7_;;2~O$,er ~~~~~;; F.d.rol fist 4857C70 Panasonic Printer 515S. Logan 10-28-88 05498e50 LPN. CNAc DNA apply In person ~ and Royal Rentals 1 QUIET FEMALE ROOMMATE needed MONlngly Health Cora Canler 207 E ".USEAD.f. and 408 /, E. Hester Grad student preferred Bec-utltul CoU.g.51 . .Energy, II will give you your homft In nle. nttlghborhood· ..x,ras 11-2·88 0653C53 CLASSifiED Word Periect 500 W. College 2 Share ufilltles, low rflllt Call after RESEARCH ASSfSTANT FOR Self 3ta choice of a T.V. S·OOpm.529-2876 Empowerment In.uslon ProJect Daily Egyphcn. 209 W. Cherry 11-' -88 02048e52 Assessment ond Evo/ve""'n ,k.lI, Communicotions Bldg Discount Price Or Microwave. 506S. Dixon FEMALf WANTfD. FURN/SHE.D, 3 Public School Teaching and Field Rm.1259 Data Comm Systems bdrm. housu, creon. quiet orea. Baud Resecr.:h dftsirob/e Contact well Insulofttd. SIJ5 608 W ~:,.,cfon. Or Porn ·~4.JIJ.r. OffIce of Reseorcn 536-3311 C"rbD~d.le 529· 2563 457-4422 529-1082 529-1218.549·3930 o.velopm., t and AdmlnJurotlon 10·31·88 . 024 180S I Phon.· 5J.·1791 Daily Egyptian, October 27, 1988, Page 15 Welcome Home, Amy Hartmann!

Jenna .. J and COLLEGE F/NANCIJlL AID for Have a Ireshmen. $opnomores, m!lIions go I vndOfm"d yearly Write· Student Rod GlJldcn((t Services. 622·H fiffh A ... em' •. New KensJgnton. PA I~068 Happy Money beck Guarante9 iO-31·M 047JJ!d llomeeombag C08DEN RESALE {BEST runk .. rore rn & Safe Southern .(Jino{s,' Used fUr-1'Iiture t,ousenoJd Ilems. and c:ciJect •.;bles Cobd&n III 893·2627 Ooqn 9·5 Halloween! Man-So' . King 10-4·88 0370161 . ~~~8::~~~~~ 1,,------& INTERESTED IN p~ I LEARNING ABOUT I IJS.p;.: Darla Queen CALLING PLANS AND 15 ROOM MOTEL. 37 Pod TroHttr I Fraise ~orlc. Campground. Office Pool. i 1988 SPECIAL PRODUCTS ,otlng&. $125,000. 618·73'·2711 THAT MAY SAVE "·15-88 0568M62 (Ms. Saluki) YOU MONEY? Lori&: The Men Riding in the Chris with Campus Manager of parade hereaIS,I.U. you was U.Park Call: 457·599B 4:30-6:3Opm ATfl A Man·FrI. would like to BLAST wish I'll do it everyone anytime! lOAY atS.I.U. a Happy & Safe Love va, LEFT Halloween Pat To my Hart favorite Trick or a friend fa a Hallow_n {Mr.Saluki} m ...age. Your mello"e will appear Monday, SPOOK October 31, In the Doily Egyptian. Happy Tell your trick or m.. lOge to a friend In 3 lin .. or 1.. 1 for '5.00 (30 charactera to a line). 8-day For on extra place your m.. .age Berk The Obelisk ., I In the lpeclal Hallow_n art for IUlt an addlt!onal Salutes: '1.00. Deadline: 1:00pm. Thuraday.October27. Congratulations on Homecoming Print your message here: '. King & Queen Homecoming Queen Rod Miller Circle Halloween Art: Jenna Herhold Annette We are all and their so proud of LK Royal Court you! ATO We knew you Sigma could do it! Kappa and A. would like Love, ArLl Your to float winners congratulate Sigma Rod Parents Assoc. Kappa Committee Miller banner winners Sisters ATO Special Thanks to: for Crail Maddox Homecoming 20 warda for '5.00 Total Cost ___ Steve Scull Halloween Art "1.00 Receipt' ___ King and No"",: Love, Miles Garale Address: the ladles of of DeSoto Phone: Sicma Ctip and return to the Dally Egyptian for their help C'asslflectDepartmenf, Communications Building Kappa with our float Comics Doonesbu By Garry Trudeau

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Today's Puzzle .'!I 15 ... ACROSS 31 R - ROO" .40 Scrooge word 'Cul_ 5 CuI lIIort "'MW'ltic;;erd • TItf10f lanD .200ublo 1,. Uymg .t3 Id•• 1 lull quarters .5 Colo.. 15 HI.lnan port 46 GDO" ... SlMar 11 SunouftOed bW 17 TeMI .. name 50 Garment ,Ilrue 5' II. port 20 V...... 56 Endu.... 21 - ucosle sa l''''nl$ name (tennis name) 60 Y.. ma 61 SIngle Z2 r.ny Oft .1Ie - 0 .. 82 GUlrdhouH 24 Frothed 63 bellmltiOR 26 Intelligent oIclellonc:e 10 Fl. lot 6C - J1f1 t.ngry) , c:onlUmptlon ~ Pet.r of ,tim, 65 "'''''''''' S3 "inn. nine OOWN MGr. , VuMi '1 Fonnlcary 2 Tenn •• word' - ,..klenq 3"- -.., "1I.·Camic .,_ 4~'tt';" ---. ~,---.------.-.