1Nere reconsidered, ·whereupon, on If!Otionof Mr. Fiddeman, 'The bill under consideration was Lnid on the table. On motion of. Mr. Denney, the Senate bill entitled; "An act faJauthorize the Levy Court and Court of Appeal in Kent •county to change the draw-bridge over· Little_ Duck Creek, called Martin's Bridge, into ·a permanent bridge,"

Was ,1·eada second time by 1its title. Mr. Davis, from the Conu~ittee on Corporations, reported back, ,vithout recommendation, the House bill entitled, "An act to incorporate the Front and Union Street Railway Com- ,pany," . And moved that the same be taken up for consideration, Which motion Prevniled. · 1'Ir. Davis sent to the Clerk's desk and had read, a letter from D. Lemon, of Wilmington, remonstrating against the passage of the bill ,,lrnder consideration, unless stringent regulations were imposed on the ,Company, in regard to the conclition, of the streets to be used and oc­ 'Cupied by said Compan,Y. The bill under consideration was read for the information of the ,-Senate, And, on motion of Mr. Hay, Was Lnid on the fable. ~Ir. Day, Clerk of the House, being admitted, informed the Senate that the House had passed and requested the concurrence .of the Sen­ .ate in the following bills and joint resolution, viz.: " An act to incorporate the Immaculate Conception Beneficial So­ ·ciety, of ..Wilmington, :" "An act to amend Chapter 55, of the Revised Code;'' "An act to render parties to the record, or interested in suits, com­ :petent to testify in civil actions ;" · ': ,Joint Resolution inviting Mr. Crosar A. Rodney to read an His­ ~toncal Paper before the General Assembly;" And presented the same to the Senate. 278

He also presented for the signature of the Speaker of the Senate,, they having been signed by the Speaker of the House, the following: duly and correctly enrolled House bills, viz. : "An act to incorporate the St. John's Reformed Church, of Wyo-· ming, Kent county, Delaware;" "An act to incorporate the Odessa Hall Company." On motion of l\Ir. Sharpley, the House bill entitled, "An act to incorporate the Immaculate Conception Beneficial So-· ciety, of Wilmington, Delaware," Was read. (;n motion of l\Ir. Denney, the House bill entitled, "An act to amend Chapter 55, of the Revised Code," vVasreacl. On motion of Mr. Ray, the House bill entitled, "An act to render parties to the record, or interested in suits, com­ petent to testify in civil actions," vVas read. Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Corporations, to which was· re­ ferred the petition of Cyrus Ward, James Lecate~ and one hundred and fifty-five others, for a law incorporating a company to construct a, railroad from Delmar to :Millsborough, in Sussex county, reported a bill entitled, " An act to incorporate the Delmar and lvlillsborough Railroaci Company," Which, on motion of l\Ir. Davis, Was read. On nrntion of l\fr. Ray, The Senate adjourned until 3 o'clock this. afternoon .. 279

SAMEDAY___:3 o'clock, JJ. )I. 'rhe Senate met pursuant to adjournment. Roll c,illed. l\Iembers present: Messrs. Causey, Davis, Denn~y,, Fiddeman, Harrington,I-fopkins, Ray, Sharpley and Mr.Speakrr,

0 :M:r.Ray gave notice that he would, on to morrow or some future.. day, askJeave to introduce a bill entitled, "An act to incorporate the Masonic Hall Company, of Newport.,, Delaware." · On motion of l\Ir. Hopkins, the Senate 'bill entitled, "AU: act to amend an act entitled, 'An act to prevent swine from.. running at large in School District No. 7, Sussex county, Delaware," vVas taken up for consideration. And. further, on motion of l\Ir. Ray, The bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs,. in order to pass the Senate. Section 1 of the bill was read, And on the question, "Shall that be Section 1 of the bill 'I" i\Ir. Ray called for the yeas and nays, Which, being taken, were as follows : Yerts-None . .Niiys-Messrs. Davis, :B'idcleman,Harrington, Hopkins,Ray, Sharp- .. ley and l\Ir. Speaker-7. So the question was decided in the negative, And Section 1 was Lost, And the bill was Lost. On motion of l\Ir. Ray, the Senate bill entitled, "An act exempting residents of this State from taxation on foreign· investments," 280

··was read a s.econd time by its title, ..And on his further motion, ,, Was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. ·On motion of Mr. lfay, 'The Senate took a recess until four o'clock.

SAMEDAY-4: o'clock, P. l\L The Senate reconvened, after recess.- Mr. Fiddeman presented the claim of Samuel 0. Lctherbury against ·the State of Delaware, amounting to $29.96, which, after being read, --was, on his motion, referred to the Committee on Claims. Mr. Ray gave notice that h!c)would, on .to-morrow or some future ,day, ask leave to introduce a bill entitled, "A further additional supplement to the act entitled, 'An act ..for the benefit of Public Schools in Wilmington." · , Mr. Bird, a member of the House, being admitted, informed the · Senate that the House had passed and requested the concurrence of the Senate in the following biH, viz.: · "An act to divorce Augustus N. Southard and Ella D. Southard .from the bonds of matrimony," And presented the same to the Senate. He also. presented to the Senate the pctiliion of the said Augustus N. Southard for a divorce from his wife, and accompanying papers. On motion of Mr. Ray, the House bm entitled, "An act to divorce Augustus N. Southard .and Jma D; Southard, .from the bonds of matrim,ony," \'Yas read. 281 (On ;motion of Mr. Sharpley, The petition of Augustus N. Scnithard for .:a divorc.e from his wife,, .and the accompanying papers, Were read, And on his further motion., The petition and papers just .read were r1:eferred ·to ,a special com­ mittee of three. · Whereupon, ·l\fossrs. Sharpley, Denney and Hopkins were appointed ,said special committee. . . On motion of l\Ir; Denney, it was . Ordered that when the Senateadjouri1s it adjourns until 9 o'clock -to-morrow morning. On motion of Mr. Harrington, the Senate bill entitled, "An act to authorize the laying out of a public road in , Kent county, State of Delaware," ~Vas taken up for consideration,·· And further, on motion of Mr. Ficldeman, · The bill under consideration was read_a third time, ·by paragrilphs, in order to pass the Senate. . · . The que;tion "Shall this bill pass the Senate 1" Was decided in the affirmative, · And the bill Passed the Senate. -Orderedto the House for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Sharpley, 'The Senate adjourned until 9 o'clock to-morrow morning~

'22 282, ' I,

FRIDAY,Februai:y 16, 187,:_9 o'clock, A. nL • I The Senate met pursuant to adjom:nment. Prayer by the Chaplain. , Roll called. Members present: Messrs. Causey, Davis, Denney> Fiddeman, Harrington, Hopkins, Ray, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker. ,Journal read and approved. On motion of Mr. Sharpley, the House bill entitled,1 ,, An act to incorporate the Immaculate Conc~ption Beneficial So- ciety of Wilmington, Delaware," Was ~ead a second time by its title~ And on his further motion, Was referred to the Committee on C~rporations. On motion of Mr.. Hopkins, the Senate bill entitled, · "An act to incorporate the, Delmar and Millsborough Railroad Company," Was read a second time by 'its title.' On motion of Mr. Ray, the House bill entitled, " An act to render parties to the record,,pr interested in suits, com- petent to testify in civil actions," Was reau a second time by its title, Arid on his further motion, Was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Davis, it was Ordered that wheri the Senate adjourns it adjourns until Monday afternoon, at three·o'clock. Mr. Hopkins, from the Committee o_nEducation, to which was re- . £erred the petition of Samuel B. Ginn, for the repeal of, the law . · transferring his farm from School District No. 72 to School District ·. No. 81, New Castle county, reported a bill entitled, 283

"An act to repeal Section 2, Chapter 399, Volume 14, Laws of Delaware, relating to School Districts Nos. 72 and, 81, in New Castle county," Which on his motion, Was.;ead, And fui·ther, on ~otion of Mr. Ray, Was Laid on the tabl~. Mr. Ray, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, On motion of )fr .. Davis, Obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled; , "An act to incorporate the Masonic Hall Company, of Newpor-t, Delaware," Which, on motion of Mr. Ray, Was read. Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Corporations, reported back, with a favorable recommendation, the Sen.ate bill entitled, "A supplement to the act entitled, 'An act to incorporate the S1nyrna Building · and Loan Association of the Town of Smyr;na,' passed at Dover, March 12, 1867," And moved that the same be taken up for consideration; Which motion Prevailed. And on,his further inotio'n, The bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, . in order to pass the Senate. On the question, '\Shall this bill pass the. Senate 1" Tµe yeas and nays were orde~ed, Which, being taken, were as follows : Yeas-Messrs. Causey, Davis, Denn~y, Fiddeman, Harrington, Hopkins, Ray, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker--,-9. Nays-None. S~ the questi01\ was deci~ed _in the a~r~native; arid the bill, having received the Teqmred const1~ut10nalmaJonty, . · . Passed the Senate.. 284 ',

Order~dto tlie House fo~ c~ncurren~~- On motion of Mr. Ray, the SenateO:billentitled, ' -- . . c- " An act authorizing the ·appointment of an additional Notary Public," - _ Was.taken up 'for consideration, And on his further motion, ' ' The bill under consideration was Laid on the table. · Mr. Davis; from the (Jommlittee on Corporations, reported back, with a, favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled, . ' . ' "An act to i~corporate the Diamond·State Shoe and Leather Com.:.:. P.any," : · . And moved that the same be taken up for consideration, Which motion Prevailed./.· And ~n his further motion, . . · The bill under consi4eravion was read a third time, by paragraphs, in or

" An act transferring cerhtin real estate bel~rtging to Richbell Alla- . band from School District N ci. 21 to United School School District · Nos. 113 and 113~, in K_entcounty;" "An act authorizing tl1e Governor to appoint an additional Notary Pl\blic in ·Baltimore hundred, Sussex county;'' " An act in relation to 1;ates of toll in Kent county ; '' And presented the same to the Senate. Ile also informed the Senate that the House had concurred m the following Senate bills; viz.: · · - " An act for the relief of ,John T. JH. Cardeza, and other persons therein named;" "A1,1act to inccn·porate the Centreville Hall C~nipauy;" Anclreturned the same 'to the Senate. · On motion of .Mr. Harrington the Sen;te bill entitled, ·"An act to authorize the Levy Court and Court or' Appealin Kent­ county to change _the draw-bridge over Little Duck Cre'ek, called Martin's Bridge, into a permanent bridge," vVas taken up for consideration, · And further, on motion of l\Ir. Denney,

The bill.under consiclerution wus read n, third time, by parilgraphs, in order to pass the Senate'. The question, " Shall this bill pass the Se11ate 1n Was decided in the' affirmative, · And the bill Passed tlie Senate. Ordered to the House for concurrence. :i\Ir. Denney, from the Committee on Enrollment, reported as being duly and correctly enrolled, and ready to receive the signature of the SP{laker of the Senate, the following Sena_te bills, viz.: · " An. act to umend an a.?t entitled ' An act to incorporate the lvlil-. ton Academy, and for other pm·roses ;'" . • "A further supplement to ..the uct entitled 'An uct _to incorporate the Pokomoke River Improvement Company,' passed at Dover, rvJarch 22, 1867 _;'' . 286 ,.\, /

0 " An act to amend an act entitled' An act to incorporate the T,own of Milton.'" ' He also reported as being duly enrolled, signed by the Speaker of the House, -and ready to receive the signature of the -Speaker cif• the Senate, the following House bills, viz.: ' , ·' ''_An act to incorporate the Odessa Hall Company;" \ "An act to incorporate the St. John's Reformed Church, of Wyo- ming, Kent county, Belaw~re.'' - , , . , , , On mot,ion of Mr. I!'iddeman, the ~ouse bill entitled, _ " An act to incorporate the Boar,d of Education of the Dover Pub­ lic Schools," ·• Was read. Mr. Davis, from the Commit~ee on Agriculture, reported back:, with a favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled, -' , "An act p~ohibiting li~e stock from running ,at large in Schoo! Dis-' trict No. 86,in New Castle county, Delaware," And' moved that the same be .taken up for consideration, Which motion -_Pre'Qa:iled. And op, his further motion, , The bin under consideration was read'a third time, by paragr~phs, - ,in order to pass the Senate. · The question," Shall this bill pass the_Senat~ 1" Was decided in the affirmativ~, And the bill Passed the Senate. ' l • ' Ordered that the -H~use be informed thereof, and the bill retu.rneu to that body. Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Agriculture, reported back, with a favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled, - , "An a~t to prohibit live stock from runnii:ig ~t large in School Dis,-· · trict ,No, 62, New Castle county," . ' - - - - -_ - And moved that the same be takeri up for cons_ideration, Which motion Prevailed. 287

On motion of '.Vlr.Sharpley, The bill under consideration was Laid on the table. · On motion of Mr. Ray, the House bill entitled, . . . . "An act to divorce Augustus N. Southard and ~Jlla D. Southard from the bonds .of matrimony," ' · · Was rea_da second time by its title. And on his further motion, . )Vas referred to the special committee of three-Messrs. Sharpley, Denney and Hopkins-t() which was referred the petition, of Augustus N. Southard for ,a divorce from his. wifo, and the accompanying pa­ pers. On motion of Mr. Denney, the House bill entitled, "An act transferring certain real estate belonging .to Rich bell Alla­ band from School District No;, 21 to United School District Nos. 113 and 113~, in Kent c0unty," · vVas react. On motion of Ivlr. Causey, the House bill entitled, ~, An act authorizing the (lovernor to appoint an additionalN otJtry Public in Baltimore hundred, Sussex county," Was read. Mr. Ray, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, reported back, with a favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled, · · "A supplement to the act entitled 'An act to consolidate School .Districts Nos. 70, 102,,70~ and 102~, in Sussex county, and for other purposes,' " And moved that the same be taken up for consideration, Which motion Prevailed. · On motion of Mr. Causey, Thebill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. On the. q~estion, "Shall this bill pass the S~nate ?" The _yeas and nays were ordered, 28&-

Wlifoh, Beingta:iten, "'.ere as follows :· . Yeas-Messrs. Causey, l)avis, Denney, Fidd'eman, Harrington)H op:.. kins, Ray, Sh~rpley and l\fr.SJ?eaker-9 .. ·. · · ·.. · Nays-None.: . So t]ie ·question was decided. in the affirmative, and }he bill, having .received the requked constitutional majority, · . Passed tlie Senate.":;, J . . . Ordered that the House be informed 'thereof, and the ·bill .returned. to that body. · · I On motion of Mi':·Ray,. the Hcluse bil! entitled,, "A~ act in relation to rates ,of tollin Ifo~t county," Was.read.· 'Mr... Messick, a :inember ~f the·House,, being admitted,infornied the · .· Senate that the House had passed and requested the concurremie 9f thi 1Senate in a · · .· . . "Joint Resolution providing that n·o new business shall be receive& by either branch of the General Assembly after the 26th instant," ~ Arid pi:esentecl the. same to .the, Se~ate. · On inotfon of Mr .. Sharpley, The Hou!!e joint resolution just received, Was take~· up for consideration .and read. :A.ndfllrther, ·9rimotion. of l\fr .. C~nsey;­ Was/ Concurred in • . . Orderedthat the House he.infotmed thereof, and the joint resolJtfon,, returned to that body. . . / . " " . On motion· of Mr. Causey, . Th~ ,Senate adjour~ed until 3. o'clock .on 1\~onda:Yafter:ruionh ·.

··4f'. 289

.. .. . l\:Io_NDAY, February 19, 1877-3 o'clock, P. M. The Senate met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called. Members present: Messrs. Causey, Denney, Fidde-· man, Harrington, Hopkins, Ray and l\:Ir. Speaker. Journal read and approved. On motion of Mr. Hop_ki1:-s,the Senate bill entitled, " An act to incorporate _the Delmar and l\fillsborough Railroad ' Comp~ny," Was take~ up for consideration. And on his further motion, The bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs,. in order to pass the $enate. ' On the question, " Shall this bill pass the Senate 1" The yeas and' nays were ordered, Which, being taken, were as follows : Yeas-Messrs. Cai.1sey, Denney, :[i'idcleman, Harrington, Hopkins,. Ray and l\fr. Speaker-7 . .N'ays-N on:e. So the question was decided in the affirmative, and the bill, having · received the required constitutional majority, Passed the Senate .. Ordered to the House for concurren.ce. ., Mr. Ray, ( at the l'equest of l\fr. Davis, Chairman of the Committee, on Corporations,) rep~rted ftworably on-the House bill entitled, · "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to incor15orate the Town, qf ~fiddletown,'" · · And movedthat the same be tak~u up for·consideration, Which_p1otion Prevailed •. 290

. On motion of Mr. Harrington, . - \ . The bill under consideration was recommitted to the Cominitt~e,on •Corporations. ' , . ' ])'Ir. D~y, Clerk of the House, being admitted, informed the Senate ,that the House had passed and requested the concurrence of _theSen- ' «ate in the following bill, .:viz.: · · . . . "An 1,1,ctto incorporate the Benedictine Order of the Sacred Heart, ,of Wilmington, Delaware," '· · And presented the 13ameto the Senate. . H~ also informed the Senate that 'the House had concurred in\he ;Senate amendment t_othe House bill entitled, "An-act to. amend Chapter 384, Volu~e 14, Laws of Delaware," , ··With an. ainendmen~, And, presented said amendment, ;itl~a requ:e~t.thatthe Senate ~on- our therein. · · · On motion of Mr. Ray, the Senate bill entitled, "An act.to.incorporate the :Masonic Hall Company, of Newport,. Del;tware," · · , Was read a second time by its title, And on his f1;1rthermotion, Was referred to· theCommittee on Corpora~ions. On moti,m"ofMr. Ray; . . The House amendment to the Senate amendi:nent to the House bill . .antit~ed, · · . . . "An act to amend Chapter 384, V oluine 14, Laws of Delaware," \\\as read, · . And on his further mo~ion, The amendm~nt just read was Adapted, And on his further motion, Was re3:d a se~ond time, * .And on his further motion, 291

vVas Concurred in; Ordered that the House be infornfod thereof, and the. bill, as :amended, returned to that body. Mr. Hopkins, from the. Committee on Education, to which was re­ ferred the petition of C. S. W afaon, Andrew B. Cooper and forty-eight others, for the passage of a law consolidating certain School Districts, in Kent county, reported a. bill entitled, "An act consolidating United School Districts Nos.: 65 and 66 and United School :Qistricts Nos. 42, 43, 68 and 70, in Kent county," Whi?h, on motion of Mr. Causey, ,Vas read. nlr. Causey presented a petition from Isaac Cirwithcn, Riley W. Bennett and fifteen others, for a law authorizing the petitioners to straighten a certain public road in Cedar Creek hundred, Suss.ex ,county; .which, there being no objection,, · Was read, lrnd further, on inotion of lVIr.Causey, vVas referred'to the Committee on Roads.and Highways. On motion of )fr. Hopkins, the House bill entitled, "An act authorizing the Governor to appoint an additional Notary Public in Baltimore hundred, Sussex county," Was read a secona' time by its title, And on his further motion, vVas referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. ·Oh motion of Mr. Ray, the House biUentitled, ·" An act in relation to rates of toll in Kent county,". vVas read a second time by its title, And further, on motion of l\Ir. Causey; · vVas referred to a special committee of three, to consist of the rnem-. bers of the Senate from Kent county-Messrs. Fiddeman, Den11eyand· Harrington, ·~ · Mr. Ray, in'pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, 292

, On motion of Mr. Causey, Obtained leave to introduce a biH entitled, , "A further additional supplement to the act entitled 'An act for- the benefit of Public Schools in Wilmington,'" Which, on motion of nir. Ray, Was read. Mr. Ray moved, \ That two hundred copies of Urn bill just read, be printed for the use: of the S.enate. · And on the question, "Shall this motion prevail 1" The ye~s and nays were ordered, Which, being taken, were as follows : Yea,s-Messrs. Denney, Fidcleman, Ray ancl Mr. Speaker-4. Nctys-Messrs. Causey, Harrington and Hopkins-3. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the motion Prevailed.' Mr. (;ausey presented a petition from John, Wilbank, John W. Ben­ nett and twenty-five others, for a stock law for Slaughter Neck, in Cedar Creek hundred, Sussex county ; also, a remonstrance from. Lemuel Dra,per, Stephen vVarren and twenty others, against the pass-· age 9f the said law. Also, a petition from Da,vicl.Russell, N. XLIngram and e,leven others, for a stock law for School District No. 79, in Cedar Creek lrnn­ drecl, Sussex county; which, there being 110 objection, vVere read, And further, on motion of Mr. Causey, Were referred. to the Committee on Agriculture. ,: nilr. Fiddeman presented a petition from Putnam Shaw, B. E. Jes­ ter and twenty-four others, for a stock law for School Districts Nos_ 66, 125 and 171, Sussex county;· which, there being no objection, Was read, And further, on his motion, 293

vVas referred to the Committ.ee on Agriculture. Mr. Hopkins presented a remonstrance from David Lynch, .Alfred H. Lofland and thirty-five others, against the passage of a stock law for School Districts Nos. 6, 66, 125· and 177, Sussex county; which, 'there being no objection, · · · Was read, And further, on motion of Mr. Hopkins, Was referred to the Committee on Agriculture. Mr. Causey presented a remonstrance .from G. H. 1Yelch, Purnel F. Jobson and twenty others, in relation to the same subject; which, there being no objection, vVasTead, And further,. on-m?tion of Mr. Causey, ·was referred to the Committee on Agriculture. On motion of Mr. Ray, the House ~,Joint Resolution inviting Mr. Crosar A. Rodney to·read an His- :torical Paper before the General Assembly," Was read, And on his further iµotion, VVas Concurred in, Whereupon, Mr. itay was,appointed the commi'ttee on the part of the Senate, as provided for in said joint resolution. Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the joint resolution l'eturned to that body. " Mr. Ray gave notice that he. would, on to-morrow or some. future ·day, ask leave t? introduce a bill entitled, "An act in relation to the Wilmington City .Railway." On: ,motion of Mr. Fiddeman, the House bill" entitled, "An act to incorporate the Board of Education of the Dover Pub- lic Schools," . . . Was read a second time by its title, And on his further motion,

