Otion of Mr. Fiddeman, 'The Bill Under
277 1Nere reconsidered, ·whereupon, on If!Otionof Mr. Fiddeman, 'The bill under consideration was Lnid on the table. On motion of. Mr. Denney, the Senate bill entitled; "An act faJauthorize the Levy Court and Court of Appeal in Kent •county to change the draw-bridge over· Little_ Duck Creek, called Martin's Bridge, into ·a permanent bridge," Was ,1·eada second time by 1its title. Mr. Davis, from the Conu~ittee on Corporations, reported back, ,vithout recommendation, the House bill entitled, "An act to incorporate the Front and Union Street Railway Com- ,pany," . And moved that the same be taken up for consideration, Which motion Prevniled. · 1'Ir. Davis sent to the Clerk's desk and had read, a letter from D. Lemon, of Wilmington, remonstrating against the passage of the bill ,,lrnder consideration, unless stringent regulations were imposed on the ,Company, in regard to the conclition, of the streets to be used and oc 'Cupied by said Compan,Y. The bill under consideration was read for the information of the ,-Senate, And, on motion of Mr. Hay, Was Lnid on the fable. ~Ir. Day, Clerk of the House, being admitted, informed the Senate that the House had passed and requested the concurrence .of the Sen .ate in the following bills and joint resolution, viz.: " An act to incorporate the Immaculate Conception Beneficial So ·ciety, of ..Wilmington, Delaware:" "An act to amend Chapter 55, of the Revised Code;'' "An act to render parties to the record, or interested in suits, com :petent to testify in civil actions ;" · ': ,Joint Resolution inviting Mr.
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