------> Firm withdraws abortion pill to avoid consumers' boycott PARIS of marketing it after another few government and Roussel • BRING YOUR SUITCASE! . drugs known as anti­ months of clinical tests, she Uelaf's parent company, progesterones that are being said. Hoechst AG of Frankfurt, West Register any Tue_~ Wed .• Thur. tested as possible abortion Dr. John Willke, president of Germany. pills. Tested more extensively the National Right to Life Drawing 10:00 pm FRI .• "OY 4th than the others, it was the only Committee in Washington, "Our director decided it was Last day to enter Wed-:. Nov. 2nd one approved for distribution said he was pleased by the simpJy not worth the risk," Orlglnal3 for 1 Happy Hours 4-6, 9-10 anywhere. ,Iecision on the drug, which he Geslin said. Thur. Margenltas .99( s. Africans share polls in election How to stand out JOHANNESBURG, South Africa

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Oaily Egyptian, October '41, JWa, t'age li New players blend in at practice By Dlvld Gllllinettl around." McSwain said. "It is Staff Writer getting more intense as time goes and we are beginning to No news is good news for respect each other more. It is men's basketball cO<.ch Rich always hard to learn, but we Herrin, wh .. reports that the are gradually coming along. fint week of practice ran very Every<>ne is doing what the smoothly. coaches expect of them." rs. 50¢ Drafts "Everything is going good Saluki forward Jerry Jones, -l-resh Cut T·Bone or Ribeye Steak $6.39* and the intensity level is up," a 6-6 junior transfer from Herrin said. "We are pickmg Texas-EI Paso, said the going -Teriyaki Chicken $4.95* up things quickly and things is a bit difficult since he sat out Fri. SOC: Drafts are going better than we ex­ all last season while going pected. The players are through the transfer process. -Seafood Buffet $11.95* working for playing time "I'm kind of I'Ul!ty, but I'm - Prime Rib with Shrimp $7.95* now." picking up on tt.e plays and Herrin said the Salukis are remembering mure as I go," Sat. 50¢ Drafts working on a lot of fun­ Jones said. "As you play, a lot • Prime Rib wlShrimp $7.95 * • Dinner Buffet $5.95 * dal':lentals right now. of it becomes routine, and • Fried Chicken w/Fries & Soda For Kids 99¢ "The players have great Basketball '88 sitting out a year hurts." talent but don't always rely on Jones said assistant coach the little things. All the players Bobby McCullum, who works have developed bad habits the best I can," Harvey said. with the Salukis' inside people, over the off-season so we have "It is basically what I ex­ has given him a big boost. to drill and drill and drill. " pected. Coach Herrin is a lot "All the coaches have helped The Salukis are focusing on like my high school coach. " out. but Coach McCullum their improved inside game, The offense the Salukis are really works with me and picks and Herrin said things are working on is not that difficult up on my little mistakes and going well. to pick up, Harvey said. tells me about them." Graduating Soon? "There are tim('s Ral "It takes a little patience Senior guard Kai Nurn­ (Nurnberger) kicks it in 1.> and you have to pay attention berger said the team is coming Do you need practical experience? (Tony) Harvey, who thr'JWS it while Coact> is teaching. together well considering the back out until we can get it in (Randy) House, (Rick) number of new people involved What are you doing for Spring Break? again. It is a good pattern to Shipley and Kai have been a lot with the program. have." of help. If I'm not in the right "They are looking pretty The Student Al1Imoi CoUDCU IUUlOUDcea Harvey, the Salukis' 6-11 s~t they will send me to the good right now," Nurnberger freshman, said he is working right one." said. "When you come into a hard to adapt to the new Transfer guard Freddie new program there are always IEXTERN'891 surroundings. McSwain, a 6-4 junior, said he some adjustments, but tt.ey "I knew there would be a lot really notices the level of are catching on. This is not more running than high school, competition a t practice. really a hard offense we are ... an "impress/ve attempt to but I am adapting and doing "Everyone is coming working with. " expose