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White House designates Rochester as TechHire Community www. rochesterlavoz.com 15 marzo - 15 abril, 2015 OUR CITY | OUR CULTURE | OUR VOICE

15 marzo - 15 abril, 2015 - www.RochesterLaVoz.com 1 2 15 marzo - 15 abril, 2015 - www.RochesterLaVoz.com LOCAL RCSD Superintendent Bolgen Vargas sues School Board

By Staff due to Vargas’ SEG hiring, as well as Modica specifically cited legislation non-compliance with state law as sponsored by Assemblyman David Rochester City School District reasons for the move. Gantt in 1997, which gave former Superintendent Bolgen Vargas filed Rochester superintendent Clifford a lawsuit against the RCSD Board of However, in advance of last Tuesday’s Janey the ability to hire and assemble Education, claiming breach of contract; vote, Vargas’ lawyer, Steve Modica, his own management team. violation of education law; retaliation; wrote a letter to the board, stating it and improper use of taxpayer funds as was the board members who were in Gov. George Pataki approved the causes for the action. violation of the law, not Vargas. legislation at the time, writing: Vargas filed the suit after board members “I have advised Dr. Vargas that the “Current law deprives the Rochester voted to require the superintendent to proposed board resolutions are illegal superintendent of the basic and receive board approval before he can and will severely impair his ability to essential power to assemble his Rochester City School District Superintendent hire or fire any of the 32 members of manage the RCSD. Left unchallenged, own senior management team. This Bolgen Vargas his Superintendent Employee Group they will impair him and future RCSD is contrary to sound management (SEG) Tuesday. Superintendents (and his colleagues principles that require the chief the board intentionally acted beyond in other large districts) from executing executive of any organization to have the scope of its authority, by violating The board also approved a resolution their responsibilities as CEOs,” Modica the authority to assemble a team of the education law, individual board to hire an outside contractor to review wrote. “Although we hope that legal senior managers who share common members should be held individually whether all of the SEG members in action is not necessary, I want you to be goals and a common philosophy.” liable for their attorneys’ fees, and the Vargas’ cabinet should legally be part aware that we are prepared to litigate superintendent’s attorney’s fees.” of the group. this matter to vindicate Dr. Vargas’ Currently, Vargas’ suit has asked rights if he authorizes us to do so.” the court to overturn the board’s An RCSD spokesperson said Vargas will Board members cited spending issues resolutions, stating,” If the court finds only comment on the matter through his attorney. El Servicio de Tránsito Regional (RTS) cancelara algunos viajes de autobuses en las mañanas By Staff designados en rutas de la mañana las compras, las citas médicas, y otros Velázquez dijo que otra nueva clase pueden no estar disponibles hasta destinos. Dado a nuestro sólido comenzará en abril. El Servicio de Tránsito Regional (RTS) ha nuevo aviso. historial de fiabilidad y de puntualidad anunciado que algunas rutas pueden que constantemente supera el 90 por Funcionarios del servicio de tránsito ser canceladas temporalmente en las Las rutas afectadas serán: 1, 8, 9, 10, ciento, nuestros clientes han llegado a (RTS) publicara alertas de servicio horas de la mañana entre 5:30 am y 13, 14, 16, 24, 28, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, esperar y depender de nuestro servicio. diario en myRTS.com, entre las 5:15 am las 7:30 am de lunes a viernes, en 23 40, 47, 48, 57, 81, 82, 102, y 103. Estamos trabajando agresivamente y las 8 am; así como los sitios de medios líneas de autobús debido a la escasez para llenar estas vacantes imprevistas”. sociales. Además, los funcionarios de operadores de autobuses. “Lamentamos las molestias que esta del Centro de Tránsito RTS harán situación temporal ha causado a Además, Velázquez dijo que algunos anuncios diarios. Los clientes pueden Funcionarios de RTS informaron que nuestros clientes”, dijo el Director operadores actualmente han asumido inscribirse para recibir notificaciones la organización tiene una escasez de Operaciones de RTS Miguel las horas extras o turnos adicionales, diarias a través de texto, de voz o de temporal de unos 20 operadores de Velázquez. “Mientras que el 99 por con el fin de compensar la escasez. correo electrónico por Internet en autobuses debido a una alta tasa ciento de nuestro servicio programado RTS ha acelerado también una clase myRTS.com, contactando RTS Servicio inusual por enfermedad, ausencias y se encuentra todavía en operación de adiestramiento reciente, que debe al Cliente al 585-288-1700, 07 a.m.-6 jubilaciones más de lo habitual. regular, sabemos que 20,000 clientes poner ocho nuevos operadores en el p.m., o enviando un correo electrónico confían en RTS diariamente para viajar camino en las próximas semanas. [email protected]. Como resultado, algunos viajes hacia y desde su trabajo, la escuela, RTS May Cancel Some Morning Bus Trips

By Staff customers,” said RTS Chief Operating Officer Miguel Velazquez. “While 99 Regional Transit Service (RTS) has percent of our scheduled service is announced some weekday morning still in regular operation, we know that trips, between the hours of 5:30 a.m. 20,000 customers rely on RTS daily and 7:50 a.m., on 23 bus routes may be to travel to and from work, school, temporarily canceled due to a shortage shopping, health care appointments, of bus operators. and other destinations. Given our solid track record for reliability and on-time RTS officials said the organization has performance that consistently exceeds a temporary shortage of about 20 90 percent, our customers have come bus operators due to unusually high to expect and depend upon our rates of illness and absence, and more service. We are working aggressively to retirements than usual. fill these unanticipated vacancies.” As a result, some morning trips on In addition, Velazquez said some designated routes may be unavailable operators have currently taken on until further notice. overtime, or additional shifts, in order to make up for the shortage. RTS has The impacted routes will be: 1, 8, 9, 10, also accelerated a recent training class, RTS officials will post daily service alerts by registering online at myRTS.com, 13, 14, 16, 24, 28, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, which should put eight new operators on myRTS.com, between 5:15 a.m. and contacting RTS Customer Service at 39, 40, 47, 48, 57, 81, 82, 102, and 103. on the road in the next few weeks. 8 a.m.; as well as social media sites. In 585-288-1700, between 7 a.m. and 6 addition, RTS Transit Center officials p.m., or by emailing Monroe@myRTS. “We are truly sorry for the inconvenience Velazquez said another new class will will make daily announcements. com. this temporary situation has caused our begin in April. Customers may sign up to receive daily notifications via text, voice or email 2 15 marzo - 15 abril, 2015 - www.RochesterLaVoz.com 15 marzo - 15 abril, 2015 - www.RochesterLaVoz.com 3


Secretary of State Discusses Minimum Wage with Local Business Owners :: A Bilingu a l Pu b lic

By Staff to Syracuse after his Rochester visit to continue framing the issue to local The State Secretary of businesses. State, Cesar Perales, was at TruForm Manufacturing Friday morning to make Tyrone Reaves, President of TruForm, the case for Gov. ’s said he is a proponent of raising the push for an increase in minimum wage. minimum wage, but has some concerns it may increase the unemployment rate Perales met with a small group of of youth. tion business owners for a roundtable discussion on the subject. He said “While the great majority of our workers there are a large number of people are skilled, and are paid well above the working fulltime, but who continue to minimum wage, we hire a number of live below the poverty level. young people over the summer who do not have the necessary skills,” Reaves “The question becomes—we have stated. “So, while I personally believe a lot of folks earning the minimum in the importance of the issue, others wage—shouldn’t they earn enough (business owners) may not look at it so that they can feed themselves, or the same way, and may cut back on are we going to have to support them their hiring.” on public assistance?” Perales said to the mostly supportive group of Reaves, who employs about 160 businessmen attending the N. Clinton people, said he feels there should be Ave. meeting. more dialogue around the matter. Business owners attending the discussion (seated left to right) included Sergio Estaban- Labella, One suggestion was to create a tiered Associates, Matt Vittorio- Vittorio Tuxedos, Cesar Perales- Secretary of State, Tyrone Reeves- The minimum wage in New York State system, one for 14- to 18-year-olds, TruForm Mfg., Tony Jackson- Panther Graphics, Harry Powell- Midnight Janitorial is currently $8.75 per hour. Cuomo’s and another for adults. plan would increase it to $10.50 across the state, and to $11.50 in New York Perales noted that, while some York released a statement Wednesday Rochester Business Alliance, headed by City. employers may say they will cut in opposition to the measure. former Lt. Gov. Robert Duffy, was not workers hours because of higher named on the list. The governor, who was in Rochester wages, he has not found that to be the “Any attempt to increase the minimum Thursday, however, rejected a plan case in practice. “Over the long run it’s wage before full implementation should Ultimately, Perales said raising the by Assembly Democrats to raise the a tremendous boost to the economy be rejected,” the groups, including minimum wage is an “imperative moral minimum wage even higher, to $15 and will pull 100,000 people out of the Greater Binghamton Chamber of issue.” and hour by the end of 2018. poverty.” Commerce, the Rockland Business Association and the Rochester-based “These are folks working full-time, and Cuomo said the rate was too high. But not all legislators are in favor of Unshackle Upstate, wrote. “We still living below the poverty level. This “God bless them—shoot for the stars,” the governor’s proposal. The New York strongly urge Albany to continue the shouldn’t happen. It shouldn’t happen he stated. State Republican-controlled Senate progress made in improving New in Rochester. It shouldn’t happen may pose some hurdles. York’s economic competitiveness while anywhere in New York State,” Perales Perales met with business owners in focusing on pro-growth initiatives as stated. Buffalo yesterday, and was headed In addition, 18 business groups in New budget negotiations enter this final stretch.”

