The Differences Between Mandarin and Wu Dialects During Tang Times—With Additional Criteria for Distinguishing Mandarin from Wu During Song Times

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The Differences Between Mandarin and Wu Dialects During Tang Times—With Additional Criteria for Distinguishing Mandarin from Wu During Song Times The Differences between Mandarin and Wu Dialects during Tang Times—with Additional Criteria for Distinguishing Mandarin from Wu during Song Times Mei, Tsu-lin 【Abstract】 This paper will present 8 criteria for distinguishing Mandarin dialects from Wu dialects during Tang times and 4 additional criteria during Song times. For the Tang period, the criteria includes the 2nd person pronoun, 3rd person pronoun, distant demonstrative, near demonstrative. For the Song period, the criteria includes the perfective suffix (Mandarin le vs. Wu tsɿ) and the subordinative particle (Mandarin ti or te vs. Wu ko). Phonological criteria will also be discussed. 222 Ⓒẋ⭀娙␴Ⓒẋ⏛婆䘬ⶖ⇍ ʇʇ 旬婾⬳ẋ⭀娙␴⬳ẋ⏛婆䘬ⶖ⇍ 㠭䣾湇 ᶨˣ⇵妨 㛔㔯䘬䚖䘬⛐㕤婒㖶Ⓒẋ㚱 8 ᾳ⎗ẍ⋨↮⭀娙␴⏛婆䘬㡅ẞˤ 1.⭀娙㖍㭵⽖㭵朆滣枛⊾炻⏛婆㖍㭵⽖㭵ᶵ䘤䓇朆滣枛⊾䘬㺼嬲ˤ 2.⭀娙ℐ㽩ᶲ嬲⍣炻⏛婆ℐ㽩ᶲᶵ嬲⍣(春ᶲ䵕㊩ᶵ嬲炻ᶵ␴⍣倚⎰Ἕ)ˤ 3.⭀娙欂嘆䚠㶟炻⏛婆(␴峃婆)欂嘆㚱⇍ˤ 4.Ṿ䧙⭀娙䓐ˬṾ˭炻⏛婆(␴峃婆)䓐ˬ㷈˭ˤ⏛婆ḇ䓐ˬẲ˭ˤ 5.