Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1988 Daily Egyptian 1988 10-27-1988 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 27, 1988 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_October1988 Volume 75, Issue 49 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, October 27, 1988." (Oct 1988). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1988 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1988 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Thursday, Octobtlr 27,1988, Vol. 75, No. 49, 24Pages Nitz to ~e sentenced today, vows: 'I'll be back' By Richard Goldstein this case was the most clear "There is not any doubt that In a plea against the death penalty, said Nitz compounded S(!lffWriter cut he has ever seen. he (Nitz) is a murderer," sentence, he said Nitz has the crimes of first degree Convicted murderer "He (Nitz) is as gu!.lty as any Lowery said. serious problems if he com­ murder during a kidnapping Richard Nitz will be sentenced man I have seen tried," Judge Continuing his closing mitted the crimes he was and an armed robbery by then at the Williamson County Donald Lowery said, in­ statements BroekJig said Nitz comicted of but that there is cutting off and hiding Miley's Courthoase in Marion today terrupting Pablic Defender "is not some kind of animal still hope for the man. "head so the family can !I'lt following Wednesday's Larry Broeking's plea for crawling on th~ ground" that State's Attorney Charles heanng where the judge said Nitz's innocence. should be killed. Gamati, advocating the death See NITZ, Page 5 Gorbachev to release Burris: State's prisoners leader at fault ~IOSC'OW ,L'PI: - West German Chano.:ellor Helmut Kohl said Wednesday Soviet Calls Thompson dismal leader leader !\Hkhail Gorbachev has agreed to release ail political By Scott Perry prisollers by the end of the Staff Writer year in exchange for Bonn's The situation confronting support for a human rights higher education in Illinois can conference in Moscow. be traced to poor mana,ement Kohl, on the third day of a on the part of the state s chief four-day visit to the Soviet executive, State Comptroller Union. said Gorbachev's Roland Burris said. promise to rei€clse political "(Gov') Jim Tbompson has prisuners was one of three been a dismal leader and bas conditions set by Bonn for not made education a top supporting the K,emlin's priority during bis ad­ desire to trumpet its improved ministration," be said. human rights record by hosting an internatlonal human rights conference in Moscow. Burris meets with "The German side ex­ local officials pressed its readiness to sup­ port along with olbers after -Page 10 hu~an nghts conferences in Pa' is and Copenhagen also a Roland Bums human nghts conference in SIIIH Photo by P«ry A. Smith Burris was in Carbondale general fund. Moscow if it follows the Wednesday taking part in a "This moner could be going standard set by the previous Barbara Bush, wife of presidential candidate Georg. bearing where the state's to education' instead being meetlllgs." Kohl sa id Bush, greet. Jes.e Richardson, a trainee at Mount Ver­ responsibility in helping local used to bail out various other "In this context, the Soviet non's Comprehensive Services, a facility that government was discussed. state programs, he said. side stressed it would release rehabilitate. disabled people Into the work force, Wed­ Burris disagrees that a tax Burris said with funding for by the end of the year all nesday afternoon during 8 campaign stop In Southern increase is needed to lift education dropping at the state persons whIch are regarded in Illinois. primary, secondary and level, "the school districts the West as political higher education out of their have to begin tapping into the prisoners," said Kohl. making financial slumps, and blamed public" througb an increase in the first state visit by a West the Thompson administration German leader in five years. Barbara Bush to 'vvork for creating education's pr::::IStax:!'id there is The other two conditions set dismal situation. documented proof showing by West Germany were in­ "D~ his (Tbompson's) with every decrease in state creased emigration for ethnic for improved literacy 10 years m office, funding for funding for education, there is Germans residing within the education bas gone down," an equal increase in the Soviet Union and an end to the Burris said. "The money bas jamming of German • adio By John Baldwin P~:r ~iate taxes have broadcasts into the country. Staff Writer Bush's campaign a i'~~s~it. ~~t.,froperly. gone up proportionally to the Moscow has moved to meet MOUNT