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County Letuler newspaper* k^g JANUARY 15, im-

Soys quarry issue will be in town hands By MARK YABLONSKY _ • _ /- ~' with tfier state at the time con- "That sounds fantastic to me," Citing the -power of home rule, struction of Uie^s&mUe 'imissing . State Senator C Louis Bassano of says Karen Whaleivo(SCOPE, the link" of 1-78 beganin 1982. ^ Springfield environmental group the 21st district says he Is in- Bassano, who said he will ask the that is opposed-to an amphitheater troducing legislation that will not Township Committee to "get being placeddn. the quarry. J'JHow- allow construction \of an am- Li.i. -——-"«•""" -r" cui am- behinduemnu " nihiss' DMbill, , explains tnthe can I not be happy about it? that's phitheater in a municipality without:, legislation will have been submitted what--^ - -permission-of-the local-governing^tbTSenate-PresldeTlt JOhrt Husso of , body first, as far as county-owned * Ocean^s of Tuesday. The bill says' .. Republican Bassano, who represents Tnrf^n!;^ both Whalen and, SCOPE co- Springfield along with eight other Union County municipalities in the state legislature's upper chamber, in ^£gSS££!X-. ^ough>ithmeearliergiading. r says the idea came to Ijim after 1 was first elected to hfeSeaTin 1981. Schneider, the hiost ardent op- hearing for "some time ' about'the ' "Only the legislature can change IL • PQnent'of the amphitheater proposal concern on the part of town residents thnt u 10 tnrm I see It giving the complete that wa" s formerl-"^"y «~>~-»proposeJd to•- th»i~e who remain worried that an am-, jurisdiction toVtiie. local governing phitheater is "secretly" being Freeholders last spring by the New constructed in the southern sector of body. Only^it can give permission Jersey Symphony Orchestra, the former Houdaille Quarry against and allow it to be developed in that remains, "suspicious" of the fact theirjvlshes imm.y^ ~V^—•' • that -several, machines are still 'tit's a pretty straight-forward present at the grading site, even ky ^ The Union County Board of Chosen "11,pm", nhe anasadds.. -Hi"Thee governingoverningg Bodbodyy during the winter months. ~'—-: Freeholders passed a_resolution-hw-ofSpr!ngfield knows what is best for -^ptemberpi^isingilwt^quar^y^UiatcoinmSeptember Pnm^Jtahwg™^^ ^ —,•• •—'.•• "• ^"••"*j.-"_^"-'ivvu-iajuderrtzBhlHp-SpohTT bests egds~ln a re_cent_class 0^ bHl "b -where'BrarrcneTreloar's first-graders learned about making potato pancakes The devdopmentrwouldZ3aReZ.^aceZiiSa^niieJegislature,^_andnonKeJeBislature.l^—-—; : w—' class received experience In measuring Ingredients as well. "without concurrence of the " Mayor Edward Fanning, although governing bodvy of Springfield.Snrinefield." AAtt explaining it was difficult to go into , the same time, however, county detalUbout the content of the bill officials- acknowledged, that quarry »WeYe fortunate to have a guy without seeing it • first, seems , h cares, like Lou Bassano," says land was being graded "in con- pleased by the news. w 0 Legion Post to sell its home figuration with an amphitheater" by II»* »r7 . •• •• •• - . , CommitteemaniJeffreuumuiiiiBHnanjenreyy Katzivatz,, ""I^ou It certainly sounds very good to does^ticLpirecipltously-without state hired ^contractors ^ in ' ac- i volverilent, Weber says, the Legion American Legion ^at all," adds- cordance with earlier terms reached meJ!Vthe-mayor-says^I-hope:it s—thinlflng. -He researches things By MARK YABLONSKY successful." pretty well," , • A steadily dwindling'treasury and voted In October to sell the building Mayor Edward Fanning, who says amount of organization par- that was constructed on land he was not prepared to discuss what ticipation, have put the Continental previously owned by the town some plans the town might have for the ' Post, '228 American Legion of half a century ago The building "WL , building if it were to be acquired _£prJtagfieldJn.ihe4»sition of having adds, is used primarily for Legion "I'd certainly be happy to consider • \ r to self its building on North Trivett " meetings, ~*hich-now'T)ccur' -wily" -whatever proposal liehas " once a month <• Farmer Township Engineer By MARK YABLONSKY , ^low vacating. According to '.brook close to company property 3trwfl, a leading—officer'6f the In Its first regular-business, .MuUman^ organization says The intent of the organization is to Harold Reed, who leftJiia-Job this sell the buildhig, deposit money week in order tobecome tbtoborough -—. LandjnihT ' ii- foe: govern-, thot piia --social &PJP, the sale iqfa bank, • ' H gave unanimous approval to the functions and meetings*, for many accrue interest while continuing to for Metuchen, i ing TO>ay,sijppointtdH.A.>Raberfe - 4Mriii|g of a new recreation direc- Johnson ,as acHngvdiwtor of yean, >thev house-like' structure maintain its various projects 'Ac- be "realistic" to expand township 1 pjfoper garage facilities ratine site, if the' Public yforta to onpi:to fill a directly, adjacent to the township cording. to-WeberV-the Post would "•Kathleen S ZettsT 28, of continue to meet "anywhere," in building is purchased and razed void that was 'created! with the .:..,: . , ) .... • ..." .. - •. . . Municipal pudding has become a Elizabeth, will, as of Jan. 2ortake v Burden td the Post, which, according eluding the Sarah Bailey Civic The concept, the former official departure of former Township "I -burn" because this is my says, was not "compatible over the position previously held-^ Engineer Harold Reed, whohas '.. town,^sa,ld Coridori. 'ISchalble to ite chaplain*,* Bill Weber, still Center on Church Mall, local tem- by Mark R Silance, who^was not wants to continue with its programs, * ples or churches, or other legion aesthetically" due to the presence of since become the borough has not been here anywhere near Town Hall across the street While reappointed to the post after ' engineer/public works director as long as I nave. If he's going to including the town's Legion baseball halls in qther towns eight months in office. Theresa the town would have no real use for for Metuchen, .: . outgrow the areaTtBenTie hasn't club jand visitations to nearby While acknowledging they have Herkalo has been acting director. VeteransttOSpitals heard "rumors" of the Legion's, the building in terms of engineering, At the conclusion of regular . planned properly. The man or the; Zetts received high praise from business, the. governing body The Post, says the chaplain, will decision, however, -township of- however, it would not be "fair for me . business doesn't care. He needs to comment" on other township Committeeman Sy Mullman, who " heard further complaints about pressure put.oithlm" "^ give the town the initial chance to ficials say they have recelVed'no Js-the-governuig body-llalson-to— ——buyihe bnlldlngrirrtis interestediir- formal proposal, either verjj^lljror—needs, Reed says the department ' / [' ' ' Weber, a post member since 1957, recently cited for 24Lfire safety One committeeman explained ' doing so. In writing / "She's a dynamic person with a violations-^by Fire" Inspector "As far as I know, jve still have explains that out of 105 members, that Schaible is currently allowed only five are now active The great personality," ~said William Gras. Already the target "We're giving the town the first nothing in writing/ says Com Mullman, who has been a strong ' of numerous complaints from' < to discharge a Certain amount of; option," explains Weber, who is also mitteeman Jeffrey Katz, who says a decision to selPis a necessity, he . "residual runoff" .jnto the says advocate of Improvement In nearby'" residents, who7 have' _ajnember of the Legion's Board of sale has never' been "formally township recreational program- charged the Mountain Avenue stream, but that the firm has not Governors "We have always done discussed" by_the governing body "There's only five men that are_ -ming "She's what ..this, town firm with growing too large for installed runoff wells as ordered— things (or the town We have always "There's been a lot of things said carrying the thing on We just can't needs We're going to bring in. its current location in recent by the Department of En- been in every function of the town " But that-ccrtainly doesn't constitute do it It's just impossible to do We quaUfied professional people to years, Schaible was condemned. • virpnmental Protection. After being saddled with rising any kind of an offer " don't have the time anymore We've help expand our programs." ;b$. another Tooker Avenue •resl- _ costs and decreasing group in. _^'Wa've never been approached by goUgsellJt" ___ ^^according toanpther_ Zetts, whose "strong points" dentaswellT^ - '• ~: -—~s—• —^ ^_Jbwnship-offlc!ali has appealed are said to be programming, ac- Telling of an instance in which the fire safety violations with the tivity planning and public rela- a recently-bathed dog needed Union County Board of Con- four days of extensive cleaning to tions, has been the Program 1 struction Appeals. The matter • Kolb returns as town code official Manager of the Boys and Girls rid it of a/'stench' reportedly in-";, should be resolved soon, the t)f- With the arriyal of the New Vear - The 27-year-resident of Millburn post in Springfield part time, Club of Union, a position.she is curred ^after wandering into a fitlal said. •'. : •. . -.•.•. came the return of a famlliar'face to Township says he would not want to _pverseeing only constructional Sprtngfjeld Barry Kolb; who has be employed in his home town. aspects, and not toning en returned for a third -stint as the "I don't wprk In my fnrcement. » ishlp's building inspector/- because it's too easy to have constructton code official Kolb, problems with your neighbors," According to Mountainside _ sayingJie Is xnpvisig an to"greene r says Kolb - Borough Administrator James 1 —* RObertsTTCSlb wiU continue to aot as pastures,' has accepted the position In addition to his past employment a consultant for the borough forringfiefd Board of ReView years He has also served ordinances and building permits In and Board of Adjustment, in ad- plumbing sub-code official in addition, the building ^inspector dition to serving as construction Manalapan Township ~ ' supervises plumbing and electrical code official, building sub-code Nickel, however, soon resigned his inspections of all new buildings, as officiary building inspector and new job in Mountainside in order to well as modifications or alterations zoning (official in his new position lake on full-time responsibilities |n of existing ones The official is in He says he wiU not serve at director Manalapan charge of enforcing both state and of building arid grounds In his new The return of Kolb will fill a void local building and construction title. -that was created with T the codes - »„__ ^__ ---That departmBnt=normallyttall8-=feslgnaUon of-former-^JUlWIBgrttF" ' Kolb ttrsfaecepted the Springfield -I under the jurisdiction of the^ spector Matthew Ciarfello at the. end post In l87Tand held It for two years, engineering/public, works depart- ^ of last summer Although he was before leaving in 1973 Returning a ment, Committeeman Jeffrey Katz ^obligated with full time duties In year later, Kolb held the job until rays ' . V fr&uitalnslde, Kolb filled the vacant leaving for Mountainside in 1963

In Focus Eye tests set Inside story Buslness'directory Pages 26,27 Calendar. .Page! On Monday at } pm at the Editorial , .Page4 Career guide Pages 9-13 Sarah Bailey Civic Center, Dr Letters" ' ,, Page 4 Eric B Gurwln of the Suburban Obituaries Page 13 ~Photoforum— • -»—- - - • - - jr.,-ji..i ••i-»^—•—v««»«'^——'••"•T^vf'wf-w»»w i«« ifimi *yca> 9* OUMO' COHQITlonsj Religious news macular degeneration screening work continues for the plannectynlfldevelopment at this 53.2:acre site off of So« Horoscope. Page 4 5PrlS?fi?td.Ai;!enue and Roufe 22 East, Whencompleted within three to four years,' Sports - Pages 15-17 Lottery..., All resident senior "citizens are Page 4 invited to participate the PUD wlWInclud^iSome 312 townhouse units along with 11 urt»^i of retail space RevlewT _t Pages within 31,750 square feet.-The framework of thetownhouses can be seen at right.— -Social.... w -Pages 6,7' The »|te's developer Is Arden-ASsoclates,.whlch is headed by Joseph Wllf.

, 1 u J. ,-Vjyr/^.^cc^.-:*/^;...^^ .,i, *,.TV!M~.*.1~ - :.*,.-

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The Springfjeld-Mayor's Coin- Zeller, Janet Hardison and Brehard providing seryices_byjtudents for - -Tt»e Summit YWCA, 79 Maple St, raittee on Aging held their Brochel. . ' j The weight room,-newly refur- ' Organizational Meeting on Friday, Seniors. . ."...., —-;•-;•" . , has expanded Its weight room hours. "iDeverfeltbett^rlnmylife. Arthur Dauser 'arid" Mary Each member of the committee '< bished, contains the latest in A young-looking, middle-aged M the Sarah Bailey Civic Center or In order to accommodate .working Chepleskl were not present, Ellen- ' will chair one of the many com-, 77 equipment, itvlllrilng ft ffrhey Rnglf. woman sidi'lti^ifH Church Mall. The following mem-, Carmichael is an honorary member -people-;MSj-busy"~«&alppyuS/ S th"thee Leg Extensor, Cross Cable Machine, bers were administered the oath of, mittees of this group. Members that jveighfroom will be supervised and myself, afew hours a week , _ of this committee.. are now assigned committees are: Standing CalFMachlne and Squat out; and now my arthritis pains are office by Township Clerk Helen E. opeoto_membere early mornings Rack. John McMurray• and Ann Lowen- . aiiaiateevenlngs. gone, and I have a lot more energy."— . Weight room participants run the stein — blood pressure coor- ' • Also in attendance, were Marc dinators; Joseph-FitzslmmonsrRed" .. Morning hours-will run from 7 to 'gamut from high school students to Maguire: John McMurray, Joseph Zucker, Jason. Sobel and Gloria U :30 a.ml Monday and Wednesday; senior citizens, from the physically - Another said she.-enjoys working " Cross representativej^and^Arthur^ out at the YWCA because "the in-: Fitzsimmons7Irma Weins.tein, Ann Gizziv—representativea—from—the" -BuehrlerrSenlorXillzen newsletter. 7 to 11 a.m. Thursday, and 7 to 9/- fit to—people with physical Lowenstein, Harold Bishof, Arthur Florence Gaudineer School. These 10:36 to noon on Friday. Evening structors are so good — sensitive to ' and publicity. John McMurray and limitations and restrictions. In- 1 individual needs/ Buehrer, Frank Shield, August students, along with Principal hours are 5 to 8:30 p.m. Monday and dividuals work at their own pace, to Mary jChepleskT" will share the Ef Caprio, Madeline Lancaster, Alma Richard Broekel, are involved with secretarial duties. . > Wednesday; 4 - 9:30 p.m. Tuesday their own. level, \yith.instructors . • . • . • . • • •.!.: and Thursday; and 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. helping them to reach their own A fourth said how much.she oh Friday. Saturdays the weight Roal. ' . //"'' • "enjoyed the rapport among the "room is open from.9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Participants commented recenUy^-LWOmen, almost like an exercise Sunday the room Is closed. on benefits of the program: • support group:" •••••_'....._.. Rotary Club president named Bruce H. Bergen of Springfield (J. A1980 graduate of Seton Hall Law Bergen joined Cranford Rotary in has become the president of the School with a J.D. degree, Bergen 1982, and is a past member and past Cranford Rotary .Club, .a service received a B.A. degree £rom Case chairman of the Cranford organization.: . Western Reserve University in Ohio Democratic^Municipal-»Committee.. 2 courses in 1977. In addition Jtd a generil' law He is admitted to practice in .New Bergen, originally from Cranford, practice, he is part-time assistant Jersey and in the Federal District maintains a law office in that town. lega„ l counsel t-o th_„e Unio_. n County, Court for_New Jersey, and is. a • Two new'courses.scheduled for tlcipa'nts the five key steps" for will teach-the basic •He and- his wife,. Jodi, live. in~B6ard of Social Services, and is member of the Union County, New January at the Stunmit YWCA, 79 . building higher : self-esteem and techniques for hand quilting, with Springfield with their five-month-old actively involved in Ioc^I andcounty Jersey and American' bar^ Maple Streetraredeslgned to help feeling better about themselves. The . participants designing and com- daughter, Stefanle, , politics. • associations."^""; you -..feel better about yourself,' course will run from 10 a.m.. to 1 pleting a two-block wall hanging manage your boss and learn the art p.m. on three. consecutive Satur- incorporating~p"alchwork, applique otquilting. . days,. Jan. 10, 17 and 24, under the m and quilting techniques. Students leadership of Tfl Rurkp nnd Pori . are, asked to briiig scissors, j^rd- Children's dance classes are set ' "Building Self-Esteem," a three- Zarr, consultants and Dale Carnegie Dance classes'' for children, years. Her pupils range inji'gefrpm : board and pencil to the first class; , beginnin section, nnr) tnnny hniip_sAu . part workshop, will teach par- graduate assistants: - ^^ { ., - • - — - ^ --T--- materials will be chosen-and three-year-olds, are underway now sections at various times of the day., classes 'as Pre-School" Dance; All classes run for 12 weeks,. More' chased after the first session. The at the Summit YWCA,_79_Maple St. PINATAS—Maria Johnson, left, stands with her conversational Spanish students Kidsercise — creative exercise set information may be "obtained by • two-hour-couFserunder-the tutelage Classes began the week of Jan. 5, but to music; KinderdandT—ballet and ofjuilterGail Hausler, will run from from Deerfield High School who made the pinatas for the class party. From left, spaces are still available in several are Joseph_Roughneen, James Urban and Sean Roughneen. In front, from left, are -Saodmetendmeierrsctrootrtodentr stjiuul blijdehts VinaVmay VaswanlVaswani, left, (jauriLaurie Prudentec tap for Kindergarten and pre-K Funds buys book drop ~f(Ta.m. to noon for six consecutive classes. students; Dance-Combo for the- Tuesdays, beginning Jan. 13 and ' Brian Kulcsar and Kevin Delaney. and Mandi Forman are all smiles after a recent visit from dentist Steven Formar_ _ Instructdr ' Pat- Ernst, af- on the topic of proper.topth care. •,.-,. '.• • :__ - •- _„ L J older pupils; and Aerobics for Kids The proceeds from the recentlyJieldJundraUerheld by the1 Friends of the_ ending Feb. 17. : fectionately known as "Miss PaT''to. '— aerobic dances and exercises for. PTAth^eting Kenllworth Library enabled them to purchase a new book drop to be used her many students, has been; children ages 6-8., '.''.,' ,: . •The DaVid Brearley Regional when the library is closed; It is placed at the rear entrance to the library.' More information may be ob- . teaching dance at the YW. for many . All thejiJassesJiayitaUeast-one— |_High_School-PTAy will hold its The book drop is not only attractive, but very serviceable, as it has an inside tained by calling.. Elaine Henryt, Vdlf-Deane director named annualcardparty'on Jan! 21, in cart, which Will make it easier to transport the returned booksrThe" next Women's Program Director at the Recreation Committee sets classes the Brearley Cafeteria at 7:30 YWCA, at 273-1242. • The • Vail-Deane School in fund raiser will be'a book sale in May. . •• • ' •'-.'. • • - Mountainside Recreation" Com- binationof stretching, aerobics (low Classes will meet on Tuesday and Vets breakfast slated p.m. The card party is the only Mountainside is pleased toannounc e mission is sponsoring a new Fun 'N • j )ar impact); muscle toning fundraiser, for the-PT.Ar-which that Martha. Ann Chaves has been an( regu Thursday, evenings from 7:30 to8:30 Fitness program. The all new, six- and cool down under the direction of p.m.. beginning Jan. 20 in - the" . The Elin-Unger Post 273, Jewish—Isfael's Disabled War Vetetans. awards a number ofscholarships named Director'of Admissions and -week^dult-class-features a com- Kathy Hauser.' -War-Veterans-of-The United States, The Elin-UngerTost 273 (JWV) is to graduating students each year. Counseling. . Deerfield School all-purpose room. The registration fee is $30 perwill' hold their monthly Bagel extending van invitation to those- All are invited to attend. The Martha comes to Vail-Deane from Breakfast Business Meeting on evening promises to be filled with person. , —•-.—-•-• individuals who served as partisans Children's Specialized Hospital in Rinaldo inaugural party is cancelled Sunday',_Jan. 4 at-g^aff-a.m., at Jn the underground and in the.ser- funjind-a large variety of prizes Mountainside where she was the_ Temple Sha'Arey Shalom, 78 S. vice of pur Avied Forces in Europe." from the dark horse tabloTspecial clinical social worker responsible An inaugural party in Washington Jrip to the Capital for the reception Reservations for Fun 'N Fitness Springfield Aye., Springfield. Guest osejyjjp'wish tdjjbtain further gifts, door and table prizes to a for counseling families of sick -celebrating-Gongressman. Matthew.~ ~and._dinner, are being^notified that, speaker for the program will-be mation may "contact Senior nmoney tree and otheFsurprises. children. Previously, she had are being taken at the Recreation RinjDldo's swearing-in to an eighth •the Capitol Hill event scheduled for . office during regular office hours. Mitch Chupak, combat vetefan of Commander Joe Todrcs, 379-_ tic'kets • ca'ri be obtained by private practice providing term in Congress was cancelled due Jan. 17 has been called off.—.^_ '• ~— the Israel Defense;.- Forces,- or Cmdr. Murray Nathalisqn, calling the High School office at psychotherapy for children and Mail-in phone registrations may also to the death of his father. The • Congressman's faihfiiv be made. Further information may representing The American Friends f376-0873. • " • •."••' 272-7500. ••••-•- families.. Several hundred, friends and Matthew J. Rinaldo. Sr., of,Union, be obtained by calling the of Beit Halochem, a division of B'nrii "To me the-most exciting supporters of Congressman Rinaldo died on Dec. 31 after suffering Recreation Office at 232-0015 for Zion. Chupak will spcak'and present about Vail-Deane is its development who were'scheduled to take a bus cardiac, arrest. He was 79. additional information. a film on the "Rehabilitation of of the whole ch"fld,"_Martha com- ments "Vail-Deane has j very special effect on ego development in particular, so crucial for* a growings Curtain £ih child " ' ——U J LEGALLY SPEAKING Where Purjonjl *m _- Martha is a graduate of Clark by JOEL I. RACHMIEL ATTORNEY AT LAW Don't Let A Service Co,, rfj KQT^ -University, where she received her FormerAsst. Union County Prosecutor (1973-1979) Sh You Nothing E»tr«" IA* /^WM' bachelor's degree, and Columbia University where she received her Bad Back star's degree In clinical social A murder conviction entered by an Essex County jury 1036 Stuyvesant Ave, 309insT3"ci6tendant assertlno an IIMUINITV P—HI tor" work She spent her childhood livipg. the killing of his mother by stabbing her 21 times has been 686-5015 in several European countries. "My reversed on appeal due. In part, to the publicity surroun- background In international schools ding the attempted assassination of President Reagan by lohn Hlnckley, Jr. on the evening that Jury selection began has provided me with exposure to in Newark, the jury In the Hlncklev trial rendered Its ver- Your Day different cultures and ways of dict of not guilty bv reason of insanity, thereby causing an FIRST TIME EVER! thinking," she explains Immediate and substantial public clamor apafnst the in- "'Don't llvc-wltli the pain and. JlEW Dl RECTOR—Martha Ann Chaves has been named the sanity plea. The appellate-panel held that the Judge's Inconvenience of a bad back. • A coeducational college^ refusal to Individually question prospective Jurors as to Call us today (or an appointment preparatory school, Vail-Deane new director of Admissions and Counseling at the Vail-Deane what effect that outcry might have on them denied defen- serves 27 communities throughout School in Mountainside. dant a fair trial. The court also suggested that an adjourn- _ Chiropractors ... vie can help. ment of the trial to permit-the adverse publicity to die the central New Jersey area dowrTrnlght have avoided the problem altogether. Promotion made Were more than a drug store* DrriMichael Corey^^ Carol I. Edefmann of Moun- were a sift score JOEL I. RACHMIEL ESQ. T^ Rd. Union tainside has been promoted-to- •Toju •HWCIMS ,.frap»nc« •Snull Appliancas CERTIFIED CRIMINAL TRIAL ATTORMEY By Appointment 964=8607 assistant cashier and personnel •tom •ChocolateChocolate* •Hultht ,,.. *<«P«i«Goodi Nothing held back manager in an announcement CandiCdi n Buut|Md» Personal inliirv and Accidents* ^ Every item In our store Is ~ made by Richard P Garper, criminal and Related Matters Most Insurances Accepted president of1 Broad National reduced atleast 20°/o"off NO BONES ABOUT IT—Sandmeler Schdol nurse Helen Forbes gives Leah Kaplan Bank NO FEE FOR INITIAL CONSULTATION our regular discount prices... a lesson in anatomy during a recent study of human bones. > A member of the Metropolitan TOWN PHARMACY DiHy9«jn.-9pjn. Compensation Association, she Sat9un.-fi|un. Hltakeao%o» joined the bank in 1985— 501 BOULEVARD » KENILWORTH our low ticketed prices... :;••• sortie items reduced even moreliI Fmd out how much your house is worth DON'T MISS THIS SALE... in todays market. Call Maternity Fashions SALE ENDS MONDAY JAN.49th - SPECIALS EVERY WEEK . FRESH MEATS Mario & Renato u^today! ^_:Dry Gleaners: " " HOMEMADE COLD CUTS Expert Tailoring DEGNAN Fine Alterations UNION/ELIZABETH 2019 Morris Ave. BOYLE 5WHorUiUye.~-^ . « Union Center 1 2 I,M 1 SPECIAL THE SIGN OF EXPERIENCE — il»ttl.B.H«-»|ili"T/Miir-r^lj __u m\Uiaitf*tfmffWn • i S ^^(MHMMMHMHlMiMBkMI^MI^HHHI^HM ^•MrilHMlMrtMMHHMMk|MliMlHrita>lMli^HM^I 686-3421 2d Di f ^^= ^^^ | Hwc UM.-nwn.lJ0*00 Mon-Frl 7-6 pm'Sat 7-5 pm "Fri.fc007;00 1419 Stuyvesant Ave. FENDI —Union • 6884J55Z- BOUTIQUE— Fabulously | ""T)S/DD Diste ""^"""^""^T""1"" DcfendtheEathedess Offers excellent opportunities- Discounted ]fflS?fl^| sales managers, assistant sales limit 50 AS you remember the plight of the unborn children l In this country, know that your Father Is their FatherrYou also were once "unborn." And vou are managers, and sales positions, ^llM^I^^^:'^: here because your were protected, --iOO'sof ; EVANGEL 1251 Terrlll Road Software titles Scotch Plain; full & part-time, for tlie rij^h«! Other Discounts INSTOGK!" CHURCH 322-9300 bright,qualified individuals. Top Within «w Store Presents PC Clone Headquarters ' DEANGAVARIS Salary ? Apply in person; S lS^Ti URGHWAT January 18.1987 Days •Evenings • Weekends 395 Broad Ave.,RJdoefleldNJ. ' M someone you loVe just isltther- • ofkillirigtoe^

10:45 aim. 1 1 self-aiid hasn't Keeiifor awhile , K you think sbmeoWe you love- ^ * References Required Plrectloni:;-:' ''' ' ',•''•.•, .•'• .'i'...-:.' .'-.'•>'.;' ^' '1,•..• OSPITAL , Turnpllw Nprth JO; Exit:M Bait. Tak* sh ffi^ ji_Baeacl «,Turn Right

TlMS.-Frl.IO-5 : ' tdl6 Stuyvesant Ave. •Union Center THE MALL AT SHORT HILLS '.'.•• 8»t..in. •••••• to bed that way at riight-Some think find a y p p i CodcomnvmtfsiM, 'Defendthetatheri«»^i$alah1:i7ri J 1 •••'••;-('-. ' . . , .__ ktanagedbyPsychlBtricMltatesof America, part^^StheNMESpecliltyHMplUIGipup, • ' 39 W(ti«02 -CUI^'r*