⮵䧙⭀娙䓐ˬἈ˭(‹ˬ䇦˭)炻⏛婆(␴峃婆ˣ救婆)䓐ˬ㰅˭ˤ 6.怈㊯娆⭀娙䓐ˬ恋˭炻⏛婆(␴峃婆ˣ救婆)䓐ˬ姙˭ˤ 7.役㊯娆⭀娙䓐ˬ忁˭炻⏛婆(␴峃婆)䓐ˬ䬯˭炻⤪ˬ䬯Ṣ媙⸽烎˭(⊿滲㚠 33 ⼸ᷳㇵ)炻⏛婆ḇ䓐ˬ⸽˭炻⤪ˬ⸽⤜天䔞㇒㰅柕˭(柷ᷳ㍐˪怬⅌姀˫(ᶫ炻 ⻝䤂㡅)ˤ 8.⏛婆(␴峃婆ˣ救婆)ẍˬ₪ Ṣ˭㊯Ṣ炻⭀娙㰺㚱ˬ₪Ṣ˭⫿炻ẍˬṢ˭㊯Ṣˤ ⇘Ḯ⬳ẋ怬⎗ẍ≈ 4 㡅ˤ 9.柀㟤≑娆⭀娙䓐ˬ⸽˭炻⤪ˬ⮯梗冯敵㡐╓⸽Ṣ怬㚱䛤ḇ䃉烎˭(˪䣾➪普˫ ⌟⚃ˬᷡ曆␴⯂˭)炻ˬㆹ⸽⬠⓷⤪㬌ˤ˭(映婆 286)炻⏛婆(␴峃婆)䓐ˬᾳ˭炻 ⤪ˬṲ㖍⓷ᾳ炻㖶㖍⽑⮯Ἦ㹓⮳炻⫸䳘䅇䚳ˤ˭(㛙⫸婆栆炻⌟ᶨᶨḼ)炻ˬⰙ 檀嗽ᾳṢ炻⤥Ụ⤜⭞⻝妋⃫ˤ˭(⻝⋼䉨⃫炻⚃ᶨ↢) 10.⬴ㆸ尴⭀娙䓐ˬḮ˭炻⤪ˬ⎫Ḯ 1 梗Ḯ 2˭炻⏛婆䓐ˬṼ(ƌ叿Ī˭炻⤪ˬ⎫Ṽ(ƌ 叿Ī梗⑱˭ˤġ 11.⏎⭂娆⭀娙␴峃婆䓐慵僋䘬ˬ⺿ 1˭(⣼䈑↯) puԥt炻⏛婆䓐庽僋䘬ˬ⺿˭(↮ 䈑↯) pjuԥt(>fԥt >fԥސ)ˤ 12.Ṣ䧙ẋ娆墯㔠娆⯦⭀娙䓐ˬᾹ˭~ˬ㭷˭炻⤪ˬㆹᾹˣἈᾹˣṾᾹ˭ˤ⏛婆 223 ㄞ⃫娙䓐ˬ₪Ṣ˭炻⤪ˬㆹ₪ ㆹᾹˣ㰅₪ ἈᾹˣ㷈₪ ṾᾹ˭ˤ⛐㝸ṃ⏛㕡妨␴峃㕡妨炻 ˬㆹ₪ˣ㰅₪ˣ㷈₪˭堐䣢ᶱ幓ẋ娆䘬╖㔠ˤ 䎦⛐㈲ᶲ朊 12 ᾳ㡅ẞ↿ᶨᾳ堐炻䃞⼴䯉╖⛘ṳ䳡ᶨᶳⒸẋ 8 ᾳ㡅ẞ䘬 Ἦ㬟ˤ 12345678 Ⓒẋ 㖍㭵⽖㭵 ℐ㽩ᶲ 欂嘆 Ṿ䧙 ⮵䧙 怈㊯ 役㊯ ₪Ṣ 朆滣枛⊾ 嬲⍣ 㚱⇍ ⭀娙 ⋩ ⋩ ʇ Ṿ Ἀ(ƌ䇦) 恋 忁 ʇ ⏛婆 ʇ ʇ ⋩ 㷈炻Ẳ 㰅 姙 䬯炻⸽ ⋩ 9101112 ⬳ẋ 柀㟤≑娆 ⬴ㆸ尴 ⏎⭂娆 Ṣ䧙ẋ娆墯㔠娆⯦ ⭀娙 ⸽ ⎫Ḯ梗Ḯ ⺿ 1(⣼䈑↯)puԥt Ᾱ~㭷(ㆹ ᾹˣἈ ᾹˣṾ Ᾱ ) ⏛婆 ᾳ ⎫Ṽ(叿)梗⑱ ⺿(↮䈑↯)pjuԥt ₪Ṣ(ㆹ₪ˣ㰅₪ˣ㷈₪) 伭㜘䐆˨斄㕤⭀娙ㇵ妨㖑㛇䘤⯽䘬ᶨṃ゛㱽˩(1997烊2004烉298)婒烉 䎦⛐Ụ᷶ㅱ娚Ἦ妶婾ᶨᶳ⋨↮⭀娙␴朆⭀娙䘬㡅ẞˤẍᶳᶱ溆䚠䔞慵天烉 䫔ᶨˣ⬳ẋ䘬枝⚾栗䣢㖍㭵ˣ⽖㭵⶚䴻朆滣枛娙Ḯˤ 䫔Ḵˣℐ㽩ᶲ嬲⍣ˤ⛐ᷕⒸẍ⼴㔯䌣Ⰺ夳忁ᾳ㺼嬲ˤ 䫔ᶱˣ䫔ᶱṢ䧙ẋ娆䓐ˬṾ˭ˤ䚃Ⓒ⶚㚱䫔ᶱṢ䧙ẋ娆ˬṾ˭䘬䓐ἳ(Ⓒἄ喑 1980)ˤ ᶲ朊㇨婒䘬ᶱᾳ(ㆾ侭⚃ᾳ)㡅ẞ悥䘤䓇⼿⼰㖑ˤ㖍㭵䘬朆滣枛⊾⛐㘂Ⓒ 啷㔯廱⮓㻊婆䘬㔯䌣ᷕ⶚䴻䚳⼿⇘(檀䓘㗪晬 1988)炻⽖㭵䘬朆滣枛⊾ḇ⛐忁 ᾳ㗪攻䘤䓇(Coblin 1989)ˤ㒂ᶲ㇨徘炻ℐ㽩ᶲ嬲⍣ẍ⍲䫔ᶱṢ䧙ẋ娆䓐ˬṾ˭ 悥䓊䓇㕤Ⓒẋˤ忁⯙婒㖶⭀娙忁ᾳ⣏㕡妨䘬⼊ㆸᶵ㚫㘂㕤Ⓒẋˤ军㘂⇘Ḯᷕ Ⓒ炻⭀娙␴⏛婆⶚䴻㗗ℑᾳ⮵䩳䘬㕡妨⋨Ḯˤ ㆹ⛐˪㰇㜙㕡妨䘬ˬ㰅˭⫿(›喯ⶆ nчܒˬ῟˭)⍲℞䚠斄⓷柴˫(2011)炻˪㻊 婆㕡妨墉䘬ᶱᾳ㊯ẋ娆烉ˬ㰅炻㷈Ṿ炻姙恋˭炼炼ℵ婾欂嘆㚱⇍冯䎦ẋ㕡妨˫ 224 炷2013炸婒㖶⏛婆␴峃婆㚱 5 ᾳℙ⎴䈡溆ˤ1. 