sfudents to the working wor/d." Juniors & Seniors In the following KICKER, from Page 24---- colleges are Invited t~ participate Rhoades said. "He has played one could start. They were all In the 1989 Extern Program: in some big football games, very good; I saw them all kick which is beneficial to him. " 5O-yarders. " • College of Communication & Fine Arta Bookout was recruited by Bookout said it is a letdown • CoUege of B.aineaa at Admiaistration former coach Ray Dorr, and to miss a kick, but be doesn't 6: the freshman said be thought dwell on his mistakes. • CoUege of Eagiaeer.aa Teclmology he had a chance to start • CoUege of Science considering how hard they "I don't worry long after I recruited for him. miss, but look at it and see Plea.e pre-reg liter at your Dean', office by what I did wronf. I just go with Novemb.r 11th for optimum tOn.ld.ration_...... s~~~-,..... my concentration and think about what I have to do. I'm For more informotion contoct happy when I go out there, It's your Dean's office or fun to try and kick a ball ~tweentwo;p:o:ks:'~"______~~~!!!!!!!!!I~IIII~~ __ II!!!!!!~~iI~1I The Big City Sounds of St.Louis comes to

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8 :00 PM til c10SCl

/(r.13W "0 COVER 529-2424 r------Field hockey finale at Midwest By Troy Taylor champion, and Illner has Iliner said. &.- Makin' it great! Staff Writer impressed the fact on her The team's offense has co·.ne A regular season record of 7 squad. "The older players from Cindy Oppermann ( 11 ~;~C:~~~~ ~:.:~~~::ut I wins and 12 losses not­ realize how tough Eastern can goals), Jenny Cardes (5 goals), I e ,,,;::-,::.:=::;:- ~ :;....::,::::.:::.- withstanding, field hockey be. We can't worry about Julie Mayor (4 goals) and I coach Julee Iliner says her anything else," lliner said. Jodie Hamilton (2 goals). I r------COUPON------· team is capable of com­ The Salukis' biggest area of Iline'!" said the team needs to I I I manding the field at the improvement has been of­ see scoring out of junior 2 Medium Cheese Hand-Tossed : Midwest Independents fensive movement. Sunday's 7- Klaudia Gorman, who is I: Championships. o shutout loss to Iowa was the second in shots but is scoreless I : Pizzas For $9.99 I The tournament starts first since early October. thus far. "The forwards have done a Friday in St. Louis with the "I would hope we could get I \.,.,.n"ovoon ""'.n o,d.,,·. I oouponpo' PO", PO""" 0' PO'''''oo''"" ""'U'O"" No' '.',d , fourth-seeded Salukis taking good job of picking up a ball scoring out of Klaudia," T:,1I1er I Iwilhonro!h.roff.r. l;xp.r_11/6/8e I988PiuOHuf,Inc:, !f2Othc~ICQ1lhr.o.mDtIOf1. I on fif~.l-seeded Eastern and moving it down field," said. KenPJcky at 2 p.m. I.': =-:...-..:--=- -= =--=_:...-..:--=-.: =- ~_:...-..: ~ -= =-=-:...-..:--=--= =-=-~ J "We're probably in the best shape we've been in all year," lliner said. "We should be Sports Briefs ready to go." The Salukis lost twice last weekend to Big Ten foes Lucero to give exhibition Michigan and No. f; iowa. Even so, the outi;ome of those two Wendy Lilcero, a 1985 NCAA diving champion for SW-C and contests strengthened the 1988 Olympian, will give a diving exh\bition to raise funds for the team's desire, Illner, the Saluki swimming and diving team at 7:30 tonight at the team's coach of 20 years, said. Recreation Cenu!r pool. Following the exhibition, Lucero will be "I felt we played pretty well honored with a reception at the Rec Center. Advance tickets for II.gainst Iowa, and I think we the events can be purchased by phoning Davies Gymnasium at are the stronger for it," Illner 536-5566. said. Open night Saturday at the Rae Center The tournament field is led by No. 20 Northern Illinois, Campus Ministries and the Office of Recreational Sports will which slipped by the Salukis 2- host an open night Saturday at the Rec Center. Door" will be 1 in double overtime in mid­ locked at 7 p.m. with activitjes until:O p.m. September. Should the SaluJtis defeat Eastern Kentucky, they Nlke 3-polrlt contest. coming to Rec Center would meet Northern Illinois (13-3-1) in Saturday's 1 p.m. Preliminaries for the Nike 3-Point Shootout will be7 p.m, Nov. semifinal. 