"•"Jj,'!"•"•- "i^T"'"'*"" ",""7,"'"' • -• *. --.-••-- •. *. . ... u -•V~«.T=.*^-.-/" TI™n***r*"*»r**Sr \9Hh~CpUNTV LEADERHEWSPAPEKS-2* -./, .-COUNtyj.EADERNEWSPAPEHS— fhursday^Januaryl5>l»«7—s Fedemlbudget- , Last, summer Attorney really require the ciUiens of-Texa*,---of origUwl intent "is IUUetnore than and ratified it. Otherwise the Edwin Mease gave a to'pay for free public education for - arrogance cloaked as humility. It is • the American liar Association that judiciary will be a despotism ac- illegal immigrants? Does the arrogant," he aid, "to pretend that countable to no one._It_is_ihis_ $43 billion share caused this question ^How should Constitution really tolerate the fronvour vantage we can gauge the Supremo Cour^lnterpret the Breniian doesn't seem - to com- teaching of Mandst dogma-in-our • acxuratelACjCt y the intent uf ttetrafigrT" "prSBendTl. ___• . • , CoosUtuHonr-irfbecomeamatter high, schools; wlule forbidding the on. applicaUon^of principle to Tor N. J. taxpayers iJf_public.discussion and debate. , teaching of respect for God? ' specific, contemporary questions. That Brennan's view of con- stitutional fundamentals is less than New-Jersey taxpayers will be required to pay over $43 billion in That wasa-Very good thing for him Recent Supreme Court decisions Typically, all that can be gleaned to have ^done,.and I for one am have gfllll •'•-"yfrft- tn nil h -satisfactory—become&-clear-when , federal taxes as their share of the post of th« fwtfnil YmAgrt-nt-nfu,- -is-thaMhe-framew themselves did- LWllion plus dollars proposed this w.eek by President Reagan for the 1988 Just when it looked like theUhipn County Board of Chosen )^Ji future ox democracy questions.-It does not take much not agree about the applications tn- onfe examines his view of the Eighth 1 Freeholders was starting the new yearofTonJherig^^ be bleak if the meaning of the insight to see that' the Supreme meaning of particular constitutional Amendment. He believes that.the federal fiscal year beginning Oct. 1, according to an estimate released -we.-leanFtheTbaardhas-already managed to get itself "em-, ituUon were to be decided by a Court has had a. strong tendency in provisions, and hid their diffi Eighth Amendment, forbids the j>y the New Jersey State Chamber of Commerce. ' rate conversationTamong judges recent' years.' not. to follow the dSath penalty as "cruel and unusual -The estimate is based upon the state chamber's calculations that New" broiled in controversy. —-• • -• . . .„ / . — in cloaks of generality." 1 and lawyers from which the public' is ConstUuUon. but to read JotaJhatl —TheJruejnethod of constitutional .punishments under-—all—cir- Jersey taxpayers currently bear 4.2 percent of all federal taxes. "WheuwTheCongfess decides tocutj^jitaddto — President Reagan's TheJward, the County Utilities Authority and Rahway City le everyone else was home Sc733 document Its own personal views of interpretation, according to cumstances. This view, he admits, is a-great- -right and wrong. • .-»• . - . Brenpan, is for judges to adapt the not yet subscribed to by a majority u . spending proposals, New Jersey taxpayers will pay out proportionally, Council, ended 1986 by adopting a resolution that paves the watching the Rose Bowr-or the chamber says. '..'.•...'. , s-, nursingT a hangoveh r on controversy over Roosevelt's" court- Attorney General Edwin Meese Constitution to changing times. To of the justices of the Supreme Court. way for construction of the resource-recovery project in packing plan In the'1930s —. the challenged this last summer. Meese quote again from his Georgetown Nor is it justified byrthe .Con- New Year/s Day, • this ? "The President's proposed Budget, the-Chamber says, would cost Rahway. It was a good way to end the year and almost had usk unidentified man was Supreme Court, aided by its allies in calledfor the Court to,practice a speech: "Those who would restrict stitution's text; which clearly shows thai, capital punishment Is sanc- taxpayers in^lew Jersey^3,021,780,000 and jtjnotesjhat this amount is: believing' that county-government was on the road "to' going '; about his/dally; the universities^ and the legal "jurisprudence', of . original';; in- claims pf righLtothe values of 1789 "•Seven timies the Jj6.2 billion inriocai-property'taxesievied in 1986 to recovering from the bickering and controversy that-had- routlneof collecting trash;rt professionrhas-transformed the way' teotion:1*- He saidTBaFtheTCourt specifically articulated )n' the tioned in several instances. —. The FifthAmendmeht states that support all of New Jersey's counties, municipalities and school plagued it during the past several years. '. / This familiar sight around, ; it views.the Constitution without should read the Constitution In "the Constitution turn a..-blind, eye ;to -districts.- town was caught qrrtnV serious public discussion p'rihe new sense In which theConstitution^was sociatprogressrrrrForthe'geniuTor ""Nffiperson shall be held to answer But it was not to be. Here we go again. by - bounty --tewjrer —principles oHts jurisprudence:" 7 accepted and ratified by the nation." - .the Constitution rests not in any for a capital,, or otherwise infamous •Over'4% times the $9.2 billion appropriated to operate the state =—The newyearis barelytwoweeksold arid the board is photographer Joe Lqrlg. If How should, judges, especially Meese was only ~stating • what is static meaning it might have had in crime,, unless-on a resentment or government and provide financial aid for schools and local government already at the center of attention because of some of its you .have a favorite photo Suprerrie Court justices apply the implicit in the idea of constitutional- a world that is dead and gone, but in indictment of a Grand Jury.,.; not and local property tax relief during the state's current fiscal year en- which you wouUT (Iker to ::•"', Constitution when they decide government: that the Constitution is "the adaptability of its great prin- shall any person be subject for the ding June 30 next.. j^_ ..•••_' j_ _vj__'_ actions. ' •'."'.- '.,.'•." ' • ' ' '. r submit tor this-page, send •' whether actions of the'state and the basic law,, that its authority ciples to cope with current problems same offense to be twice put in •Equal to $5,6897pl every man/woman and chllcTestlmaiedTo reside J Ji s l For .'one thing, Freeholder G. Richard Malgran's lay firm it to 'Photo torum,' at this V' "federal governments are" con- comes from its being approved by and-' ' curren •t needs• . —Wha •t ith- e con- jeopardy of life or, limb;...nor be ' in the state. . • • . • ' • ' ' . , > ' newspaper/P.O. Box 3109, f stitutional?. The importance of the the' people", and that the basic law stitutional fundamentals meant to deprived of life... without due. is being considered for appointment as legal counsel for the process of law." ' . In releasing the state .chamber's Federal Budget calculationsr CUA, in what some county, officials have termed'a "deal" - Union 07083, with complete '•• question is obvious. The Constitution - must have some' meaning if its being the wisdom of other times cannot be Frederick A. Westphal,. president of the ^tate chamber, notes that Identitfeatlbn of .'the is the supreme law pfjhe land, and" approved by the people means .their measure to the vision of our . If Justice Brennan really believes President'Reagan's proposed record $l!024 "trillion .federal spending made prior to the appointment. Then the freeholders ap^ anything at all. _• : • . subject. The newpaper-ls ;. rits meaning affects every American time." . : ' ' ( "' '"•'. in "constitutional fundamentals,"' program for the.new fiscal year beginning next Oct. 1 reflect an in- proved-the creation'of three position? in the:Union County not/responsible for: the' •citizen in the mosttntimate way. ,; Justice William J.Brennan gave a In one sense, JJrennair is indeed then how does he'justify his stance fotograph. Anyone who ' ceacreasee ooff $$9 billiobillion over currentt estlmato^fjpendlngJnJheiiCurrentltoJ L Department of Human Services and named three prominent •; For , example,'•. does the Con- speech last fall, and this speech correct: We always havi_==____.JJ, i^pMj: fiscal year of $1,015 trillion. WestphaTpbserves that New Jerseyans' per county_politicians to fill them. The positionsrwhich come ishes to •have a pictures stitution really~grant a right of ridiculed-and~denounced^Meese's~^Wlll~neea~to~adapr""noastl'tiitlonnl • • constitutional? • ' The Constitution capita share of the new budget as proposed — $5,689 — represents ah returned may pick It up 1 with a salary of about $30,000 each* have yet to be defined. abortion, to a 15-year-old'girl"a^ainst insistence that, the Supreme Court fundamentals".'Is' crucial. These . itself shows that; It is. The "fun- increase of $149 over last year's figure of $5,540. •• • the day after publication. ' the laws of a state and without her . should interpret the Constitution in, fundamentals .must be grounded in damental" ban on "cruel and Unusual punishment" clearly did not "President Reagan]sproppsed Fiscal Year 1988 Budget anticipates a ovjersy-suFfcounding-these issues makes for good parents' consent or. even their the light of its original intention, the text of the Constitution and in the , deficit of $107.8 billion, Westphal noted, adding "that's only slightly "writing and reading in the local press — just as the county knowledge? Does the Constitution Brennan said that the jurisprudence thinking of the society that framed' apply, to'the death penalty when it was written. So how did itsjiddenly under the maximum deficit of $108 billion allowable under the Gramm/- manager situation, Runnells Hospital, the county jail and Rudman mandatory budget deficit reduction, legislation. New Jer- --resource recovery have in the past.—-: _ Conflicts and Confusions, Jchange?__Either_cbnsUtutional seyans' share of the $107.8 billion projected 1988 deficit is $4.53 billion, fundamentals arc fundamental, and or a $599 burdeh for each person in the state. •' ', : • ' "' Our complaint is that the taxpayers of Union County shou "they don't change; or they'are .not Your link with Trenton ^ : i fundmehtal and do change. ' Westphal further points out that the deficit fdr the'eurrent fiscal year"; not have to spend another year listening to internal bickering is now estimated to be $173.2 billion, well in excess of the $144 billion among the members of the freeholder board. U-the-CdnstitUtlon-is-to-be^taken-^| iimitrsetrmiderthe^rBTninyRudmaTrToT^^ seriously, it must have a real, spending. He expresses regret that the president and Congress have discernible meaning — a meaning •--•' It's about time someone takes a good look at the structure rtews aboiii worKen in By RON GAETANO physical or "serious" verbal fights topics. As a pharmacist, educator largely Ignored the deficit spending reduction promises made to the that does not change from one . of county government-and investigates the possibility of a One of the most-asked questions When drinking or using drugs? ~ and counselor, Gaetano has nation when the Gramm/Rudman law was adopted. * •" ByPETERGENOVA state Assembly-seats;;-farty-af-'—' Oursfate placed 32nd in the nation Coye, health commissloner;...and; I've received: over the past few generation to the next. Hs*_(un- change. * — Assemblyman, 21st District filiation is about equal. •Do they, drink or use drugs to- developed effective substance abuse - damentals are applied to new Calling on the president and, the Congress to-work together in the in it* ratio of female mayors' to male Feather O'Connor, treasurer. • _ _ weeks has been "How do I know if . escape from worries or troubles? awareness programs for. IBM,. -national-interest to reduce the present and proppsed federal deficitsy Like most issues, there is both In the Garden State, the numbers mayors and municipal 'council .The governor also appointed a someone close to me has a drinking situations certalhly;~ but"tney If the board's action these first two weeks is any indication •Have they evervhad "memory' Conrall and General-Motors, aswell ; Westphal says:""We recpgnize the enormity oUhe-task Jf'. ending good .news and bad,news on the fall below the national average. memberSTHCcording to a survey by - 1 h - of what's in store for 1987, residents of the county had, better woman, Brenda Davis, as* his or drug problem?" !ln,answer_.tp. ^ftihtfdikii ~as the U.S. MarltieCorpsT Gaetano (s ' y HecadeToT over-expanding federal spending and debt, A blueprint for subject of women jn politics.'While Women occupy only 10 percent, or the National League of Cities, ^he director of policy and planning. She those many questons, I thought I'd stitution, after all, is a fundamental "f^etTe"ady~foYanotherr6ckyyear. . .',.;'• the number of, women' elected as other drug usei director of Union Hospital's drug major reductions lies in the'progosalsalready-offered-by-the^Grace 12, of the 120 seats in the Assembly average is 15.9 percent. ; is one of 65 women who now serve in introduce.a'..q'ujz toiyou that has law,, ratified by the people as a Commission which has recommended eliminations, reductions, and representatives in our state is lower and. Senate. This means bur state _ , dHav.e they ever made promises and alcohol abuse program. But these statistics do not take into high administration positions. ;-' proven helpful to me in my work. to "cut back", or "control" their solemn and extraordinary act. It streamlining of federal programs,.which can save billions of dollars than the national • average, the ' ranks 36th in terms of the number of consideration advances made by When Kean took,office in1982, he stands above all institutions created number of women appointed lokey ODo'they have problems at work drinking or^therdrug.use? ^^ •annually-." • . -... , v. women it has. serving in the. New Jersey women in other types by , assured severl woiiien'B"groups" of or school •— lateness, missed time, by it — even the judiciary. posts in New Jersey is almost the. Legislature, TigtiT behind Michigan -If-you haveinswered yes to three Westphal recaps the ever-increasing impact of federal spending upon political endeavors, his commitment to increase/the -errors — due to drinking pr drug or morte^of" these qucstions,_the This article for the New Federalist New Jersey taxpayers, noting that the burden has more than doubled Tip of the hat best in the country.-' • ' and just ahead of Georgia. Under the 'lead.ership~of; Gov.- number of women in top-level use? . 'Unhooked' was written by Dr. Thomas ' Women, on the average, hold 14.3 person you are-concerned about may within a span of only ,10 fiscal years — the total cost for New Jersey ' When we took the majority in 1985,. Thomas Kean, this state has earned government positions. He tas ob- Is-dririking-or drug use making . already have an alcohol or other' .Need help with a drug pro- G. West, an associate professor In taxpayers rising from $21 billion in '79 to $43 billion in '88, while the per *( For several months now, Springfield residents and SCOPE , percent of the state seats throughout . Assemblyman Chuck Hardwick, our the distinction of ranking sixth in the viously kept his promise.' their home llfeunhappy,?-—j-_—>— drug--problem which will only get blem? An alcohol problem? Do; the Department of Politics at the capita burden has virtually doubled, climbing from $2,878 to $5,689. members have charged Uniftn County officials with' reneging^ the .country, according, to a^studv—Speaker, had the foresight to appoint^ ; 7 1 country.in itspercentageof-women- —rOurr-governor -Hlso'~haB""' the' DDo they lie|to people about their worse 'Without proper N helpi you know someone who does?' University of Dallas. ' . "oTTearlier promises not t3"e~mbark~ on any-kind of quarry conducted by the "Center'for the the first. woman to: serve as the holding cabinet-level positions: distinction of nominating the_firet_ _drinking.or other-drug use? JQ-O: you_kmMfcwhere-to. refer American Woman 'and Politics, a Assembly-Clerk. Barbara Marrow -Assessment;—evaluation—"-and™ : development without first receiving the approval of the woman, Marie Garibaldi, to the \ DDDDo theth y turt n tto llower.com— counseling is -available at Union them? .....'• .'..'• .'"' division of the Eagleton Institute for also Is the first black person to serve 1 T Township Committee, But if State Senator C. Louis Bassano Six of Keati!s-21-cabinet-member8— ^state's SnpremgCottt t~ •, panions and an inferior environment Hospital. Please don't hesitate to "Unhooked" can help. Call Politics, Rutgers University. The as clerk in any state in the nation. . are women. They are Jane Burgio, We Hi the Assembly are proud of when drinking or using drugs? . -. 643-0505; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m^Mon? has his way, the matter could soon be taken out of county figure is three times higher than it As for female mayors. New secretary of sta,te; Barbara Curran, call us for help at 687-1900, ext. 2123. the governor's record. It is or hope Q Does their drinking or drug use ,. An internationally-known jexpert— _day_thrqugh Friday, for_New, hands entirely. ;: ^___ _j_ ^^ ^ .'_ '-. was in 1969. --v, ; ••;,•' r V. - - Jersey's 6.2 percent ranked the state board of public utilities president; lr that women all over the state and in make them careless of their own In the fields of drug and alcohol Jersey treatment program. Jaeger "~THei\"study also" indicated that Hazel Frank Gluck, transportation According to Bassano, wh,o,,.represents the 21st district,. 29th in the nation. However,'none of • all types of capacities continue to welfare or that of their family? abuse, Ron: Gaetano has addressed referrals and for- substance 1 women hold 9.9 percent of all, state the women, preside^Bv.er.ia city of j comlssioner;. Mary—JL.-—Parell, •. gain strength and independence in i DHaye'they^Been arrested while? -abuse informntlnti legislation he plans to propose this we^jk-will not permit Senate seats and 16.6 percent of thfr more than 100,000 residents - •-[- .hanking rnrnmissinner;—pc^-Molly— thHtiWL^J •intoxicated? T" agers, college students and senior afflphitheaierebnstiiiAioafflphitheaier-ebnsti'iiAion '^he^e^xmM^sntt^evioasiy^^he^e^xmM^sntt^evioasiy ; Building Material Centers donated by the state'is concerned — unless there~is per- thpy Wn inynlirpH •in—citizens-onthese and other related! mission from the local governing body. Since recentevidence Treniontalk suggests that at least some county officials are not respec- "Long John" ting Spjringfjejd's wishes regarding the quarry site,- we Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum-^ Aluminum Jbjeli&ve-Bassano is on the right track. oiiution stopped Snow Shovel Snow Pusher Snow Pusher Show Shovels If such legislation becomes lawTTOvpuld, as the lawttiaker By C.LOUIS BASSANO federal Superfund, which, was Senator Gormley's bill would in- -.the waste must be identified._Then,_ says, be."written in blood."^Wiile we commend the Senator r Senator, 21st District^ recently reauthorized by Congress^ crease the corp^atipjijjusjness^ax^-exper.t'' mjiat innk .intn-JtKs -for his concern"andinitiative, there are still a few things to --Over -the -next-f ive-years7~apv7 ~and;~benalties—collected' from for generators of hazardous Waste technology available to deal with r proximately $1 5 billion in funding^ polluters, :remember. . _not—meeting—waste—reduction—these wastes—If-the-wastermust"be— LuElroui jluminuVt us {ilurnirtum nluminum of l3Vi'itl4>/.> fibbod .// —will be available to'ta~clclc one offfie Governor Kean has labeled the requirements The governor moved elsewhere, we must deter- finish. 14' finish,-enrbon stool oy bl.ido, cnrtion )j,idn Qluii TFE fin ' most pressing problems facing our ntyflib blado, stool wuiir ilnp 44-h.vi SICPI wfrnr etfip sh lo tinlri shod . The political process in which legislation is passed is not cleanup of New Jersey's 228 toxic recently stated he supports this idea mine where and: how the waste can wo.ir st'ip 35V.- dlo tFE btufi In|ish mow. ico. Exir.i ""always expeditious Not every bill that is introduced reaches state today toxic waste waste dumps as "one of the highest New Jersey has been recognized be~safely transported State officials h,indli> HA1639Q num Alloy bt.idfr hoop snow - M.imo Governor Thomas Kean recently priorities of my administration " -AI6363 fom slicking 40 ouQhnnnd ,ish the Governor's desk. Considering that 1987 is an election year as the national leader in identifying are currently involved with trying to A16370 intidln for all members of the Assembly and Senate, it is reasonable signed into law the remaining bills or However.-he has said he would like toxic waste sites and providing thet determine where facilities that treat a legislative package designed to the public's share of the costs of the funding to clean them up We have hazardous waste should be placed in to assume that other lawmakers will be scrambling to see generate $535 million in state funds cleanup program to be reduced aggressively sought out federal the state Public hearings have been bills of their own receive top priority. for toxic waste cleanup over the next I and my Republican colleagues in funding from the Superfund held throughout the state Many five years The new laws increase by , Even if Bassano's bill becomes law, there is no guarantee the Legislature—agree with the program OtMer states are just potential site communities are up in 25 percent the special' spill com- Governor, We must convince in- beginning to address this issue arms against the idea These are "'that'.-it-will-;come in time to prevent the county from pensation tax how paid by the dustry to re-evaluate its processes to However, regardless pf the actions _just_a Jewpf ^he obstacles we must_ ''pushing" for the amphitheater in the quarry^ if that is their petrochemical industry, expand the find ways to reduce the hazardous recently taken by the Legislature ""face -(•• intention. If (he county is serious with the project, such base of the tax and dedicate! a wastes it generates,-We-cannot and the governor, cleaning up toxic ~ Despite the overwhelming odds portion pf the state's corporate JegisJaiionwill need to be enacted as soon as p_ossible._ effectively rid'oursplva "f this.tnmr_ -waste iM-long-and-arduous-processitittlggS l business tax revenue fpr toxic menace if the source of the pollution These wastes have been generated waste determined to free our state ef toxic -,-Jtthe-biU-is passed, it is important to remember that the refuses to stop producing it over a long period of time. To undue waste This is essential if we are to , Township Committee has already informed the Union County Other funding sources dedicated Currently, a Republican bill, overnight the damage It took years have asafe environment We will be NOW THRU JAN 31 St A AMES*.. Aluminum . Board of Freeholders that any governing body approval for to the cleanup will be the $200 million sponsored by Senator William to create is impossible This is a jeopardizing eur future if we do not bond_!.ssue approved by voters in Gormely, R-Atlantlc, is making its stark reality we must face continue to avidly seek solutions to Sidewalk Poly Snow Snow an amphitheater will-be-contingent on the wishes of the November, $500jtnlllon-from the Scraper • townspeople; namely by~way~of referehdumTWe strongly" way through the legislative process Why does it take so long' First, the toxic waste problem Shovel Shovel urge the township* committee not to forget about ^his_ Everything in Ourstore^ reXerendum._: . To Senator Bassano, we tip our hat. We hope that he can be Letters to the editor •" las effective in getting his bill passed as he was in creating it. •::-ipiream lives on means of the Student Writes Page presented In the Springfield Leader once-a • I would also recommend to Mayor Fanning and to the Township Cotn- : -Far. away from _Union County, there's a controversy month I strongly believe that this opportunity for student expression and „ mlttee that a study be undertaken to determine the continued practicality of -brewing in Arizona. The newly elected governor there public sharing serves as a catalyst for the exchange and study of ideas which our present form of government. can affect thinking over a long period of time ^ I ^recommend a change of oiif form of government. This change is long _ .-•._•: already-is embroiled in a fracas over whether Arizona should As an educator and advocate of writing inall subject areas,%;an clearly overdue To ha ve an election every year is both expensive and self-defeating •Lingerie celebrate the new national Martin Luther King Jr. holiday— see that creative and expos)tory_wnting'~ibe moctes~of expression that • and does not allow for continuity of government. •Girdles •Robes — Although one of the new governor's problems with the children must practice readily, thus, deriving cenfidence and fluency. I wish the entire committee good luck this coming year. I fully understand A formative process of writing, unique to each child, nurtures natural and appreciate the problems with which they are confronted and it is my •Parity Girdles •Pantyhose - holiday is that it was supposedly adopted illegally in Arizona, expressiveness The process deliberately encourages each child to draw hope that they address them and solve the most pressing of problems. he also doesn't think King deserves to be honored the way sensitively and purposefully on his or her own store of words With this PHILIP FEINTUCH •All in Ones •Half SrFtM Slips Presidents Washington and Lincoln are. power, the student delights In setting down ideas in a manner that is per- Former Township Committeeman sondl to the writer and stimulating to thareader ' Well, does K ing deserve such an honor? The Student Writes. Page encourages our children to write on with pride ill With the national holiday being celebrated for the first time and the realization that language is a personal possession whereby one can ' Monday; we might well wonder if'it's a valid holiday and communicate as an experiencing being I extend my sincere gratitude to the Springfield Leader, along with the hope that the Student Writes Page will Springfield Leader wHatits meaning is. continue to appear in the local newspapers , Calchim Chloride 1320 Watt 2JLb. Big | taOLb.Bafl .'..'.,_•;. Should'King's birthday be thought of as a tokenistic gesture JOAN FRIEDMAN 37 Mountain Ave. Walter Worrall T-BSOWatt Radiant ' , — fc\MJJaudlnetr SchooL Springfield N.J>.07WHF~ — eublliher Heater toward black Americans -<-. sort of .a black version of Springfield - Radiant JlfldllM0H25 Presidents Day? i t „ •ditwlal Offict.... tt«-mo Subscriptions..,. 4M-7700 Executive Editor We think npl. " Eeintuch^township^needsackniRistrater— Bintiwii OHIc* .. CTffi Marie Dutter- TractionSand For Martin Luther King was not only a great leader in a ••'•• n«g.7I.S9 Inslanl radiant rib- I have written to Mayor Fanning on this date applauding his belated 1291 StannMt tam, Unto, NJ. (MM? Attociatt Editor Mo

• '•' i\ .

'" V' fl.

v r COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS '"'''' •• .•' '•'„.'••'.'•.•:'". ^_':v V. ',i:"''.-.'''-'..'.--..:e;s(i«(. •-.'*••

ir';r;''.'l,v^' •COUNTYLEADER NEWSPAPERS- Thunday. January 1 s.\m 'Z 7

>"";.• SEN. C. LOUIS RAS8ANO A TtoaAountcaabeslgnhncant. For „ the (axes that would be supporters in pie legislature and to and learn how a legislative office ID lieu of providing a L«uu; gut presented the cheek to the hospital. Union-Essex, has . announced the pnvareda'-aJristoarVVlshlist," aubjertto the tougher penalties are > be among tte/tbousanrls'of people operates.' ••. • • • ••• •"•: •• to tbeir New Jeney customer*, AGS "As a corporate'-Trftfaen of this w availability of a brochure titled. intheforinofalettertoSantadaus, °w ^ • ••• e j ^^ . w ^vaw T*. eaaw, evatfeP*•#• aafalekeleVWS **UJJ- —__0m——^j •-^ •• e,i • traiiatij eWBaVBjBBLjaWea*eaT__aV*at* •jjet32JjB ajylothtatatap e nce and ^Appropriations a > I who applaud your good work, and -:—"The. Internship- program gives CoOipukStaV' bC • MOUZltatfllSidc Pfty • community, we have long admired which presents items that the . taxes owed to]th e state were never' including sales taxrthe state Income- delight in your dedication. I am "How to Fightthe Cold War," which donated $5,000 to' Children's students an opportunity to be contains pertinent information the extraordinary work Children's hospital nieeds and ffidr cost r ^collected. And,' that isjust one fiscal tax, the, corporate business tax, the, anxious to support you In every Specialized Hoepltal for its patient Specialized Hospital Is-doing. We year. It does not 'Include' taxes directly involved -with state about home energy assistance, "Holiday wsasoh donations will be coiporate income tax,' the financial \ possibleway;"- government in New Jersey," said CAMDCMV hope- -this small gift, helps the used as part of the hospital's T . 'soon as..possible,v"so wecan dellnquentforyearsBndyears." . ; business tax and the savings In- energy conservation and consumer ' children/'besaid. alleviate the need for any new taxes -Bassano says; "We must find Hemophllla is a condition that , Franks. , , • rights In dealing with utility com- • brella. Fund (Annual Fund) stitutions tax, / •••;. v does not allow blood' to dot nor- yp^etecie r-The—Children's specialized;—ppchase needed .eqtripmerit.-^T __tp_n>ver thftlnmof feri<*ralrevenue^ ways tociffset the loss Ih'feaefa) Students interested in becoming sharing funds." ':,;•:-. • •: ••.:..'.'•• •. revenue sharing money. I encourage :> mally; Most, dfTTts victims are an intern Tor Assemblyman Franks for citizens who may face a loss of vice president of AGS Computers; Hospital Development Office has ' Umbrella Fund Is a new fundraislng 'ASSEMBLYWOMAN ". . children.. Clotting /Factor allows program created to support the - Bassano says, "I introduced a bin the Senate Bevenw, Wnance-and^ MAUREENOGDEN . L,-. can receive an application by calling utility service as a result of being bemophiliacsJoJeadJjormal lives. his legislative office at 665-7777. ^rmual^-operating-budgetvrof—th« 'three years.ago that would'tougnen' rAppropriations CmnmlttP^.*"'"'>"''- __AssejnhlywomanMaureen Ogden; unaware of the winter moratorium ' : 1 1 f( g > rT An earlier) recipient of the hospital," explained John Richard *lfe pT^B ' ^ ^-*BX- vfml"tn ft *Tt my tax amnesty' bill and start the' R-22, has ..received a special -. After the application is completed on service shut-offs which is in effect 1 90-day gracf period. However, my legislative Government. Achievement Award -jiatioij'-S) 'GoyeTtfHretrt "-^and; returned to his~off.<*; Uje until March1~5.' ."'—~~~~ r- legislation has yet to be considered Otherwise, the property taxpayers from' the New Jersey Hemophilia, Achievement.' Award was student will be contacted for an 'We are most appreciative for the "Congressman Dean Gaflo. The brochure was prepared by the support we receive from the com- _lby the Senate Revenue. Finance and in the state will be footing a very Association crediting the Assem- interview with Assemblyman . Public-Advocate • Department- .and 1 N munity as we strive to provide the •Appropriations Committee.' By expensivebill^ -^—^ V : ', blywoman with , "outstanding .ASSEMBLYMAN- ' Franks. • :.• •~r '"T^ ~ otfeia Jniorniation-^ibout-fhe. Huuie' most comprehensive rehabilitative ^ignoring this bill, the committee is After the amnesty period. Senator achievement'' in the , care and - . BOBFHANKS.._ J... _,The intern program for" high • Ejiprgy Assistance Program, which school students was first suggested services available." depriving the state of sorely-needed Bassano's bill provides: that the treatment-, of New ; Jersey's Asseqiblyman Bob Franks, who- will accept applications for. heating': Among tlie Items which are listed^ funds^ . -• :.'.... s.' . .''.'. criminal penalties for failure tq pay hemophiliacs. ",' . represents Mountainside In the New at Assemblyman Franks' highly successful Student Leadership Day, assistance through April 30; ways to are an Apple IIE computer system V •: .".The tax amnesty provision would a variety of state taxes would be Ogden was the sponsor of three Jersey General >. Assembly, an- avoid a utility service shut-off by . az many_delinqueiit tax- raised from a mlsdetneanor.-which nounces the formation of a high a program in which tophig h school for the ..Cognitive Remediation encourage many delinquent _bills._that.<-make ^full-. insurance- students from around the. district - entering- infb"-a -deferred- payment" Program, new handicap-adapted 3^EWSPAr?ER: ACHIEVEMENT^e^ payerstoebme! forward before they carriecamesa*l,oos a $1,00o0 Unfinda and jail-term oof--coveragt coveragee availabje'~tar~providavailable-to~provide School student intern program; The plan; and the. winter . shtiMff 1 program' is open to high school are invited' to an all-day seminar toys for the Education Department, achievements of "Hie four regional school newspapers with Editor Laurie Grzymala face 'new-tines anff< [wwihli[ i jnij l _npJn^_ypBr:r>n-fl.:fn1lrth^pgrw-nf—-Clottirig-Factor-and other essential noratoriunvwhich-prohibits-utility students throughout the area. -wittr-keyt^figures^trom slate" padded stretchers for the Nursing- at a recent regional board meeting. Superintendent Dr. Donald Merachlnk was sentences. We would finally receivreceive -fensefeme, which carries a $7,50$7500 finfinee anandd ii™*"-**^supplies-form*e •.i-^Ks-KiSIn theTioinrie— . »«.The- siuaenismrougnoutuiearea. ' r""rl,"i'i "%"!"" ,™"'", ,*"!£ companies from ^discontinuing Department, computer accessories acting chairman for the event which was attended' by Virginia AAuskus Of Clark, millions of dollars of unpaid taxes, _jalljeVm of up-to 18 months. ~' new laws allow home-care' rather _;_»For-iTianiMrears-we-have-suc-—g0V*rnment^v£j^.;100_students—elcctricTjr^asTservicebetween-NDvr- and giftware whlcji are-^tsed-by ^Ha^cU?ooaldsor4-^f-^erJd• Murray mil. •— • Sen.:DiFrancescourges those who n was' the Senate' sponsor of the about the process of government to Physical Therapy, a wooden doll Chapter of the American Red Cross tioncan be obtained by calling the. legislation. He received £• similar ''.' SEN. ttONALD ' ",' arq interested in receiving a copy of 1 be extremely valuable. But this is. Sen. house and furniture for, the Pediafric surgery explored Is now offering the Multi-Media . Red Cross at 232-7090. _ ' award last year. •; ' ' DIFRANCESC6 "How to Fight the Cold War" to call preschool, a mixmaster for adaptive the first year we have/Created an 1 Standard First_Aid-Icourse. Tju^:irlJEhe_JKeatfiel4rMountainside Donald "DiFrancesco, R.'. his legislative office, 322-5500. • cooking for Recreational Therapy Communities-on-CabJe "30 with very gratifying results. Yet, weakened state of adults' muscles, course uawdemonstratibn filims"; a " Chapter of, the American Red Cross In accepting^the award, 'Ogden ;1ntern~program tor nigh- school Medical Minutes" Show explores told members of the Hemophilia students^—. '.'"' •'•' • and special- talking devices for according to Brenner, "the role of Brenner used the comparison of programmed workbook, and prac- i's" a' participatin"-•—"-—g agency ui'the CARPET BUYERS: Speech, Hearing and Audlology. pediatric surgery when host .Connie the surgeon has been helped so much Associatibnr^I-am, very proud, to Interns '^111 work' on specialT" WISH LIST—Sue Lister, of AGS Computers, Inc., of Mo'un- tissues which have "the tice sessions. .It is scientifically United Way of Westfield. ' Persons interested in purchasing Frank, R N , B S N , Nurse by the development of-the specialty consistency of kleenex" during the : count myself among your many projects/conduct research into bills,- ____tfllnslde,: looks i oyer_a^ .Chil.dren',si_Specialized Hospital_ designed to aid the participant's 1 specific items to help theTiospltal Educator at Overlook Hospital in teams around us to work lira delicate surgery He stated that natural ability tolear n and retain in- Christmas Wish List With M. John Richard, director of Summit, interviews Richard Development and Chief Operating Officer of Children's care for and rehabilitate disabled., vacuum as an isolated practitioner' changes in medicine and equipment; formation quickly, : . children may call the Development Brenner, M.D., Director of Surgical •Ujnostly gone and is dangerous." aldng with an increased knowledge 1 Specialized Hospital Foundation. AGS recently contributed Educatipn gt Overlook; The medical This eighHibur course i wUl' be. $5,000 to Children's Specialized for its patiept care needs. Office at23&3720, ext. 310. Brenner stated that Overlook runs, of physiology and techniques, have given at the Westfield-Mountaihside information show will air on Jan,'l9 excellent programs to prepare made it possible to correct many at 6 p.m.,Jan, 22 at 11:30 a.m., Jan. Chapter House, 321 Elm .Street,' parents for their child's surgery."• medical problems at-birth - Westfleld, on Jan. 24 and 31 from 9 26at6pm,Jan 27at8 30pm and -Further Information about the .The "30 Medical Minutes'' series Jan.29atll:30a.m; pediatric pre-operative programs & co-sponsored by Cotnmunities-on- POW/MIA head appointed Brenner feels that practicing in may be obtained by calling 522-2963 Cable and The Overlook Hospital the area of pediatric surgery is a The most common surgery per- Foundation TV-^6 reaches residents __JThomas Engkilterra, who for the The National League of POW/MI A Engkilterra, as New York-New tremendous challenge He thinks formed on chilren is to repair an in Berkeley Heights, MiUburn, New past three years has been the New families is a non-profit organization Jersey" state coordinator, • is this medical speciality, can be as inguinal hernia Though children's Providence, Springfield and Sum- Jersey state. coordinator for the whose members are the loved ones responsible for public awareness in dramatic as heart or brain surgerv muscles are-normal and not in,the mit National League of PQW/MIA of American servicemen and t AFTER both-states as well as serving as Families, has been appointed New - civilians still uhaccpuntcd for as a York State coordinator by Ann Mills liaison for the League to veterans THE... result of U.S. military involvement, -organizations, civic groups, the Griffiths, executive 'director of the: InSputheast Asia. The League" is" League. —-—^r press and concerned citizens. Accident causes no injuries : -headquartered in Washington, D.C, Engkilterra is also the primary 1 "spokesman for;" the 155 • family Police' report that an Elizabeth Galloping Hill Road and Washington accident on Jan 8 at about l :25 p.m a health Book subject of course P.T.A. members in New York and the 63 man and a Kemlworth woman were. Avenue and resulted in no injuries. According to reports, the accident, TMakesYbur New Vfear Happier! : Shirley MacLaine's mystical "experiences will be part of an upcoming . family members in New Jersey involved in an automobile accident •Police report that two Cranford which did not cause anyjnjuries, MHHT1NC. Union Adult School book discussion series,'A. Irving. Rosenberg wjll conduct whose loved ones are still missing in Monday at about 8:34 a.m. men were involved iaan automobile took place on the Boulevard a four-session course reviewing and analyzing. "Out on a Limb, ''Sybil," • action or held as prisoners of war In "^cctording to reports, the accident "Tao of Physics," Jane Robert's "Seth" books and other metaphysical, Vietnam; Laos and Cambodia. took place on Lincoln Drive. No Engkilterra is not a veteran, nor injuries were reported as a result of FOOTBALL works. •.••' ;.'•,. .''•-;. .'.- '•'•;•••''':. ••••,• ••••. •, ••••'.•• . ••':' i Classes will be held on four Monday.evenings beginning, March 16 at 7:30 • dffes he -have a family member the collision:- ••••'•• ••••..••' Rangemaster selected CiAMIi thatlimi p.m.atatotalfeeof$15. : ;"r'v; ':'•' '.' . .'.:;.v ; -•--•••-•"• -;•; ;•". ••"' ' •• ; mlsslngrHe-iiTone"of a •very few :l ^Police report that a Linden man League, officials who do not fit the and a Kenilworth woman were in- Rosenberg is a serni-retired attorney who has been active in community Lt Francis V Kuczynski of the County Firearms Instructors affairs during his 40 years of residence in Union. In the last 15 years he has* , criteria for membership by being a volved in an automobile accident; relative of_someone 'm^Liig,lin__Sunday_aLabput2;15p.my ^ Linden police department has, been Association, the only pohceiirear.H»s_ MOVIES • done extensive research on altered_states of consciousness, muljlplcper^- elected rangemaster of the Union instructors unit in the state 95 i positions he holds According to reports, the accident -sonalityandtrancemediums. . •..•.••• ;.: \z.'< Coilnty Firearms Instructors Other officers selected by the A five-hour television special Jan. 18 and 19 will feature Shirley MacLaine arevoWhtary.••' \ . ' ; ... took place on the Boulevard when a. Engkilterra is an active .public driver attempted to exit a shopping Association for 1987 -associations were Summit police Lt SQ.YD. in "Out Ona Llnib." Persons planning totak e the.course may find viewing > BingKijteira „— — —Anthony—Formiehella;—president, 1 1 1 .organizations - Bip'!: area. mi^^r«Wlnter«HiigWlTelirftiia |iiu|^iaiii inicicaail]$*aiRZncipnu..; ; —,!\> \.,li .*,—^P—'— ,, ',— .V..-, .--, speaker, and Union pojice Sgt, Thpma»"'ViUano-r- BOWLING i obtaining Information bb No injuries resulted from™ the Kuczynski, a 21iyear veteran of i l WE Cftf.NOIHtH.IOr. ,Registration is limited and further information can be obtained by calling the issue and scheduling speaking the Linden police" force and vice presidentr officer JohirOlock of accident "" — rangemaster since 1978 will be the Mountainside police, treasurer, \iitmi the Union Adult School at 688-1200 ext. 326. " dates Should contact him at: The •'Police report that a Kenilworth National League of POW/MIA serving his 10th one-year term He is officer George Hildner of the THIS LOW, LOW PfllCFll man and an Elizabeth man were, a graduate of the New Jersey State Springfield police, recording, Families, P.O. Box 432, Kenilworth Involved in an automobile accident KIDS GO TO BED Garden Club's annual party f^ .07033. . : / "' Police Academy; He has been on the secretary, Union police SgtJVilliam on Jan 10-afabout3 20 pm staff of the Union County Union Kearney, corresponding secretary, "PREMIUM PERFORMANCE" Police say that the accident, which "Julia Barbarise, president, conducted the Kenilworth Garden Club's PoliceFacuIty Staff since 1976 He is and Scotch Plains police Lt, Thomas caused no'injuries, took place oa a charter member of the Union Culp, sergeant at-arms annual Christmas luncheon meeting at Evelyn's Restaurant'recently and South Michigan Avenue WEDDING giffswere exchangedrr; Because it gives you iniHnj^ confide^ \ — , Pingry cites Grohs •Police report the theft of an Thes program consisted of a- 14-inch wreath displayed by Minnie And thats impprbmt, Ijecause how satisfied you are with your personal physician NYLON SAXONY PLUSH automobile on Jan. 10 from Photon Compare at $ 17.95 Sq. Yd. * Scotch CuardProtaction-l Leikauskas who explained ltsj:onstruction with, dried materiaJsj-ttiaiiy-oF Robert Grohs of Chimney located on Route 22. -. tuhlrh.nrg kltrhpn Hternrrig MinMnrPpine!rrtflBS..lmUls,.mna3>ut.hB4in'i ——;| ,_^Xvei^i^partutdeter^^ : ( Ttidge~T)rive in SpnHgHeld" •Police report that an Elizabeth" School lunches SOFTBALL healthy you'lljStay with thai plan. I* JfOecorator Color's ;... . • Static Resistant chick peas', prune pits, peach pits, plum pits, walnut and peanut shells were recently was named to the first _mun.and a Roselle Park man were combined to form an artistic spectrum of design. , .•"••,. "trimesterhonor roll for the sixth involved'in an automobile acpident REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOLS juice salami sandwich, large CAMH , ^TheRu^^Con^ PREMIUM PERFORMANCANCE SCULPTURELTU D The next meeting was held yesterday at which time new membership grade ofl.the iPingry School's on Jan 9 at about 4 39 pm FRIDA-Y, pizza, Salisbury salad platter, homemade soup, drive will get underway. Any resident, male or, female, wishing to join agrouppia^reli^O.OijTnjijJti^^^ " •>.. 19 Decorator Colors AB. CA Vn Short Hills campus - According toreports , the accident ~sleak on bun, chicken salad desserts, milk, WEDNESDAY, • Scotch Guard Protection should contact Barbarise. .; ;. • ; - group gives you the^ security rf toovvingyou andybut. "I 195 ? Ti'-«ir „ took olace at the intersection of sandwich, tossed salad with hot turkey sandwich with gravy, • Static Resistant I . _I n , dressing, vegetable, fruit, large hamburger 0)1 bun, tuna salad WORK family are rec^iving'high ~ >i0O P M The Informal Meetings will precede GROCERY IngfleldVNew Jersey at IIM P.M, preValllrM) x sandwich with lettuce, large time. • ._...•• . +• • cent of me amount bid. Bids shall be accom- ..'•• ••' .KathleenToland, the regular meetlngtand will start at7 30P M tacos with shredded lettuce, invited to join the Group Sffyou can cnoose your own Executive Meetings will precede the Regular ' panted by aSurety'Company Certificate stating : .'•••• ."••.. '•.••••- -BoroughClerk' The following are tha dates of the meeting steamed rice, fresh fruit, hot ham, salad platteryhbmemade soup, Meetings and will commence af 7:W >.M. that said Surety Company will provide thebldder mmMountalnsldeEcho, Jan. li,tW7 nights for thihea yeayear 191I9tr7: ^ .- SHOPPING personal physic™ with iw/ira'/Mwnfiderice. prevailing time. with the required bond and shall be enclosed In a , (Fa«:lll,M) JanuarJanuary M.MH7 sandwich, potatoes, vegetable, desserts, rraltt , The following are ttie-detat of the meeting tealed envelope bearing the nama'of the bidder • .V FebrFebruaru y if, ltj* . The profiessional setting that aliiads onr • ' nights lor the year im: - : ' . on the outside and shall be delivered at (He place . March 17,1«»7,1M7< ' Tuesday. January a. 1K7 - ' and on the hour named above. . ' April 31,1M7 doctors benefits yaa. RCHP;'olfe you ihe e^visrve , Tuesday, February l.lnr Speclllcatlons may be seen and procured at the May 1°, 1M7 GOLFING ' Tuesday, Msrcn 3, Ita7 Mike of Harold Reed, Township Engineers JUMMI.1967 " . Tuesday, April T.1M7 Municipal Building. 100 Mountain Avenue. Spr- July II \tt7 ;adkantages.otout:afn1ia^ Tuesday, May 5, IH7 L. jnglleldTNew Jersey, Prospective.bidders are'' r-rr reminded tut they will be required to file on af- uaaday.Uuna a, BOROUGKOF MOUNTAINSIDE -MaBe^G^^rugtee^caiVs^da|fe Tuatday, July/, flrmallveactlonplanWIththeStateTreasUreras ' -Introduced by:. Vlgllantl : -3—; ttffW TdyAOuita - 1-edUired bV-Slalule P.L.19T5,c. 117 and «i stated Seconded by: Wyckolf MAI. reivWgd6^^e^s^ofmr|MiIC Organliallonal and Regular Meeting for January,. Ivea will be held on Tuetday. January PARTY IIM ^effective Insurance program) Helen B.MaouIre WHEREAS, such services constitute profes- AMD A GREAT 7^sM"of the fefe WxxJJohnsori;Medical;School7" All Special Meetings of the Planning Board .Township clerk '..••' P4BLIC NOTICE ' -^ '••]_'£ sional services of such a qualitative nahire as , NOTICE . IS' HEREBY GIVEN :_lHAt will be advertised separately. 03113 Springfield Leader, Jan. : will hor reasonably permit the drawing of SPECIAL—t>UBLIC HEARINGS ON THE It% just one part of our total plan to care for • PIsnnlngBoard ' speclllcatlons or the receipt o( competitive bldsj 1 NEWSPAPER Township of Sprlngf laid MASTER PLAN will be. held by, the Planning NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOUfEDiby Board of the Boroughof Mountainside Inthe ;JOTL Over to years ag^'RCHKcreated apian to care OMMSprlngflaldLaaoV,January(»tilM> - the Governing Body of tha Borough ol Mounlalm. (PM!Ot.90) Municipal Building, 1M5 Route No.I3, Mountain 1 : side that the Insurance company of Bennlnger side, N J at 8.00p.m. on the following dales CONCERT NOTICE TO PERFORM ' l ; for your health and y INTHEMUNICIPALBUILpiMo 1 •"•:.•"": " rmnim: 1 POR THE YEAR 19*7 * lor a term of up to one year commencing March Ja Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will be\ Januafy-t^- ^—.. - April 30 r received by the Bids committee ol the Township . FURTHER RESOLVED th.t a copy of .' .• •. ' ' ." MayM ronnia^rjapei^rk; arijd no deMibles. \'--'I'•'". • PROPOSAL FORTHECLEANINOAND this Resolution be published In an appropriate : TELEVISION INSPECTION OF . • of Springfield for Janitorial Services In the • ' : • June DANCING Vn * Township Municipal Bulldlng-w the yaar IWJ; : aperwlthlntendayshereol. • . •'••' "And vye care for your personal convenience, by THEXtARDENOVACTRUNK — * Kathleen Toland. SANITARY SEWER Bids will be opened and read In public at tha Spr.— lnfllle!c! Municipal Bulldlng^pjannlng Board .Ilorqugh Clerk rn^nitauiing our doctors' bri^fanio^^ TOWNSHIP OILfIN Ijjlhslde Echo, Jan. lSrv«,•••»,« ,, nM«iBr nan. tpactlon of the oarden Oval trunk sanitary Bids must be accompanied by a cerlllled check d me preparalloiHH thwe Master Plan. ^—Nbrihert^wlBi^-^ •'".' '.','; :•;•. ,;. ;'.:••;.•; or Bid Bond In an amount equal to ten (IOH) par . Tfw maetings to be held In November and FINGER FOODS sewer. In the Township of Springfield. New Decemberwlllbeannooncedatalaterdate ' Jersey. Bias will be opened and read In public at cent of the amount bid. and thall be enclosed In a the Municipal Building, Planning Board Room, . tealed envelope bearing tha name of the bidder Our plan even-care^^^for you v/hen you're well! • on the outside and shall be delivered at the place D." ' ' >" COCKTAILS loo Mountain Avenue, Sprlngf lefcLNerf Jersey . : :n on January It, IN7 at IO|» AM, prevailing and on the hour named above. - . . . *' _ - V "; '.J3117 Mountainside Echo.Janililn; ^ Ranyj&ilni^^ 90 DAY |I1ITIRES T •'tima, . ••• •..-';••••: Speclllcatlont may bateen and procured at the ADVERTISEMENT-NOTICISTOBIDDBRS >^ .,' .•:•••• •'',-;,'. , (Fee;S«.») o«lc. ol Harold o. Reed. Township Engineer, PROPOSAL FOR PROVIOINO CUSTODIAL , , ... •' : Bldt mutt bsactompanlad by •certified check • Municipal Building, 100 Mountain Avenue, Spr- SERVICES FOR THE SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC mernbershealthier;weaWiierandwiser.'.••; r or Bid Bond In an amount equal to ten (IOH) par •' ingfield. New Jersey. Prospective bidders are LIBRARY FROM3/l/t7THROUGHI3/3t/»: INANCING IF QUALIFIED! cant of the amount bid. Bldt shall be accom- required tocomply-wllh the requirements of P.L.; Sealed bids will be received by me Library ""^TFaTTa^ panied by a surah/ company Certificate stating ^ •,"• -<.!'.'• RESOLUTION : ;:: thatwld Surety company will iiievliw me tmiuai ~ -In), c. 137 as titled In me specifications. _ Director on 1/13/17 In the Dlractoritoff lea In the ' The Township committee reserves the right 16 "Library, 64 Mountiln-Avenue, at M). P.M. O F Ol NT ID ••rhealth'caie 'r ';"': '^J^^r-fr^-^-^r:' COMPARE OUR JANUARY PRICES ANYWHERE with the retired bond ana shall ba enclosed In e 1 : relect any or all bids and to waive minor varla- prevailing timer-?- - ." ';"'•• •• > ^uWy?Wy c k5!. ' r^ ? teakd envelope bearlnt me name of the bidder Seconded by i Barre, on me outside and shall be delivered at me place tlons. If, In the Interest of the ToWnshlp-.lt Is .Bid lormt, Speclllcatlons and term ol Agree- See fcr yourself. Call 1-800-233-RCHP to daamedadvltablttodoto. ,. : ' men! maybe obtained at ma Library durlngany RollCallVoteiAyes* NaytO , andonthehournamedabove. butlnesa day between the hourt of. 10 A.M. and. Dateil/i^7 .; ."., ••" .- .-....:. ..' •. ssaclllcatlommavbasaani • By order of the Townshp committee of the -Townthlpol Iprlogfleld, Mew JerseiJersey.1 - -SlOOP.M. ' WHEReAS, tha B sdieduje^ specif-Health Sa^cUaJ^lirtety no »Mly nf-.M»ri>l«l_ _ ' »< . bt _ ~ Hilenne.ivieguirl V Tin HJIUUH a nuimiiB mm .Biai u w csr Municipal Building, 100 Mountain Avenue, spr . . ... Township ClerK tract tor Providing Custodial Services for the ; IngfleU/New Jersey. Prospective bidders irV Oll«lSprlngt1attTtMder,Jan.lSa,a3,l9«r ' LJbrary Building. (*0()kMe^^care plan; Vi^ one of (to hei Rutgers Conununity Health Plan reminded mat they, will be required to file an at- - ' ' ' IPetlC i All bids shall be submitted In • sealed envelope tlrmattve actlorrprtn with the Stale Treasurer as WHIRBAl. tucti services conttinrtt proles 'cent^rn^-ow^ raqvirad bvJMIute) PL.. 1971.. cc.. 11117 anand aatt statestated slonal aarylcn oTauch • qualitative nature a tit TIW tUypWIMA*tefy SpeKNlCeltlOnelf ; • ' ' ' •j_ ' ••' •'''•: RB4OLUTION - iJ, Library" afia Bidden name and ThaTowra^CortrSltSar»»ervatmerl»mto ,:.., B0R0UOH OF MOUNTAINSIDE . Bidders shall be prepared « enter liito an ... me* ^JS« . ixitojjw.Slah^c^cwfey^'v^ '••"• vos. or CAUPBTINO , rtHct any or all bldt and (owihn minor varla- Jntroducedbyi VVycHOff ..: . .., • Agreement or Contract wim hi* Library Im- Ourplanisto 1IIIHI AVAILAPLK Von NOW .OPEN. I . flora). If, in *M Intarnntrnff ooff me Towrahlp It it Seconoedbyrvig/lantl ' , i' medletely upon award toyth e Library Board of 9 DDO*nCHP RttlobCtV ul paUuCmlullS iMMCb. INSf AL aetnadamiublatodotodoMM . > Trustees. • • <.. y •.• ••.'.-.• •• '. ••'•; •, '., •• I WV iMMCb. INSf ALLATIOH Roll Call Vote. AtlatJ, Ways KRomak) [am miiwo wwooirj Bidders are required to comply wlmtheprovl. atooi tun pLfpe. during tto months dQdaJoalQMi OUfl OMOJNAL WaMHOUM LOCATfOMft t lorn of n wicU^.1t7ICti,>i^a>M PvMlcL*, WHBR'BAl.me l PjaVaWrCn UB dj(Q)fe,ijr uo oocnpfet8 Houtb Sawn." caiefiffypu. "•''" "'' ^ Board c< Ttvtlae«:r^arvet''tha'' • • •sRTsRT.. 1177 s HBRT. 22L RT.46iT ; ana* of the tervlcet upon «rhkh"hH ialary It • HUM0U0XHTS. UTTUFUXS • , pMHj WM " , i .• ••" '>'<','',. '-,,,,•'•.'•:• .1'< ''.••' any grail bldt •Mtavwanntia Contract fo any bidder wMw-pr*- OppaalHUM0U0XHTM Trader HaS m JualtaalaMWMRRl D : Benteen Arrow tjajWai« JudBement best aarves It* Interetti. County ^ader Newspapers : •fo-ttir1 , 12*1 S%ve>«ntAver Union > ' * ji * -*•

