1.a.1 Provisions for mandatory expenses 1.a.2 Provide general administration and support services


POLICIES, PLANS, PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS 1. Formulation/preparation of policy/guidelines/rules & regulations for biodiversity conservation and dev't of protected areas

1.1 Preparation/Finalization of policies/guidelines No. of policies/guidelines prepared/finalized 8 23 a. PA Management 1. Guidelines for issuance of Programmatic EIAs in Protected Areas 1 2. Resettlement of Protected Area migrants 1 1 Endorsed to the Office of Secretary (OSEC) the guidelines on Procedure on the Resettlement of Protected Occupants in Appropriate Sites on December 12 2013 3. Establishment and management of bufferzones 1 1 Guidelines of buffer zones establishment and management in PA was submitted to PTWG-DENR on November 29, 2013. Conducted consultation with Local Government Units (LGUs) re Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUPs), local development and investment plans in support to bufferzones on November 28-29, 2013. b. Cave Management Program 4. Ban on Importation/Exportation of Speleothems 1 1 Re-filed in the Senate the Bill on Ban of Importation/Exportation of Speleothems 5. Cave Ecotourism 1 1 Submitted the DMC on Cave Ecotourism Development and Implementation to DENR on November 12 2013; With Usec Adobo's Office since November 2013 6. Guano Collection/extraction in caves 1 1 Refined Policy on Guano Extraction in caves; endorsed to PAWB-PTWG on Dec 2013

c. Wetland Conservation Program 7. Mapping of Inlands Wetlands 1 1 Endorsed to the Office of the Secretary the Draft EO re Adopting and Institutionalizing the National Wetlands Action Plan of the on October 30, 2013 8. Adoption of National Wetland Action Plan (EO) 1 1 The EO on the Creation of a National Wetland Committee was evaluated again by PTWG on December 12 2013 NWAPP implemented, finalized and printed Held the Asian Regional Workshop on the Management of Wetlands and East Asian Australasian at AIM Conference Center in September 2013 Department: ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Agency/Bureau/Office: PROTECTED AREAS AND WILDLIFE BUREAU Program/Project/Activity: 1.a & 2.a General Management and Supervision/ Implementation & Monitoring PERFORMANCE CY 2013 PROGRAM/ACTIVITY/PROJECT REMARKS INDICATORS TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT

Other Accomplishments: 8 A. Other Policies/Guidelines endorsed/approved: 1) Ecotourism Management and Development Planning in Protected Areas (DAO No. 2013-19 dated 1 July 2013 ) 2) Guidelines for the Adoption of the Sustainable Ecosystem Management Program (SCREMP) (DAO No. 2013-12 dated 25 February 2013) 3) Declaring Mts. Magnas, San Miguel and Linao in the Municipalities of Adams, Province of Ilocos Norte as “Adams Wildlife Critical Habitat” (DAO No 2013-23 dated Dec 9, 2013) 4) Guidelines on the Local Transport of Wildlife, By-products and derivatives for shows, exhibitions and educational purposes; endorsed to OSEC on 2 Sep 2013 5) DAO on Declaring the Timberland Block A of Rosario, Timberland Block B of San Juan and Timberland Blocks A and B of Lobo in the Province of as Critical Habitat for Golden- Crowned Flying Fox and Giant Flying Fox; endorsed to OSEC on 10 December 2013 6) DAO on Declaring certain Pa rcels of Land of the Public Domain located at Purok 1-4 of Brgy. Kandiis as Parcel 1 and Purok 1-6 of Brgy. San Isidro and Damayohan as parcel II, all in the Municipality of Magsaysay, Province of Misamis Oriental as Critical Habitat for Hawksbill Turtle and to be known as “Magsaysay Critical Habitat for Hawksbill Turtle”; endorsed to OSEC on 23 December 2013 7) DAO on the Establishment of Mechanism for the Application of Tubbataha Reefs NP with IMO as PSSA on 18 September 2013 8) Re-endorsed to OSEC the Draft Addendum of SAPA Guidelines on 6 August 2013 8) Re-endorsed to OSEC the Draft Addendum of SAPA Guidelines on 6 August 2013

8 B. Technical Bulletin

1) Technical Bulletin No. 1 dated 11 January 2013 entitled "List of Protected Areas"; 2) Technical Bulletin No. 3 dated 4 March 2013 entitled "Checklist and Annual Calendar for the Integrated PA Fund" 3) Joint PAWB-FMB Technical Bulletin No. 2013-01 entitled "Implementation Guidelines for the Conduct of Survey, Mapping and Planning (SMP) Activities in Forestland Management Project (FMP) Sites in DENR Region III". Approved! Nov 2013 4) Technical Bulletin 2013-02 re: Information on the collection and control of the population of Chinese Softshell Turtles (Pelodiscus sinensis), An invasive Alien Species, In all Regions 5) Technical Bulletin 2013-04 re: Information on Wildlife Registration 6) MOU by and between the DENR-Biodiversity Management Bureau (DENR-BMB) and Wild Bird Photographers of the Philippines, Inc. (WBPP) re: Partnership on Bird and Nature Photography was approved on 9 December 2013.5) Technical Bulletin 2013-04 re: Information on Wildlife Registration 7) Technical Bulletin 2013-05 re: DENR-LGU-Landowner Memorandum of Agreement Template (Caves and Cave Resources Conservation, Management and Protection 8) Technical Bulletin 2013-06 re: DENR-LGU Memorandum of Agreement Template (Caves and Cave Resources Conservation, Management and Protection)

Policies/Guidelines/MOA drafted 12 C. Drafted policies/guidelines/MOAs/MOUs 1) Guidelines on the establishment of Tourism Enterprise Zones in PAs in line with the TIEZA 2) DMC on the National ICM Program (NICMP) 3) Guidelines on Establishing LGU-managed MPAs/ Strengthening of LGU-managed MPAs 4) DAO on the Turn-over of the Management of Hinulugan Taktak PL from PAWB to DENR Region 4-A 5). Tripartite MOA by and among the DENR-PAWB, Palawan Council for Sustainable Development Staff (PCSDS) and Marine Research Foundation (MRF) on aerial survey of leatherback turtles in the West Philippine Sea 6) MOU between PAWB-DENR and Wild Bird Club of the Philippines Department: ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Agency/Bureau/Office: PROTECTED AREAS AND WILDLIFE BUREAU Program/Project/Activity: 1.a & 2.a General Management and Supervision/ Implementation & Monitoring PERFORMANCE CY 2013 PROGRAM/ACTIVITY/PROJECT REMARKS INDICATORS TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT 7). Supplemental MOA between DENR and the University of the Philippines-Institute of Biology (UP-IB) for the 2nd year of the Implementation of the Reintroduction Program of the Philippine Eagles in Leyte 8) MOA by and between DENR-BMB and WBPP re: Documentation of the Philippine Eagle and its habitats 9). Guidelines for the Sustainable Management of seagrass 10). Guidelines for the Adoption of the Manual on the Ecological Rehabilitation of 11) Guidelines on the Biophysical Reversion of AUU-FLAs to Mangrove 12) MOA with RARE Philippines re Preparation of the Project Document re proposed UNDP funded project “Strengthening of Marine Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs)” with focus on Tanon Strait PLS

1.2 Drafting/Updating of policies/guidelines 1. DMC List of Classified Cave 2013 1 2 2013 List of Classified Caves; endorsed to OSEC on December 23 2013 Proposed Guidelines on the Development and Implementation of Cave Ecotourism; endorsed to OSEC on Nov 13, 2013

1.3 Review/evaluation of draft policies, Proposals/cases/policies/MOA/MOU/House proposals, cases, MOA, MOU, House Bills, etc. Bills reviewed/prepared MOA between PAWB and NAMRIA re PA Boundary Delineation and Demarcation - Bills on PA establishment 30 25 21 - Reviewed the following House Bills on A & D Lands and other measures: HB No. 2296, HB No. 2030, HB No. 1941, HB No. 1127, HB No. 1312, HB No. 1337, HB No. 1700, HB No. 695, HB No. 695, HB No. 1126, HB No. 678, HB No. 2394, HB No.2410, HB No. 33, HB No. 213, HB No. 990, HB No. 1625, HB No. 1727, HB No. 1812, HB No. 3973, HB No. 111