欂嘆㚱⇍ˤ2. 䫔ḴṢ䧙ẋ娆 䓐ˬ㰅˭ˤ3. 䫔ᶱṢ䧙ẋ娆䓐ˬ㷈˭ˤ4. 怈㊯娆䓐ˬ姙恋˭ˤ5. ⏛婆ˣ峃婆ẍ ˬ₪Ṣ˭㊯Ṣ炻嶇⊿婆ẍˬṢ˭㊯Ṣᶵ⎴ˤ 柷ᷳ㍐(531-597)˪柷㮷⭞妻Ʉ枛录䭯˫㚦冱ἳ婒㖶⊿Ṣ欂嘆䚠㶟炻⋿Ṣ 欂嘆㚱⇍ˤ㒂㬌炻ㆹᾹ⎗ẍ㈲⏛婆␴峃婆欂嘆㚱⇍䘬Ⰼ㫉䘬⸜ẋ妪⛐⋿⊿㛅炻 ḇ⯙㗗℔⃫ 6 ᶾ䲨ˤˬ㰅Ἀ˭ˣˬ㷈Ṿ˭炻ˬ姙恋˭Ⱄ㕤欂嘆㚱⇍䘬Ⰼ㫉炻㇨ẍ忁ᶱ ᾳ嘃娆䘬⸜ẋḇ⎗ẍ妪⛐⋿⊿㛅ˤ⬳ẋⰙ昘Ṣ映㷠(1125-1210)˪侩⬠⹝䫮姀˫ ⌟ℕ婒烉ˬ⏛Ṣ姃欂⫿炻⇯ᶨ枝䘮攳⎋˭ˤᶳ朊㚫䚳⇘⏛婆␴峃婆ᷕ欂嘆㚱⇍ Ⰼ㫉墉䘬欂枝⫿⤪ˬ尔劏䄖滈䭠嘃姙恋⍣㷈Ṿ㰅Ἀ˭⛐⏛婆喯ⶆˣ㟸⺔ˣ忪㖴ˣ 峃婆湶ⶅ悥婒攳⎋ˤ ⏪⍼㸀˪役ẋ㻊婆㻊婆㊯ẋ娆˫(1985)婒㖶役ẋ㻊婆䘬ᶱ幓ẋ娆㗗ˬㆹˣ ἈˣṾ˭炻ˬἈ˭Ἦ冒ˬ䇦˭ˤ役㊯娆ˣ怈㊯娆㗗ˬ忁ˣ恋˭ˤ⏪⃰䓇㇨婒䘬ˬ役 ẋ㻊婆˭⯙㗗ᷕ㘂Ⓒ䘬⭀娙ˤ㈲⏪㚠䘬䞼䨞ㆸ㝄嶇䫮侭(2011, 2013)␴伭㜘 䐆(2004)䘬婒㱽㓦⛐ᶨ崟⯙㗗㛔㔯 3-6 忁 4 ᾳ㡅ẞˤ 34 5 6 7 Ⓒẋ 欂嘆 Ṿ䧙 ⮵䧙 怈㊯ 役㊯ 㚱⇍ ⭀娙 ņ ṾἈ(‹䇦) 恋忁 ⏛婆ˣ峃婆 ⋩ 㷈(Ẳ) 㰅 姙 䬯 军㕤䫔 7 ᾳ㡅ẞ炻⏪⍼㸀⃰䓇(1985:240-244)⶚䴻攳℞䪗ˤ(1) Ṿ⺽⽝Ⓒ ∱䞍⸦˪⎚忂˫⌟ 17 䘬⎵妨烉㷈ˣᾹ(Ẳ烎)ˣ⸽ˣ䬯炻㰇ⶎ⼤㬌ᷳ娆ˤ(2) 婒 㖶役㊯娆ˬ䬯˭㚨㖑䘬䓐ἳ㗗烉ˬ䛇ㆸᾳ掉䈡䚠⭄ˤ˭(⹦⫸Ⱉ普 27)炻ˬᾳṢ 媙⸽烎˭(⊿滲㚠 33 ⼸ᷳㇵ)炻᷎ᶼ㊯↢烉ˬ⹦ᾉˣ⼸ᷳㇵ悥㗗⋿Ṣ估䔁⊿㕡 䘬炻ṾᾹ䓐䬯⫿炻⎗䁢∱䞍⸦䘬娙ἄ嫱ˤ˭(3) 㚨⼴㊯↢ˬ旧⟝ˣ⸽ˣ䬯悥 㗗ℕ㛅攳⥳↢䎦㕤⋿㕡䘬⎋婆娆炻⛐䎦ẋ⏛婆⋨㕡妨墉怬⼿⇘⺋㲃䘬⍵㗈炻 ἳ⤪⭄冰ˣᷡ春ˣ喯ⶆˣ⏛㰇ˣ慹厗ˣ㹓ⶆ䫱嗽悥䭉ˮ忁ᾳ˯⎓吃吃ㆾ娚吃炻 ᶲ㴟ˣ⮞Ⱉˣ㜦㰇䫱嗽悥䭉ˮ忁ᾳ˯⎓徕㏧ (⛯㒂嵁⃫ả炻˪䎦ẋ⏛婆䘬䞼 225 䨞˫)ˤ⇵侭㗗䬯䘬ᶨ䲣炻⼴侭㗗⸽䘬ᶨ䲣ˤ˭ 䓐⏪⍼㸀⃰䓇㍸ὃ䘬䶂䳊炻ㆹᾹ⎗ẍ ẍᶳ䘬婾嫱ˤ ⊿Ṕ娙ˬ忁ᾳṢ䘬㚠˭⛐⋿㖴ˣ慹厗ˣ⏛㰇ˣᶲ㴟䫱㕡妨ᷕ䘬婒㱽㗗烉 ⋿㖴娙 䬯[घko]ᾳ[koच]Ṣ᷒[ङko]ᾳ㚠 攟㰇娙ˣ慹厗娙 吃[kԥސ]吃[kԥސ]Ṣ吃[kԥސ]㚠 ᶲ㴟娙 ㏧[gԥސ]㏧[gԥސ]Ṣ㏧[gԥސ]㚠 柷㢖(1990)婒㖶ˬ䬯˭⫿⛐⼰⣂⋿㕡㕡妨㚱ᶱ䧖䓐㱽ˤᶨ㗗慷娆(⋿㖴ˬᾳ˭ [koच])炻ᶨ䬯ℑ䬯䘬ˬ䬯˭ˤḴ㗗≑娆(⋿㖴ˬ᷒˭[ङko])炻ˬㆹ䬯Ἀ䬯˭ˬ⤥䬯 ⢆䬯˭炻䚠䔞㕤⊿Ṕ娙䘬ˬ䘬˭ˤᶱ㗗㊯䣢娆(⋿㖴ˬ䬯˭[घko])炻䚠䔞㕤ˬ忁˭ˤ ˬ䬯ᷕ㹳␛˭⌛ˬ忁墉朊䘬㹳␛˭ˤ 