,J 294

Was referred to the Committee on Ed.ucation. On motion of Mr. Denney, the House bill entitled, "An act transferring certain real estate belonging to Rich bell Alla­ band from School District No. 21 to United School District Nos. 113, and 113i, in Kent county," .. Was read a second time by its title, And on his further; mot~on, Was referred to the Committee on Education. _ l\fr. Hopkins gave notice that he would,,on to-morrow or some fu-­ ture day, ask leave to introduce the following bills, viz.: "An act to amend Chapter 562,' Section 8, Volume 14, Delaware, Laws;" · "An act to repeal Chapter 437, Volume 14, Delaware Laws." Mr. Ray, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, reported back,. with a favorable recommendation, the Senate bill entitled, '' An act to amend the act entitled 'An act. to incorporate the Indian River and Rehoboth Bay Oyster Planting Company,' passed at ·Dover,. i)farch 23, 1875,:' · And moved that·the same be takenup for consideration, Which motion Prevailed. ·And on his further motion, The bill under consideration was :read a third time, by paragraphs,. in order to pass the Senate. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the Sen:1te 1" The yeas and nays were ordered; Which, being taken, were as follows : Yeas-Messrs. Causey,' Denney, Fiddeman, Harrington, Hopkins,. Ray and Mi. Speaker~7. I .N"ays-N one. So the question was decided in the _affirmative, and the bill, having: received the required constitutional majority, · Passed tlie Senate. 295

Ordered to the House for concurrence. On motion of Mr~ Harrington, ·.The Senate adjourned until. IO o'clock to-morr~w morning~ ·

TUESDAY,February 20, 1877-10 o'clock, A. l\L The Senate met purs~ant to adjournment. Prayer by the Chaplai'n. Roll called. Members present: Messrs. Causey, Denney, Fidde- . man, Harrington, Hopkins, Ray, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker . • Journal read and app~·oved. · • ' . ' - ' Mr. Hopkins, in pursuance of previous notice, '.1sked,and, On motion of Mr. Causey, , Obt1tined leave to introduce a,bill entitled, '' An act to amend Chapter 562, Section 8, Volume 14, Laws of ' Delaware," · 'which, on motion of Mr. Hopkins, Was read. Mr. Ray, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, reported back,. unfavorably; the House bill entitled, "An act to render parties to the record, or interested in suits, com-· petent to testify in civil actions," And moved that the same be take11up for consideration, Which 1notion Prevailed. Mr. Harrington moved, That 'the bill under consideration be laid on the table, 296

And on the question," Shall this motion pr~vail ?" · Mr. ,Ray called for the yeas and nays, Which, be'ing taken, were as follows : Yeas-Messrs'. Causey, Harrington and Sharpley-3. Nays-Messrs. Denney, Fiddeman, Hopkins, Ray and Mr. Speak- ,,er-5 .. So the question was· decided in the negative, And the motion Did not prevail. .Mr. Sharpley offered an amendment to the bill under consideration, Which, on his motion, "\Yasread. Mr. Sharpley moved, That the amendment just read be adopted, And on the quest.ion, '' Shall the amendment just read be adopted?'' · Mr: Ray called for the yeas and nays, Which, being tak:en, were as ,follows : Yeas-Messrs. Causey, Harrington and Sharpley___:3. Nays-Messrs. Denney, Fidd.eman, Hopkins, Ray iind Mr. Speak- ·er-5. · ' · · So the question was decided in the negative, And the amendment wa·s Lost. Mr. Sharpley moved, That the bill under consideration be laid on the table, And on the question, " Shall this motion prevail?" Mr. Ray called for the yeas and nays, ,, . Wl:_iich,being taken, were as follows : Yeas-Messrs. Causey, Harrington and Sharpley-3. Nays-Messrs. Denney, Fidcleman, 'Hopkins, Ray and Mr. Speak- .

Was read. On mot1on_of :M:r.:Fiddenmn, the Senate bill entitled,

' ' • 1 "An act consolidating United School Districts Nos. 65 and 66 and> United Scho,ol Districts Nos. 42, 43, 68 and 70, in Kent county," Was read a 'second time by its title., - On motiori of Mr: Ray, the HOuse bill entitled; . "An act to incorporate the Front and Union Street Railway Com­ pany," · Was taken from the table for consideration, And on his further motion, The bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?" The_yeas and nays were ordered, ·which, being taken, we1;eas follows : Yens-}Iessrs. Denney, Harringt~n, Hopkins, ],tay, Sha11)ley and Mr. Speaker-6. JYny-Mr. Fiddeman-1. So the qu~stion was decided in the a.i-lil'lnative,.and the bill, having received the required constitutional majority,. Pass~d t/ie Senate. Ordered that the House be_informed thereof, and the bill rettfrned to t~at body. · On motion ofl\'Ir. Sha.rpley, the House bill entitled, _".An act to incorporate the Benedictine Order-of the Sacred Heart, of \Vilmington, Delaware," · · Was read. Mr. Hopkins pr


Were read,. And furthei;, on motion of Mr. Hopkins, Were referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Hopkins, the Senate bill entitled, I "An act to repeal 'an act entitled 'An act to increase the Salary or. the Secretary of Sta Le,'" Was taken from the table for consideration. Mr. Fiddeman offered an amendment to the bill under consideration, Which, on his motion, vVas read. Mr. Hopkins moved, That the amendment just read be adopted, And on the question, " Shall the amendment be adopted 1" The yeas and nays were ordered, Whieh, being taken, were as follows : Yeas-Messrs. Fiddeman, Harrington, Hopkins and Mr. Speak- er-4. Nays-Messrs. Causey, 'Denney,. Ray and Sharpley-'-4. So the· question not being decided in' the affirmative, .The amendment was Lost. Mr.Shaq:iley moved, 'Jhat the bill under consideration be laid on the table, And on the question, '' Shall this ·motion prevail 1" The yeas and nays were ordered, vVhich, being taken, were as follows : Yeas-Messrs. Denney, Fiddeman, Harrington and Sl~arpley--4. Nays-Messrs; Causey, Hopkins, Ray itnd Mr. Speaker:_4, ' So the question not being decided in the affiril1ative, The motion D1:rlnot prevail .. 300

Mr. Denney moved, That the bill under consideration be recommitted to the Committee onRevised Statutes, · · And on the question, "Shall this motion prevail?" Mr. Denney called for the yeas and nays, Which, being taken, were as follows : Yeas-Messrs. Causey, Denney, Fiddeman, Harrington and Sharp­ ley-5; .Nays-Messrs. Hopkins, Ray and Mr. Speaker-3. So the question was decided in the affirmative; ' . .And the motion Prevailed. Mr. Ficldeman, from the special committee to which was referred, the House bill entitled, "An act in relation to rates of toll in Kent county;" Reported back the same, unfavorably, and moved. that the bill be -taken up for consideration, Which motion Prevailed. Mr. Fiddeman moved, That the bill under consideration be read a third time, by para­ :·graphs, in order to pass the Senate, Which motion Prevailed. Section 1 o,f the bill under consideration was read, And on the question, "Shan that be Section l of the bill?" Mr. Denney called for the yeas and nays, Which, being taken, were as follows : Yeas-None . .Nays-Messrs. Causey, Denney, Fiddeman). Harrington, Hopkins, .Ray, Sharpley and.Mr. Speaker-8 . ..So the question was decided in the negative, '\


And Section 1 was · Los£,. · And the bill was. Lost. I Ordered that the House beinfo1:med thereof, and the ,bill returned to.that body. On motion of Mr. C~lisey, Th~ Senate adjourned until 3 o'clock this afte.rn.oon.

· SA:r.i:EDAY~3 o'clock,)?. M. · 'rhe Senate met pursuant ·to adjournment. Roll called.. Members present_: Messrs. Causey, Denney, Fidde­ ·. man, Harrington, Hopkins, Ray, Sharpley and Mr; Speaker. The Speaker laid before the Senate a communiilatii:mfrom the Board of Public Education; of Wilmington, inviting the Senat~ to visit the· public schools of that city'; ·which, the.re being no objection, Was read.". J Mr. Ray, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, reported back, unfavoraply, the Senate bill entitled, , . ,, An act to repeal an act entitled, 'An act to ii1erease the Sala1} of .. the Secretary of .State,' " ,v .And moved ·that the same be 'taken ~p for consideration, Which motion Prevailed. And on ·his' further motion, · .The bill under consideration was Indefinitely postponed .

• 1 • ' Mr.Ray gave notice that he would, on to-morrow or some future day~ ask leave to introduce a ~ill entitled; · . ' . ' ," An act to reincorpQratc. the Newark Building and Loan· Associa­ tion." 302

. )Ir. ·Denney, from the Committee on Enrollment, reported as being · ·u\1ly and correctly enrolled, and ready to receive the signature of the ~peaker of the Senate, the following Senate bills, viz.: · · " An act for the relief of John T: M. · Cardeza and other persons therein na1ned ·'' · · . . ' /' L,.r' '' An act to incorporate the Centreville Hall Company." . Mr: Harrington,from the Committ!)e on R,0ad_sand Highways, re- ported back the Senate bill entitled, · · ''.An act in relatiqn to roads and bridges pa~sing .ovei.·mill-dams," . With an auiendment,. And moved that the amendment be read,· Which mo,tion Prevailed, ··. And on his further motion_, · -The amendment was ·. Jldopted. Anci on his furthe~ motio~; . was read a second tinie. On motion of Mr. Causey, ' .. The bill, as ~mended,.was taken up for consideration, .And further, on motion of Mr. Ray, ' . \ . \. . •,' "\Vas. Laia on tlie table. Mr. Denney, from ~he Committ~e ·on ·Corporations, reported back, with a favorable recom_mendation,t!1e House bill entitle~, "An act to amend an act entitled,., An act. toincorporate the Town . of Middletown,' " · · And moved that foe saine be taken up for consideration,' . ' Which m?tiori Prevailed. On motion of Mr. Ray, The bill under consideration. was r~ad a third time, by paragraphs, in oider to pass the Senate.· · . · · : · · . · . . . :on .the 'question, " Shall this bill: pass, the Senate 1" · . The yeas and nays were ordered,

·, i[ 303

Whieb, being taken, were as follows: Yeas-}fessrs. Causey, Den11ey, Fiddeman, Harrington, Hopkins, Ray, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker-8. JVays-N one. So the ·question was deeided in the affirmative, an::l the bill, having ' received the required co11stitutional majority, · Passed the Senate. Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the bill returned to that body. }Ir. Hall, a member of the House, being admitted, informed the Senate that the House had passed and requested the coni}urrence of the.Senate in the following'bill, viz.: " An act providing for the merge!' of the N e,v Castle and Wilming­ ton Railroad Compat1y into the Philadelphia,· Wilmington, and Balti­

more Railroad Company ,1 and als~ ·for the merger of the New Castle. and Frenchto.wn Turnpike and Railro.ad Company into the Philadel­ phia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Company,"· • And presented the same to the Senate. 0~ motion of Mr. Ray, tl~e House bill just presented,. \\ as read. 1'Ir. Ray moved, 'rhat Rule 15 be suspended, in order that the bill just read might be read a second time by its title. And on the question, "Shall this 1notion prevaiP" Jllr. Ray called for the yeas and nays, Which, beiµ.g taken, were as follows : . ' Yeas-:\fossrs. Fiddeman, Hopkins, Ray, Sharpley and iVIr.· Speak- ur-5. · · .Nays-Messrs. Causey ;-:i::>enneyand Harrington.,..-3. • ,,J ',' -··::··.,, So the· question was decided in the affirmative, And the motion Preroilerl. On moti6n of Mr. Ray, 304

The· ~ill was read a second ti.me by its title, And on his further motion, Was referred to the Comi;nittee on Corporations. 1\Ir. Ray, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, reported back,. with a favorable recommendation, the House biH entitled, . "An act authorizing the, appoint1nent of an additional Notary Public in Baltimore hundred, Sussex county," · And. moved that the sai_nebe taken up for consideration, .. Which. motion Prevailed. And on his further motion; The bill under consideration was read a third tinie, by paragraphs,. in order, to pass the Senate. The question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?" Was decided in the affirmative, And ,the bill Passed the Senate. . Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the bill returned' to that body. Mr. Harrington, from the Committee on Corporations, reported back,, with a fa~orable recommendation, the .Senate bill entitled, :\An act to incorporate the Masonic Hall Company, of Newport,, Delaware," And moved that the same be takeri up for consideration, Which motion Prevniled. And on his furthei· motion, , The bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragra1)hS:, in order to pass the Senate. On the question, " Shall this bill pass the Senate?" The yeas and nays were.ordered, Which, being taken, were as follo~s: Yeas-Messrs. Causey, Denney, Fiddeman, Harrington, Hopkins~ Ray, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker-8. Nays-Non~. 305

So the question was decided in the affirmative, and the bill, having;; received the required_ constitutional ·majority,' · Passed th.e Senate. Ordered to .the House for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Ray, The Senate adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow morning.

WEDNESDAY, February 21, 1877-10 o'clocl~, A·. M:... The. Senate. met pursuant adjournment. . to' . . · Prayer by the Chaplain.. ·•. · . .. . . ·· · . . . '. · Roll'called. Members present: Messrs. Causey, Denney, Fidde.,-. · man, Harrington, Hopkins, Ray, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker. .. · , . ' ' ' Journal read and approved. On motion of Mr. Sharpley, the House bill eD;titled, "An act prohibiting live stock from running at large. m SchooL District No. 62, New Castle county," 'N as taken from the table for consideration, And 011'11isfurther motion, 'rhe bill under consideration was read a third time, by para-· graphs, in order to pass the Senate. The question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate 1" Was decided in the affirmative, And the bill Passed the· Senate. Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the bill . returned'. to that .body. 306

Mr. Fiddeman preseri ted a petition from Charles J. Johnson and ,:six othe\·s, praying to be, relieved. from taxation for the drainage of ,certain swamp lp,nds in Kent and Sussex counties; mhich, there being' no objection, Was read. And further, on motion of Mr. Fiddemati, W a;s refori'ed to the Committee on Revised Statutes.

On niotion of Mr, Hopkins, the Senate bill entitled, "An act to repeal and supply Chapter 437, Volume 14, of Dela'- ·iware Laws," · Was read a second time by its· title, And on his· further motion, Was referred to the Committee .on Agriculture.

On'motion of n'lr. Fiddeman, the Senate bill entitled, "An act consolidating United School Districts Nos. 65 and 6G, and .:United School Districts Nos. 42, 43, 68 and 70, in Kent county," . . Was taken up for consideration. And on his·further motion, The bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, :in order. ,to pass the Senate. On the question, " Shall this bill pass the .Senate 1" The yeas and nays were ordered, Which, being taken, were as follows : Yeas-Messrs. Causey, Denney, Fidde1i1an, Harrington, Hopkins, ]fay, s,Irnrpley and Mr. Speaker-8 . .Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill Passed the Sena.le. •Ordered to· the House for concurrence.

,,On motion of Mr. Sharpley, the House bill entitled, 307

"An a_ctto incorporate the Benedictine Order of the .Sacred Heart, 1Jf Wilmington, Delaware," W us rea~ a second time by its ti tlc, And on his further motion;

V{ as referred to. the Committee on Corporation~. The Speaker laid before the Senate a communi~ation from th.e Wil­ mington Board of Trade, c01~taining resolutions adopted at a recent , meetmg of that body, asking the Legislature to appropriate money to be disposed of as premiums for the introduction and mamifacture of beet-root sugar in this State; which, there being no objection, vVas read, And further, on motion of M1·. Sharpley, ,vas referred to the Committee on ·Agriculture. Mr. Denney presented a petition from \Y ashington Seney and four­ teen others, in relation t0 the Jamison's Branch _Ditch Company ; ;which, there being no objection, \\' as read, .A.nd forth er, on his motion, \v ;lSreferred to the Committee on Corporat10ns.) Mr. Ray, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, reported _back, . favorably, the Senate bill entitled, "An act exempting residents of this State from tax on foreign m- vestments," · ·with lln amendment, ~,\.nclmo;ed that the bill and amendment be taken up for considera- tion, · · vVhich motion Mr. Ray presented four several petitions from Ja1nes Springer, Geo. G. Evans and thirty-five others, D. ,James, Z. J arnes Belt and eigl1ty­ nine others, Josht1a Clayton, of 'l'homas, John A. Reynolds and.thir­ teen others, and C. P. J·ohnson, James vV.Lindsay and eleven others, all praying for the repeal of the State tax on foreign investments ; which, there being no objection, Were read. 308

On motion of Mr. Ray, The amendment to the bill un.der consideration, · Was read. ·

. Mr. Causey moved, . That two hundred and fifty copies of the bill under consideration:,, and the .amendment thereto, be printed for the use of the Senrute, Which motion Prevailed. On motion of 1\fr. Fiddeman, The bill under_ consideration, and the amendment thereto,, - '\Vere r~committed to the Committee on Revised Statutes.

Mr. Day, Clerk of the House, being admitted, infornied the Sei1ate,. that the House had passed and requested the concurrence of tJ1e Sen-­ ate in the foHowing bills and joint resolution,viz.: "A. supplement to an act authorizing the owners and possessors of the marsh and low grounds commonly called and known as Tappahan-­ nah Marsh, situate in the forest of , in Kent county," to cut a ditch or drain through the same;" "An .a,ct to lay out.a new road and vacate an old road. in North J\1urderkill hundred, in Kent comity;" ·" An act to amend Section 2, of Chapter 83, Volume 15, Delaware, Laws;': · "An act to incorporate the Board or' City Missions and Church Ex·­ tension of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in the City of Wilming­ . ton;"· "An act to authorize the appointment of guardians oy the Chan-­ cellor or a Judge of the Orphans' Court, in vacation;" "An act to.authorize.the Recorder of Deeds in and for New Castle, county to make certain indexes;" '' An act to divorce Susan 'Walt and George A. Walt from the . bonds of matrimony;" · "Joint Resolution appointing Directors for the Far,niers' Bank, of the State of Delaware;" And presented the same to the Senate. '· 309 He also informed the, Senate that the House: had concurred in the C . 'following Senate bills, viz.: "An act to change the name:of.Ida Valentine Dilworth tothe ~~me. ,.of. Ida Valentine, and to make her, by adoption, a daughter and · heir-at-law of Alexander Valentine;" · "An act authorizing the·. Levy Court Commissioners of' Sussex · ,:county, of this State, to place snub-posts on ,the .banks of the Broad­ .kiln Creek, above and below the Drawbridge;'~ AU:dreturned the same to the Senate. Ile also informed the Senate that the House had non-concurred: in ~;thefollowing Senat~ bill, viz.: . · · · · "An aet to amend Cbapter,55, of the Revised Code of Delaware ~Laws;" ·· · · · And 'reiiurned the same to Senate'.' . I the . . He also returned, with the signature· of the. Speaker of the'ifo~se., ,attached .thereto, the following duly enr_olledSenate bills, viz.: · · .- " An act to consoHdate S~hool Districts Nos. 6 and 95, in Kent ·,county·;": . . .,'· •• ' . . ·., .. :· ' ·: . "An. act to repeai Cliapter 64, Volume ·4; Deiawa~e Statutes, in~ - -corporating ' The Wilmington ;rurnpike Company;'" · " An act to amend an act entitled ' An ·act to incorporate the Mil- ton. Aca_de~y, and for other purposes;' "' • ·. .· . ' ' · · :.. ' "A further supplement to the act entitled ~ An 'riot to ib.corpomte ·the Pokomoke River Improvement Oo1npany,' passed at Dover, March. :22, 1867,;'' ...... '

• • • • • • ' J,, "An act to amend an act entitled' Aµ a(!t to incorporate-the 'Town · ,of Milton.'" · · · · He also p1·es~nted'fo~ the signature of the. Sp~aker ofthe Senate, they having been signed. by ·the Speaker of the' House; the following -any/' 310

"·An act authorizing the Vestry of Saint John's Pi·otestant Episco­ . pal Church, at Greenville, in Sussex county, to. change and straighten a certain public road in Gumboro'. hundred;" " An act to prohibit live stock from running at large iµ School Dis­ trict No. 75 and a portion of School District No. 118 ;" "An act in relation to the Assessor and Road Commissioners of St.· George's lmndred, in New-Castle county," · " A-supplement to an act to incorporate the Peninsula Agricultural and Pomological Ass'Gciation ;" · "An act to amend the act e11titlr1d,'An act relating to School Dis­ trici:RNos. 60 and 9,1, in New Castle county,' passed at Dover, Janu- · · ary 29, 1877;: "An act prohibitins live stock from runnins at large in School Dis'­ trict No. 86, in New Castle county, Delaware;" "Joint Rr1solution in relation to new business after Monday, the 26th instant." On motion of Mr. Sharpley, the House bill entitled, "An act' to incorporate the Board of City :Missioms and Church Extension of the Methodis,, Episcopal Church in the city oLWilming- ton," · "\Vas reacl. On motion of Mr'. Fiddeman, the House bill entitled,. " A further supplement to an act authorizing the owners and pos..: sessors of the marsh and low grounds commonly called and known as TappahannahlVIarsh, situate in the fo1e3t of Dover hundred, in Kent ·county, to cut a ditch or drain Lhrough the same," Was read. lVIr.Ray, ;n pursuance of p~·evious notice, asked, and, On motion of :'.\Ir.Deirney, Obtained leave to intl'oduce a bill entitled'. " An act to reincorporate the Newark Building and Lottn Associa­ tion," . · Which, on motion of Mr. Ray, "\Vasreact. 311

On motion. of l\1r. Sharpley,.the House . .. bill entitled, "Au act, authorizing the appointment of guardians by the Chan-'- cellor or a Judge of the Orphan's Court, in vacation," Was read. On mo.tion of Mr. Hopkins, the Senate bill entitled, "An act to an~end Chapter 562, Section 8, Volume 14', Laws of· Delaware," · "\Vas read a second time by its title, .·And on his further motion, Was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Fiddeman, the House "Joint Resolution appointing Directors for· the Farmers' Bank, of the State of Delaware, and its branches, Was read; And on his further motion,. Was Concurred in. , Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the joint resolution returned to that body. Mr. ·Ray, ·from the Committee on Revised Statutes, to which was referred the petition of'Charles C. Babbitt, J, P. Comegys and· ninety-eight others, for the passage of a law to amend Section .3 .of· Chapter 72, in relation to fishing, reported a bill entitled, ·" An act to amend Chapter 72, Volume 14, Laws of Delaware," Which on his motion, Was read. On motion of Mr. Causey, The_Senate adjourned until 3 o'clock this afternoon. 312

SAMEDAY-3 o'clock, P. M. 'The Senate met pursuant to adjournment. Roll ,called. Members present: Messrs. Causey, Davis, Denney, .'Fiddeman, Han'ington, Hopkins, Ray, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker. · · , On niotion of Mr. Hopkins, the House bill entitled, "An act to amend Chapter 159, Qurrent Volum·e, Delaware Laws, ,entitled 'An act to incorporate the Town of Lewes, and for other pur­ ,poses,' passed at Dover, March 10, 1875," was taken from the table for considemtion, And on his further motion, The bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, 5.n order, to pass the Senate. On the question, " Shall this bill pass the Senate 1" The yeas and nays were ordered, Which, being take1i, were as follows : Yeas-Messrs. Causey, Davis, Denney, Fiddeman, Harringt

And presented the same to the Senate. Mr. Sharpley, from the .special committee to which was referred the Rouse biltentitled,

"An act to divorce Augustus N.. Southard and Ella D. Southard I from the bonds of matrimony," Reported back the same with a favorable recommendation,. and .moved that the bill be taken up for consideration, · Which. motion ·· Prevailed. On motion of Mr. Ray, The bill under consideration was read a third time, py paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate.. · · · . On tlie question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate 1" Mr. Ray called for the yeas and nays, . Which, being taken, were, as follows: . Yeas-Messrs. De:µney, Fiddeman, Harrington, Hopkins, Ray and :Sharpley-6'. Nays-Messrs. Causey, Davis and Mr. Speaker-3. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill Passed the Senate. . . . - Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the bill returned to that body. ' Mr. Davis, from the Committee _on Corporations, reported 'back, · with a favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled; · . "An act to incorporate the Immaculate Conception Beneficial So-

. The yeas and nays were ordered, Which, being taken, were as follows : .· Yeas-:Mes~rs: Causey,. Davis, Denney, Fidd~man,' Harringtonl"~ Hopkins, Ray, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker-9. · · . · . · }fays-None. ' So the question was decided in the affirmative, and the bill, having received the required constitutional majority, Passed t!ieSenate. Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the bill returned to that body.

