Bibliography and References
Bibliography and References (NoTE: the following list does not pretend to be exhaustive; items are only included if they are mentioned in text.) Primary sources and collections Conrad, J., Heart of Darkness (Harmondsworth: Penguin Modern Classics, 1982, first published 1902). Conrad, J., Preface to The Nigger of the Narcissus ( 1897) (Penguin Modern Classics Edition). Conrad, J., Tales ofHearsay and Last Essays (London, 1928 and 1955). Cox, C. B. (ed.), Casebook: Heart of Darkness, Nostromo, Under Western Eyes (London, 1981). Dean, L. F. (ed.), Heart of Darkness: Backgrounds and Criticism (Engle wood Cliffs, NJ, 1960). Kimbrough, R. ( ed.), Heart of Darkness: An Authoritative Text, Criti cism, Backgrounds, Sources, 3rd edn (New York & London: Norton edn, 1988). Mudrick, M. (ed.), Conrad: A Collection of Critical Essays (Twentieth Century Views Series) (Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1966). Sherry, N. (ed.), Conrad: The Critical Heritage (London, 1973). Secondary sources Achebe, C., 'An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad's Heart of Dark ness' ( 1975) (amended 1987), reprinted in Kimbrough (ed.) ( 1988). Baker, R. S., 'Watt's Conrad' (1981 and 1986) in Kimbrough (ed.) (1988). Bakhtin, M. M., The Dialogic Imagination (Austen, Texas, 1981). Barthes, R., S/Z (London, 1975; orig. in French 1970). 84 HEART OF DARKNESS Barthes, R., /mage-Music-Text: Essays (translated and edited by Heath, S.,) (Glasgow, 1977). Belsey, C., Critical Practice (London, 1980). Belsey, C., TheSubjectofTragedy (London, 1985). Benjamin, W., Illuminations (Glasgow, 1977). Bhabha, H. K., 'The other question: difference, discrimination, and the discourse of colonialism', in Barker et al. (eds), Literature, Politics, and Theory (London, 1986). Blake, S. L., 'Racism and the Classics: Teaching Heart of Darkness', College Language Association Journal, 25, no.
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