2 a t the Rec Center. Registra tion for the event will close Friday. But lilner doesn't even want to tlllnk about a possible grudge match with the upstate RHOADES, from Page 24-- rival. She's concentrating solely on Eastern Kentucky. wards, the Salukis' backup in is Kentucky's inexperience "We can't overlook them," quarterbacks) . in handling the wishbone. Iliner said. "Even though we "We don't spend a lot of time beat them at home (1-0, Oct. thinking about it because there "There are not true wish· 15), they've got good speed. We is nothing we're going to dD bone teams in the Southastern didn't blow them off the field about it. Sometimes you find Conference, " Rhoades said. by any means. One goal is not out the most about people "Vanderbilt runs it much of a cushion. " when things go wrDng." sometimes, but they don't run Eastern Kentucky is the Rhoades said one advantage a triple option, I think it should defending tournament the Satukis may have coming be a great opportunity for us,"

\,," I' tht,time to mak lOur rho In- Ik'uu,,' ,'\ ['1"\ IrtCal"\l'd wllt-~t, nug - frllm liand",m,· Have you received your traditiunal tor"nlt'llI Jl"I'J""\ ,II b - b ..n sal~ Salakl Club Card? nO\I')"u'lIhl'imJlI1-''''d \Iith till" fint" -\rtCal"\{·d nafNlIanship that __ narkI'll hI a ~ull l.ifetimt· \\Jrr.ull\. '.n

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October 27 & 28 1 Oa.m. to 3p.m. Student Center (lalt' Tim,' Plan-

Daily EgypllA!i. October 'n. 1988. Page 21 Aussie runner strives LEAGUE, from Page 24- year. They finished ahead of compete. Beauchem a bothSIU-CandlllinoisState. season-best time of 25:24, and succeed as Saluki The Selukis also will look to a second place finish at the Ole to freshmen Vaullhn Harry and Miss Invitational. By Robert Baxter Mark Stuart - for support. Beauchem sa:d he is looking Staf1Writer Harry has been a consistent to make a top five appearanc~ "/ just want to make toll 20 finisher with his best in this meet. At first glance men's cross sure when I crnss that time cGming at the Kentucky Glanville has a 12th place country runner Paul Invite (26:13). He also h.'lS a finish at the Murray State Burkinshaw could draw finish line / ha ve given top 10 finish to his credit. He Open. and a personal best time cClmparisons to P:lUl Hogan of finished ninth in the opening of27:12attheKentucku lnvite. Crocodile Dundee. BUfkin· it 110 percent, and meet of the SEason at Kansas. SIU-C will have a ·total of shaw too, hails from the land have absolutely Stuart has a season best of se\' ~n runners competing, with Down Under, and he came to 25:51 at the Illini Strider Open, junior Paul Burkinshaw and America not itnowtng what to nothin(1 left." and he finished 11th at the sophomore Mike Kershaw expect. Kansas meet. rounding out the team. "I had never been to -Paul Burkinshaw S.-mors David Beauchem The race will be run on SIU's America before deciding to rlt_n_d_p_aul__ G_la_n_vill_' _e_a_ls_o_w_ill __ c_r_oss __ country course.:..... come here to run," Burkin· shaw said. "I was s ...tl1ised Even coach Cornell praised REACH OUT FOR THE CULTURAL FUN when I got here and everything Burkinshaw's performance ap;>eare

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Dexter Rheaume and Tprry "Other guys ha,,;:: an ad­ Guess have been partners in vantage over me," Rheaume crime sinc\~ the summer. And whether it's tennis or pool, said. "They were playing thp.y have remained un­ before they got hurt and defeated. already know the strokes." Rheaume and Guess took Rheaume began playing in August, 1987, tw~ yeal'S after a first pla~e in Division D car accident that left him doubles at the U.S. Open para.lyzed from the waste Championships of Wheelchair down. Guess, injured in a car Tennis at Irvine, Cai., Oct. 10 accident in January, 1986, through 16, but squared off iIi played throughout high school the finals of the singles. and college at EI Camino Rheaume lost to Guess 7-6, Communtiy College