. ' ' On motion of Mr. Ray, the Senate bill 'entitled, "A further additional supplement to the act entitled 'An ac_t for the benefit of Public Schools in Wilmington,'" Was read a second time by its title, And on his fm·ther motion, Was referred to the Committee on Revised.Statutes.· On motion of 111:r.Denney, the House bilLentitled,

,, An act to lay out a new road and vacate an old road 111 North. :, in Kent county," \Vas re~cl. · On motion of l\fr '. Ray, the House bill entitled, ,, An act to incorporate the p~rchasers of the .Wilmington and Western Railroad," .Was read . . On motion of l\fr. Harrington, Rule 15_was suspended, and the bill just read' Was read a second time by its title, And on bis further motion, Was referred to the Committee on Corporations •. On motion of Mr. Ray, the House pill entitled, 315 ." A.n act t~ incoi:porate the purchasers of the Wilm,ington· 'and · , :Reading Railroad," Was read, . And on his further ~otion, Rule 15 was suspen~ed, anclthe bill-just read waipead a second thne by its title, · 4nd-on his further motion, ' · 'Was.referred to.the Committee on Corporations .. Mr."R:\.y~ from the·Committee on R~vised Statutes, reported back, unfavorably? t~e Senate biH entitled, '' An act to amend Section 1, Chapter ~376, of Volume 14, Dela:.:.., · · ·ware.Laws;'' ' . . And moved that th1'lsame. be taken up for consideration, Which motion ·Prevailed. , And on his further 1i1otion, ·. . The bill under ·colisideration was 1'.cada thii·d ti1rie, by pa~agraph~, in order to pass the Sen:,i.te. · . . , . . · Section 1 of the bill uncie1>considerati~nwas read, . ' And on the questfon, " Shall .that be Section 1 of .the bill 1". Mr. Hopkins called for the yeas and nays,· Which, being taken, were as follows : ·· feas.....:..Messrs.Fi~deman, :Jiopkins and ~ii-.Spe;i.ker,-3 • . Nays-Messrs. r;usey, Davis, Denney, Harrington,.Ray and Sharp- ley-6; . , , ' , . · So the question:was d~cid~d in the negative; And Section 1 was · Lost, And the bill was Losf . . M~. Cau,seygave J?,Otice.that. he wouid; ento morrow or some future - day, ask leave to introduce a bill e:st_itled, ·· ' . . . · · "An act to amend Chapter 128, of tl:e Revised Code." 316

Also, a bill entitled, '' A supplement.to the act entitled 'An act to .exempt fromexecil­ . tion ,process certain articles of personal property,' passed at Dover, April 10, 1873,." . · . On motion of Mr. Denney, the Senate bill entitled, · '' An act in relation to roads and bridges passing over· mill,-dams," Was taken from'\he table for consideration. And further, on motim~ of l\:Ir. Ray, vVas recommitted to the Committee on Roads and Highways. ~fr. Bird, a member of the Hou~e, being admitted, informe

Was read a second time by its title. Mr. Davis presented the remonstrance of Samuel Townsend, .Levi W. Lattoinus and forty-eight others, against the passage of the bill jµst read by title; which, there being no objection, Was read,. And further, on motion of Mr. Denney, ·Was, together with the bill, referred to the Committee on Educa­ tion. On motion of Mr. Sharpley, the House bill entitled, "An act to' divorce ,J. Percy Robinett from the bonds of matri- mony," · Was read, together with the petition of J. Percy Robin~tt fora di­ vorce, and. the accompanying papers. Mr; Causey gave notice that he would, on to-morrow or some future day, ask leave to introduce a bill entitled, · "·An act to amend Chaptm· 22, Volume 14, Laws of. D~laware." On motion of.Mr. Ray, ' . . The Senate adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow Il1orning. 318

'l.'IIURSDAY, February 22, 1877-10 o'clock, A. :M. The Senate-met·pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Chaplain. Roll called. Hembers y1resent: Messrs. Causey, Davis, Denne3:, · Fiddeman, Harrington, Ray, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker. Journal read and approved._ :i\Ir. Ray gave notice that he would, on to-morrow or some· future day, ask leave to introduce a bill entitled, "An act in relation to certain bridgeswithi1; the City of Wilming:. ton." ' ' j)fr. Ficldeman gave notice that he would, on to-mo{-row.or, so~e fu:... ture clay, ask leave to introduce a biU entitled, _ "An act to change, and vacate _acertain road in Kent county." On motion of Mr. Sharpley, the House bill entitled, " An act to incorporate the Board of City Missions and Church 1~xtenson• of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of the City of Wilming­ ton," "\Vas read a second time by its title, And on his further motion, ,"\Vasreferr.ecl to the Committee on Corpo~·a1:ions. On motion of )fr. Sharpley, the Hotise bill entitled, "An act to authorize the appointment of guardians by the Chan- cellor or a Judge of the Orphans' Court, in vacation," "\Vas read a second time by its title, And on his further motion, "\Vas referred. to the Committee on Revised Statutes.

)fr. Sharpley, in pursuance of previous notice: asked, and 1 On motion of M:1

\ 319

Obtained leave to iRtroduce a bill entitled, "An act to renew and re-enact the charter of St. Joseph's Benefi- '·CialSociety, of Brandywine,Delaware," Which, on motion of Mr. Sharpley, 1Vas read. Onmotion of Mr. Ray, the House bill entitled, "An act to divorce J. Percey Bobinett from the bonds of matri- 1mony," was read a seco~d time by its title. Mr. Ray moved, That the bill just read be referred to a' special committee of three 'members of .the Senate, Which motion. Prevailed. Whereupon, Messrs. Ray, Causey and Harrington were · appointed said special committee. Qn 1~10tionof Mr. Ray, the Senate bill entitled, "An act to reincorporate the Newark Bulding and Loan AssoGia..: · tion," Was read a second -tiine by i~s title, And on his further motion, a .·Was referred to the Comniittee on Corporations. On motion of Mr. Ray, the Senate bill entitled, "An act in relation to the Wilmington City Railway," vVas read a second time by its title, . And _onhis further motion, · 1Vas referred to the Committee on Corporations. On motion of Mr. Fiddeman, the House bill entitled, "A supplement to an act authorizing the owners and possessors ,of the marsh and low grounds commonly called and known as Tappa­ hannah Marsh, situate in the forest of Dover hundred, in. Kent county, to cut a ditch or drain through the same," · 320

was read a sec~md time by its title, And on his further motion, Was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. Mr. Causey-, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and? On motion of Mr. Fiddeman, Obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled, "A supplement to the act" entitled, 'An act to exempt from execu'­ tion process certain articles of personal property.,' passed at Dover, April 10, 1873," . .

Which, on motion of Mr. Causey, 1 Was read. Mr. Causey gave notice that he· would, on _to-morrowor some future,. day; ask leave to introduce a bill entitled, "An act authorizing George P. Morris; guardian of ·Eugenia Mor­ ris, to sell certain real estate of his ward." Also, a bill entitled, "An act to lay out a new public road partly in Dagsborough ht1n­ dred and partly in Indian River hundred, in the· county of Sussex and· State of Delaware." On motion of Mr. Fiddeman, the Senat~ bill entitled, "An act in relation to Banks, Trust Companies, Savings Banks and Banking Associations organized under the laws. of .this State," Was read a secon~l time by its title', · And further, on motion of Mr. Ray, Was referred to the Committee on Rev.iseclStatutes .. On motion of Mr. Causey, the House bill entitled,, "An act to ~me~1clSection 2, of Chapter 83, Volume 15, ·Delaware~ Laws," Was read. Mr. Day, Clerk of the House, being admitted, informed the Senate . that the House had passed and requested the concurrence of. the Sen;. ate in the following bills, viz.: 321

"'An act to amend Chipter 190, Volume 15, Laws of Delaware;"' "An ,act to amend Chapter 83, of the Revised. Code ; " "An act to authorize the Levy Court of New Castle county. to pay· Benjamin F. Townsend eighteen thousand dollars;" "A further supplement to the act to regulate the buildipg of wharves, in the City of Wilmington, passed at Dover, February 6, 1~55 ;" ," An to incorporate the Wilmington Club, of the City of Wil- . mington, Delaware;" · · , · ' "An act to organize the Maryland and Delaware Railroad, after foreclosure and sale, by that or some other name that may hereafter· be adopted, and to incorporate the same ~nto a body politic;" '' An act to amend Chapter 3-!, of the Revised Code, Concerning- · Constables;" "An act reincorporating the Town of Dover;" And presented the same to the Senate. He also.informed the Senate th'at the House had concurred in the- · following Senate bills, viz.: '' An act to lay out a private road in Milford hundred, in Kent.:. county;" !' An act to repeal Chapter 445, Volume 14,. Dela,vare Laws;'' And returned the same to the Senate. Onmotion of Mr. Ray, the House bill entitled, "An act to au:thorize the Recorder of Deeds in and for N cw Castle county to make certain indexes/' vVas read. On n;iotion of Mr. Causey, -the House bill entitled, "An act to amend Chapter 34, of the Revised Code, Concemi11g. Constables," Was read. On motion of Mr. Sharpley, the House bill entitled, "An act to incorporate_ the. Wilmington Club, of the City of Wil mington, Delaware,'' ,vas reacl. 322

,On motion of Mr. Fiddeman, the House bill entitled, " An act to amend Chapter. 83, of the Revised c'o,de," · 'Was read. On motion ·of Mr. Sharpley, the Hous.e biHentitled, " A supplement to the act to regulate the building of wharves in ~he, City of Wi!mington, passed at Dover, F~bruary 6, lSM/'... Was read. · On motion of Mr. I!'iddeman, the House bill entitled, . . ·'.' An act to amend Chapter 190, Volume 15, Laws of Delaware," . ' . ' ' . vVas read.· On 111otionof Mr. Causey, the House bill

Yeas.:..:...Messrs.Causey, Davis, Fiddeman,Ray, Sharpfoy and Mr. · .Speaker-6 . .Nays_;_None. · So the question was decided. in the affirmative, and the bill, having Teceivecl the required constitutional majority, ' · Passed the Senate. Ordered. that the House be informed thereof; and the bill returned ·to that body. · , On motion of iv1i:.Shai:pley, the House bill entitled, - " An act to authori~e the Levy Court of New Castle county to pay :'B~njamin F. Townsend eighteen thousand dollar~," Was read, ~i\.ndfurther, ·on n~otion of Mr. Ray, · Rule 15 was suspended and the· bill just read, Was read a ~econd time by its title. , . Mr. Raymoved, That the bill be referred to the Committee -on Finance, - Which motion was. I;,ost,

Mr .. Fidcleman moved, 1 Th~t the bill lie r13ferreclto a special committee, consist1ng of the members of the Senate from New Castle county-:--,Messrs.Davis, Ray ,an_clSharpley, . , · , · ·. Which motion Prevailed, . And the bill was so referred. ;:The Speaker, by request, appointed Mr. Davis chairman of the said 11pecialC0111lllittee. , - ' . I , , On motion of Mr. Causey, The Senate adjourned until 3· o'clock this afternoon. 324

SAMEDAY-3 o'clock, P. M. The Senate 1i1etpursuant to adjournment. Roll called. Members present: Messrs. C:i,usey, Davis, Denney,, ~iddeman, Harrington, Ray, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker. · · Mr. Day, Clerk of the House, being admitted, informed the Senate that the House had adopted a resolution inviting the members of· the· Senate to visit the House of Representatives and listen to the reading: of W ashingto~'s Farewell Address by t~e Speaker of the House. On motion of Mr; Fiddeman, The invitation was ./.lccepted.· Whereupon, it was Ordered that the Clerk inform the House thereof, and announce that the Senate will repair to the House of Representatives' in three min- utes. · On motion of Mr. Fictdeman, The Senate took a recess until 3:30 o'cloc1,. 325

SAll!EDAY-3:30 o'clock, P. M. The Senate reconvened after recess. · Mr. Fiddeman offered a "Joint Resolution concerning the standard .weights· and measures, · :and the balance for adjusting duplicate standards, Which, on his motion, Was re~d, And. on his further motion, Was .!ldapted. Ordered to the House for concurrence. Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Corporations, reported back~ with a favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled, '.' An act· providing. for. the merger ~f the New Castle and Wilm1ng­ ton Railroad Company into the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Balti­ more Ra.ilroad Co.mpany, and also for the rµerger of the New Castle ,and Frenchtown Turnpike and Railroad Company into the Philadel­ phia, Wilmington and Baltimore ~ailroad Company," · And moved _that the sa~e be taken up for consideration, Which motion , · .Prevailed. And further, onmotion of Mr'. Ray, The bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, 'in order to pass the Senate. . . ' · On the question, "Shall this bill pass .the Senate 1" . 'The yeas and nays were ordered, Which, being taken, .were as follows : Yeas-Messrs. Causey, Davis, Denney, Fiddeman, Harrington,Ray, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker-8. ·· Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, and the bill, having . received the required constitutional majority, . Passed the Senate. 326

. Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the bill returned: to that body. Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Corporations, reported back,. with a favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled, ' "An act to incorporate the purchasers of the Wilmington and Reading Railroad," And moved that the same be taken up for consideration, Which motion Prevailed. And on his further motion, The bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs,. in order to pass the Senate. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate 1" The yeas and nays were ordered, Whi~h, being taken, were as follows : . Yeas-Messrs. Causey, Davis,•Denney, Fiddeman, Harrington, Ray,, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker-8. · .. ·· .N'ays-N one. So the question was decided in tlie affirmative, and the bill, having received the required constitutional majority, Passed the Senate. Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the bill returned to that. body.

Mr. Davis, from the Committee 011 Corporations, reported back,. with a favorable reco~11mendation, the House bill entitled, "An act to incorporate the purchasers of the Wilmington and Western Railroad·," And moved that the same be taken up for consideration, Which motion Preva·il~d. . And further, on motion of Mr. Harrington, The bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragrnphs,: in order to pass the Senate. On the question, " Shall this bill pass the Senate 1" · 327,

Th~ yeas and nays were ordered, . ' · Which, being taken, were as follows : · Yeas~Messrs. Causey, Davis, Denney, U'iddeman, Harrington, Ray,. Sharpley and Mr. Speaker-8 . •N'ays-N on~. So the question was decided in the affirmative, and the bill, having received. the required constitutional majority, - Passed t!ie Senate. Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the bill returned. to that body. · · On motion of Mr. Sharpley, it was. Ordered that when the Semite adjourns it adjourns ,until 9 o'clock to-morrow morning. · 11:Ir.Harrington presented the memorial of the American Basket Company, of New Britain, Connecticut, asking to be incorporated;. which, there Being no objection, Was read, And further, on his motion, Was referred to the Committee on Corpcli:ations. On motion of Mr. Sharpley, The Senate adjourned until 9 o'clock to-morrow morning .. 328

I FRIDAY; Jl'ebruary .23, 1877-9 o'clock, A. M. The Senate met pursuant to adjournineht. Jlrayer by the Chaplain. Roll c~lled. Members present: Messrs. Causey, Davis, Denney, :Fiddeman, ·Harrington, Sh,arpley. and Mr. Speaker. J our:nal read and approved. ()n motion of Mr. Fiddenian, the House bill entitled, ·:' An act.to amend Chapter 83, of the Revised Code," · :Was read.a second time by its title, .And on his further motion, , Was referr~d to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Sharpley, the Senate bill entitled, , . "An act to renew and re-enact the chatter of St: Joseph's Benefi­ •.cial Society, of Brandywine, Delaw~re," Was read a second time by its title, And on his further motion, \Vas referred to the Committee on Corporations, ,on motion of Mr. Fiddeman, the House bill entitled, ·" An act to amend Ch~pter 190; Volume 15, Laws of Delaware," Was read a second time by its title, And on his further motion, Was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. Mr. Causey, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, On motion of Mr. Davis,. Obtained leave to int_roduce a bill entitled, "An act to lay out a new public road partly in Dagsborough · hun­ •'(lred.and partly in Ii;idian River hundred, in the county of Sussex and ,:State of Delaware," 329

'Which, on motion of nfr.Causey, Was read.

\ i\,Ir. Causey presented the petition of George P. Morris;Mary A. Layton and sixty-eight others, praying for the new public road pro­ vided for in the bill just read; which, there being no objection, \Vas.read, And further, on motion ·of Mr. Causey, Was referred to the Committee on Roads and Highways. l\Ir. Day, Clerk of the House, being admitted, informed the Senate that the House had passed and requested the concurrence ·@fthe Sen­ ate in the following bills, viz.: "An act to repeal Section 14, Chapter 390, V0lume 13, of the Laws of this State, and for other purposes;" " An act to. t,mencl Section 2, ·of Chapter 6, of the Revised Code ; " "An act to divorce Sallie J .. Wright· from her husband., John B. Wright:" . And presented the same to the Senate. He also informed the Senate that the House had concurred in the following Senate bills and joint resolution, viz.: · · . ' '' A further supplement to the act entitled. < An act establi3hing a. •College for Agricultural and Mechanic Arts. in this State;'." · "An a~t for the redemption of State Bonds ;" "Joint Resolution directing the State Treasurer to reinvest certain lllloneys for the benefit of the School Fund ;" And returned the same to the Senate. ]fr. Davis,· in pursuance of previous 1wtice, asked, and, •On motion of Mr .. Sharpley, •Obfained leave to introduce a bill entitled, " An act to amend an act entitled, : An act to amend and renew · the charter of the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of St. •George's and Appoquinimink hundreds, in New Castle county, for the · period of twenty years,' passed at Dover., January 22~ 1869,". . 25 33U

-Which, on niotion of Mr. Davis, Was read.

On, motion of })fr ... Sharpley, the .House· bill entitled·, '' A further supplement to the· act entitled 'An act to regulate the· building of wharves in the City of Wilmington,' passed at Dover,, February 6, 1855," Was read a second tin1e by its tifle,, And on his further motion, Was refened to the· Committee on Revised' Statutes ..

:Mr. Causey, in pursuance of previous·notfoe, asked, and,. On mot'ioi,iof lVIr. Davis,. Obtained leave to inti:ocluce a. bill entit,led, "· An a~t t~ amend Chapter 22, Volume I4,. Laws of Dehware, en­ titled ' 1An act to raise revenue for State and County purposes,'" Which, on motion of Mr. Causey,. Was.'reacl. On motion of Mr. Sharpley, the House bill- entitled,. '' An act to incorporate· the· ,Vilmington Ulub,in the· City of vYila- mil!gton, Delaware," · · Was read a second time by its· title, And on his further motion, vVas referred to the Committee on Corporations.

On motion of l\fr. Fiddem~n, the House bill ent~tled, "An act to repeal Section, 14, Chapter 390., Volume 13, of the, Laws of this State, and for other purposes," Was read. On motion of Mr. Shar.pley, the House bill entitled, · '' An act to amend. Section 2, of. Chapter 6,, ()f the Revised Code/'' Was r.ead.. 331

1Hr. Davis, frcni1 the Committee mi Corporations,, reported back,. with a. favoi·able recommendation, the House bill entitled, "An act?to incorporate the Board of City Missions and Churdt•, Extetision of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the city ot 1Vilming- ton," ·, And moved that. the same. be taken up for consideration, Which motioi1 Prevailed. ', And on his further motion, The bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs;, in order to pass the Senate. , On the question, " Shall this bill pass the Sen~te ?" , The yeas and nays were ordered, 1,Vhich, being taken, were as follows : Yeas-iWessrs. , Causey, Davis, Denney, Fiddeman, Harrington,. Sharpley· and Mr. Speaker-:-7 . .Nays_;. None. So the question was decided in the affirmative, ana'the bill, having-· receivetl the .required constitutional majority, · . · ~ Passed the Senate. Ordered that the Honse be informed thereof, and th~ bill returned' to that body. On motion of J\fr. Cau·sey, the Senate biH entitled, "K supplement to the act entitled 'An act to exempt from execu:... tion. process certain articles of personal property,' passed at Dover,. · April rn, 1873,". · Was read a second time by its title, And on his further motion, Was referred to the Committee on'Revised Statutes. :Mr: Thompson, a member of the House, being admitted, informed' the Senate that the House had passed and requested the concurrence· of the Senate in the following bill, viz.: · · "An act transferring the home and mansion farm of George 1Y., Horsey from School District No. 4G, in Sussex county, to School Dis-· -trict No. 51, in Sussex ~ounty," · 332

.And presented the same to the Senate'. On motion of i\Ir. Fiddeman, the House bill just presented ' ' . · Was read, , And on his further niotion, Rule 15 was suspended, in order that the bill might be read a second time by·its title, And on his further motion, . The bill was read a second time by its title, And further, on motion of Mr. Denney, · v/as referred to the Committee on Education. · On motion of i\'fr. Slmrpley, the House bill entitled, "An act to divorce· Susan Walt :incl George A. Walt from the bonds of matrimony," . Was read, together with the petition of Susan A. Walt for a di­ vorce, and accompanying papers. On motion of Mi. Denney, the House bill entitled, ·"·Ari act to an;encl Chapter 55, of the Revised Code," Was read a :second time by its title, .And on bis further motion, JV as referred to the Committee on Revised Sta.tutes.