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Schneiderman Advierte A Consumidores Sobre Fraudulentas Agencias De Coleccion De Deudas Que Usan El Nombre De Fiscalia General

Schneiderman: Los neoyorquinos y la detención si no se pagan las deudas. justicia”. debemos estar atentos cuando Esta alerta se produce tan sólo una El Fiscal General Schneidermanestá recibimos avisos sospechosas semana después de que consumidores Los estafadores están supuestamente advirtiendo al público a tener cuidado relacionadas al cobro de deudas o reportaron haber recibido llamadas contactando a consumidores mediante con los avisos de cobro de deudas litigios pendientes telefónicas no solicitadas de un cartas, que a menudo son recibidas amenazantes que parecen provenir de estafador haciéndose pasar por un como un archivo PDF adjunto a un su oficina, o de cualquier organismo NUEVA YORK - El Fiscal General Eric abogado de la Fiscalía General del correo electrónico, que parece estar o funcionario del gobierno. Además, T. Schneiderman emitió una alerta al Estado de Nueva York. firmado por un abogado real de Nueva se insta a los neoyorquinos a ser consumidor tras denuncias recibidas York. La carta a veces presiona a los consumidores vigilantes y reportar por su oficina de consumidores que “Ahora más que nunca, los neoyorquinos consumidores a hacer un envío de casos de fraude a su oficina. A los fueron contactados recientemente deben estar vigilantes cuando pagos a través de “vales regulados de consumidores que creen que han sido por los estafadores que se hacen reciben notificaciones sospechosas FTC” o PayPal. La carta también dirige a víctimas de cualquier estafa de cobro pasar por un abogado de la Fiscalía relacionadas con el cobro de deudas los consumidores a llamar a un número de deudas se les insta a presentar General del Estado de Nueva York. o litigios pendientes: Recientemente de Nueva York con un código de área quejas, llamando al 1-800-771-7755. Los consumidores recibieron un hemos visto un aumento en el 347 o 646 u otro número que parece aviso, escrito en papel con membrete número de consumidores acosados proceder de otro estado. Sin embargo, La Oficina del Fiscal General también adulterado de la Fiscalía General del por los estafadores haciéndose esto números pueden estar conectando ofreció los siguientes consejos para Estado de Nueva York, que pretendía pasar por abogados de mi oficina”, realmente a los consumidores a ayudar a los consumidores a evitar ser una carta de “Advertencia Final dijo el Fiscal General Schneiderman. alguien que se encuentra fuera de los las estafas de cobro de deudas de del Tribunal de Distrito”. El aviso “Tenga en cuenta que las agencias Estados Unidos. Los consumidores impostores que se hacen pasar por el usa jerga legal confusa para dar la gubernamentales nunca amenazarán que han llamado a esos números han gobierno: impresión de que el Fiscal General con hacerle daño por falta de pago sido amenazados verbalmente con está investigando al consumidor por la de una deuda y nunca van solicitar el arresto, la pérdida de su trabajo, o Agencias gubernamentales legítimas falta de pago de una deuda atrasada. información personal por teléfono. peor. En al menos un caso, se le dijo nunca amenazarán con detención, Estas afirmaciones falsas pueden Si usted cree que ha sido contactado que el consumidor fuera a otro lugar pérdida del trabajo o cualquier otro incluir “fraude colateral de cheques por un estafador haciéndose pasar y llamar para obtener instrucciones daño por falta de pago de una deuda; “, “robo por engaño” y “violación de por un funcionario del gobierno, por adicionales sobre cómo pagar la deuda Si usted debe dinero, usted debe las regulaciones bancarias”. Las cartas favor repórtelo de inmediato para que falsa. La carta también puede contener recibir una notificación por escrito también amenazan con la acción penal podamos llevar a estos estafadores a la una dirección de correo electrónico que identifica a la agencia de cobro falso del Departamento de Servicios de la deuda, el importe de la deuda, Financieros, como dfs.ny.gov@usa. y el nombre del acreedor original. El com, o un correo electrónico falso de aviso también debe proporcionarle la otra agencia del gobierno del Estado de oportunidad de disputar la deuda; Nueva York, y el uso de una dirección No llame a los números de teléfono de retorno de la Corte Civil de Nueva en cualquier notificación que parece York Civil. ser sospechoso. Cuelgue las llamadas telefónicas sospechosas que recibe La semana pasada, el Fiscal General y no proporcione a un desconocido Schneiderman emitió una alerta con por teléfono información sensible respecto a un estafador separado que financiera u otra de tipo personal; pretende ser el Fiscal Adjunto Sam Si recibe correo electrónico no Wilson de la Oficina del Fiscal General, solicitado de una dirección que no quien llamaba para amenazar a los reconoce, no responda, no abra los consumidores con una demanda y un archivos adjuntos, ni visite enlaces posible arresto. El estafador instruyó a asociados con el correo electrónico. los consumidores a llamar a 347-779- 0198, un número que se asocia con otras estafas telefónicas en todo el país, para comunicar sobre el supuesto litigio. A.G. Schneiderman Warns Consumers of Fraudulent NYS Attorney General’s Office Debt Collection Notices

Schneiderman: New Yorkers Must Be consumers received a notice, written On Guard When It Comes To Suspicious on doctored New York State Attorney Notices Regarding Debt Collection or General letterhead that claimed to be Pending Litigation a “District Court Final Warning” letter. The notice uses confusing legalese to NEW YORK – Attorney General Eric T. give the impression that the Attorney Schneiderman today issued a consumer General is investigating the consumer alert based on complaints received by for the failure to pay a past due his office from consumers who were debt. These false claims may include recently contacted by scam artists “Collateral Check Fraud,” “Theft by posing as an attorney from the New York Deception,” and “Violation of Banking State Attorney General’s Office. The Regulations.” The letters also threaten cont’d on next page

4 15 marzo - 15 abril, 2015 - www.RochesterLaVoz.com 15 marzo - 15 abril, 2015 - www.RochesterLaVoz.com 5