4 - Reviewed the draft House Bills of the following proposed Pas: HB No. 714 (Tinuy-an Falls), HB No. 717 (Enchanted River), HB No. 1011 (Sinarapan Sanctuary), HB No. 1217 (Cagayan de Oro- Iponan Watershed)

-Policies/regulations/MOA/MOU reviewed 20

- Resolution on PA management reviewed 8

'-Proposals re wildlife regulation, etc

2. Implementation/Monitoring /Provision of Technical Assistance on programs/projects on PA management

and wildlife resources conservation 2.1 Regular Programs/Projects 2.1.1 NIPAS Program Monitoring of NIPAS Disestablishment PA recommended for disestablishment (no.) 16 15 Proposed Disestablishment of the ff PAs; Samal Island, MSFR, Palawan GRBS, Tanap WFR, Marcos-Highway WFR, Lopez WFR, Caluag WFR, Tiblang-Damagondong WFR Proposed Establishment of the ff PAs;

Prop. Burgos Pl, prop. Sogod-San Juan-Saint Bernard-Hinunang Forest, Lake NP, REINA PL, Taklong Is, MSFR, Olango Is WS, libunao WFR, Catanduaned WFR a. Initial and Additional PAs proclaimed by the President Name of PA Area in hectare Department: ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Agency/Bureau/Office: PROTECTED AREAS AND WILDLIFE BUREAU Program/Project/Activity: 1.a & 2.a General Management and Supervision/ Implementation & Monitoring PERFORMANCE CY 2013 PROGRAM/ACTIVITY/PROJECT REMARKS INDICATORS TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT b. Draft Bills filed and refiled in Congress draft PA Bills filed/refiled 12 27 26 – Reviewed 26 PA Bills and re-filed 12 priority PAs for the 16th Congress namely; a) Sinarapan (Region 5) b) NP (Region 4B) c) Agusan Marsh WS (Region13) d) Turtle Island WS (Region 9) e) Pasonanca WFR (Region 9) f) Agoo-Damortis (Region 1) g) Lidlidda-Nayoyo (Region 1) h) Aliwagwag PLS (Region 11) i) TWin Lakes Balinsasayao (Region 7) j) Bessang Pass PL (Region 7) k) Mt. Balatukan Np (Region 10) l) Aurora Integrated PA (Region 3) 1 - Omnibus Bill filed in Senate

15 – Provided comments to the Committee on Natural Resources on the proposed HBs of the following Pas: a) Bessang Pass - HB No. 170 b) Agoo Damortis - HB No. 214 c) Samar Island NP - HB No. 358 d) Mt. Tagub-Kampalili - HB No. 575 e) Mainit Hotsprings - HB No. 591 f) Bulusan Volcano - HB No. 1244 g) Agusan Marsh - HB No. 1724 h) Mt. Matutum - HB No. 2191 i) Northwest Panay - HB No. 2326 j) Northern Negros NP - HB No. 2422 k) Pasonanca Watershed - HB No. 2629 l) Biak-na-Bato NP - HB No. 2713 m) Pamitinan Cave - HB No.2745 n) Turtle Islands - HB No. 2771 o) Apo Reef NP - HB No. 2901 Monitoring of NIPAS Management a. PAMB Organization and Strengthening Name of PA No. of training conducted/monitored a.1 Processing of PAMB appointments PAMB Appointment processed and endorsed 22 19 PAMB CAs endorsed to DENR OSEC: Salinas NM, Carac-An WFR, Mt. Matutum, Wangag WFR, Siargao is. PLS, Roosebvelt PlL, Upper Marikina RBPL, Mulanay WFR, Mt. Apo (Cotabato), Magapit PL, Baua WFR, Masinloc- Oyon Bay MR, Mt. Kalatungan NP, Naujan Lake, Batanes PLS, EL Nido MRPA, Apo Reef, , Naujan Lake NP

PAMB Cas approved: Upper Marikina PL, Mulanay WFR, Salinas NM, Roosevelt PL, Masinloc-Oyon Bay MR, Carac- an WFR, Siargao PLS, Magapit Pl, Baua WFR, Wangag WFR, Naujan Lake NP 2 – Reviewed the ff. PAMB Resolutions: a) Resolution No.1, S 2013 of the MB of Fuyot Spring NP b) Resolution No. 02-2013 of the MB of Casecnan PL 3 - Endorsed to DENR Secretary the draft Certificate of Appointment of the ff Pas: a) Naujan Lake NP b) Batanes PLS c) El Nido Managed Resource PA. a.2 PAMB operationalization PAMB Resolution reviewed/acted 28 46 Minutes of the meetings reviewed 74 81 Provided IPAF Fund Code to Upper Marikina RBPL Department: ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Agency/Bureau/Office: PROTECTED AREAS AND WILDLIFE BUREAU Program/Project/Activity: 1.a & 2.a General Management and Supervision/ Implementation & Monitoring PERFORMANCE CY 2013 PROGRAM/ACTIVITY/PROJECT REMARKS INDICATORS TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT Created IPAF Review Committee b. IPAF Establishment/operation PAs with collection reports reviewed 24 Special budget request reviewed/endorsed 23 30 1 - Conducted meeting on the development of IRR for RA No. 10629 or an Act providing for automatic retention of 75%F Fund SBR processed and endorsed c. PA Management Plans preparation/updating Management Plans reviewed 12 9 Drafted management plan of Paoay Lake NP on the 22nd to the 25th of October at Laoag City. Baua WFR, Wangag WFR, Magapit PL, Guadalupe-Mainit-Mabugnao NP, Manleluag PL, Tubbataha Reefs NP, Libunao PL, Hinulugan Taktak PL, Talavera WFR c.1 Delineation of PA Management Zones/PA boundaries Reports reviewed 2 Guidelines on the Delineation and Demarcation of Protected Areas under the NIPAS; re-endorsed to OSEC on December 10 2013 Addendum of SAPA Guidelines; re-endorsed to OSEC on December 23 2013 Facilitated the review of documents for the demarcation of 1,631.03 kilometers of 28 protected areas and delineation of 9,058.40 kilometers of 118 protected areas as of December 4, 2013. No. of PAs with management zones delineated 12 3 Mt. Calavite WS, Marinduque Ws and Mt. Guiting-Guiting NP Review of PAs delineated Reviewed 56 maps of validated NIPAS/PAs submitted by NAMRIA c.2 Management Effectiveness Assessment (MEA) MEA reports reviewed 12 82 21 - Lidlidda PL, Mahagnao Volcano NP, Hinaniam-Lawigan WFR, PL, Mts. Palay- Palay/Mataas-na-Gulod PL, Mts. Banahaw-San Cristobal PL, Alabat WFR, Kaliwa WFR, Upper Maarikina River Basin PL, PP 1636, Maulawin Spring Pl, Oregon PL, buenavista PL, Binahaan WFR, Mulanay WFR, Real-Impanta WFR, Pamitinan PL, WA, Masungi Rock, Mt. Malarayat FR, Dagatan Lake N 61 - Mt. Pulag NP, Kalbaryo-Patapat NP, Batanes Islands PLS, Casecnan PL, Bawa and Wangag WFRs, Palaui Marine Reserve, Las Pinas-Paranaque zcritical Habitat and Ecotourism Area, Aurora Memorial NP, Bataan NP, Masinloc and Oyon Bay MR, Amro River PL, Dinadiawan River PL, Simbahan-Talagas PL, Talaytay PL, Isaland of Alibijaban, Mts. Banahaw-San Cristobal PL, Mts. palay-Palay Mataas na Gulod PL, Pl, Taal Volcano, Abasig-Matogdon-Manap Natural Biotic Area, Bicol Natural Park, Bulusan Volcano NP, Caramoan NP, Catanduanes WFR, Lagonoy NBA, Mt. Isarog NP, Apo Reef NP, Calatrava,San Andres, San Agustin WFR, Marinduque WS, Mt. Calavite WS, Mt. Guiting-Guiting NP, Mt. Matalingahan PL, WS, Northwest Panay Peninsula NP, Pan-ay River WFR, Camotes Mangrove Swamp Forest Reserve, central Cebu PL, Olango Island WS, Panglao Island PS, Rajah Sikatuna Pl, Biri-Larosa PL/S, Cuatro Islas PLS, Guian PLS, Samar Island NP, Basilan NBA, Mt. Timolan PL, Pasonanca NP, Siocon Resource Reserve, Mt. Matutum PL, Sarangani Bay PS, , Mt. Dajo NP, Baliangao, Mimbilisan PL, Mt. Malatukan, Mt. Malindang Range NP, Timpoong & Hibok-Hibok NM, Mabini PLS, Pujada PLS