•> ' *—_Thuf^wjgnugry 1ft 19*7 ~ COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPEgff \.IA4M* -COUNTYL.EADEHNEWSPAPgRS- Thursday, January 15,1987 - 9

it-. <

r lending by bank Despite rising competition from calendar, quarter of 1966, overall increase in home equity loans' and 'gmulti'station non-traditional financing firms, the r - The jumpJn student loans, says r consumer lending by New Jersey secondary mortgages, and »a. 52 Abate,Js_because nearly 90 percenT we want to"seea real, uye tetter nanflUDg pace of ^omumer lending by New banks rose 6.8 percent over toe prior ; percent increase in studentjoaqs. ^ •._ ofaU^nwihidtl^^witjasared ? quarter, which ended June 50rTotal r^-"tfhile tiantfcautoloan ratg^have distributedrdurtag; the months of , DeGrosky, training and[ moUy1iU(ffl:«$^ taaddnMsing the annual i to.riseata modest level. . outstanding consumer. loans, rose ft rae^i«oi;theCoiBwmerC^t&^^ J tda.survey conducted by .. come do^cori^spondingly with August, September and October.; -roughly 4 percent.' , .;,; , - •- other, loan ra'tesy banRs: cannot centlyy;;.;;;^.^; :..?.;^ , . --the New Jersey Bankers "The third quarter^epresehtrhiost 1 compete with (he belovv-market rate ."For we same reason, : he adds, ''people were very distrustful of —=*Mflciatlon, here. -, of the'season'for student loans,"'he v Significant in the survey was a financing packages offered by the says/*'T'•. •-.;--•..•• .'•;!'-":'--'. -;\r • '"••;' 24'hourteller-machines when they were first introduced; they were The NJBA ' survey results in-' drop , of nearly -10 percent in captive financing companies of the (afraid they'd make a mistake'and be embarrassed. Banks expected dicates that, during — »hl» thirH - automobile financings^an 18 percent Big Three - automakers,"-^ays Total new . loans! in the. third- jeonleJoadaptto theniacl)inesrinstead of iheother-way around. Thatis A Symbol of Strength Robert J. Abate, chairman of the quarter were as follows: Auto loans, why they were so slow to gain acceptance." NJBA Consumer. Credit Committee down 0.9 percent to W27 million; Identifying people's concerns and interests, arid responding to them,_ Crestmont to become public and first vice president, National home improvement loans and equity is the most important aspect of marketing or in any other venture, Community Bank, Lodi. '.",':i;U '.-•<•'•'•:• lines, up 18 percent to $648 million; DeGrosky told the audience of bankers, creditors, corporate executives Approval has been granted to sold over III) million of the available personal loans; down 14 percent to and service agency representatives. \ . , '; ' .., ^, DECEMBER 31, f§86 / . Crestmont Federal Savings & Loan stock issue. The remainder will be ^ At the same meeting the group elected new trustees and officers for Association to become a public stock "While the Joan.rate packafSs- $75 million;, credit cards - and 'sold • by underwriters ' Shearson _o£ferpd during the third quarter by jSverarait bailing,, up 2 percent to • the stateMicensed, non-profit community service agency. .. , :, •' .,>• -^company. Charles L. Harrington, Lehman Brothers Inc. and Smith, • -rteGrosky j*ho has worked in banking for 38 years and now heads his . chairman, announced, that—while • the likesof GMAC and Ford Credit * $199 million; student loans,! up 52 r Barney, Harris, Upham & Co. After may appear attractive, a bank loan* percent to. $28 million; other'.con^ own firm, William J. DeGrosky Marketing, in Mountain Lakes, says over 58 percent "of required proxy the pricing of the stock, which is : may actually bethe better choice in sumer loans;, uujp 22 percent to $112 that "applying a good motivational techniques is the key to success, votes-were receiveU.for the tori- anticipated to take place in this : whether you're trying to sell.banking services to people, or trying to the jb'ng'run"is|lt allows'the'-rnA million;.lotahnew.loans tip the 1 •version;-sBT-l.-percent-pfthe-prbxyT -•month,~Crestmont-Pederal-Stpck- y teach them how to control their budgets and use credit more wisely. ', V-' will'be traded over the counter and sumej^Zto takeS advantage :qf 'a quartertotaled»1.48 billion.: ;:j:, r votes received were in favor of the discounted; price . and possible Total outstanding loan balances at _ Tta Consumer Cr^t CounselingService!provides.bjidgelcounselii?giL ; conversion to a stock company. listed in the National Association of debt management plans .aid educational programs to people •throughout the state from Its main office in Morristown and Its coun- ended with the association having seling site in Newark.,In its eight years,of operation CCCS has returned -, biit y ojp ; more than $2mHllnn to creditors nnri hplppfj hiindreds of famillty avoid- equity. arid secondary' mortgage,,- _ personal 'iviMiAnapersona] l hanlrMintfitbankruptcyi . 1 '.•".•-.• . ' " ' ' '...... '- • .' • . ' ' • .••''. ~| loanstpconsumers'anUclpatfogthey T°ans. down.' 6.7 -percSht t6ViB24 ; Nissan has new design two-yeayr r pphasev^t'of'consume Ipu osumerr ' millfonrcredit cards and overdraft : The agency's officers for 1987 are Chairman Watts L; Miller qfjhe. credi^ interest; deductions; pn their, banking, up ,14 percent; to- j94l Madison Financial Group in preen Village; President James Mc^it- —The—1987 Nissan Pathfinder, a The Pathfinder's two side doors — income tax returns; Under the Tax million; student loans, up 16 percent- iriclTTif-HL-R=Federal Credit. Union in NuUey; VicetPresident todis four-wheeFdrive sport utility vehicle the longest offered oh any sport Reform Act of 1986, he says, interest to $644 million, and other consumer Snouffer of Sears, Roebuck in Majwood; Treasurer Edward J. Tobias With an all-new aerodynamic, design, utility vehicle — make for easier home equity-lines under the act will loans, up U percent to $606 million of E J Tobias & Associates in Carls tad t, and Secretary Ruth Vogler, is available at Springfield Imported access to the rear seating and cargo continue to allow/an individual to Total outstanding loans as of Sept 30 executive director of 1 do best _ Please send meMO/elrifOrfnttlion on your CD Plus proqraiTf -approved—the—com- two high performance institutions ROBERTA BOYD.JR ANDREWG KRESS,JR MORTGAGORS FOR TAXES '._ '•'.•'''• bination of Commercial Bancshares will create a strong bank holding r\lame Address ! company, well positioned 16 serve EDWARD E BRUEN.JR "ROBERTF-teMOIN SORANCE • ...... '"t&6&f5X17 witniUIh UMIII.UniteU dWVlilWJ Jersey, Willi, e CTOwhil O e 98.»» 6 • » II A t • 1 and SAVE money Zip Phone I ) / NEILW BUIE ROLAND LEWAN, JR OTHER LIABILITIES...... 6,452,686.98 percent of United-Jersey's shaVes—^J[erscy^_excellcnmarket' t banking^ Clients please glue name ahfJ C STEWART HAUSMANN JOHN F. MULLER, dR w endorsed the merger.'' *""*" office of Account Executive JULIUS KOEHLER.JR A LOEWRICKERT ADVANCES FROM FEDERAL \ __ Tho United Jersey vote also in IVAN B. GOLDSTEIN Follow a leader. CHARLES A. SCHAIBLE "The; strorjg vote in favor of our eluded approval to increase the HOME LOAN BANK ' ' ' 50,000,00000 acquisition of Commercial Banc- company's authorized common Accountant AH...Ga,yE.Fox PrudentialBache DIRECTOR EMERITUS shares Indicates that investors in stock from 25 million to 40 million WILLIAM B HORBACK RESERVES • SURPLUS.. —. 106,692,948.17 Taoth companies believe that the shares, in order to complete the 761-1100- ,**,« Secuwties- merger will further enhance transaction Call for appointment COUNSEL $2,054,020,969.63

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I •

f -•'!•- : •'/•

"-.;-'- • January 1S.IWT — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS 1 Dunn critizes county 1,2,3,4,5,6* -COUNTYLEADER NEWSPAPERfcJhursday. January 15,1987 — ll Union County l Elizabeth MayorTBomas Dunn has called upon~Union County. The Unipn County Utilities plant, which should be completed in'-, and brought to fruition this board and CUA, charging the Prosecutor John H. Stamler. to investigate^^ wtetherjDoungrMapage ; drive is success Authority's choice o( counsel has 1990, wiUcoet $110 million. r-w evening," Hartnett commented at' authority Was illegally-organized; •t :{v''. •;..•-....;.-,./ Donald Anderson acted improperly IInn creating three jobs in the i*gf-:--i;^-'. ' prompted Rahway Mayor Daniel Along with -Martin; Elliabeth lhel«stXUAmeeting. - farmerFreeholder Chairman Paul ; One of ti^e most comprehensive The results of this survey are liTISSS; thanks to the efforts of Martin^toidtikith — — - - oiced^i DtDepartment t of HumaH n Services..,Srvices;; V^ ^^^^i •jurveya, of the; #st dfcah> planned to be released by RID-in^ —The choeeth=fuTO to wpected-to^ o'Keeffe;-FHilcomer,-Malgran-^md- iftecreatt -Union—County - resident»r=4}n authority, to courtonce again over a . »'• Last-week the freettaldere announced relating to highway safety has February of 1987 and should strong complaints over the selection earq $10,000 to $40,000 per year in the County • Counsel' Robert•• Doherty thaFwere forvranled:by_AiKlerjjpn_anforvranled:by_AiKlerjjpn_andd approved lvresrtHHon^at Hospital'was able to help many • move Martin describes as being been sent to each of the nearly 500 provide valuable insight inlo any more people share in the joy and of the Malgran firm, saying he tools posC" ^-'V ; -..v;•:•,-•-•:v were—named in the suit, which monthth, ththe postts wililll b e fillefilld by,vicbyvice president* UteUnlon County ."outside the bounds of propriety." wiUingtogo.tocburt. - , Republican Freeholder "and' charged the four, with conspiring to : municipal police departments in problems and possible solutions celebration of theholiday spirit.. Utilities Authority, Btonche* Banaslak, and Roselle Democratic, New •„ Jersey by Remove In- , The charges were raised over the "They are asking for all kinds of Rahway City Councilman James J. create the authority and appoint Councilman Sam Colucci. . . „„ jV •• • releasedxuR^iBp ^W*;£ ; bridges are being usecl far beyond pertaining to highway safety, as Initiating a food drive for the 1 toxicated Drivers. The' survey, related by the police departments appointment of the law firm.of G. litigation. I think they enjoy It," Fulcomer, however, defended the members that would seal;. A Uurd post, coordinator of state and federal funds, will be fflledby- r County; and city governments wUl their.design life.-rr rbao>;'v?ith,a needy of Union County Nov. 18, -Richard Malgran, a Republican i.i By comparison; New Jersey's scheduled life of 20 to 25 years" are was compiled by RID with the'', of New Jersey. .. •' • - . Union Hospital's departments of Dunn said. controversial Malgran selection, Fulcomer's chairmanship of' the': StevenChmielnik, a Republican andformer.treasurerofHillside. . . face an annual shorttaU of $i» counties and cities spent a combined freeholder. Malgran has «greenV 1° saying , the. firm >has—"intimate: ; kept hi service for 40 to 50 years and assistance of Retired Chief Saridy "Rip, has': received en- family services,, dietaryrvolunteer Rahway Business Administrator ;ciJA ~""?"' '":'/' '~Z v Calling the positions "absolutely useless jobs;" Dunn said there was million::• .tocTWjp^for badlijaeafcd •230 million last year,-Jncluding-|S4- 'resign from his post as freeholder to Josepfi Hartnett, meanwhile, one of kld f -brtdg« with a design life of SO years R Galado, director of the couragement for this'project services and pastoral care set a goal noeicuseforci^Ungthep«t»whUe"thereUsiMAasbortfaUinfunds ", highway'tinprovemehts ruiless i mllllon derived from, the Tran- i Passaic County Police Academy^--from-the accept the counsel job if the move is two Demcrats on the CUA, charged . v: still are in use 75 to 100 years after fth N.J. Police Traffic of collecting 250 pounds of food by inOKcoitniyvl ' '•' •• •:;:7"" :y.:vv'; -;.•;;• ;".^-'f, :•;..; -;:;-?/•:;••: nwfuMngsoiirceis found for the 'spoliation Trust Fund; which has ' and Eileen Kokorskyi director of. Officers approved by Jeremiah O'Dwyer. the that Malgran cannot accept the ^lentoveN^ New Jersey Transportation trust construction.':'. ' •/:" '.'• ".• • *'•'•'"•.' ,: : 'Association, the Dec. 18; however, through the- 'counsel to the CUA.in exchange for In Dunn's letter to Stamler," the maypr questioned whether a provided $216 million for highway Institutional Research of Passaic' members of "which.are working v coordinated efforts of Union County authority's special counsel—-. position even if - he~ resigns BS^ on vthe board, •' Fulcomer —Fund, which runs out of money next' The terms for Malgran's firm' are : Fulcomer'sappofntmemt. -: •'•• •';. freeholder meeting held Dec. 29 at which.the jobs were approved was. improvements to date. This is $129 This TRIP report is another in a County Community' College -on^a-daily-basis to protect us on residents, the hospital was able to freeholder. ' added the aothority will gain an held in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act or the "sunshine . detailed in a resolution passed by the Hartnett added he believes the . "excellent, briUlant, legal mind." "The suit was settled .put of court ..Funding.. for_.thls:lproject_was_-our_roaas,"_says Lorraine • Roy,— collect 839 pounds of food. All of Uie— agency, which was formed in August —law." The law stipulates that meetings of-elected-bodierbe open to the— provided in part by the N.J. state coordinator of RID. "With food collected was donated to help decision 'on the appointment was inf ••- Martin, though, disagreed. ' - last October with the CUA agreeing publicundercjrdlnarycircumstances. U . to oversee the construction and place before.it was announced last '. "This Just doesn't lend Itself to to have a Rahway. representative as i'CoUhty^and cltjr roads are State. Another study, based on the Automobile Dealers^Assoclation.^^the.support of these itfieersand.-.. .the-county-'s_needy-celebrate-the— Anderson,defended the positions and denied they were given^as— ie most vTtariihk in New economic impact of road and bridge holidays in grand style. operation of the resource recovery/ >week.••'; • -- . ' good government.". ' ' treasurer of the authority'and as "poUUcalplums"for the Republican party, as Dunn had alleged. ; '"The trust fund'has provided city New Jersey, the"Safe State," • the respective chiefs of police, plant, slated to be raised on Route 1 ; chairman of the vendor selection ; : transportation network, improvements will be released in has been a leader in our nation in this project promises, to be . ' According toAdrienn e Vallee, the ., "There is strong evidence that this In September, the city of Rahway "We put no one on the payroll unless they willjjff a job," Anderson ^d^bunty goverm^nts'•with in Rahway on a 23-acre site. Tne_ arrangement Wflft mnde* |nng 'ago filed suit against the freeholder committee. * , .'•,: .vcarrying more than half of all the -the next few months, : • ' highway safety, with a 35 percent enlightening not only to all of us— —hospitaUs-food driye coordinator, said. ' • '.••'' • •. '' ,• • '^^ ".""••',, :" reduction in_ drunk driving .in this state, but to states donations were made from all , . Dunn charged, the county manager: acted on behalf of Republican fatalities and an overall-savings—throughouHhe-nationwhichlodk"^ sectorsrof• the"county with;hpspital ~ of approximately 200 lives each to-New Jersey as a leader in employees, visitors and patients' ...Meanwhile Freeholder Chairman Paul O'Keeffe argued the year over the past five years. •• highway safety,'" Roy says. families leading the way. Also to be . freeholders did nofapprove the jobs with specific people in mint maintenance, delaying badly- interested in better roafe, Its;fin- •noted, Vallee says, were the Although he acknowledged be was aware that Banasiak was going tobe- - neededcapitalimprovements.'' dings are based on data from the' hired by the county, O'Keeffe insisted he didn't know her actual poet,-_ significant contributions -gathered by (he students of Union High School Freeholder Attorney Robert C. Doherty said Andersoihis within legal engineers,' the 1984 County group board named constraints to fill the positions. ' - ~ j -,v.:.. and Roselle's Abraham Clark High Municipal Government;, Study- School in what was a strongly- 'Banasiak was hired as a communityservices-worteat the annual Oyith a growing repair backlog." term source of funding for highway Commission's report: "New Jer- Clifford M. Peake, president of and their companies; to hold regular The Union County Chamber of ;> meetings for employers and elected supported community food salary of,$31,500; ColucclTas a legislative specialist for $31,000; -and .•<3u^rCTUyii

f lL

•• - EFFECTIVE - > - •— ANNUAL YIELD 1. f. *. UNION SQUARE — — ,—^=i — — ~6^5%-7VNNUALJNTERESJ RATE~" ~ J T _-_ Now operated by Ceortje~7~~" Former owner of-Zorba Club - n. i 1 It. ft. Dinner specials for on your variable rate IRA deposits SBNIOR CITIHNi M. 11 ML ~ ; only. ___i it. — -—-• •;. '••::: ~J served from 3:00 PMTdn •" must be eaten on premises from January 1 to March 31,19E7 Includes- cup of soup or Juice, Potato, Vegetable, Bread I Butter. Coffee orTea, Rice Pudding, Jell-o or Ice cream, ("salad Bar »f6oektra)' We_offer; may be tax deductible and will accumulate tax It. • FDIC insurance up to $100,000 deferred interest.* t Your Choice Only ^525 • Professional management of your IRA with Substantial interest penalty is required (or early withdrawal. * Vi Broiled£rjlcken_ 1 NO service or transaction fees •Consult your tax advisor for details. T Meatioaf spaahiftr& Meatballs s chopped steak stuffed Shells ^~- • Interest compounded and credited quarterly < Babv Beef Liver ut cheese Ravioli- • For additional information, visit one of our Chicken Liver SaMte Lapaona w.: Contributions for the-ig86Tax" year are fully: " branch offices or call one of our Retirement .., Veal Parm w7 spagnettr Brolled Boston Scrod Mousakaw/cream Sguce deductible. Contributions for the 1987 tax year Account Specialists at 931-6935. Broiled Blueflsh Filet (Eggplant, Potato, chopped' Meat and cheesei Broiled Filet of sole Pastltcno w/ Cream sauce Broiled Sea Trout (7lfl r^nnnari Maat, CQQI and Cheese) I** char* aotatf-with Turkey, Ham, Roast Beef, and Swiss Cheese, Tomato, Cucumbers, oilv«s,li Hard Boiled igg. .,v,v. John tranlcs «^iio»»»iw iijoitti •«!•< with Cottage Qieex.Peari. Peacfiei, TRUS1TC1DMPANY and Pineapple «ng. ;•;' : , ••• ••,•.•;•. •••• ••>.••.•••:;•-•••"•• •;• :.''•!' -jrrRADrnoN siNCErn^r PW*MI mtnmm tanmxy cnnif ii fwiaM on Bad of lettuce, wltW", 207 Eant Broad Street. West field 9 233-1171 ' v MEMBERfUNITED-COUNTIES BANCORPORATION Potato salad, cole Slaw, Tomato, Olives, cucumbers a Hard Boiled _ ^ MEMBER, FDIC Mulnr ("will ( ardn Aicrjued >— Belford • Berkeley Heights • Clark • Cranford * Elizabeth • Hillside • Keaiisburg * Kenilworth • Unctoft • Linden • Madison Mlddletown • North Plalhfleld • OakhursU-Port Monmouth 'Shrewsbury^ Sprlnglleld *-Summlt (HHH /WT3«0iHr7i.iittol^iiir>i.-«Sit()pwitiHwirt 580 NORTH AVE» UNION * 354-6494 s\ ->