in (7-3),7-5,6-3. Torrence, Cal. Guess aban­ "If I'd had the correct mind doned his amateur status to game, I'd have beaten Terry," accept money for winning a Rheaume said. "The mental professional tournament. part of the game is 50 per­ cent." The pair, who met for the Both were familiar with the second t.ime in June, 1988, won scene - they had f2Ced each their first championship at the other in the final rOlJIld of past Southeasten Grand Prix in tourr.aments. But this time it Atlanta, Ga., in July. Since ",as diffe,-ent. then, they have given up only Guess had taught Rheaume two sets in five tournaments. a few thin.~s, and the last time "Dexter and I undefeated in the ciuo played each other, tennis and ill pool, " Guess Rheaume won, 6-4, 7-6 (9-4), said. "We're Dot too good at The win, which came in the ping pong, though. H's kind of Swff Photo by Kurt Swmp final round of the Northeast hard to move the ~hairs Dexter Rh ..ume ,hOWl off the trophle, he tournament. Rheaume recently took second at Grand Prix in Champaign this around each other." "iO~ at the U.S. Open wh.. lchalr tennis the North... t Grand Prlz tournament. spring, marked Rheaume's hrst champio ,ship and Guess's first loss to Rheaume. "I taught him how to hold the racket properly," Guess said. KOPIES &MOR.E "Then I taught him that it's WlNt Yoa Should Kmuv Aboat Date RAPE more than just a physical Protecting Yourself: game - that it's mental too." High Risk Factors: Guess, once a professional telllllS player, said he worked ~::.x ROLE STEREOT'.'PES ·Say no when you mean no. say yes when you mean 'Ie'S. and stay In touch with your feehngs with Rheaume for a few hours Wo~n . Be awan of stereotypes daily for' two days. that prevent you from self-expression. to know the difference Bebeve In your nght to expres.s your ieehngs ... md "I nGticed that most guys SlJI.:' as "anger is unfeminine" just hit the ball over the net learn to do su aSS€rtlveh,,' Men - Be aware of stereotypes that "Be aware of sterotyI>es that prevent you from and wait for a mistake," he self-exilresslI:.n, sl.Icn as '''Belng paSS1 .... <2: lS teml1une" promote .... lolence agamst womli!'n. such said. "I showed him how to as "It is mGnly to use force" ·Be aware of specific 51tuations In which you do not control the ball and put it ~~I feel rela"ed and in charge All the Time where he wanted it to go. .~ ;ear what the other pt:'[son IS, ::.aYloq Don't gueo;. ... "All that was left was to IGNORING YOUR INSTINCTS Don"t C5S'JoUr,'le execute, and he does that 607 S. ILLINOIS AVE. Know that you have the right to set sexual Remem' 529-5679 mils II ~·oU' teeJ you are befng pressured pas! your Ilmlt. you are lighl. Trust • You and your-parmer have the rfght '0 say no. at jJoy your 91.1' ieelings. time. without feeJmg gudfy Tennis team • Sro!-'ping doesn't mean a loss of manhood or womanhood • Stoppmg doesn '( mean that someth1ng IS wrong With you nON INEFFECTIVE COMMUNICA ·It does mean people are people-. nol objects. and haVe" Communici!!Ite your limits. If someone starts to to compete in a right to different OpinlOnS oHend you. tell them . Tell them directly. • Alcohol and drugs interfere With clear thmkmg forcefully. and don't worry if you have to dnd efiectl\.'c rO~inun;cation be Irish tourney firm • Money srent on d dal~ dOt-sn"f obhgat~ ellh~r person (0 sexuc:.1 favors By Megan Hauck StaflWriter Healing Yourself: The men'li tennis team will be at Soutb Bend, Ind.,at the If you or someone you '&,4A.S, .. ooubles draw. Jairo Aldana, Joe Demeterco and Mickey Maule will compete in the first ?tame fUte tpJd.. . .. ~ draw for the Salukis. Fabiano Ramos, George Hime and ~adoa .'. Juan Martinez will compete in the second draw. dad ~~ PETER E ~TAMMY Doubles teams will Ix. as J/ _ n/ HATLESTAD JOtiNSON BURKHOLDER ~ ,.,.,( Graduate. Senior. follows: Martinez and Freshman. Senior. Demeterco, RamOI' and Hime .. Pre-Malor PsychologV and Martinez and Aldana. a~ iH "O:ee8C:dal~~~ ~::::i;~~nJ: "OM good Ihing ,/.J __ ,,_ _ J _ A _ is increased e .. poSL re i5 it'. a liThe good thing is "A bad Ihins illha! "I think we're capable of i-5 the money it Ihal you gel to walch it'.notw'e-v<')U ~. 