d. Restoration of denuded/NGP areas within PAs PAs monitored (no.) 112 Reports on Area (ha) restored reviewed Community-Based Program (CBP) a. Monitoring of CBP implementation site visit/ protected area monitored 3 Completed the analysis of the 8-year CBP implementation which is based on the recommendations of the project, a capsule proposal, "Social Enterprise Hub for PACBRMA Holders" which was prepared and submitted to the PhilAm Fund, USAID; for submision to the PAWB Director b. Review and evaluate draft PACBRMA PACBRMA reviewed c. Review and evaluate CBP Reports CBP reports/maps evaluated d. Analysis of the 8 years of CBP implementation (hiring of analyzed reports/issues 1 consultant) Department: ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Agency/Bureau/Office: PROTECTED AREAS AND WILDLIFE BUREAU Program/Project/Activity: 1.a & 2.a General Management and Supervision/ Implementation & Monitoring PERFORMANCE CY 2013 PROGRAM/ACTIVITY/PROJECT REMARKS INDICATORS TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT SRPAO a. Review and evaluate submitted reports on SRPAO No. of reports reviewed/evaluated 3 1 Revised Guidelines on the Survey and Registration of Protected Area Occupants (DAO 2013-20 dated August 1 2013) b. Monitoring of SRPAO reports 4 1 Resettlement of PA occupants in Danger zones was evaluated by PTWG on December 12 2013 c. Develop monitoring scheme for PA occupants Buffer Zone Management 1 Establishment and management of buffer zones; endorsed to DENR-PTWG on 29 Nov 2013 a. Inventory of activites within Bufferzone no. of ha. /PA with bufferzone 1 b. Monitor and evaluate reports submitted identified priority site 3

2.1.2. Ecotourism Development Program a. Technical assistance and Monitoring and Evaluation 8 Re the Finalization of the National Ecotourism Strategy (NES) and Action Plan, 2013-2022 several ETWG meetings had been conducted which focused on: Writeshop for updating of NES, finalization of NES and action plan 2013-2022, refinement of the outline of NES and action plan 2013-2022 and finalization of timetable of NES, action plan as well as the finalization of selection criteria for DOT and TIEZA, finalization of accomplishments 2002-2012 and strategies, and had conferred with the writer for the flow of the action plan. 2.1.3 Nature Recreation and Extension b. Technical Assistance to Regional Offices/Schools Facilitated the conduct of ecotourism planning; for PENRO Cabanatuan on October 7 to 8, 2013 4 1 (Dalaw-Turo, Youth Desk/ School Invitation) at Muncipal Hall, Gen. Tinio.

2.1.3 Provision of technical assistance to PAWB and Documents prepared 8 Regional Offices in the planning/programming/ Regions visited/assisted implementation of PAWCZMS programs/projects

2.2 Other Programs/Projects

2.2.1 Penablanca Reforestation Project (Phase II) Monitoring reports submitted Attended the Final Project Meeting of Penablanca Sustainable Reforestation Project with Toyota 2 Corporation held on 18 July 2013 at Hotel Roma, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan

Accomplishment reports reviewed 4 2.2.2 Strengthening Coordination for Effective Environmental Meetings/workshops/consultations attended / Management (STREEM) facilitated 6 Documents/WFP submittted to FASPO 5

Pilot site visited 2.2.3 NPS-ENRMP Meetings/workshops/consultations attended Prepared Memorandum for the REDs of Regions 4A, 4B, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and CAR facilitated requesting updates on activities enrolled under the NPS-ENRMP PAs monitored 1 Prepared Memorandum for the REDs of Regions 4A, 4B, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and CAR requesting updates on activities enrolled under the NPS-ENRMP Attended the Kick-Off Meeting in NPS-ENRMP on June 17, 2013 and Dec 3, 2013 and Project Completion Report Team for the NPS-ENRMP on Oct. 30, 2013

2.2.4 Protected Area Financing PAs monitored Business Plans for the 18 PAs are already prepared and validated with the concerned Regional Offices and PASUs

2.2.5 INREMP Meetings/workshops/consultations attended Attended meeting of the Project Steering Committee facilitated Department: ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Agency/Bureau/Office: PROTECTED AREAS AND WILDLIFE BUREAU Program/Project/Activity: 1.a & 2.a General Management and Supervision/ Implementation & Monitoring PERFORMANCE CY 2013 PROGRAM/ACTIVITY/PROJECT REMARKS INDICATORS TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT PAs monitored 1 2.2.6 PhilCCAP Meetings/workshops/consultations attended 1 Attended the folllowing PhilCAPP meetings: facilitated PAs monitored 1) PhilCAPP Kic-OFF and Wrap-up Meetings on May 2, 2013 and June 27, 2013 2) PhilCAPP Peer Updating Conference on May 16 to 17 2013 4)3) WorkshopAttended RBME on Results System Based Workshop M & E forSystem PhilCAPP held onon SeptemberAugust 14 to3 201316 2013 at PAGASA, at Mandaluyong Diliman, QCCity 5) PhilCAPP Steering Committee Meeting held on November 4 2013 at DENR-FASPO 6) PhilCAPP TWG Meeting held on October 8 2013 at PAGASA, QC 2.2.7 Biodiversity Partnership Programme (BPP) Meetings/Consultation/Workshop facilitated BPP Project Documents prepared Documents prepared 6

3. Updating/preparation/integration of plans and programs on Inputs to PDP/MTPIP/ENR Framework/other PA management & biodiversity conservation into macro plans Plans submitted to DENR/NEDA/Other oversight bodies 4. Preparation/review/consolidation of work and financial Work and Financial Plan/s prepared/ 2 plans and submitted to DENR/DBM 5. Conduct/facilitate activities for the revision of the NBSAP Consultation/meetings/workshops conducted 6 Conducted five regional and one national consultations Draft updated NBSAP 1 1

6. Capability Building on PA management & wildlife conservation. No. of trainings/seminars organized/attended - In-House Education Program Seminar conducted 30 - Orientation on Enhanced SRPAO Procedures Orientation conducted 2 - Attendance/Participation to trainings/seminars/orientation Seminars/Fora attended Department: ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Agency/Bureau : Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau Program/Project/Activity: 2.b. Data Management including systems development and maintenance



1. Maintenance and enhancement Website enhanced and 2 2 of Website including data population updated - PAWB Website Meetings conducted 4 5

- CHM Website Information/Data uploaded 20 30

2. Maintenance of server/server room Server maintained 1 1

3. Database installation and updating Database installed 2 2 - PA Database - Wildlife Database Updated the database on wildlife crimes, Regional Wildlife Rescue Centers, list of CWR and WFP holders per Region, and monthly production/short shipment reports of BII, including importation/exportation reports from other permittees

4. Installation and maintenance of No. of nodes installed 16 16 IP Telephony

5. Maintenance of Local Area Network LAN maintained 1 1 (LAN)

5. Repair and maintenance of computers and IT 100 120 PAWB computers and other equipment maintained/ IT equipment repaired

7. Capacity building on database and trainings attended 2 application development Agency/Bureau : Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau Program/Project/Activity: 2.b. Data Management including systems development and maintenance


8. Attendance to trainings/seminars/ trainings/seminars/ 3 workshops/meetings and other activities related workshops/meetings to data management attended


1. Update and production of integrated maps maps produced

a. Protected Areas 35 - Regional 20 - National 15

b. Critical Habitat

c. Ecotourism Sites d. Peatland Areas 2 e. Wetland Areas 2 f. Caves 20 16 - Regional Maps 1 - National Map 1 - Assessment Map 1 - Implementation 1 - Management

2. Regional coordination on the implemen- 62 Validation of existing maps tation of PA boundary delineation and demarcation

3. Attendance to trainings/seminars/ trainings/seminars/ workshops/meetings and other workshops/meetings activities related to GIS attended Agency/Bureau : Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau Program/Project/Activity: 2.b. Data Management including systems development and maintenance


IV. STATISTICAL SERVICES 1. Compilation/consolidation reports reviewed and 64 and review of statistical reports compiled on protected areas and wildlife resources reports prepared/ 4 submitted to DENR CO

2. Compilation, production and CD copies produced and on-going distribution of Protected Areas distributed and Wildlife Statistical Yearbook for CY 2010

3. Attendance to trainings/seminars/ trainings/seminars/ workshops/meetings and other workshops/meetings activities related to statistics attended

4. Regional coordination/validation of Regions visited 16 12 Regions 5, 7, 8, and 9 weren't visited due to natural calamities that occurred PAWCZMS Statistical Report Reports validated 16 12 during the year such as: typhoons, earthquake, and political conflicts at including HTNP and NAP Reports submitted 16 12 Mindanao

5. Assistance to national statistical month Assistance extended/ celebration provided

The PAWB-WRC sustained its support to various academic institutions especially in enhancing the knowledge and skills of their students on veterinary care and captive wildlife management. Practicum students have been 6. Technical Assistance to student Assistance extended 78 accomodated. and other clientele

7. Preparation of monthly Reports prepared 12 Summary Statistics on Wildlife Export based on the issuance of CITES permits 1,145 167 - No. of CITES permits issued from October to November 2013 4,483.007.49 - total income from the CITES permits Agency/Bureau : Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau Program/Project/Activity: 2.b. Data Management including systems development and maintenance



1. Conduct of special events a) PAWB 26th Anniversary on June 24, 2013 b) Philippine Eagle Week, 13th Philippine Speleological Society Inc. National Caving Congress c) PAWB Women in Action on April 30, 2013 d) Environment Month, and International Day for Biological Diversity e) World Wetlands Day which was held on the 2nd of February 2013

exhibits installed (no.) 1 3 press kits prepared (no.) 1 streamers (no.) 1 forum conducted 1 2

2. Production of IEC materials copies produced (no.) Produced the 2014 PAWB Calendar Developed a planner entitled "Conserving Philippine Biodiversity" -brochures 1000 Facilitated the preparation of the inputs for the Coffee Table Book entitled "Treasures of -calendars 1000 the Philippine Wild"

Conducted the ff interviews/tv shows/TV commercials: 3. Kinescoping and airing of 30 seconds TV commercial kinescoping services 1 a) Born to be Wild b) launched the PAWB BlogSpot on Biodiversity entitled #whatsnextph and a website ( c) updated the raptor field guide d)prepared media plan and coordinated with various TV stations to air a 30-second commercial at TV5 and in PTV4 Department: ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Agency/Bureau/Office: PROTECTED AREAS AND WILDLIFE BUREAU Program/Project/Activity: 2.d LEGAL SERVICES PERFORMANCE CY 2013 PROGRAM/ACTIVITY/PROJECT REMARKS INDICATORS TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT 2.D LEGAL SERVICES, INCLUDING OPERATIONS AGAINST UNLAWFUL TITLING OF PUBLIC LAND

1. Investigation/evaluation of cases No. of cases reviewed and Moving targets evaluated

No. of investigations conducted Moving targets

2. Attendance to hearings on PA bills, budget hearing, Hearings attended Moving targets and other legal fora Documents prepared Moving targets Department: ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Agency/Bureau/Office: PROTECTED AREAS AND WILDLIFE BUREAU Program/Project/Activity: 3.c.1 PROTECTED AREA MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE CY 2013 PROGRAM/ACTIVITY/PROJECT REMARKS INDICATORS TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT III. OPERATIONS 3.C.1 PROTECTED AREA MANAGEMENT 1. Mobilization of the following Committees on PA management Meetings organized a. NIPAS National Review Committee (NNRC) 3 b. Committee on Energy Projects in NIPAS Areas (CEPNA) 1

2. 4th PAMB Summit PAMB Summit conducted 1 a.1 Outstanding Protected Area Awards - Selection and Awarding of the most outstanding PA Protected Area awarded 9 a. Engagement with Indigenous Peoples (IPs)/Local Communities - Mt. Kitanglad Range NP b. Partnership with Local Government Unit - Mts. Banahaw-San Cristobal PL c. Partnership with the Civil Society Organizations - Mt. Mantalingahan PL d. Partnership with Other Government Agencies - Tubbataha Reefs NP e. Law Enforcement - Taal Volcano PL f. Sustainable/Innovative Financing - Apo Island PL/S g. Institutional Organization/Functional PAMB - Mt. Kitanglad Range NP h. Actual Bio-Physical Improvements - Mt. Kitanglad Range NP - Mt. Pulag NP

3. ASEAN Heritage Parks/Reserves (Hosting/Participation to Conference facilitated/hosted 1 1 Facilitated the declaration of the Mt. Makiling Forest Reserve as the 33rd ASEAN Heritage Park (AHP), making it the fifth AHP in the the 4th AHP Conference) Philippines.

4. Mobilization Participation/Involvement to Working Groups/ Meetings/workshops/consultations moving target Inter-Agency Committees and other bodies attended Reports/Proceedings prepared moving target

5. Conduct of regular conference/meetings Conference/meetings conducted 10 24 a. PAWCZMS Sectoral Conference Minutes/documents prepared/submitted 10 1 b. Assessment and Planning Workshop 2 Department: ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Agency/Bureau/Office: PROTECTED AREAS AND WILDLIFE BUREAU Program/Project/Activity: 3.c.1 PROTECTED AREA MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE CY 2013 PROGRAM/ACTIVITY/PROJECT REMARKS INDICATORS TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT c. Senior Staff Meetings 12 d. Technical Review Committee Meeetings 3 Conducted on April 22 2013, September 9 2013, and September 16 2013

Conducted on May 17, June 25, July 17, September 20, November e. NBSAP/GEF Core Group Meetings 6 6, November 20 Department: ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Bureau: PROTECTED AREAS AND WILDLIFE BUREAU Division/Unit/Project: 3.c.2 NINOY AQUINO PARKS AND WILDLIFE CENTER

PERFORMANCE CY 2013 PROGRAM/ACTIVITY/PROJECT REMARKS INDICATOR TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT I. Construction/Rehabilitation of Facilities 1. Main Entrance/Exit Gates 2 on-going 2. Directional/Interpretive Signage signage installed 3. Landscaping of Main Entry Walkways area landscaped (sq.m) 2000 on-going 4. Renovation of Admin Building 1 (Museum) building renovated 1 on-going 5. Animal Cages/Display Enclosures animal cages constructed 2 on-going 6. Rehabilitation of Park Toilets toilets rehabilitated 5 on-going

II. Maintenance of Entry Facilities and Amenities area maintained 24 ha 100% Department: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Bureau: PROTECTED AREAS AND WILDLIFE BUREAU Division/Unit/Project: 3.c.3 DEVELOPMENT AND REHABILITATION OF NP CY 2013 PROGRAMS/PROJECTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS REMARKS TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT A. Infrastructure and repair service I.1 Major repair of executive cottages/souvenir shop and Repair of the following: guard house 2 executive cottages 1 souvenir shop 1 guard house 1 admin building

I.2 Renovation of guest house 2 guest house renovated

I.3 Riprapping of streambank of each side upper portion 2,400 square meters of Taktak Falls

I.4 Rehabilitation of stairs and facilities lot x

1.5 Fencing area

B. Repair/rehabilitation of swimming pool I.1 Major repair of swimming pool 1

I.2 Total repair/replacement of pipeline all pipelines

C. Vegetation rehabilitation I.1 Proposed streambank plantation both sides of 50 hectares x Hinulugan Taktak River Department: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Agency/Bureau/Office: PROTECTED AREAS AND WIDLIFE BUREAU Program/Project/Activity: 3.c.4 DEVELOPMENT AND REHABILITATION OF MT. APO Performance Province/ CY 2013 Program/Project/Activity REMARKS Indicator Municipality TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT

I. Biodiversity Conservation & Regional Total Reviewed the accomplishment reports of Phases 15 and 17 of the and Protection Project Acknowledged the following reports:

a) Terminal Narrative Report for Mt. Apo Development and Restoration Cum Liveliood Project for Phase 16 and 18 b) Statement of Expenditure and Narrative Report for Phase 17 of Kidapawan City, Cotabato c) Financial and Progress Report of Phase 12 and 13 of Makilala, Cotabato 1. Repair of Monitoring Station at monitoring station repaired PENRO Cot 1 Mandarangan entry point (no.)