Which motion was Lost. Mr. Causey moved, That the petition just read be r0ferred to a spcciitl committee, con­ sisting of the m~mbers of the Senate from Kent coui1ty-IVIessrs. Fid- deman, Denney and Harrington. · And on the question, "Shall this motion prevail'!" The yeas and nays were ordered, 'Which, being taken, were as follows : Yeas,-Messrs. Causey; Davis, Sharpley and l\Ir. Speaker-4. JVays-Me~srs. Denney, Fiddernan and Harrington-3. So the question was decided in th~ affirmative, And the motion Prevrdled, And the petition was so referred. On inotion of Mr. Denney, The Senate adjourned u:ntil 3 o'clock Monday ~fternoon. 334

MONDAY, :February 26, 1877-3 o'clock, P. M. 'fhe Senate met pursuai1t to adjournment. Roll called. Memb_ers present: Messrs. Causey, Davis, Denney, Fiddeman, Harrington, Hopkins, Ray, Sharpley arid Mr. :Speaker.. ,Journal read and -approv'?d. Mr. Ray gave notice that he would, on to-morrow or some future day, ask leave to introduce the following bills, viz.: "An act to amend Chapter ,176, of Volume 4, ·Delaware Laws ;'' "'An act to incorporate the Panama 'rnmsit Steamship Company;" " An act to ;menclthe charter of the Every Evening Publishing

i:Vfr.Slrnrpley gave notice that he would, on to-lliorrow O{ some fu- ,ture .cla:y,ask leave to introduce the following bills, viz.: ,,, An act ,for the protection of live stock in Delaware;" '·' .An :wt to amend Chapter 297, Volume 12, Laws of Delaware ;" , -<>An act to· amend Chapter 48, Volume 15, Laws of Delaware;" "' An act for certain b,eneficial purposes;" "' An, act to incorporate a company for certain purposes.'' TJie Speaker laid before the Senate, a communication from a meet­ ing 9f the citizens of the town of Newark, praying for a reduction of .State taxation; which; there being no objection, ' ' 'I .., lV:as read, ..c'\nd further, on motion of Mr. Causey, wVas referred to the Committee on Finance. 335

:i\fr.. Ray, f'ro1~the Committee on Revised Statutes, .rep()1:ted.back;, nvith a favorable recommendation, the Senate bill entitled.' "An act exempting,residents of this State from taxation on foreign, i.;nvestments ;" · And the. amendment :thereto, And moved that the same be taken up for.consideration, 'Which motion · · Preva·iled. ·On motion of Mr. Ray, 'The amendment was .!f_dopted• .And on his further motion, \Vas read a second time, . And on his further motion, 'fhe bill, as amended, was read a thir.tl 'time, by paragraphs, in order c,hJ pass the Senate. Section 1 of the· bill was read,,

And on the qirnstio1{," Shall .that be Section 1 of the bill 1" The yeas and nays were ordered, 'Which, being taken, .were as follows : Y~as-,-Messrs. C'au.sey, Denney, FiddemaI\; Harrington, Hopkina, .illay and :i\Ir. Speaker-7 . •Nays-}Iessrs. Davis and Sharpley"-2. So the question was decidect in the affirmative, And that was Section 1 of the bill. Arid on the question, "Shall this .bill _pass the SenateJ" :i\fr. Sha11)ley called for the yeas and nays, Which, being taken, were as follows : Yeas-Messrs. ·Causey, Davis, Denney, l<'iddcman, Harri11gion,:Hop'­ lkins, Ray and .Mr.Speaker'--;-8, .N'ay-,-:m:·.Sharpley_:_ 1. .So th~ question was .decided in the anir.mative, 336

And the oirl Passed tlie Senate •. Ordered to the House fo1·concurrence. The Speaker· laid before the Senate a-conmnu;iieation from Rev. Pen:.. nel Coombe, inviting the members to attend a temperance lecture at. the :M:.E. Church, on Tuesday evening, 27th instant; which, there· being no. objection, Was read .. · Mr .. Hopkins presented a petition from John A. Hazzard, II. IL· Lingo and sixty-eight others, for the i:epeal of an act to amend. an act entitled, an act to incorpora,te the Town of Milton; which, there being no objection, · Was read, And further, on motion of l\'Ir. Hopkins, Was referred to the Committee on 'Revised Statutes. Mr. Day, Clerk of the House, being admitted, informed the Senate that the Ho1tse had passed and requested the concurrence of the Sen­ ate in the following bills, viz.: "An act appointing. Commissioners to lay out a public road in. Kent co:unty ;"

" An act to enable Peter Hasti11gs to change the course of a public­ road running through his own, lands;" . And presented the same:'to the Senate. He also returned, with the signature of the Speaker of the House . attached ,th~reto, the following duly enrolled Senate bills, viz.: " An act for the relief of John 'I'. i\:I. C.ardeza and other persom; therein named ; '' An act to incorporate the Centreyille Hall Company." iYir. Ray, from the· special committee to which was referred the House bill entitled, " An act to divorce J .. Percy Robinett from tlrn bonds of mah'i­ mony ,". · Reported back the sa1iie, with a favorable recommendation, ::md moved that the bill be taken up for consideration, Which motioll! Prevailed~

I 337

And on his further motion, The bill under consideration was' read a third time, by paragraphs,., in order to pass the Senate., On the question, "Shall this bill pass the Sl'nate 1" i'\ir. Ray called for the_yeas and nays, Which, being taken, were as follows : Yeas-l\Jessrs. Denney, Harrington, Hopkins, Ray and Sharplcy-5 .. .N"ays-}Iessrs. Cause}_',Davis, Fidde1:11anand Mr. Speaker-4. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill Passed t!te Senate. Oref:eredthat the House be informed thereof, and the bill returned; to that body, ' l\Ir, Causey gave notice that he would, on to morrow or some future­ day, ask leave to introduce the followiRg bills, viz.: "An act authorizing the openillg of a road for the bcndit of Henry· H. Stuart, in Cedar Creek hundred, Sussex· county;" · "An act directing th:e Levy Court of Sussex county to make addi­ tional" appropriations to Georgetown, in .said county, for the mainte1h ance of roads, streets and bridges within the limits of said town." ' ' . Mr. Hopkins gave no.tice that he would, on to-morrow or some fu-­ ture day, ask leave to introduce the following bills, viz.: "An act to authorize vVm. H. Donovon to place gates across cer­ tain roads running through his farm;" " An act in reference to strays and for othe~· purposes;" " An act in reference to ' the, better government ·of free schools and. for other purposes ; " "An .act in relation to limitation acts and for other purposes." .Mr. Davis presented a petition from J arnes Carroll, Wm. IL Jones-, and thirty-two others, praying for the enactment of a Local Option. Law; which, there being no objection, Was read. l\Ir. Davis moved, 338

1'h~t the petition just read be referred to a special committee of three. Which motion Prevailed. ·whereupon~ Messrs. Davis, Harrington and Denney were appointed ,said special. co1111nittee. On motion of i\fr. Sharpley, the House bill entitled, "An act to divorce Susan "\Yalt and Georire A. ,Yalt from the bonds . ..-of ma trim ony," ~ vVas read a second time by its title. Mr. Sharpley moved, ~ Tlu~t the bill just reitcl by title be referred to a special cq'mmittee ·of three, vVhich motion Prevailed. Whereupon Messrs. Sharpley, Harrington and Ray were appointed ·said special ·committee. Mr. Hopkins, from the Committee on Educati_on, rel'ortecl back, with \<1 favorablerecommendation, the House bill entitled; · "An act transfening the home and mansion farm of George ,v. Horsey from .School District No. 46, in Sussex county, to School Dis­ ..frict No. 51, in Sussex county," _\ncl moved that the same be taken up for ..consideration, 'Which motion Prevailed . ..And on his further motion, The bill under consideration was read a tliird · time, by paragraphs, .,in order to pass 'the Senate. The question, '' Shall this bill pass the Senate 1" \\' as chJcideclin the affirmative, And the bill Passed the Senate. Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the bill returnei ,to that body. · · On motion of Mr. Denney, the House bill entitled, "An act to lay out a new road and vacate an old road in North , ..Murderkill hirndred, in Kent county," 339

Was read.a secondtirne by its title. And on his further motion, · ' Was.referred to.the Committee.on Roads and High":ays.: · 'Mr. Hopkins pres~nted a petition fr~m Captain Williani. :E.C~n­ well, Hestei, 1LOoinvell and nine ot.liers, praying for a general stock law.for School District No. 7, in Sussex county; which, there. being ' no ,objection, .·1 , • Was read, And further,' on moti¢n of Mr. Hopkins, '\,Vas{·eferred t~ the Committee on Revised Statutes. ' .. On motion of 'Mr. Ray, the ,I-Iou~ebill entitled, I ..

I '·' An' act' to organize the Maryland and Delaware Railroad, after . fpreclosure and sale; by that or S01Ile other .11amethat. may hereafter be adopted, and to _incorporate the same into a body politic," · '\-Vasread. ' . . . '. . . . ' ' . . ~ ' ' (, On motion of. Mr. Fiddeman, .the House biH entitled·; " An act to amend Chapter 34, 'of the Rev.ised Code,. Concerning , · · Constables;" · " ' 'J \ Was·read asecon_d time by its title,' And on his further motion, Was referred to the Com~ittee on.Revised. Statutes. On motion of l\'Ir.Fiddeman, the House bill entitled, • • • • • ' I "An act to repeal Section 14, Chapter 390, Volume 13, of the L~ws of this State, and for ?ther purposes," was read a second time by its title, ' ' . And on his further motion, ' fl ' Was referred t!) the Committee on Revised Statutes .. On motion of Mr: Sharpley, the House bill entitled, "An act ,to amend Section 2, of Chapter 6, of the Revtsel Code as amended,'' , W as.reaa' a second time byits title, / .


And on his further motion, · ' \. Was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes .. On motion of Mr. Denney, th!) House. bill entiped, " An appointing Commissioners to fay out a public ro.ad in. Kent county,'' · Was read. On motion of Mr. Davis, the Senate bill entitled, "An act to amend an act entitled, 'An act to amend and renew the charter of the Farmers' M)ltual Fire Insurance Company, of St. George's and Appoquin:imink.hundreds, in New Castle county, for the· period of twenty years,' passed at Dover, .January ~2, 1869," Was read a second time by its title, And on his further motion, · W-as referred to the Committee on Coi;porations. . Mr. Fiddeman gave notic~ that he would, on to-morrow or some fu~. ture day, ask leave to int_rodU:cethe foUowing bills, viz.: " An act to amend Chapter 418, Volume 14, Delaware L:,iws;" '" An act fo1;.the relief .of Justices of ·the Peace." • ' ! Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Corporations, reported back, with a favorable recommendation, the Senate bill entitled, "A~ act to reincorporate the Newark ·Bulding a11d Loan Associa- . ticin," · · . 1 And moved that the same_be taken up for consideration, Which motion· Prev11iled. And on his further \notion, • .The bill under consideration ·was read ·a third time, by paragraphs, order to pass the Senate. in ,. On .the question, " Shall this bill pas!! the Senate 1" .; . . The yeas and nays were 01:dered, Which, ,being taken, were as follows : ' - . , . . ~------.----- /------


Yeas_:Messrs. Causey, Davis, Denney, Fiddeman, H afrington, Hop- kins, Ray, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker-9. · . · . . . . Nays-None. So the question was decided, in the affi~m~tive, and the bill, having . ·1·eceivedthe requfa:ed constitutional majority, Passed the Senate. Ordered to the House for, concurrence .. Mr. Hopkins, from the Committee on Edu~ation, reported back, 'wi$out re·commendation, the Senate bill entitled, · •. ., ! • ' "An act to repeal Se~tion 2, Chapter 399, Volume 14, Laws of Delaware, relating to School Districts Nos. 72 and 81, in New Castle · ,county," · · · · And moved that the same be taken up for consideration, . . Which motion Prevailed. On motion of Mr. Sharpley,. 'The bill under consideration was_ Laid on il?e.table.

' . . ·On motion of Mr. Denney, the Senate bill entitled, '" Ail act to amend Chapter 72, V ohune 14, Laws o( D('llaware;" Was read a second time·,by its title. Mr. Ray gave.notice that he would, on. to-morrow or some ·future .

Mr. Davis moved, J'hat the b.ill under consideration be indefinitely postponed. And on the question, " Shall this motion prevail?" The yeas and nays were ordered, Which,, being taken, were as follows : Yeas-Messrs. Davis, Fiddeman,Ray and Mr. Speaker-4 . .Nays~l\Iessrs. Causey, Denney, Harrington, Hopkins and Sl1arp­ ley-5. ' So the question was decided in the negative, And the motion Did not prevnil. l\fr. Causey moved, 'That the bill under consideration be laid onthe table m1til 3 o'clock on Thm·sday afternoon. And on the question, '' Shall this motion prevail?"' · The yeas and nays were ordered, ,vhich, being taken, were as follows: Yeas___.:l\'Iessrs.C'ausey, Denney, Harrington, Hopkins and Sharp­ ley-5. ·.Niiys-}Iessrs. Davis, Fiddeman, Ray and l\'Ir; Speaker:.c_4. So the question was decided in the ~ffirm:itive, And the motion Prevailed, And the bill 'was Laid on. the table. . ' ::rri'..Cochran, a member of the I-louse, being admitted, informed the Senate that tl1(IIouse had. adopted and requested the concurrence of the Senate in a . · "Joint'·Resolution accepting an invitation of the Board of Public ],Jducation, of Wilmington," And presented the same to the Senate. On motion of .Mr. Fiddeman, The House joint resolution just receivecl \\' as, reacl. · 343

Mr. Sharpley moved, . That the House joint resolution just read be concurrea'in. -And on_the question, "Shall the Hou~e joint resolution be con-- curred in I" The yeas and nays were ordered, Which,' being taken, were as follows : Yeas-Messrs. Causey, Denney, Barrington, Hopkins and Sharp-- ley-5. · · Nays-Messrs. Davis, Fiddeman, Ray and Mr. Speaker-4. So the question ,vas decided in the affirmative, And the joint resolution was Concurred in. · Ordel'ed that the Ho.use be informed thereof, and th(\ joint i·esolution, returned to that body. - __ · \ · Mr Hopkins presented the remonstrance of "\Vm. S. Martin, Peter· ·o.Lank and ten others, against the passage- of a ,stock law for SchooL District :No. 155, Sussex county ; which, there being no objection, vYas read, And further, on motion of l\Ir. Causey, Vvas referred to the Committee on Agricultur~. · On motion of -Mr. Causey, The .5enate adjourned \rntil 10 o'clock to-mori;ow morning.

'l 344

,· TUESDAY, February 27, 1877-10 o'clock, A. M. The Senate met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Chaplain. Roll called. Members present: Messrs. Causey, Davis, Denney, Fiddeman, Harrington, Hopkins, Ray, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker. Journal read and approved. ]\Ir. Sharpley,· in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, On motion of Mr. Davis, Obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled, "An act to arnei1d Chapter 48, Volume 15, Ltiws of Deiaware," · Which, on motion of n>Ir.Sharpley, Was read. Mr. Davis, fr~~1 the Committee on Corporations, reported back, with a favorable recommendation, the Senate bill entitled, "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to amend and renew the charter of the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of St. George's and Appoquinimink hundreds, in New Castle county, for tho period of twenty years,' passed at Dover, January 22, 1869," ·with an a1iiendment, ..li..nd moved that t:1c l::i~l.be take:1 u:, ·)r consiclcrat:.on, ·which motion Prevailed. '. And on his further motion,­ The amendment just reported vYas rea~, And on his ft{rther motion, The amendment was .JJ.dopted. c And on 11is further motion, 345

Was read a second time, And on his further motiim, The bill, as amended, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to _passthe Senate. On the question, " Shall this bill, as amended, pass the Senate :" The yeas and nays were ordered; Which being taken were as follows : . Yeas-Messrs. Causey, Davis, Fiddeman, Harrington, Hopkins, Ray, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker-8 . •N'ays-N one. So the question was decided in the affirmative, and the bill, having received the required constitutional majority, Passed the Senate. Ordered to the House for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Cau_sey;the H~use bill e~titled, "An act reincorporating the T,own of Dover," was read a second time by its title, And on his further motion,· Was referrf)d to the Committee on'Corporations. · Mr; Hopkins, from the Committee on Educ11,tion,reported back, with a favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled, "An act transferring certain ren,l estate belonging to Richbell Alla­ band from School District No. 21 to United School Districts Nos. 113 and 113~, in Kent county," . And moved that the same be taken up for consideration, Whi

And the bill . Passed the Senrde. Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the bill returned to that body. Mr. Ray moved, That the vote by which the petition of Captain William E. Conwell, Hester E. Conwell and nine .others, for a general stock law for School District No. 7, in Sussex county, was referred to the Commit.tee on Revised Statutes, Be reconsidered, Which motion Prevailed, And the vote was reconsidered. - ' \ On motion o~ l\fr. Hopkins, 'l'he pe~ition was referred to the Committee on Agricultnre. l\fr. Hopkins, from the Committee on Education, reported .back, wHh a favorable recommendation; the House bill entitled, "An act to incorporate the Board of Education of the DoYer Pub­ lic Schools," . With several amendrnents thereto, And moved that the bill b.e taken up for consideration, Which motion On motion of Mr. Ray, . The amendments to the bill,imder consideration Were read. Mr. Ray moved, That the amendments just rGad be adopted, Which motion was • Lost. On motion of :;\'Ir. Ray, The bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, ju order to pass the Senate. · On the question, " Shall this bill. pass the S.enate 1" The yeas and nays were ordered, Which, beiµg ·taken, were as follows : . Yeas-Messrs. Causey; Davis, Denney' Fidcleman, Hai·rington, Hop- kins, Ray, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker--'-'-9. · .JYays-N one. · .,. . \• ' \ '. ; So .the question was decided in the affinnative, and the bill, ha Ying · -received the required constitutional majority, • · Pas.f~d tlie Senate. Order~d that' the House be. iilformetl 'thereof, and. the .bill· r.eturned to that)?dy. · · ·· · · :Mr. Sharpley, in p~rsu~nce of pr.evi

.And on his further motion, Was :.JI.dopted. Mr. Fiddemau offered an amendment to the bill under consideration~ Which,.o~ his motion, \Vas read. Mr. Fiddeman moved, 'That the amendment just read be adopted. And on the question, "Shall the amendment just read be adopted 1" :M:r.Fiddeman called for the yeas and nays, Which, being taken, were as follows : Yeas-Messrs. Fiddemau, Hopkins and Mr. Speaker-3.

' ' ·Nays-Messrs, Causey, Davis, Denney, Harrington, Ray and Shai·p- ley-6. So the question was decided in the negative, Aud the· amendment was' Lost. On .motion of Mr. Harrington, The ame11drnentto the bill, as previously adopted, \Vas read a second time, .And further, on motion of Mr. Causey, ' The bill, as amended, was read a third time, byparagraphs, in order -to pass the Senate. On the question, "Shall this bill, as amended; pass the Senate 1" Mr. Fiddeman called for the yeas and nays, t . ' . \Vhich, being taken, were as follows : Yeas_:__l\'lessrs.Causey, Denney, Harrington, Ray and Sharpley-5.' . -JYays-Messrs.' Davis, Fiddeman, Hopkins and Mr: Speaker-4 . . So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill Passed the Senate. , Orde·redto the House for concurrence. 349.

