277 1Nere reconsidered, ·whereupon, on If!Otionof Mr. Fiddeman, 'The bill under consideration was Lnid on the table. On motion of. Mr. Denney, the Senate bill entitled; "An act faJauthorize the Levy Court and Court of Appeal in Kent •county to change the draw-bridge over· Little_ Duck Creek, called Martin's Bridge, into ·a permanent bridge," Was ,1·eada second time by 1its title. Mr. Davis, from the Conu~ittee on Corporations, reported back, ,vithout recommendation, the House bill entitled, "An act to incorporate the Front and Union Street Railway Com- ,pany," . And moved that the same be taken up for consideration, Which motion Prevniled. · 1'Ir. Davis sent to the Clerk's desk and had read, a letter from D. Lemon, of Wilmington, remonstrating against the passage of the bill ,,lrnder consideration, unless stringent regulations were imposed on the ,Company, in regard to the conclition, of the streets to be used and oc­ 'Cupied by said Compan,Y. The bill under consideration was read for the information of the ,-Senate, And, on motion of Mr. Hay, Was Lnid on the fable. ~Ir. Day, Clerk of the House, being admitted, informed the Senate that the House had passed and requested the concurrence .of the Sen­ .ate in the following bills and joint resolution, viz.: " An act to incorporate the Immaculate Conception Beneficial So­ ·ciety, of ..Wilmington, Delaware:" "An act to amend Chapter 55, of the Revised Code;'' "An act to render parties to the record, or interested in suits, com­ :petent to testify in civil actions ;" · ': ,Joint Resolution inviting Mr. Crosar A. Rodney to read an His­ ~toncal Paper before the General Assembly;" And presented the same to the Senate. 278 He also presented for the signature of the Speaker of the Senate,, they having been signed by the Speaker of the House, the following: duly and correctly enrolled House bills, viz. : "An act to incorporate the St. John's Reformed Church, of Wyo-· ming, Kent county, Delaware;" "An act to incorporate the Odessa Hall Company." On motion of l\Ir. Sharpley, the House bill entitled, "An act to incorporate the Immaculate Conception Beneficial So-· ciety, of Wilmington, Delaware," Was read. (;n motion of l\Ir. Denney, the House bill entitled, "An act to amend Chapter 55, of the Revised Code," vVasreacl. On motion of Mr. Ray, the House bill entitled, "An act to render parties to the record, or interested in suits, com­ petent to testify in civil actions," vVas read. Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Corporations, to which was· re­ ferred the petition of Cyrus Ward, James Lecate~ and one hundred and fifty-five others, for a law incorporating a company to construct a, railroad from Delmar to :Millsborough, in Sussex county, reported a bill entitled, " An act to incorporate the Delmar and lvlillsborough Railroaci Company," Which, on motion of l\Ir. Davis, Was read. On nrntion of l\fr. Ray, The Senate adjourned until 3 o'clock this. afternoon .. 279 SAMEDAY___:3 o'clock, JJ. )I. 'rhe Senate met pursuant to adjournment. Roll c,illed. l\Iembers present: Messrs. Causey, Davis, Denn~y,, Fiddeman, Harrington,I-fopkins, Ray, Sharpley and Mr.Speakrr, 0 :M:r.Ray gave notice that he would, on to morrow or some future.. day, askJeave to introduce a bill entitled, "An act to incorporate the Masonic Hall Company, of Newport.,, Delaware." · On motion of l\Ir. Hopkins, the Senate 'bill entitled, "AU: act to amend an act entitled, 'An act to prevent swine from.. running at large in School District No. 7, Sussex county, Delaware," vVas taken up for consideration. And. further, on motion of l\Ir. Ray, The bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs,. in order to pass the Senate. Section 1 of the bill was read, And on the question, "Shall that be Section 1 of the bill 'I" i\Ir. Ray called for the yeas and nays, Which, being taken, were as follows : Yerts-None . .Niiys-Messrs. Davis, :B'idcleman,Harrington, Hopkins,Ray, Sharp- .. ley and l\Ir. Speaker-7. So the question was decided in the negative, And Section 1 was Lost, And the bill was Lost. On motion of l\Ir. Ray, the Senate bill entitled, "An act exempting residents of this State from taxation on foreign· investments," 280 ··was read a s.econd time by its title, ..And on his further motion, ,, Was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. ·On motion of Mr. lfay, 'The Senate took a recess until four o'clock. SAMEDAY-4: o'clock, P. l\L The Senate reconvened, after recess.