2. Installation of Interpretative signs/ concrete signage installed (no.) PENRO Cot 5 signage (reflectorized)

IV. Partnership Building 1. Linkaging with the LGUs/Private MOA executed (no.) Regional Office sector 1

V. Project Monitoring and Project monitored (no.) Regional Office 1 Supervision Department: ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Bureau: PROTECTED AREAS AND WILDLIFE BUREAU Program Goal / Objective : CONSERVATION OF THREATENED SPECIES



Drafted the proposed MOU between PAWB-DENR and Wild Bird Club of the Philippines. The latter signified its intent to assist PAWB in the video and photo-documentation of Philippine endemic wildlife in their natural habitat with the Philippine Eagle as the flagship species. I. Wild Population Management 1. Mobilization of 11 Regional Eagle Watch Teams 2013 Annual REWT Meeting which was held in Baguio City on December 3 to 5, 2013. (DENR Regions 1, 2, 3,4-A, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, CARAGA and number of reports evaluated 85 CAR)

1.1 Conduct of Philippine Eagle habitat survey number of PE sighting/distribution 51 39 map updated 1.2. Coordination and provision of support for the following activities: a. Establishment of Philippine Eagle critical habitat number of critical habitat 2 4 Proposals for Critical Habitat: 1) Tarragona 2) Mt. Sinaha, Arahan, Cotabato 3) Calamasan, Apayao 4) Tinuy-an, Bislig City management plans drafted (no.)

b Habitat restoration number of reports evaluated 4

Reg 13 - 3,010 wildlings delivered. Transported to So. Mahoy, San Roque, Bislig City (endemic 1.3 Community assistance/livelihood program no. of household beneficiaries 100 tree sp. For habitat restoration) conducted per region 2,500 planted for Oct 10 to 12 2013 in over 5 hectares (20% or 500 pcs for no. of monitoring conducted 2 mortality) no. of reports submitted 2 So. Mantuyon - 111 benificiaries and 1,000 vegetable seeds in packs procured while CENRO Naipit planted 3,600 seedlings of Narra and Mahogany at Naipit, AdN Reg 12 - So. Kangko, Brgy. Lamlahak, , So. Cotabato; vegetable seeds were distributed 1,580 assorted tree sp. (e.g. lauan, nato were planted)

1.4 Conduct of REWT Assessment and Planning Workshops for CY 2013 1 1 1st Regional Consultation Workshop for the updating of the 2008 Philippine Eagle Integrated Plan for Luzon and Visayas clusters, in collaboration with Haribon Foundation. The workshop was held on November 5 to 7, 2013 at the Summer Place Hotel in Baguio City. Department: ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Bureau: PROTECTED AREAS AND WILDLIFE BUREAU Program Goal / Objective : CONSERVATION OF THREATENED SPECIES


1.6 Training on Raptor Handling and number of training conducted 1 1 Conducted the Raptor and Research Handling and Management Training on April 10-12, 2013 at TREES, UPLB, Los Banos Management Techniques

II. Law Enforcement 2.1 Criminal cases filed against Phil. Eagle as the need arises (PE) killers 2.2 Raptor surveillance/ retrievals as the need arises moving target rehabilitation/releases/rescues/ turn-overs/maintained

III. Information and Education Campaigns Conducted an interactive IEC on Philippine Eagle at Brgy. Punta, Jalajala, Province upon invitation of REWT4-A on October 2013 at Gen. Nakar, Quezon; and during the "Maligaya Festival" last July 2013 3.1 Development and Production of IEC number of IEC materials Materials for the Philippine Eagle Week developed, produced and Celebration distributed - tarpauilin 34 6 - 3 for Pahayan ng Bayan (MMDA), 1 for Central Office, 2 for the gates of PAWB/BMB - t-shirt 200 - PE flyers/brochures 1000 2000 - Fishermen's cap 100 - Motorcade 1 1500 - Philippine Eagle Coloring Books

3.2 Lectures/informal presentations thru DT No. of lectures conducted 3 No. of reports submitted

IV. Networking and Coordination Reviewed the supplemental MOA by and among UP-IB, Philippine Eagle Foundation and PAWB- DENR re: Request for the 2nd tranche of the funds allocated for the Reintroduction Program of 4.1 Linkages/Networkings with private number of reports 4 Pes in Leyte. companies/sectors and existing partners, evaluated academe through MOAs on PE conservation



I. MARINE TURTLE CONSERVATION A. Marine Turtle Monitoring 2 - No. of olive ridley turtle nesters were tagged in Brgy. Nagbalayong, Morong, Bataan. One of the 1. Monitoring of marine turtle catch/ number of turtles tagged & released 345 246 turtles was tagged on November 11 while the other on November 14, 2013. by-catch number of turtles rescued as needed

number of turtles recaptured 183 294 294 - Heads of frozen hawksbill turtle were found inside a Malaysian fishing vessel LNF610 which was apprehended by the PNP-Maritime Group Special Boat Unit (SBU) Gunboat 002 on October 18, 2013 (local and foreign) at 14 NM from the shoreline of Brgy. Mangsee, Balabac, Palawan.

B. Monitoring and protection of number of nesting sites protected 16 nesting sites number of complete nests monitored 10,340

C. Establishment/Monitoring of number of hatcheries monitored 10 10 marine turtle hatcheries number of hatcheries established 4 number of nests protected 48 133 25 25 - No. of nestings of olive ridleys in Brgy. Nagbalayong, Morong, Bataan from November 4 to 15, 2013. The nests contained a total of 2,399 eggs for the said period. 89 Based on the hatcheries in the municipalities of Lian and San Juan, Batangas. 89 – A total of 89 nests containing 7,786 eggs were recorded in LIan Batangas from January 2010 to 2013. These were then transplanted into the hatchery at Brgy. San Diego.

69 69 - A total of 69 nests containing 7,104 eggs were recorded in San Juan, Batangas from 2011 to 2012. These were laid at Brgy. Pinagbayanan.

number of hatchlings released 3290 8,885 6,935 6,935 - No. of olive ridley hatchlings that emerged from the hatchery at Brgy. San Diego Batangas 2,537 2,537 - No. of hatchlings that emerged from the hathcery at Brgy. Pinagbayanan Batangas. The hatchlings were then released to sea. CY 2013 PROGRAM/PROJECT/ACTIVITY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS REMARKS TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT

II. DUGONG CONSERVATION A. Monitoring of dugong catch/by-catch number of dugongs rescued and as needed

III. IEC A. Development/Distribution of number of posters produced 3000 Information Materials number of primers produced 5000 number of IEC materials distributed as requested

B. Orientation Workshop on Marine number of trainings conducted 5 Conducted orientation-seminar on marine turtle conservation for: Turtle Conservation number of trained local conservation 180 1. 24 Staff of Anvaya Cove and Resort at Brgy. Sabang, morong, Bataan partner 2. 18 members of PAWICARE, an NGO based in Brgy. La Paz, San Narciso, Zambales 3. 47 personnel from DENR Region 5 and its field offices which was conducted at the Multipurpose Hall of DENR Region 5 in Rawis, Legazpi City. Conducted IEC through lectures on marine turtle conservation in schools in Caramoran, Catanduanes: Dariao National High School, Caramoran Elementary School, Sangguniang Bayan ng Caramoran IV. Others A. Linkaging/Networking with other number of MOAs approved as requested Agencies/Institutions/Organizations in Marine Turtle and Drafted the tripartite MOA by and among the DENR-PAWB, Palawan Council for Sustainable Dugong Conservation Development Staff (PCSDS) and Marine Research Foundation (MRF) on aerial survey of leatherback turtles in the West Philippine Sea and Sulu Sea. The MOA was signed by all parties on October 29, 2013.

Facilitated the approval of clearance from the Ocean Concerns Office of the Department of Foreign Affairs (OCO-DFA) for the conduct of aerial survey of leatherback turtles in the West Philippine Sea and Sulu Sea as requested by Dr. Nicolas J. Pilcher of MRF

Facilitated the downloading of funds to DENR Regions 1, 2, 4A, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, and 13 for marine turtle conservation activities. B. Evaluation of reports submitted number of reports evaluated and 56 by DENR Regional/Field Offices acknowledged

C. JMC-TIHPA Meeting number of proceedings prepared 1

V. Support to the Operation and reports evaluated 12 Establishment of Marine Turtle Hatcheries and Dugong Conservation Activities in Palawan (Region 4-B) CY 2013 PROGRAM/PROJECT/ACTIVITY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS REMARKS TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT

VI. Support to the Operation and Establishment of Marine Turtle Hatchery in Region X reports evaluated 12

Conducted orientation training on amrine turtle conservation for the LGU of Lemery, Batangas on VII. Support to the Operation and Establishmentof November 20 to 22, 2013. Marine Turtle Hatchery in Quezon (Reg 4-A) reports evaluated 12 The outputs of the training included the Marine Turtle Conservation Action Plan (MTCAP) for LGU- Lemery which was formulated by the participants and the map of nesting sites in Lemery.