Mr. Ray, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, reported badr~ .. with.a favorable recommendation, the Senate bill eµtitled, ' ii A further additional suppleme~~ to ..the act entitled.' An act, for the benefit of Public Schools in Wilmi~gton," .. . And moved that the sam:e b~ taken up for c~nsid~ration, Which motion Prevailea.' Mi. Hopkins presented and had read, a communication from the Board of Public Education, of Wilmington,protestip.g against the en­ actment of a law reducing the membership of said Board, or. making· the office of Superintendent of Public Schools elective by the/people~ ~h. Sharpley presented and had read., a1etter from R. C. Fraim, a member of the Board of Public Ecj.ucation, of Wilmington, to · the same effect. · Op. motion of Mr. Sharpley, The bill under consideration was Laid on the table. ' ~Ir. Davis, from the' Committee on Corporations, reported back, with a favorable recommendation, the Senate bill entitled, "An act in relation to the Wilmington City Railway," ' ' And moved that the same be taken up for consideration, Which motion Prevailed. · And on his further motion,

The bill under consideration was read a . third time, by paragraphs 1 in order fo pass the Sen~te, · ' ' Onthe question, ".Shall this bill pass the Senate 1;' The yeas and. nays were ordered, Which, being taken, were as.follows: Yeas~~iessrs.' Causey, Davis, Denney, Fiddenrnn., Harrington, " Hopkins, Ray; Sharpley and Mr. Speaker-9. • Nays-None. · · So the question was decided in the a:ffirinative, and the bill; having received the required constitutional majority, · . - . . ' . , Passed the Senate. Ordered to the House for concurrence. 350

lifr. Ray, in pursuanc~ ~f previous notice, asked, ~nd, On motion of Mr .. Causey, Obtained leave to introduce a bill eiititled, "An act to amend Qhapter 176, Volume 4, Laws of Delaware.'' Mr. Ray presented and had read, a letter from VY.Jenks ~~ell,urging ,the passage of the bill just introduced'. . On motion of Mr. Ray, the bill just introduced 1was read. On motion of l\ir. Causey, the Senate bill entitled, "An act to amend Chapter 22, Volume 14, Laws of Delaware, en·- titled 'An act to n,ise revenue for 'State \tnd County purposes,'" liVas read a second time by its title, And on his further motion, Was referred to the Committee ori·Finanee. :Mr. Hopkins, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, a;1d, On motion of Mr. Ray, Obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled, '~An act to authorize '\Vrn. IL Donovon to place two gates ,tcross a certain pi1blic road ruiming acl'oss his farm.'' i\fr. Hopkins presented and had read, a letter from vYm. IL Dono- von, praying for the passage of the bill just introduced. On motion of Mr. Hopkins, the bill just introd.ticed )Vas read. On motion of Mr. Hanington, the Hou~c bill entitled; "An act to divorce Sallie J. vYriirht from her husband, John :B. "Wright," · V '\Vas read a second time by its title, And on his further motion, Was referred to the special committee composed of the members of the Senate from Kent county-i'rlessrs. ~,iclclem::m,Denney and Har­ ririgton-to which was referred the petition of Sa.llic ,J. Wright and the accompanying papers. 351

}Ir. Deuney,from-the Committee on EnroJlment, reported as being ,rlulyand correctly enrolled, and ready to receive the signature of tl:ie Speaker of the Senate, the following, Senate bills and joint resolu­ tion, viz.: '' A further supplement to the act entitled 'An act estaplishing :t College for Agricultural and .Mechanic Arts in this .State;'" ' . . "An act toichange the name of Ida Valentine Dilworth to the name of Ida Valentine, and to make her, by adoption, a daughter and heir-at-law of Alexander V :tlentine ;" "An act authorizing the Levy Court Commissioners of Sussex ,,ounty, of this State, to place snub-posts on the banks of the Broad­ kiln Creek, above and befow the Drawbridge;" "An act to repeal Chapter 445, Volum~ ,14, Delaware Laws;" · "An act to lay out a pi:ivate road in Milford lrn11d1·ed,in Kent -county;" "All' act for the redemption of State Bonds;" "J·oint Resolution iii relation to the payment by the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Company of a loan to the New Castle and >Vilmington Railroad Company, and its reinvqstment/' He also reported as being duly :incl correctly enrolled, signed by the Speaker of the House, 3,nd ready to receive the sig11ature of the Speaker of the Senate, the following House bills and joint resolu­ tion, viz.'. . '' An act to divorce J. P~rcy Robinett from tho boncls of matri­ mony;" "An act to incorporate the Diamond State Shoe a;l(l Leather Com­ pany;'' "An act au.thorizing the Vestry of Saint J olm's Protestant Episco­ pal Church, at Greenville, in Sussex county, to change and straightet1. a certain 1mblic road in Gumboro' hundred;" "An act to prohibit live stock from running at large in School Dis­ trict No. 7 5 and a portion of School District No. 118 ; " "Ai1 act in relation fo the Assessor and Road C01{nnissionersof St. !}corge's hundred, in New Castle county;'? "A supplement to an act to incorporate the Peninsula·Agricultural :md Pomological Association;" 352.

"An act to a~end the-act· entitled, '·An act relating to School Dis~. tricts.Nos. 60 and 94, in New Castie county;' passed at Dove11,·Janu;.:. ary29, 1877 ;" · · . .· · ..· · · ''An act·prohibitingJive sto~k .fi·om~unning at large in.School Dis­ trict No. 86, in New Castle c~mnty, Delaware;" · . •'A'supplement to the act entitled_ 'An act to consolidate School· Districts Nos. 70, 102, 70!, and 102!;, in Sussex comity, and for other: purposes;'" ".Joint Resolution in relation ·to new business·' after· Monday, thee 26th instant/'

On motion ofMr. Cau~ey, the Senate bill ·entitled, " An act to lay out a new public' road partly in Dagsboro'ugh hun- dred and partly in Indian River hundr~d, in the county of Sussex a.nd State of Delaware," · was read a second time by its title, Arid on his further motion, Was referred to the Committee on Roads and Highways,

Mr; Davis, from the Committee on Corp9rations, reported back,. with a favorable recommendation, the Senate bill entitled, "An act to incorporate the Wilmington Club,in the City of Wil-_ mington, Delaware," · · And moved that the same be .taken up for consideration, Which niotiqn . Pre'vailed. Arid further, on motion of Mr:. Denney, ...· The ~ill u~der considera.tion was read a third tin1e, by' pa;agiaphs,. · · .in order to pai:,sthe Senate. . · . On the· question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate 1" . The yeas and nays were ordered; .Which, being.taken, were as follows: . ·. .,~'··~ . . . . • ', ' f' '\ .Yeas"-MesSl'.S, Causey' Davis, Denney' Fiddeman, Harrington, Hop­ kins, Ray, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker:-9, J\l'ays-,-None .. 353

So· the question was decided in the affirmative, and the bill, haying-· received the required consti~utional majority, · Passed the Senate . .Ordered that the House be informed thereof, .and the bill returneo! to that body. Mr, Davis, from the Committee on Corporations, reported back, ... with a favorable recommendation, the Senate bill entitled, "An act to renew and re-enact the charter of St. Joseph's Benefi-- cial Society, of Brandywine, Delaware," And moved that the same be .taken up for consideration, . W_hichmotion Prevailed. And on his further motion, The bill under consideration ,was read a third time, by paragraphs, .. in order to pass the Senate. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate 1'; The yeas and nays were ordered, Which, being taken, were as follows :

Yeas-Messrs. Causey, Davis, Denney, Fiddeman; I-Iarrington 7 , Hopkins, Ray, Sharpley and Mr .. Speaker-9. JV'ays-N one. So the ,question was decided i11the affirmative, and the bill; having:· received the required constitutional majorit,y, Passed the Senate .. Ordered to the House for concurrence. l\Ir; Davis, from the Committee ~n Corporations, to which was re-· ferred the petition of the American Basket Oompany,'of New Britain,, Connecticut, asking to. be incorporated, reported a bill entitled, "An act to incorporate the Americ.an Basket Company, of N e-,;r I3ritain, in ~he State of Connecticut," Which, on mo~ion of Mr. Davis, 'N as reacl. On motion .of Mr. Denney, the Senate bill. entitled,: ) ' f

j 354

"Au a,ct authorizing the ai)pointment of an additional Notary Pub- ]ie," Wa.s taken from the table for eonsidert~tion, And on his further motion, Tire bill under eonsi~lerntion was 1-'Cada third time, PY.paragraphs, 1n o~dei· to pass the Senate, The question, " Shall this bill pass the Senate 1" \V a,s decided in the affi1·11rntive, And the ·bill Passed the Senate. Ordered to the ,House for concmT,~l!ce.· · Mr. Ray, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, reported ·back, without recommendation, the_Senate bill entitled, "An :tet for the protection of sheep, calves, pigs :incl poultry within .Now.Castle county," And. moved tlrnt the snme be. inken up for consideration, . \Yhich motion Prevniled. nfr. Sharpley presented remonstrances from vValter Grace, °BJ.H. · 1Nay and forty-five others, and J aeob Derrickson, J times Denison arid forty-six others, against the passage of the bill under . consideration; ·which, ·there being no objection, vVere reacl. Mr. Rity moved, That the bill i.mder consideration he read a third time, by p!J,l'a­ . ·graphs, in order to pass the Sena.to. Mr .. Harrington moved, As an amendment, that the bill under consideration be indefinitely _;postponed, . ·which moti911 Prevailed. A~d the hill was . indefinitely postponed. -On 1~10tionof :Yir.Davis, , The Senate adjourned until 3 o'clock this afternoon. 355

S.urn DAY-3 o'clock, P. M. 'Tlic Senate· mot 1mrsuant to iHljo~1rnrncnt. Roll called. "Members present: Messrs. Causey, Davis, Denney, ':iF'iddeman,Harrington, Hopkins, .Ray, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker. Mr. Holcomb, a member. of. the House, being admitted, informed r,he Senate that the H.ouse had passed and requested the · concurrence ,of the Senate in the followiug bill, viz.: "An act to divorce Annie G. France and her husband, Albert L. France, from the bonds .of matrimony;" · And p1·esented the same to the Senate, together with the petition of Annie G. France, and accompanying papers. On motion of ]\fr. Harrington, the Bo.use bill just presented, \Vits read, Together with the petition of Annie G; France, and accompanymg ·:;papers. Mr. Ray, from the Committee onRevised Statutes, reported back, ,with a favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled, ' " An act to amend Section 2, of Chapter 83, V olnme 15, Delaware }~RWS,'~ ., 1 .Ancl h;oved tlrnt the same be t:1kon up for consic1erl1tion, Which motion Prevailed: On· motion of Mr. Hopkins, The bill m1der consideration wn.s read a thii'd time, by l;l1rag\:aphs, , :,:morder to pass the Senate. '.I'he question "Shall this bill pl1ss the Senate ?" \Vas decided in the affirmative, And the bill Passed tlie Senate. Ordered that the House be informed thereof, .mid the bill returned · ;J,o that body. 356

Mr. Ray, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, On motion of l\fr. Denney, Obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled, "A .supplement · to an· act entitled, ' An act to incorporate the,· Brandywine Water Power Company,' passea at Dover, February 12,- 1867," ( Which, on motion of Mr. Ray, ·was read,' And on his further motion, Rule 15 was suspended, and tlie bill Was-read a second time by its title, And on his further motion, Was referred to the Committee on Corporations. l\fr. Harrington, from the Co~mittee on Roads and Highway~, re-· ported unfavorably on the petition ,of James H. W arringtori for a lavr authorizing him to place gates across a certain private road in. Indian:, River hundred,· Sussex county. On motion of i\fr. Hopkins, the House bill entitled, . " An act to. enable Peter Hastings to change the course of a public: road running through his own lands," Was read. On motion of Mr. Ray, the House bill entitled, "An act to organize the Maryland· and Dela.ware Railroad, after foreclosure and sale, by that or some other name that may hereafter be adopted, and to incorporate the san1e into a body· politic,;' Was read a sec.ondtime by its title. And on his further motion, Was referred to the Committee on Corporations. ' . l\fr. Davi~, from the Committee on Agriculture, 1·eported back,. ·· without recommendation, the Senate bill entitled, "An act to repeal and supply Chapter 437, Volume 14, of Dela-­ ware Laws," 357

1\..nd nioved_that the same be taken up for consideration, Which motion Prevailed. And further, on motion-of Mr. Hopkins, I The bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, an order to pass the Senate. · Section 1 ·of the bill un_der consideration was read, ...And on the· question, " Shall tha~ be Section 1 of• the bill W Mr. Harrington called for the yeas and nays, Which, being taken, were as follows : f Yeas-Messrs. Davis, , Fiddeman, Hopkins, Ray, Sharpl~y and .].'fr. Speaker-6 . .Nays-Messrs. Denney a11dHarrington-2 . .So the question was decided in the affirmative, .Arid that was Section l of the bill. '.The question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate 1" Was decided in the affirmative, .And the bill Passed the Senate. ·Ordered to the House for concurrence. , Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Agriculture, to which was re­ ,ferred the petition of Captain William E. Con-ivell,Hester E. Conwell ,11ndothers, for a general stock law in School District No. 7, in Sus­ ,sex county, and.the remonstrance of John J. Morris, David A. Wilt­ bank and others, against the same, reported that it was inexpedi~nt to legislate on the subject. · Mr. Hopkins presented the . remonstrance of James C. Robbins, -Charles Vaughan and fifteen others, against the enact,ment of a gen­ ·eral stock law for School District No. 7, in Sussex county; which, :there being no objection, Was read. Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Agriculture, to which was 're- . forred the communication from the Wilmington Board of Trade, ask­ ing the Legislature to appropriate money to be used as premiums for the cultivation of sugar beets, reported that it was inexpedient to . · ,legislate on the subject. 358,

On motion of l\Ir. Denney, the Senate pillentitled~ "An act to amend.Chapter 72, Volume 14, Laws of Delaw:1re,w Was. take11up for consideration. And on his further motion, 'rhe bill under consideration was read· a third time, by paragraphH,,. . iri order. to pa"ss the Senate. On motion.of :Mr. Ray, 'rhe votes by which the various paragraphs of the. bill under con·-- sideration were ~dopted, Were reconsidel'ed, And further, on motion of i\fr. Denney, The bill was\·ecommitted to the Convnittee on Revised Statutes. Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Corporations, to which was ·re-· ferred the petition ~f V{ ashington Seney and fourte~n others, in refo.­ tion to the Jamison's Branch Ditch Company, reported a bill entitled, ... ·"An act to incorporate .Jamison's 13ra.n'.chDitch Company," ·which, on motion of Mr. Davis, Was reacl. nfr. Ray, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, On motion of l\Ir, Davis,

Obtained leave to introduce tt bill entitled, "_An act to amend Chapter 35/3,Volume -14, Deb.ware Laws,'~ Which; ~n motion of Mr. Ray,. Was reacl. On motion of l\Ir. Shai·pley, it was Ordered that when the Senate adjourns it adjourns until Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock. . . Mr. Harrington, from the Committee on Roads "and Highways, to, which was referred the petition of Isaac Cirwithin, Riley W. Bennett and fifteen others, for a law to enable the petitioners to change t.he·· course of a certain public road in Cedar Creek hundred,· in Sussex .. _ county, reported a bill entitled, 359

' " An act authorizing Isaac Cirwithin and. Riley W. Bennett to lay out a public road on their own lands," Which, on motion of JYir.Harrington, , . Was read. On I).10tionof l\'Ir. Harrington, . . The Senate adjourned until 10 ~'clock Thursday morning.

'J'HUR.SDAY, lvfo.rchl, 1877-10 o'clock, A. M.

1.rhe Senate niet pm:suant to adjournment. · The Speaker being absent, On motion of Mr. Davis, · . Mr .. Fiddeman was chosen. Speaker pro te'(ftpore., Prayer by th~ Chaplnin. Roll called. Members present: Messrs. Davis, Denney, Fidde­ man, Harrington, Hopkins, ltay and Sharpley. ,Journal read and approved . . On motion of Mr. Sharpley, the Senate bill entitled, " A further supplement to an act entitled, ' An act .to .incorp'orate . the Trustees of the Home for Friendless and Destitute Children, in the City or Wilmington,:' ·Was read a second time by. its title, And onhis further motion, Was·referred to th(Committee on Finalice. ·· · On motion of l\'Ir. Sharpley, the Senate bill ent,itled, " An act to amend Chapter 48; Y olume 15, Laws of Delaware,'' 360

' Was read a. second time by its title, And on his fu\:ther motion, Was referred to the Committee on Revis~cl Stil.t11tes. _On motion of :iVfr.Davis, the. Sena.te bill. en,titled, "-An act ·to incorpora.te the American Basket Company, of New Brita.in, in the Stn,te .9f Connecticut," vVas reitd a second time by its title. On mcition of Mr. Sharpley, the House bill entitled, "An act to divorce Annie G. ]!'ranee and her husban_d, Albert L. Fm.nee, from the bonds of matrimony," Was read a second time by its title. · Mr. Sharpley moved, 'rhat the bill just read by title be referred to a special committee of three, · Which motion Prevailed. Whereupon Messrs. Harrington, Sharpley and Hopkins were ap- . · po~1tecl said special committee. On mf)tion of Mr. Hopkins, the House bill entitled, "An act to enable Peter Hastings to change the course of a public roaclrimning through ,his ownla.nds," ' . . .\Yas read tt second time by its t.itle, And on hi~ furt,her motion, Was referred to the Committee on Roads and Highways. Mr. Day, Clerk of the House; being admitted, informed the Senate that the .House had passed and requested tlw eoncnfrence of the Sen­ ate in the following bills, viz.: '" An act to reincorporate the Town of St. George's, a,nd for other purposes;" "An act to a1~end Chaptei· 152, Volume _15, Laws of Dehtware, entitled, 'An act to incorporate the City of New Castle:'" , "An a.ct to amend Section 10, of Chapter 128, of t.hc Revised Code;" I'


. \. - ' "' An act fo amend Sections 12 m1d 13, of Chapter 479., of Volume 13, Part 3, of the Laws .of the State of Delaware, entitl~d 'An act ti:o.incorporate th~ Town of Felton, and for ·other purposes,'"' · "An act to incoi:porate the Enterprise Ruildi11g and Loan Associa- tion, of the City of New Castle;" · · And presented the s~me to the Senate. Mr. Ray, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, 'to which was ireferred the petition of Z. A. Poole.and eighty-one others, for the:re­ ,peal of Chapters 300 and.615, of Volume lf, Delaware Laws, rela­ .ting to Silver Run, in New Castle county., reported a biH entitled, · . '·"An act to repeal Ch3tpters 300 :and . 61~, o:f 'the 11th Volume of .:the Laws of this State," · - Which, oii motion of Mr. Ray~ • Was read. ' . ' .·· ,on:motion of Mr. Sharpley, the House bill enti£led, CI "An act to incorporate the Enterprise Building and Loan Associa- .tion, of the City of New Castle,"· · · '!-.Vasread. ' ' ·. 'Qn motion of Mr. Sharpley;, the E;ouse ,bill entitled,, ' ' "An act to amend Chapter 152, Volume 15, Laws of Delaware, ·,entitled '·An act to. incorporate ·the City of New. Castle,' " Was read. , . On-motion of Mr. Sharpley; the House bill entitled, "An. act to reincorporate. the T,own of St. Georges, and for other ;purposes," · Was read.· Mr. Sharpley, from the special committee to . which was referred the House bill entitled; " . "An act·to di.vorce Susan Walt and·George A. Walt from the bonds ,of matrimony," . Reported back the same, with a fa;orable ·recommendation, and moved that the bill be taken up .for consideration, · . Which motion Pre.vailed. .2J \'' . ' And: on his further motion, The bill under.consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs~ in order to pass the Senate. . . . The question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate.1" Was decided' in the affirmative,. And the bill Passed the Senate. 1 Ordered that the· Honse be informed the•reof, and the bill retui·necl to that body. Mr. Ray presented a communication from Mr. Cmsar A. Rodnej;of Wilmington, · · Which was read, And further, on motion of Mr. Ray, I was ordered to be·entered upon the J oumal,' as, follows:• WILMINGTON,DEL'., February 26th, 1877. Hon. THOllIASHoLcmrn, Hon. JAirns II. RAY, Committee: GENT.LEUEN:-1 am in receipt of your favor of the 20th inst,, in­ viting me, on behalf of the General Assembly, to read before them a Historical Paper prepared for the Historical Society of Delaware, 'and yet. to be read before them, entitled "The Princeton Campaign of 11776-1777, compiled from the papers of Cmsar and Thomas Rodney,'~ and asking me to name an evening convenient to me for thait pmpose·. It gives me much pleasure to say, that with the.consent of the His­ torical Society, I a.ccept the invitation of the Genera.I Assembly, and would name the evening.of 'l'ues.day, March the 6th, as the time most convenient to me for reading the paper mentioned. With my acknowledgements to the General Assembly and your- s~ves for the honor-you have done me, I am, . Very truly, yours, C. A. RODNEY~- On motion of Mr. Ray, the Senate bill entitl~d, "An act to amen.clChapter 176, Volume 4, Laws of belaware;~ Was read a second time by its title, A'nd on his further motion,. Was referred to the Committee on Corporations.' On motion of. Mr. Harrington, the Senate bill entitled; "An act authorizing Isaac Cirwithin itnd Riley W. Bennett to lay . out a public road on their own lands," · · Was read a second time. by its title. Mr. Davis, from the Committe'e on Corporations, reported· back, . with a favorable recommendation, the House .bill entitled, . "An act to organize the Maryland a.nd .Delaware R~ilroad, ifter foreclosl!re and sale, by that or some other name that may hereafter be adopted, and to incorporate ·the same into a body politic," . ' . ' And moved that the same be taken up, for consideration, • I Which motion Prevailed. And further, on motion of :i\[r. Ray, 'l'he bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. . · · ' ' On the question, ''. Shall this bill pass the Senate ?" The yeas and nays were ordered, .Which, being. taken, were as follows : Yeas....:...::iYiess1:s.Davis, Denney, Fiddeman, Harrington,· Hopkins, Ray and Sharpley-7. Nays-None. · So the question was decided in the affirmative, mid the bill, having received the required constitutional majority, . . . Passed.tlie Senate.· Ordered that the House be i!lformed thereof, and the bill. returned to that body. Mr; Fiddeman, fro·m the special, committee to which was referred. the House bill entitled, "An act to divorce Sallie J. Wright from J,ier husband, John H. Wright,?' · • Reported back the same, with a favorable recommendation. l\Ir. Denney moved, 364 ,

That the bill just reported, be taken up for cousider:1tion; · Which motion Prevailed.

On motion of Mr. Ray, The bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Se~ate, The question, '' Shall this bill pass the Senate 1" vVas decided in the affirmative, And the bill Passedthe Senate.· Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the bill returned to that body. ·

Mr. Ray, fron~ the Committee on Revised Statutes, reported back, with a favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled, "An act to authorize the appoint1nent of guardians by the Chan- cellor or a Judge of the Orphans' Court, in vacation," And moved that the same be taken up for con~ideration, · Which motion Prevailed. And on his further motion, The bill under consideration was read a third. time, by paragraphs, _in order to pass the Senate. The question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate 1" vVas decided in the affirmative,. Aud the bill Passed the Senate. · Ordered that· the House be informed the1:eof, and the· bill returned . tio that body.

On motion of Mr. Hopkins, the Senate bill .entitled, ~' An act to authorize vVm. H. Donovon to place two gates across. ~- ·

lvlr. Davis, froin the Committee on Corporations, reported. back:o with a favorable recommendation, the Senate bill entitled, " A supplement t~ an act entitled, ' An act to incorporate the · :Brandywine Water Power Company,' passed at Dover, February 12~ 1867 ," . And moved that the same be taken up for consideration, Which niotion Prevailed.

And Ol1 his further motion, The bin '·under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs,, in order to pass the Senate: On the question, " Shall this bill pass. the Senatf) 1" The yeas and nays ':ere ordered, · Which, being taken, were as follows : · 'Yeas-:Messrs. Di,vis, Denney, Fiddeman, Hopkins, Ray and Sharp- ley-6. · .N"ays~None .. So the .question was decided in the affirmative, and the bill, having received the required constitutional majority, Passed the Senate. Ordered to the House for concurrence. nfr.Ray, from the Committee 'on Revls~d Statutes, reported back,· with a favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled, · "An act to amend Chapter 34, of the Revised Statutes, Concerning Constables," .. And moved that the same be taken up for consideration, . Which motion Pfrvaiterl. :Mr. Sharpley presented a remonstrance from J olm O. Thomas, Pat­ rick O'Donnell and one hundred and seventy-six others, against the passage of the bill under consideration; which, there being no objec­ tion, vYas read. On motion of Mr. Ray, The bill under consideration was Laid on the table·. · 3G6

l\Ir. Hopkins, in pursuance of l)reviou~ notice, asked, and, . On motion of Mr. Davis, Obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled, "An act to amend Chapter 4 7, Sect.ion 7, of the Revised Code," Which, on motion of Mr. Hopkins, ,:was iead·. On motion of Mr. Sharpley, I The Senate adjourned. until 3 o'clock this afte.1:noon.