10 SIU, depending good break brings in. A beating Miami, Ohio, Ball a bunch of drunken h.ive to be "" ~Oui on the elpo§ure for th.~ 5tudenCs- bad thing is monkeys w.lking guard aillhe lime State and maybe Notre (or lack of). A lension rele.5e Ihe vandalism." around throwing and wal~h lhe Dame," he said. "If I had to bad Ihing ,s !:.efore finals. A beer bottles al people people .rol.rod 'You. rank us, I'd say we're trash, noise bad thing, I The bad thing is The lood Ihinl for somewhere in the middle - an tr.Uic. obnoliou~ re .. Uy don't know you have to deal me il my friends p ele., etc.. of a bad thing," optimistic look from the coach. wilh Ihe drunken come down, we etc." "[t's almost a privlege to be monkeY5 throwinR 8ello opend a 101 invited to a tournament of this beer boilies al people." of time 1<'lelher, stature. It's already a feather meet new people in your cap. They're not going and Oft a lot of to invite anyone ther don't Part of Your slue Student Health Program .oodband•. " think will do any good. ' Daily Egyptian, October 'r1, 1988, Page 23 Sports League cross country meet to be held at SIU-C By Robert Baxter "The mental factor now "Both of these schools top at the water-logged Salukl Staff Writer Cornell's club comes into play," Cornell said. three men are outstanding." Invitational, was in turn The men's cross country "It is very important in Illinois State already has soundly beaten by Dennis at team will have home field features Australian distance running. It takes beaten the Salukis. They the Illini Stnder Open. Dennis killer instinct to win and that finished ahead of SIU-C at the won the race in 24:20.29, a full advantage Saturday as it plays -Page 22 host for the 32nd annual comes from internal Illini Strider Open by 38 paints. 15 seconds ahead of Wilson. motivation." Illinois State will boast the Comell said either Wilson or Missouri Valley Conference Cornell said even though Championships at 11 a.m. on been done and the talent is same three talented runners at Dennis should be the favorites the campus of SIU-C. there. It's now up to the Wichita State won the meet the conference meet; Dave to win the race, and the last year, the toughest com­ Wilsoa, a conference favorite matchup should prove to be The Salukis will be vying for athletes to decide how much they want it. " petition for the Salukis should at the beginning of the year, interestmg. their seventh MVC cross come from rivals Illinois State Tony Daniel and Don Shafer, Indiana State will counter country championsbip, and Cornell said nis team will and Indiana State. who both ran conference last with the same team that coach Bill Cornell said his need a super effort to win the "We'll have to have five men year finishing fifth and eighth helped it to place second at the team appears to be ready. conference and each runner in front of Illinois State's and respectively. Saluki Invitational earlier this "We're underdogs," Cornell will have to dig deep to find the Indiana State's fourth man to Wilson, who beat SIU-C's No. said, "but the training has winning edge. win the meet," Cornell said. 1 runner freshman Jon Dennis See LEAGUE, Page 22 ~~= Mind games Saluki place-kicker prefers using head instead of heels By Devld Gelllenettl SlaffWriter "About 85 to 90 The average football fan will percent of it is al/ tell you a kicker'S game Us all in his foot. But not Saluki mental. The most placekicker John Bookout. For important thing is him, it's all in the mind. "About 85 to 90 percent of it concentration. ,. is all mental," Bookout said. "The most important thing is -John Booko~t concentration. Coach !Rod) Sherrill stands there and puts his hand in front of the tee Despite the fact that he is a when I'm warming up. That's freshman, Bookout said he how I work on it." really doesn't feel like one. Bookout said kickers must "Maybe school-wise I do, but constantly work on their trade, not football. We are all one although game situations team and think