VIII. Support to the Operation and Establishment of Marine Turtle Hatchery in Region 5 reports evaluated 12

IX. Support to the Operation on Marine Turtle reports evaluated 12 and Dugong Conservation in Region 6

X. Monitoring and Evaluation of Marine Turtle joint analysis of data with partners 1 Conservation Activities conducted planning and evaluation workshop 1 conducted M&E conducted 1 Department: ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Bureau: PROTECTED AREAS AND WILDLIFE BUREAU Division/Unit/Project: 3.c.7 SUPPORT TO THE CONSERVATION OF THE TAMARAW

CY 2013 PROGRAM/ACTIVITY/PROJECT PERFORMANCE INDICATOR REMARKS TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT SUPPORT TO THE CONSERVATION OF THE TAMARAW I. Wild Population and Habitat Protection Funds were allocated to LGU projects that are being 1.1 Support to the updating/enhancement of Experts' meetings/workshops 3 supported by the Bureau the Tamaraw Conservation and (proceedings) Management Plan (TCMP) Stakeholders' consultation workshop 1 (proceedings) Finalization workshop 1 Draft of the updated TCMP 1

1.2 Assistance/participation in the conduct New information on Tamaraw 1 of Island survey of Tamaraw population disribution (technical report)

1.3 Assistance/participation in the monitoring New information on Tamaraw of Tamaraw population in Mts. Iglit-Baco population in MIBNP (technical report) 1 National Park through the 2013 Annual Tamaraw Population Count

1.4 Support to the implementation of the meetings organized/conducted 3 MOA among PAWB-DENR 4B-WWF-FEU Research agenda for Tamaraw developed 1 II. Captive Population Management at the Gene Pool Farm 2.1 Setting the new direction for the Consultation meeting with the 2 Gene Pool Facility stakeholders conducted III. Strengthening Alliance for community- based conservation and IEC 3.1 Develop community-based conservation Participatory rural appraisals strategies Community validated PRA results 2 (consultation proceedings) CY 2013 PROGRAM/ACTIVITY/PROJECT PERFORMANCE INDICATOR REMARKS TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT Community-based strategic conservation plan developed 1

3.2 Support to the activities during the national activities developed Tamaraw Month Celebration and implemented 1 Provided assistance in the conduct of the Tamaraw Forum which was held in October 2013 at FEU, NIA Auditorium

Conducted the Biodiversity Quiz & Poster Making Contest at , Oriental in October 16 to 17 IV. Monitoring and Evaluation of the M & E report 1 implementation of the Tamaraw Conservation Program in Mindoro Agency/Bureau/Office: PROTECTED AREAS AND WILDLIFE BUREAU Program/Project/Activity: 3.c.8 Operation and Maintenance of Wildlife and Rescue Center PERFORMANCE CY 2013 PROGRAM/ACTIVITY/PROJECT REMARKS INDICATORS TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT I. Crocodile Farming & Conservation 1.1 Ex Situ Programs / Activities 1.1.1 Captive breeding, care and no. of porosus 550 354 maintenance of crocodiles maintained

no. of porosus 100 produced

C. mindorensis 660 725 maintained

C. mindorensis 100 produced

1.1.2 Monitoring of commercial farms No. of Farms monitored 10 5 and crocodiles loaned/released Monitoring reports submitted

1.1.3. Farming area maintenance No. of area maintained 4 (has.) 1.1.4 Implementation of animal health No. of program 1 program implemented

1.1.5 Treatment of sick & injured animals No. of animals treated moving 13 1 - Saltwater crocodile “Panlilio” 5 - Mynah 5 - Blue-napped parrot

1.1.6 Establishment of PWRCC Wildlife Facility improved 1 clinic Clinic

1.2 In Situ Programs / Activities

1.2.1. Conduct of crocodile population assessment 3 2 Done released 34 fresh water crocodiles assessment (Siargao Island, Agusan reports submitted Marsh, Palawan ) PERFORMANCE CY 2013 PROGRAM/ACTIVITY/PROJECT REMARKS INDICATORS TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT 1.2.2 Development of on-site management site-based 2 1 Copy of management plan now in PAWB for Siargao plan for the crocodiles ( SIPLAS management plans and Agusan Marsh) drafted

1.2.3 Assist in the monitoring of "Lolong" & montoring reports 2 compliance of LGU-Bunwan with agreed submitted action steps and management measures for said captive crocodile

1.2.4 Updating of the National Recovery Plan Reports submitted moving for the Philippine crocodile

1.2.5 Address human-crocodile conflict Reports submitted moving 1 Validated received reports in Balabac, Palawan

II. Rescue & Rehabilitation of Donated/ turnedover Wild Fauna Species

2.1 Captive mgt. of other wildlife species animals maintained 350 a. Mammals 31 Depends on Confiscated wildlife every now and then b. Avians 258 c. Reptiles 193

2.2. Wildlife rehabilitation & release no. animals released moving 24 a. Mammals Palawan Bearcat Monkey Palm Civet Palawan Porcupine Wild pig b. Avians Palawan Talking Mynah Blue-napped Parrot Red-vented Cockatoo Palawan Hornbill Red Jungle Fowl Palawan Peacock Pheasant White-Bellied Sea Eagle Serpent Eagle PERFORMANCE CY 2013 PROGRAM/ACTIVITY/PROJECT REMARKS INDICATORS TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT Goshawk Selo-puto Grey Imperial Pigeon Oriole c. Reptiles Malyan Box Turtle Red-eared turtle Serrate-shelled turtle Philippine Forest Turtle Soft shelled turtle Monitor Lizards Reticulated Python

IV. IEC AND CAPACITY BUILDING 4.1 Crocodile Conservation Week Celebration No. of activities conducted 2

4.2 Production of IEC materials No. of copies produced 1000

4.3 Production of signages no. of signages produced 10

4.4 Attendance to seminars, workshops Report submitted moving conferences and other similar events

V. PROJECT ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION 5.1 Repair and renovation of foot bridges no. of units repaired 8

5.2 Repair and maintenance of vehicles no. of vehicle restored 1 1 to running condition

no. of vehicle maintained 1 1

no. of vehicle registered 1 and insured

5.3 Repair of exhibit room no. of rooms repaired 2 PERFORMANCE CY 2013 PROGRAM/ACTIVITY/PROJECT REMARKS INDICATORS TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT 5.4 Electrical Service (PALECO)

5.5 Water Supply (Water District)

5.6 Project monitoring and reporting Project status reports 4 3 5.7. Gender and Development submitted 1 1 MANCON Report Attended Department: ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Agency/Bureau/Office: PROTECTED AREAS AND WILDLIFE BUREAU Program/Project/Activity: Coastal and Marine Management Office CY 2013 PROGRAM/ACTIVITY/PROJECT PERFORMANCE INDICATORS REMARKS TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT A. POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND INSTITUTIONAL STRENGTHENING A.1 Orientation on EO 533 and ICM Program Implementation DENR Memorandum Circular on the National ICM Program (NICMP) was endorsed to OSEC A.1.1 Facilitate issuance of JAO (DENR-DA-DILG) JAO issued A.1.2 Conduct of inter-agency orientation workshops/seminars on NICMP for LGUs orientation seminar conducted 1 Drafted Guidelines on Establishing LGU-managed MPAs/Strenghthening of LGU-managed MPAs A.1.3 Creation of an inter-agency TWG (to facilitate legislation of the ICM Bill ) meetings conducted (no.) 8