SAJ\IEDAY-3 o'clock, P. M. The Senate met pursuant.to adjournment. Roll called.. :i\Iembers present : Messrs. Causey, Davis, Denney, . Fidclenmn, Harrington, Hopkins, Ray, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker. Tho Speaker announced that the special order for the hour was the consideration of the House bill entitled, "An act autl10rizing the Levy Court of N cw Castle county to pay Benjamin F. Townsend eighteen thousand dollars." . "i\lr. Sharpley presented a· petition from ,Joshua T. Heald, Wm. S. McCaulley and about six hundred others, praying for the passage of the bill under consideration: which, there being no objection, Was read .. Mr; Harrington offered an amendment to the bill under considenr­ . ~ion, ·which, on his motion, 'Wits read, 367

· A.nd on his further motion, Was, JJ.dripted• .A.nd on his further mo~ion, \Vasread a second time. Mr. Ray moved, That the bill under consideration, as amended, be read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to/pass _the Senate, \Yhich motion Prevailed • .Section 1 of the bill under consideration was read, A.nd the question, " Shall that be ~ection 1 of the bill 1" 1-Vas decided in the negntive, .And Section 1 was Lofft, And the bill was Lost: Ordered that the House be informed. thereof, and the bill returned - to that body. Mr. Fiddeman, in.pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, On-motion of Mr. D~nney, Obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled:, ''An.act to authorize the vacation of a portion of a certain public roa,d in M ispillion himdred, in Kent county, and to substitute a new• road, to be constructed in lieu of the part of. the said public road so · vacated," · Which, on 1notion of Mr. Fiddeman, Was read. Mr. Harrington presented .and had read, a remonstrance from Nim­ . rod Harrington, Robert S. Downs and twenty-five others, against the passa.ge of the bill just inti,oducecl; .which, there being no objection, Was read and refenecl to the Coinmittee on ·Roads and Highwayf. Mr. Hall, a· member of the H ousc, being admitted, infor'med the · Senate that the House had passed and requested the eoncmrence of · the Senate. in the following bill, viz.: 3'68

.,~An act to divorce Lucy S. Babcock and Grove L. Babcock from the bonds of matl'imony," · And presented the same to the Senate, together with the petition of Lucy S. Babcock, and accompanying papers. l\fr." Davis; from the Com~1ittee on Corporations, reported back,. with a favorable recommendation, the House bill e~titled,, '' A.n act reincorporating the Town of J; ov:er,." With an amendment thereto, A~d moved that the bill be taken up for consideration,. Which motion Prevailed'. And on his fm:thfr motion, ' The amendment was read, as follows : ''' Amend the bill by striking out all ,bet'ween the word 'to,' in line· 13, and the· word 'westwardly ,' in line 18, of Section 2, and insert­ ing in lieu thereof the following : ' the line dividing .the lands of ;L Alexander Fulton and lands of the Wilmington Conferen@eAcademy,, . and thence with the line dividing said lands.' " And on µis further motion,. The amendment was .!ldopted~ And on his further motion,· Was read a second time, Ana on his further moti011, The bill, as amended; was read a third time, by paragraphs, in, ordet· to pass the Senate. On motion of Mi·. Denney, 'rhe votes by which the various r aragraphs of the bill t nder con­ sideration were adopted, ' Were reconsidered, · And on his further motion,, Tlie 'bill was i·ecommitted to the Committee 011Corporations, ·with leav~ to report at any time: , On motion 0f l\fr. Ra.y, the Ifouse bill entitied,, 369

..': An act to amend Chapter 34, of the Revised Statutes, Concerning· ConstableP," · · Was taken from the table for consideration. l\'Ir. Ray presented and had read, letters from George Ward and J onn H. Puhl, of Wilmington, favoring ,the passage of the bill under- consideration. · l\Ir. Sharpley presented and, had read, a letter from Sharpley Bul­ lock, of Wilmington, remonstrating against the passage of the .bill . , under ~onsideration. Onmotion of Mr. Ray, The bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragTaphs,, in order to pass the Senate.

On the question, " Shall this bill pass the Senate i" The yea~ and 1iays were ordered,· . ·which, being taken, were asfollows : Yeas-Messrs. Causey, Davis, Denney, Fiddeman, Harrington,. Hopkins, Ray and Mr. Speaker-,-8 . .Nays:_N one. :mxcused from voting~:i\Ir. Sharpley. So the question was decided in the affirmative, And the bill Passed the Senate. Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the bill returned to that body. On motion of Mr. Fiddeman, the House bill entitled,, "An act to divorce Lucy S. Babcock and Grove L. Babcock from. the bonds of matrimony," ' · Was read, And further, on motio;1 of Mr. Itay, Rule.15 was suspended, and the bill was read a second time by its title, And on hiidurther motion, 370

W a,s referred to a· special committee composed of the .members of the Senate from Kent county-Messrs. Fidde1van, Denney and Har- :.ringtou. · · · On motion of Mr: Ray, the Sena:te bill entitled, ~, An act to amend Chapt~r 353, Volume 14, Delawa~e Laws,'' '\Vas read a second time by its title, And on his further moti.on, 1'V:1sreferred to the Committee on Elections .. On motion of Mr. Hopkins, it was Ordered that when the Senate adjourns it adjourns until 9 o'clock to-ri:torrow morning. On motion of Mr. Sharpley, 'l'he Senate adjourned l\,ntil 9 o'clock to-morrow morning.

:FRIDAY, March 2, 1877-9 o'clock, A. M. 'The Senate met pursuant to adjournment. Pr-ayer by the Chaplain. Roll c:JJled. Members present: Messrs. Causey, Davis, Denney,· ]~'iddernan; Harrington, Hopkins, Ray, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker . ..Tournal read and ~pproved. . }Ir. Harrington, from the special committee to which was referred . the Hohlse bill entitled,' ' '~< Au act to' divorc.e Annie I~. France and her husband, Albert L. France, from the bonds of makirnony,'' Reported back the same, with a favorahle recommendation,and _moved that the bill be taken: up for consideration, . . · 1Vhich mo.tion Prevailed. 371.

And on his further motion, The bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. On the question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?" Mr. Ray called for the yeas and nays, 1Vhich, being taken, were as follows : Yeas-Messrs. Causey; Denney, Fiddeman, Harrington, }Iopkfos, ·nay, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker-8. Nay-Mr. Davis-1. So the question was ·decided in the affirinative, And the bill Passed the Senate. Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the bill returned to that body .. . ' : ' 'l\fr. Fiddernan, from the special committee to which was referred the House bill entitled, "An act to divorce Lucy S. Babcock and Grove L. Babcock from the ~onds of matrimony," Reported ·back thP,' same with a favorable recommendation, and moved that the bill be taken up for consideration, ' · Which motion Prevrtiled.' And further, on motion .oLl\Ir. Ray, The bill under consideration was read a third ti1i10,by paragraphs;' }n order to pass the Senate. The question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?" Was decided in the affirmative, And the bill Passed tlie S~naie. Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the bill returned to that body. Mr. Fiddeman moved, That the Finance Committee be increased by the addition of ~1{e -0ther member, 372

Which motion Preva'iled. Ordered that the na111eof Mr. Ray be added to said committee. Mr. Day, Clerk of the House, being adi'ni.tted, informed the Senate that the Housl) had passed and requested the concurrence of the Sen- ate in the following bills, viz.: · " An act to prohibit live stock from running at large in SchoolJ)is- trict No. 67, in New Castle county;" · ;, A further supplement to the act entitled, ' An act to incorporate the Duck Cr'eek Improvement Company;" "An act to authorize.the laying out of a new road in North l\furder­ kill and South Murderkill hundreds, in Kent c·ounty ;" "An act to amend the act e~titled, 'An act to amend Chapter· 7,' of the Revised Code. of 1852, as published .in the Amended Code of 1874,' passed at Dover, January 26, 1877 ;" , · · "An act to repl)al Chapters 173 and 174, of the Fifteenth Volume of the Laws of the State of Delaware;" "An act to amend the Charter of the City of ·Wilmington;" "An act to incorporate the Delaware State Grange Mutual Fire Insurance Company ;" ' · ~' An act to prohibit liv'e stock from running at large in School Dis­ tricts Nos. 11 and 81, in Kent co~mty ;" "An act to ani_endChapter 444, Volume 13, of the Laws of Dela­ ware, entitled, 'Of Di,tches ;'" "An act to divorce Robert K· Randall from the bond~ of matri- mony;" · · "An act tci amehd Section 3, of Chapter 104, of Revised Code;" And presented the same to the Senate. Mr. Ray, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, reported back, with a favorable recommendation, the House bill"entitled, . "A supplement to. an act authorizing the owners and possessors of the marsh and low grounds commonly called and knowi1 as Tappa­ hannah Marsh, situate in the forest of Dover hundred, in Kent county, fo cut. a di.tch or _drain through the same," And moved that the bill be taken up for consideration, 373

Which. motion Prevailed. And on his further motion, The bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, inorder to pass the Senate. The question, '' Shall this bill pass the Senate?" Was decided in the affirmative, And.the bill Passed the Senate. Ordered that the House be infor!11edthereof, and the bill returned to that body. · Mr. Fiddeman, from the, Finance Comniittee, reported back, with a favorable recommendation, the Senate bill entitled, '' A further supplement to an act entitled 'An act to incorporate the Trustees of the Home for Friendless and Destitute Children, in the City of Wilmington,'" And moved that the same be taken up for consideration, Which.motion Prevailed. And on his further motion, The bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, i.n order to pass the Senate, On the que~tion, "Shall this bill pass the Senate 1" The yeas and nays were ordered, Which, being taken, were as follows : Yeas-Messrs. Davis, Denney, Fiddeman, Harringtbn, Hopkins, Ray, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker~S. Nays-:N one. So the question wsis decided in the affirmative; and the bill; having receive_dthe required constitutional majority, Passed the Senate. . . Ordered to the House for concurrence. Mr. Ray, from the Comm'itt_ee on Revised Statutes, reported back, ·· with a favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled, · 374

"An act to authorize the Recorder of Deeds in and for New Castle­ county .to make certain indexes," With an ai,nendment, And moved that the biUbe"taken up for considerat:on,. Which motion Prevailed. And on. his further ·motion, Th.e amendmer;it just reported was read, as follows : "Amend Section three (3) by adding to said section the following: The award or allowance so made by the Levy Court for the services as mentioned in Section.; one and two of this act, shall be con~lusive· and final." And on his further motion, The ainend111entwas .!l.dopted,. And on his further motion, Was read a second time, 'And.on his further motion, The bill, as amended, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. · · The question, " Shall this bill pass the Senate?" ''IVas decided in the affirmative, And the bill Passed· the· Senate. Ordered that the House be inforn{ed thereof, and the bi.11,as amended, returned to that body, with the request that .the said. amendment .be concurred in. / l\ir. Davis, ·from the ·Committee. on Corporations, reported back, with a f~vorable recommendation, the Senate bill entitled,. "An act to ·amend Chapter 176, Volume:4, Laws of. Delaware," . And moved that the same be taken up for consideration; Which motion Prevailed. And on.his further motion, The bill 'under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order·to pass the Senate. 3.75

On the question, 'f Shall this bill pass the Senate 1" The yeas and· nays were ordered, Which, being taken, wer.e as follows : . Yeas-Messrs. Causey, Davis, Denney, Fiddeman, Harrington, Ho:p-,.­ kins, Ray, Sharpley and i\Ir. Speak~r-9. Nays-None. So the question was decided in the affirm.ative, and the bill, I1i1Ving rec~ived the required constitutional majority, . ' Passed the Senate. Ordered to the House for concurrence. Mr. Harrington, from the Committee on Roads and Highways, re­ ported back, with a favorable recommendation, .the Senate bill entitled:, .. . . ' "An a.ct to authorize ,vm. ·rr.Donavon to place two gates aarnss. a certain public road running across his farm," With an amendment, And moved that the bill be taken up for consideration, Which-motion Prevailed_ And on his further motion,· The amendment just reported, . Was read,. And on his further motion, Was .!ldopted,,. And on his fu~ther motion, Was read a second time, And on his further motion, The bill; as amended, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. · The question, "Shall this bill, as amended, pass the Senate_r Was decided in the affirmative, And the bill Passed tke Senate_ 376

·Ordered to the House for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Hopkins, the Senate bill entit~ed·, " An act to a~nend Chapter 47, of Section 7, of the Revised Code," vYas read a second time by its title. :Mr. Sha~ley, from the Committee on Ele~tions, reported'back, with :.a'favorable r,ecommendation, the Senate bill entitled, "An act to amend Chapter 353, 'Volun'!e 14, Delaware Laws," )Yith an amendment, And moved that the bill be taken ti:p for consideration, . . vYhich motion Prevailed. And on his fti.rther motion, · The ame:ndmerit just reported, vVas read, And on his further motion, . Was .11.dopted, Apd further, on inotio,n of Mr. Ray, vYas read a second time, And further, on motion of Mr. Sharpley, The bill under consideration, as amended, was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. The question, "Shall this bill, as amended, pass the Senate?" .. W rts decided in the affirmative, And the bill .Passed the Senule. Ordered to the House for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Causey, the House bill entitled, "An act to amend the act entitled,' An act to amend Chapter 7,· ,of the Revised Code of 1852, as published. in the Amended Code of 1874,' passed at Dover, J·anuary 26, 1,877," Was read . . On motion of Mr, Sharpley, the House bill e~titled, 377

'' An ,act to amend the Charter of the City of Wilmington;' Was. read. On motion of Mr. Fiddeman, the Senate bill entitled, "An act t,o authorize the vacation of a portion of a certain IJublic road in , in Ke1it county, and to. substitute a new road to be construoted in lieu of tlie part of the said public road so vacated," "\Vasread a second time by its title, And on his further motion,.· Was referred to the Committee on Roads and Highways. Mr. Fiddeman pr·esented a petition from the Town Commissioners •of Harrington, praying for the passage of the bill just referred ; which, there being no objection, Was referred to the Comniittee on Roads and Highways. On motion of Mr. Sharpley, the House bill entitled, " An act to incorporate the Enterprise Building ttnd Loan Associa:- tion of the City of New Castle," Was read a second time by its title, And on his further motion, Was reforred to the Committee on Corporations. On motion of Mr. Sharpley, the House bill entitled, "An act to amend Chapter 152, Volume 15, Laws of Delaware, · ,entitled 'An act to incorporate the City of New Castle;'" · Was read a second time by its title,. And on his further motion, Was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Denney, the Senate bill entitled, "An act to incorporate Jamison's Brnnch Ditch Company," Was read a second time by its title. On motion of l\fr. Sharpley, the House bill en.titled, 28 378

· ac An act to reincorporate the '!own of St .. George's,- arid fou 0tliell' purposes," Was read a second ,tim~ by its title, _·Andon his further motion, Was referred to the Collllnitte_eon Coq'Jm:,1tions.· • o • I • On motion. of Mr. Harrington, the. House b.iUentitle£1, "An act t0 authorize the. laying out of a new i·oad in , North Miir- derkill and South Murderkill hundreds, in Kent county,". Was read. On. m9tion ~f ~Ir. Fidcleman, the House bill entitJ~d, "An act to repea.lChapters 173and 17 4, of tlie Fifteenth ,tolume of .the Laws of the State of Delawa:re.;." · -w·as reacl. On motion of Mr, Causey, it was · Ordered that.when the Senate adjourns it adjourns until Mon~ay afternoon, at )3 'o'clock. · · · Mr. Davis, from the. Committee_ on Corporations, reported b~ck,, with a favorable recommendation, the· House bill entitled; "An act reincorporating the '1'0,wnof Dover;'' ·with an amendnient, And moved .that the.bill be taken l1p·for consideration; · · Which niotion ;Prevailed~ . And on his further motion, . The amendment just reported was read,as follows: "Amend Section 6 in .the 22d line, by striking out. the word '.two'' in the same, and inserting in lieu thereof the word 'one,'" . . And further, on·i1icition of Mr. Denn~y, The amendment was ; J.ldopt~d:. And on his fmther motion,, Was read a second time,, 379

And further, on motion of Mr. Davis, The bill under consideration, as amended, was read 1,thinl time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. · The question, "Shall this bill, as amended, pass the Senate?" The yeas and nays were ordered, Which, ·b~ng taken, were as follows: Yeas-}Iessrs. Causey, D,wis, Denney, Ficldeman; Harrington, Hop­ kins, Ray, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker-!:l. JYays-Nonc. So the question was decided in the affirmative, and" the' bill, as . amended, having r_eceived the required constitutional majority, Passed the Sena.te. Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and. the bill, as amended, returned to that body, with the request that the said amendment be concurred in. Mr. Wright, a member of the House, being admitted, informed the Senate that the House had concurred ii1 the Senate ·amendment to the House bill entitled, "An act reincorporating the Town of Dover." On motion of Mr. Causey, The Senate adjourned until 3 o'clock on Monday afternoon. 380

l\foNDAY, March 5, 1877-3 o'clock, P. M. The Senate met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called. Members present: Messrs. Causey, Davis, Denney, Fiddeman, Harrington, Ropkins 1 Ray, S~arpley and Mr.'Speaker. · Journal read and approved. Mr. Causey presented a petition from Simeon Thoroughgood, Henry Jfood and fourteen others, for the passage of a law authorizing the opening of a new street in the Town of Millsboro', and the erection of a bridge across Indian River, in Sussex county. Also, the remonstrance of Daniel Burton, Thomas Z. Barker and ihirty-six others, against the same; which, there being no objection, 'IVere read, .And further, on motion of Mr. Causey, ·were referred to the Committee on Roads and Highways. '0n motion of Mr. Ray, the House bill entitled, •' An act to repeal Chapters 173 and 174, of the Fifteenth Volume ,of the Laws of the State of Delaware," Was read a second time by its title, And on his further motion, Was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Ray, the House bill entitled, "An act to divorce Robert E. Randall from the bonds of matri­ mony," Was read. , Mr. Day, Clerk of the House, being admitted, informed the Senate that the Rouse had P.assed and requested the concurrence of the Sen­ ::ate in the following bills, viz,.:

· « An act to divorce Virginia Chandler from her husband, Jesse ,,.Chandler;" 381

"An act in.relation to the collection of School Taxes in United School Districts Nos. 60, 90, 91, 92, 18 and 101, in Kent county, constituting the Dover Public Schools ;" '' An act for. the appointment o_fan additional Notary P~ blic in Sussex c~mnty ;" . ·

"An act to regulate th~ s.tandard. for oats in the State· of Dela;­ I: ware;" ' And presented the same to the Senate. Healso presented 'for the signature of the 'Speaker of the Senv,te, they having, be.en signed by the Speaker of the House, tlie following duly and correctly enrolled House bills and joint resolutions, viz.: "An act to incorporate the Immaculat('l Conception Beneficial So-· ciety, of Wilmington, Delaware;" · "Ali act to amend (Jhapter 159, Current Volume, Delaware Laws,' entitled ' Ari act to. incorporate the Town of Lewes, and for other pur,­ poses,' passed at Dover, March 10, 1875 ;" "An act to incorporate the Benedictine Order of the. Sacred Heart, of Wilmington, Delawar~;" . . ·. " An act authorizing th~ Governor to appoint an additional Notary Public in Baltimore hundred, in Sussex count!;'' · "An act prohibiting live stock fi·om running at large in School Dis-. t:rict N?. 62, in New Castle coµnty ;" . . · 'I Joint Resolution inviting Mr. Cresar A. Rodney to read an His- torical Paper before .the General Assembly;" · . 1 "Joint Resolution appointing Directors. for the Farmers' Bank, of the State of Delaware.". On motion of Mr. Ray, 'fhe' Clerk wa's.instructed to request the House to return to the Sen..: ate the House bill entitled, · · "An act to organize the Maryland and Delaware Railroad, after foreclosure and sale, by that or some other name that may hereafter bi, adopted, a_nd:to incorporate the same into a body politic." Mr. Ray, in pm'.suance of previous notice, asked, and, . On motion of Mr. Denney, Obtained leave to intro,dti.cea bill entitled, 382

« An act to incorporate the Panama 'rninsit Steamship Company," 'IYhich, on motion of Mr. Ray, 1V«s read. ;\h. Cau~ey asked, and,· On motion of i\Jr. Ray, Obtaii1ed leave to changq the title of "An act authoriiing the opening of a road for the benefit of Henry 1\'. Stuart, in Cedar Creek hundred, Sussex county," Of which he l:iad given previous notice, to "An act granting to tlie United States the title to a certain public road in Cedar Creek hundred, in Sussex county," ..\ncl further, on motion of J\fr. Ray, Obtained leave to introduce the said bill, 'Which, on motion of nfr. Causey, iY as react. :Mr.Ray moved, that the House bill entitled, " ..c\n act tu amend Chapter 152, Volume 15, Laws of. Delaware, entitled 'An act to incorporate the City of New Castle," 1Vhich had been referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes, be referred to the Committee on Corporn,tions, Which motion Prevailed, And the pill. was so referred. On motion of Mr. Rn,y, the House bill. entitled, " An act to regulate the st~ndard for oa.ts in the State of Dela­ ·ware," \Vas read. On motion of "i\fr. Denney, the House bill entitled, "An act to amend Section 3, of Chapter 10;!, of Revised Code," \Vas read, And on his further motion, :383

Rule 15 was suspended, .and the bill .. ·was read a second-tinie by its title, And on his further-motion, 1\-Vasreferred to the Committee on Revised Statutes.· On motion of :Wr.Sharpley, the Hou~e bilLentiUed-, " An act to amend the Charter of HieCity. of )Vilrnington," V{ as read a second time by its title, And on his further motion, _l'Vasreferred to the Committee on Corporations. On motion of M:r. Denney, the House_bill entitled, - " An act,to prohibit live stock from running at large in SchoolDis- h'ict No. 67, in New Castle county," · · · · · · · \Vas read . . ,On uiotion of M:r. Denney', the House bill ·entitled, ·" An act to _prohibit live stock from running at large in Schoo] Dis- tricts Nos. _11and 81, in Kent comity_," · · Was read. On motion 'of Mr. Sharpley, the House bill entitled; ·~"An :iet to amend Section 10, of'Ohaptei· 128, of the Revised Code," 1Vas reacl. On rnot~on of Mr. Sharpley, the House bill entitled, "'An act to divorce Virginia Chandler from her hu~band, J csse !Chandler," ·was reacl. On motion of Mr. Denney, the House bill entitled,' "A further supplement to the :ict entitled, 'An act to incorporate ihe Duck Creek Improvement Coi'npany,'" Was read. Mr. Ray, from'tlie Committee on Revised Statutes, reported back, with .'t favor.able .reco1mnEmcl.ation,tho Senate bill entitled, 384

"An act to amend. Chapter 72:,,Volume 14, Laws-of Delaw3;re,,,; With an amendment, , And moved that the bill be taken up for consideration, Which motion -Preva.iled. A~d on his' f~~ther m~tion, The amendment just reported, 'was read, And on his further motion, Was ·.Rdapted, And' on his further motion, Was Jead .a second time, And on his further motion, The bill, as amended, was ·read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. · The question, '' Shall tliis bill~ as amended, pass the Senate}" was decided in the affirmative, And the bill P!LSsedtlie Senate. Ordered to the House for concurrence. . . ' . On motion of ~fr. Denney~ the House bill entitled, "An act to authorize the laying ont of a new road in North l\'Iurder:,. . kill and South MurderkiH hun·dreds, in Kent county," was read a second time by its title, And on his further motion, Was referred to the Committee on Roads and Highways. M.r. Ray sent to the Cierk's desk and had read, two letters, Which, on motion of Mr. Fiddeman, were ordered to be entered upon the .romnal, ;is follows : 385·



PHILADELPHIA, March 1, 1877. Slate of Delaware, J anies H. Ray : · Sm :-Your application for space has been received and registered;, No. 2210. It will be ei;:amined, :md when spa:ce is allotted you will be dulyl' notified. · In future correspondence relating to your proposed exhibit, please, men!ion,your register number. Yours, respectfully, HENRY PETTIT, Chief of Bureau.:.