1 ᶵ暋䚳↢Ἦ炻⍣倚䘬ˬ䬯˭[koच]⫿Ὣ⊾ 炻⯙嬲ㆸ⏛㰇娙ˣ慹厗娙䘬吃 [kԥސ]ˤℵ倚㭵㽩⊾炻⯙嬲ㆸᶲ㴟娙䘬㏧[gԥސ]ˤ ẍᶲ⯙㗗Ⓒẋ䘬 7 ᾳ㡅ẞ䘬䓙Ἦˤ 1 婳⍫䚳惕⻝⯂剛˨㕡妨ᷕ䘬冺倚Ὣ⊾䎦尉˩(1995)ˤ 226 Ḵˣ⏛婆(喯ⶆ)䘬欂嘆㚱⇍␴峃婆(湶ⶅ)䘬欂嘆㚱⇍ 2.1 ⏛婆䘬欂嘆㚱⇍ ㆹ⛐˪㕡妨㛔⫿䞼䨞䘬ℑ䧖㕡㱽˫(1995)婒㖶ᶲ㴟娙ˣ喯ⶆ娙㚱ᾳ欂嘆㚱⇍ 䘬Ⰼ㫉ˤẍ欂枝䘬ˬ尔䄖抠˭ˣ嘆枝䘬ˬ㛙ᷣ⎍˭䁢ἳ炻 yܨ尔䘥 tsݑ㛙 tsଖġġ䄖䘥 tsݑᷣ tsଖġġ抠䘥 kଽ⎍ t 怬㚱ᶨᾳ欂嘆䚠㶟䘬Ⰼ㫉炻ἳ⤪ 尔㔯 tsଖ=㛙 tsଖ 䄖㔯 tsଖ=ᷣ tsଖ 抠㔯 tܨy=⎍ tܨy 侴ᶼ欂嘆㚱⇍Ⰼ㫉墉䘬欂枝⫿悥㗗婒攳⎋枣㭵炻ἳ⤪烉 尔劏滈䄖抌㡛懭嘃姙姙媦 喯ⶆ tsݑ zݑ sݑ tsݑ zݑ sݑ kଽ hଽ hଽ kଽ ㊁叿(1995)⍰婒烉⏛婆欂嘆㚱⇍䘬䎦尉⎗ẍ婒㖶ᶱᾳ欂枣嘃娆䘬㛔⫿ˤ(1) 喯ⶆ娙䫔ḴṢ䧙ẋ娆ˬ῟ [nƇञ]˭䘬㛔⫿㗗ˬ㰅˭ˤ(2)ˬ彋㴟˭(⛐恋⃺)䘬ˬ㴟˭ 㛔⫿㗗ˬ姙恋[घhƇ]˭ˤ(3)⏛婆ˬ⎫Ṽ梗⑱˭䘬ˬṼ˭⫿炻㛔⫿㗗ˬ叿˭ˤˬ尔˭ˬ叿˭ ℑ⫿⎴枛ᶵ⎴婧ˤˬ尔˭⛐喯ⶆ娙䘥嬨ङtsݑ炻ˬ叿˭㊱䄏⎴㧋䘬㺼嬲夷⼳ḇ㚫䘥嬨 tsݑच(Ṽ)˭ˤˬ ㊁叿(1995)䘤堐ẍ⼴炻ㆹ゛䞍忻℞Ṿ㕡妨㗗⏎ḇ㚱欂嘆㚱⇍䘬䎦尉炻㗗⏎⮵ 䧙ḇ䓐ˬ㰅˭⫿炻怈㊯娆ḇ䓐ˬ姙恋˭⫿ˤ㼀ぇḹ˪㹓嗽㕡妨␴救婆˫(1995)䔞 㗪䴎ㆹ⼰⣏䘬溻⊝ˤ㬌㔯婒㖶⏛婆㹓嗽㕡妨ḇ㗗欂嘆㚱⇍炻侴ᶼ㹓ⶆ䘬怈㊯ẋ娆 ˬ姙˭嬨 घhe炻㹓ⶆ䘬䫔ḴṢ䧙ẋ娆जͥiˤˬ⼰㚱⎗傥㛔⫿㗗ˬ㰅˭炻⚈䁢ˬ㰅˭嬨 ͥi 冯ˬ㷈˭嬨 gi ἳ㚱⸛埴斄Ὢˤ˭ ㆹ 2005 ⸜屟⇘柷㢖˪湶ⶅ㕡妨娆℠˫(1995)炻㬌 㚠 17 枩ˬ湶ⶅ㕡妨䘬䈡溆˭ 婒烉ˬ欂枝㚱姙⣂⫿枝㭵嬨[ž iž]炻⋨⇍冯嘆枝˭ˤ㚨役䳘嬨柷㢖⃰䓇 1989 ⸜ẍἮ 227 斄㕤峃婆䘬叿ἄ炻䘤䎦柷㢖˨湶ⶅ㕡妨䘬Ṽ⯦␴⃺⯦˩(˪㕡妨˫1989 ⸜䫔 1 㛇) ⶚䴻⛐婒湶ⶅ娙欂嘆㚱⇍炻柷㢖˨婯婯嶇侫㛔⫿㚱斄䘬⸦ᾳ⓷柴˩(˪ᷕ⚳婆㔯˫ 1990 ⸜䫔 4 㛇)⶚䴻⛐婒峃婆㕡妨㘖念⛘㚱欂嘆㚱⇍䘬䕽嶉ˤᶳᶨ䭨⯙天ṳ䳡柷 㢖⃰䓇斄㕤峃婆䘬婾婒ˤ 2.2 峃婆䘬欂嘆㚱⇍ 㚨㖑㊯↢峃婆㚱ᾳ欂嘆㚱⇍䘬Ⰼ㫉㗗㰇大ⷓ䭬⣏⬠䘬柷㢖⃰䓇ˤṾ⛐˨婯婯 嶇侫㛔⫿㚱斄䘬⸦ᾳ⓷柴˩(1990)婒忶烉ˬ欂枝㚱姙⣂⫿ᷣ天⃫枛嬨 ž炻⋨⇍㕤嘆 枝炻忁⛐㰇大姙⣂ⶪ䷋䘬㕡妨ᷕḇ㗗ⷠ夳䎦尉˭ˤ⍰⛐˪湶ⶅ㕡妨䞼䨞˫(1993:11) 湶ⶅ㕡妨䘬䈡溆˩婒烉ˬ欂枝㚱姙⣂⫿枣㭵嬨[ž]ㆾ[iž]炻⤪噮[ङtٔž]ʉ㚠[ङÜiž]ˤ嘆˨ 枝㰺㚱忁䧖嬨㱽炻⤪嵐[ङt’y]ʉ廠[ङÜy]˭ˤ᷎ᶼ⛐ 37-38 枩↿冱湶ⶅ娙枝㭵嬨[ž]ㆾ[iž] Ἀ Ṿ ⥻ 恋烉 㗗ㆹ䬯 楔 䘬欂枝⫿炻⤪[ž]烉⏪噮⼸抌㰅 䔷㷈 抠⍣嘃姙 姙 ~ 欂烊[iž]烉欂㺩⤛尔干~ 䁖 Ṿ 湣 ⥻ 䄖㷈 劏~ 嗽⍣䭠㡛䔷㚠⃚滈㘹䴖ἁ ˤ ᶳ朊⺽柷㢖(1990:279)墉䘬ᶨ㭝炻(1993:11, 37-38)墉䘬ℑ㭝ˤ嬻柷㢖䓐冒⶙ 䘬娙Ἦ婒㖶峃婆墉欂嘆㚱⇍䘬䎦尉ˤ 柷㢖 1990˨婯婯嶇侫㛔⫿㚱斄䘬⸦ᾳ⓷柴˩279 枩 ࡰঁٿޑηǶፋፋࠄܱ၉ٯޑჴ٠ؒԖᒱځ࣮ଆٰόϼႽǴঁٿ౜ӧӆᖐ! Ȩ೭ȩǶȨ೚ȩӷࠄܱ၉೯த᠐ޑч٧၉ܭҢжຒǴᇻࡰࢂȨ೚ȩǴ᠐ॣघhžǴ࣬྽ ೚ȩǴȨ঑೚ȩǴ೭ঁȨ೚ȩӷΓΓ೿཮ቪǶՠࡰҢжຒघhžΨࢂȨ೚ȩۉघÜyǴӵȨ ჴǴђᅇᇟύǴȨ೚ȩځଆٰ࣬ৡࡐᇻǶ᠋ॣঁٿၰΑǴӢࣁ೭ޕӷǴࡐӭΓ൩ό 228 !ကǶ֖ޑӷ൩ԖȨӵԜǴ೭ኬȩ hȿ炻܍Ȩୢ෤বளమӵ೚ȩǴ൩ࢂୢъ੫Б༠࡛ሶૈ୼ٗሶమᅒǶȨ೚ȩӷ᠐!!!! ǴѝࢂँઇΑȨΟ܁ڻ٠ό ђԴ٤Ƕ೚Ǵ຀ֈϪǴ᐀҆ӷᖂ҆᠐ h׳ ȹy܍೭ঁॣК ѤࣣಒȩޑਣਣǶങ㼿Ԗ೚ӭӷЬाϡॣ᠐ ȿ炻୔ձܭဤ㼿Ǵ೭ӧԢՋ೚ӭѱᑜ ౜ຝǶࠄܱ၉ങ㼿ѝԖȨ೚෤ങᒯѐȩ൳ঁӷЬाϡॣ᠐ ȿ炻ـύΨࢂதقБޑ ቶܱ၉ǴȨೇ৪຀቙೚ങζ፜ฆ෤ᖐᒯढᆍѐ਩౧ޑӭ΋٤Ǵӵᡧܿ׳дӦБځ ਜႵէᛱ೯தբᖘȩ฻ӷ೿᠐ ȿ 㼿܈ iȿ ᜩǶ! 柷㢖 1993˪湶ⶅ㕡妨䞼䨞˫11 枩 ȹiȿ]Ƕဤ㼿ؒԖ೭ᅿ᠐ݤǴӵ܌]t’ȿ]ˈਜ܌]iȿ]炻ӵǺೇ]܈[ങ㼿Ԗ೚ӭӷ᠐[ȿ ᖿ[܌t’y]ˈᒡ[܌ȹy]ˤ 37-38 ।[ȿ] kȿ]ʉѐ[k’ȿ܍]sȿ]ʉᒯ[kȿ܎]ʉ෤д㐏ᐋˈݨ܌]nȿ]ʉ౧܍]t’ȿ]ʉԟգܐ]t’ȿ]ʉ৪᎐܌]tȿ]ʉೇ܍]ֈ [h)ȿ)܍]ᆎךhȿ]ˈ೚ٗ;ࢂ܍]ᄉˈۉ܎]ˈ೚ 38 枩[iȿ] tȹ’iȿ]ʉೀ഍Ꮭ΢;ङ܌]tȹiȿ]ʉढഞ܍]tȹiȿ]ʉฆ෤д܌]niȿ]ˈ፜ًଭࣇਲ਼ᐋ܍]Ͽζ;ٽniȿ] ˈζܐ]ങᅕ ഍ೀѐ[tȹ’iȿ܎]ʉᆍ࿮η[tȹ’iȿ܎]ʉ਩౧ਜ[܌ȹiȿ]ʉᛱ೯தբȨᖘȩ[ܐȹiȿ]ʉႵප[܍ȹiȿ]ʉ์ා޸঺[ȹiȿ܎] [iȿܐ]ۉʉէ 40-41 枩[y]枣㭵ᶳ㚱⣏慷䘬嘆枝⫿炻⤪ˬ㛙㟒楸姣㪍廠⎍䞑暐⬯䥡佥˭炻怬 㚱㔯嬨䘬欂枝⫿炻⤪ˬ媠叿昌⃚㚠姙㘹滈㒂冱冯˭ˤ [܌tȹy]媠㛙㟒㷾⋿~㳚ʉ[tȹy܎]叿~⎵楸姣ʉ[ܐtȹ’y]昌⃚㪍 229 [ङÜy]廠㚠ʉ[जÜy]姙姙~㘹滈 [kyच]㒂⎍ʉ[घky]冱䞑 [yच]冯暐⬯䥡佥 2.3 ⏛婆␴峃婆䘬欂嘆㚱⇍ 㭼庫⏛婆喯ⶆ娙␴峃婆湶ⶅ娙炻⎗ẍ䚳⇘忁ℑᾳ㕡妨䚠⎴ᷳ嗽㚱ẍᶳᶱ溆ˤ (1)悥㚱ᶨᾳ欂嘆㚱⇍䘬Ⰼ㫉ˤ (2)悥⎎㚱ᾳ欂嘆䚠㶟䘬Ⰼ㫉ˤ (3)欂嘆㚱⇍Ⰼ㫉墉䘬欂枝⫿㚱烉尔劏滈䄖抌㡛嘃姙~媦姙恋㰅Ἀ[㷈Ṿ] 