STATE L aVoz A.G. Schneiderman Warns Consumers...FROM PREVIOUS PAGE :: A Bilingu a l Pu b lic criminal action and arrest if the debts or PayPal. The letter also directs Attorney General Schneiderman is are not paid. This alert comes just consumers to call a New York number warning the public to be wary of one week after consumers reported with a 347 or 646 area code or another threatening debt collection notices receiving unsolicited phone calls from number that appears to be based that appear to be from his office, a scammer posing as an attorney from in another state. Yet these numbers or from any government agency or the New York State Attorney General’s may actually connect consumers official. In addition, he is urging New Office. to someone outside of the United Yorkers to be vigilant consumers and to States. Consumers who have called report instances of fraud to his office. “Now more than ever, New Yorkers those numbers have been verbally Consumers who believe they have must be on guard when it comes to threatened with arrest, the loss of been victims of any debt collection tion suspicious notices regarding debt their job, or worse. In at least one scams are urged to file complaints or collection or pending litigation: We case, the consumer was told to go to call 1-800-771-7755. have recently seen an uptick in the another location and call for additional number of consumers targeted by instructions on how to repay the fake The Attorney General’s Office also scammers impersonating attorneys debt. The letter may also contain a offered the following tips to help from my office,” said Attorney General phony email address at the New York consumers avoid government imposter Schneiderman. “Keep in mind that State Department of Financial Services, debt collection scams: government agencies will never such as [email protected], or a fake threaten you harm over failure to pay email for another government agency, Legitimate government agencies will a debt and will never solicit personal and use a return address of the New never threaten arrest, job loss, or any information over the phone. If you York Civil courts. other harm for failure to pay a debt; believe you have been contacted by If you owe money, you should receive a fraudster posing as a government Last week, Attorney General a notice in writing that identifies the official, please report it immediately so Schneiderman issued an alert regarding debt collection agency, the amount of that we can bring these scammers to a separate scammer falsely purporting the debt, and the name of the original Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman justice.” to be Attorney Sam Wilson from the creditor. The notice should also provide Attorney General’s Office in order to you with an opportunity to dispute the If you receive unsolicited email from an Scammers are reportedly contacting threaten consumers with a lawsuit debt; address you do not recognize, do not consumers by letter, often received as and possible arrest. The scammer Do not call the phone numbers on any reply, open any attachments, or visit a PDF attachment to an email, which instructed consumers to call 347-779- notice that appears to be suspicious. any links associated with the email. appears to be signed by an actual New 0198, a number that is associated with Hang up on suspicious phone calls you York attorney. The letter sometimes other phone scams nationwide, to receive and do not provide an unknown pressures the consumer into sending communicate about the litigation. caller with personal financial or other payments via “FTC regulated vouchers” sensitive information;

Gobernador Cuomo: ¿De qué usted tiene miedo?

Cientos de maestros de las escuelas públicas de Nueva York lo han invitado a ingresar en sus salones de clase para ver por sí mismo lo que todos los niños necesitan.

Ellos quieren que entienda el impacto del exceso de exámenes, las clases superpobladas, la falta de suministros y demasiado poco apoyo para los maestros y los estudiantes con dificultades.

Quieren que vea por sí mismo, en lugar de escuchar a sus contribuyentes millonarios que siguen diciendo que los maestros tienen la culpa de todo lo que está mal en nuestras escuelas.

Sabemos que los maestros no apoyaron su campaña de reelección. Pero, como The New York Times publico recientemente: Es hora de “ir más allá de las preocupaciones periféricas y ajustes de cuentas políticas” para afrontar “la desigualdad en la financiación de las escuelas que impide que muchos distritos pobres dirijan a sus hijos hacia los estándares del estado”.

Usted habla mucho de los maestros. ¿Por qué no escucharlos?

Venga a una de nuestros salónes de clase. Las puertas están siempre abiertas.

Karen E. Magee, Presidente Andrew Pallotta, Vicepresidente ejecutivo Catalina R. Fortino, Vicepresidente Paul Pecorale, Vicepresidente Martin Messner, Secretario-Tesorero

Para más información, visite nysut.org/allkidsneed #inviteCuomo #Allkidsneed

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Mitos y realidades sobre los impuestos

La temporada de impuestos puede venir • Mito. Si no tiene un número de Seguro se comunicará con usted enviándole acompañada de algunas interrogantes Social, no debe declarar impuestos. una correspondencia oficial por correo que usted puede resolver si cuenta con • Realidad. Su declaración de postal. la información adecuada. impuestos no depende del número de Seguro Social. Si usted no cumple con • Mito. No es necesario reportar Con el propósito de despejar ciertas los requisitos para obtener un número las propinas en su declaración de dudas, el Gobierno presenta una lista de Seguro Social, deberá solicitar un impuestos. de mitos y realidades relacionados con Número de Identificación Personal del la declaración de impuestos. Contribuyente (ITIN, sigla en inglés) • Realidad. Usted debe declarar todas para poder declarar impuestos. El las propinas recibidas. Si es empleado y • Mito. Si acaba de llegar a Estados Servicio de Impuestos Internos (IRS, recibe más de $20 en propinas al mes, Unidos, no debe declarar impuestos. sigla en inglés) emite ITINs para deberá reportarlas a su empleador residentes y extranjeros. para que cuenten en su retención de • Realidad. Usted debe presentar su • Realidad. Su declaración de impuestos. Si la cantidad es menor propia declaración de impuestos. El impuestos no guarda relación con su • Mito. El IRS lo llamará por teléfono a $20 no necesita notificar a su IRS no prepara declaraciones para situación migratoria. Usted deberá para solicitarle un pago inmediato. empleador, pero sí debe incluirlas en ningún contribuyente, pero puede declarar impuestos si reside en Estados su declaración. determinar su deuda tributaria si usted Unidos y sus ingresos anuales exceden • Realidad. Esto podría tratarse de no ha declarado e imponer sanciones un monto específico, entre otros una estafa. El IRS no solicita pagos • Mito. Si no presenta una declaración si no paga impuestos antes de la fecha requisitos (video). de impuestos a través de llamadas de impuestos, el IRS lo hará por usted. límite. telefónicas o e-mails. De ser necesario, Myths and Facts About Taxes

Tax season can be a confusing time you with the tax filing process. • Fact: Taxes are not related to will receive an official letter in the mail. of year. However, if you’re informed immigration status. You must file taxes with a few basic facts, you’ll be able to • Myth: If you’re new to the United if you live in the United States and if • Myth: You don’t need to declare tips resolve certain questions on your own. States, you don’t have to file a tax your annual income reaches a specified as part of your income on your tax The following myths and facts will help return. amount, among other requirements return. (video). • Fact: Any tips you earn must be • Myth: If you don’t have a Social reported. If you’re an employee and Your Homeownership Partner Security number, you don’t need to file you earn more than $20 in tips a month, taxes. report it to your employer so federal • Fact: Taxes are not dependent on income, Social Security and other taxes Social Security numbers. If you don’t can be withheld. If your tips total less qualify for a Social Security number, than $20 per month, they don’t need you must request an Individual to be reported to your employer, but Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) must still be declared on your return. to file taxes. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issues ITINs to residents • Myth: If you don’t file a tax return, and foreigners. the IRS will do it for you. • Myth: The IRS will call to say you • Fact: You must file your own tax owe money and demand a prompt return. The IRS doesn’t prepare returns payment. for any taxpayer. You will be considered a tax liability if you don’t file, and the • Fact: If this happens, it could be IRS may impose penalties if you don’t a scam. The IRS does not request pay before the deadline. payments over the phone or by e-mail. If the IRS does need to get in touch, you

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6 15 marzo - 15 abril, 2015 - www.RochesterLaVoz.com 15 marzo - 15 abril, 2015 - www.RochesterLaVoz.com 7 cover story L aVoz White House designates Rochester :: A Bilingu a l Pu b lic as TechHire Community tion

By Staff The White House has designated Rochester as a “TechHire Community,” and asked the city to partner with local businesses in order to train individuals in the Information Technology (IT) field, then to connect those individuals with paid internships and job openings, a city press release stated. Mayor Lovely Warren traveled to Washington D.C., Monday for President Barack Obama’s announcement regarding the initiative, and to meet with stakeholders. “It’s no secret that Rochester has one of the best workforces in the country,” Warren said. “This partnership will give our city a much needed boost by helping our residents find jobs and also attracting employers to our city. I’d like to thank President Obama and our Congressional representatives for recognizing Rochester’s potential to place our residents in 21st Century jobs. Jobs for our residents will mean more vibrant neighborhoods, and certification programs, and recruit president of Monroe Community Visit http://www.whitehouse.gov/ more access to a quality education for non-traditional students to the IT field. College. the-press-office/2015/03/09/fact- our children.” In addition, the city’s chief information sheet-president-obama-launches- officer, Lisa Bobo, will work to establish Officials said the following additional new-techhire-initiative for additional Obama unveiled the program, partnerships with local companies. regions will also be participating in information regarding the program. which White House officials said will the initiative: Louisville; Colorado; offer $100 million in grants to 21 “Monroe Community College looks Los Angeles; Nashville; Chattanooga; participating regions, at the National forward to partnering with Mayor ; St. Louis; Minneapolis; League of Cities’ Conference. City Warren, the city of Rochester, and Portland; Philadelphia; Salt Lake City; Council Vice President Dana Miller and leading tech companies to develop Kansas City; Detroit; Delaware; San Council members Michael Patterson, accessible, innovative and high-quality Antonio; Memphis; San Francisco; city ¡Comience Su Carrera con ConServe! Carolee Conklin and Adam McFadden training that will prepare a pipeline of Kearny and Buffalo County, NE; Rural also attended the event. of skilled IT workers for in-demand, Eastern Kentucky, and Albuquerque. 21st Century jobs,” said Anne Kress, Consejero de Deuda Bilingue According to the city, TechHire is a public-private initiative which has been Las Oportunidad de ser Consejero de designed to teach Americans IT skills through universities and community deuda con ConServe incluye: colleges, but also by using non- ·Honorarios competitivos traditional approaches like “coding ·Un Bono basado en su Producción boot camps,” and high-quality online ·Un buen Plan de Vacaciones courses that can rapidly train workers ·100% Plan Médico (para solteros) Pagado for a job in just a few months. In ·100% Plan de Visión Pagado addition, many of these programs do ·100% Plan Dental (para solteros) Pagado not require a four-year degree, officials stated. The communities have been asked to make the following three commitments: work with local employers to expand paid internships, upgrade training programs, and work www.conserve-arm.com with trusted organizations to connect Seleccioné "ConServe Careers" para aplicar newly-trained individuals to open jobs. 200 Cross Keys Office Park, Fairport, 14450 As a result, Warren said the city will partner with Monroe Community College in order to develop accelerated ConServe es una compañía que ejerce igualdad de oportunidad de empleo y un ambiente libre de drogas

