Cleaning the Church Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church

How pleasant it is to come into the church and find enter the at any time. it clean and in good order. It shows that we, as a Supplies: Everything you need should be available congregation, care about how we approach God, in the janitors closet accessible through the beige that we love one another and that we have respect curtain to the south of the . Both men for our visitors. We must rely on one another to and women may enter this area. If we are out of fulfill God’s work in our parish. When we take the supplies, please check with Rdr. Bede or Keith time to do work for the church - be it cleaning or Hoirup. gardening, teaching or singing, we are are truly participating in the “physical side of being Dust for Cobwebs: There is an extendible cobweb spiritual.” The reward that we receive for this is not duster in the janitors closet. Use it along corners of just a “thank you” from the , who is ever the walls and ceilings, over the iconostasis, the chandelier, banner tops, recessed lights, etc. grateful for the work you do, but rather the “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been Clean Window & Kneewall Sills: Dust them with faithful over a little, I will set you over much; enter a paper towel. into the joy of your Master.” (Mat 25:23) that we Remove Candles: Hopefully, the Handmaidens hope to hear in the life to come. will have taken care of this. There is a small box in Church Cleaning Rotation: Church cleaners are the janitors closet for candle stubs. If a candle part of a rotation. They are assigned their rotation looks like it will last for another service, leave it. on a schedule that lasts for about three months. In Sometimes sand needs to be “strained” and order to get onto the rotation, place your name on replaced, you will find a bucket with sand, a the posted sign up sheet in the Parish House. You strainer and a spoon in the janitors closet. may have to wait until the next rotation schedule is Hard Floors: There is a wax scraping tool for the published. floors behind the janitors closet curtain, just to the Coming to Terms: Learning the various names of left. Sweep the hard surfaces of the solea and nave Orthodox furnishings is helpful. Here is a list of into a dustpan. Be careful to sweep under benches terms for you: and around the central analogion and candle stand.

Altar : The entire area behind the iconostasis, Empty the dustpan outside, in the planter beds along the church wall. including the Holy Table, the High Place and the Table of Oblation. Vacuum Carpets: Vacuum the six oriental rugs, Ambo: The half circle projecting from the center and the indoor entrance mat, the outdoor mat may of the solea, in front of the Royal Doors of the be swept. The vacuum has no bag, and must be iconostasis. emptied on the burn pile next to the tractor shed.

Analogion: A desk upon which is placed and Clean Icons: Use a small amount of glass cleaner at times the Holy . and paper towels for glass covered icons. Iconostasis: The screen separating the Altar from the rest of the church, it is pierced by three Empty Trash Containers: Empty the small doors: The Royal Doors in the center and the containers in the nave in the large trash bin in the North and South ’s doors on the either janitors closet, if that is full, please put the bag in the dumpster and replace the bag. side. Nave: The main body of the church, where the General Appearance: Pickup and stack bulletins people stand. and other papers on the ledge near the door, they Sacristy : The small rooms on the north and south will be recycled. Straighten benches and chairs, side of the church. tissue boxes go directly under windows. Place Solea: The raised area in front of the iconostasis. children's books and liturgy books in the back of

Responsibilities: Cleaning the Altar is the the church. Place all left behind clothing, etc. in the responsibility of the clergy. Church cleaners are lost & found in the St. Joseph Hall. responsible for the rest of the church. Please do not