A.2 Guidelines for Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Conservation A.2.1 Conduct of inter-agency consultation on CRRC Guidelines meetings conducted (no.) 2 A.2.2 Creation of an inter-agency TWG/conduct of consultative meetings with MSN, CI, Reefbase, DOST, academe and other concerned agencies meetings conducted (no.) A.2.3 Assessment of DOST/UP-MSI/DENR pilot sites pilot sites assessed A.2.4 Formulation of Guidelines for Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Conservation guidelines drafted 1 DAO No. 2013-12 re Guidelines for the adoption of the Sustainable Coral Reef Ecosystem Management Program (SCREMP) was approved on February 25 2013 A.2.5 Orientation on the CRRC Guidelines and Methodology for DENR and BFAR orientation workshop conducted A.2.6 Reproduction and dissemination of the CRRC Manual e-copies distributed (no.) 100 Other accomplishments (as of mid 2013): 501 (no. of ha) Habitat and Vulnerability Assessment 2 (no. of ha) Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Protection 4 PO mobilized for Social Mobilization and Development 1 Developed enterprise for Sustainable Livelihood Intervention

A.3 Guidelines for Mangrove Rehabilitation Guidelines on Mangrove Reversion (JAO) is being revised based on the PTWG comments Guidelines on Mangrove Rehabilitation was drafted A.3.1 Faciitate issuance of DAO for the adoption of Mangrove Rehabilitation Guidelines meetings conducted (no.) 5 1 Conducted the Passage Partners Meeting on 8 January 2013 A.3.2 Reproduction and dissemination of Mangrove Rehabilitation Guidelines copies reproduced/distributed 100 (no.) A.3.3 Conduct orientation seminars/workshops for LGUs and concerned NGAs seminars/workshops conducted 3 (no.)

A.4 Finalization of Mangrove Reversion Policy Guidelines consultations/workshop A.4.1 Facilitate reversion of abandoned, unutilized and unproductive FLAs to mangrove forest with convergence conducted (no.) 2 strategy among DENR, DA-BFAR and DILG JAO issued A.4.2 Coordinate with concerned agencies on the status of mangrove areas (natural stand, reforestation areas, rehabilitation, etc.) meetings conducted (no.) A.4.3 Technical assistance on the conduct of inventory of mangrove areas LGUs assisted (no.) PERFORMANCE CY 2013 PROGRAM/ACTIVITY/PROJECT REMARKS INDICATOR TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT

A.4.4 Reproduction and dissemination of IEC materials (flyers) flyers produced/disseminated 100 (no.)

A.5 Formulation of National MPA Planning Guidelines (for locally-managed MPAs) Drafted the implementing Guidelines on the Strengthening of MPAs and MPA Networks A.5.1 Review and finalization of ICRMP Guide to the establishment of locally-managed MPAs and preparation of MPA management plan Conducted the 2nd Marine Protected Area Network Forum for the West Philippine Seascape in January 22 to 24 3 3 A.5.2 Conduct of DENR-DA/BFAR-DILG consultative meeting meetings conducted (no.) 2013 4th CTI MPA Regional Exchange: Development of Regional MPA Management Effectiveness Tool in Support to CTMPAS was held in March 11 to 15 2013 at Honoraria, Solomon Islands NCCC together with UP-MSI conducted the MPA Forum for Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao Cluster which was held in March 12 to 13, March 20-21, 2013. A.5.3 Facilitate issuance of DAO DAO issued A.5.4 Training workshop on MPA Planning and Management Guidelines for field implementers training conducted (no.) manual produced/distributed 100 A.5.5 Reproduction and dissemination of manual for MPA Management Plan preparation (no.) Co-orgnized and co-sponsored the Para El Mar Awards for Outstanding MPAs in August 15 2013 at Capacitated Pos; MPA Management Effectiveness Assessment Tool (MEAT) forms for Cantaan Giant Clam Sanctuary and Mantigue Island Nature Park was accomplished in October 2013 at Camiguin

B. INTEGRATED COASTAL MANAGEMENT (ICM) B.1 Strengthening DENR and BFAR technical staff on ICM Planning - Facilitate training of field implementers on ICM Plan preparation training conducted (no.) 2

B.2 ICM Planning for Coastal Municipalities -Capacity building for LGUs on ICM Planning 79 ICM Plans were adopted/implemented by LGUs (ICRMP) B.2.1 Facilitate Nationwide IEC/orientation on ICM workshop/seminar conducted 1 (no.) B.2.2 Coordinate with DILG/LMP on NICM presentation thru the conduct of national conference, symposium or forum conference/forum coordinated

B.3 Provision of Technical Assistance in the Conduct of Resource Assessment B.3.1 Conduct of resource assessment LGUs assisted (no.) Target is based on target set by the - orientation workshop on PCRA/refresher course for CMMDs and BFAR field visits conducted (no.) regions, CMMO only provides TA as the B.3.2 Development of ICM Plans need arise 11 LGU assisted (as of mid 2013) B.3.3 State of the Coast Reporting - development of SOC guidelines Target is based on target set by the - uploading of coastal information to the database regions, CMMO only provides TA as the need arise

B.4 Provision of Technical Assistance in the establishment of MPAs B.4.1 Orientation on scientific methodologies of assessment LGUs assisted (no.) Target is based on target set by the - workshop on scientific assessment/methodologies workshop conducted (no.) regions, CMMO only provides TA as the B.4.2 MPA management plan preparation and resource assessment need arise workshop on MPA Management Plan development workshop conducted (no.) B.4.3 Monitoring of MPA management plan implementation field visits conducted (no.) PERFORMANCE CY 2013 PROGRAM/ACTIVITY/PROJECT REMARKS INDICATOR TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT

B.5 Provision of TA on MPA network establishment B.5.1 Orientation on the implementation of the National MPA Framework Plan (adoption of National MPA LGUs assisted (no.) Target is based on target set by the Framework Plan developed by ICRMP) regions, CMMO only provides TA as the B.5.2 Editing and reproduction of MPA establishment and management manual writeshop conducted (no.) need arise manual produced/copies distributed (no.)

B.6 Strengthening of Coastal Law Enforcement Alliances with Regions (CLEAR)

B.6.1 Inter-agency consultation on the proposed manual on Coastal Law Enforcement meetings conducted (no.) 6 B.6.2 Facilitate conduct of paralegal trainings for DENR field officers (TOT on filing of cases, threat management, court procedures, etc.) Regions assisted (no.) 16 B.6.3 Monitoring of reports on coastal law enforcement activities progress reports monitored and 4 evaluated (no.) Other accomplishments (as of mid 2013): 11 LGU assisted: Development of ICM Plan 5 LGU assisted; Adoption of ICM Plan 2 Organized Coastal Law Enforcement Alliance with partners (NGAs, NGOs, LGUs) C. CORAL REEF REHABILITATION AND CONSERVATION PROGRAM No. of monitoring reports C.2 Monitoring of Coral Rehabilitation Project Sites submitted 12

D. CAPITAL OUTLAY D.1 Procurement of Diving Equipment 1. Diving gears/equipment diving gears/equipment procured (no.) 2. Air Compressor air compressors procured (no.) 3. Underwater Camera with accessories underwater camera procured 1 (no.) 4. Digital SLR Camera with accessories digital SLR camera procured 1 (no.) D.2 Procurement/Installation of software and IT equipment/server software/hardware installed 1 D.3 Establishment of Central Database Station/Diving Equipment Depot Database Station/depot 1 established

E. INFORMATION and DATABASE MANAGEMENT To be facilitated through the PEMSEA and E.1 Training and workshop on Integrated Information Management system (IIMS) trainings conducted (no.) Collection of IIMS Data from April - December by LGUS, regional Implementers ACCCOAST Project 1 Conducted the IIMS Module 1 Training to Regional implementers 1 Database Integration of Regional IIMS Databases (ICRMP) Procurement of Database Server and ArcGIS Desktop for CMMO Data build-up Stage for GIS Data to be linked wih the IIMS Tables Download of Manifold GIS to ICRMP LGUs Development of Coastal Resource Use Mapping Manual Mapped out the NIPAS sites and other target areas of SCREMP Provision of Technical Assistance in the establishment of IIMS to regional, provincial and LGU implementers through conduct of IIMS Oriebtation and consultation

Other accomplishment/s (as of mid 2013): No. of database maintained; Development and Maintenance of Coastal and Marine Database/IIMS 35 database No. of plans developed; Development and implementation of Coastal Hazard Management with 2 emphasis on adaptation measures to climate change PERFORMANCE CY 2013 PROGRAM/ACTIVITY/PROJECT REMARKS INDICATOR TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT

E.2 Training on underwater resource assessment trainings conducted (no.) 3 Trainings on coastal and marine habitat/vulnerability assessment were conducted, such as the ff: 1) Coral Reef Assessment Training/Biophysical Assessment of Snake Island, Honda Bay, 2)Palawan ARRAS Training and SCREMP Implementation Workshop, Palaui, Cagayan To be conducted in collaboration with CTI 3) Reef Check Training (Part 1) on June 13 to 15 2013 at UP-MSI MPA Management Program Training on Coral Reef and Restoration for CMMO Staff that was sponsored by UP-MSI was held at 1 Bolinao, Pangasinan in May 2013 E.3 Training on SCUBA diving trainings conducted (no.) SCUBA Diving Trainings were conducted for CMMO Staff from April to May 2013

To be facilitated through the PEMSEA and 14 Participants from LGU Caraga, Manay, Mati, Tarragona; RIC; DENR PAWB; CMMO; DENR- E.4 Training in GIS and related computer applications trainings conducted (no.) ACCCOAST Project FASPO; and DENR-MISD were trained on Integrated Information Management Systems and other related applications on September 9 to 13 2013 at Pinnacle Hotel and Suites, Davao City 18 participants from LGU San Pascual, Palanas, Cataingan, Claveria, San Jacinto, Dimasalang, Milagros, Uson, Placer, Mobo; DENR PENRO; and CMMO were trained on Integrated Information Management Systems and other related applications onAugust 27 to 30 2013 at Regent Hotel, Naga, Camarines Sur 1 Conducted the Trainers' Training in Manifold GIS Procurement of Database Server and ArcGIS Desktop for CMMO Data Build-up Stage for GIS Data to be linked with the IIMS Tables Download of Manifols GIS to ICRMP LGUs Development of Coastal Resource Use Mapping Manual (for revision)

F. IEC and ADVOCACY F.1 Coordinate/Support the conduct/hosting of special events such as Earth Day, Month of the Ocean, events coordinated 3 60 Coastal Cleanup and other related events PAWB-CMMO hosted the month-log celebration of the Month of the Ocean with the theme, "Ang Bahura ay 8 Kagubatan sa Karagatan, Ating Pangalagaan". Some of the activities that were conducted are: a) Coral Habitat Assessment b) Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Photo Competition (Year 2) c) ICRMP Ecotourism Areas Exhibit d) Mural Wall Retouch e) Bike Tour Implementation Workshop on SCREMP: Automated Rapid Reef Assessment System (ARRAS) and f) Ecotourism Projects for NIPAS MPAs g) Sisid para sa Kalikasan 2013 - "Linis Bahura" Sulu Sulawesi Marine Ecoregion (SSME) Sub-Committee on MPAs Meeting and Launching of the State h) of the Coral Triangle Report 1 Hosted the International Cleanup Day on September 21 2013

F.2.1 Publication of NICM Program (national and local newspapers) NICM plan published (no.) F.2.2 Production and distribution of NICMP IEC materials IEC materials produced 212 CTI Brochures and other information materials were reproduced such as the ff: bags and bag ties t-shirts

G. PROGRAM COORDINATION, MONITORING AND EVALUATION Progress reports monitored and G.1 Coordinate with FASPO on the implementation and monitoring of FAPs such as ICRMP, CCRMP, evaluated 12 PEMSEA, MBCO and other coastal and marine-related projects meetings/workshops conducted (no.) workshop/conference conducted 2 G.2. Sectoral Conferences (Mid-Year and Year-end Assesment and Planning) (no.) PERFORMANCE CY 2013 PROGRAM/ACTIVITY/PROJECT REMARKS INDICATOR TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT

G.5 Participate in inter-office, inter-agency meetings, public hearings, including regional and meetings/conferences international meetings / conferences as part of international commitments and responsibilities participated/coordinated (no.) No. of meetings/consultations/ G.6 Coordinate the implementation of EO 578 (Management of the Verde Island Marine Corridor) 2 workshops undertaken OperationsNo. of sites Plan/researchmonitored 5 G.7 Coordinate the implementation of the DENR National Coastal and Marine Center for Research agenda 1 Conducted a Coral Habitat Assessment in Snake Island, Palawan for appropriate management and research (Snake Island) formulated intervention

H. CORAL TRIANGLE INITIATIVE-NATIONAL PLAN OF ACTION NCCC, TWG & Secretariat Some of the meetings that were conducted include: 12 7 H.1 NCCC, TWG & Secretariat Meetings Meetings conducted NCCC hosted the seminar on Scaling-Up Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) by Dr. Bob Pressy on January 18 2013 at UP-MSI NCCC with support from the USAID and NOAA hosted the Workshop on IUU Fishing in support of the CTI EAFM goal of enhancing fisheries enforcement capacity in the coral triangle region, on January 21 to 24 2013 at Cebu City NCCC with support from the Coral Triangle Support Partnership (CTSP) through Conservation International-Philippines (CI-P) conducted the MPA Forum for the WPS Seascape on January 22 to 24 2013 at Pontefino Hotel, Batangas NCCC participated in the CMMS Strategic Planning Workshop iwhich was held on February 13 to 14 2013 at Baguio City NCCC held a meeting for an identified Knowledge Management Tool which is the Project Mapping Tool on February 22 2013 at the GIZ Conference Room NCCC Secretariat Meeting was held on February 27 2013 at the CMMO Conference Room The TWG conducted a meeting at the CMMO Conference Room on January 16 2013 re the Terms of Reference (ToR) and the membership of the Working Group. H.2 Briefing/orientation on CTI NPOA meeting conducted 4 Regional Meetings/workshops 4 H.3 Attendance to Regional Meetings/Workshops attended The CTI-CFF Roadshow (Visayas, Mindanao Cluster) was held in March 19 and 21 2013 at Cebu and Davao 1 1 H.4 Conferences and Conventions event conducted City respectively H.5 MPA Scientific Resource Assessment Training trainings conducted 2

I. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES services contracted (no.) 7 Department: ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Agency/Bureau/Office: PROTECTED AREAS AND WILDLIFE BUREAU Division: ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCE PERFORMANCE CY 2013 PROGRAM/ACTIVITY/PROJECT REMARKS (% of Accomplishment) INDICATORS TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT A. Preparation of BP forms for FY 2014 budget proposals in coordination with Budget proposal submitted (set) 1 1 100% planning and other units of the Bureau

B. Preparation of BED forms for FY 2014 WFP BED forms accomplished and submitted 1 1 100% C. Processing of claims of obligations No. of claims obligated 1637 2486 152% D. Processing of claims for payments No. of claims processed and paid 2791 4257 153% E. Issuance of checks No. of checks issued 6000 5075 85% F. Issuance of official receipt No. of ORs issued 1000 1021 102% G. Preparation of SAA No. of SAA approved and issued 35 50 143% H. Preparation of NTA No. of NTA approved and issued 100 140 140% I. Preparation of special budget of request No. of SBR endorsed 15 15 100% J. Preparation of financial statements/ reports 1. Monthly No. of Monthly reports submitted (set) 12 11 92% 2. Quarterly No. of Quarterly reports submitted (set) 4 3 75% 3. Annually No. of annual reports submitted (set) 1 1 100 K. Administrative reports a. Monthly No. of monthly reports submitted 2. Report of supplies and materials issued 12 11 92% 3. Agency remittance and advice 12 11 92% 4. Manpower report 12 11 92% 5. Separation/accession report 12 11 92%

6. Report on appoinment issued 12 11 92% b. Quarterly No. of quarterly reports submitted 1. Mamamayan muna report 4 3 75% c. Annually No. of annual reports submitted 1. Annual procurement plan 1 1 100% 2. PSIPOP 1 1 100% PERFORMANCE CY 2013 PROGRAM/ACTIVITY/PROJECT REMARKS (% of Accomplishment) INDICATOR TARGET ACCOMPLISHMENT

L. Inventory No. of inventory report submitted 6 6 100% M. Insurance No. of insured properties 12 12 100% N. Personnel development and management 1. Compilation of SALN No. of SALN submitted 104 104 100% 2. Trainings/seminars/workshops conducted No. of trainings/workshops/seminars conducted 4 2 50% O. Records management 1. Numbering of CITES/gratuituous permits No. of permits numbered 1000 1123 112% P. Implementation of infrastructure projects No. of infrastructure projects completed 2 on-going