15 marzo - 15 abril, 2015 - www.RochesterLaVoz.com 7 8 15 marzo - 15 abril, 2015 - www.RochesterLaVoz.com Latina to Watch Latina de impacto JUANA VEGA

Por Begoña Sevilla Fdez Siempre he respetado Juana, ¿cuál es tu Latina/Hispana. Ayudo y promuevo la su conocimiento, la comida favorita? cultura latina de muchísimas formas. Juana es una mujer muy joven pero con forma de manejar las Por ejemplo, ayudo en el certamen las ideas muy claras. Nos cuenta que cosas y su ética. Ella ¡Las alitas de pollo, puertorriqueño, les enseño a la futura ella siempre tiene en mente algo que aún me recuerda que sin dudarlo! Soy una reina y a las aspirantes la importancia le ayuda a perseguir sus metas y que la familia es lo más auténtica lover de las de ser uno mismo y de ser feliz aunque sus padres le enseñaron desde muy importante y que alitas. Puedo, además, no ganen el certamen que tanta ilusión pequeña: ¡Ser la mejor! Reconozco siempre estará ahí probar cualquier les hace. Intento hacer lo mejor posible que les debe a ellos “todo lo que sé pase lo que pase. tipo de salsa picante. mi servicio como voluntaria y apoyo y lo que soy”. Juana es consciente de Yo nací en Búfalo y todos los eventos y certámenes que que la comunidad Latina/Hispana ¿Cuál es tu motto? he crecido con esta organiza la comunidad. Estoy muy debe ser más fuerte en la ciudad y en pasión. Mi otra comida orgullosa de poder ser un pedacito los Estados Unidos, especialmente la No te arrepientas de favorita son los Pasteles de ellos. Intento decir a todo el mujer latina- hispana. Como voluntaria, quien eres. Además, porque, además de mundo:” ¡Oye, esto es especialmente Juana trabaja duro para ayudar las creo que en la vida es crucial una ser deliciosos, me recuerdan a mis bueno para la comunidad, por favor mujeres a valerse por sí solas, algo actitud positiva y saber sacar siempre vacaciones en Puerto Rico y a mi toma parte y se voluntario!”. Todo, que reconoce que le encanta hacer. una lección de todas las experiencias cultura. absolutamente todo lo que tiene que Desde su despacho y, con su acción de que vas teniendo. Es verdad también ver con nuestra comunidad Latino/ voluntariado, promueve la diversidad que la perfección no existe, pero si Cuando quieres a ayudar a un amigo, Hispana me interesa, me motiva y me de raza, de edad, etnia y religión en trabajamos duro siempre obtendrás ¿qué le dices? anima y todo el mundo es bienvenido. la sociedad. Puerto Rico es su lugar una mejora, seguro que mejoramos de Y tengo que admitir que todo lo que favorito, donde dice que están sus una forma u otra. Aprovecho para decir Todo en la vida sucede por algo. Todo hago me hace sentir mejor persona. raíces, un país del que quiere aprender que nuestra juventud es nuestro futuro, el que conoces tiene un propósito. mucho más, un país al que siempre es por ello que debemos apoyarles Mi deseo para la comunidad Latino / quiere regresar. y animarles para que mantengan su Algo que aprendiste de tu primer Hispana identidad propia. trabajo Sobre ti Considero que hay una gran comunidad ¿Cuáles son tus hobbies? La importancia del trabajo bien hecho, Latino/Hispana, hay mucha gente en Descríbete a ti misma la ética y ser profesional. Estado Unidos y, especialmente, en Lo que más me gusta es estar con mi Rochester con muchísimo talento, Soy una persona que confío mucho hija que solo tiene seis años. Intento ¿Cuál es tu trabajo ahora mismo? incluso ciudadanos que trabajan en mí misma, soy determinante y pasar el mayor tiempo posible con ella. como líderes en empresas populares también me considero feminista. Afortunadamente, esta ciudad es un Soy subdirectora del departamento de de nuestra ciudad. Latinos con Disfruto mucho como voluntaria en lugar fantástico para criar a un hijo ya Asuntos Multiculturales y Programas muchísimas ganas de darle forma a mi tiempo libre y nunca espero recibir que hay muchas opciones y diferentes de Diversidad del St. John Fisher, de sus sueños. El problema es que somos nada a cambio. La verdad es que no actividades que hacer con tus hijos. He modo que la educación es una parte invisibles. Sería fantástico si nuestra me queda mucho tiempo libre después de confesarte que bailar es una otra importante para mí, es un trozo de comunidad tuviera un poco más de del trabajo, la casa y la familia, pero de mis pasiones: bachata, merengue, mi corazón. Disfruto muchísimo visibilidad y promover nuestro “orgullo siempre intento de alguna manera salsa y la bomba de Puerto Rico. Creo promoviendo la diversidad en todos latino”. Además, necesitamos estar formar parte de algún proyecto en la que la danza es genial para poder los niveles. Para ser más específica, más comunicados unos con otros, comunidad de Rochester. Me encanta promuevo las múltiples dimensiones quizás diseñando una página web sólo poder ayudar y apoyar eventos que se ¿Qué echas de menos? de la diversidad: raza, etnia, edad, para los latinos- hispanos para que organizan en la ciudad, especialmente sexo, religión, nivel socioeconómico, fuera nuestro punto de encuentro, enfocados a la mujer latina. Indudablemente, Puerto Rico. Me etc., y todo a través de la educación, nuestro medio para hablar de latino a encantaría poder viajar más veces a análisis, evaluación y seguimiento. latino y contarnos cómo nos va la vida, ¿Alguien especial en tu vida? este lindo país para pasear por sus qué nos preocupa, de qué manera playas de nuevo, adentrarme en la ¿Cómo contribuyes a la comunidad podemos ayudar a otro latino-hispano, Mi madre. Ella ha sido uno de mis selvas, comer sus platos más populares, Latina-Hispana? cualquier cosa para fortalecer nuestra mentores para llegar donde he etc., amo el cielo de Puerto Rico, el sol, comunidad. Debemos estar orgullosos llegado. Ella me enseñó los principales el olor de sus calles, ...¡ no hay palabras Como he dicho anteriormente soy de ser latinos-hispanos. valores que hay en mí y siempre quiso para describir lo precioso que es mi voluntaria. Pongo mi tiempo y mi compartir conmigo sus experiencias. país!!! talento al servicio de la comunidad