- Mr. Fiddeman presented the claim of Samuel 0. Lctherbury against ·the State of Delaware, amounting to $29.96, which, after being read, --was, on his motion, referred to the Committee on Claims. Mr. Ray gave notice that h!c)would, on .to-morrow or some future ,day, ask leave to introduce a bill entitled, "A further additional supplement to the act entitled, 'An act ..for the benefit of Public Schools in Wilmington." · , Mr. Bird, a member of the House, being admitted, informed the · Senate that the House had passed and requested the concurrence of the Senate in the following biH, viz.: · "An act to divorce Augustus N. Southard and Ella D. Southard .from the bonds of matrimony," And presented the same to the Senate. He also. presented to the Senate the pctiliion of the said Augustus N. Southard for a divorce from his wife, and accompanying papers. On motion of Mr. Ray, the House bm entitled, "An act to divorce Augustus N. Southard .and Jma D; Southard, .from the bonds of matrim,ony," \'Yas read. 281 (On ;motion of Mr. Sharpley, The petition of Augustus N. Scnithard for .:a divorc.e from his wife,, .and the accompanying papers, Were read, And on his further motion., The petition and papers just .read were r1:eferred ·to ,a special com­ mittee of three. · Whereupon, ·l\fossrs. Sharpley, Denney and Hopkins were appointed ,said special committee. On motion of l\Ir; Denney, it was . Ordered that when the Senateadjouri1s it adjourns until 9 o'clock -to-morrow morning. On motion of Mr. Harrington, the Senate bill entitled, "An act to authorize the laying out of a public road in Milford hundred, Kent county, State of Delaware," ~Vas taken up for consideration,·· And further, on motion of Mr. Ficldeman, · The bill under consideration was read_a third time, ·by paragrilphs, in order to pass the Senate. · . The que;tion "Shall this bill pass the Senate 1" Was decided in the affirmative, · And the bill Passed the Senate. -Orderedto the House for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Sharpley, 'The Senate adjourned until 9 o'clock to-morrow morning~ '22 282, ' I, FRIDAY,Februai:y 16, 187,:_9 o'clock, A. nL • I The Senate met pursuant to adjom:nment. Prayer by the Chaplain. , Roll called. Members present: Messrs. Causey, Davis, Denney> Fiddeman, Harrington, Hopkins, Ray, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker. ,Journal read and approved. On motion of Mr. Sharpley, the House bill entitled,1 ,, An act to incorporate the Immaculate Conc~ption Beneficial So- ciety of Wilmington, Delaware," Was ~ead a second time by its title~ And on his further motion, Was referred to the Committee on C~rporations. On motion of Mr.. Hopkins, the Senate bill entitled, · "An act to incorporate the, Delmar and Millsborough Railroad Company," Was read a second time by 'its title.' On motion of Mr. Ray, the House bill entitled, " An act to render parties to the record,,pr interested in suits, com- petent to testify in civil actions," Was reau a second time by its title, Arid on his further motion, Was referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Davis, it was Ordered that wheri the Senate adjourns it adjourns until Monday afternoon, at three·o'clock. Mr. Hopkins, from the Committee o_nEducation, to which was re- . £erred the petition of Samuel B. Ginn, for the repeal of, the law . · transferring his farm from School District No. 72 to School District ·. No. 81, New Castle county, reported a bill entitled, 283 "An act to repeal Section 2, Chapter 399, Volume 14, Laws of Delaware, relating to School Districts Nos. 72 and, 81, in New Castle county," Which on his motion, Was.;ead, And fui·ther, on ~otion of Mr. Ray, Was Laid on the tabl~. Mr. Ray, in pursuance of previous notice, asked, and, On motion of )fr .. Davis, Obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled; , "An act to incorporate the Masonic Hall Company, of Newpor-t, Delaware," Which, on motion of Mr. Ray, Was read. Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Corporations, reported back, with a favorable recommendation, the Sen.ate bill entitled, "A supplement to the act entitled, 'An act to incorporate the S1nyrna Building · and Loan Association of the Town of Smyr;na,' passed at Dover, March 12, 1867," And moved that the same be taken up for consideration; Which motion Prevailed. And on,his further inotio'n, The bill under consideration was read a third time, by paragraphs, . in order to pass the Senate. On the question, '\Shall this bill pass the. Senate 1" Tµe yeas and nays were orde~ed, Which, being taken, were as follows : Yeas-Messrs. Causey, Davis, Denn~y, Fiddeman, Harrington, Hopkins, Ray, Sharpley and Mr. Speaker--,-9. Nays-None. S~ the questi01\ was deci~ed _in the a~r~native; arid the bill, having received the Teqmred const1~ut10nalmaJonty, . · . Passed the Senate.. 284 ', Order~dto tlie House fo~ c~ncurren~~- On motion of Mr. Ray, the SenateO:billentitled, ' -- . c- " An act authorizing the ·appointment of an additional Notary Public," - _ Was.taken up 'for consideration, And on his further motion, ' ' The bill under consideration was Laid on the table.
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