VERNON slick media event "Tuition bas to rise here at drop m funding from the the conditions with stepped up Barbara Bush said im- our University because the state," Burris said. emigration for the ethnic -Page 6 universities have not been able Burris called Tbompson's Germans to record levels in Cr:;1~g rai~~oul~ub:rr:;~ ~ta~~,proper funding from the proposed tax increase a the past nine months and main objective as first lady. "hodge podge," saying very negotiating an end to the But she said her main Burris, a native of Centralia, little thought went into iti' jamming. Foreign Minister purpose for coming to children from low-income graduated from the University creation. Hans Dietrich Genscher said lllinois was "to get people to families gain social com­ in 1959 with a bachelor's "Who's idea was it to tax Wednesday his government vote for George Bush." petence. degree in political science. funerals and beauty s~ and was "satisfied" with the Burris said many of the She spent about two hours There are Head Start octors progress of npgotiations on here before traveling to programs on Giant City financial problems confronting ::~ !:~ta::.r.ers, those conditions. California. Road in Carbondale; in the the state can be dealt with by Burris then attacked Reacting to Gorbachev's The wife of Republican basement of the Shiloh reapportioning resources Thompson's staff and their presidential candidate Baptist Church, 418 S. Fifth already at the slbte's disposal. part in creation. See RELEASE, Page 5 George Bush spoke to in Murphysboro; and one in Burris said Thompson is "Thompson's staff put the repori.ers at Comprehensive Johnson City. asking for too much money to budget together; his top man services, a facility to help Bush is meeting her come from the people of the manipulated things back there the disabled become in­ husband this weekend in state, and not using what they 80 badly that it took my staff ~hiS '.Iorning tegrated into the work California, but she said, have already in a wise man­ and my experts to find out force. "You know, I don't know ner. what the hell they put I Oukakis ignoring "I'm not pushing just exactly where my husband "No matter how much together." latest polls George Bus'!, I'm pushing is at right now," and then money you have, you'll never the ticket," she said. laughed. have enough to solve all the I - PageS "Every last vote counts." She said his whereabouts problems of the state." "I came here to let you Praise was given to Gus BOd/i..... : know we care about ha~~l:f~a~errh~d. Com- Thompson's Build Illinois I Cross Country Southern Illinois, we care prehensive Center, she met program, but Burris said "the ~' to host meet with the people working on program is so complicated it a~~! ;:rJ ~~I::Sa'~d her projects there, spoke sign takes people with PbD's to -~~~- \ , _. Sports 24 husband were strong language with a group of figure it out. .. --..... - .... I supporters of the Head Start people, and helped mix l<"unding for the program has - -- ... - . program, which is a chocolate mint chip cookie been a problem too, Burris Windy, 60•• nationwi:ie effort whelp dough. said, with a large percentatre' Gua uya Big Jim haa mad. .4 it coming froin IllinoiS' edUc.tIon. big m.... NEWC NCEPT HAIR SHOP RO."'i~~~ 0451~.1 Newswrap p.(fii~" 300 E. tvidlll, Hunter Bldg. ~. .cree~. Pizza Men-Cut - *12.00 world/nation . 8 FREE Small Cheese Pizza with order of Women-Cut - $10.00 Perm - $25.00 lG. 2 Ingredient Pizzo "The~ Best Around" Limit 1 per ord,,. Price Includes Israel bombards Lebanon Pick-Up or Delivery Style Also Grand Ave. Mall 11 Carbondale call and ask for Debbie with air raids on 6 camps SIDON, Lebanon (UPIl - Israeli jetfighters unleashE'd their biggest blitz this year on Lebanon Wednesday, p.>unding six WELLNESS Moslem guerrilla camps near Beirut and in the south as Israeli­ CENTER backed troops pushed the insurgents off a strategic hilltop near T-BIRDS the southern port of Sidon. Security sources and guerrillas i:iaid GROUPS & at least 19 people were killed and 40 others wounded, including WORKSHOPS women and children, in the air strikes and ground attacks. ac&u.(Tlmtr Crews find 144 survivors from sunken ferry TACLOBAN, Philippines (UP!) - Rescuers Wednesday rJUdrenOf plucked at least 144 survivors from a cluster of islands in the stormy Visayan Sea where a ferry carrying 481 people sank ~(COhO(IC5 Monday at the height Typhoon Ruby's fury, Coast Guard ana What does It medn to be an shipping officials said. The confirmed death toll was 32, the of­ adult child or !3.n alcoholic~ ficials said.
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