䫔ᶱṢ䧙ẋ娆湶ⶅ娙䓐ˬ㷈Ṿ[घkŲ]˭炻喯ⶆ娙䓐ˬᾂ ङli˭ㆾˬᾂ῟ङli nƇञ˭炻ᶵ䓐ˬ㷈 Ṿ˭ˤỮ㗗暊喯ⶆᶵ怈䘬ⷠ䅇娙䓐ˬ㷈Ṿ झgŲ˭炻侴ᶼ䳽⣏⣂㔠䘬⏛㕡妨Ṿ䧙䓐ˬ㷈Ṿ˭ˤ ㇨ẍᶲ朊㈲ˬ㷈Ṿ˭㓦⛐㕡㊔⻏墉ˤ ᶳ朊↿冱 4 ᾳ⏛婆ˣ2 ᾳ峃婆欂嘆㚱⇍Ⰼ㫉墉䘬欂枝⫿ˤ屯㕁Ἦ㸸烉喯ⶆ炻 㰒⸛˪喯ⶆ㕡妨婆枛䞼䨞˫(1996)ˣ叱䤍剻˪喯ⶆ㕡妨⽿˫(1988)烊㟸⺔炻˪㟸⺔ 㕡妨⽿˫(1992)烊湶ⶅ炻柷㢖˪湶ⶅ㕡妨娆℠˫(1995) 烊⋿❶炻㛶⤪漵ˣ⻝暁ㄞ ˪⭊峃㕡妨婧㞍⟙⏲˫(1992)炻昛㖴₨˪峃㕡妨㤪天˫(1991) 烊忪㖴ˣㄞ⃫炻㚡 ⽿俀ˣ䥳察塽⸠䫱˪⏛婆嗽堊㕡妨䞼䨞˫(2000)ˤ 尔劏䄖滈䭠抌㡛 喯ⶆ tsݑ zݑ tsݑ sݑņzݑ sݑ [hy] dzݑ [dzu] [suܨ㟸⺔ tsݑ dzݑ tsݑ [t 湶ⶅ tܨiܭ tܨhiܭ tܨiܭܨiܭ tܨhiܭ thܭܨiܭ ⋿❶ tܨiܭ tܨhiܭ tܨiܭܨiܭ tܨhiܭ [thu] ܨiܭ @ܤhie dݣie [za] [sܨ忪㖴 [tܽ] dݣie ie t ㄞ⃫ >ސGR@ tܨye ie tܨhie tܨye [so] sܶ 嘃抠⍣姙~ョ 姙恋 㷈Ṿ 㰅Ἀ 喯ⶆ hଽ kଽ tܨhi hଽ घhଽ [झgܭ] nଽञ 230 㟸⺔ [ܨy] ke khi [ܨy] ņ ܐji ܍ne 湶ⶅ hܭ kܭ tܨhiܭ ܍hܭ ܍ܭ ܐkܭ ܍nܭ ܐtܨiܭ ⋿❶ [ܨy] kiܭ khiܭ hܭņ ܍nܭ ܐkiܭ 忪㖴 ņ kܶ݁ khܶ xܶ[Dސܐgܶ ܑଔie ㄞ⃫ xܶ kܶ khܶ xܶ xܽސ ܐkܶ ܑଔie ᶲ朊䘬堐婒㖶ˬ尔劏抠㷈Ṿ姙恋㰅Ἀ˭䫱⫿Ⱄ㕤欂嘆㚱⇍䘬Ⰼ㫉ˤ柷ᷳ㍐(531-597) 䘬⎵妨ˬ⊿Ṣẍ⹞䁢ㆵ炻ẍ⤪䁢₺˭婒㖶欂嘆㚱⇍㗗ℕ㛅⋿Ṣ㇨婒䘬㰇㜙㕡妨䘬 䈡⽝ˤ㕤㗗ㆹᾹ㍐婾⽆⋿⊿㛅攳⥳炻ˬ㰅Ἀ˭ˣˬ㷈Ṿ˭ˣˬ姙恋˭忁ᶱᾳ嘃娆⯙㗗㰇㜙 䘬㕡妨娆ˤᶳ朊妶婾㔯䌣ᶲ䘬嫱㒂ˤ (1)䫔ᶱṢ䧙ẋ娆ˬ㷈Ṿ˭ 晾冯⹄⎷天炻㷈㚫䷥䃉䶋ˤ(⎌䃎ẚ⌧⥣娑) ⤛⨧㗐Ἦ炻⽭㗗㷈㇨䩲ˤ(ᶱ⚳⽿Ʉ⏛⽿Ʉ嵁忼⁛) Ṳ㙅⮯㷈ᾙᶵ䛈ˤ(⹦⫸Ⱉ普 6.4) 㷈ˣᾹ(Ẳ烎)ˣ⸽ˣ䬯炻㰇ⶎ⼤㬌ᷳ录ˤ(Ⓒ∱䞍⸦˪⎚忂˫⌟⋩ᶫ) (2)怈㊯䣢娆ˬ姙恋˭ ˬ姙˭⫿╖䓐ἄ䁢㊯䣢娆㚨㖑䓐ἳ炻夳㕤˪㦪⹄娑普˫墉䘬⋿㛅㦪⹄ˤ 慵ⷀ㊩冒晄炻婘䞍姙⍂唬ˤ(˪⫸⣄㫴˫炻˪㶭⓮㚚录ᶨ˫) 桐⏡⅔ⷀ崟炻姙㗪⭺唬梃ˤ(⎴ᶲ) 䜋嬟⇅⼩㗪炻₪Ṏら倆姙ˤ(⬳㬎ⷅ˨ᶩ䜋嬟㫴˩炻˪㶭⓮㚚录˫) ⛀㇯⽑⛀㇯炻㊩姙冒怖朊ˤ(˪⛀㇯恶˫炻⎴ᶲ) 㕘Ἦ婈⎗デ炻䁢姙⼿㕘ㄸˤ(昛⼴ᷣ˪ᶱ⨎刟娑˫炻˪䚠␴㫴录⋩˫) 䚠復⊆⊆㷂炻攟㰇ᶵㅱ㺧炻㗗₪㶂ㆸ姙ˤ(˪厗Ⱉ䔧)ˣ˪㦪⹄娑普˫) 231 