ht'i «>... -tw-^- *'«,i^- it ^ 12 - Thor«ay/J.oo«rvl5/iyi7 - COUNTY LEADER NEWSMAKERS iCOUMWtEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday. January IS, 1967 — 13 EngenU Pletrijchi, 69, of Union ^• Scholarship Foundation and past' retired in 1967. dledJan.9lnherbome. . . • ._. Club of Onion. —Survivingarehis wife, Helen; two" BorninNewaA.sbeUyedtoUnion sons, Robert Jr. and Steven; a -Baptist Men-of—New h2TwTfelRose- a daughter, Susan Baker; a sister, - •••k- ••^•'^•.-^•'.-. :'iL-: '^1^1^: : i was a member of the^ «. wZm A. Jr.; •. "darter! Virginiig a Frost, and two grand- Presbyterian Cnurch; the Rev, Dr. Abrahapj'Gelfood; Tempi B£n- A 8H.PE-Il>t.U8TRATED .. ,._.: .. $u?at«i ' executive board of the American Margaret Wiese, and four grand- ; r children. George W. Harkjess; St. Luke's! EJ,!rw«31,Jtobbl Ronald Hoffberg, iresentaUon^enUtted, ' 'to the first 50 people.-ReierirmtkBs of Jesus Church, Irvington. Baptist Churches, Valley Forge, Pa." children., -, • .' •• .: --. 'HacoMlcarclOrHaiTlrt Wimdohl, Surviving are -'•her', husband. Mr, Murden was chairman-of-the- am p Ralph; a son, Kenneth; a daughter, Joseph A. Sarica, 64, of Linden' EVa Bush, 77, of Plainfield, for- prTr grtfvB ycI»RR^bnrt.iQ. f Each; participtuit is ^reqoe*ted-"to: Jan. 8 in Overlook Hospital, Summit. board of deacons and .served as merly ~of Roselle, died Jan. 7 at the Assumption; the Rev. Waiter Shawn B. Zell,; Thelma Purdy, Newman ooJah;2r«t7p.m-at the brmg lunch aiid the cathedral will .^Bb*i>j^ui->raek6ouv»lle, OJUo, he Born in Summit, be lived in Mary Anne Pietrucha; a brother, treasurer, and as president of the - died Jan. 5 in the Freehold Area Jlved|:to;WnlaiidiasVa ehild. He John Lesynski; .her-mother, Anna Hospital. - Hardwick Nursing Home, Plain- Johnson, First Baptist Church; the DorothyUttorStanleyFink. Bible Fellowship , Church, 58« .providesoda, coffeeaddt Sprtagneld before moving to Union men's fellowship, all at the First field. .- :•-.-• Rev. Joseph Petrillo, Roselle United reonjied;tothe_United States, set- Zeitler, and hvo grandchildren.'' • - - - Born in Elizabeth; Mr.' Sarica Buchanan St.,, Hillside. Dr. THE CATHOLIC Woman's dlib of last "year.-He had been'a main- Baptist Church of Union. "•'['" " Born in Virginia, she lived in Methodist Church, and the Rev. EVELYN FLOM will be'guest -Uing InGhio JfcliK^ HeJnnvedto lived in Linden for 35 years. He had Newman, who received a doctorate ' Elizabeth will meet at lr p.m. tenance plumber with the Cfbo Andrew Reif,' 87, of Union died Surviving are his wife/Florence; Roselle for many years. Alan Veo, Heard Aiyffi Church, speaker Sunday at nooq, at the • degrees astrophysics from Cornell Kenllworthinl948. Heworkedasan a son, Charles Jr.; a daughter, Carol been a mold maker with • the .. Wednesday In St. Genevieve's Geigy Co., in Summit for. 3 Jan. 11 in his home. ' — "'". American Mold and-Tool Co.TiTT^iirvivlng are two sons, Edgar T. "V '•'• •• ,.y . '.'•' '-..'•*:'•• ' .• Higher New Thought Center which ; University, will review the history of Adele Speigel; a brother, Edwin, Parish Hall, 200 Monmoutlr Road,. Born In Newark, he moved to Linden for eight years before his and Charles; a sister,.MamieHann, THE TEMPLE YOUTH Group of meets In the. United":Methodist astrology;- and evaluate "its beliefs and two grandchildren. . seven grandchildren and four great- Congregation B'nai Jeshrun, Short Elizabeths An executive board .Union 65 years ago. Mr. Reif was a retirement eight months. ago.. Church of Union, it wa/announced from the standpoints^- science and machinist for Engelhard Industries, HLUs, will hold a special dinner and by the Rev. Estelle Piercy, founder- 1 of the Bible. There is no charge for meeting will be preceded at 11 a^n. • • EleanorH.Coen,73,ofUniondled- Earlier, Mr, The program will cbnslst'of a fUra_ JSIjabbat, tt^shlp_seryice tomorrow dijHJbjiLte^Wit! Jhe-programr-and-child-care-ls ' presCTUiUon7^~<'L1fe of - ThoniBfl" . Jan. io~in Overlook Hospital, evening at the temple, the, Youth Hibernation." available by reservation only, it was two daughters, Barbara Sainmet retired in 1968. He .was a member of presented , by Barbara American Legion Continental'Post the F&AM Gavel Lodge 273, Union; Summit '•''•... -_ Group members will attend the announced. The Bible ;Felldwshlp and Irma Meechan; a sister, Elsa • Born in Newark, Mrs. Coen lived CaWweU of PubUc Service Electric ' "Xenz, and four grandchildren. . .228 and the Knights of Columbus St. the Scottish Rite, the Union County In dinner in their honor and will con- ETHEL DEAN, vice president of ; Church in Hillside began worship James CouncIT7556O, all of in Union for 35 years. She had beeri>_ Heights and Morristown and. duct the Sabbath service, which will AGas Co. Asocial hour wUlfollpw. Shrine' and the Hillside Elks. two sons, Joseph A.-Jr., and Johns.',, community 'relations of the services in September: It is one of Springfield. , . Surviving are a son, Andrew R., secretary in the office in St;' .retired Chatham Townshipsj>o.Hce_ begin at 8:30.- . T ~- ..,....:..,<-• Presbyterian Homes of New Jersey, more than SO Bible Fellowship. B'NAI B'RITH LINDEN' Lodge Michael's Roman Catholic Church, two daughters,- JoAnne Tortorello 1988 will hold Its annual breakfast Survivingarehis wife, Shirley M.; two grandchildren and five great- officer/died Jan, 10 in the Atlantic will be. a speaker at a ' churches in five northeastern states. . '"Jane C. Pfiowlcx, .47, of Roselle two sons, Walter C. and Glenn C; •Union, for 10 years before her and Barbara Ozeransky, and three City Medical Center. " - ' -for, members arid ; prospective grandchildren. s ' ' ';•'; ..; • ' brothers, Dominic; Anthony and DR. KENNETH LIBO, author, '' 'VongregaUonalget together"- Further information about the Park died Jan. 8 in her home. two brothers, Salvatore and ' retirement 10 years ago.. She was Born in Morristown, Mr. Driscoll will be the kick-off lecturer on Sunday .snrp.m. in the assembly program off the church, can be ob-•' members.; in Congregation Anshe 1 Born in.Vonkers, NY., she moved past treasurer of the Rosary Con- Guido. __ ' • Cbesed, Orchard Terrace and'St Francis; three sisters, Anna and .Charles N". Murden Sr,, 70; 6f HveiLin Chatham Township before' Saturday evening at. a combined •room of_-^lhe~;LCojiinmjiity_. tnlnfttf hy ffnntiipHiig Pfl from Harrison-to Roselle-Park-23 Franees-and"Mary"Grace Phillippi ~ fraternity in St. Michael's Church George. Avenue, Linden, on Jan.-25 Union died Jan. 10 in Union Hospital. Ulllan DiFabrlilo, 52, of Roselle he moved to Linden 12 years ago. He —lecture seriesrspohsoredTjy Temple -^PrSByterian Church, Meeting at687-j6»;-:;. •• ,.;;.•• ' years ago.-Mrs. Pezowiczhad been and two grandchildren. and past president of the James C. ' Park died Jan. 10 in her home. was a Wells Fargo supervisor at' "NEWXANTOR HONORED—Temple Sha'arey Shalom, Beth O!r,'Clark, Congregation Anshe at 10 a.m. In addition, the featured. ' an. alcoholic rehabilitation counselor Born in Newark, he lived in Ir- Conlon Civic Association, Union. Springfield, recently honored Its new cantor, Mimi Frisch- House tane, Mountainside. Mrs. vington before moving to Union 21 She was born' in Newark and ' AT&T facilities for seven years and Chesed, Linden, and Temple Beth- Dean will speakofone mission of the _...THE ARCHITECTURAL tour entertainer will be comedian Terry- • with the American Red Cross in Surviving are her husband, J. man, center. On left Is Rabbi Joshua Goldstein, and on right 11 Kathryn Ramentol, 62, of Union •years ago. Mr. Murden was an. moved to Roselle Park 22 years ago. served as the senior investigator for . El, Cranford. (Tne first Jecture will Presbyterian Church, .'.'Homes; guides of Newarlrtreathedral of the- _jMcGrath, whose' type of Jewish _ North'Plaiiifleld for six months. died Jan. loin her home. ' Russell; two daughters, 'Janice Mrs. DiFabrizio was a benefits the Union County Social Services^ of cantor is Cantor Emeritus Irving Krarn,erman._. '....'• be in Temple Beth-El at 8 p.m. A humor ranges from reminiscences 1 active member of the First Baptist The; church operates a variety of.,. Sacred-Heart.will present a forum - Before that,'sh. • ..-. e was. a sergean=— t in Born in Newark, she moved to Church of Union, Colonial Avenue Stillhard and. Marilyn Marconi; a manager for the Union Hospital for Welfare Department for five'years" dessert event will follow the opening ; facilities ranging from "life care" to about the cathedral on Jan. 24 from of life in The Bronx of ibyeare ago to son, Russell B.; three sisters, Mary prior to that. Mr. Driscoll.was a ' Temple . Sha'arey.Shalom, arms- to Iran tomorrow night at the Union County Jail, Elizabeth, for "Union" 35 years ago. She was an and Thoreau Terrace; He was a the past 15 years. . lecture. Libo will speak on "Pioneer. "skilled nursing care" homes. An 10 a.m; to 3 p.m. The tour guides '' the current scene of Jewish" humor. nine y^arsi and ah officer in the administrative assistant for the Ye police-officer in Chatham Township Springfield, honored its' new cantor, Sabbath services. His sermon is Jewish Men and Women Out,West." Born and raised In The Bronx/the boWer ajtfcuiyerforR^ are., her hiSHSd. eight minute film strip: will be include architects,' .historians; Union County Juvenile Department Turner Agency, Pine.Brook, for lannarone, and three grandchildren. „ Mario; son, Anthony; . three for. 14 years before h,e retired in 1975. . Miml Frishman, at a 'special entitled ."Iran, Reagan arid Israel." -He-eollaborated on "World of Our shown, and there will be a question, -New. Jersey educator's:comedy & Sons, Newark, for 35 years before musicologist, ,'.., preservationist,- •• for.fiyeyears.';' : •••;•—-—••. \:r±r~ three years. ' • • ' daughters, Theresa DulFabrizio, He was a member of the Greater creative service written hy Rabbi Fathers,"- and its companion and answer period. Mrs. Nicholas career has, Spanned the CatskUl•'. he retired 10 years ago. Mr. Murden theologians, archivist of the Roman ; Surviving'are two sons, Peter J. --'Surviving dre two sons, James j;_ Franlc ,L. Carluccl, 73,' of Union JoAnn Mess and-Dina-Salerno; a Morristown Elks Lodge 815 in Joshua Goldstein, SpirttugHeailer. . THE WEEK OF CHRISTIAN volume, "How We Lived:" Heirthe ' Bradshaw is, in charge of refresh- Catholic;' Church and '• interested Borsht Belt, 10 years with Smith and alsp had , been a member' of the 1 and John F.; two.-daughters, Jr. and .Richard A;; a daughter, Teamsters Union Local 2787 -died jan. 6 in his home. sister, Katie • Martins; three Florham Park, a life member of the The temple's, new cantor is a. Unity, Sunday through Jan.^ 25, • author of "We Lived There too" a I ments. The public, is invited to at- -community people, and they will all Dale a8'"Dr. Kronkite,: a hipflth-sh_ ; Francine L. Gentry and Darch R. ; New Jersey Narcotics Association, : ; 1 Rosanne Klink;' a brother,, John Newark; a school- guard at the Born in Jersey aty, he moved to brothers, Peter,' Anthony and graduate of the Cincinnati sponsored by the Inlerfalth Council history of Jews in the American .. 'tend. ,;.','_ .' •.';',' .." ...", , , •-.,, ;.-•- , iDlal-AJoke, and entertaining; at be available to share/ their Pezowics, and three graridchildrert. Sules', and a sister, Mary Swauger. ' Vincent DiBello, and two grand- and a member and three-time University College-Conservatory of of Roselle-Roselle Park, will be West. He is a former editor Of <"rhe . knowledge about the cathedral.. •Jewish organizatinalfunctions.. ' Battle Hill School in Union for.eight Union 33 years-agor Mr. Carlucci was a warehouseman, for Vickers children. '-.-. •• ,,•'". president of the New Jersey Music, where she majored In voice, observed at a breakfast at 8:30 in St. Jewish Daily Forward" and has THE SISTERHOOD of Temple - The forum will be held in the nave > Also , present.7" will , be '.-_ Irving Policemen's Benevolent Association —She was the second woman invested Luke's Episcopal Churcht Walnut written for other publications, in of ;the great French Gothic Rubenstein, past president of Death Notices Warehouse, of Springfield and Israel of Unlpn,;2372 Morris Ave.; __COEN-Eleanor TT TS5e Heory). on > services wore conducted from The MC and; Glenn C; Phillippi; .brother of retired 11 years' ago. He was an Robert E. Brlggs Sr., 60, of Roselle - Local 170 in Chatham Township. Mr. as a cantor at-the-Hebrew Union' Street and Fourth Avenue, Roselle, reluding "The |New York Times," Cathedral and cover aspects of the Saturday, January 10> 1987, age 73, af r will meet Wednesday, at'8 p.m. in • Northern New: Jersey Council of CRACKEN FUNERAL' HOME,, 1500 Morris ' Salvqtore, Francis, Anna and Frances Army veteran of World War II. Park' died Jan. 8 in Union Hospital. - Driscoll was a sergeant first class ' College-Jewish Institute of Religion, it was announced by the Rev. v'/'The'" Saturday Reviewii^-and the temple. The topic for the evening architectural and ^ historical B'nai B'rith, past secretaryroTB'nai Union, wife of Russell Coen, mother ot • Ave., N.J. ••; . , '•,.• ' . . Phillippi and Mr>. Mary. Grace, also -with the Army during the Korean Mri. Janlco-Stlllhardr Russell B. Coen Surviving are His wife, Lillian; a . Born in New York City, he lived in _jvhereshewa9,a.reciplent.ofseveral Kenneth-GbrmanrTpgstor. Karen """American' Jewish History." Dr. will be "Behind the Scenes, at The significance of the cathedral, the B'rith District 3, and a member of survived by two grandchildren. Funeral Conflictl.'and a member of the 1 and Mrs. Marilyn Mqrconi* sliter of Mrs. MURPENOn January 10. 1987, Chariot from SMITH AND SMITH (SUBURBAN),, son- -, Mitche- l Moczydkowski-,_ _...,.; . a„ Cranford before moving to^Eoselle^ , prizes. She has served as a "role Olsen of the Interfaith Council on the Libo is a Dartmouth graduate and Mall at Short Hills.' Miles McFee, role cathedral of the Middle Ages the board of governors of District 3. T Mary Smith, Mrs. Margaret Gill and Mrs. ' N. Sr., of Union. N.J., beloved husband '415 Morris Ave., Springfield, Funeral brother, Gerard; two sisters, Terry— Park.J9_years ago. He, was junior American Legion in model for women" entering a feld .homeless of. Union County, will be has a Ph.D. degree from the City general mall manager, will discuss played in their communities, the He will speak on the subject of his , .' loretta lannarone, grandmother of Liza of Florence (Geplort). devoted father ol : Mass- held In St. James Churchi. DeAngelb and Grace Carlucci, two vice commander, chaplain arid Sur-vlving are his wife, Roselyn; that has been traditionally a male guest speaker. There also will be a University oCNeiv York. ;' "what goes on .behind the scenes at 'construction of cathedrals Including personal ' experiences with < B'nai Stlllhard, Michelle and Stephen Marconi. Charles Jr. and Carol Adele Sfwigel; ' Springfield: Interment St. Teresa's Relatives and friends attended the brother of Edwin Murden, also survived grandchildren- and two great- ' historian of VFW Post 335, Cranford. two sons, Raymond T. Jr. and profession. .s. ' service of installation for the of- The complete series includes the shopping center, the mall stone cutting and glass making, the B'rith both on his world travel and at Cemetery. Summit, In Lieu of flowers, ficers for 1987. They, are Louis funeral from HAE8ERIE & • BARTH by two' grandchildren. The. luneral contributions may be made to the grandchildren. •• ' .• He served in the Navy during World Robert W.; four daughters, Carol Cantor Frfahman- served Temple sponsored .programs and other art of the cathedral, marble, home; .•. • .•••••.',""':. •• ".••' '• /• • '•. •.•".••: 1 David Schoenbrun,. television COLONIAL HOME, 1100 Pino "Ave.T service was conducted frorii The First American Heart' Association or the. Croissiert, Barbara Buhs—and- Israel of Croton on Hudson for seven Muller, ^chairman; George W. events at the mall;" Refreshments ,- ) wood carvings, corner Vouxhall Road. Union, followed Baptist Church of Union, Colonial Aye.,' DorlsErickson, 73, .of Union died ^ar II and . belonged to the commentator-author, who will , THE LADIES GUILD of Grace American Cancer Society. Pamela L.and SharonD. Driscoll; _ years and has_serxed_Jn.Eatersbn Harkless, vice-chairman; Helen speak on the evening of Feb. 1 in will Deserved. • . :?' and statuary, and how it is used as a .by a Funeral Mass at St. Michael's and Thoreau Terr., Union, N.J.-Viewlng- Jan.4inOniot.Hospital., • American Legion Post 60 in RoseUe • Klelsch, secrejary;_ Nelson Ellis, Lutheran Church of Union inet last - Church,, Internjent-livGate; of Heaven^ from The MC CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME. RO5ETn:On January 7. 1987, • Iris 1 M his mother, Grace A. Driscoll; a ~and~Bloomfield.temples.-She Is the Congregation Anshe Chesed. His -THE LADIES EVENING Group of teaching tool, the symbolism, and a Born in Ireland^shfilriiOKed to ""f^ *- /'^.'Sgswasa" assembler wife of Rabbi Louis Frishman of ^treasurer, and Dorothy—LifFfc, discussion-of: the "20th' /century" evening;^:A^pb£':iiickUsu'pper ,was "; CemBleryr*In""|lB"u" of llowers, con-' 1500 Morris Ave., Union, N.J. In Lieu of (Valllllo), of Union, N.J.. wife of the late Union 31 years ago~:~~"- -•-'-'••• •••"••• < •*'"' "1e Amencan Gas Accumulator ' brother, Edward, and four grand- topic will be *'Isfaeirthe; Jewsand The First-Presbyterian Church in ' featured. Women from the societies trlbutloni may • bo mode to the In- flawers,_those,so_dej|rlng-nSoy-makJo.wers,_tho,gykee —Oreste^devoled-mother of lllllan An- _ ,-. _ , children, ::____l_i-_Z . Temple, Beth El, Spring Valley, N; corresponding secretary,. America." Judge Jerome Hornblass . problems' -of—maintenance" and~ Co.. Elizabeth, for 20 years:. He - In observance of the Week of Springfield will meet Wednesday at ' In EIizabeUi,""Maplewood and rWblibnal ConicTRecovory, Institute,, 60_„0 , contribution-^i--.. . s to th.e Cam- p Lebannon ders6nT sister of John, Anthony ^and, JU™ViB8J«S-a_son_L Y., .and ithe- mother- of- three ; will.Isrhirw nn thp pypnfng nf Marrh restoration of cathedrals, ' OldiCountcy-Roadr-Garden-Cltyi-NV—BoplJst-Conlerenco-Cent8r,-tare"of"RevTi Vlctpr-Valllllo, also survived by her;^three grandchildren and two great- -daughters, a professor, a lawyerand. jCHfislian.. Onity, -there' will- be an. -WestfieldTwere"guestsrthe~speaker~ 11530. ' • , ..•,.' ;•>• Robert Rasmussen at the First Baptist grandson,' Keith. The funeral' was', 'grandchildren 22, in Temple Beth O'r." His tbpicwiir wg iisiness ; B exchange of the Interfaith pastors, . ;; Newark's Cathedral of the Sacred of the evening was from Bethesda _ M^ j_ u__: „ ...-,.-—churchbfUhloTC . '"' conducted from The MC CRACKEN a ••" ^ui'lbrlght.. scholar in : Obituary-Jis tings on Jan. 25, The pastors, will be the -be -'-An Encounter^ Between?: the' meeting—ted fcy June Defino, Heart- was. constructed over a 5& GORSKIOn Friday, January 9, 1987, ' ' ' ^ -V — • FUNERAL HOME, 1500 Morris Aye., 784, df Union-died Ja. ethriomusicolbgy. • 'f——Elliabethr—NrJr,—beloved huiband~of: BRIGGS-Rpbert E. Sr., of Roselle Park; Jan. 8. luteto LhaBicentenninLof-the US,— iernian_was-assisted-by-TRabbi—Baptrat-Churchf"the Hey.. Theodore'"'• t^lfFh3H E§inis.l»y_of.the home to the mentally -Helen Konlsky, Slslor Anattasla Gorskl, • Wanda (Kucharskl), devoted father ol '. .Memorjal Parkr Mrs. Werner was born in Russia , BUSH—Eva, of Plainfield, formeriy.of-Roselle; Jan. 7. Constitution." Ticket information is Dora p...,hex_hospity architecture • in~-the—WesternT C.R.. Edward Gorskl, and the late Mary , Maureen .Szymanski and Miss Donno and lived in Paferson before moving Goldstein with the service. "•'•' Goyin8_,__C_p.mmunity-_;.United- and physlqally retarded. Hostesses v RElF.On "JanuarVf(71987, Andrew, of CARLUCqi-FrankL.,ofUnion;Jan.6. " a v ail a b I e—'by—re o n t ac t ing' committeei will serve refreshments,. Hemisphere and houses one of the were Rose Ford, Lois Rockefeller, .Dorrtlnick, Leon' Gorskl and Raymond , O'Neill, brother of Catherine O'Neill, to Union eight years ago. " __ CDEN-Eleanor H., of Union; Jan. 10. , Rabbi Goldstein 'will discuss Methodist Church, Roselle Park; tW Congregation Anshe Chesed. 486- .All women of the church are invited Gorskl, also survived bv nieces and Mary, Norman, and'Rita Pope, also Union, N.J., husband of the late Lelah finest collections of. ecclesiastical' Jean Wist, Wally Schaadt arid Ruth nephews.- Relatives and friends at- survived by his grandchildren Peter and , (Chrlstl). devoted father of Andrew ,R.; Surviving are two' sons, Donald . DI FABRIZIO-Lillian, of Roselle Park; Jan, 10. ' Israel's role in the recent sale of Rev. Ken Gorman, . First 8616, Rabbi Steven M Dworken or to attend. 'also survived by two grandchildren: and art in thfr world " The forum is open Cousens. tended the funeral from The EDWARD P. Wendy, SzymansM, tThe funeral .wos and Wallace; a brother,, Albert' DRISCOLL—RaymondSr., of Linden;.Jan. 10. five great-grandchildren. Funeral : LASKOWSKI FUNERAl HOME, U05 conducted- Iron the MC CRACKEN ; Sachs; a sister, Mary Ferro, Jour _. v service was conducted .oLThe_MC~ ERICKSON—Doris, of Union; Jan,r4.'^— —: ; Clinton. Ave., above Sanford Ave., FUNERAL '>lpME, 1500 Morris Aye.e gandchlldren arid a ~ great- vjnglon, then to>_SI,_M|chael's ChurcHifor- —Uhlo'nrN.J.-,-wlth:a funeral Mass^alrSt. "CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME, 1500 Morris GARLAND—Leoha, of Linden; Jan. e;' Ave., Union NJ. Intermont Hollywood a funeral mass. Interment Gate of-'- Catherine's Church, Hillside,. N.J. In- grandchild. „ '.'•'•; V HEILNER-MaryE.^dtLindeniJan-.r,: •• Memorial Park. . , HeavenCemetery. .;' •> '•'••—•••- terment Holy Cross Cemetery),' East William A. Kayan Sr. of Union, KANTROWlTZ-ArthurF.rof Roselle; Jim. 11.•' ' ' " " ' Brunswick,.N.J; •'• ! ' ' <- KAWALEC-Florentine, of Linden; Jan,U. HUDZIAN-Alfred V:, of Union, N.J.; on RAMENTOl-Kathryn (Sules), of Union, who was active with_the Masons, WORSHIP DIRECTORY !' January 9,, 1987, brother of Mrs. Jean PIETRUCHA-On January 9. 1987, Eugenia on January l'p; 1987, beloved mother of died Jan, 4 in Union Hospital. -- KAYAN-^William-A! Sr., of Union; Jan. 4. . Thurber, Mrs. Bernlco Hudilk, Mrs. (Lesynskl), of Union, N.J.. beloved wife James J.. Jr., Richard A. Romentol and Born in New York City, he lived In- : KYTA-WIUIamA.,ofkenilwor:th; Jan.8. \ Florence Kaiser,.Miss. Lorraine S. of Ralph, devoted mother of Kenneth Rosanne Kllnk,.s|ster of John Sules and; MARKOWITZ—Kazimiera, of Union; Jan. 8 . rfudilan and Miss Joan Hudilan. Funei'al and Miss Mary Anne Pietrucha; sister of Mary (sules) Swauger; Funeral from The Newark before moving to Union 30 / was conducted from The MC'CRACKEN John Lesynskl; also survived by grand- MC CRACKEN FUNERAL .HOME. 1500 years ago: He had been an assistant MULLIN-George, of Roselle; Jan. 6. ALLIANCE BAPTIST 1 EPISCOPAL NAZARENE REFORMED FUNERAL HOME, 1500' Morris Aye., sons, William .and Stephen and her ' Morris-Ave,,'Union.* NJ.., The Funeral ' brewmaster for the— Rheingold '• MURDEN-CharlesN.Sr,, of Union; Jan.io., THE 0RCHMDPMK CHURCH PENTECOSTAL Union N.J; followed by a mass ;ln Holy ^mother, -Anna- (Palek),- Zeltler.- The Mass wasJ ollored- q* Holy'Spirit R.C. ' ' SPRINGFIELD CHURCH " Church. Interment, Gate of Heaven Brewery in Orange, where he PEZOWICZ-Jane C, pf-Roselle Park; Jan. 8. 1164 Victor Avenue, Union i»7 ' ST. LUKE* ALL SAINTS THE REFORMED CHURCH SpiritChurch.'Unlon. /; •:'•'„ ,, ' funeral *was conducted' from The MC • PHILLIPPI-John C, of Unjon; Jan. 8. ' OF THE NAZARENE CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME, 1500 Morris Cemetery.;. .. ..'..••;• •'•• , -• '•..'• . worked for 40 years before his 03t4. Service Hours: Sunday II EVANGEL BAPTIST CrlUUCH EPISCOPAL CHURCH 36 Evergreen Avenue, Spr- * DELIVERANCE JESUS IS OF LINDEN a.m. Worship Service, Junior 24] Shunpike Road, Springfield, 3f« Chestnut:Street, Union, «M KVTA-Wllllam A. of Kenllworlh on: Ave., Union, N.J., followed by a funeral retirement nine years ago. Mr; PIETRUCHA=JEugenia,OfUliiion; Jan.9.. , ingfield, 379-7222. Rev. Richard COMING ASSOCIATION ) Thursday^ Jartuary^'S, '1987'.".' loving mass at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, _ •'..' ZARACOZAOn January 9,' .1987, RAMENTOL-Kathryn,ofUni6h;Jan.lor \ Church, Sunday Eve. 6:45 p.m 379 4351 Wednesday 7 15 p m 7253 Sunday Worship Services A. Miller. Sunday Sunday School 4Q0* North Wood Ave . Linden, •Fllemon Aqulllno, -6f_Elizabeth, N.J.. Kayan was past master of the Gavel Family Time, 7:15-S:OO p.m Prayer Meeting, Choir, P.G's and 101 Springfield Ave., (at Harrison John L Magee, Jr Pastor, Sun- htisband, of Wanda (Plndo), beloved Irvington. Interment, Gate of "Heaven^.; REIF-i-Andrew, of Union; Jan. 11.. ' are held at I a m and 10 a.m for all age groups, 9:30; Morning 1 husband of Angela (Collado), dovotod Lodge 273 F&AMWUnion. He was a ..Place), Irvington. 375-8500. Sun day Worship and Church School father of Mrs. Barbara Sammet and Mrs. Cemetery, ••' ;/ . | •; '• ^.'. • ' ,: Christian Education lor all ages Battalion, Sunday" 9:45 a.m. Sun- Sunday' School and Nursery at ..Worship, and Children's 1 father .of Max and • Angela Zaragoza, member oTlhe Captain Washington RICKERT-Mary, of Soselle Park; Jan. 9. Second Sunday of each month day School; 11 a.m. Worship; 6 9:45 a.m. Morning Prayer daily day School 9:30 a.m., Sunday. 10 a.m., 'unlor Choir li a.m. . Irma' Meechan; brother^ of Mrs. Elsa; Ministries'(1st.and.3rd Sundays Worship 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., 'Lens; grandfather bf-Bonafd and Richard PEZQWICZOn January 8, 1987, Jane C. Linda McLean,* Phyllis Troganl ond the Chapter }6, Royal Arch Masons of SARICA—Joseph A., of Linden; Jan. 5; ^- coffee * donut fellowship im- p.m. Evening Service. Friday: at 9a.m. Evening Prayer dally at of month, children's choir rehear- •Youth Fellowship" 7 p,m, Tues- late Phillip Zarogoza, brother ol Brlgldd, mediately following' morning 7:15 p.m. Pioneer Girls'; Tuesday.6^30P;m. Prayer and Bi-. day: Men's Brotherhood 8 p.m. Sammet and pavld and Jenny Meechan..: '(Sheldon), of Roselle Park, N.J:, mother ElizabetK, the St. John's Coni- SHARP-David, of Linden; Jan. 97 5 P.m. The Holy Eucharist Mon- sal; aid- Sunday' of month, "of Peter J., John F., Francine L. Gentry Magzalema, Jamie, Molses and Phlfpe, —worship service. TUes, £ Frl.: 7' Stockade; 7:30' p.m. Youth day at 7:10 p.m., Wednesday at 10 ble Study, Annointlng Service. Wednesday:. Women's Giiild 12 Relatives and .friends, attended -the mandry Chapter,: the Salaam . SHEPHERD-Mary, of Linden; Jan. 9. children's missions program; 4th funeral.' service at the KENILWORTH and Darcy R. Pezowlcz, also survived by also survived bynlne grandchildren and p.m. Home Bible Study. Wednes- Group. Rev. Joseph, Iwanskl, In- a.m., * Friday at 7 a.m. Vicar, Sunday of month, children's ser- Friday 7:30 p.m. -Evangelistic. noon. Thursday! Scouts 7 p.m.. SMOKQWSKI-RobertJ., of Roselle; Jan. 9. • ~dJvT.7:3O p.m. Praise & Prayer," terim Pastor. • '• • • Service .-24. hour prayer, line 375- Senior Choir 8 p.m. ,.;•':.•' 7-FUNERAL HOME, 511 Washington' Ave; Paul Burrows. -^—— mon) 10:45. Evening Service and ^—Kenjlworfh. Interment ftlrf l Friday: 7 p.m. Youth Group all Children's Bible .Study, 6roo. 0777. Christian Day School, 4 year; ages. Seebnd, Tuesday' of each CJth Grade, ior-lnformatlomatlon-n - ~~Membrlal Park, Konllworth. THOMAS-MargaretV., of Union; Jan. 7. -Wednesdayr Prayer Meeting and call 678-25546782554 . ' ,••"•••-. TUTELA^-Denlse A., of LindenrJan. 6. month 7:30 p.m., Women^Mlfc-. Bible Study, 7:00. '" • ••' MONDSCHEINAnna, 93, of Union. New PHILLIPPIJohn,C,, of Union, N.J. for Ave., Union, N.J. In lieu of flowers . Cedars of LebanonTif Elizabeth. He jioniry-Pray*r"~FeMowsh!p. Se- merl/ of Springfield, N.J., oti ThUrsdoy,' those desiring may make contributions WERNER^Eya. oLUnibn; Jan. 5." . cond Wednesday of each month CATHOLIC .Jersey, died on December 23, 1986 at. also was treasurer .of the 13th the Union Hospital In Union, New January 8, 1987, husband of Shirley M. to the Center For Hope Hosplce,<2l° E. Masonic District'/Past Masters 7:30 p.m. Family Mission. Rev. Schweitzer Phillippi. father ol Walter C. Fourth Ave., Roselle, N.J. 07203. : Henry cierwinski. • HOLY TRINITY WUSH TRINITYIPISMPALCHUKH - TRUE JESUS CHURCH ' -iersey. Born .in Czechoslovakia, she• NATIONAL CATHOLIC CHURCH — 36-40 Myrtle-Avenue, Irvington, 339 Elmora Avenue, Elliabeth, resided In'Vleiina, Austria and England New Jersey 0711 l,-372»09S, The 352-7990. service-Hours: Friday— before moving to Union over 38 years ' 407 Ziegler Ave.; Linden, 4W-3424, . ago. She was' a homemaker. Mrs. Sunday: 1:10 a.m. English Mass, Rev.'Monroe Freeman, Rector. DENOMINATIONAL, 8:30,to.9:30 p.m.; Saturday J1:00 Sunday Services: 8:00 a.m. Holy PRESBYTERIAN a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. Mondscheln Is survived by a daughter, 10:JO a.m. Polish Mats. Rev. Jan '. Gertrude Jacobson, of Union, a grand-;, ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Materek, Administrator of the Cpminunlon, 10:00 a.m. Holy to3p.m.Shyh-KuahgYang. • ' Communion and Church School. ECHO UKE CHURCH OF CHRIST 'daughter and 2 great-grandchildren. ^ T/te family parish. .•' ". . " ..••.. . ' . • i COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN Weekday Services: Tuesdays and East Broad St. at Springfield Services were held . • • .'• •;•-••'"'•"* • •. ••; ••-••e' „•«•• »••.••. • -'^.. •••'•-'• •--.•; ."" • Hour, Monday: 4:30 a.m. Men's—" 941 Caldywell Avenue; Union, 944- ••. •'• :•,. . CHURCH :••••••• ;;^ prayer. Tuesday: (2nd & 4th)—, —3454, church Calendar: Sunday .Salem Road 'and Huguenot- PUBLICAtlON DATEfJ AN UWRY 2? 7(30 p.m. Homo- Bible Study. Service 11 a.m., Wednesday Ser- MOUNTAINSIDE GOSPEL CHAPEL Avenue, Union 4*4-1020. Worship CLARION REVIEW COURSE vice S:15 am, Sunday School.11 _^JEADUNELJ-ANJJAR VL22_^_^ Wednesday: 7:30 p,»n. Prayer .1180 Spruce Drive/Mountainside 'and Church. School Sundays at AT NEWARK ACADEMY .a.m. •' '•;•-.'••••'-. ." ' METHODIST Meeting. Friday: 7 p.m. Pioneer 212-3456. Pastor: Rev. Matthew 10:30 a.m^Nursery Car^. During Your ad will appear in FOCUS, : OirlJ, ' Boys' Stockade a Bat- -^—^COMMUNITY UNITED-——^ ~E—GarlppaT~Sunday: 9:45 "AM"7 -ailrServlcesr~Holy—Communion talion; Saturday:7:30-a.mrMen's— the First Sunday of Each Month. • Director: A.'Pantazes. 992-6010 J»l the second section to (fie - • METHOO|STCHURCH ^-=5 Sunday School lor All Ages; Adult "Blble-Studv^Jtid &.4th), Men's Electives this quarter, are: .Visitors Welcomel The Rev. Jack • UNION LEADER • THE SPECTATOR Breakfast (3rd); 7 p.m. Jr,& Sr. Romans, (Ladles Class) . 1 Bohtka, Minister.' High Youth Group, (Ladles' Ex- > SPRINGFIELD LEADER-LINDEN LEADER CONGREGATIONAL Chestnut Street, Rosolle Park, 245- Thesialonlans, How to Study me , DR. ARTHUR P. FLAX, MOUNTAINSIDE ECHO • KENILWORTH LEADER erclso Class: Monday & FIRST CONGREGATIONAL 2237v Sunday. Services are at 9:30 Bible, -and' new Members Class . sfymntwosne Thursday 7 p.m.) Transportation ; CHRISTIAN CHURCH , and 11:00 a.m. There will be a 11:00 AM Morning Worship Ser- ROMAN CATHOUC CHURCH /':• '• v •'.•::JMJ. ' /'••-• "••-• .provided if needed. between services coffee .hour at vice Message by Rev, Matthew 205 Nesbit Terrace; irvington, 1240 Clinton Ave:, Irvington, Rev. 10:30 a.m.Please come to Reeves E. Oarlppa: 4:00 PM Bvenlng 375-1548. Rev. William Smallev ; CHIROPRACTOR Joh P, Herrick, Minister 373-6883. Service ''Worship and Praise". ' ^-^' Hall and loin us! Child care Is Pastor, -Schedule o» Masiw' 373-1593. Sunday: 9:00 a.m. Choir available at both services and Sun- 7:15 PM High School Bible Study. . Rehearsal; 9:00 a,m., Conflrma- ' day School Is at 10:45 a.m. -——v Wednesday: 7:00 PM Bible- FIRST PRESiTTERIAN Saturday Eve. 5:30:30^10 pm;j«1 £ tlon, 10:00 a.m." Worship and —Study, Boy's ^Brigade *nu ^WeeKdays-Mon..Frlf:30»00 , T:oo Vnd Church School.-Monday 9:0Qa,m. Pioneer Girls Program. 7:30 PM J!JS •••"•-, Saturdays 8:00 and Food Pantry, 7:00 p.m. Girl Scout— BETHEL AFRICAN METHODIST ^liiplash; ^ii^ . THE FIRST IAFTISTCHUICH —Prayer, Choir rehearsal. Friday: ' *:Ma.m, Holyday Eve. 7:00 p.m ; Troops 587,102 and AUr-tuesday V EPISCOPAtCHUKH 9:30 AM Ladles Blblt study at Morris Ave., and Church Mall, -Ho>y««»V/-M.;i:(», »i» a.m; ji:jo ePersonalJnjury• x>;' ' '' , :'•'••<*WNW • ' •• •'•'••.• Noon Beginnings Groe.p A.A., Springfield, 379-4320. church ; m P.m, « 7:00 p.Jn., Rite of recon- Colonial Avenue and Thoreau •241~HlltohT'AVenUer"V«u*hallr 'Cnapeir-TiJo-pM Md "•«! 4th i' •Hijadaches:: •"-'"". •'•'• " ' IBM* PC-XT COMPATIBLE 1:30 p.m. Senior outreach. , N.J., 07088, ; 964-1282. Sunday , Fridays of month Couple's Bible School Classes lor all ages, 9:00 ciliation, Saturday 5:00 to"°so Terrace, Union. Church MM»7S; Wednesdays 4:00 p.hi."Youth a.m. Morning Worship Service p.m., Novena to Miraculous ••LowBack,*NeckPajns '" 512 K RAM . 1-^4 .^' Study »*4-»4J«. Dr. Robert. A. Church School 9:30 a.m.. Church study. 8:oo PM College and . One 5.25" 360K floppy .,t Group, 4:30 p.m. cub Scput Pack Worshlp,IO:45 a.m. Wednesday: Career Bible Study. Ladles Mis- 10:15 a.m. Rev. Jeffrey A. Curtis. Mdi^EvtrY Monday EvnlSS We Welcome Hews Releases! RaimusMn, Minister. Sundafr 2H, 7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Troop . In Church. One serlal/ono parallel port ti4s A.M. Sunday school for ail Prayer Meeting & Bible Study sionary Fellowship meats ttw 2nd « Rlv «»n»n«lftn «lj)|Q '. 2)4, Thursday, 9:00 a.m. Food 7:JO p.m. Rev; OUdwIn A. _Tuml»y of ttf«ry month. •g«t; Mortilrw Worship with Pantry, _'• Friday ,1:^0—p.nvr monocard Tr • 30 day over-the-counter Browniile Troop 589. f v Most Insurances, cover" ; PRESBYTERIAN Chlrqpr^ctlc.Care, /,, exchange '' ' •?.''" I''. ALL NOW- OF THE P,C:A. idBMttoyj METHODIST •Ibl* CI»u;-#i»0 P.M. PIpiNMr FELLOWHIPCi^El CHURCH f::;: sT-caH Club for-eMMrm grcdit w7TiJO EPISCOPAL ,• SPRINGFIELD EMANUEl for mw p«tl*nt«-call Hs*.. P.M. Bible Study and Prayer Pattofi 'Elrnln- • Pbyllli ,188 Union Avenue, Irvlngfon 373- . A National Historic Landmark, 212 MMtiiM; 8:40 P.M. Choir reliear- ST. LUKE EPISCOPAL CHURCH . UNITED.IIETHOOIST CHURCH Valetin*. Sunday Service tfto 0147, Ed Brown Pastor, Wort hip Hunttrdqn Si., Newark, 824-1452, stuyvesant Ave. Ml. Sah/rdayi 7:M A.M. Men's _East Fourth Ave. and Walnut St.; •a.m., mntlng at Connecticut ' Services, on Sunday 10 a.m. ft U , Rev. John P. Nlckas, Pastor. Ms. ^_ ,.?, CORPORATION, 1291 Ifflselle 245M15,Holy-EurclWrlit Farms ' • School Auditorium -'- a^nr,--Wednesday night, bible Anna Hooper, Pastoral Minister. Mnto Clau (second and fourth of 40 Church Malrtprlnglleid. Rev'J. 155'Rt.' 22 East.lSp.riDgfleid, US. : ; ttM month)! Man's Fellowship 7:JO a.m. Holy- EUrcharUt or J»«ul Griffith, ; Pwior. Church Chtttnut St. & Stuyveiant ' Study 7:30-8:30 p.m., . You'h Mi. Monsc. Velaxquet, Pastoral J'-iiolpti"^' .••' : ' •rtaktait (third of HM month). Morning Prayer 10:00 a.m. Sun- Jchool 9: is «.m., AdulLBlnle Class Avtnu*. Union. Wednesday 7tJ0 • ^Ministry. 4 Women's 'Fellowship.: Minister. Sunday Worship »ljo !'tmisprlnflii8|!t«;Avenu! Women's Mlislonary -Circles day-School and Nurotry to i.m,; 9:15 a.m., Morning Worship-Ser- p.m. Homo Fallowihlp Oroupt.•'••: True to the, bible Reformed Faith a.m. -Mass-English, 111 IS a.ih The-Bey. Kfnheth Gorman. Rec- ^*''_