By Begoña Sevilla Fdez concerned that, unfortunately, we still return. I don’t have a lot of free time and it will always be there. should promote diversity, particularly but I try to be involved in many things Juana is young woman with very clear race, age and ethnicity in our society. in the Rochester community. I love What’s your motto? ideas. She tells us that she always Juana has a mission in her personal life: supporting events for women´s rights, keeps in mind something that helps to know more about her roots, Puerto especially Latina women. To not regret who you are. In addition her follow her goals and that her Rico to this, be positive and appreciate all parents taught her at an early age. Someone special for you? the experiences you have in order Be the best! I recognize that I owe to to learn from them; that perfection them everything I know and who I About you… My mother is special to me. She was doesn’t exist, but we can work hard am. Juana believes that the Hispanic- one of my mentors. She taught me to improve. That´s true! To be better, Latino community has to be stronger Describe yourself her values and shared her many life to get better! I think that youth are in the city of Rochester, specifically experiences. I have always respected our future and that´s why we should Latin-Hispanic women. She declares I´m a confident feminist and determined her knowledge, drive and work ethic support them and encourage them to that she works hard to help women to Latina. I enjoy volunteering in my free that she possess. She reminds me that keep their identity alive. be independent. Moreover, she is very time and I don’t expect anything in the family is the most important thing

cont’d on next page

8 15 marzo - 15 abril, 2015 - www.RochesterLaVoz.com 15 marzo - 15 abril, 2015 - www.RochesterLaVoz.com 9

Latina to Watch Latina de impacto L aVoz :: A Bilingu a l Pu b lic

What are your hobbies? What’s your favorite food? of my heart. I really enjoy advocating community… for diversity at all levels. Being I love spending as much time as I can Chicken wings! I´m a chicken wings more specific, I promote diversity, My wish for the Latino/Hispanic with my daughter. She is 6 years old. lover! I can try any spicy sauce! I was particularly race, age, ethnicity, sexual community is growth. There is a big I always try to look for things to do. born in Buffalo and I just grew up with orientation, gender, socioeconomic, community here. There are many Fortunately, Rochester is a good place this passion. Pasteles are my favorite religion, and physical ability through talented Latinos-Hispanos who are to raise children. There are so many dish because are delicious. They even education, celebration, evaluation and CEOs in popular companies but, possibilities of things to do here. I must remind me of my vacation times in affirmation. unfortunately, they are invisible. I tion confess that I love dancing: merengue, Puerto Rico and my culture think that we would be better if the salsa, bachata, bomba from Puerto How do you contribute to the Latino Latino community was more visible Rico, etc. Actually, I try to improve my When you need to help a friend… you Community? in Rochester. We must promote our skills. I used to compete in high school. say...? “orgullo latino” more. Moreover, I think that dancing skills is a great way I contribute by giving my time and we need to be more connected. For to be connected to my culture and to Everything in life happens for a reason my talent in many different ways. For example, we could design a website share my passion with my daughter. and everybody you meet has a purpose. example in the Puerto Rico festival I for Latinos-Hispanos so they can usually help the queen and the princess write anything they want or need in Something you learned with your first by teaching them leadership skills. I try order to reach everyone in the Latino/ Do you miss something? job to do my best to support any Latino/ Hispanic community. I hope that with Hispanic events. I´m very proud to be our continued presence in Rochester, I miss Puerto Rico. My parents moved I learnt the importance of a job well a part of them. I try to be involved and we are able to take advantage of the to Rochester when I was just one year done, ethic and professionalism. supportive. I say to everyone: “Hey, many opportunities that Rochester old. I’d like to go there more times to this is something good. You should has to offer. I believe that we can work Puerto Rico; walking on the beaches, What do you do now? attend!” Anything which comes from together to ensure that the negative visiting the jungles, eating the food … the Latino/Hispanic community is issues that affect the Latino/Hispanic I love the sky, the sun, the smell from I’m the assistant director of the office of welcome! I know that all the things I do Community will be resolved. there... There are no words to describe multicultural affaires in the university make me a better person. how beautiful it is!!!! programs here so higher education is a big part of my life. It’s a big piece My wish for the Latino/Hispanic hispanic churches

List of Hispanic Churches/Spanish Ser- Facebook: Hoparchurch Iglesia Pentecostal Cristiana River Citychurch vices [by alphabetical order] Web site: www.hopar.org Misionera,Inc. 875 E. Main Street Oficina: (585)232-8237 519-523 North Street, Rochester, NY @ The Auditorium Center Annunciation Church 14605 Rochester NY 14605 Iglesia de la Anunciación Iglesia Cristiana Eden (585)325-6670/ (585)503-1118 Pastor: David Valle 1754 Norton Street 835 North St Rochester NY 14621 (585)305-2093 Rochester, NY 14609 Pastor Hilario Rodriguez Iglesia Santidad Pentecostal Website: www.rccroc.com Sábados: 4:15 p.m. 585-737-5814 939 N. Clinton Ave. Rochester NY 14621 www.facebook.com/rivercitychurchny Domingos: 10:30 a.m. Iglesia de Cristo Misionera Ministerios Ciudad de Refugio Rochester Christian Church Ministries First Spanish Baptist Church 1492 Clifford Ave. Rochester NY 14609 1167 St. Paul St. Rochester NY 14621 3177 Lyell Rd. Rochester NY 14606 1401 Dewey Ave. Rochester NY 14613 (584)288-2730 (585)454-2330 www.cdrny.org (585)247-4444 www.rccm.org (585)254-6290 Iglesia Evangelica Discipulos de Jesu- Our Lady of the Americas Church Spanish Seventh Day Adventist First Spanish Church (The Nazarene) cristo Iglesia Nuestra Señora de las Américas 47 Oakman St. Rochester NY 14605 99 Stonewood Ave. Rochester NY 14616 8 Ernst St. Roc NY 14621 864 East Main Street Rochester, NY (585)454-2447 www.adventist.org (585)288-6410 www.nazarene.org (585) 467-2179 14605 Pastor: Rev. Juan Dávila Domingos: 9:00 a.m. y 10:30 a.m. Saint Michael Church/Iglesia San Miguel First Unitarian Church of Rochester NY Services: Domingos 10:00 am y Jueves 689 North Clinton Avenue Rochester, NY 220 Winton RD. Rochester NY 14610 7:00 pm Parish Office/Saint Michael Church 14605 (585)271-9070 www.rochesterunitarian. Web site: www.pichny.org Oficina Parroquial Domingos: 11:30 a.m. y 4:00 p.m. org Facebook: Discipulos de JesuCristo 124 Evergreen Street Tel. 585-325-4041 St. Stanislaus Church/Latin Mass Iglesia Casa de Oración y Restauración Iglesia La Luz del Mundo Monday through Friday 34 St. Stanislaus St. Rochester NY 14621 545 Hudson Ave., Rochester, NY 14605 200 Child St. Rochester NY 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (585)234-0204 www.uavoce.org (Somos una iglesia bilingüe) (585)235-7680 www.lotvc.org website: www.sfxcrochester.org Martes, Miércoles y Jueves de 8am-1pm Miércoles-Estudios Bíblicos 7:30pm Iglesia Metodista Unida Emmanuel Primera Iglesia Pentecostal Domingo-Adoración 10:00am 925 Joesph Ave Rochester NY 14605 159 Alexander St. Rochester NY 14607 Apóstoles José y Sonia Díaz (585)467-2455 (585)454-6848

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Conozca el Sistema Nacional de Personas Desaparecidas y No Identificadas

Cuando las personas reportan la forenses gratuitos, como pruebas de Búsqueda de personas no identificadas persona en la casilla “buscar” (search desaparición de un familiar o ser ADN para aportar a la investigación o personas no reclamadas en inglés). Dependiendo del resultado querido, suelen acudir a la policía e identificación de personas podrán contactar al encargado del caso o contratar detectives. Además de desaparecidas o no identificadas. Estos casos se tratan de personas para reclamar el cuerpo. estos recursos, el público tiene a su fallecidas. A veces la policía recupera disposición la base de datos del Sistema Búsqueda de personas desaparecidas cuerpos que no han podido identificar, Para comunicarse con NamUs Nacional de Personas Desaparecidas y o cuerpos que identificaron y no han No Identificadas (NamUs, en inglés). NamUs le permite realizar búsquedas sido reclamados por algún familiar o Cada ficha tiene información de rápidas o avanzadas (en inglés) con conocido. En ambos casos los médicos contacto de la persona o agencia a NamUs es una herramienta del solo ingresar los datos de la persona, forenses ingresan y modifican la cargo del caso. Departamento de Justicia que contiene como nombre, apellido, género, estado información que tengan dentro del fichas informativas de personas donde fue vista por última vez, etc. sistema. Usted también puede comunicarse desaparecidas. Los usuarios de NamUs con NamUs para consultas generales pueden buscar por Internet, crear Para crear la ficha de una persona NamUs tiene una base de datos para sobre el sistema enviando un e-mail a: nuevas fichas y servir como voluntarios desaparecida, los usuarios deben realizar búsquedas rápidas o avanzadas [email protected]. para ayudar a los investigadores de registrarse en el sitio. El sistema les (en inglés) de personas no identificadas. casos de personas desaparecidas. permitirá crear o modificar la ficha, y Si desean buscar personas no compartirla con las autoridades a cargo reclamadas (en inglés) deben escribir NamUs también ofrece servicios de la búsqueda. el nombre y fecha de nacimiento de la How to Use the National System to Find Missing and Unidentified Persons