ỽ⣏⬱˪婆娆䘬傰䴉ˣ昶䳂冯橼⺷ʇʇᷕ⎌ẋ娆䇦ˣ㰅ˣ⌧䘬䓐㱽冯䔘⎴˫ (1993)㚱ᶨ㭝嫃⊿ˬ䇦˭⋿ˬ㰅˭ˤᶳ朊䭨抬 907-908 枩䘬婾徘ˤ ໺ШЎ᝘ᆶ᝿࿶ύǴΥҔޑύђਔයکȡǵࠄчўΖਜדȠࡕᅇਜȡǵȠΟ୯! ܭᇢΠǵѾೢǵ܈஁ζǵหၖϐ໔ǴаԟӷࣁӭǶᆶߚΓޑ߁ǵജǵᓛᎪ฻୏ނǴ ၗ਑ǴёޑॺᗋԖΟᅿҔԟךӵΘϐᜪჹ၉ਔǴΨӭҔԟǶԜѦڀҔޑڮคғ܈ ౛җ೏ߥӸΠٰޑЁᛊǶ೭٤ЁᛊࢂаਜݤӜ㭉ޑа੝ձ΋ගǶಃ΋ᅿࢂЦᑢϐ Ҕӷ೭΋ᗺǴᔈ၀ࢂؒԖᅪୢޑǵόׯܰচٰڅኒቪǵᙌޑǶคፕ࿶ၸӭϿԛޑ ܌ύځαᇟǴޑࢂభ߈ޑ٬Ҕ܌ৎΓǴک϶ܻޑჹຝǴԖЦᑢϐޑǶ೭٤Ёᛊޑ ԖޑಃΒΓᆀжຒǴ೿ࢂԟǶĩ⍇㲐烉婳⍫䚳㢖慶䷩⣓ˣỸ喌⇑埴⎰䶐˪䌳佚ᷳ ̯㚠侘˫炻1985 ⸜㜙Ṕ䫔ᶨ⬠佺䣦↲埴ˤĪġ ġġġġ䫔Ḵ䧖㗗ℕ㛅䘬㫴嫈ˤ㟡㒂䎦⛐㇨廗⼿䘬屯㕁ĩ⍇㲐烉婳⍫䚳㜄㔯㿦廗ˣ␐ 䳡列㟉溆˪⎌嫈媢˫炻IJĺĶĹ ⸜⊿Ṕᷕ厗㚠⯨↢䇰Ī炻ℕ㛅㮹嫈ˣ䪍媢炻㗪Ṣ婆ᷕ䫔 ḴṢ䧙㰅ˣ䇦ˣἈ䓐㫉ᷳ㭼 7:2:2ˤ℞ᷕ䇦ˣἈ䘬䓐ἳ悥普ᷕ⛐⊿滲炻ㆹᾹᶳ㔯 㚫妶婾烊⊿滲ẍ⢾炻⎗ẍ婒䓐䘬悥㗗㰅ˤġ ġġġġ䫔ᶱ䧖屯㕁㗗⬓䘻䘬˪䇦㰅㫴˫ˤ˪ᶾ婒㕘婆Ʉ㌺婧˫庱烉ġ ġġġġġġġਕݓࡆୢ৊ษǺȨᆪࠄΓӳբȠᅟԟᄺȡǴሥૈࣁόǻȩษ҅໯ଚǴӢᖐ ᆶԟࣁᎃǴϞᆶԟࣁԽǴ΢ԟ΋݆ଚǴќԟტ࿤ࡾǶȩࡆ৷ܯГǺȨقᙡᝀࡆԶ ϐǶ! ġġġ ˬⷅ〼ᷳ˭䘬⍇⚈炻㗗⚈䁢ẍ䘯ⷅᷳ⮲塓ἄ䁢ˬ㰅˭䘬㊯䧙⮵尉炻ᶵ䫎䔞㗪 䘬㔯⊾傰䴉炻㓭侴㚱塓但彙䘬デ奢ˤ ᶵ忶㚱ᶨ溆⽭枰天婒㖶䘬炻恋⯙㗗⊿滲ἧ䓐䇦䘬䈡⇍⣂ˤ⇵Ṣ⶚䴻㊯↢炻⊿滲㗪 㛇䘬䇦炻⯙㗗⼴Ἦ䘬Ἀˤ(⍇㲐烉婳⍫䚳␐㱽檀⇵⺽㚠˪ᷕ⚳⎌ẋ婆㱽Ʉ䧙ẋ䭯˫炻 1962 ⸜⎘⊿ᷕ䞼昊↢䇰炻枩 70烊䌳≃˪㻊婆⎚䧧˫ᷕℲ炻272 枩炻1957 ⸜⊿Ṕ 䥹⬠↢䇰䣦烊⏪⍼㸀˪役ẋ㻊婆㊯ẋ娆˫炻3-4 枩炻1985 ⸜ᶲ㴟⬠㜿↢䇰䣦) ᶲ朊ỽ⣏⬱⃰䓇⺽⏪⍼㸀˪役ẋ㻊婆㊯ẋ娆˫(1985) 炻3-4 枩ˤᶳ朊⯙㗗⏪ 232 㚠 3-4 枩ˤ ӧчሸਜ္(ԭἸҁΒΜѤўǴдҁӕ)ǴȨᅟȩǵȨ㛲ȩǵȨգȩΟᅿቪݤ೿ԖǺ (ݞ໔Цֵ⍌ 11 ڔ)Ǽژբךǻඪെژፔࢂᅟ (ଯቺࡹ 30 ڔ)ࣁ㛲ଞǶךᆪ㛲ੰǴ (ϼচЦಏቺ 12 ڔ)ਔǴഖόٰ௱ǶךգРѺ (ଯߓдާ 50 ڔ)ߓٗ䑻ಖઇգ୯Ƕ ቪݤǴӵǺޑȠ໙ਜȡ္ΨԖȨգȩکਜȡڬȠ (ਜ 50 ँലڬ)գૈ଺൳ԃёԠǻ ΢Ƕ[ሸ]ݓѳϡדନգǶ(໙ਜ 22 ϖՉǹ໙ਜϖՉךךǴգటନ׀ᄒއ (ନգȭǶךךǶգటନ׀ᄒއԃǶูᖳГȬ ΢Ƕ[ሸݓѳ]ΒԃǴדγ໒ǴΎДΟΜВǴஒգӛࠄѠǶ(ӕǹ໙ਜϖՉک (γ໒ǶΎДΟΜВǶஒգӛࠄѠǶȭکᖳГȬู 㛔㔯 2ˣ3 䭨ᶨ攳⥳䓐㕡妨䘬屯㕁婒㖶炻⽆⋿⊿㛅㛓叱攳⥳炻⏛婆ˣ峃婆㇨ ẋ堐䘬㰇㜙㕡妨䫔ḴṢ䧙ẋ娆䓐ˬ㰅˭ˣ䫔ᶱṢ䧙ẋ娆䓐ˬ㷈˭炻怈㊯娆䓐ˬ姙˭ˤ ᶳ⋲䭨⍰䚳⇘⋿⊿㛅㗪ẋ⋿㛅䘬㔯䌣䫔ḴṢ䧙ẋ娆䓐ˬ㰅˭ˣ䫔ᶱṢ䧙ẋ娆䓐ˬ㷈˭炻 怈㊯娆䓐ˬ姙˭ˤ 䳸婾㗗烉⽆柷ᷳ㍐䘬㗪ẋ攳⥳炻⋿Ṣ䘬ᶱ幓ẋ娆㗗ˬㆹ˭ˣˬ㰅˭ˣˬ㷈˭ˣ怈 ㊯娆䓐ˬ姙˭烊⽆Ⓒẋ攳⥳炻⊿Ṣ䘬ᶱ幓ẋ娆㗗ˬ ㆹˣἈ (‹䇦)ˣṾ ˭炻怈㊯娆䓐ˬ恋˭ˤ 忁墉ㅱ娚墄⃭ᶨᶳ䫔ᶱ幓ẋ娆ˬẲ˭⫿䘬䓐ἳ⍲℞⛐䎦ẋ⏛婆ˣ救婆墉䘬↮ⶫˤ ˬẲ˭⫿⛐⃰䦎㗗ᾳ㊯䣢娆炻⤪ˬ㇨媪ẲṢ炻⛐㯜ᶨ㕡˭(娑䴻Ʉ䦎桐Ʉ呡 吕)ˤἄ䁢䫔ᶱ幓ẋ娆↢䎦㕤˪ᶾ婒㕘婆˫炻⤪ˬ伲惕㗗ᶾ⨂炻㰇⭞ㆹ栏Ẳ炻⹦⭞ Ẳ栏ㆹ˭(<㕡㬋>)炻ˬ⊧⬠㰅⃬炻㰅⃬冒ᶵ⤪Ẳ˭(<⑩喣>)(⍫䚳⏪⍼㸀 1984:17) ġġġġ䫔ᶱ幓ẋ娆⛐▱冰炻䚃㽌㗗׶iġĩ昘⸛Ī炻㛔⫿㗗ˬẲ˭ˤ⛐䳡冰㗗 ܸiĩ春ᶲĪˤ䌳 䤷➪⛐Ľ䳡冰娙姀枛Ŀġĩ1959Īġ 娵䁢㛔⫿㗗ˬẲ˭ˤ䓙㬌⎗夳⏛婆⽆⋿㛅攳⥳炻⯙⛐ 㱧㴟⛘⋨ẍˬẲ˭䁢䫔ᶱ幓ẋ娆炻ῷ大䘬ℏ映⛘ⷞ⇯㗗䓐ˬ㷈˭ˤġ 233 救㜙ˣ救⋿䫔ᶱ幓ẋ娆悥䓐ˬẲ˭炻⤪䤷ⶆˣ䤷⬱ˣ⹰攨ˣ㎕春 i1ˤ救婆䘬 ˬẲ˭㗗⽆㰇㜙⛘⋨⁛忶⍣䘬ˤ 2.4 役㊯娆⭀娙䓐ˬ忁˭炻⏛婆␴峃婆䓐ˬ䬯˭炻⏛婆ḇ䓐ˬ⸽˭ 䫔ᶨ䭨ˬ⇵妨˭⶚䴻⇅㬍婒㖶⭀娙䓐ˬ忁˭炻⏛婆峃婆䓐ˬ䬯˭ˤ忁䭨ℵ墄⃭ ᶨṃ屯㕁炻᷎妶婾役㊯娆ˬ⸽˭䘬㳩嬲ˤ (Ƕ(஬ηξ໣ 27ەᆎ ੿ԋঁ᜔੝࣬ (ᆎΓᒈۭǻ(чሸਜ 33 ৪ϐω (ΟڔΡϻ൤຦ǴϞԃள΋ࠔǴܴԃளΒࠔ……(රഁ⒫ၩǴঁ (<ϖΟ<׵ஏڔຎᘳ౦தǴϮзஎፁǶ(Ƞᙑঞਜȡٽλঁ 㚚ሾۚೀ߈၊तǴᱞ඿⼢ঋҔ಼ḑǶ(㚚ሾǴԜΓǴٗΓǶᗬὴ(844-923) Ƞᜄ ᅕޣȡ၃) (ፔමǻ(ླྀ࿤ٚȠᚒ෩ύᓔȡ၃׳ᆎύԖѡӧǴΠᇟ 䫔ᶨ䭨⶚䴻婒㖶⋿㖴娙役㊯娆䓐ˬ䬯[܍ko]˭炻⍫䚳昛㖴₨˪峃㕡妨㤪天˫炻⎗ 䞍ἁ⸚ˣ㑓ⶆˣ⭄㗍ḇ㗗㊯䣢娆䓐ˬ䬯[ko]˭ˤ⍣倚䘬ˬ䬯[ko܎]˭⫿Ὣ⊾炻⯙嬲ㆸ ⏛婆⭄冰ˣᷡ春ˣ慹⡯ˣ⏛㰇ˣ慹厗ˣ堊ⶆ䘬ˬ吃[kȽʬ]˭炻倚㭵ℵ㽩⊾⯙嬲ㆸᶲ 㴟娙䘬ˬ㏧[gȽʬ]˭ˤ !ġġġ∱䞍⸦˪⎚忂˫⌟ 17烉ˬ㷈ˣᾹĩẲ烎Īˣ⸽ˣ䬯炻㰇ⶎ⼤㬌ᷳ录˭ˤ⎗夳ˬ⸽˭ 㗗Ⓒẋ㰇ⶎ䘬㊯䣢娆ᷳᶨˤ⬫䘬䓐ἳ⤪ᶳ烉ġ !!!!!ખٰǴ೽வㅆҘǴᖐЋࡰዡϓǺȨۭѩा྽ᄒԟᓐȩǶ)ᚑϐ௢Ƞᗋঌـዡࡕኧ!ۭ !!!૶ȡȨΎǵ஭ખȩచ*3! !*ӷӧۭύۚǴϓǺഏႠ࿯ǴқۚܰǴ߉᐀ϻǶ)Ԯ㪥ຒۉୢፔ!!! !*Ԯ⼢तްǴۭࢂᙒࡾೀǶ)คӜМǴ២ξྛຒ!!! 2 ⺽冒␐㱽檀˨柷ᷳ㍐怬⅌姀侫嫱˩(1963:333) 234 ᶲ㴟㕡妨娆℠˫22 枩婒炻役㊯侩㳦婒ˬ徕 die׶ȩ炻ᷕ㳦婒ˬ㏧[gũ׶]˭ˤ⍰婒炻˪!!! 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