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-14 — CQUHTf LEADER NEWSPAPERS - U.3,4,5,4*"— •v.; '• -COUNTYLEADER NEWSPAPERS- Thursday. January 15, l»B7 - 15

-<<- i> form $yJ»fAIUC*AllLONSIJY 12 points toRidge , there was a very ' tied at 8-8 early on, Dayton ran off a Local Don't look now,'-hit there appear upbeat attitude on the floor, as well 12-4 spurt that overlapped into the. - to be two Dayton Regional Boys' as with our coaching staff." next quarter. By.the third period, basketball dubs this season — one Against Ridge, Dayton found itself Dayton found itself with a 31-point • that is dominantand well-paced, and in danger of repeating its sub-par ,lea_d and elected toclea n its bench, Ttber-that-falls ; " " _pejTormanoe^against-Immaculata,_^giving-8ome-- •-used-pfayers- UlMr Humpty Dumpty, can't put all Jorin tne second quartern-there the addedexperienceT ittherew$sone -ihepiecesbffclftsgether again. '*"' Bulldogs were, down by a 30-18' " " " ' the Strength of our communities bad experience that at first seemed. Fortunately for the Bulldogs and margin. And then Ujey.turned itall -likea nightmare;^Zl'Hlti^IIZi •tb^Hila^-thff^bWter version is- around .' - —>~—v- —•—~;Swingman Xevin Everly, who THE NEXT BEST THING TO A NEW -=begtnnl«f tolKbw its face again, and posesses an outside shot that hits mmrn** NOBEL MF^moment too soon. With the With, as Yanchus put it, "different with uncanny consistency, suffered ANDY'S AUTO SALES cutoff date for state playoff action people playing dominant roles in the th_e misfortune of landing on the foot I CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: EYEGLASSES; INC. ^| 843St,QeoroeAvenue. ^ 40 years in Business DIRECT FACTO now Jess than three weeks away, it is quarters^ Dayton suddenly found—-Tjfshotiier player after attempting a Roselle. New Jersey 07203 QBAUTT AT high tune for all legitimate con- itself returning to the form that had' field goal. Although the 6-foot-? (201) 9254060 WAREHOUSE PISCOBNT PRICES tenderl to sort out the kinks and th win theu^^ret-three^-^nloT~e^pea~wIfli, a sprained .PURCHASE/LEASE fmb to aUeast a few games over games. With .Mark 'Williams con- ankle, he saw no. action against ONLYTHE the .500mark. Dayton is trying. tributing six points in a 14-2 spurt ACCEPTED • '." Ridge and was still recovering as of " FINEST ' After being clobbered to the tune that saw the contest tied by early in game team with Roselle Catholic- • BRICKFACE.STlkcO.STONEFACE ,1721 Manit «<«.;& Roatt 22 L .QUALITY— -the-third periodrtheclubxontinued-—pj^7y SPMT-R1B BLOCK. EXPOSED AGGREGATE LBradleessnopprno Center ' evening, the Bulldogs found new to roll, outscoring its opponent by a has a total of 116 points in seven UNION ^wrVauxhairRcT^ " ' " "n theft- bite arid defeated 20-9 total ihvthe same eight-minute games for a scoring average, of 16.6, Call tutPRHHiDMiu/lulioii, Jvsixn •&. estimates Union687-1886 CHOOSE FROM OVER 1pO!8V8TEM8 itand Ridge on successive JHD—— ___:—-,—-Istiii topsmtheTeaifir5^ V 687-7878 i alscrHWajrTrom home. As a THIS ONE'S FOR YOU-Brearley athletic director Tom Santaguida and Brearley Yanchus' band of 12 ' Center Brian Cote, who finished 'Now can the team' continue its , found itselfxWith a 5-3 record heading with 11 rebounds, scored 10 of This 12 football coach Bob Taylor-, middle, receive Resolutions honoring the 1986 North. •SCREEN PRINTING winning ways? .-' "•'•, Jersey, Group h Section 11 gridiron cham'pions;from-Regional High School Board of intoi Tuesday "s.home showdown ^itJ) points in the third quarter, while :-.. "I hope so," answered Yanchus, -•AIR BRUSH -i SORosellejCat! forward Gregg Kahn added 10 more Education memb.ers.Fred Soos of Kenilworth, left, and Johri Conlln of Garwood. who had kind wonjs for. Chuck Saia, The Bears, under-Taylor, won their second straightGroup I title VfME •IRON-ONS Things were looking up, at least in the final eigfifinlnutes of play, in a backup point guard who stepped in •GLASS for the time l>eing. which Dayton outscored Ridge, 16- against Boonton and scored 16 points •METAL "I think we've re-established our 12, for its final 64-53 win. after; teammate Robert' Fusco ran WSrr OUR MODERN SHOyfflQOWS game,"'said Yanchus, whose club •WOOD SIGNS - This, after stopping Boonton'24 into foul .trouble earlier.' "This stuff IN-HOUSE SERVLCE.DEPARTMEr«fr - will also host Hillside on Tuesday at hours earlier By a 71-56 gap." :r comes and goes. If I had the secret of This week in sports- •CUSTOM PAINTING ' 4'p'.m;""rthlnirwe.'re'returning thg In that contest, the Bulldogs left keeping it, I'd bottle it and sell it." . Jan. 21, Governor Livingston, 3:30 •201-686-4512 ., . confidence that we had earlier-this\ little doubt that their three-game''; David Brearley Jan. 20, Hillside, 4 p.m., A. • • And put, many a manufacturer out p.m., A. , •..•••" Boys'Freshman Basketball 1419 STUYVESANT AVE. '. season. Even though we were down losing streak would end: After beingr"; of business as well. , • UNION, NJ. 07083 Bowling . • .... Jan. 16, Arthur L. Johnson, 4 p.m., High School Jan. 15, New Prbvidence/St. Mary's, •A. •"••.' •-'',•• ' ,3:30p.m. : Jan. 20, Hillside,4 p.m. JH. TO-""* 964-6460 Boys'Basketball . Jan. '•22, " Governor' Livingston/- Bears beat Pingry, face big week' Jan. 1G, Roselle Park, 7:30 p.m., A. JVWrestlliJg _^ recognized forwtat it a _Hillside,3:30p.m. • Jan. 16, Ajthur L. Johnson, 6 p.m.; When.it comes to Diamond Jewelry ...the finest! ByMARK^yABLONSKY Jan. 20, North Plainffeld,4p,m.;rkr. Bowling takes place at Echo Lanes "Thisisablgssyeek,"saidBerger, at half-time, the Bears fought back, t -AT there's always a Bargain at Baron's t do you do when ynu..loae_fl_ whose-Bears-will^tukhoseBearswilltuke to the r-uuruuJ fufurr outscoring the Hilltoppers first by a Jan. 21, Bound Brook, 6 p.m., H. heartbreaker iI n overtime just hthree games witihh Roselllle Park and North Girls'Basketball 16-12, and then a 14-8 margin to forge .; Jan'. 15, Roselle Park,7:30 p.m., H. Jonathan. Dayton Where-Low Pricre and •••'•_• ~ ?BARQN days' after being blown out by an. .Blainfield, following\,this past a deadlock at the end, of_regulation Wlnlerffrack . Personal Attention embarassing 27-point margin? Whyj' Tuesday's matchup with. Bound Jan. 20, North Plainfiold, 4 p.m. H. Jan. 18, State Rejays, lOjt.m., A, time. The big play came~on Miller's JV games start at 5:30 p.m. are always A Person to Person shop you grin and "bear" it, so to speak. Brook. "We've got to witKseveri three-point play in the final minute High School PihtonPrihca . /' dedicated to your individuality . Such is the case for the Brearley Boys' Freshman Basketball Jan. 20, _Roselle/.Park/New instoefc.. games by Feb. 3, so this is aNbig -of play to erase a 42-39 St. Mary's- __BpyslBasketball: , _,_ WE ACCEPT Regional Boys' basketball team, week. I think;, we^rejnlthe rigfy ldJ Jan. 16, Roselle Park, '•< - ~ ; l 3:45 p-n,-JT.t-N-P- whlph fitarfpH itq wffpK n!lt on an -dipeetjonr1 ,.^_.__ J,4p.rii. T\.----• Jarrriti, Aitliui L. juluisun, 7:30" 406 Cheslnut-6l^-UnionrNJ 07083 7CARDS — alarming note in losing games to ' Or so it seemed against Pingry. A JV Wrestling p.m., A,. -..••••. BowHng \, But two points each from Craig "Jan. 20, Hillsides p.m., H. Mahville and St. Mary's,' before- • total of four playersr"1Hc1uding Halleck, Mike Usa and Andre Felder Jan. 16, Roselle Park, 6 p.m., H. Jan. | 15, Roselle/Catholic/Gpv. _Ufc&to»-»_~- Biron * JS6rh«tlUltSt Winter Track JV games start at 5:30 p.m. Livingston, 3:30 p,n von Diamond . 687-7638 : rebounding against Pingry. center Scott Miller, scored in double —guided the way to a 48-42 Hilltopper AMPLE PARKING - union tjptt) But like their coach, Bill Berger, figures, in the club's "overall best^ viatory.'The Bears could not register • Jan. 15, Pingry, 3:30 p.m., A. Girls' Basketball Jan.l 22, Ng)/ Prqvidence/- the team doesn't give up too easily. effort" to date. Along with Miller's* a single point in the extra period. Jan. 17, State Relays, Boys and Jan. 16, Arthur L. Johnson, 4 p.m., Immaoulataf3T30p;m. . Thus, a 62-44 win over a winless club. 16, came Mike Kriak and Sal Pier _ "Our kids played' hard andjhey. Girls,9a.m,,A, H. .. '"••"" •'"..' ' - Bowling tajkes place at Echo Lanes ANNOUNCING!! METCER/fc OEPEW Maybe it isn't the- greatest of ac- cinni with 11-points, and Brett _ hadagoodeffortJ'explained Berger complishments. But' it was good Hubinger, who had 10. Consider that •ofSt. Mary's. "Tliey play hard and WINTER HOURS enough for a 2-3 record heading into Joe Capizzano had nine_points and- they have a great tradition. So to Open! Days- Serving rc.ldcntbl cujlomcrailnce (95J . a week that admittedly will tell you realise the team"almostTiad five .'; take them into overtime is a big 8 a.m. to I p.m. : • HEATING.:-. •: .:.••','.••• ' much about whether or not a state scorers in double figures." ' thing for us." ' -\- (WulhifF • AIR CONDITIONING playoff berth will be waiting for the Against St Mary's, the outcome Winning two games this week will • HUMIDIHERS. Carrier grizihes come Feb 3 was somewhat different: Down 22-12 be far bigger for the Bears \ : • ATTIC TANS The Best .MAX THE~DOORAAAN-(-lndeed, he is for countless customers. He's the window • ELECTRONIC -—,-„«-—. „„_. Car Wash in man top. As the owner and founder of B&M aluminum, Max Schwartz offers win AIR CLEANERS FREE ESTIMATE* union County dow and doors of all shapes and sizes. •• is... GALL 272-2100 The place for windows and doors 309 Lafayette Avenue - Kenilworth

ty, the 'W and the 'M' from B4M What's the difference' . ,0 BIERTUEMPEL-dSTERTAG AGENCY, INC SPEEDY CAR WASH Aluminum stands for. the first name initials of Blan- "The difference Is quality," Schwartz notes i i . Insurance-Real Estate s NEW INSTANT GAME che and Max Schwartz who founded the store 31 "Aluminum does a better, job " 1880 MORRIS AVENUE, UNION Personalized Hand Detailing years: ago.-For most of their customers, however, He adds, "I think in time we'll see the vinyl totally On Every Car Washed B&M simply stands., for Uie best window and door 1 Residential &Commcrical Real Estate 1 replace aluminum in storm windows and doors I 100-BRUSHLESS dealers in the area . ' iluroA— -Serving-Union County. ForOvertSO-YearT (Sott ciotn 'jvMrnii |—•—-According-to-Schwarlzrearning stich-a reputation"" Because 99 percent of everything he sells is in.- WE CAN H ANDI-E ALL 1 YOUR INSLK \NCF NEEDS Crnrie Touch. No ScrntcliP . or Swirls. in his field wasnltalways his lifelong dream. Rather stalled by B&M, Schwartz says he employees 18 Ixl Our Knowlidni .mil Lxperlencc Gu.ir.inreecl Clppnunq wintnw.ills -it was something that came about quite accidental- workers to keep on top of the work load Work For You We Care ly. .'• • • •: • '• •. '..•' He explains that's just part of the full-service at- Rl Al I SI AI E» 686-0656 5i5Lehigh Ave., union Schwartz recalls that It was 31 years ago when he- tention-that-has-helped his place tojjain so much INSURANCE* 686-0651 needed to reptace atom windows in his own home good publicity. s """SncTthat, as it turned out, became the inspiration "Almost all of our business is based on referrals. 1 for opening his own establishment FIN N FEATHER PET SHOP We sevice what we sell and if something goes thtwui $*>$). U. •* "I needed some storm windows on my own wrong, we'll fix it" , ' 239 Morris Ave.. Springfield • 376-5641 house," Schwartz says; "That's when I opened B&- SPECTRO-VITE DAILY MULTIVITAMINS Specializing in Tropical Fish M.'1 •. '• .•'. Just one of the reasons the Union-based operation With Iron -MUSIC FOR— REGf.$6.99 Regular ^Wlthlron And Calcium and targe Birds ^ Located at 2064 Morris Ave. in Union, B&M has sees patrons from several surrounding localities; 130 count built an^exb^aoSliffiiry patronagejwscd on fair "Most people come from Union but we get good WEDDINGS CALL -; REQ..153.89 ftBQ;j8uw I:HEQ,$4.IB " SALTWATEREISH . • 130 count 130 count 60 count p.Hces~and customer service — _ business from the local area." OffCMUTTMtt HOVMOTRUiOIIOS MARINE EQUIPMENT When it comesT to1 supplies, Schwartz says he , Kenilworth, Blobmf leld and West Orange are just NOW NOW- NOW. NOW stocks two types of .windows and door frame pro- a few of the places where B&Mcustomers originate DtsatOwm 201^486-6565 LARGEST SELECTION IN THE AREA BfTZVTESSor 2FOft OR\ 2 FOR Young Birds-Hand Tamed ducts. Naturally, one kind is aluminum, while U> On of the unique aspects of Schwartzes business is . WE CARRY IAMS EUMNUBA other is vjnyl.. ' ' that in an age where more and more businesses are 201-382-0695 - "We have to stock both because people go for both becoming computer-oriented, B&M maintains an $6.99 $3.89 $3.99 Vacationing?Leave Your Bird With Us. lL ——HOME (Eves) Compare to On»-A-D»y Formulas types, Schwartz says. anti-high tech attitude Conversely Schwartz tries to -So how does a customer decide upon which type of keep the atmosphere people-oriented and allow his window or door is the best for his or her home. Max sales to depend on customer relations. '— STOCK UP NOW ON VITAMIN E CAPRI PIZZA says it all depend on Ihe customer's own perferencq. - "The customer is buying the quality of the-dealer -l5-¥«orrtofrPlxza modi th«' "They cost about thesame,"-he sqys. "You really ~hefe, We have no machines orphone answering old fathionad way. jdon't save a lot by buying vinyl."' equipment We're the place of business,"and people 400 i.u. Everything .mod* fr«ih .Although aluminum_is still at the-top of-the- relv on that.". J*3} • VL-^jOfli/—cholco. REG. $5.89 HEQ. $3.99 - -market, Schwartzjbelieves vinyl will eventually B&M Aluminum is open 7 a m. to 5 p m, everyday 100 count California- Tomatoes S replace the metal altogetherJor this type of job. expectSunday. 100 count 100% Monarella Choaso BUY ONE GET ONE cooked In Brick Oveni. 524Boul«vard FREE— Kenilworth, NJ. NOW2FOR 276^7494-^ VTNYI: $3.99 An Easy Way REPLACEMENT BONUS PACK CALCIUM 600 ToO«tanEKcHlncN«w WINDOWS Undacap«dLool(i SAVE 2 WAY3...30 FREE W/90 To Reach Aluminum & Vinyl Siding BUY ONEGET-ONE FREE- Storm Windows CALCIUM eoo: 120 ct. FiEQi$7.« NQWXEOB47.4B DECORATIVE SR A VEL* Over 70,000 Readers CALCIUM 600 W/D 120 ot. REO. $7.89 NOW 2 FOR 17.88 STONE PRODUCTS $ MURSERYSTOCK^r BBG For Only 30°° 20«4 MorrtS AV*. UnW*T Hl-Concentrate . .' •'•*•' MAPLEWOOD NURSERIEJ DISCOUNTS Call 6867700 M«mb«n of Better Bus. Bureau 100 Springfield Avtnue YiftJlQtkU canwn OMEGA C 3 • VERTICAL BLINDSN $ KXOOO| NaIuraLEI«h-Oil-Conc«ntr • LEUOLOR BLINDS v!i ; : EVERYTHING UNDER ONE KYJ".. •' " - •"' ' ' ' • •••.;.• '' '• ""• "• .""'."•••.- • SHADES \ Now! The Highest Concentration of EPA aiid DHA • WlCHERFuSriikUHt EXECUTIVE VUJLAGE jamaiCicalesa :—- Available•<:•>:• Take Only1*3SqfiQelsapay. Courteous Service w • SILK FLOWERS Thomas riKean Cnalrtnan magle hill cleaning center .•!»..- b • UNIQUE CSFTS » 170 Ruomi • tSSulto. Qowmor INTRODUdTORYoiFER: 2 *$,$$* $12.25 «^i -- .... tiyijwiM • Mnetlnif Room • Direct Dial Phone* corporate accounts welcome • DOLLS • Cocktnll L ounjj«» • Full Klhheni • Mnjor credit cards • Color TV gift certificates available ! 686-9661 _.. . •ImtmMml NfWiirk Airport CCurtPsyv 24 hour service" "ME IRUI nNM UUMMti U«£ OUR OMI1 In Room Strain f. WMirlin PARK DRUGS, LINDEN, INC. 2064 Morns Ave., Union 1331 MMIE AVE. • UNION ^HM Stretch Umouslne Film Ror><, consult tint _ 82(M2|4 featutinguhcotn continent* 9-9 daily 1732 E. St. George Ave. • Linden 486-1875

^^^W^^M^^W*,^.^ 16 — Thursday. January 15.1987 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS -24,45* •i ... • w • . v - .. • • i J : t ! u • • ' ~-'' » T "~ " ' ^ ' i i ~'' *' ' "• • ^| - COUNTY UEADER NEWSPAPERS—Thursday, January 157198/ — 17

\ RC Lions summary High school :. By JENNIFER BER8CH gymnastics. His great day. During the summer, I practice Ex-pitcher to speak at : Some time in. the future, Joey Joseph Duda, qualified for v . five days a week, three hours a day. Duda may very well be a" name United Slates Gymnastics Olympic IHoa^TiiT ™~T :Fletcher, a Roselle .Park_Hlgh and her season average Is 203, Boys'Baskefball Thomas, Mary Lou Retton and Ttel£dylioiiiscametasecond annual Hot Stove Dinner Jan. 21. '• School" graduate, U. a freshman at Joseph L. Miller and James Keena Kenna died in 1985 at the age of 59.' In addition, Joey's 8-year-old -Joey >«cplains that "workouts tea WghJump Brearley43...... :.Manville70 Dayton 27... Gov. Livingston 49 Cathy Rigby. . ^-^' "? ™ "*-**Lion*finffis , N«aKCcmbfc_one of this year's tv . • • • • ; • . • > r brother. Robbie, has' been training In include VrapUce on the rings — GettysbuTgCoUegeln Pennsylvania. .will be inducted into the Hall of Brearley42 .. J)^yton 67...' „...- Piscataway 89 The Union Township youngster the end y, y shot put Roselle Catholic finished third with 60-5 special taductees into the Union He will receive the Herm Shaw John Danyo and Stephen Banyasz. .,•-..... St. Mary's 48 gymnastics since he lfas four-years- • which is my favorite and best event -' Fame. Miller was an All County and Brearley62 ...... Pingry44 Ros.Cath,61 Cranford94 has qualified for the National Junior scores are averaged and the results — WrestltaB County Baseball Hall of Fame, grew Memorial Award.'This'award is will be special inductees. Danyo was ' old. .Robbie worked^-with^Coach — parallel bat?,, floor exercise, All State player for Unden High Dayton 47. Union 100 .J_L^i tl. Dayton 7K Elite Gymnastics Team, from which -determine who will qualify for the up in Elizabeth, but is best kmvwnfnr presented to the most-valuable^ born -and raised In. plninHplii HP Tlt Stevenson until last year when he pommel horse, vaulting and high , . The Roselle Catholic WresUpr* atartprt rrff h»Btfn.; rfri VIn 1962, with an uveiagH uf was a pitcher and third baseman for Dayton7l. .... Boonto'n 56 UnibnlW 7.". Rahway 477 potential Olympic contenders are hsr» ' \ 7?,~"~ ""?•• Nationaliiouuiiw. duuiJuniour cuiElitce Team. The Salerno, 108 division and the tune he spent in Brooklyn with scholar/athlete, Fletcher par- ; ^ he n the Union County began training wlthl Jim Surgent. r Salerno 108 division andIfe^ Buckiev heawwe^t 6ve r WO the Plainfield High School Varsity Dayton 64.-. .•. .,.'• Ridge 53 Union9l) .• :....':OakKnoll75' chosen. ' ; - . \ . V- USGF will then look tar potential . forfeit Ed Punzaian, Steven .•• the Dodgers: ,'s.'-"^ '';. :'•'•''; ; hclpated .in tennis,. wrestling and ' conference batting title and In 1954 Robbie says that fie looks up to his, The students continued exercise competitors in future Olympic Wojtaszek and Brian 1 • •During:hls career Wewcombe won Baseball team from 1936-39. He later Linden 58...... Elizabeth 54 Joey, 11, has been involved in to ^« to football while a^Roselle Park High. wa8; voted the league's most Wrestling brother's accomplishments and' thdrjodiesjhj^wtotisrefe^^ the Rookie of the fear award in 1949. pitched and played infield in the Linden 54...; .'•4..;...-. Union 49 gymnastics training, since he- was 1 Stradford, a Linden High School valuable player. Miller was then Dayton 18:..,. wants—to-learn—from—him—He to~as^"SrclHfi; ' which includes sit- tea m "Inl886,'he became th&first pitcher Plainfield Industrial League and for Linden55 ...... Cranford40 ...;..:. Millburn40 —3 '/iryears .okfcjirider" the~^IrecliorToT , --~ ' ,, R«*e"eCathoUc then won its match against HUJside 36-31, but lost to graduate, will receive the Chris Zusi isigriedLto the New..York jYankee_ 1 especially "would likeJo-travel to lips, pull-ups, on the high bar and T - Plainfield •• in.-the-Union—County- • •"•••• :~r.Clark 43 _Dayton.44 „-...... Hillside 18- Joey's mother explains-that "Joey Jona««an^ayt<>tHflghSehool,54^87andtoRidge50-18g,^dtoRIdge5013 . " -~to'-j)e-tiamed^:the Most~Valuable~' MemortalAward for the outstanding' farm system in 1955. In the 1960-61 th» r>iow.w-. x,sis.s- nA-.~ ._ high-stand push-ups. As a matter of 1 '^League. •"•, >." ._•' t.-—^v: •'.'., Ros.Cath.5fJ... St. Patricks_49 Dayton 54 ', . Roselle Catholic 18 .... vjsited the Olympic Training Center In *e Dayton match Punzalan, Uly Raberil andBurke all wori-their '; Player and Cy' Young Award winner. athlete of Union County. Stradford, season he was invited to train with ,in Roselle Park. ~ ^lorado SPrinf °ne *?!" *»' as fact,'Joey proudly announces that he \ in October of 1985 and.October of : Ros.Cath.44 ...... Immaculata 40 Dayton 20 . ... . Ridge 42 rnatches by pinning their opponents:— • • „ .. . He participated in three World who attends Boston College, holds the, Yankees, but his career was • Banyasz was a shortstop and • Linden 18 .'...:. Rahway 51 ccordlng to his mother, ciss^ hlsbrotherhasdone- is capable of completing as many as 1986 for training purposes. However, Roselle Park 58. North Plainfield 49 In the Ridge match Marie Salarno and Raberil won by: forfeit. Lincoln Series but never wpn a game. V . th.e .all . time. rushing record in curtailed by an arm injury.', . ' starting pitcher from 1929-31 for' Roselle Park-48-.- Lindea44.-,..; .• vPlainfield28- .Joey always was a Very active Wnen Joey was 7 years oltf, he 39 high-stand push-ups in one Uiis pSsfDecember, he went as a Prout won hisl47 pound division by pinning his opponent in 5:13. .Along wiOiNewcbmbe, two other football at Boston with 3,192.yards. Keena, after attending Curtis High Westfleld High School. From"1931iJ2~ ...... Middlesex 37 Unioh49. ...^^ .Linden 55 Rqs. Cath. 48 .. .. .^.. Dunellen 22- _young boy, and she felt that gym- - became a -member- of'theUoited '-minute.-'., .,'-- potential candidate for.the youngest —=^J-—• -- •/•• . Girls Basketball • _..,_ v ••:.•,' '>-%:~.~^ .... .Special inductees arid-two men-who- He also has the career record for he played in the Plainfield League, School in Staten Island, signed with Union 54...... •. Union Catholic 68 Ros. Cath. 36 ... HilIside-31 nasties would'be a good way- to agagroup nationalteam——l^__ : Lady Lions lost to Berkeley Heights 69-19 last Week as the team wasn't were. elected earlier this year,, touchdowns with ;33; He was voted- the Brooklyn Dodgers. From 1946^48 •the Union County Industrial League Ros.Cath. 18... Dayton54. A m*m^ ~^£A_ JAMBL.1 _JI ^.fi • mi *m "« ' * '. mm . . Union68 ...... >.: S. Plains 70. direct her son's -energy. She feels requirement for anyone who wishes tensive time that practice consumes. • "After the testing, 10 gymnasts in able to go into clmibjeagits in any of the four quarters. through balloting' of the Baseball the most valuable player in the 1986 hp plnypd'with Fhe minor league' and the Union County League. ~* Ros. Cath. 18... ..Ridge 54 that gymnastics is "a disciplined to compete in the sport. Not only . because-I-can't-thlnk of anything I Joey's age division were chosen td • Assocratfon, will be inducted.. ' ' • Cotton Bowl and was just voted in as.'" - '-•.•;•''' ' •'. '•' ' ••" •-. • ' Roselle Park 37. ..Ridge27- sport. It teaches one to move all of does oneyhavc~to.be at least 7 years would do to occupy my time if I was ' make up the national team. Joey ,, ' The 51st Annual Hot Stove Dinner the East's MVP in the 1987 Japan. the body parts as well as control and old to join the USGF, but one also not involved in the sport. It also has .placed ninth, in the . testing, * will also serve as a fund-raiser for 'Bowl,"' ' .••• ,• ;•"'.;.';';'' i,'- ,':,-. ; . • Summit 25 muscle coordination.".,In addition, Ice fishing derby casts off must be capable of doing certain • been a great way to meet people, qualifying him to be a member of the Hawks lose opener '. the youth" league.; Trophies j'and .':' Dorin,. another' Linden graduate, " Dayton 23...... Immaculata 71 Union 39 .'.. Roselle Park 11 she'explains that.both she and her routines-pertaining to the five dif- makeTfriends*"ajld travel. Gym-, team." ;.., L... ._^_... L -v....;; ». • . awards will be presented to teams will receive the JosephiLombardi .The eighth annual William".Curnow Memorial Ice Fishing Derby will Dayton 25....:... Boonton 64' husband, Craig, were involved/|iv ferent age classifications./• '• nasUcs has been a greafopportunity According tov. Stevenson, "Joey Jne Harding Hawk boys team is coached by Jeff Kaltreider. • and individuals recognized as MemoriMemoriaa l Award for.: be'ng:being:. hthee start at sunrise Saturdays-Headquarters for the two-day event wilt be Dayton 27...... VT. .... Ridge 73 teaching gymnastics. Joey .explains thai "during the~~ -fotme'"""""." stands out an^n'g other gymnasts- basketball tean) recently qpenedjts J_The.Hawks then got in the-wln gptehp outstanding athlete in Union County. the Bait & Boat Sport Shop oni Route 183, Stanhope, next to the Hess Dayton 31 .Roselle Catholic 38 Track Joey's parents art not the only winter, I- trai n with Stevenso.„.„•••n siy.• .,.._ . She is presently attending West... Station, Contestants have until 4 p,m. on Sunday to have their catches Brearley 27 .. y...... "... Pingry 45 Linden30.5.. ..Union46.5. 1 sinc column in their secojid game With a takes place at the Town and Cam- -family members with-an interest In—daysTTtoeck for two to three hoursTf— ^- strong team effort against;.WinHeld pus, 1040 Morris Ave., Union. Texas State University. She is a . weighed in at derby headquarters. •' Roselle33 •'....'....,.. .Clark38 s Park. The Hawks scored the first Tickets, which .are $20,. can be ob- bowler who finished first in the' Only fish caught in Lake Musconetcong will be eligible for prizes... Roselle 38 ...... Mother Seton 25 ?nd fel1 least 50 medals and about 75 ribbons. naturally very strong and has'an behind by 15 points, but basket of the game and kept the . tained from the Parks office by Austin, Texas_cla,ss(c. The school"; Cash prizes will be given" for the heaviest-bass, catfish, perch and' Ros.Cath. 19.. .Berkeley Heights 69 In the 1986 New Jersey State me ability to work very hard. /'. ' ^ back and played well the final pressure, on for the whole game to calling5274900. •'" ' team placed, first in the ,St. Louis :, pickerel.. •'•• •' .•'——,' ••-, •• _ .;'•.• ' • " " • . ; Roselle Park 60, .North Plainfield 27 Championships held In East ^'Jtay-Jikes nothing-better-than———t^JLj91MirJers_tqv rinse the-final- Hihith5li27-itrT~ . The. registration fee for fishermen of all ages is $5. Anglers may . Roselie Park 67...... Middlesex 35 l27victoryr;Tom 1 -BTOiBwlckTrJoejrplaced'Tlrst'outbf • '•","••••(,' *• • - •'•. • ' ' • - . ' • ' 1 • • "gymiiastics. A lot of;o-I.JI__»_ cu—i twonninta -Harvard edged out-Yale by the score ••n4;46JT7~—r^--.—:ri.. '...:..'.• ;.,•;"•:•.,. ' Cruz did the job;..: '•••'.'• „•.•'!:,•.•.•'.•';..•'•• "pledge forms can be obtained by contacting .New Jersey Special dealer spaces can .be obtained by ^^L1M^~-GaUteeecSchool • calling Bill Vivona at 201-376-9316, Or' Oklahoma, Columbia, and Harvard ". In an Ivy League game, Ricky of 40-39. Andy Huber led the Harvard In uje-mile irelay the Panthers .:> * In the team shot put Linden Olympics at 242 Old New Brunswick Road in Piscataway or by calling SPRINGFIELD AVE firiished.third in 3:53;6. Coming in !• finished fqurtttand Brearley. came themat562-1500; '.•'.' . —-"• ' .— — •''. •'•'•' • writing.P.0. Box 1073, Springfield, ^^rge^victorious"- Lissy dnd Columbia blasted Cornell, team with 11 points. Joe Pecoria and : ; «F_. L-LAMJ 'J— '*-I_!j—— n.Prt'j _^.J *Y_ '"T|- ••'win fittYv~~~' *••••'•"•• '••" • — .-•- ' • O7Q81. a stat UNION - competitors frorfrsuch states' as • •*» « League game, 36-27. Lissy'controlled the Columbia Michael Reddington each scored netting 28 points, in- (inlh^Union Market Firtlng tot) New'York, New Jersey. • Penn, Oklahoma squeaked by Alabama by eight points, while Terrence Young a score of 22 17 Brian the first half, while also -...,.—..•...»..scored six ,and Steve Prezmiksld . \ Photaby osLong ylvania-, Maryland, District of - " - -Costello led ; 7T ci NEW concept...' SHOR^DRUGS- Clbin?iiiT~ ~~~~ ' __., wwjw, -- •defensiyely=by=bloclcing-T-sco,red frver [ WIIH THIS COUPON] UP AND OVER—Eleyenyear-old Joey Duda practices' his- netting 12 points, while Josh Beck hit "iree Cornell shots. Greg Berman For Yale, Ryan_Feeley_ied-the Neil a Judy Rotrctttln dismount from the parallelbars during a practice session at Stevenson explains, that if,_yoir and THE MEDICAL lk.lOU.buWC.IU finished among the top five places at on four field goal attempts for a total Jason Mullman also scored for team with 12 points in a losing ef- Surgent's School of Gymnastics in Roselle Park. The ofof ; eight peints.points.' Steven Horowitz Cp'umbla by netting six and two . fort. Joe Perez scored 10 points Ociiclon $ER«ICE CENTER youngster recently qualified for the National Junior Elite Wthe regionalregional , you qualified to go to "Complete HMltJlWro" chippe"• d•• In' wit h• two points'•'•. ] ..* points; respectively. •— rwhile' Jamie Shutz and" Sean r : "TtieCarSpa' Team.' • • 5 >-<"^ .thh e GasotGrassrodtss DepmenDevelopmentt CamCamp 1 NfwAR*K^CAbEM^', IlV.INGSJON.^...... ','.!. ,-locatcd at the Olympic Training1 For .Alabama, Drew Weishofiz Ryan Huber led Cornell with 14 Weinerman each scored eight 401N.Wood'flve.tUnden .points. While Chris Swartzbeck, points ' A totally unique coriceptl • _,, 'All activities will be elec- 486-4155 OPEN DRY- FREEDEUVERy Buy Direct ~ I Year parts & 90 days Service & Labor Warrantee* by ZENITH- f; ';' tlves so each camper will choose " Additional 9 months Service & Labor Warranteed by POST TV Sales & HOUSE ' his/her own acllvllles (or every period andPRESSED — Mon^FH.- 800 i«i.-teI0 (tmr— -i-l Sit 8:30 i.ra, to 9 p.m. j OVERHEAD Service, Inc. Ask us for details^•:'-;• -Z. r.' . ;._ ol the day. Campers decide their own LOOK FOR.,. . Individual.schedules! COMPUTER?: 30 color- _ Vauxhall 3k S«n.tHolldir> 8:30 im.lo 6 p.m. BR QARAGE 1/2 OFF 7 A NEW SPECIAL USHLESS_ sound computers SPORTS! tennis, basketball, , RinselStomCaiiiliM ussYour ' EACHWEEK" DOORS EVERYTHING! Cleaners tj|n.D>)^n|» tom«tla:.Martercriaroe. polter's'wheel S klip, leather cralt, cartooning, painting 2131 Springfield Ave. :&:drawlng, candle making. CLUBS:' rocketry, newspapers, 687-9714 Union • ..n. ,\..,„.,„<,„•,•« Order youc 'tutoring, DRAMA • MUSIC: shows, chorus, acting, improvisations SUNBURST SWIMi $ lane healed Indoor pool, water sports, diving. DANCE: SUPER BOWL Specials ""' v"•-' a>rQblc?,'break dancing, tap.'Jan', disco Dogr-to-Door Van Transportation * Lunoh Program FCGI tree to call 992-7767 tor information brochure TM ZENITH It's our famous hall yearly etorewlde 6 ft.-8 ft. SUBS & DELI 100b POSTHADIO & T.V. SERVICE "nothing held back" " 1 • • • • • • • i • • ' • • Real Wood • Solid Mlllwork 100 Doors In Stock • Som« Specials Mfg. .iJfl^SpringfieldAve.. Maplewood Hot & Cold buffet style catering for all WhilTodaey Yoloru ou Waltr Fre. Othere News 3-24>pao5 Days_e Brochur» ~ e •.. / • Distributor-Authorized Dealer ; C)ur Kvt'rv liav Low I'rlce (lori'tJorgeil and Compare bur Spec& • Also Available: /., Same Day Service with every sale 2 Heads $324" occasions all made Fresh on the~Rrernises "Steel, Fiberglass, Aluminum. • Prices by SALE! phone. . _ _• .•yHIN.,0 registerfor Select from over 7,000 current uniforms and shoes - 761-4674 • J723327 .. ';:., ,,:,,;HJy'..-;.; CmiiToiiFm*: 1-80O872-49S0 : : : f Specializing in 'finejfali}''>'.'ii- ' ' -' ' - in 2 great locations! Op«n:etlll4:30-3»t ttlna /' I designing any tixe party %o Wt your taste & budget