Pnn,AmJLPHIA, March· 1, 1877. · James H. Ray,. Esq.:

DEAR Sm :-Yours of 27th ult.. received. ·we will arrange the­ Delaware State JDxhibit so as to make as good a display as possible. I think we: can provide show cases for the gr.eater part of it. There· will be no expense to the State. Very truly, yours, HENRY PE'r:r1T, Chief of Bureau~ On motion of Mr. Denney ,_the House bill. entitled, "An act appointing Commissioners to lay out a public road in Kenk co1~nty," Was read a second time by its title, And on his.further motion,, 386

"'vVas referred to the Committee on ;I.loads and Highways. On motion of l\Ir. Causey, the Senate bill entitled, "An act authorizing Isaac Cirwithin and Riley vV.Bennett to lay ,,out a public road on their own lands," vVas taken up for consideration, And on his further motion, The bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. The question, '' Shall this _bill pass the Senate 1" V\Tasdecided in the affirmative, And the bill Passed the Senate. Ordered to the House for concurrence. :i\Ir. Hopkins presented the remonstrance of George H. '\Yilson, Jr., vVillia1n Johnson and eight others, against tho enactment of a stock .law for School District, No. 79, in Sussex county; which, there being no objection, · · vVas read, And further, on motion of Mr. Hopkins, \Vas referred to the Committee on Agriculture. Mr. Sharpley, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, On motion of Mr. Davis, Obta1ncd leave to introduce a bill entitled, -'' An act for the protectio,n of live stock in the State of Delaware," vVbich, on motion of l\Ir. Sharpley, "\Vas reac1.

'\,Jr. Sharpley presented ,t petition from Isaac S. Elliott, Benjamin Elliott and forty~three others, praying for the passage of the bill just ,read; which; there being no objection, · vVas reac1. On motion of Mr. Hopkins, tho Senate bill entitled, "'An act to amend Clrnpter 47, Section 7, of the Revised Code," 387

'iVwz referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes, On motion of Mr. Harrington, the Senate bill entitled, "An act to incorporate the American Basket Company, of New ~Britain, in the State ·of Connecticut," "\Vas taken np for consideration, And further, on motion of 1\lr. Causey, vVas recommitted to the Committee on Corporations. :Mr. Day, Clerk of the House, being admitted, retiirned, in compli­ .:ance with tho request of the Senate, t~o Honse bill entitled, "An act ·to organize the Maryland and Delaware Railroad, after .foreclosure and sale, by that or some, other name that may hereafter .be adopted, and to incorporate tho same into a body politic;"'

. On motion of Mr; Ray, The vote by which tho House bill just returned passed tho Senate,.· \Vas roconsidorod, And on his further motion, The bill was recommitted to the Cori1mittee on. Corporation_s.

On motion of Mr. Fiddomai.1, the House bill entitled, "An act to mrnnid the ;:i.ctentitled, ' An act to amend Chapter 7, ,of the Revised Code of 1852, as published in the Amended Code of' 1874,' passed at Dover, J·anuary :W, 1877," \Vas read a second time by its title, And on his further motion, Was referred to the Committee on ReYisod Statutes.

On motion of l'Vlr.]'iddoman, tho House bill entitled, . "An act to amend Sections 12 and 13, of Chapter 479, of Vofrune 13, Part 3, of the Laws of the State of Delaware, entitled 'An act .ito incorporate the Town of Felton, and fqr other purposes,'" \-Vasread . .Mr. Ray offered a joint resolution, 388

·which, on his motion, Was read, as follows : "Joint Resolution appointing a committee to settle with the State Treasurer and the Auditor of Accounts, and to audit the accounts of the, Clerks of the Legislature." Resolved by the Senate and }louse of Representatives of the State of" Delaware in General .11.ssemblymet, That---·.--, on the part of the Senate, and ----. -, on the part of the House of Represen~ tatives be, and they ar_el).ereby, appointed a committee" on the part of this General Assembly;"whose duty it shall be to meet at Dover, o:n the third Tuesday of January, A. D. 1878, for the purpose of settling the accounts of the State Treasurer and receiving the report of the Auditor of Accounts for the current year. Resolved, That it shall be the duty of the said committee, after their­ settlement with the State Treasurer aforesaid, to cause a statement of such settlement, under their hands, or the hands of a majority of them, to be published in two newspapers printed in the State, for the space of oµe month from the time of effec.ting the same. Resolved, That the said committee have full power and,authority to · audit the accounts of the Clerk of the Senate and of the Clerk of the­ House of Representatives, for superintending the printing of the J our­ nals of the· Houses of the Legislature during the present session and for making indexes thereto ; also the accounts of the Secretary of the State for superintending the pl'inting of the acts of the present sessiori and for making indexes to the same ; and make such allowances for the said services as they may think just and proper, which said allow­ ances shall be paid by the State Treasurer upon orders drawn by the­ Chairman: of the said committ~e, in favor of said Clerks and Secre­ tary of State respectively. Resolved, That the said committee shall recei~e-the same compensa­ tion as is by law a!Jowed to the members of the General Assembly, to be paid by the State Treasurer, upon orders drawn by the Chairman of the said committee out of any money in the hands of the said State­ Treasurer, not otherwise appropriated; and the Chairman of said committee shall have authority to dr~w orders for the incidental ex­ penses arising' out of the session oJ: said committee, to be paid in like­ manner. On motion of l\fr. Fiddeman, The joint resolution ,vas .11.dopted.: On motion of :Iiir. Ray, 389 · The Speaker was directed: to fill the first blank in th.e joint resolu­ iion by appointing the committee o~ the part of the Senate. · Whereupon, the Speaker appointe~ Messrs. Ray arid Causey.said ,committee. · ' · ·· · Ordered that the joint resolution be sent to the. House for concur­ .;rence. On motion of Mr. Causey, ''.!;heSenate a:djourned until 10 o'cl;ck to-morrow morning.

Tuli:sDAY,·March· 6; 1877.;..:..10o'dock, A,. .M. 1 The Senate met pursuant to adjournment .. . ,,Prayer by the Chapl~in; ·. Roll called. Members present: Messrs. Ca~sey, Davis,. Denney., 1Fiddeman, ~arrington, Hopkins, Ray, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker. Journal.read a~d app~oved. Mr. Ray moved, ..·· ..That an additional. me~bei; be placed upon.the Committee on the ·part of the Senate to settle with· the'State Treasm;er and the Auditor -0f. .t\.ccounts, and to audit the accounts of the Clerks of .the Legisla- -tur.~, ·· · ·· · · Which motion Prnvailed. Whereupon, Mr. Fiddema~ was appointed the additional member.of :Said committee. · On motion of Mr. Fiddeman, the House bHl entitled, ''Ana.ct in relation .to the· collection 'of School Taxes in United :School Districts Nos. 60, 90, 91, .92, 18 and 101, .in Kent county, ,constituting the Dover Public schools,"· · · · 390 Was read. . . Mi. Day, Clerk of the.Rouse, being admitted,.inf~rmed.the Senate· that the House had passed and requested the concurrence of the Sen-· ate in the following bals, viz.: · · · · " An act limiting the powers of the Road Commis'sioners of New· Castle hundred to lay and collect a tax;" ".An act to prohibit the destruction of wild game in this ?tate ;" "An act to lay out a ptiblic roa

"An act for the appointment of an additionai Notary Publi.c m, Sussex county," Was.read.' · On motion of J\Ir. Ray, the Ii ouse bill entitled;.

• >. / ' ' "An act to regulate the.standard for oats in the State of Delaware,!'' Was read a second time by its title, 391

And. on his further motion; )Vas referrea' to the Committee on Agriculture. On motion of Mr. Hopkins, the House bill entitled, .. "An act to prohibit the destrnction of ,vild game in this State," Was read, together with the accompanying petitions and papers. Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Corporations, reported · back,. with a favorabl.e recommendation, the House bill entitled, -" An act to,reincorpornte the 'l'own·of St. Geo;ge's, and fcir otJier purposes," · 'With an amendment, And moved that the bill be taken up for consideration, :which motion Prevailed. And on his further motion, The amendment just reported, . Was read, as follows : "Amend Section 18 by inserting at the end of the 18th linc the· word 'Superior,' and striking out of the 19th .line of said section the, words ' of Common Pleas.' " And on his further motion, Was .11.dopted. And on his further motion, ,vas read a second tim·e, Arid on his further motion; The bill, as amended, was read a tl1ird time, by paragraphs, in .ordei; to .pass the Senate. On the question, "Shall this bill, as amended, pass the Senate?" The yeas and.nays were ordered, Which, being taken, were as follows : Yeas-Messrs. Causey, Davis, Denney, Fiddeman, Harrington~ Ray, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker-8. · ·· .N'ays-N one. · 392

So the question was decided fo. the affirmative, and the'. bill, as .,-amended,.having .received the required •CCl>nstitutionalmajority, : · Passed the Senate; Orderedthat the House be .informed thereof,'4ind the bill, as arn:imded, 1returned to ~hat body, with the request that the said itmen_dment be ..concurred in. . ~ir. Ray, from: the Committee on Revised Statutes, reported back, "With afavorable recommendation, the House bill entitled, " An act to repeal Chapter 173 and.' Chapter 17 4, of the. Fiftee~th '\Volume of the Laws· of· the State of -Delaware," With amendinents thereto, And· moved that the bill be taken up for consideration,, Which motion Prevailed. And o,n his further m~tion, The amendments just reported, were read, as follows : " Amend the title of the bill as . follows : s·kike out the· words "' and Chapter 174,' and add the following words as an addition to the title, _viz.: 'and to provide for an additional term of. the Court of Ap- ._:;peals;' " 1 \ "Also, amend the bill by adding the following additional ,sections,· viz.: "Section 2 .. The Court of Erroi;s and Appeals shall commence.and ibe held on the ·first Tuesday in June and the first Tuesday January. '~ Section 3. 1\.11acts and, parts of acts· inconsistent with this act .are hereby repealed; and the Secretary of 'State is hereby directed to cau(le Chapter 91 of the Revised Statutes,as ·the same is hereby .amended and mod,ified, to br:irepublished with the.acts of the present .,session of the General Assembly." - . · And on his further motion, The amendment~ just read, Were .fl.dOJ>ted, And on his further motion, ·.were read a; second time, 393

And on 'his further motion, The bill, as amended, was read a third time, by paragraphs, fo . ,order to pass the Senate. The question, "S~all this bill, as amended, pass the Senate 1" Was decided in the affirmative, And the bill Passed: tlie Senate. Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the bill as.amended, :ireturn.edto that body, with the request .that the said amendments be · concurred in. , On motion of Mr. Fiddeman, the House bill entitled, "An act to amend Chapter 444, Volume 13, of the Laws. of Dela­ wai·e, entitled, 'Of Ditches,'" Was 1·ead. Mr. Ray, from the Committee on Revised Statutes, repbrted back, 0with a favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled, " An act to amend Section 3, of Chapter 104, of the Revised Code," · 4"nd moved that the same be taken up'fo~ consideration, · Which motion Prevailed. And on his further niotion, The bill under consideration was ;ead a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. The question, "Shall this bill 'pass the Senate 1" "\Vas decided in the affirmative, And the bill Pasfed tlie Senate. Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the bill returned to that body. On motion of l\'Ir. Fiddeman, the House bill entitled, "An act to amend Sections 12 and.13, of Chapter 47-ff,of Volume 13, Part 3, of the Laws of the State of Delaware; entitled, ' An act to incorporate the Town of Felton, and for other purposes,; " Was read. a sec~nd time by its title., · . 29. . B9-t

And on his further motion, \Vas refone

1Nas re,td.' )fr; Ray, frou;· the Committee on ltevised Statutes,r\,po1,ted. back, . . with a favorable reconrniend.1tion, t,he Senate l1ill _emitlc~l, ·" An act to amend Chapter· .Jes,Volume 15, Laws of Del:mitre," And moved that the same be taken up for consider:ition, \Vhich motion

c\.nd 0~1 his. further motion, The bill under consideration ·,rn;; re:td it third ti1i1e, by pu.r,i.grap!rn,3 in order to pass the Senate. The question, "Shall· tl;i~ hill·pnss the S01ia:tef' Was decided ii1 the affimrntive, And the bill Ordered to the House for concun·e1tce. Mr. Fidclemau oifored· a. ",Joint Resolution jwovi·ding 'for th;" ailjour·nment ·of hiith Hou,;es, ,yf the. General Assembly, s'ine 1He,(m Thmaday, the .F,th insttmt,"

'iVhieh, OJt his miition, Was ·~·ea1l, ;\)1(1 further, on motion of :'llr. Jlayis·, ·was Ordered to tho· Honse for concurrence. )fr. D;ivis, fro1u the Committee on Corpori1Jions, re orted b:)k,, with a. farnrnble recommendation, the Hmrnobill entitled, 396

" Au act tq amend Chapter 152, Volume ..15, Laws of Delawttre, entitled 'An act to incorporate the City of New Castle,'?' And moved that the same be taken up for consideration, ,Which motion Prevailed. And on his further motion, The bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, anorcfor to pass the Senate •. Ou th!3 question, " Shall this bill pass the Senato?" The yeas and nays were ordered, Which, being taken, were as follows : · Yeas-Messrs. Davis, Fiddeman, Hopkins, Ray, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker_:6 . .Na:ys-None. 'Sc,the ques~ion was decidedin the affl.rmative, and the bill, having xeceived. the required constitutional majority, Passed ilie Senate. ' . . Ordered that the I-fouf?ebe informed .thereof, and the bill returned fo that body. On motion ot Mr. Sharpley, the S.enate ~ill entitle~, " An act for the. protection of live stock in the State of Dela ware," . ' ~Vas read a second time by its title, And .on his further motion, 'Was referred to the Co~rnnittee on Agriculture. On motion of :Mr. Sharpley, the House .bill entitled, '" An act to · divorce Virgini·a Chandler from her husband, Jesse . I.Chandler.," Was read· a second time by its ti~le. Ml'. Sharpley moved, That the bill ju~t read by title be referred to a sp·ecial · committee tJf three members of the Senate, .. Which motion Prevailed. B97

·whereupon, Messrs. Slrnrpley, Hopkins a.ml H,irr\ugton were ,1p- pointed said special committee. On motiori of Mr. Sha:rpley, the House bill entitled, "An' act to amend Section 10, ofChapter 1.28, of the Revised Code," Was read a second time by its title, .. And on his further motion, \Vas refened to the Committee on Revised St:ttutes. On motion of Mr. Davis, the House bill entitled, " An act for the relief of the Collectors .in .Appoquinimink and :mack bird hui1dreds, in N cw Castle county," ' ' Was read, together with the ac~ompanying petitions and papers. On motion of Mr. Harrington, the House bill-entitled, " An act to revive, re-enact, amend and supplement the act entitled, 'An act to incorporate the Black Swamp Ditch ·company,' passed at Dover, February 10, 1841,'' · Was. read. Mr. Denney, from. the Committe on Enrollment, reported as beiDg· duly and correctly enrolled; signed by the Speaker of the House, and ready to receive the. signature of the Speaker of the Seuate,the fol­ _lowing House bills and joint resolutions, viz.: " An act authorizing the Govemor to appoint an additio1rnl N ot:iry Public in Baltimore hundred, Sussex county;" · " An act pr~hibiting live stock from running at large. in School District No. 62, in N cw ·Castle county ;" " An act to incorporate the Benedictine Order of the Sacred Heart~ of ..Wilmington, Delawttre -;" "An act to amend Chapter 159, Current Volume, Delaware I.aws, entitled, •An act to incorporate the 'l'o,vn of Lewes, and for other purposes,' passed .at Dover, i\farch 10, 1875 :" · · " An act to incorporate the Immaculate ·Conception J3eneficial So.:. ciety, of Wilmington, Delawitre ;" ",Joint Resolution nppointing Directors for the Farmers' Ifank, of the Stitte of Delnware ;" 398

"Joint Resolution inviting l\fr. Cmsar A. "Rodney to road an Histo­ rical Pape!' before the GeneniJ Assembly." Mr. Davis, front the Committee on Corporations, reported back, with a favorable recommeudatiou, the House bill entitled, "An act to amend the Charter of· t.lie City of "Wilmington," ,And moved tl:at _the same be taken up _for consideration, Which motion· Preva:iled. · And on his further motion,. 'l'he bill und(ff consideration was read a third time, by paragrapm, in order to pass the Senate. - On tJ~o quost.io;1, "Shall this bill pass t.lie Sonafo "!" '!'he yeas and nays were ordered; '\Yhicli", being taken, were as fullows : · Yecis-)[essrs. Davis, Denney, Fidd<•11n1n,Harringtoi1, Ray, 8harp- lcy·and 1\Ir. Spoakor-----'----01. · ".Nit.1}&-Nonc. So the question was dtcided in the ai:I-ir1uative, and the bill, having 1,·ecciYed_ the required constitn tional majority, Passed lite Senate. Ordered that the_Honse be informed -tl1crcof, aml_the :l5ill returned ;to that. body.

10HE:otion cif i\fr. Harrington, the House biH entitled, "A,11 act to layout it.public n•:Hl in North ::\"lurderkill'hundred, in Kent county,"

ifol motion of i\fr. lby, ".l.'heflcri'nte :idjdumedmitil 8 o'clock thi~afteri;ooi'i. 399

SAMJ<:DAY-3 o'clock, P. l'IL

'The 8cnate met pursu11nt to adjourximent. Holl called. ~fembers present: l\Iessrs.· f'ai.~sey, Davis, DenneJ, Fiddeman, Harrington, Hopkins, Ray, Sharpley and Mr.· Speaker. Mr. Day, Clerk _of the House,, being admitted, informed the Senate that the House had passed and requested the concurrence of tlrn Sen­ , ate in the following bills, viz.: "An act' to provide for the better protection of the trayeling ptiblic, and to insure the prompt transportation and delivery of fruits· and freights ; " · "An act to divorce Joseph C. ,Tohnson and Leah J. J ohnso'n, his wife, from the bonds of matrimony ;" "An act to-divorce Joseph B. Lingo and.Sarah :rn_Lingo, his wife, from the bonds of matrimony;" A1:_idprese11ted the same to the Senate. He also informed the Senate that the House had concurred m · the :Senate amendment to the Ho.use bill entitled, "An act to authorize the Recorder of Deeds in and for New Castle· · county to make certain indexes." .He also returned to the Senate, they ha Ying been signed by the Speaker of the House, the following duly and correctly emolled Sen­ :ate bills and joint resolution, viz.: "An act for the redemption of .State Bonds;" "An act to lay out a private road in l\;Iilford hundred, in Kent eoun ty ; " \ "Al)- act to repeal Chapter 445, Volume 1,1, Delaware Laws;" "'An act authorizing the Levy Court Commissioners of Sussex .county, of this State, to place snub-posts on the banks of the Broad­ kiln creek, above and below the Drawbridge;" "A further supplement to the act entitled 'An act establishing a College for Agricultural and l\foch:mic Arts, in this State;'" 400

"An act to 9hange the name of Ida Valentine Dilworth to the name of Ida Valentine, and to make her~ by adoption, .a daughter and heir- .. at-law of Alex.andei· Valentine;'' . , "Joint Resolution in relation to the payment by the' Philadelphia~. Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Company, of a loan. to the. New Castle 1and Wilmington Railroad Company, and its reinvestment;'' , , And further, he presented for the signature of the Speaker of the Senate, the same having been signed by the Speaker of the House, the following duly and correctly ·enrolled House bills and joint resolu- .·01011, VIZ,:. "An act to incorporate the.Front and Union Street Railway Com­ pany;" '' An act providing for the merger of the New Castle and WJlming­ ton Railroad· Company into the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Balti­ m01:e Railroad Company, and :also for the merger of the New Castle: and Frenchtown Turnpike and Railroad Company into the Philadel­ phia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Company;" "An act to amend the act entitled 'An act to incorporate the Town. of Middletown··'" · ' ' ) \ I • "An act to incorporate the Boai·d of City i\Iissions of the Metho-· · dis.t lTipiscopal Church, in the City of Wilmington;" ·· "An act transferring certain real eRt.atebelonging to Richbell Alla­ band from School District No. 21 to United. School. Districts Nos. 113, and 113?,, in Kent co'nnty';" ' "An act to incorporate the Wihnington Club,. in the City of Wil-· mington;" \ ' ..: "An act to incorporate the Board of Education,.of the Dover Pub-:- lic Schools ;" · '" An act to 'incorporate the purchasers of the Wilmington and Reading Railroad;" '! A~ act to ame11dSection 2, of .Chapter 83, V:olume 15, Delaware· La,ws;"' · "·An act to divorce Susan·\Vnlt and George A;.tYalt from the bonds: of nmtrirnony ;" "A11 act to divorce Lucy S. · Babcock and. Grove- L .. Babcock from the bonds of matrimony;" ·· 4Dl