When a family member or loved one The missing persons database Sometimes police officers recover a goes missing, people file a police body of someone who died and could report, or hire private investigators. This system provides quick and not be identified, or they may be In addition to these resources, there advanced search options just by able to identify a body, but it remains is also the National Missing and inputting basic information such as unclaimed. In both cases, the coroners Unidentified Persons System (NamUs). first and last name, gender, and the are the ones responsible for opening a state in which the missing person was file in the NamUs system and modifying NamUs, a site run by the Department last seen. any new information. of Justice, is a database of missing and unidentified persons. The site can be To create a missing person file, you To do a quick or advanced search for used for online searches, adding up-to- must register and enter the information an unidentified person, you must date facts and information to a case, requested by the system. Once access enter the person’s information in the and even volunteering to help with is given, you can create a file, modify corresponding boxes. investigations. the information, and share any new Contacting NamUs details with authorities handling the If you are searching for an unclaimed NamUs also offers free forensics case. person, you can write the person’s Every missing person fact sheet has services like DNA tests, which can be name and birth date in the search area. contact information for the person or used to help investigators identify The unidentified and unclaimed Depending on the search results, you agency handling the case. missing or unidentified people. persons database can contact the person in charge of the Users with general questions about the case to claim the body. system can email NamUs at questions@ findthemissing.org.

10 15 marzo - 15 abril, 2015 - www.RochesterLaVoz.com 15 marzo - 15 abril, 2015 - www.RochesterLaVoz.com 11

Mojo Criollo L aVoz

RECETA DEL Caribbean :: A Bilingu a l Pu b lic BARRIO Garlic Sauce [ NEIGHBORHOOD RECIPE [ By Suellen Pineda

Mojo Criollo is an “indispensable” garlic sauce used in the Latino kitchen. In Puerto Rico, mojo is commonly used as aliño (marinade) for pork and meats. In Cuba it is also served over yucca or any other tuber or starchy vegetable such as

potatoes and fried plantains. But its use doesn’t stop there. Mojo criollo can tion also be added to many other recipes such as rice dishes, soups and stews. There are many varieties to this sauce, but the main ingredients remain the same: garlic—the more the better—sour orange juice, dried oregano, oil salt and pepper. Optional ingredients include cilantro, onions and tomato paste. There are also different methods of preparation. While some people like to briefly cook the garlic in the oil, some others prefer just to mix all ingredients without any cooking. I usually like to cook the garlic a little bit to bring out its flavor, but again, it’s up to cook’s creativity! However, one thing never changes; store-bought mojo is a POOR substitute for real homemade mojo! There’s no point of comparison. Mojo made from scratch will always be full of flavor and body, not to mention it will not contain all the added food additives and preservatives found in commercially made mojo. Here is the recipe, ENJOY!

ENGLISH Ingredients: yields: about 1 cup Preparation: • ½ cup sour orange juice • ¼ cup olive oil In a small skillet, heat the oil to medium heat • 8-10 garlic cloves, peeled and minced Add garlic and cook for 3-5 minutes, stirring constantly to avoid burning the garlic • ½ tsp ground cumin Add remaining ingredients. Remove from heat and adjust the salt • 1 tsp dried oregano • 1 bay leaf Optional: blend the mojo in a food processor for a smoother consistency. • Salt and pepper to taste


By Laura Toribio Overstreet In the first stage, which lasts two to four The single best way to prevent measles given at 4 to 6 years of age, but may days, the individual may have a runny is to be vaccinated. Most New Yorkers be given as soon as 28 days after the Measles is a highly contagious nose, cough and a slight fever. Eyes have been vaccinated but if unsure, first dose. Anyone who is not immune respiratory disease caused by a virus may become reddened and sensitive they should check with their physician. to measles should receive 2 doses of and is spread by contact with nasal or to light while the fever gradually rises Individuals should receive 2 doses of MMR vaccine at least 28 days apart. throat secretions of infected people. each day, often peaking as high as 103° MMR vaccine to be protected. The first Measles can lead to serious side effects to 105° F. Small bluish white spots dose should be given at 12-15 months and, in rare cases, death. Measles surrounded by a reddish area may also of age and the second dose is routinely symptoms usually appear in 10 to 12 appear on the gums and inside of the days, but can occur as late as 18 days cheeks. after exposure. Symptoms generally appear in two stages. The second stage begins on the third to seventh day and consists of a red Individuals are not at risk of contracting blotchy rash lasting five to six days. measles if they are immune. A person The rash usually begins on the face is considered immune if they have and then spreads downward and received two doses of Measles, outward, reaching the hands and feet. Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccine The rash fades in the same order that OR if they were born before January 1, it appeared, from head to extremities. 1957, OR have a history of laboratory- Although measles is usually considered confirmed measles, OR have a blood a childhood disease, it can be test confirming immunity. contracted at any age.


15 marzo - 15 abril, 2015 - www.RochesterLaVoz.com 11 12 15 marzo - 15 abril, 2015 - www.RochesterLaVoz.com NATIONAL Comparta el transporte a la escuela Durante el año escolar, su tiempo • Reducir el tráfico en horas pico. emergencia. Consejos para conducir en zonas puede ser limitado, entre preparar escolares loncheras y dejar a sus hijos en la • Relacionarse con otros padres o Recomendaciones para conductors escuela. Sus días pueden ser menos personas de su comunidad. • Conduzca despacio al entrar en la atareados si comparte el transporte • Salga de su casa con anticipación para zona escolar y respete los límites de escolar con otros padres, lo que se Cómo seleccionar conductores para recoger a los niños a tiempo. velocidad. conoce como carpooling. carpooling • Coloque los niños menores de 13 • Si está detrás de un autobús escolar, Qué es carpooling • Comparta la idea con padres años en los asientos traseros del auto y deténgase cuando las luces de parada responsables que deseen participar. verifique que tengan puesto el cinturón lo indiquen. Nunca intente pasar Es una modalidad de transporte de seguridad. Los niños menores de 8 un autobús cuando los niños o sus compartido que las mamás y los papás • Procure que los conductores tengan años deben usar una silla de seguridad pasajeros estén bajando. usan para llevar y recoger a sus hijos a vehículos en buen estado y todos los infantil. laescuela. El carpooling permite: documentos en regla (licencia, registro, • Evite bloquear las áreas de entrada y seguro, etc.). • Asegúrese que las puertas del salida de la escuela. • Tomar turnos para dejar a los niños vehículo estén cerradas y el seguro de en la escuela. • Organice el número de niños que va puertas para niños esté activado. • Deje a los niños en la zona de descarga a recoger según la capacidad de los de pasajeros y espere hasta que entren • Economizar tiempo y ahorrar vehículos. • No deje a los niños solos dentro del a la escuela. Notifique a la maestra combustible. vehículo en ningún momento. quién recogerá a los niños. • Guarde el número de teléfono y • Disminuir el desgaste del vehículo. dirección de cada padre en caso de Carpooling to school has benefits For many families, the school year is What is carpooling? car. their seatbelts. Children younger than a very busy time. Between making 8 years old must ride in a booster or car lunches and taking the children to and Carpooling is a type of ride-sharing • Reduce traffic during peak hours. safety seat. from school, it may feel like you’re that allows busy people to take turns always in a hurry. with other neighborhood parents. • Get to know other parents and • Before driving to school, make Carpooling helps you: community members. sure that all the car doors are closed But weekdays can be more manageable properly and use the child safety locks if you share the school driving • Save time and money. Choosing carpool drivers if your car has them. responsibilities with other families, otherwise known as “carpooling.” • Minimize the wear and tear on your • Share the idea of carpooling with • Never leave children alone in the car, responsible parents also interested in not even for a minute. participating. Advice for driving in school zones • Try to make sure that participating When you text a driver, you drivers have cars that are in good • Drive slowly when you’re in a school condition and all valid documents zone and always obey the speed limit. take their eyes off the road (registration, insurance, etc.). • When driving behind a school bus, for as long as it takes to drive • Figure out how many children can make sure to stop when the red lights safely ride in the car, depending on its flash. Never try to pass a bus. capacity. the length of a football field • Try not to block or park in front of the • Keep the phone number and address school entrance or exit. at 55 mph; F.Y.I. that’s of each parent in case of emergencies. • Drop off the children in specified Recommendations for drivers loading/unloading zones. Wait until you see them go into school before • Leave your house early, with enough leaving. Notify the teacher who will time to pick up all the children on time. be picking up the children after school each day. • Have children under age 13 sit in the back seat, and make sure they wear