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',x-:\;c;^.xw'-A-i^.'"~^-^^ 8' r

18 — Thursday, January 15,1987 rr- COUNTY LEAPER NEWSPAPERS -1,24,4,5,6*

Us Pi-' '


SURGE0N; G|NERALS WARNJNp- Smoking By Pregifant WQrneni May Resulfin'Fetal C^ : -. on \: XJMon County ; January 15,1987 'J5vJ%& '•>"! '••t^^tlonJWooHheUnlon^gader.jprfafltleld Leader, MountainsideEcho, Linden Leader,! The 'spectator; Kenl'lworihLeader Over 70,000 Readers • yn^rf..,.^,^

: : r J " -^.^-'';*;':-- ''-;:: :!;'; r Bumper stickers

fc have a lot to spy ••''••.• ;•', By JENNIFER BEKSCH- . . . '',.:_ .'•' c When people are driving iria car, particularly whenJJieylarcalone,- Ihero are a variety of things they can do to help, time pass quickly — other than concentrating on their driving, that is.. , . Many enjoy the surrounding scenery or sing along to some of their favorite songs on the radio or cassette player, Another time-passing option is reading the bumper,'stickers . plastei'edTm'ihgxarsiit-tf0TnJoTlhemTTn7sTs~~especially applicable, when the driver is waiting patiently in traffic. " v^- ", Now, in addition to bumper stickers, many cars sport yellow, diamond-shaped boards that also carry slogans and are in danger of being banned.or regulated, in some'states because thoy distract drivers trying to read the signs while driving. Local police, however, 'say they have not yet been notified of any regulations on (he agenda in NowJcrsey. ". ' Bumper stickers cover a wide range of subjects. Political af- 5. i filiations, hobbies, occupations and hometown and sports team loyalties are just a few of the topics that arc evident on people's cars via the bumper sticker. . .: • . pumper stickers arc a source of word play as well. This is exem- jitifjed through_the..followlng bumper s(ickerlphrases:-ilSupporLpork:-- > Run over a chicken"..."Promote wildlife: Throw a party"..."Nurses < * s * call theshots"..,"Support the arts and kiss a musician." -;-. j. Bumper, stickers* can also serve as a way of-bringing people together, Members'of a business called Bumper Mate have their dating data kept on Jile—Irraddition, each member's car bears a BUMPER Bumper Mate sticker. Bumper Mate subscribers can copy down the .hcehsc platesof cars"also bearlngTBumpcr MaTc sticker ifthey are Interested in meeting the driver. The interested person then calls Bumper Mate which will-give them information on the person driving the car. /.'_ ;; :_ ,;___.._L_ .^:. • ' • ... ' STICKER Howeverjfuhny or clover some of the bumper stickers are, others servo the purpose of carrying very serious messages, Awbng those, are-stickers that Say "None For ..The Road" or,"MADD" (Mothers ; Against Drunk Driving), Both of these statements carry the message', that driving and drinking are two activities that should bo kept MANIAC L separate. • ' ..,...• '• -r.:\. :. • Likewise,! "Arms Are For Hugging" carries with It anti-military implications. ' • .'•• • At the Eugcne-^Barker Texas History Center In Austin, Texas, ON ' bumper sticker memorabilia arc being^rescrved. According to Ralph Elder, head of public services, there are approximately 3,000 bumper ~ stickers In the Center's archive. '' .:' .•'.'••' Elder explains that Paul Harvey, a Chicago radio broadcaster BOARD *» S encouragod-hlg-jistenersj-through-a-mutual-radlo-networkrlosubmit-1- bumper stickers. After lie had received a great number, he sent them to the center where they are presently being storcdj The bumper stickers at the Center primarily deal with national, state and local concerns during the liffOs. Bumper sticker subjects include slogans concerned, with planned parenthood, peace, war, religion, safety ahd tfib Nixon/Watergate scandal._^1 Paul Wlnklqr, 'an employee pf Bolmor International Advertising" Company, located in Hillside, explains that Belmor designs at least •\.\ 100,000 bumper stickers yearly. He says that their clients range anywhere from small, privately owned businesses to large corporate companies such as RCA and SONY.'. !• : .- He explains that he has worked in the advertising field for the past. six'Vycars and comments that bumper stickers -have maintained constunt popularity. However, he notes that for a short while, people. were not putting bumper stickers on their automobiles because the stickers would not come off With cns« ap'J rpftimint-! nf rin»«;Hi-l«>r- ; < < would be left on the vehicle. ~^ t.. -«' is 1 HoweVcr7Wlnkieri!xplains]thatTnahyrprintlngcompalircs7s5chaki s - Gill Studios, located In Kansas, now use an adhesive backing as op-' SH-ftJt.a'/jl JOIPTu« posed to the once widely used vinyl backing". The adhesive tape makes '• for an easier and.cleaner removal of the sticker! . Lou Vetter of Vcttcr Associales located InMountalnslde employs ' Gill Studios as well for the manufacture of bumper stickers. He ex- _pi?!n?J^AUiW?LiPff,5JLU!pn.i!nJ^ULiffLU!btikldl7p 0 million of which are manufactured by Gill. Rumpcr stickers manufactured by^Glll are assoclate

AAiisftiihrtlfets Following are the winning New Jersey Lottery numbers trwsi&d^ •^ Throughout the school-year,. The In. the state specially designed to "Morris Museum provides . theater, • forthe weeks ofT)ec;'15,22,-29 "Juba,"*! new musical, witii book" ~\Vhen asked to explain what her man In, 1845? And why was he educate and entertain, ;•'•.' .; and Jan. 5: , .;••; . programs (or school groups from ..Recommended Tor ages 7 through and - lyrics by Wendy Lamb and musical is: about, Lamb.safd, "I allowed to win? Who was be? What, 5 ' grades K through 8. PICK-IT AND PICK 4 music by Russell Walden, will be came across Juba's story in January: an idea foramusicall" '—--•- .adult, this year's series will feature • Dec. 15—041,1107 . • Upcoming programs Include: "Journey Into Jaz?Vwltii the-Mark presented at the.' Paper .Mill of I960 when I was reading an article Lamb is a writer whose stories "Plnocchio" for grades K through 4, .•'•'•".•"• Dec. 16-316,7878 Playhouse, Millburn; Monday and on tap dance. One sentence leapt out and-Gary: Blackman Jazz Quartet t have appeared in such magazines as -and "Duffy and the Devil" for ' taking-a humorous fook a' '-^"^" =^nesday at'8 p.mi on UveinainstoBer~7atrwer Byni845,TrTirie^bdni black, "Redbook" and "Mademoiselle." d K hh ,, The- staged' reading is; free, but .William Henry-Lane, had achieved; Walden has ierved-as-B-musical- . reservaUons. sh^d^ber:ma,de-by^^aTnel^^ dlrector and arranger for such T5ecT2O—777,5518 calling Mrsr Nigrb in-the Paper Mill jig dancer, John Diamond, in staged • pec.22-822,7421' artists as Mary Travers, Judy public relations office, it—WAS an- ^challenges.' I thoughtrwhaTwas this Collins and Jane OJivor He recently Dec. 23—849,6102. nounced . man dolng'on a stage with a white • Dec:24-~i44,7384 joined Peter, Paul and Mary for •' Dec. 26-^323,0146 their 25th anniversary concerts at tale of the lovable wooden boy. .'. 1 the Minskoff Theater; To complete the '86-'87 season, the • •..:•' All performances take place; on • Dec. 27i-k>34,3379 Shoestring Players will offer, a Sunday afternoons with a choice of. Dec. 29—074,5151 Young Peoples [concertDirector of "Juba" is Sheldon hilarious and imaginative, program .seatings at 2 p.m. or 3:30 p-m. Each ' Dec. 30-164,2828 Epps, who conceived and directed concert includes a narration and. beb.31-828,4176 The Livingston Symphony Or- will. receive Livingston, Symphony of "Duffy and the Devir and Other "Blue£ in the x Night," which demonstration to further enhance . ian..l-51113O77' chestra, under the direction of Orchestra balloons at the conclusion ' Folk Tales from Around the. World" of the concert received a Tony nomination for Best on Apr. .30, May 1,5,6 and 7. - the performance. , • • Jan. 2-642,6244 --.- Istvan Jaray, music director and Musical in 1981. He atep dffected the Jan: 3-7482,4538 conductor, ~wilF present the or- All performances are'at 10 a.m. : This : yeari • "Music, Maestro!" Director Jaray is in his third year Broadway production of "Scenes Jan."5-«>i,4155_ chestra's ejghth annual Young and-Revelations—at the Circle-in-. and 12:30 p.m. and special school will take place on Feb. 8.Mar. 8 and v 'Jan. 6V652,5545 .," ^Peoples' concert Saturday, at 2 p"m_- -with the orchestra. Jaray was born rates.are in effect, Phone 538-0454 Apr.' 12. ticket prices have been . - In- the Livingston High School "inHungary and was graduated from -for further Information;—-——.""p :'- maintained at the price of $17 for the~ auditorium Admission is free and the "Franz Liszt- Academy in DonaldW Cha^ musical director 'ALONE TOGETHER'—Anthony Gudell and his girlfriend, -—For the seventh conseculive-year,^- full series. Individual performance Jan. 8-329; 1171 the concert 13 open to young people Budapest. He traveled to England of "Juba," was musical director and Megan Brennan invade his parents' empty nest In the . The Morris Museum, Morristown, tickets may also be purchased at $6 . Jan '9-7748,7839 of all ages. It was announced that and In 1965 moved to Canada/Two principal conductor at the St Louis Westf leld Community Players' production which opened last announces the performers and dates . for museum members and $7 for Jan. 10^-253,7689- years later he came to the United RIBBON-CUTTING ceremonies were held at the completely .^children should^bc accompanied by MUNY Opera-He was tho musical—Saturday-evening and wllfrun Through-tomdrrbWrSaturday*- for "Music, Maestro!" - .the general admission. Tickets are ^ Tin adult. ^r " States and now resides in New York director for the national companies Jan. 23 and 24 , , .'•'..: - classical music and dance series for available at The Morris Museum or- renovated Elizabeth Ford facilities located at 550 N. Broad r.; 15—2, 9,' 18, 21.: 22, 23, , City, where he "pursues an active St, Elizabeth. The grOundup reconstruction Inclo.de5=.e!ti. The theme of this year's concert is of "Woman of the Year" and '(La children and adults. "Music,- may be purchased by mall. For bonus -77393.;;%.:'-:.:...:...:".. 1 schedule of composing and con - panded showroom and service-departments, and a.fully ^ "A Trip to the Zoo,' and the Cage Aux Folles." In addition, Chan Maestro I" is the longest running additional information ' ^-Dec, 18^-13, 17, 18,21, 30, 34, ducting." will direct the Broadway revival o'f scries of its kind and the only senes_ 0454 ~- stocked Ford parts store From left, Elizabeth Ford Vice. _bonus -33142::.: '- ••':—: ' program will include Saint-Saen's Arts how reception slatecj President, Jeff Liebler ancTwife Karen; bllzaBeffTAAaybr "Carnival of the" Animals," As in the past, Saturday's concert "Cabaret" with Joel Grayy Dec. 22-3, 12, 14, 15, 18, 25; will be free. The orchestra's costs Md Ellit An opening reception for "Juried-^Show '87" will remain on view in the Dunn, Elizabeth Ford President Rich Liebler with wife, . bonus—.73175. "'..'' Rossini's- "Thieving Magpies," Mercedes Ellington, who will Fred L. Palmer • Gallery at the Anna, and youngest son, Jason, and Ford District Manager Rimski-Korsakov's "Flight of thedre met through donations' from choreograph the staged reading of Show '87'' will be held Sunday from 2 BobLuscb. " • " : Dec2(5—4,15. , 23, 24, 37, 42, individuals and corporations to 5 p m. at the Summit Art Center, Summit Art Center through Feb: 19., bonus- 23094. i Bumble Bee" and "Pop Goes the "Juba," has been involved with 10 Regular gallery visiting hours are Further information can be obtained 88 Elm St, Summit Seven awards, ; CROSSWORD Dec. 29^-5, 7, 14, 27, 30, 35, Weasel" with variations by Cailhet musicals on Broadway, Including noon to 4 p.m. weekdays and 2 to 4. " As in the past, Allegro the Clown will by calling Alice apd Louis Johansen "Sophisticated Ladies/' She ap- totaling $1,550, will be presented at 3 bonus- 51587. \ '•.' ' ^ at 731-2841. p m Refreshments will be served. p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Jan." 1—3, 8,-12, 13, 22,'37, be in attendance, and the audience "peared on television for seven Docented tours of the show can be PUZZLE >Cea*si&mi seasons as a June Taylor Dancer on This reception is free'&nd open to tho bonus - 59789.""'~~~ ' '•, public. -•' . • „ "-."""• 'arranged by calling 273-91217— Edited by Trade Michel Jaffe FnrwMkolJin 15toJan.22 some typo may hurt your ego during this Jan..5-lp, 18; 21, 24, 32, 40, the Jackie Gleason ShowT Contemporary. >atcrcolor and ACROSS 2 Gaelic ARIES (3/21-4/20) The coming week troubled period. Later, you may bo coloring bonus- . 34572. .':' Sculpture display in Summit The staged reading, which Is The exhibition was "juried" by acrylic paintings by Dorothy Ganck 29 Carried on 47 Wave, on the ushers In a rather intense period where 1 Diamonds eg 3 Novel by 30 Imitation of 1 .Costa del Sot things as you.want to see them, not as they Jan, 8—5,, 12, 16,17, '22, 34, funded in part by a grant from the Peter Plagens, a New York artist, of South Orange will be on exhibition residence family or property Is concerned : '"Spontaneous Sounds," an the corporate headquarters of 1 5 Tired-looking Sinclair Lewis really are. '-.•" ' ' ' bonus: < 23235.- ' •"•'••"•' NJ State Council on the Arts, is from Jan. 30 to'March 12 hi the. Across 50 Hebrew letter Dealings wnn eiders, Bosses or inose in exhibition of sculpture' by Chatham United Telecommunications in professor and critic Art work was 10 Chime 4 On the bias 31 Cornered 61 One, tea, VIRGO (8/24-9/23) Expect to be In tho part of Paper Mill's Musical Theater submitted from all areas of the Members' Gallery of the Summit ; authority may be difficult if not downright artist Betty McGeehan is on display Kansas City, Mo. 14 Viva voce - 5 Puts down 34 Actor Vlgoda •-. Frauleln limelight during this week, you will have tho Project, "an ongoing endeavor United States and from foreign Art Center. Ganek Is an award- 15 Eldritch nastyl Later be alert to deceptive influences, at the Kent Place School Gallery, 42 McGeehan's works have been 6 Authentic' 40Calfelno- ;. ' 52 Fox follower are you being fo'qled or are you fooling opportunity, to sharper! or enhance career designed to develop new musicals countries.:Co-chairmen of the show winning artist who has been elected 16 River through 7 Actress Meyer containing seed 53 "La — aux Norwood Ave, Summit, through exhibited hthroughout the country. for eventual presentation at the yoursell??? .. .:' ' skills and further education, may be In the 'W/sh'grbi/p Including the National Sculpture were Becky Eckstein of Short Hills into "membership in many art Flrenze of "Kate and .41 Bud and Folles" —."; picture for some. Later In tho week, serious Feb 8 Gallery hours are 9 a m to 3 Millbum theater " and Joy Wilson of Summit.. "Juried ' associations. 17 Where the Allle" '• " ' George 64 Jordan River TAURUS (4/21-5/21) You need to remain contemplation revolves around residence or pm weekdays, and weekends by Society, New York City, in 1985 . Amur (lows 8 Instant 42 Civil War • •>-—suite- conservative In all financial matters, un- living arrangements lit the months ahead. plpnssessjon appointment with Jane Hutchinson, 18 Clock feature 9 Inhabiting an __::_: , general-_i - 55 Witty sayings : stable trends warn you to put-something- 273-0900 20 Illustrator of Island 43 Foolish —UBRjq9/2™/23JTifllueni1al trends con- 56 Farm sound ' away for a rainy day.'Deallngs with In-laws, TheMaktAaW^JEwaaUon of . , ••iF'irs "Alice In 10 Zoroastrians tlnuo to develop In career matters, olhets The 12 works featured in the 1 45 Wire measures 57 Wnd direction neighbors or those In uniform may be . New*Jersey announces a meeting of T HUTOUOTIVE Wonderland ' 11 Bruhnof the comply with your wishes and while .overall exhibit are crafted of highly polished aggravating during this period. Later, you financial Influences are favorable, don't lake ; its ' ynlon Countyi Division, Wed bronze Their musical names, such k ~ Mosrimay ~ 22 Telephone - ballet ' feel muddled by personal confusion. Walt It -nesdiy at 7 p:m. at the Elizabeth •i-vnsi booths 12 Sothem .. ", out, don't fight It. • y. ..' • ; —._.,.on additional debts :at this tlriifl. Later,- ,as "Golden Sonata," "Sonatina'^ •uvTwiu R— WEWVE-ir 23 Porch, to Plato namesakes1 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: '.siblings assume importance, .travel: plans Office, 326 Morris Aye. > .. and "Harmonica I," "refJecl the STUYVESANT 24 Galena ' 13 Captain's nnn nnmn GEMINI (5/22-6/21) This Is a good tlmi to are possible, and news is jinked to more .The foundation's goal is to Vglvc fact that they are representations of \ -.niauaw ff WHOLESALE 25 Feeler ' chronicle nnnnn n .' reassess good fortune'. .. •',' • »;: any New Jersey-youngster with a McGeehan's responses to classical iAIRCUTTIN^ 28 Essay- ' 19 Sweet wine QnmnEiriniHraaninnmE your financial condition and plan'on making life-threatening illness and; tho music" - WM6U»UI [ torn PUBLIC 32 NBA superstar 21 Particle-- . some, changes that will allow you more SCORPia|10/24-11/22)Although-favof~ family special memories — not just mien _L AUTOP'ARTS QniQLi ramnra nin 1 The works are "characterized by QualityHairCuts Larry _v^_ 25 Belittle ' ... ' independence In money matters. Later ,'your .able.nows ushers In this week, there will be' the final images of hospitals and tfLm fi» We Cany all Uie umm anil anno some snags to work put before you can take fluid shapes delineated in metal at Affordable Prices! T3'The world, 26 Phlleas Fogg on optimistic mood could rub olhsrslhe wrong treatments — and it hopes to provide hard to get items. : bands and varied with stylized cut according to .. . dim ... • way. avoid show-off or arrogant attitudes: full advantage of pending opportunities.: such memories through the granting lines and acute angles " McGeehan • Shakespeare .27 Power sources' Later, communlcalons and local travel keep of special wishes to these children " OPtMSUHBAYIHH 2Plt 35 Mosel feeder .28 Becoming less ' ; CANCER;(6/22-7/23) Misunderstandings. you busy,.double check appointments and noted that each sculpture is "In- SMUIID«VS7J0».HS4SrU .are likely.Jo.provoke some trouble In'the schedules and allow extra lime In finishing-'. :"".'. The. foundation: states. that it cT,°/n25%OFF 38 Nero's T"^ ' green : ; dividually tuned to blend shape, salutation. anna ' week ahead, keep facts and figures straight .. lingering projects. . • • . '•'•'" "recognizes , ','Uie~~lmportance of space, and image into aesthetic even If It means putting things on paper., Special MOM. thru FRI. UO5lDWtOHE.545PU. 37 Sash (or ' nraan nnm nmn .SAQITTARIUS (11/23-12/21) The pow- family togetherness and includes union," Cto-Clo-San • •• Later, goings, on In career or domestic parents and brothers and sisters In a rjiE] nnnri ncnn mailers fciirneed-your careful attention, erful Influence of.Satan In your'llfa now, McGeehan has had eight previous OPEN MON. thru SAT 38 Honshu bay >duld cause you to "want to break free of child's wish .whenever, possible In solo exhibitions and has won VAUUUU (UNION), It 1 39 Hide's partner read between tha lines more Is going on this way, Uie entire "family ex- than meets the eyel limiting or restricting; people or drcum- •' numerous awardsi Enlargements of umu-Mu 4 r Final words stances Personal1 obligations are heavy periences a happy, meaningful time 43 Pay up. nnnm rannmn two of the pieces in the "Spon- BUY-WISE LEO (7/24 8723) Unsettling conditions pre- now and key alliances are fooling the strain, together: during,a: .period in their taneous Sounds" series are placed at AUTO PARTS 44 Buries vail for many, problems related to. children, a chango.ln marital status: may be In the lives that otherwise revolves around 48 Wrote for " In laws or finances may Intrude'on_you£ offing for some, • . ;._ *path 4$Ad — uds^ .; 49 Famous nom de I i. i i . very selective now In who you trust or allow While ^foundation cannot-llbaV— DINING ' plume OUaaV ClOSing -Mirymir llts, deMiltlve trends.are high- the ttimi e it would like to givi et hthese AND JAEGER OVERHEAD 50 Fanatic ** lighted andd a •. seriouserlous-mls|udgmens "misludomentt "nonow lieaiwId'^ldritWflll the TQUYAKISTCAK AMDCHJCKEH DIMMER 53 Skull • Martin Luther King's birthday- i.uuiu naunt^you for sometime to cpmo, DANCING GARAGE DOOR 56 Prevailing will be celcbrated-by Union Qounty Later it becomes apparent that temporary sot backs, delays or obstacles thwart'your i ahtoxome true.-Wtshes current of College on Monday, Jan 13, take.^ny. form,.from.-being it —Every - activity All administrative offices will "be Immediate plans. ' •'•-. '—•—~- Wednesday and BrMajr Evening Come celebrate the new year with pn 'i 58'"— each life ." closed for the holiday observance at AQUARIUS (i/2i7f/19) Be extrajaifilllL. exciUngdinnerfortwo...sllce4jdiced, 1 59 A Japanese — all four of the College's, campuses in In health matters; Especially where "back,••'.' Featuring ' seasoned and sizzled right before yoi»»^ 60 The Friendly CranfuntrScotch Plains, Elizabeth bones and Joints are concerned, don't over, .-withacelebrity.", : x Islands The^fdU -9AN0I JA*VIS eyes.Themoretheraerrierat "* '' and Plalnfleld, Including the In- exert yourselKYou.may-ta-.ln a-very- ,. Benihana,somakeHtwo,four,«^ 61 Excellent! stltute for Intensive English and the domlneerlng frame of. mind' during' this volunteers. Interested in donating 62 Dill herb of the period curb the tendency to barl< orders ol.. their time "even as little as an hour t LIVE MUSIC SO'sMO's/VO's > , oreighL.,andcomecclebrate.'t' Employment Skills Center Qffef good at dinner only until" '"*J"*'' Bible late At w«ek's end you shoulder duties • :a week" or talents, in helping to • NORTHERN ITAUAM —INSTUUTION -'PARTS tNWDE. 63 17tH cen Dutch Also to be closed on Jan 19 are the related to heaWundjIders.. grant a .wish:to Union County boys GUISINE painter Schools of Nursing and Radiography 1 xlNTlMATbLOUNGfc •REPMUS *RESIDENTIM. of Elizabeth 'General Medical PISCES (2/20-3/20) The emphasirbeglns ..' • and ,girls..'Anyone •interested in •AUTOMATIC (COMMERCIAL 04 Otd English becoming a volunteer or who would • RfcSbRVATIONS ' letters Center, BjuJabeth, and Muhlcnberg to shift during this week,: personal and" •• REQUESTED OPENERS •INDUSTRIAL private goings on take top bllllnfl. Bealertto..'. like more information on tho Regional Medical Center, Plalnficld Division DOWN , All College offices will reopen on . . _ 276-7775 1 Fall guy Tuesday, Jan 20, Classes for the motives of another,. .you may not like Hw^ meeting op call Susan Mecca'at 233 JAEGER LUMBER 840 Morris Turnpike 467-95SaTryourAulhtnticSusM Bar spring semester begin Jnn 21^ answers you receive! Later, a job change 2525 or the foundation office at 351- 2j22M«rn COCIW17J may require more travel on a regular basis. ;l : UaiM.IU.070S3 O8WI0/4 •5055;'/. . '.'• '' "."'"•:• ' •.".'• . ' ' 572 BOULEVARD • KENILWORTH ^5^S^^H s chedule It eveWs The> GFWC Woman's Club of Wood Ave, Linden, at 12:30 p m. survivors .other included Irian exhibition^ editorial: worJced_aL Children's Specialized n Connecticut Farms, Union, will Activities will be discussed and a beneficiaries " ' cartoons at the Metropolitan Hospital for 10 years. For the past 2 "5 meet tonight at 8;30 In the social hall mini benefit event tor. members The president and her officers •.. Museum of Art • and a traveling years, she.has taught a course on g 'of United Methodist Church on Wheaf- only, will be held following the have requested that all .wives' and exhibit of children's, book Stress. Manegemeng t as ppart of the ^ Berwyn Street The program will be meeting Refreshments 'will be widows of Retired Police & Firemen Illustrations that include the hospital's Comunity . Outreach z gn intramural sale of white elephant : served by Ann Furman and Betty of Union County sign up as mem- Wadsworth Athenaeum Rutger's m. ^ .•--,• ; 5 ' Keller DellaSala items 3onated by the -members Pado, hospitality chairmen bers. Additional Information can be Voorhees Gallery. Devlin ilves with Lisa Macheska, daughter of Mr; Agnes Mary. Wheat, daughter of Adele Pabish, first vice president, bast month, club, members had a obtained by calling 355-8535 or 353- his wife Wendy, who also is a writer,' THE SUBURBAN MOTHERS of S and Mrs. Peter Macheska of Churc Mrs Agnes Wheat of linden, and the will be in charge, of the program bus trip* to the Homestead 7538. < in Mountainside. He is alifemember—rTwins -and-Triplets-eiub-willrneet-f— Drive, Union, was married recently late Mrr Lawrence A. Wheat, ex Proceeds will be used in the budget, Restaurant in Spring Lake Heights B'NAI B'RITII Women of South of the Society of Ihlustrators, a past _ Wednesday, at 8 p.m. in the First 3 tq Robert Keller of Elizabeth, son of changed wedding vows Nov 30 with it, was announced Further In- for luncheon and to see-a play call Orange-Maplewood will hold a book president of the National Cartoonists National Bank of Centra! Jersey, 105 "< Mrs-Lillian kellerof Toms River Ralph Anthony Delia Sala, son of formation can be obtained by calling 'Squabbles" The members also review program Wednesday in the Societ" y and is grants chairman o' f" East Fourth Ave., Roselle. AU >_ Hie Rev..' Nicholas Yuschak of- Mrs. Lillian H Delia Sala of Florida held a Christmas social on Dec 18~ Maplewood Library mrBaker Street theNJ State Council on the'Arts. mothers of multiples and» - ficiated at the ceremony in St. and Mr Anthqny Della.Sala Sr Jl O Jeannette Cantalupo, president, The club is sponsored by the Unden Ruth Greenwald, who has been a -Reservations must be made by prospective' mothers of multiples g Michael's Church, Newark. A ofRorida , - willrepresent the club at the seventh Recreation Department and meets Mdplewood Ubrarianfor the past six tomorrow by calling Florence are Invited. Further information can q reception fallowed at the Clinton iTheRev JustianJ Capato, OSB, district mid-year president's council on the third of the month. years, will discuss two books, "An ~ Britton,at233-l872. . ' be obtained by calling 241-4526. Manor, Union. officiated at the Nuptial Mass and of New Jersey State Federation of THE LADIES AUXILIARY of the Orphan in History" by Paul Cowan '.;';.:V.-- ';^ - Elizabeth , Macheska of Union, ceremony in SU Elizabeth's Roman women's Clubs Tuesday at the. Retireri^J'olice and Firemen's and "Holy Days" by Us Hams The sister-in-law, of the bride,, served as Catholic. Church, Linden A Montclair Women's Club —Association of Union County Local 3 slate of officers for the year 1987 will matron of honor. Bridesmaids were reception' followed at the^Tower Registration is-at 9:30 a m Other will hold their second organizational be -read. ^Refreshments will be Bernadette Devoshire of Paramus Steak House, Mountainside members planning to attend include meeting Tuesday at 7 30 p m in the served THE JUNIOR LEAGUE of _THE B'NAI B'RITH Women of an Elizabeth Glvens of Kenilworth, The bride was escorted by her .Mil Wlgert, Vi Maisenbacher, Linden P_AL_building, 400 Maple THE , NEW JERSEY State Elizabeth-PlaUifield has invited the Union .will sponsor a bus trip to bolh-sisters of-tho groom, and mother'and her brother, Lawrence Marge Petuck, Joan Ohlson, Manon Ave, Linden. Elections were held at Federation's Woman's Club of public to a lecture about stress Trump's. Castle Casino in Atlantic Cynthia Di Marcantonio of Linden. K. Wheat. Dawn Pavllck served as Mihalker, Elfrieda DatUier and the first meeting in November.. The Mountainside, member of the v management- guveb . by Sallie City Feb. 1. A bus will leave from the Caroline Marie Macheska of Union, maid of honor Bridesmaids were Doris Hanson officers are Louise Barile, General Federation of Women's Comey,. director of Educational Boys * and Girls Club, Jeanette niece of the bride, served as flower Jifinfi-WJreat, sister-mlaw of the At a recent executive board" president; Gloria Downey, vice Club, will meet Wednesday at noon Services for Children's Specialized Avenue, Union, at 11 a.m. Non- girl briderSusatrMagaditsch, sister of meeting department chairmen president, Ann Decker, secretary, at L'Affairs, Mountainside. Hospital, Mountainside, at 7:30 p.m. members arc welcome.' Reser- ller of Flanders served gloom, Jauet Penn-and Donna • jnniniinypd completion of Federation Esther Travlsano, ^treasurer; Following a business meeting and Wednesday: in. the. First vations must be made before Jan.i as best man for his brother; Ushers Adams. projeefs .JeaJean Johnson, American Theresa Canchisko, c luncheon, Harry—Devlin- artist, Congregational Church in Westfield. and can be made by calling Phyllis" were Gary Macheska of Union, Mike Ricciardelli sexved-as best Home Life department chairman, secretary, an Peggy Serafin, author and lecturer, will offer a talk Miss Comey, a registered nurse, has Portnoyat-688-5464. brother of (he bride; Steven Holm of man Ushers were Anthony Delia reported that for the candy-cookie chaplain _ on some of his experiences Morris Plains and Gregory Cavallo Sala Jr, brother of the groom, operation this club delivered 101 '_ The primary purpose of the Devlin was born in Jersey City, of Union Charles Fowler, Ralph Belhsano, cannlsters to Lyons Hospital -and .33 -association «is to unite fraternally — grew up in Elizabeth and has worked Mrs Keller is employed by and Peter Bellisano, both cousins of cannisters to United Palsy i*ague on a statewide basis in order to most of his life In New Jersey He Visiting Nurse & Health Service, the groom Jeffrey Magaditsch, Marion Mihalker, co-chairman of promote and encourage legislative began his long career of painting WELCOME WAGON GREETS Elizabeth nephew of the groom, served as ring social services department, mailed action at the federal and state levels and illustration while at Syracuse Her husband Is employed by jewelry, cologne, ditty bags and lap Unlversltyr"Harry-has-lectured-on' MR. AND MRS. DELLA SALA bearer. of government in protecting and Prudential Insurance Co., Roseland. Mrs Delia Sala, who was robes to Vineland School; also, hats, improving the pension, health and Art history and architectural history The newlyweds, who took a scarves and mittens to Skillman graduated from Linden High School, general welfare benefits of retirees, at Union College His work was also Helen ReUs, local Welcome Wagon Representative greeted the honeymoon trip to Bermuda, reside had beat employed by the Superior _ School for Boys llrst baby born In Union In the new year. _ " * . _ In Elizabeth - - -THE THURSDAY SOCIAL Club MR. AND MRS. KELLER Court, family Division, Union Honors for being this year's new arrival went to Thomas Joseph, County Court House, prior to her has scheduled its first regular son ol Ellen & Alfredo Dores of 1052 Kensington Terr., Thomas meeting of the new year today in the Joseph was born at 12:14 am on Jan. 3rd In St. Barnabas Hospital marriage , and was greeted on behalf of local clvlc-mlnded businesses and pro- Her husband, who was graduated Community Center building, 605 So fessionals by. the Welcome Wagon hostess. • „ from East Bay High School, is Congratulatory gifts from these sponsors, as well as useful com- munity Information were presented to Ellen Dores during the — Brooks- employed by Wuin Dixie Food Stores special Visit. The first baby, call Is one of several special occasions in Florida made possible by community businesses and professional] taking The newlyweds reside in Florida LEAN LINES part In Welcome Wagon program activities. Sponsors taking part In- Garner elude Sandier 8, Worth, Rt. n Springfield, Artcraft Studio, Falrlawn,- NEW NON DIETING Carvel Ice Cream. Morris Ave. Union, Elizabeth' Dental Center/ Jef- . Mr. and Mrs Jack Brooks of DIET PLAN FOR 1987. BANQUET SPECIALS ferson Ave., Elliabeth, Jr. Women's Club, of Union & The Health Scotch Plains, formerly of Union, Department: •:•••-,-•'.• •;.-.•.•• •.' .... : . .. ••.•" ' : have announced the engagement of THE.pO.NT SYSTEM WEDDINGS & PARTIES • BAR/BATMITZVAHS To request a Welcome Wagon visit for yourself or someone who Emery- IN OUR NEVWLY DECORATED BANQUET ROOM has moved, announced an engagement or had a baby, phone Helen _their daughter, Sheryl Gaylq, to LEAN LINE POINTS THE Relssat9i4-M?1. " ' " " . ' David Garner, son of Mr. and Mrs. WAY TO AN EASIER WAY TO . 5 Hour open bar Welcome Wagon was founded In Memphis, Tenn., over a half? Leonard Garner of Springfield and Fischer JjOSEjWEIGHT. • Horsd'oeuvres century ago and derives its name from the Conestoga wagons of the Palm IJeach, Fla, Mr and Mrs Robert L~Emery of • 5 coursepmner frontier days. As wagon trains" neared' a frontier-community,— The bride-elect, who was Brighton Street-, Union, have an- Tired of • Dessert .per person townspeople sent out a wagon filled with provisions and gilts of Dieting? greeting to meet the travelers with tha^hopesot enticing then to set.— graduated from Union High School nounced the engagement of their • Flowers ' complete tie there. Welcome Wagon revived this tradition of friendship In 1MB - and the. University of Bridgeport in daughter, Jane Kathryn, to Randy Lean Line's plus tax sorat. and now reaches over a million households annually throughool.the new point' United States. . •'.• • ' Connecticut, where she received a Fischer of Seaford, N Y;.son of system is 572 BOULEVARD, KENILWORTH degree in fashion merchandising Mrs Dorothy Fischer 'of Miami, essentially a and retailing, is employed by M Fla, and the late Mr Russell non-dletlng -M.I MAJOR 3T6-TTTS minutes from Blaustein, Short Hills. Fischer. The announcement was diet" CREDIT CARDS Garden st Pkwv Exit 138 Her fiance, who was~"graduated made on Nov 7, and a party was giving you from Jonathan Dayton Regional held recently at the home of the the High SchooTT Springfield, and prospective bride's parents tionof George Washington University, Miss Emery, is a flight attendant choosing meals i i i i i njjj < n i i i r i i i i Washington, D. C, is a partner for Northwest Orient Airlines, based and portions within Gamer Simson Associates, at Kennedy Airport, New York.. that lit your taste Inc., with headquarters in West Her fiance is a manager for and life style. UNION SQUARE Orange. _— Imagine a fast, Northwest Orient Airlines at Ken safe welgW loss, DINER* RESTAURANT A May 1987 wedding i&planned SHERYLG BROOKS nedy Airport sr without that A1987 wedding wedding is planned 'trapped1 feeling. at the Chanticler in Millburn Join Lean Line Now operated by George •j JANE K. EMERY „ now to really get Former Owner of zorba club —ItAfflbVFISCHEK- UWPOlMTol why it works so well Cisek-Cardinale marriage is*h&id Breakfast Special ~ served 6:30 a.mt to 1 VOOlumTMorldav thru Friday Carol Ann Cisek, daughter of Mrs. Bridesmaids were Kathleen Cardinale of Somerset, brother of Stork club HefcnCisek of Manvllle, and the late McGuire of Allentown and Christine : SWEpXX) the groom. •M+J...I- ... WH6NHEaiftEBING '.-...• .V. 2 Eggs any style Mr. John-L". Ciseki was married Oct - GonlgHo-of Baldwin, L I, both Mrs Cardinale, ""who—was A 6 pound, 4-ounce son, An 8-pound, 2-ounce_danghter, 4 fifJeWrey J. Cardinale, son of Mr. cousins of the bride, Lynn Cardinale .Thomas Carl Flynn, was bom. 5 PAY ONLY «4.5O WEEKLY Home Fries graduated from Jonathan Dayton Tara Lindsay "TLC" Chiuld, was WITH PUBCHASE OF 5P£CI«I. COUPON BOOKS. and Mrs. Vincent Cardinale of of Somerset, sisjter-ln-law of the Regional High School, Springfield," Jan 2 In-J F ^Kennedy Hospital, born Dec. 17 in St Barnabas Toast — . Highlands Avenue, Springfield. groom; Elva Cardinale of Lincoln and Ogleihorpe University, Atlanta, Edison, to Mr and Mrs Thomas ~ "Medical Center, Livingston, to -Onetime to, Jlitrlimt," & Coffee ' V The—Rev. . Ronald Rofhlak of- 'Park,, sister of the groom, and Ga, is employed by Somerset Flynn Jr, of Iselin He is the Dr. and Mrs Michael Chusld of Senior Citizens' Menu Available..T*i ficiated at the ceremony In Sacred Vanessa Johnston of Mountainside County Technical-Institute. .couple's first child Roseland. She is the couple's first Heart Church. A reception followed Robert; Johnston of Mountainside Her husband, who was graduated Mrs- Flynn.-the former Lisa child , .20 Items for Only »5«f at Snuffy'a in Scotch Plains. served its'best man, Ushers, were Anderson, is the daughter of Mrs Mrs. Cbutid, the former Susan from Manville High School, l»- OPEN 7 DAYS Dally 7 a.m. to J mm <«Frl. & Sat. Open 24 Hour. The bride was'escorted by her Chris and Patrick Cardinale*, both of employed by Vinme's Auto Salvage, Josephine Anderson of Union, Schlefen, is the daughter of Mr. brother, Leon .J. Cisek of Springfield, and Gary Cardinale of Somerville and the late Mr Carl E An- and Mrs Howard ScMden of 580 North Ave. Union derson.'Her husband is the son of Mapleshade. Connie Cisek of Flanders^ all brothers'of the groom 'f The newlyweds, who took a_ Union. Her fausbnd is the son of 354-6494 1050 Commerce Avenue, union -Mtpleshade, sister-in-law of the Leon J. Cisek of Mapleshade, Mr and Mrs Thomas Flynn Sr. Mr. and Bin. Nathan Chusld of honeymoon trip to the Bahamas, of Iselin, 686-5600 bride, served as matron of honor. brother of the bride, and Vincent reside in Somerville. West Orange I I I I I I I I I I M I I I I I I I I I •v *•;• CAREER