"An act to divorce Annie· G; Fi·ailce and her' husband, Albert L ... ]:ranee, from the bonds of .mati·imoily;.'; , <(An act to authorize the .appoin~ment of guardians by' the Ohan--· cellor or a Judge of the Orphans' ·court, in vacation;" · ~'An act to divo~·ce·Augustus N. S~uthai;d . and Ella D. , Southard)'. from the bonds of matrimony;" ' · . . · · I ' '. . . , . . . . . ' "An act transferring .the home and mansion farm of George ·.W..,.- Hoi·seyJrom School District No. 46,.in Sussex county,:to School Dis.-- trict No. 51, in Sussex county_;" . ' ' . •"An ~ct to. amend Chapter, 38;4, V ohmie 14, Laws of Defaware ;n · f'An act to divorce S~llie J. Wright from her husband, John B. .. Wright/' . . . · ;,·Joint Resoiution accepting an invitation of the Board of Public,. Education, of Wilmington." lir. Hopki~s asked, and, On,:motion of Mr. Ray, ()btained leave _to change the title of "An· act in relation to str?,ys, and for other purposes," . '(,, . Of which he had given pl'evious J].Otice,to . . . . . '.' :· ., ...... ' ..\ . '' An act to 'incorporat~.~he l\'Iilford, )Iilton and Rehoboth Railroad{ · Company, and for other pm;poses," . . , .: . · :. _And further, o~,motion.of :i\fr. Ray, Ootained leave to introduce the said bill, Which, on motion. of ·1VI~\Hopkins, Was read. . ' · ' :i.VI~.l;[arri1~gton, fro~i. the Com~ittee on Roads and Highways, re--· ported· b\tck, with a favorable re~omrnend.ation, the House bill entitled,,,'. "An act to authorize the laying out of a n~w public· road in.Nor.th:... l\forderkill a~d.S-outh llforderkill hundreds, Kent couµty/' · · With. an aniendmen t, And moved that the.bill be. tak1m up for consideration, --~ ' Which motion · Prevailed_. ,40~· . . . F . An

~ as read a second time, · An.a' onhis further moti6ri, ' · · The bill ~~der consideration, as amend~d, was ~:ead a third time;by . jparagraphs, jn order .to pass the Senate, ' ·, ! , ' I • Th~ que~tion, "Shall this bill, as amended, pass the Senate?": Was, dec'ided iri the affirmative, "' : And the bill · Passed t!ie Senate. Ordered that the ilo11se be informed thereof, and the bill, as ame1ided, 7eturned tothat body' with .the request that the saic1 a,mendme:n,tbe -

\Vits r~ferred to the Committee on Coi;porations. M{·. Harrington, from the Committee.ollRoads and Highways, re..: ])Ol'ted bacJc, with a favorable recommendation, the ,Honse bill entitledf . . . '' An act tp- imable'Peter Hastings to change the co.nrse of a ·pnblio road rnnning:through his ow~·lands," . . · . ·· . :1.11~1'moved that the same be t~k~n up for corisiderati@; . . Which n1ot.ion Preva.-iled. And on his further motion,

The bill under consideration was read it third. ti111e,by })afagraphs~- 1n order to pass the .Senate. The question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate 1" ·was decided in the affii·mative, .And the bill . ' Passedtlte Sendte. .o;·dered tliat the H~u:se be informed the1·eof,.a11d the bill retu;ned tothat body. . . . . i\Ir. Ray; in pu'i·suance of_previous notice, asked, and, . On. motion of. Mr.· Sharpley, Obtained lmtve. to introduce ·ahill eniitl~d, . "A s:upplement to the act entide<;l.'.An act to incoi.:porate the Every . :Evening Publishing Company,' passed February 23, l 875t. . Which, _on:q:iotipn of. Mr. Ray, ' ' - . ' , : -, . ' iWt,s read. And on his further·motioff,,· .1-Uile15 was suspended, and. the'bill Was read a second· time by_its title, And onhis furthei· motion, . . . . - . , Was referred to the· Committee, on. c·or1ior11tio11~. ' . . / · Mr . .Harrington, from the -Coimnittee on .Roads and Highways;,re­ J)Ortea back, with -a favo·rable recornrnendation;the lJ ouse bill entitled, "An act to lay out a new ro~d and t.ovacate and1c1 ·1·oaa.' in.Ntirth l.Hurderkill hundred, in Kei1t-county ," , . 404 . ' And moved tl~at the same be taken up for co11sicleration~ Which motion Prevailed'.. And on his further motion, The bill under consideration was read a third time, by para~'aphs,,. in order to pass the Senate. The question, "Shall this bill .pass the Senn,te '!" Was decided in the affirmative, And "the bill · Passed tlte Senate •. Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the bill returned to-, that body.

On niotion of l\Ir. Denney, the House bill entitled, I '' An act to .provide for the better protection of, the traveling public,. and to insure the prompt transportation and delivery of fruits and freights," vVas read.

On motion of Mr. Hopkins, the Ifo11se bill entitled, '' An aet to divo1;ce Joseph C. ,Johnson aml Letth ,J. ,Johnson, his wife; from the bonds of matrimony," \Vas read.'

}Ir. Davis, from the Committee on Corporations, to which was re­ committed the House bill entitled,

"An act to organize the l\Iaryland and Delawure 1 Railroad, after-· foreclosure and sale, by tha1t or some other name tlrn,t may herenfter be· adopted, and to incorporate the same into a body politic," · Reported back the same, with several amendments ther<;)td, <, And moved that the bill be_taken up for consideration; ·which motion · Prevailed,. ~\..ndon his further 111qtion, The amendments just reported were read, as follows :. '· Amend the bill as follows: 405 "' fo;ert iuthe 4th line of Section I; after the word ' met' and be­ :fore the word 'that,' the. following words, viz.: 'two-tl).irds of each branch thin'eof concurring.' · "Amend further by striking out the word 'new,' in line 11, of Sec­ tion 1; also, by·striking out the word ' new,' in line 24, of Section 1; '.also, by inserting in line 30, of Section 1, between the words ' thirteen' .,.n,nd'and,' the words following, viz.: 'to serv.e until their successors ;shall l:ie duly chosen and elected.' · · . . . "Also, by inserting ii1 line 31 of said Section, after the word 'Pi'esi­ . dent,' the follo:wing words, viz.: 'who shall b~ a director.' ''' Also, strike out the word' new,' in lil).e 41, of said Section; "'"Also, by inserting after the word ' specifying,' in line 7, of Section ::~ ·lt}Jiefollowing words, viz.: 'its corporate name.' ""'Also, add at the end of said Section 2, the following words, viz.: "'· and_evidence of the due performance of everything required by this .act. to be .done to constitute and complete the organization of said cor- _poration.' · · " Also, amend~ Section 13 as follows : by inserting after the word ·' stockholders,' in line 5, of said Section, the following 'words, viz.: ,, and for the election of directors .at such annual meetings.' Also, .. .:,merid further by striking out the word 'new,' in lines 1 and 13,, of .:said Sections' " And on his further motion, 'The amendments were vldopted. .A.nd on his furthei: motion, ·r·Nere read a second time, ._i\.ndon his further motion, . ''l'he bill under consideration, as amended, was read a third time, by _war::i1gr:iphs, in order to pass the Senate. - ' . ' On the question, "Shall this bill, as amended, pass the Senate 1" ';Cheyeas and nays were ordered, · Which, being taken, were .as follows : I . Yeas_.:.Messrs. Davis, Denney, Fiddeman, Harrington, Hopkins, Rll.y, Sharpley aud-Mr.-Speaker-8.. , ..Nays-None. 40G

So -the question was decided in the affirmative, and the- bill~ a:-:: , amended, having received the required eonstitutionahn11jority, Passf?d the Senate. . Ordered tlmt the House be informed thereof, and the bill, as amended,. returned to that,. body, with the request that the said amendments be· concurred in. . · · On motion of i\Ir.-Denriey, the House bill entitled, '' An ·act to prohibit live stock fron~ nmning rLt large in School Dis~· trict No. 67,in New Castle county," . · · ·-\Vas read a, second time by its title, · And on his further motion, · , vVas referred to the Committee on Agrfoulture.

Mr. D:1vis, from the Committee on Corporations, to which was re,.- ferred the House bill entitled, · "An act to incorporate the Americari Ihsket· Comp,thy, of New~ Brita,in, in the State of Connectic.ut," Reported a suhstitutEe fot: the. same, with the same. title, \Vhich, oh motion of l\Ir. Dnvi:~, \\'as reacl. On motion of J[r. Denney, the House bill entitled, '' An act to prohibit live stock from i·unning atJarge in School Dis- tricts Nos. ] l and 81, in Kent county," ) ·was read :1 second time by its title, And on his further motion, . Was referred to the Comn\ittee on Agriculture. · On motion ,of Mr. Slrnrpley, the Senate bilf e11titled, "A further additional supple~icnt to· the act entitled 'An act for the benefit of'Public Schools in Wilmington,' ". W ns taken from the table for consideration. , .Mr. lfay offered certain amendments to the bill under consideration~ 'Nhich, on his motion, ·were read. 407

Mr. Ray presented and lrnd read, an argument in favor of reducing·· the number of member., of the Board of Public JiJducation of Wil­ mington, and of making a property qmtlification a pre-requisite for· membership.· Onmotion of Mr. Causey, The bill under consideration, and the amendments offered thereto, \Yere referred to the Conimittee on J~duc,,tion. On motion of'i\Ii·'. IIopkiris, the House biil entitled, . "An act to divorce Joseph B. Lingo and Sarah E. Lingo, his wife,,. fro'm the bonds of nrntr.imony," ,Yas read,

And further, 011 motion of ;\fr. Denney, Rule 15 was suspended, and the bill Wasreada second time by its title, And further, on motion of l\Ir: :Fiddeman, w a~ referred to a specinl committee consisting ofthe members of the Senate from Sussex connty-:'.llessrs. O,tusey, Hopkins and l\fi: ... Speaker. On motion of i\Ir.Denney, '• The ..0 enate at1jonrned until 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. 408

WEDNESDAY, March 7, 1877-,10 o'clock, A. M. ''The Senate met pursuant to .adjournment. Prayer by the Chaplain. Roll caHed. Members present: Messrs. Causey, Davis, Denney, :Fiddeman, Harrington, Hopkins, Sharpley :ind Mr .. Speaker. Journal read and approved. On motion of Mr. Sharpley, the House bill entitled, " An act limiting tl~e 'powers of the Road Commissioners of New ,Oastle hundred to lay and collect a tax," Was read. On motion of Mr. Hopkins, the Senate bill entitled, · " An act to .incorporate the Milford, Milton and Rehoboth Rail­ Road C~mpany, and for othei· purposes," Was read a second time by its title, And on his further motion, ' I .. Was referred to the Committee .on Cqrporations. ,On motion of Mr: Hopkins, the House bill entitled,

« An act to prohibit the destruc'tion of wild game in this State," Was read a second time by its titl~, .And further, on motion of Mr. Denney, Was referred to ~he Committee on Vacant Lands . . Mr. JJ'iddeman, from the Finance Committee, reported back, with :a, favorable· recommendation, the Senate bill entitled, "Ail act to amend Ch.apter 22, Yolume 14, Laws of Delaware, en­ ·titled, 'An act to raise revenue for State and county purposes,'" With an amendment, · And n~oved that the bill }Je taken up for consider~tion, . · . ' Which motion Prevailed. .409

· Ana' on his further m~t1on,., The amendment just reported, vVas read,

And on1 his further motion, Was .lhlopted, I And on his further motion, vVas read a second time, And on his further motion, CThebill, as amended, was read a third tiii1e, by paragraphs, in order . to pass the .Senate. · · Tlie question, "Shall this. bill pass th(;l Senate 1" Was decided in the affirmative,, - · And the bill Passed tlie Senate. Ordereito the House for concurrence. Mr. Day, Clerk of the House, being admitted, infoni1ed the' Senate that the House had passed and requested the concurrence of the Sen- ate in the following bills, viz.: · " An act to confirm an ordinance of the ·City of 'Wilmingtoo, va- cating parts of Walirnt, Spr'uce and Second Streets;" ' · · ·." An act to prevent live stock from running at large in School Dis­ tricts'Nos .. 73, 73~ and 139, in Sussex county;" , . . . "An act in relation to· the duty of Hundred Collectors receiving school tax duplicates;" ·. And: presented the sarne to the Senate. He also i~formed the Senate that the House had concurred in the Senate- " Joint Resolution appointing a committee to settle with the State Treasurer and the Auditor of Accounts, and· to audit the accounts of the Clerks of the Legislature, ·with an amendment, And requested the ~oncurrencc of the Senate in the said amend .. ment. 30 410

He also informed the Senate that the House had concurred· in the Senate amend~ient tothe House bill entitled, . '' An act to reincorporate the Town of St. George's, an.d for other purposes." , ·onmotion of Mr.. Sharpley, the House bill entitled, '' An act to provide for the better protection of the traveling pub­ lic and to insure the prompt transportation and delivery· of fruits and freights," · Was read a.second time by its title, And on his further motion, Was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes.

On motion of Mr. Denney, the 7House amendment to the Sen~te "Joint Resolution appointing a committee to settle with the State Treasurer and the Auditor of Accounts, and to audit the accounts of the Clerks of the Legislature," Was read, as follows : IN HousE, March 6, 1877. '~Amend the Joint Resolution by striking out the first resolution and inserting in lieu thereof the following, to wit : "Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of .Delaware in General .llssembly met, That .a joint committee of five be appointed on the pa!t of the General' Assembly, to consist of the fol­ lowing two members of the Senat.e, viz.: · , and the three following members of the House of Representativ.es, viz.:-----, . whose duty ifsh'.'-11be to meet at Dover, on the third Tuesday of Jan­ uary, 1878, for the purpose of settling the accounts of the State .Tre\Lsurer and receiving the report of the Ayditor of Accounts for the current year." · For Concurre.nce . C.H. B. DAY, . Extract from J our'naL Cleric of the House. And on his fui:ther motion, The amendment,was Concurred in. And ori his .further motion, 411

. The Speaker was· directed_ to fill the first blank irr ti1e amendment· by appointing the Oomrriittee on the partof the Senate, Whereupon the Speaker appointed Messrs. Ray and Denney th·e, said committee on the part of the Senate. ' · _ On motion of l\Ir. Hopkins, the House bill entitled, ;, An act to divorce Joseph C. Johnson a;1d Leah J. Johnson, his· wife, from the bonds of -ma"trimony, Yfas read a second time by its title, And on his further motion, "'!Vasreferred to the Committee on Vacant Lands. ~r.· Dtlnney presented a communication from William G, Whiteley and George V. lVlassey, Esqs., counsel for Robert E. Randall; which} tl1ere being no objection, Was read, And further, on motion of Mr. Denney, Was referred to the special committee· to which was referred the · House bill entitled, ' ' ' "An act to divorce Robert E. Randall from the bonds of matri­ mony." On motion of Mr. Sharpley, the_House_ bill entitled,

. ,i An act to confinn an ordinance of the . City of Wilmington, va- cating parts -of "\Valnut, Spruce arid Second streets," · · . ' . Was read. On motion of l\fr. Hopkins, the House bill entitled,. "An act to prevent live stock from running at large in· School Dis..:· tricts Nos. 73, 73~ and 139, in Sussex county," Was read. l\Ir. Davis, from the Committ~e on Corporations, reported back, with a favorable recommendation, the House bill entitled, "An ac_tto amend Sections 12 and 13, ,of Ohap,ter 4 79, of Volume 13, Part 3, of the Laws of the State of Delaware, entitl(•d, 'An act, to incorporate the Town of Felton, and for other purposes,' " 412

. I And moved that the same be taken up for consideration, Which motion· Prevailed. And on his further motion, The bill ~nder consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order'to pass the Se1iate. . . On the-que~tion, " Shall this bill pass the Senate?" The -yeas and 'nays .were ordered, Which, being taken, were as follows : Yeas---Messrs. Causey, Davis, Denney, Fiddeman, Harrington, Hop-. kins, Sharpley.and Mr. Spealrnr-8. - .N"a'ys-'None. So' the question was decided in the affirmative, and the bill, having received the required constitutional majority, Passed the Senate. Ordered that the House be informed thereof and the bill returned to that body._ On motion of Mr. Fiddeman, the House bill entitled, ·" An act in relation to the collection of School Taxes in United School Districts Nos.I 60, 90, 91; 92, 18 and 101, in Kent county, constituting .the Dover Public schools," Was read a second time by its title, And on his further motion, Was referred to the Committee on Education. On Ii10tion of Mr. Causey, the Senate bill entitled, "An act granting. to the United States the title to a certain public . road in Cedar Creek hundred, in Susse~ county," _ Was read a second time by its title, _And on his further motion,

• • ' I • .,vVas referred to the Commi~tee on Roads and Highways. ,On motion of Mr. Harrington, the House bill entitl~d, 413

"An act in relation to the duty of Huncli:ed Collectors receiving school 'tax duplicates," Was read. On motion.of Mr. Fiddeman, the House bill entitled, ' I, .· . ''An.act to incorporate the D(:)laware.St,ate Grange Mutual Fire Jnsurance company," <" 1'Vas read, a second time by· its title, And on his furthei· motion, Was referred to the Con{mittee on Corporations., On motion of Mr. Harrington, the House bill entitled, "'An act to lay out a public road in North Murderkill hundred, in Kent county;" Was rea'd a second time by its title, And on his further motion, Was referred to the Committee (m Roads and Highways. :l\ir. Davis, from the Committee on Corporations, 1'eportecl back, with a fa".orable recommendation, the Senate bill entitled, "A supplement to the act entitled, 'An . act to incorporate the Every Evening_ Publishing ?ompany,' passed February 23, 1875,' ,,, And moved that the same be taken up for consideration, Which motiop Prevailed. And on his further motion, The bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs; in order to pass the Senate. On the question, " Shall this biH pass the Senate 1" The yeas and nays were ordered, ! ' Which, being taken, were asfollows :, ' · Yeas-J\'Iessrs. Causey, Davis, Denney, Ficlcleman, Harrington, Hop.,. · kins, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker--,--8, , . , .N'ays-N one. 414

So the question was decided in the·affirmative, and the bill, having receivedJhe required coi1stitutional majority, Passed the Senate. Ordered to the House for concurrence. On motio; of M:r. Fiddeman, the Hons~ bill entitled, ' ' ' "An act to amend, Chapter 444, Volume 13, ofthe Laws of Dela- ware, entitled, ' Of Ditches,'" · was read' a second ~iine by its title; And on his further n1otion, Was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. · Mr. Davis, from the' Committee oi1 Agriculture, reported back, with a favorable recommendation, the Senate bill entitled, · ' ' , " An act for the protection of live stockin the State of Delaware)''

And moved that the sa1ne be taken up fo1; consideraticfo, Which motion Pfevaited. · And on h1s further inotion, · The bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, iin order to pass the Senate. · · rhe question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate-1'' 1Was decided in the affirmative, And the bill Passed.tlie Senate. /Orderedto the House for concurrence. , . , , I 1\fx.. Fiddeman, from the Committee on Finance, to which was re- . ferred that portion of the Governor's Message· relating to Surplus Re-' wenue and a reduction of taxation, reported a bill entitled, · . . . . . - .,, An act to amend.Chapter 24, Volume 14, Laws of Delaware, en-, ~titled, 'An act taxing manufacturers; and for other purposes;' " · Which, on motion of. Mr. Fiddeman, Was read. The Speaker laid before the Senate the Rep~rt of the Trustees for th~ In_digent :Dlind and the Indigent Deaf and Dumb ; · ,415

. Also,.thc report of the Trustees for the Indigent. Feeb!e-min~tid Child1;en; ,Vhich were read.

. ( M.r. Harrington, from the Committee on Roads and High;ways, re,- ported back; with a favorable recommendation, the Hou~e bill entitlecr; '\ ".An act appointing Commissioners to lay out a public road in Kent -county;" And moved that the same be taken. up for consideration, Which motion ·Prwvailed. And on his further motion, The bill under consideration was 1,ead a third time, by paragraphs, · in order to pass the Senate, The question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?"

' ' Was decided in the affirmative, And ,the bill Passed the· Senate. Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the bill returned to that body.

On motion of, Mr. Harrington, the House bill entitled, "An act to revive, re".enact, amend and supple1{1entthe act· enti- . .tled, 'An act to incorporate the Black Swamp Ditch Company,' passed at Dover, February 10, 1841,''. · ,Vas read a second time by its titl,e, And on his further motion, ·.Was referred to the Committee on Corpor~tions ..

On motion of Mr. Denney, the House bill entitled,. "A further supplement to the act entitled, '.An act to incorporate the Duck Creek Improvement Company,'" W_asread a second time by its title, And onhis further motion, ,Vas referred to the Committee on Corporations. 416

\ Mr. Denney, from the Com1:nitteeon Enroilm~nt, reported as being ' duly and correctly enrolled, signed by the Speaker of the House, arid ready to receive the signature of the· Speaker of the Senate, the following House bills and joint resolution, viz.: · · · "Ali act' to am~nd Chapt~r 384, Volume 14, Laws of Delaware ;" . . ,dAn :act to amend an act entitled,, An act to incorporate the Town· of. :Middletown;'" · '' 411act to incorporate the Board of ,Education, of the Dover Pub-; lie Schools ;" '' An act to incorporate the Wiln1ington Club;, in the City of Wil­ mington;" '' An act' to incorporate the Front and Union Street 'Rail~ay Com­ pany;" ''An.act providing for the merger of the Ne,~ Castle and Wilming­ ton Railroad Company into the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Balti­ more. Railroad Company, and also for I the merger of the New Castle and :Jl'renchtownTurnpike and, Railrqad Company into the Philadel- phia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Company;" , · "An. act :to incorporate the purchasers of the Wilmington and Reading Railroad;" · · ."An .act to divqrce Sallie J. Wright from;her husband, John B. Wright;" "Aii act to divorce Augustus N. Southard and )Jlla D .. Southard· · from the bonds of matrimony;'' · · · ' . "An act to divOl'