Kronoberg County,

Mini- Case Study on energy production, distribution and consumption at local and regional scale, based on renewable fuels and embedded in an overall strategy of energy saving

Presentation by N. Andrea Philipp/ ICLEI Europe

DG Regio seminar on urban-rural linkages January 23, 2009 ICLEI Europe Kronoberg County

h Kronoberg County in the province of Smaland h thinly populated landscape, extensive forests and agricultural land (pasture)

h City of Växjö (80,000 inhabitants) h 7 smaller municipalities (8,000 - 27,000 inh.)

h Kronoberg county administrative board h implementation of national targets in the collective Environmental Policy for a Sustainable Sweden

DG Regio seminar on urban-rural linkages January 23, 2009 ICLEI Europe Energy supply in Kronoberg in 1995

DG Regio seminar on urban-rural linkages January 23, 2009 ICLEI Europe Climate protection initiative

h Swedish national reduction target: 4,5 tons of CO 2 per person in 2050

h Climate protection initiative by Kronoberg county and Växjö city in 1996

Kronoberg County : fossil fuel free region by the year 2050 h reduction of CO 2 emissions to 3.5 tons per person in 2010 h increased share of renewable energy sources in the region to 50% by the year 2010 h local wood fuels as primary substitute for fossil fuels

DG Regio seminar on urban-rural linkages January 23, 2009 ICLEI Europe Climate protection initiative

Växjö: Fossil Fuel Free City h Reduce the emissions of fossil carbon dioxid per capita by 50 % till 2010 by 70% till 2025 compared with 1993 (4.6 tons per capita).

h Reduce the use of electricity by 20% per capita until 2015 compared to 1993 h Stop using oil in the city administration by 2010.

DG Regio seminar on urban-rural linkages January 23, 2009 ICLEI Europe Partnerships/ cooperation

h industry partnerships, municipal cooperation and community involvement

h Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden – Public non profit company owned and financed by Municipalities in the Counties of , Blekinge and Kronoberg, Regional Council for Kalmar, Kronoberg and , Swedish Energy Agency

h The Bioenergy Group in Växjö Ltd – promote the use of biofuels and to initiate and support R&D within the area of biofuels.

DG Regio seminar on urban-rural linkages January 23, 2009 ICLEI Europe District heating systems „Närwärme Kronoberg“

h Regional venture: about 35 district heating plants in in the county h combined heat plants with wood chips-fired boilers h Pellets and biomass for middle-sized plants (0,3-10 MW) and district heating

h power: biomass 85 MW, oil 50 MW h energy: biomass 220 GWh/year, oil/electricity 50 GWh/year h investment: 45 Million Euro h CO2-reduction: 0,3 – 1,0 tonne/MWh h Locally produced fuel - increased number of employments: 1 person per 2000 MWh/year (pellets) and 3000 MWh/year (chips)

DG Regio seminar on urban-rural linkages January 23, 2009 ICLEI Europe District heating systems „Närwärme Kronoberg“

h Power ~130 MW h Energy 275 GWh

DG Regio seminar on urban-rural linkages January 23, 2009 ICLEI Europe Energy input to district heating. 1970-2004

Now > 60% bio fuels

Source: Swedish Energy Agency

DG Regio seminar on urban-rural linkages January 23, 2009 ICLEI Europe Further actions in the planning and transport sector

h Free energy advice for citizens h Municipal subsidies for installation of small-scale biomass boilers or solar panels in households h Increased use of pellets and wood in areas without district heating h Energy efficient wooden houses

h Planning of an intermodal terminal for domestic freight to promote transportation by railwal h biogas from biological waste to be used in vehicles h Increased introduction of environmentally adapted vehicles.

DG Regio Fossilseminar Fuel on urban-rural Free Växjö linkages | energy January and 23 planning, 2009 ICLEI Europe Framework for cooperation

h Regional energy and transport strategy in 2004 h Regional climate strategy: county of Kronoberg and 8 municipalities h BioEnergy Cluster Smaland

Industry: •Järnforsen Biomass producers Universities: •HOTAB Lantmännen Agrobränsle Noeva •Bioenergicentrum Växjö. •Janfire AB Södra •KTH International •Talloil AB •Swedish Energy Agency Energy companies: Coordinator: Development- •Växjö Energi • Energikontor Sydost center: •Affärsverken • Bioenergigruppen AB •Rindi AB •SP •Svebio Customers: Consultants: • Växjö municipalties • ÅF Process AB •Kalmar, Jönköping • Capital Cooling AB och Blekinge counties…. •Björn Vikinge AB

DG Regio seminar on urban-rural linkages January 23, 2009 ICLEI Europe Results: CO 2 reduction and renewable energies

Kronoberg county: h CO 2 emissions reduced to 4.1 tons per capita (2006) h Increased share of renewable energy: h 6.88 TWh of energy produced in the region, 45 % of which are renewable fuels

Växjö city: h CO 2 emissions reduced to 3.1 tons per capita (-32% from 1993 to 2007) h Increased share of renewable energy: – 54% of energy for heating, power and transport from biomass – even 91% in the heating sector only

DG Regio seminar on urban-rural linkages January 23, 2009 ICLEI Europe Results: 50% share of renewable resources

Totally 2422 GWh in Växjö city (not correlated for temperature variations) Petrol 16,3%

Biomass 37,1% Diesel 13,4% Jet fuel 0,8% Oil 2,9% Other renewables Peat 3,1% 2,1% Imported renewable Imported non- power renewable power 12,0% 12,4%

DG Regio seminar on urban-rural linkages January 23, 2009 ICLEI Europe Results: 44% share of renewable resources

Kronoberg County

DG Regio seminar on urban-rural linkages January 23, 2009 ICLEI Europe Results: energy as economic driver in the region

h 1 TWh biofuel => 300 new jobs h Manufacturing of equipment => another 8000 jobs

Oljeprodukter Elenergi 28% 22% 2.250 work

Fossilgas, kol m.m. 2% 6,8 TWh

Biobränsle 48% Total 13,9 TWh 3.300 MSEK ”Regional energy economi”

DG Regio seminar on urban-rural linkages January 23, 2009 ICLEI Europe Results: Decoupling growth and CO 2 production

Growth and CO 2 emissions in %

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 -20 -30 -40

GRP/capita Växjö GDP/capita Sw eden CO2/capita Växjö CO2/capita Sw eden

DG Regio seminar on urban-rural linkages January 23, 2009 ICLEI Europe Results: further benefits

h New jobs in the whole bio-energy chain h Domestic fuel make less vulnerable h People get comfortable heat for low price h Companies have developed h University opened a bio-energy centre h Environmental tourism and technical visits h Society prepared to leave the fossil based economy for the bio based economy

DG Regio seminar on urban-rural linkages January 23, 2009 ICLEI Europe Success factors

h integrated strategy of energy-efficieny and use of renewable energies h employing regional resources (biomass from wood) to strengthen the local economy h cooperation between county, municipalities, national agency, university and industry h collaborative town councils h support from the public

DG Regio seminar on urban-rural linkages January 23, 2009 ICLEI Europe Thank you for your attention

Images and graphs kindly provided by Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden and City of Växjö

DG Regio seminar on urban-rural linkages January 23, 2009 ICLEI Europe