of each other should come naturally. as a team. The other guys have "Some people ask why we go accepted me like every other out and practice three hours' player. Why shouldn't they?" just to kick a ball. We have to Bookout admitted that - do a lot of drUls and sldehne kickers are I1sUhilv loners lll' kicks. We work a lot on those the high school.. level and at because the angle is in­ most colleges, but with the credible. Salukis he is not. "When you do it for a long "There is more team spirit time it becomes natural, but here at college. It is not so you do have to prepare. During much that the kicker is off by the game, I go down the field himself." as our offense moves the ball, Bookout is no stranger to following them with the tee." attention. After moving to Bookout said having a strong Arlington Heights for his leg and foot is important, but senior year, he helped carry technique is really what counts his team to a 12-2 season, in­ when kicking. cluding the 6-A state cham· "Sometimes I really run pionship. aggressive and kick it. Some "He is used to (the think it is all power, but it's pressure)." said Ulises De la technique. An extra point Sierra, part-time coach in should be just like a 5O-yard charge of the Salukis' kicking field goal." game. "When he played at So far this season, Bookout Arlington Heights he was put has hit 14 of 14 point after in the spotlight quite a few touchdowns and SIX of eight times. That is why he is so field-goal attempts, his longest poised. being 47-yards on two oc­ "He is gettil!g more con­ casions. sistent. However, every now "You really shouldn't miss a and then, he'll have a fluke. PAT," Bookout said. "You're That is only natural, but if he right there in front of the goal. really works he can work out Salllki placekIcker John Bookout aHempts a stadIum Weonesdey. The freshmen hes hit six For the field goals, you just field goal during practIce at McAndrew of eight aHempts this seeson. have to work at it." See KICKER. Page 20 RhOGdes stresses pT ':;paration for Saturday By Devld GalllaneHI on the fie:-t at a time and four WildcRts' schedule, dubbed the ourselves. We're just going to . Staff Writer downs," h. 'lades said. "We toughest of any I-A team by the try and play well and live with I are aware of the quality of NCAA Statistics Service, the results." Saluki coach Rick Rhoades players they have, but it is still Rhoades said the Salukis will To further add to the Salukis' has added to ~is "playas hard a football game." :tave to play their best to be problems, SIU-C will take the as you can on every play" The Wildcats are big competitive. field without quarterback Fred philosophy for Saturday's favorites in Saturday's game, "This may be the biggest Gibson, who is out for at least a gamt' with Kentucky. U it's out but Rhoades said the Salukis challenge SIU has ever faced. week with a knee injury. of your hands, don't worry will not go into the game We will have to playas well as "As coaches, we have to d~l about it. looking to lose. we possibly can to hang in with injuries, although you Rhoades said despite that "It looks on paper like we there. This is a great chance to especially hope your quar­ playing Kentucky is an uphill can't beat Kentucky, but grow as a football team, and I terback doesn't get hurt," battle, the Salukis will prepare football is a strange game. hope we take advantage of it. Rhoades said. "I decided a for the Wildcats like any other Stranger things have hap­ "We talked a lot about game long time ago that injuries team. pened than us bEating Ken­ preparation, and there'll be a would not play a factor here, "There will be a bigger tucky. I don't think anyone time when we're on the other and I'm excited about Scott crowd and a different at­ here is ready to concede side of the stick. We can't do ( Gabbert) and Reggie (Ed- mosphere, but the last time I anything." anything about what they checked tht'y only had 11 guys Taking into account the have, but we can control S .. RHOADES, Page 21 Rick Rhoades Page 24, Daily Egyptian, October rt, 19l1li