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Purchase, 13th Floor Civic Center, 421 Montgomery Street, tion AUCTION CHEMUNG COUNTY REAL PROPERTY woods on bass lake 5 miles to Cooperstown! Private Syracuse, New York 13202, until 2:00 P.M. Local Time, on TAX FORECLOSURES- 100+ Properties March 25 setting for camp, cabin or year round home! Terms avail! Tuesday, April 7, 2015 and there at said office, at said time, @11AM. Holiday Inn, Elmira, NY. 800-243-0061 HAR, Inc. 888-479-3394 NewYorkLandandLakes.com publicly opened and read aloud. & AAR, Inc. Free brochure: www.NYSAUCTIONS.com The project is located at the Beaver Lake Nature Center, 8477 COOPERSTOWN LAND SALE! 5 acres- $24,900 5 mins to East Mud Lake Road, Baldwinsville, NY 13027, and consists of Live Simulcast Bankruptcy Auction Case 13-10157, Village. Gorgeous wooded setting, priced at 60% BELOW widening the entrance road, top-coating the entrance road, Hayes Iron & Metal, Inc. Office Bldg., Metal Frame MARKET! Town rd, utils, ez terms! 888-905-8847 or installation of associated drainage and grading, removal of Bldgs, Workshop, Shop Equip., Tools, Office Furnishings newyorklandandlakes.com select landscaping features and installation of new surfacing & Equip., Providence, NC. 3/26/15 at 10am. Auction at material, porous pavers, fabricated porch, plantings and landscaping rocks and boulders as specified. The Institute Conference Center Barkhouser Auditorium, Miscellaneous Danville, VA. 800-997-2248, NCAL3936/ VAAL580. www. The Contract Documents (electronic), including Information ironhorseauction.com SAWMILLS from only $4397.00- MAKE & SAVE MONEY for Bidders and Bid Forms may be obtained for no charge with your own bandmill- Cut lumber any dimension. In from CHA Consulting, Inc., 441 South Salina Street, Syracuse, NY 13202. Hard copies of the Contract Documents may also Auto Donations stock ready to ship! FREE Info/DVD: be obtained from CHA Consulting, Inc. by calling CHA at www.NorwoodSawmills.com (315) 471-3920 to request the reproduction of a document Donate your car to Wheels For Wishes, benefiting Make- 1-800-578-1363 Ext.300N set. A refundable check for $75.00 will be required in the A-Wish. We offer free towing and your donation form of a check made out to Onondaga County. The full is 100% tax deductible. Call 315-400-0797 Today! Mortgages amount of the deposit will be refunded to all holders who return their Contract Documents complete and in good conditions within thirty days following the award of the Career Opportunities Your Homeownership Partner. The State of NY Mortgage Contract or rejection of the bids. Requests for documents Agency offers up to $15,000 down payment assistance. (electronic CD) to be mailed out must be accompanied by a WELDING CAREERS- Hands on training for career www.sonyma.org. 1-800-382-HOME(4663) non-refundable check for $10.00 or the recipient’s Federal Express account number to cover the cost of shipping and opportunities in aviation, automotive, manufacturing handling. Requests for documents (hard copy) to be mailed and more. Financial aid for qualified students. Job Vacation Rentals out must be accompanied by a non-refundable check of an placement assistance. CALL AIM 877-206-4006 additional $25.00 to cover the costs of shipping and handling. OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND. Best selection of affordable Checks associated with shipping and handling of Contract Help Wanted rentals. Full/ partial weeks. Call for FREE brochure. Open Documents shall be made out to CHA Consulting, Inc. daily. Holiday Resort Services. 1-800-638-2102. Online Copies of the above described Contract Documents may Can You Dig It? Heavy Equipment Operator Career! reservations: www.holidayoc.com be examined at no expense at the Division of Purchase, 13th Floor Civic Center, 421 Montgomery Street, Syracuse, Wanted New York 13202; at the office of the County of Onondaga, Department of Parks and Recreation, 106 Lake Drive, Liverpool, NY 13088; and the Syracuse Builders Exchange, CASH for Coins! Buying Gold & Silver. Also Stamps, Paper Inc., 6563 Ridings Road, Syracuse, New York, 13206. Money, Comics, Entire Collections, Estates. Travel to your A pre-bid meeting/site visit will be held at 9:00 A.M. on Wednesday, March 18, 2015, in the Beaver Lake Nature BID NOTICES: Center, 8477 East Mud Lake Road, Baldwinsville, NY 13027. Each bid must be accompanied by cash, certified check, or BID 8217 COUNTY OF ONONDAGA – BID REF # 8217 FOR bid bond in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the FURNISHING TREES AND PLANTING MATERIAL IS DUE APRIL amount of the bid in the form and subject to the conditions 3, 2015 AT 2 PM IN THE DIVISION OF PURCHASE. REGISTER provided in the Information For Bidders. In addition, the AT www.cnybuys.com TO DOWNLOAD SPECIFICATION Contractor shall be required to provide a “Statement of DOCUMENTS. Surety’s Intent” with his bid.

The Bidders should not include in their bid the Sales and Compensating Use Taxes on the cost of the materials which BID 8234 COUNTY OF ONONDAGA – BID REF # 8234 FOR are to be incorporated into the Project and which are to be FURNISHING LIQUID HYDROFLUOSILICIC ACID IS DUE MARCH separately sold by the Bidder to the municipality prior to 27, 2015 AT 2 PM IN THE DIVISION OF PURCHASE. REGISTER incorporation into the Project. AT www.cnybuys.com TO DOWNLOAD SPECIFICATION An Expeditionary LearningE xperience DOCUMENTS. The right is reserved to waive any informalities in the Bid and Admission for 2015-16 Kindergarten – 6th Grade to reject any or all bids. Apply now by calling 585-342-4032 Or on line at www.rochesterdiscovery.com BID 8202 COUNTY OF ONONDAGA – BID REF # 8202 FOR ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK FURNISHING RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT WITH OPERATOR – Applications are due Wednesday, April 1, 2015 TRUCKS IS DUE APRIL 9, 2015 AT 2 PM IN THE DIVISION OF BY: ______Lottery: Thursday, April 2, 2015 at 9:00 am PURCHASE. REGISTER AT www.cnybuys.com TO DOWNLOAD SEAN CARROLL, DIRECTOR SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS. DIVISION OF PURCHASE Real Skills for the Real World DATE: March 10, 2015 133 Hoover Drive - Rochester, NY 14615 Phone: (585) 342-4032 - Fax: (585) 342-4003 DONATE YOUR CAR INDEPENDENT LIVING Wheels For Wishes benefiting Dunn Tower I Dunn Tower II Apartments Apartments LET US KNOW 100 Dunn Tower Drive 200 Dunn Tower Drive WHAT YOU THINK! ax Rochester, NY 14606 Rochester, NY 14606 Central New York 100% T (585)429-5520 (585)429-6840 *Free Vehicle/Boat Pickup ANYWHERE Leave us a comment! *We Accept All Vehicles Running or Not Deductible *100% Tax Deductible www.dunntower.com WheelsForWishes.org Call: (315) 400-0797 Rochester La Voz Newspaper

15 marzo - 15 abril, 2015 - www.RochesterLaVoz.com 13 14 15 marzo - 15 abril, 2015 - www.RochesterLaVoz.com NATIONAL Weekly Address: A Student Aid Bill of Rights

In last week’s address, President expensive. Everyone, from elected – a set of guiding principles behind his college degree do not graduate saddled Obama laid out his vision for quality, officials to universities to business vision for affordable education. with debt. affordable higher education for all leaders, has a part to play in making Americans. college affordable for all students. The In his address the President urged Posted by President has already made historic everyone to visit WhiteHouse.gov/ White House Today, a college degree is the surest investments in college education CollegeOpportunity and sign this ticket to the middle class and beyond, affordability, and earlier this week, he declaration, because together we can but it has also never been more announced a Student Aid Bill of Rights ensure students who work hard for a

immigration Lo que usted debe saber para convertirse en ciudadano estadounidense

El proceso para obtener la ciudadanía • Tener la edad reglamentaria. • Tener conocimientos de historia y Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración requiere de tiempo y preparación, pero Gobierno de Estados Unidos. de Estados Unidos (USCIS, sigla en conocer los pasos a seguir le ayudará a • Ser residente legal y permanecer en el inglés) o llamando al 1-800-375-5283 que el proceso sea más ágil. país mientras se tramita su solicitud. Es • Ser una persona de buena conducta (presione 2 para español), 1-800- importante destacar que su estado civil moral.• Realizar el juramento de lealtad 767-1833 (TDD, para personas con A encontrara información sobre los puede resultar en un periodo menos para demostrar que apoya y defiende a discapacidades auditivas). requisitos generales que necesita extenso para obtener la ciudadanía. Estados Unidos y su constitución. cumplir para convertirse en ciudadano estadounidense, como por ejemplo: • Demostrar dominio del idioma inglés. Usted puede obtener información más detallada visitando el sitio web del How to Become a U.S. Citizen: Know the Basics

The process of becoming an American • Be a permanent resident of the • Have basic knowledge of U.S. history For detailed information about how citizen requires planning and time. United States and remain in the and government to become an American citizen, visit Knowing in advance what to do will country while your naturalization is the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration help move things along a lot smoother. being processed. Note: your marital • Be a person of good moral character (USCIS) website or call the National Here are some general requirements status may affect how long it takes to Customer Service Center at 1-800-375- that you must meet in order to become process your application. • Take the oath of allegiance to support 5283, 1-800-767-1833 (TDD for the a U.S. citizen, such as: and defend the United States and the hearing impaired). • Be able to read, write, and speak Constitution English • Meet the minimum age requirement

visit www.rochesterlavoz.com for more information or to post an event Just click the EVENTS tab!

14 15 marzo - 15 abril, 2015 - www.RochesterLaVoz.com 15 marzo - 15 abril, 2015 - www.RochesterLaVoz.com 15

COMMUNITYPhotos by Evelyn D’Agostino EVENTS L aVoz Buena Vista Valentine’s Day Celebration Event organized by Ibero Development Corporation Project HOPE :: A Bilingu a l Pu b lic Dance performance by Papalotl Mexican Folkloric Dance School, Avenue D Afro-Latino Dance Group. Great music by the Conjunto Tipico Sabor Boricua and Latin-America Poetry by Evelyn D’Agostino Grupo Cultural Latinos En Rochester tion

upcoming events MARCH For info: phone 249-4575 APRIL (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, www.nextdoorbarandgrill.com Math), which we are striving to make 14 ______11 fun with a call to “Full STEAM Ahead! Famas sin Gafas Leadership Fair Smart,Tech-savvy, Empowered, Artistic & Time: 11:00pm - 2:00pm 21 Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm Motivated“. We are very excited and believe Location: Tapas 177 Lounge. 177 Saint Paul What Women Want Location: St. Michaels Church. 124 the girls will love what we are preparing for Street Time: 9:30am - 4:30pm Evergreen Street Rochester them, with hands on activities that promise LIVE SATURDAY Location: Casa Larga Winery Event Center. Ibero American Action League is excited to to leave them wanting more STEAM! ______2287 Turkhill Rd in Fairport partner with Project Hope and St. Michaels Cost: Free - Registration required 65 Women Owned/Managed Church to bring the Rochester Community To register visit: http://latinasunidas.org/ 16 Retailers and Services featured at its 2nd annual PAO leadership fair. susl/rally-2015/ To All Parents 11th Annual What Women Want Spring Greet Community Leaders. Raffle for Spring ______TIME: 5:00pm New Trends Show & Sale at Casa Larga Basket and Gift Card. Free Continental Location: Rochester Board of Education. Event Center Breakfast 2 131 West Broad Street The very popular New Trends Show & Sale Free Spring Basket for kids 2 –16 (limited) Madre Mia Parents in the RCSD are invited to serve will be held Saturday March 21st. For Info: 585-256-8900 Time: 7:00pm – doors open at 6:00pm as advisory, volunteer members of the Tickets are $5 each ($4pp 5 or more in ______Location: Hochstein School of Music & committees of the Board of Education. a group), and are available at the door Dance. 50 N. Plymouth Ave. Parent representatives will be selected by the day of the event. Parking is free, but 11 A Borinquen Dance Theatre Tribute to the Board to serve on a Board committee carpooling is strongly suggested. Rochester Red Wings Opening Game Mothers for a term of one fiscal year, July 1st For info: www.whatwomenwantweekend. Time: 1:30pm- 5:00pm Tickets purchased at the door will be $25 through June 30th. Membership in a parent net or contact info@ Location: Frontier Field. 333 Plymouth Ave. adult $10 students/seniors. organization is not required to be selected. whatwomenwantweekend.net Make it a family and friends day and join in For Info: http://www. Applications are due to the Board of the fun of the Rochester Red Wings season borinquendancetheatre.org/events/ Education by 5:00 p.m. on March 16, 2015; ______opener! ______Each Board Committee will select a Parent For Info: 585-454-1001 (Frontier Field Representative by April 30, 2015; 30 Office) May If you are interested in serving on a Board Ibero & MCC - Latino Family Day Web Page: http://www.milb.com/index. committee, please complete the attached Time: 10:00am - 4:30pm jsp?sid=t534 9 form and send it to: Location: MCC Brighton Campus. 1000 ______5th Vino con Sabor For Fnfo: Please contact the Board’s office East Henrietta Road Time: 6pm with questions or concerns at (585) 262- Venga y comparta juntos a nosotros de 18 Location: Radisson Hotel. 120 East Main 8525. este evento familiar. Disfrutará de comida, ¡Soy Unica! ¡Soy Latina! Rally 2015 Street Rochester, NY bailes, talleres, regalos y una mirada real a Time: 8:00am - 2:00pm The Puerto Rican Festival, Inc is excited to ______la vida universitaria. Location: MCC R. Thomas Flynn Campus present our 5th Vino con Sabor. Para Transportación (Ibero) 9:00am. Center. 1000 East Henrietta Road Cost: TBD 19 Menores deben ir acompañados por un The ¡Soy Unica! ¡Soy Latina! Rally is an Age: 21+ Jazz Weekends with The David Detweiler adulto annual event reaching young Latinas Trio Para más información, puede comunicarse and their parents. The Rally motivates Time: 5:00pm con Jessica Wilson 585-454-1200/Julissa and empowers Latinas girls ages 7 to 18, Location: Next Door Bar & Grill. 3220 González 585-262-1662 encouraging them to feel good about Monroe Ave. ______themselves and be proud to be Latinas. Thursday: 5 p.m., Friday: 8 p.m/ This year, the theme of the rally is STEAM

15 marzo - 15 abril, 2015 - www.RochesterLaVoz.com 15 16 15 marzo - 15 abril, 2015 - www.RochesterLaVoz.com ¿Necesitas NuEStrA CiudAd / NuEStrA CuLturA / NuEStrA Voz alivio por tu techo? Te tenemos cubierto. A Monthly Newspaper Serving the

Aquí está tu oportunidad de conseguir Hispanic Community las reparaciones que necesita tu techo. La ciudad de Rochester está ofreciendo asis- La Voz is published monthly tencia financiera para el reemplazo de techos a los propietarios de viviendas que califican, que son ocupadas por sus propietarios y que Articles are printed in both sean viviendas unifamiliares. ¡Solicita y podrías English & Spanish recibir hasta $12,000 hacia un techo nuevo!

Solicite en tu Centro de Servicio de Barrio local Available at many locations in the City of Rochester Centro Noreste 500 Norton St. 428-7660 also available online at www.rochesterlavoz.com Centro Noroeste 71 Parkway, Primer Piso 428-7620 Centro Sudeste 320 N. Goodman St., Suite 209 428-7640 Centro Suroeste 923 Genesee St. 428-7630 18 de febrero a 17 de marzo del 2015, sorteo el 18 de marzo del 2015

Los ingresos y otros requisitos se aplican. ¿Preguntas? Llame al 311 • www.cityofrochester.gov/roofrelief Fuera de la ciudad llame al 428-5990 Contact Us At: 585.301.4199 our CitY / our CuLturE / our VoiCE

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