Ultrasonic study proves rapidly growing-hew-medicaljieldTJL. O. :•: The rapidly developing Held of ultrasonic produce an Image or photograph of an organ also of the' Medical Center's radiology while awaiting his Internship and residency. • ••IN BUSINESS MEANS A LOT OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS! NO study is the focus of a new teaching program or tissue. Ultrasonic echoes are recorded as -department, is the program coordinator He plans to make obstetrics/gynecology. his offered by Elizabeth General Medical Center they strike tissues of different densities The Students entering the course attend classes specialty, one in which ultrasound is utilized —SchooLjfc Radiologic Sciences. Currently sound waves are then electronically projected at Elizabeth General two days pw week and to a great extent in determining the size and conducting a two-year progranTforthe study—onto an imaging screen for the purpose ol spend three days each week in a hospital approximate age of a fetus. Since there is no GIMMICKS. NO BROKEN PROMISES. JUST DOWN TO EARTH DEALS! ofradiploglc technology, the schooLhas added diagnosis -Xrays are not used during ~an ' setting gaining their clinical, <. education radiation involved, this non-invasive - 1 a one-year program in ultrasound, which is ultrasonic procedure through the use bt state-of-the-art Imaging technique harms neither fetus nor mother, - being offered as a third year option for allied Dr Robert Silbey,~clireclor of radiology at- -modalities. . — According to Alice Harris, director of BRAND NEW FORD BRAND NEW-FORD health professionals Elizabeth General, has been named medical Two of. the five students who comprise this Elizabeth General's School of Radiologic Ultrasound, a form of sonar.-is used to advisor for the school, and Robert-Outcault, first ultrasound class, are radiologic Sciences, students, .upon completion of the '87 ESCORT GL 2DR HATCHBACK '87 TEMPO LX 4DR. technology. graduates Harry Holdorf of course, will be eligible to sit for the national Linden and Janet Wiesert, Union; another board exams of the American Registry of Std Eq 19Uter4Cyl Eng.Pwr. Diagnostic Medical Sonographers. MFR. 8UQQ. LIST PRICE $9,342 Std: Eq.: 2.3 Uler E.F.1.4 Cyl. Eng., MFR. 8UQG. LIST PRICE $11,771 student -has a background-in-aUied_health_ Brks., Fit Whl. Drive, Bright Pwr. Strg., Pwr. Brks.; Opl. Eq. education, and one is a medical school For further information, call the school of Bumpers; 'Opt Eq.: S Spd. Manual FORD DI8COUNT 702 FORD DISCOUNT 482 WYMAN FORD DISCOUNT 500 Auto. Trans., Pwr. Winds., Pwr. graduate whais.taking the ultrasound course radiologic sciences at 558-8045. Trans,, Wide Side Body Midas.. Door Locks, Air Cond, Rr Wind WYMAN FORD DISCOUNT 700 AM/FM-Slereo ftadlo.-Dlg-Clock; bW7~Sterio7Caisette, Deck Lid Tint Qls, Pwr Strg, Interval Luggage Rack. Stock No.78O7, SCORE HICH Wipers, Rr Wind Dalr, Dual Bee Mrs., Air Cond., Clear Coat Paint ON THE S.A.T. Stock No. 7875 8,140 10,589 Coaching Course With A Proven Recorc students Have Raised Their scores From 100 to. over 200Polntsl '86 CROWN BRAND-NEW FORD •Diagnostic pre-test to determine weaknesses ''"'.'.•' VICTORIA LTD. '87 TAURUS GL 4DR. SEDAN confidence gaining techniques Std Eq Pwr Strg, Pwr Brks, Auto MFR, SUGG. LIST PRICE $19,422 In small classes •Attention to Individual needs Ford. Std Eo 5 0 Liter E F.I. V-B UFR Bimn, j my PRICE: <14.<74 with Auto Overdrive Trans, W/W Overdrive Trans.; Opt. Eq.: 3.0 Liter FORD DISCOUNT- 35»- Tires, Luxury. Rr. Hal! Vinyl Roof, WYMAN FORD DISCOUNT 2,000 E.F.I. V-8 Eng., Air Cond., Pwr. Door' ~WYMAN FORD DI8COUNT ' 1,200 LOCATIONS: - ~ Pwr Strg, Rwr Brks, Opt Eq Locks. Pwr Winds. Rr Wind Defr. Spd CnW, Frt & Rr Bumber Rub Rocker Panel MI4gs, Spd Cntrl, CLARK • Snips. Rr Wind. Defr. Air Cond, $ Lt Grp, Tilt Whl Column. Ert & Rr.'. $ EDISON ^ WARRE-NTWP. Rt. Remote Mr., Rocker Panel Fir. Mats-Remote Fuel Door Deck 1 Mldgs, Tint Qls, Lt Qrp Stock 12,474 Lid Release, 6-Way Pwr Driver St, 13,872 ULTRA-ATTENTIVE—students In Elizabeth General ~ Classes Begin in March— —•— No 7637 6929 Miles Demo ' Stereo with Cassette,' Clear Coat Medical Center's ultrasound course pay close .attention to Paint. Stock No.7949. program coordinator Robert Outcault, left Students are, LEARNING TREE ASSOCIATES from left, Janet Wiesert of Union, Harry HoJdorf,_Linden, Phone: (TollJFree • 24 Hours) and Judai Pattamna, Fll7nhpth _ _ .•JW 1-800-THEEXAM VALUABLE-COUPON VALUABLE COUPON 1 'Apply Now! First Come, First served." MOTORCRAFT LUBE, OIL MOTORCRAFT ENGINE The Right Place to Be & OIL FILTER SPECIAL —TUNE-U• w«a»-wPr SPECIAwriavinLk Europetm Solid state tune-up Includes Installation ot Motorcrart spark »plugs- - Bar--. Inspectio~- r — — —^-nr ow*f waunvchoke., throWllnkage,sparH1IUIMV IIMnDUO| OUCIIk l\ pJCjMlifLi Academyof Includes up to S quarts ol Motorcralt oil, Motorcrart oil filter wires & distribution cap, adjustment of Idling « timing and Installation Diesel equipped vehicles slightly higher Aerostats. & Econollnes slightly higher Cosirietology TOTAL SPECIAL PRICE PART8 ft LA- > TOTAL PRICE - $ BOR: - - --- *—~ PARTS A LABOR 19 LG.4-CYL. «CY1_ ~ 8M8-CYL. EXPIRES 1/31/87 $49.95 $59.95 $62.95 EXPIRES 1/31/87

THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A JOB Prices Inct freights prep, exel tax.fi He fees UNION CATHOLIC REGIONAL _JWGH SCHOOL / 1600 MartiixeAvenue ' One of the Oldest f-ord Dealers in New Jers&v Scotch Plains, New Jersey 07076/ Call For We're an In-Jown No-Hassle, Down-ta-Earth Dealership Admission Information 889-1600 with Over 50 Years off Honesty & Integrity. i Si 0UNTAINSIDE Wont a career-full of glamour, excitement pnd flwwi''"1 HOSPITAL rewards? Come to the European Academy of CiwmctoloKy where our award winning staff will train you for a successful career In Cosmetology. •Hmall (lauara for clmr SCHOOL OF sHtf iatJSsirRikrt OPEN DAILY 9-9 is For more Information Call. Visit or Write FRI 9-6. SAT 9-5 Mow,i«epting appliuUons for Our Nev'Enrollmtnt ' -Director of Admissions •Accredited by the National League of Nursing 1100 Morris Ave., IS171 •27-month diploma prograrn ... **.«.. fMnaji* »• .MU nihttr icc«sbegins Union, N.J. 07083 1713 SPRINGFIELD AVE.,MAPLEWOOD 761-6OOO •41 college credits earned at Montclalr State College or any oiner ^ with Today's Education 686-4422 college/university of your choice JCHOOJLOP NURSING ThE MOUNTAINSTDtTHOSPlTAL MUwtcUilrf»I.J.07e4a 9B •muii Has graduate nurse project Electronics offer career choices Students can attend county cbWege wifh TV^uppoif sysfem •* "^ * TttThAe nmnumlprospectas fh*for Mmniii»acomputerr annnrdl Alaelecn- KlflntfARlfKlangaskyV , ri!m*tnrdirecto rrtf of thHlAe PPTRETQS rcampus, Evelyn Gousman, director of patient care workings of a progressive, innovated system tronics experts — both male and female — a part of the National Education Center, a 7\Union County College 'will offer" five offered at the Cranford campus on Saturdays ', campus on .Mon^ays^ronrKto 12:50 p.m. instructional activities of each course are services at Union Hospital, Union, announces of nursing. private organization specializing In career : are expected to improve through the mid- '"telecourses" in the spring semester of 1987, from 10 to 11 a.m. ~—lEach telecourse combines weekly coordinated by a faculty member who is that the hospital is assisting graduate nursing' "And," she says, "it helps the hospital training for adults ' •' 1990s and beyond, according to the U.S. > says Cynthia Niv, dean of academic services. television lessons, textbook and study guide ' available to meet individually with' students. students research their thesis projects/The remain current. Many positive changes have The next class, session begins Jan. lfl • '."The Brain, Mindand Behavior," a study of 1 Department of Labor, Occupational "Telecourses" are regular college courses -The cost is the same as for a regular three- research projects, .which'will encompass been made, not only to Union Hospital but to- the influences on our thoughts and behavior readings, and five on-campus seminars that .Outlook Handbook. more information or a color brochure or a that use television and videotapes as the basic credit course.plus $15 telecourse registration various aspects of: nursing and patient care • other institutions as well, thanks to the work by looking at stress, sleep, addiction, vision, include orientation, discussion and campus tour -all 661-0600, or write NECA delivery system for instruction. Students may fee required by the public TV stations' sS^d^'MJfe^teIJtahlthiif of these graduatestudents." • .. .. "•_ "Actually, most of our graduates have movement, language, aging, memory, and . examinations. "The .Brain" will not include RETS Campus, 103'Park'Ave., Nutley, -attend part of the course by viewing on public producers. . - • . [ the year,' Gousman says. ' Gousman ' says that many graduate" no trouble finding-a job," says Martin 07110 m/_ . ' _i. -...„• . . • ^ - -, the brain's chemistry. Classes, will meet on ., any oh-campus seminars. " . > The three graduate students are Laura students inquire to study at Union Hospital TV broadcasting such as..W^JCta»nneM3,^^on(tays1 Wednesdaysjnd Fridays from 9 to. •Telecourses, may also bo viewed in_the. _ • For additional information or to register in or the New Jersey Network. The courses are ;5o .m on theftanfordcampus."" Cannon Parker of Seton Hall University,'who because the institution is seen as being in the 9 a Telecourse Center of the-Cranford/Scotcri person, visit tho admissions office on the offered for three credits each arid are ,._ • _ ,. „ ... ", ,.."'• Cranford campus or call 27fr2600, Ext. 286. is studying the effects of; restricted vs. , forefront of innovative nursing and ad- equivalent to on-carhpus.courses in content . Focu? on /**>ftv- w.lu.t* ^P'01^3 *e Plains libraries on videotape recorders. The unrestricted intensive care unit visitingjukus ministrative practices. : ' ' area covered. Hence; the credits are 'trail- ">t^fcl'°n of M?4™? a"d biography in our - on the families of patients; Nancy Shendell- • "The studies are a two-way street,", New Jersey sferable to four-year insUtuUons. -:\ society where social.condition of the present Fallk of New York University, .who Is ob- Gousman says.-"it leads to .an exchange of 1 The five telecourses scheduled .f^rthe relate to the attitudes of the recent past. This serving the hospital's nursing management ideas .between the students. Union Hospital course wiU to 1 8pringsemesterwhi(AbegiraJan.21aftN conducted at the Cranford and administration; and Lisa Yakovonis of and the. students' hospital and university and - 7 " "Business " of Mahagern7erit;""T~whlch"'~:~v~:—z—-. •—.''... ^~rr~. Rutgers University, whd is studying staffing, other area hospitals," Everyone learns from... —provides-the-essentlal-BkillS'in planning "methods "and tho. patient" classification the research and the benefits lead to better r '—AH Day Kindergarten ! : 'organizing, staffing, directing, com- systern. ' '"" '' ' " patient care." ^i. ••' ,' .-'-'- .' •','..'''. .'' "•" ' Hyundai's computer : municating, motivating, controlling, ... ' .... v ,-. • : '..•'.; .Gradesl-8 . •'; . . •'' .-'...'• :.' •'• Parker' is ,a.i critical dare nurse at ' '' '' •/.,' decision-making and the application of reaches local dealer Morristown Memorial Hospital, Morristown, V !•>••• l*\l+ ibviiiilHM Realty t Institute managerial skills in all organizational set- a n Catholic Schools Touch the Future while Shendell-Falik is a patient care coor- ».'•»••*• ™"Mr '"' 9 tings^ This course will be offered on Satur- l:WestWood_Computer Corp., 155 Route 22 • dlnator at Beth Israel Hospital, Newark, and g Jf\buAre§Thiriking^fif7 days from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on the Scotch East, Springfield, has been selected as one of Yakovonis is a nursing supervisor al focono' Persons in the process of making career Plains campus. . .the first authorized independent computer "Timeless Values for Changing Times' • choices would be well advised to consider a u career in child care, says Barbara Shaw, Real Estate- 'Principlesi)f;Marketing; -which-focuses^—dealers-to-sell-the-first-fullyMiompatible— Parker, Shendell-Fallk and Yakovonis are director of early childhood services at the This course will prepare you for sales or investing on the consumer and marketing environment, ' micro-computer backed by a money-back ~ the latest in a long line of Union Hospital- Ym:YWHA of Union County: ; •" and all the strategies involved in marketing guarantee. ' ' assisted graduate students, dating back to Each center has a minimum of three staff research-^ product or service development, The Blue Chip computer^,manufactured 1980. Other thesis topics have included C OPEN HOUSE openings which'could not be filled, says Shaw, distribution, promotion, and pricing. This' by Hyundai and sells far $699, monitor op- "Anxiety Among Non-Urgent, Emergency •PART TIME 272 -7777 •FyiiTIME adding: "With150 percent of the nation's, work . course, will be conducted on Saturdays from , tional, far below the price tag on a Com- -Department Patients" and "The~Effects of Feb: force made up of mothers of children under 3, Free school Brochure Available Approved by the HI Real Estate Commission 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the Cranford campus. parable IBM-computer. The computer is a Music on Pain." . - / this need is jnost acute In the developing field , 300 south Ave.- carwood Mall Carwood, NJ. 07207 —"T.he;.NewJLIteracy,'^ a survey course on |~iiew product from Hyundai, the South Korean ^^ — "Assisting—graduate—nursing—students'" of infant and toddler care." " T~~-"• the. applicationsandTssues'bflnformation T manufacturing conglomerate "which "•"' serves a multi-fold purpose," Gousman says. : - Beginning Jan. 28, the center will conduct processing with computers in medicine, r ' ^^nU'rcd mbH auto^aTle markZ' "It. allows students to examine nursing its own staff development program. For education, government,. business, art, law, .••'•",••••• 304 Central Aye;, Mountainside 233H"777 practice in a,hands-on study; to review the information regarding this 25-hour course, history. Science', banking, engineering,—-—Formore informatiori, call Leslie or Milima -Inner,—rather than 'the -textbook surface. call Shaw at 28^8112. crime, drama, and music. Classes will be at 376-4242. . • "

future personallyp . •At Kean College.of New Jersey, more than 360 full-time professors tiikc-iui active interest in you anil your future. Their commitment to excellence moiins your assurance of a,(iuality education thiit will put j/o/< •.'••" _:ihead in the job market

• Be a hairstylistj make-up artist;,

jiaircutter or i *tht program* at Kean preiximl ] '7 wan au adult nhidtiit niid irctiivif "Thttdumiinti I ivwiifrfn/ Kra» IITW it-illi bttth nmiwgetnent nnt\ tethualogi- the pmonul attention thai tnabl*d n quality oite. It* (tii*rt* rnrricnttini, ' Vnail. specialist ' tal background, for my j<)b Mth thin ~— uit to gnulnatt•n^fear fittilrr thtt'n ,' titutM it-Hit Iht&lmturrtf ular attW- it'iuHhiiitlinn Hollar t)iechm\icu} con- -• Dky or Evening ' rXf>ecteH. My nrfUQ* degtvt han gi i?t) ' _ halimef lit ;iiy;niv tmrfar Ihr b Imping finti. My education certainty. : nit opfHtriiniHifii 1 \mul<3pvernment: ; -1 '"Awhliuil ¥l« l"nl>Jcotlon» grants available- .,; Cronlofd Compiu^. . ••.•--. -.,..-.:., .. , .-....•./:- •••:,'• •.•... —Scotch Ptolm Compuj, .,.-:. —1111111'' IIBHItB BJW UndenHkjhSchooF^-X IHHll 1011111 If In keeping step with the eycVoxpandinK uses of computer?, iKean offers .relevant courso\work in eiicF(ini5 • 6O Course* In 21 Dliclplimt "nT^joriUschpHriesrAllKc^graduatesriirecomputer^ COUKIY profe8ajprauj^a_8j.r«ngliborajj^ COLLEGE Close, cobperativo ties with local business, industry and govornmontal agencicscnable Ketui studenUi tx> Please send Irrformallon about The excitement star|sJi£CapriLi^ . gain a working kriowleilgoin their various fields of interest. Together with easily accessible academic, Weekday/Weekend courses (a financial and career counseling, tho Kean experience pcnioMa/u:^ tho rosul to BUcceaa. -? _ ; Wb invite you to visit b'uyeam^ :: r ;: : at 10ujm.-cvery Friday.-: ' • -'.^v.-7•••:;.' :-'." '."'••,'••'..' >', •••.-..•' ' ' ~ r :— •- '.; . ' '•«, Thu Kwin c-ampui l:ON • 423-2500 -^BRI^KTC^VI > iW ilitfNow'JciauiyJnimplto.'Canlc'nStau^^ . _. . . !^_ . KBNNIGOLLB3 Wte ••••> . RI INSTITUTE ©F NBA/dERSEv'- um^^^^&^^^^w OF HAIR DESIGN ASTATKOOLLKCK• UNIOR]NJ•TKLKi;HONK2i)ira7-21IW o —Zr c '-'5"5 Studiesdemonstrate T^rTecfiiiiF^^ o z system; hold higher expectations for their o > Outstanding high school seniors participation in preschool programs produces —hlirNew Jersey, the private sector is en-•o Participation in the program is out' of the classroom," he says. 47th YEAR /" [Since'the 19WS, under such names as day- : children's success in school and later lite; aRd"" c i- planning to pursue a leaching career a significant increase in intellectual func- z based on strict eligibility "They were active in a wide range of • carei-ehlld-care, nursery* school, and pre-, maintain higher vocational aspirations for tering the child care scene. Some private 3 in New Jersey can now compete for requirements iiCorder -to attract • kindergarten, education, organized programs tioning during the; crucial years of primary Industries have created child care centers for "activities, from the basketball team Half Day & All Day Sessions plus their children. •-'-.-'-• . -— g scholarships to help finance their excellent students, says Cooperman. - for preschool children have been spreading school; results in significantly higher scores I to the- yearbook arid the student extended care 7:30 am - 5:30 p.m. "NJEA has long maintained that early' their employees. Those employers state It has z ^college.educations* - . " .- Applicants, must -have comtiuied for career mothers - Children 2'/b Is your teenager throughout New Jersey. •'•, ; . ••'•'* •' . •- on achievement tests; decreases the rate of council. These are the type of people " detection programs can circumvent some of alleviated a problem in wooing hard-to-find O Applications fo\the Governor's SAT scores of at least 1,100 and ranki through kindergarten. , College "The most significant conclusions drawn unsatisfactory school • progress during the we want to. see teaching in our Trained faculty. . • smarter than his or I the learning difficulties students experience skilled personnel. It also has decreased ab- z Teaching Scholars Program, which (8 the top one-fifth of-the^r from numerous studies on the effectiveness of :;prjma.ry. grades: anff,' enhances children's • -aHtirtardlnSsTandtuifnoVerr^ ~~ 2 provides the. scholarship loans for schools — people who. can offer our h^^ i later in their scnooi yearn, un-unnu graduating classes by the end.oft children the best ancU-broadest U«tar>>n DM W-Df rector ~preSchTdoP programs "indicate , that early self-concept. , . ; • "_; .-'•'. • "NJEA strongly supports voluntary •O—eligible students, are available now thiji' childhood education has a strong influence; " Preschool experience for children provides . analyses of such programs have indicated jy; education possible."; preschool programs in our public schools," !J in all high school, guidance offices' UUVIilUIl jKJSSIPie.~ -;•: • - _^^—^^——**~ after taking pur test prep course, upon school success and success in later life," r benefits for their parents as well. The parents ihat the expense is returned many times over Mrfny of -last year's; teaching - Students Interested in applying for *C«nw Forat I North AM.. Cnnfard Giordano says. ,u throughout' the state. , •• '-.' many sJudenls can increase ."says NJEA President Dennis Giordano. - of children who have had preschool ex- : in comparisori to remedial education costs," scholars are_now ehrolled in the program must send completed —- 276-2934 - 2 Administered annually by the New selective colleges and universities tk&SfiTsoopJs 150200250 • Recent studies haye;shown that a child's perience are more familiar with the school . Jersey State Department of applications to the State Depart" points or rnore. i/, • throughout the country,, including. ment- of Education, Division, of. START YOUR SPECIALIZED Education, the program provides Call. WfecouklWyour. teen- Ivy League, schools, according to Educational Programs, 225 West CONNECTICUT FARMS ager's smartest^iovc yet. "HANDS-ON" TRAINING IN loans of up to $7,500 per year, for a Cooperman; . .*'• State, Trenton, 06625,, before Feb.. 2, Scholarships aydilabtelor gifted . maximum of four years, to "In reviewing last year's scholars, '. 1987. Those selected to participate in acadcmically~talented high school Church Nursery School it 'Was obvious that • all; jvere.ex-.^;theU?87lprogranir.wiH be notified.by- _ American MensaLtd. announces its 1986-87 It is not necessary to be a member of Mensa .:. ELECTRONICS —seniors;— -L—-. —'-•— ceptional'indiviaiiils.—'boUrln~an^~ -888StuyvesantAve., Union T April 1,1987. scholarship program. "This"yearUiere"wiil be ~rto "apply"!for scholarship. Awards are if a student teaches in one.of-the unrestricted as to age, race, sex— exceptjor awards of $i,000, $500, $200,and $200 for the The High Charged Industry '•• state's suburban or rtiral~publlc~" —JHE WORLDS LEADING the Levine Award — for membership in Is now accepting calls for enroll- ^TEST PREP ORGANIZATION'_ •Northern New Jersey area,.-,, ..... of the 80 s. schools for six years or an urban Has law career opportunity ment for Sept. 87- - ' : Mensa. The sole requirement for the regional'' -public-school for four"years; the ••'••' Nationally, there , will be; two special —-awards Is that the applicant be enrolled, for ' Financial Assistance available to High school students interested Classes for the SAT BE A PAR"I state will forgive the loan. ..'••:•. :*s. '. eligible., Members shall be Please, call early so you don't awards. The Rita iovlne Memorial the year following the award, in a degree quiililiud applicants in a .law career now have the 4^87 Exam Begin 2/4/87 : Additional funding has opened the responsible for their own tran- miss out as we always fill up.' 'Scholarship will award $600 to a, woman •' program" at an accredited American in- OF IT! Job Placement Assistance opjportumty to meet with leading Approved lor Veteran Training program — now in its second year — sportation. It is' hoped that, in- returnirig to school afteran absence of seven . stltutionprpost-secpndaryeducationr~; :' — Union. County professionals, ^^firWESTHElD t to approximately 160. students," up terest, not mileage, will motivate For more Information or more- years. The Howard M, Turrtey Scholarship applications are .available lectures and question and answer JANUARY 20TH CLASSES FORMING! . • from 100in 1986. :„—;. ,-,'--i—• their participation ~ c,iT?64-854^A please call — Financial Aid Program-will provideJUOOO for. • : through schools^. Additional', copies of 'the •" sessions are" scheduled with ~ ''By IncreasFng^tho number of —•_,.._ (o, jpplicjtion!^--- .•. study in engmeefing', mathematics; medicine 1 application may be made and are. acceptable. A judges; prosecuting and defense t loans available to students, we are If Interested, call Lester or the physicaJ sciences, and requires that tRe • The deadline Mr submissions is March 1.. TO GET YOUR COMPLETE ELECTRONIC TRAINING . encouraging highly qualified people attorneys and others involvedin Friedman at 654-9191 -Mpnday- recipient have a score in the top 2 percent on a the administration of law. Completed essays .are, screened by torn- , Call Us NOW! QQ -J -0600 who might^have-opted for another through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., • standardized IQ test ' ,• mittees established by the Mensa local groups . This program is now forming - profession to consider tcaching~as a or write Friedman at Watchung Visit us During Our DON'TJVIISSAWEEK and seml-finalist-Submissions are forwarded [j^^ || National Education Center weokciiivs and is a Law Exploring Post Mensa is £n' international society^, whose ^—careerv" Commissioner of Area Council, BSA, 1170 Route 22 OFtOCALNEWS by the local group Ion regional vice-chairrjian. Both young men and women arc OPENHOUSE" . only qualification for membership is a score Education Saul Cooperman says. West, Mountainside, 07092. CALL 686-7700 . who In turn reviews them and forwards eight' RH RETS ELECTRONIC FOR HOME DELIVERY on a standard (ntelligence test higher thin ll'^l SCHOOL CAMPUS AH APRIL that of 98 percent of; the general population. "• entries frpni the regional to the naticaial' Its primary purpose is providing research ini,.- scholarship committee for final; judging; . psychology, and is particularly interested in Winners.are eligible, If qualified, for one; Truininy Technicians in N.J. Sincn 19S7 •• gifted children. " " ' ••<• year's free membership in Mensa. ' :' .' BEGIN AN EXCITING Become a NEW CAREER IN •PRESTIGIOUS VM-VUJHfl OF UNION COUNTY THE LEGAL PROFESSIONAL Green Lane, Union Medical •HIGH- invites You to consider A PROFESSION : Ultrasound PAYING :;;: v:';; CAREER IN CHILD CARE : ^ infant careglvers - preschool /Kindergarten teachers specialist ;> : : _ '':/ ',' ':;''' "'•: after-schopl counselors ; ; _y IN JUST 1 YEAR YOU COULD , ~ :~~ competitive salary ftasedo n Experience andirralnirio—Ii : Blue Cross/Blue Shield-Malo •/•;•• TrJalO^ ^ . . I—BE QUALIFIED FOR A WELL PAYING •-Day and Night classes • :1 yr*!C.ertifi,cate prograrrt provides .' JOBINAHOSPITALORLABORATO^V L ' on^siteTralnlng for child Development Associate Certificate .>,f classroorn, laboratory and clinical NYNJSFASWrEAPPR^£D .training Financial Aid AvailablA e to those whho quality | foRY20th- . Going To college? working part-Time? I 1-,,.•> • :J--. ..•'•.•..'.rM-:. ••-• ;—• 3fJ3rj;salern^Rd;; |Jnf o hrNJ~67q83 ive can provide part time or full time care for] I ..._I..:J_.^.L OOJ-»KHJ _,-, •..•-•__,^ ;on Location your child while you are away from home. ^Diagno .Oilier UllfasoundDiagnostic Schoolclasses Uust around the corner from Kean college) VflfW School • • in Manhattan. Ling Island and Westchester thers College [k Division ol Uliiasound Technical Srivir.es NOW IN PHILA. TOOI 215^24-8245 Call Barbara Shaw 289-3112 A New Ho offered In this fast growing field OAK KNOLL SCHOOL NOW! "^ The Choice •W The Challenge Offering Over *3KJ Courses r" The Tradition including the following categories, « Day and .FOREIGN UN6WU5ES -MINI COURSES to MMIEHJOYMENI CALL NOW •HIGH SCHOOL COMPLHION evening cla MUWCING •VOGATION.U.TRMNING - for more •BUSiHESS •BASIC SKILLS FOR THE DEW tor Lci'.vtji School Boys and Gnls K >: — begin •MATERNITY FITNESS .irul U[)[JIT School Girls (.[radeb '!• 1 2 information For additional information contact: Feb.^5 ^SOME OF Trl^SUPE^COpEpfj^RI]^ Admissions Office 273-1839 (201)486-0404 •Telltr Tuininf v " rfl™lJ* "™*' Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child WmonJns^u^ Evening Registration UNION HIGH SCHOOL Feb 9th and 11th NORTH 3rd ST, UNION, N). forhrtlml«l«»»ll»»" 7:00- 9.00 p.m. 449 Norm WocSd Ave7 ; ^"" Drew University $88-1203 •—• •-!—•_

M ''•' -.~!>J •

' WHO, pj.r' ' fluWi an «l)f > ^ '"' •:.'. '"MOUSESAUE 'T^™^'-"P'O^W ^^gSPEC^r :

AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE CWSSIFIEM^RWES •1983 ', AUDI 5000-Automatlc 1980 DATSUN-200SX, J tone blue, air. .(Effective November 1.1.986) transmission, seats, sunroof, won- conditioning, am/fm stereo 19«4 NISSAN SENTRA DELUXE -4 . . Appearlnj in ill Union County Newspapers and also In combination . dows. Blue Interior; good condition. cassette, power mirrors, rear defog- door., auto,-«ir»",AM/FM, 39,OOO , with ten Essen County.Newjpapcn for a total readership of ow 195,0001 $5000. Call 376:1855.' gen 5 speed, excellent, condition; miles, silver, mint condition - $5500. 3 70,000.miles.. Asking $3000. Call 428-. Call 762-7150,9.00 AJMto 5:00 P.M. U 1973 BU ICKLeSabre-4 door, power 1760,after 5. ' ' moir ; brakes' and steering, air condition, 19«« NISSAN- SENTRA Five speed, BUSINESS OIRECTORVAO'DEAOLINE: Friday 5 PJ»;. Am/FM stereo/ 70,000 miles. Good 19S1 DATSUN 280 ZX, T-tops, auto, air conditioning,: AM/FM stereo ' - CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE: Tuodar 2:30 P.M. • condition. Best offer. Call 688-8260. black/gold, am/fm cassette. Load- tape, rear-Window defogoer. Ex- . •• COLOR; Black plus one color $200.. ed, 58000 miles. $7000 or best offer.' cellent condition: $6,2O0: 686-2736. • . BOX NUMBEOS: Available fora J5.00 fee. ' 1911 BUICK REGAL - PS, PB, AC, 379-2714 or 889-7497. • All classified advertising subject to 7% photo reduction. V6, auto" trans., AF/FM stereo, Union Springfield Area • 1977 OLDSMOBILE-;Regency. All power^antena, orlolnal-owncr^Call I9SLDATSUN 240 ZX_-Turbo, auto, power,.alr_condltlonlng,.good condi- days 666-4844,' evenings 467-4772. t-roofs, new tires, mileage 47)000, ex- tion. Must W seen.to appreciated. cellent condition, $7500 or best offer, »,200. Gall 688-03,12.' ' ••• " 20 words or less..., :. V...•.'.',''.'. '.. "•;. .1;'.. '., v. .'•'J ;\ :•'.... (minumW.M 1977 BUICK LeSabre Custom- after6pm (201)351-4518. -• V! Each additional 10 words or less...... ',-. .v.|...'...-.... .•.'.. ..;.:•;-..v:'. .\.:ii.5Q .Automatic, power, steering, power 1979 OLDSMOBILE OMEGA - •••••':" •' . • •• Four limes or Wore:',T—' '• . •' : • ••' • V • •• windows; air condition, am/fm, rear 198V FI R E BI H!D_ E S P R1T- Brown, 2 door. Call after 6pm, 686- . 2O.wpdsorless';.:..;.,.;....•...... m •..-^-^-—:—'T-—- \rjC5ir •defogoer,—Beaiitlful-4n—and—outr -AuluinallL, power; tut,1 am/fm His Only |^les FrMlpltetlf ^^ 8923.$1600orbest.offer,v Each additioiiaTio' words' or'less::,.'..'.'.',:'. ['.. v...... ".'.' TTTtftTl.'.','.''.;: i I',''! oarage" kepf. Must" sell. $2200. 686 stereo with tape. Excellent condi- 7869. •..• '--•."" • .. ••. ..• •• '•.'. . '• : •••' ... : .. IfsetlnallWII/US ' •_•:•:.:', tion. Must sell. 47,000 miles. $4800 or 1978 OLDS CUTLASS; Supreme-Low I 10 words or less.-..,,...:...... ,'."....,...... ,.'.V..-..'...;..,:...'. B/O. Call 688-8330.-•— T~ . mileage,.air,condition, power win- 1973 BUICK APOLLO«o,000original dows, doors and brakes. Black. $2500 SMITH CADI LLACJ» 79 WEST GRAND STREET I Each additional 10 words or less...'._.'. t. •,..,'.:.,,,..'.,. ..-,,•;••., ,-i .'•.'.-,-.- ;•,-:• ••'.•'.•;•;' •'-':; . r^^TCIasiified Display R»te (mln. 1 column Inch) • , ""•' :''••••;.•' miles. Good condition; $900. 1971 1979 FORD Mustang/Hatchback, brbestoffer.j688-,1854.; : : RONTIAC WAGON, $400. 687-3755, V8, air condition, am/fm cassette, Perlnch.-.:.,:...;.... '.•.,•; ,..;.,.'.. v.Vv... 1,1 .•.;';•..'.. ,.$l3 I • • . •". /"Bordered Ads add »,00 '!' '•• .. •', after3:30pm... .•• -.-'• •— rear defrost, good'condition.' Call 1978 OLDS Omega, 2 dqor, -V-8, after 6pmi 687-8723. power steering/power brakes, air . • .... "•;• OlSPlAr CLASSIFIED OPEN RATE. . . ,. •' 1984 BUICK- REGAL Original -(Commlsslonablel;: ..„-.- .-•, •; v. .-•.'...'... $13.00 per I condition, Ajn'radio, 52,000 miles,. 3 BLOCKS :; Owner. Two door sedan. Loaded-9 1977 FORD - LTD Landau, 4 door, $1500 or best offer, 686-2064. : 22 MINUTES '•: .•..••..-"'. ._'.' CONTRACT RATES FOR ADS THAT - • '. :.. -AM--5PM call 736-5600. Evenings, very good condition, best offer. Call •- '".••' • , •'•' RUN ON CONSECUTIVE WEEKS . -• ••^.-.! '...-.. } after 5pm, 687-8141. Just 66,500 I 688-0315. . 4 to 12 limes....;.'..'. .•...,.,•... •.....'....',..'. ;.•';.. i,,. $11.75 perlnch : 1972 PONTIAC - GRAND PRIX. ; miles. ., . • 78,1310 original mileage. Will sell ONE BLOCK • 13 times or more .: •'.;'.,.....'..«..,. ...V .,..x..,.'.'..'.,..., ...$11.00 per Inch; 1981' BUICK- , Skylark, 4 door, car for parts. Call after 2PM., 851- 1977.FORD THUNDERBIRD-Power automatic, aJr conditioning. AAA/- 0640. • .••. :•••• • ••:• • • • • ' Visa and MC are accepted -(/-"X?-^'-' .--r-'- , FAA cassette stereo. • Power steering, brakes, power steering, air condi- brakes. Good condition. Asking tion, 8 cylinder. Pioneer am/fm l»80 PONTIAC- SUNBIRD, 4 eyeje, 4 I $2,350. Call 687-6521 or 687-6674. stereo cassette- leather interior, speed, power •• -steering; power Classified adl are.payable withiIn 7 dayt. II »d la paldby MtodneUay Morn Inufllon cKduct 33. centi. Transient rate> apply to a_.. 56,000 miles. $1800.687-0827. brakes, AM/FM stereo cassette* adt appearing f«w«r than U rfirta. Paymant for Translanf ad«'.: |l976 CHEVYMONZA-4 speed stick, 1971 FORD- MAVERICK V8. Runs Car Is In excellent condition runs •hould be nKelved before the publlcaibllcsllol n dat«. I.e,s,. IHIIHIIno laterI thamann Wednesdawearwsaavy Dfttorbefore rhth«e ThursdaTdurtday of "publication" "" . Payment' 'I n1 advanca e Iton out of' 'View engine, 48,000 miles, radio, rear strong. Asking $1,700 (201) 686-8361 ». m>Vi• vta<•%»>. mymcni in jtavancn tori oof of tof/n advwrtlieri. Employnwnl Wanted, Apart- very good. Much work recently done I menf Wanted, Wanted to Rent.Wv wlllnot b« retponfttbfa.lor «rror< unltia ttwy^ra d«lKt*d .. Waker, tape deck. Asking $800. Call and I no.longer need-car™-Call 24S; n-ik fnr nnvp •: •• jMfore tfwi 3nd Inwrtlon^ounty Laader Newtpapen reurwrtrvtfttcht to clauiry^ edit or reject.. CrtS37;-;i — •' ~ : any adveHistnO' No cancellation will be accepted In CIBUIIKKJ (.dvertiUng after TOetdaV noon 602Bafter6PM.; . The final deadline for classified U 3:30 p.m;, Tuesday, but earlier receipt of copy will be, ap i970 PONTIAC GTO-400 engine, tur- predated, , '- -. ; •.•''• .'...' . . . ' ' ta CHRYSLER.NEWPORT - Run- bo trans/new tires, $1500 or best of- I nlng condition. Best offer, 233-2985 1979 FORD - CUSTOM • VAN', • s cylinder, A/C, P/S, P/B,, AM/FM, fer.Wl-512S. v v, COUNTY LEADER - folggs '• ''• tilt wheel, cruise, dual tanks, tow J980 PONTIAC-Flreblrd, 2 door, : .19*1 CORVETTE L8J - 21,000 hitch, new,tires, 4 capt chairs, sofa •-••. '. ••••.••: P.p.BOX3109 •. •..•••.._^:^•.:• bed, Ice box. $5800.944-0780. power, steering, and brakes. 60,000- 1 original miles, tan with tan leather; mlles. Good condition, $3,000. Call - __ - _ ^- UNION, N J;07083 • --;-;-'.;-:r—:- Onelowner. Must sell. Best offer. 1983 FORD ESCORT GLX - Good' 686-1285. from the Call\M7-9444orJ379-7040.' • condition, 48,000 mlles.-HIgh Output "••'• '••' _v..," UNION/ESSEX COMBOBAtfs~~^.v.' ' " . ;, Engine, AC, AM-FM Cassette and 1969 PONTIAC - LeAAans converti- : 1977 CHEVROLET Monte cario-v-8, Train station '.•••-• •'•' • '••'• . - C0MB0DEADLINE:.Mondly5p.ni. ••:•.• • ' • many other extras. Asking $3,500, ble, pearl white/black pinstripe, 350, from New York City air condition, power Windows: Ask- > i • • -i '.. •• .'.I TRANSIENT CLASSIFIED RATES •. • '•. : • . ing $1^00. Call after 4P.M., 687-4706. will-negotiate. Call 376-2081 after iucketsl chrome, new power top, 20 words (commissloiubleXmlnimum) iartyo stereo, too much to list, ex- $1000 5:30 during the-week, anytime on Additional 10 words or less... .'„..,.,.,. ,-.-r7-,-, r.. r Weekends. " '• cellent condition, garage kept, $3800, from The union county $200 1979 IEVY BLAZER-Eltcellent Classified Box Number...... ,'. newcbrorTway.Call Dave686 3962 $500 condltL. Two tone metallc blue. BOROEREOADS ;....'-...... ;....; _$7.00. Asking* 1._CalUB9:376B..:-: 1«M HONDA-ACCORD^Foor door, Court House -^——r~—rrr , ' CLASSIFIEODISPIAV "five speed, AM/FM cassette, air I97« PONTIAC-Phoenlxr Sporty, well maintained, original owner, ClassllledDisplayopenratefcomrnlssionable)...... J26 00 per Inch 1977 CHRYSLER NEWPORT- Ex- conditioning. Good condition. ;467- • 13 weeks or more.... ,i.»...... ••. :... cellent nunnlng condition. $1200 or 3163. .., -. . -.-.. ••. — :•.- 47,000 miles. Geat second car or $2100 per inch bestoffet964-9251. • Xmas present. S17.50 or best offer. CLA_SSIFED INDEX 1979 HONDA CIVIC WAGON - Air, 687-0492. ' • I9M COA\ET- Excellent roechalcal radio, .no accidents, everything condltlonA Four door; 26O-V-8 works. "Buyer to take good care of 1974 PACER X - Automatic, power I Leave your car for service at our UUrOMONVE •"•'"• e.MISCEUANEdlJS engine.' Original owner.. Phone; car." $1,359,688-7082. ° ' steering, air conditioning, 6 2 ANNOUNCEMENTS . 7.PETS 687 4073af]fer7|p0PM. : ' cylinder, «S,000 miles, very clean, -3 EMPLOYMENT - CADILLAC AWARD WINNING SERVICE DEPARTMENT! I ^SREATESTATI 1979 JEEP WAGONEER-4X-4,ex« $W or-best offer.-Call 862-0422-or— 4 INSTRUCTIONS 9.RENTALS . 1987' CrtEVETTE-4 cvUndafc- xeUent-condltion, no rust, $4700. 233- 486-4828 leave message'. I 5 SERVICES OFFERED IO.BUS(KESS OPPOHTUNITES auromatlcrJl dour nalchback, $6,000 2985evenlngs. .•-.,.•, miles. $30001 Must sell. After 5pm, 1978-T»0(NTIAC Bonnlvllle Black call 7O9-1018;Y(enllw«rth. 1983 MERCURY- COLONY PARK with red velour interior. p$, PB; I WAGON.: Luxury package, loaded, WHY CO ANYWHERE ELSEl rear window defoger. Low rnlleas, 1979 CAMARb - RALLY SPORT, 2 excellent condition. $6000. .233-2985 very clean. Must see. Asking $3,000 ( .--„•• tone blue, Ac, power. steerlngA I 1-AUTOMOTIVE AUTO DEALERS even|ngsr~~r_;._.z: .•-- • or best offer. Call Ernest, 274-8017. brakes; autorrutlo'excelleht .condi- you're"Closet Than You Think ... to tion $4500 or\best, offer. 548-882i 19M MAZDA CLC - 2 door, hatch, 5 "M-PONTIAC GRAND PRIX LE - AAA service leasjng,inc after 6f>m.: ' • ' speed; A/C, AM/FM stereo, new ex- V4, fully equipped, AM/FM cassette AUTO ACCESSORIES AutolMtinfTwTO - 5fM" svstem, battery, alternator; stereo,-. all_power options, T-roof, 1978 CHEVY\ IMPALA-Statlon $1150.687-7193 weekends. alarm. Good condition, 45,'5O0 miles. OiMtoFhM.Ytm wagon, power, steer and brakes, ale Asking $6,900. Call 944-8832. BUY-WISE AIIIUkttudModttt condition, V8, auto trans, Am/Fm 1971.MERCEDES- 280 SEL Sedan. Auto Parts radio Bestoffer.^pall9*4-73147-. ' Sliver. Like new.. Must sell.-Call 1983 _PONTIAC- Grand Prix LJ I WHOLESALE 968-6648 evenings and weekends. series. Six cylinder, new engine, new To The Public \ UBiwi,NJT676s3 . 197) CHEVY IMPkLA - 2 door, A/C, muffler, new fuel pump, grey two Open 7 Days (2O1)SI7HOO 76,500 miles. G00H. transportation.. •'{» MERCURY COUGARSPower tone. Power windows, cruise con- SMBT Sun 8 am to 12 pm One owner. Call 37lfr7632-after Sgm. steerlng/brakes/wlndows, needs trolrrAsklng $6,300. Engine war- Wed 8, Sat. ~ $500. ,.'-'U. * " "" •' -work, great transportation. First ranted by'Pontlac 12,000 miles. Ask 7 30 to 5-45 pm. OLDSMOBILE ~ $300orbestoHer.Cail 379-3871 for Pete or leave message on 1944 CRYSLER Nevi Yorker-4 door. machine. 386-0393. Weekdays 7:30 - Oldest 8. Largest 440 C.l, V-8, autbmatlc, power 1.976 MERCURY-BOBCAT - 52.000 MOTORS CO. am to 7 p.m, Exclusive steering and brakes, radio and plus miles, needs work. $300.OTbest Olds Dealer In offer. Call Rob 687-8093. 1979 PLYMOUTHHorlZon. heater; 104,000 mllei. GsocLcondl Automatic, 2 ton? red. Needs some Union County tlon. $695.686-3425, Pr UNION COUNTVS LARGEST & OLDEST CADIIIACTDEAIER SINCE 1932 _^ Vauxhall Section ELIZABETH 1979 MUSTANG- Sunroof. AM/FM - MOTORS, INC i T091 Springfield Ave. 197» CHEVROLET Chevetie-4 door ^^"?«tt95lxx cyllndeTFcyllndTFff ™ 79 WEST GRAND ST., ELIZABETH, N.J. Union Value Rated. Used Cars hatchback,' 4 speed, \ only 53,200 687-5678 or 37* > 1981 SAAB 90CS - 4 door walnut, 5 -; 582-Motr-I^AVe, ^H ;t975;486-7869$975:^7869. 3298 : "' '• ' ' ' l-excell«nt condltion^gara Elizabeth 3541050 78,000 nilles. $4100. Call after 7PM/ AUTO DEALERS 19*2 ' CADILLAC-CoupeA De Vllle. 197« MERCURY MONARCH - 4- 335-4527. SMYTHE VOLVO Fully equipped, 40,000 miles.: One doorm automatic, power steerlmjA 354-8080 - Exclusive Volvo owner.'Excellent condltloVi, 688-5718,' brakes, air conditioning, AM/FM "dlo, 74,000 inlles, «%:mSu3S 979 SUBARU - 2 door, air condltlon- "Dealer o 326 Morris Ave 1977 CHEVROLET- MoAte Carlo, condition, good ln

I 1W TERCELSedan-47,000 miles, LOST-Tan mini shepherd ml*,;no ilflll,y_jr.tatde(( BUS DRIVER NEEDED - Must DENTAL HTGENIST ' auto, 4 door, am/fm. Excellent con- eollarr^nswers lo name ^Tobvv e In learning Independent have number 1 bus license, $7.00 per Do you relate well with, people? Do g dltlon. $275O-Negotlable. Call-447- Hillside vicinity'. 923-0731 or 484-9347. living skills In .group home. • hour plus benellts. Send resume to: CLERICAL you work effectively as a member of Creative, rewarding and responsible . Maria C. Young, 2410 Springfield a team? Unique office looking for w : Full" and Part T.lme positions." *• • :• - •'•••-'• ' positions offering varied schedules , top notch dental hygenlst or soon to ~ 1W« TOYOTACellca-New - body Ave.,yauxhall,NJ 07088. ' ••:„, Part/Time Office: work.' No ex-. OPPORTUNITIES be graduated," We would love to see FULLTIME PERSONALS aan d excellenexceentt benefit*'benefit*. Summit-NeSummitNew perlence necessary. For more C work: New'front end, new clutch; ProvidencPid e area. FFo r ftfurtheh r InforIf - CASHIER-Mornlngs, part or full youj Please call our Mlllburn office S 'funs good. Asking $400.'Call An- ' lime. Must type" and be reliable vc information please call Our modern suburban hospital facility offers three full-time positions - at 4470720. . We appreciate mation call June Anderson, 464-8008.; anytlmeat:~j. ~,. •, i^'S-K C Invarlousareastoquallfledlndlvlduals:. • outstanding talent!. ' " thony, 944 1884, after 4pm. CEMETERY PLOTS Good for student or housewife. TYPIST/TYPESEnER I 1M4 TOYOTA- COROLLA. Four HOLLYWOOD ' ; " • NAWROCKI'S PHARMACY, Union.. Wanted to wotk for weekly newspaper. Hours Mon. 10:00 A,M.-6:00 i door .deluxe, five speed, air condl- MEMORIAL PARK . :: v. ADMIN. CUM TYPIST •:.«B8-8052. ••:•.•, •- •••. ';, . • \ :'•••.• SECRETARY Driven -pr-tloning,- power steering, power Gethhesmane' Gardens,: International employee benefits con- Pharmacy P.M. Tues. 9-00 A.M.-104N) P.M. Wed. 9 A.M.-l:00 P.M. Fri. . z- brakes, sunroof, dual mirrors. 45K /Mausoleums. Office:'1500 Stuyve- sulting firm needs a responsible and Requires strong typing skills and some experience. VAN OPERATORS 0 Asl na sent Ave., Union. - experienced typist (60 WPM) to CLERICAL ASSISTANT To drive handicapped, elderly & 488-4300 . . work In pleasant office setting. Firm T0*1IIEIUII*6E». clients for large social service agen- rl^S^cay^-g' "- " offers-competitive starting salary For one of .NJ's leading liquor fc. FILE CLERK cy In the Union County area. Must be CALL NANCY CORAGGIO: glMO TOYOTA COROLLA - Station PERSONAL-Famlly or Marital Pro- with full benefits Including medlcair Wine distributors. Interesting |ob for CtERK/TYPIST ^ reliable, nave good driving record S Wagon, p/s, P/B, "automatic blems? Call The Family,Therapy hospital, dental and life Insurance. person with good organizational, ad- Mortgage banking firm In Spt- •: Medical Records and be familiar with area. -Starting z transmission, AM/FM radio, air Center of The new Jersey Center for Office has secured on-slte parking ministrative 87 .communication: Ingfleld Is seeklhg well organiz- Requires some exposure to medical records. pay $9,200-$1.0,450 plus, paid 0W •± conditioning, high mileage, 1 owner, Famlly.Studles for prompt, low^osT ana is block from train and NJT abilities plus math & typing skills. ed Individual for clerical & typ- employee benefits, depending on ex- or come to: g excellent condition. $1200. Call eves: help. -535™M6rrls • Avenue;—Spr-~ 4. -Good benefits & working conditions « 544-9371. bus No. 94. ing duties. Room' for. possible' BILLING CLERK perience, ; --•;• r-- 1291 Stuyvesant Ave. Union ; Ingfleld, N:J. 07081.467-4350. C7MM0Eit323 In suburban office. - • '•«;'. advancement. Salary Commen- => I»M TOYOTA CRESSIDA-4 door, Finance Call For ApgL10AM-3PM for application JJ low .mileage—excellent condition, WWb^^athollc, handsome, car- AradfsBKtw •':•-•„.:.:: 379-1938 :•' -iX- surate with experience. For In- 2OU*fr*3O0 1 tervlew, please contact Mariiyrt £ Fully loaded. Call 484-2433, 9-5, Lll, Ing. _ Seeks church going slim 33 Evergreen Place Requlressomeprevlousbllllngexperlence, - CATHOUC after5,944-1529., '• .• ' ' • .. • .. Catholic single female 25.- 32 for ••'• EastOrage,NJ'07019 Welnberg aft. 11:00am Equal Oppty Employer M/F . We offer competitive salaries and excellent COMMUNITY SERVICES possible serious relationship. Reply, : •••.'. -•-•. CLERK <••• ;•':'.•••••. packages. Send resume or call fenonnel DepL «' »J». TOYOTA CAROLLA- P.O. Box 243 Union, N.J. 07083. V For customer service In corporate pg p HEALTH CARE OPPORTUNITIES Automatlc, 2 door, am/fm, clean In- (201)3764)050 687-19006871900 , at 22022000 . 10000 GllGallopini g Hill RRd.d , Union, Hi ~lindea,MJI- I ACCOUNTING CLERK- „ offlceof-leading. NJ-IIquor-8.-wlne T r The Summlt:MedlcaLGroup7P7A7A Multl-Speqlailty.Group.Practlco, -terlormewbstter7,Wi e1lre7needs distributor. Good communications xiiw37 ~'rr~ ~: ~~ __!snowacceptlnq.appJ!catlons.for_the.following Ideal opportunitiesi—— ...b6dy_wprk,.-Only^72,M0. mllei. Best! CHIUWARE skills-necessary: CRT-exprhelpfuIr offer,.,Cal.l 944-7850 between 4-7pm. ^rotir Pleasant working conditions s\ good DENTAL- ASSISTANT - Chalrslde, benefits. . NiON H^PITAI. CRT Operator/Data Base Info. Oerk • ~'~ __. ~'~ •'. W73 VOLKSWAGEN BUG - One' BABYSITTER-Needed for infant. . Due To Recent Expansion full-time for specialty office. -Spr- • owner, good- condition, standard Call 298-1.033 or 686-1445. We require: ' •. '.'•'••'. ™ 379-1938 \ CLERICAL ingfield. Call 379-5555. . - Hie Oerks FT/PT — — . .^transmission. $800. Call 245-4052. Sates-audilexperlence an equal opportunity employer Insurance PatjentHep F/T I-WIII babysit your child starting •One year A/R experience Order Taker/Inside Sales EXCELLENT Income for pactJi ' . 1974 2A0Z- Body In excellent condi- home assembly work. For Informa- Medical Technologist F/T •",••'' Jant/ary 5 In my Roselle Park home. •4 accounting credits ,' : tion. Good for college student.$3,000. Near transportation. Lots of T;L.C. •Bank rec. experience - ;•.•;;••••• CUIIK•••..'•'••• •• ---"v. :- tion call 504-641-8003, Ext. 8383." Call 851-0525, . To handle deposits 8. applying credit Immediate openings In. Union Medical Transcribers R/PT Also crib and other accomodatlons. •PC experience to customer accounts. Credit or ac- FREE- TRAINING - January 24 - Reasonable rates. 241-7251. •A questioning nature • area for self starter with plea-' PhLebotomistsf/T- ' counts receivable exp. 8. knowledge sant phone voice - to take February 4. Become a state cer- CRT OPERATOR/DATA BASE INFORMATION CLERK tlfled^-home-health -aide. Car Receptionists FT/PT •.' L__jillTOS WANTED— .4^1-,«- MALE Parent-Seeks full time child WeofferT ~" ".• _: -of CRT a plus. Full time fpr pleasant ti care person for school'age children. corporate off Ice In Mlllburn. necessary, mileage paid, excellent RN'sFT/PT •'._,'. ' •• Preferably to live In Call 6867017. •Competitive salary 8. benefits 379-1931 Call Kathy for interview. Immediate full time position vacancy fora,CRT Operator/Daperator/Datla Base hourly rate. Good Opportunity for all TOP$$$ •Opportunity for advancement Information Clerk. Responsibilitie, s will. Include data entry..maintain, mi - ages. Call Visiting Homemakers, X-Ray Technicians P/TWatchung Office MATURE- Woman will babysit In •Smoke-free, congenial ' 686-3100 "Ing files, updating Data Base; and controlling Information. Individual Westfleld,233-3113. ;; . - "111 CASH environment •• /" For ALLXars 8i Trucks her home:' Flexible.hours. Has must possess good organizational skills and be able to function In- Wo offer excellent salaries plus company paid benefits with most posi- references. Call Yolanda, 371-2726. CASHIER dependently. A company benefits package and competitive .starting FILE Clerk-Union County building tions. If Interested, please call Personnel, 277-8433. •••'•' Calr for app't or send resume with salary accompany this. 37'/^ hour a week position. If Interested call material center has opening for full CALLDAYS RESPONSIBLE Mother-Will care salary history «• requirements'to STOCK CLERK Personnel, 277-8433.- time reliable file clerk. Will train. . .589-8400 --.:- for your child In my Union home. Janet Hamilton: . . 'I Excellent salary. All benefits. Call References'upon request. Call 944- Full/part time./ Flexible hours. . CUSTOMER SERVICE JAEGER-LUMBER, 484.0072, ask ."or EVES, 8297. - ... 378-5500 Benefits.-Call Mr: Cohert 9 AM v 5 ' Bright, ambitious self-starter for Frank. .'" ~PM.'Mpnday^Frlday, Shoppers Li- 1 needed' In Union area. For IM SUMMIT AVCNVeyiUMMIT.NEW JERSEY tlWI , 688-204* . quor, .2321 Rt. 22,West,•'Union. 944- customer service. Experience FULL- TIME - Office presently (Same day Pick-ups) • located In Union scon to relocate. 3EMPL0YMENT 5050, •.-•••. ..:•••••. ;•• • .'•,•..-.•'• ".• necessary.'•.,.-•' '-. •••• , , ;CallMattforJnferylew:i > Good typist With apptitude : for -Z. -INSURANCE PATIENTREPRESENTATIVE ,WE4«AY CASH- FOR YOUR JUNK figures. Must have transportation. -Full time position available In our Insurance DepartmontrTypIno and .CAR OR TRUCK; 375- CLERICAL . DRIVER/MESSENGER"^ 944-4440. -proficiency In math skills-required. Insurance background preferred 1253.1 RVINGTON. HIGHEST but not necessary. If interested,'please call Personnel 277-B433. -PRICES PAIDI • •'•' '••:-;-. ; CLERICAL; :.; Enjoy the variety of typing, greeting EMPLOYMENT WANTED .Accurate typist tocjheck billing.and Full time, Monday-Friday,-Must be FULL And Part'Time Positions visitors and answering a telephone Availablo-Wlth a growing company. _^We-BuyJunk Cars'•— ASSISTANCE-Needed .'for elderly general office duties. Full time, per- responsible—Individual with clean console;..In the congenial at- N.JL. driver license: Must havo own Flexible, hours. Homemakers and_ TOPJJPAID: BRAZILIAN LADY - Is looking for couple. Springfield 7:30 am-1:30 pm, manent Jor small.' appliance . mpsphere of a small friendly com- ,6 or/days per week. Call376-1345or distributor Call for Interview, 379- automoblje. retirees welcomed. Phone •. 789-0101 24 hr.serv. 488-7420 home to clean. Good experience and pany...wilh a fine salary and for more details." + references. Call Llndl on Sunday on- 736-5285. ;'•'.,• W •,':• '; . •' . ' ; . 1200. GoldeYi Electric Company, 70 ^CLERICAL .benefits program, Send a note about E. Willow Street,Mlllburn.' . '. Excellent company benefits. For ap- UiSUMMITAVCNMI.* SUMMIT, NSW JERSSV (mi ly, 344-7503. ..-••. , . • . v- BOOKKEEPING -•->—~ _::„ DATA ENTRY-, your experience or call Ed Duooan -FULL—TIME-CLERICAlr^—Small- MOBILE HOMES CLEANING SERVICE - In Spr- at: lttl-ffi— ~~~~ busy Union office w[th pleasant at- EXPERIENCED European woman ingfield heeds part time 'day Immediate openings In Union mosphere..Light-typing and schedul- with own. transportation and' 233-3500 '• MOBILE Office/ storage trailer for references wishes housework. Call ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER/ workers.'call after 4pm, 374-0491.or area for. bright ambitious.per- ' Ing.appointments, good spelling and INVENTORY Legal Secretaries " rents ft.x 28 ft., air condition and 851-9320,after6PM.. . • ,;. 374-0805. ' , ••.„• son with minimum 2 years ex- DENTAL- H YG1 EN 1ST Part time or excellent phone skills a must. Non- . ' •"••>";.. •OtWCAL-•.•••••••'••• •' ' perience. • For order entry: on smoker. Insurance background P/T DAYS YEAR ROUND- Springfield—: heated. Call 272-3624, BLUE BLADE :Grea,t_ opportunity for individual Ameriun Aluminum Co. full time Schedule flexible. _Busy_fIrm -noods experienced CORP., Kenllworth for further Infor- I.B.M.34 and general clerical helpful but riot necessary. Call .944- HOUSEKEEPER-AVaIlable_MoiU- -wlth-preyious accountspayable and 230 Sheffield St. Established' practice. Center of : ; TEMPJANJIARCH^i: —Secretaries—with—good—real- -mstlon^ndYates:—' • "".' ' — duties.: .'.-.•.,-i 4228. • • -.",. : ••.••:—— tays-BiKrvwanwaaysT-csn Tina, accounts receivable experience; Call Marilyn for interview. " Mountanslde. NJ 07092 Westfleld. Call 232-2134 or 447-4123, T(Ja|l6nal Inventory company estate background. Steno re- 55^-0845, afters PM. Any ^computer ' knowledge a plus. Route carts. M.25 per hour.. Work _-r-— Equal Oppty Employer seeks 20-30 reliable individuals quired. Knowledge of Word TRUCKS FOR SALE NEED. Something typed? Ex- Some typing skills required. - from 7 AM or 8 AM ttf3PM. Call:. . 686-3100 ; ^7 with fars.-Average 25-35 hrs. perfect a plus. Excellent perienced typist workftig In home PWOUCI GROUNDMAN weekly. $5.50 to start. Paid benefits and working condi- Excellent 'company- benefits,, in- DATA PROCESSING CONTROL CLERK For tree service work. Experience training In' December. Travel tions. Call Mrs. Peek at: 1984 CHEVY - S.10_PJck:Up,.2,tone with experience In legal work-IBM cluding Profit .Sharing. Call for, In- DEVEIOPMENTCORP. Full time position available In bur multl specialty. Group Practice prefcrred,_but will accept trainee. & auto allowances, call for In- paint with matching cap,'extended' "" irrectlng Selectrlc 2. Call 964-0919. terview: • . - .CLERICAL .'., •••••./•...•','' .-•': •_'; facility for a Data Processing Control Clerk. Individuailt l will coordinate • Drivers-license required. Call 245- terview between' Mon-Frl. 12- i "467-4444 cab with lump 'seats, PS, PB, URSES Aide-Seeking private duty. . -all.lnformatlon flowing through, and processed by, the Data Process- 1919.; SpmONLYat: For in Appointment .- automatic overdrive, V6, AM/FM «7-13I3,EkL213 Ing, department to assure completeness and accuracy, Typing ex- TA/oifirto"aSlst'elderly and sick also: B«tw«M &30 AM ami 2^0 PM GOVERNMENTJobs 14,040 • stereq, 38,000 miles. $7500 or best of- .companion. Call 374-4432. ; perience and previous exposure to use of a Data Terminal a plus. Will- ^686-5967 fer. Call 487-5171, after 5:30pm. WFbrBitbm r^^ ORDER Ing to'traln.We offer acomprehensive benefits package and a salary :: $59,230/yr. Now Hiring. Call 805-487- POLISH LADIES - With references commehsut'.a.te. with ability, ^Interested, please call Personnel, 277- 4000 Ext."R-4189for-currentfederal • 1982 - DATSUN PICK-UP - Tonto: list.--..•.• . ; ••••,' •,- •• ,: •„ ••• Mora. cover, light-bar, AM/FM Cassette, and experience seeking house clean- : MAtHINE OPERATOR Ing, office cleaning; condos, apart- Promising opportunity lor bright In- ^eORRESPONDENCE spoke, wheels, excellent condition ments.-Llve-ln/outr-New Jersey/- CLERK TYPIST GAL/- GUY "FRIDAY • Mature DESK CLERKS "72;000-,mlles. K750rCairafter"7PM7 dividual to work In the Business Of- Qualified Individual to fill In- ^L^"^^ 9«1«»>«i» «n Im^ responsible Individual with'accoun- :i New York. Also, assembly work at We are willing to train a .'335-4527. •' • ' •; •••• • , • fice of a prominent suburban com- teresting and diversified 'clerical mediate, opening for an Individual ting or bookkeeping background for home.Call 9^-8039. / munity hospital, Requires . 30-35 120 SUMMIT AVEHUE SUMMIT, NEWJEft'SEV'oTfol' small accounting firm. Must have Newly renovated luxuary air- mechanically Inclined boginner position In claims department x>n -with 2 plus years experience In sates port hotel seeking alert, bright as a machine operator In ouf RESPONSIBLE - Woman seeks WPM typing, good communications permenant full flme. basis. Salary .supportor.custo.mer service, Handl- good figure apptitude. Send resume 2-ANNOUNCEMENTS and mathematical sklllsr , ,.,;.,. Ing customer and Internal requests, with salary requirements to T.C.M., and pleasant desk clerks. Full machine shop.; Opportunity for part-time position as a companion.to commensurate'. ..with :.experience, 112B Springfield Ave., Mountainside, benefits.. Ma|or medical and; advancement. ._.. the elderly. References. Call 1 hours . 8:15-4:30pirt. -Conveniently via telephone and written contact! ; DRIVER- Part time, full'time- v . • WILLING TO TfeAiN'?. '' dental. Apply in person.only, Carolyn761-0340. ' •.'.;•••••: located with free parking. Please you will be responsible for Inquiry/ N.J. 07o»2. ., :•:•••• ••••'• CANDIDATE WITH POTENTIAL order Processing, their follow-up delivery person for local expanding 11AM-4PM; Sunday """to" APPLY IN PER'SON ' call Mrs. Elek between 8:15-3pmi DELIVERY company. Call 544-4355. ". GLASSMAN/W- experienced only to vThgrsdav. . , LOST AND FOUND" 944-0550,. Ohio Casualty Insurance and associated" clerical, duties, HELP WANTED Excellent salary ^andr benefits Company, 2U4 Morris Ave., Union.- positive:n communlcatlon,:.personm IMUIIIca lo : a Install glass In large apartment HEXAGON EUCTRIC CO. package. Call or apply at Personnel -Iiui" - - " ' '", 'Personal complex:Call373-2242._.. •.•••• Lost «i Found ads will, run fbrtwo JlffS? n1lin ^ meentandjylnl g kill ^PERSON 141W. Clay Avo. (after 9AM). 99 Beauvolr Ave. at .-u5? 'Oe D. '-andJyplng skills HOLIDAY INN JETPORT - oelle^BK — ...weeks' FREE -as^a': service to IT^Ia i n^Jr2?inal fompufer; familiarity -lOOOSprlng-Street——•— ^ rtfe 'Joo-to^etalt:tequlr8d?HO== WaTfledforfIbT^^fi6p7Tue DATAENTR' ---- EllzabethrN. J^< -r- —residents In 6ur-9 Communities.' (201:)__522>2241. ' An- addlfron to a competitive salary.Aw . day thru Saturday, part time. 8 r a Busy Insurance office located In opportunity/affirmative action °'' n . -P<»>"ve-worklng:envlron- : ' I mmediate opening. Call:. : " GAL7GUY1WDAY5 FOUND- Cat. Vicinity St. Michaels, HDJU5TERTWUNEES T : employer m/f. :g- ';.•:•:"';" '•l*:.:\r'. Wanted'Full or parf'tlme posi- rnent and a comprehensive benefit- Kenllworth seeking; clerk for Com- Experienced, dally phone •.Union. Christmas bay. White with tions high pay. •., ,._^_ p^g^jc^cvMlder^lon^pleaspa^ge^jc^cMld^lle : puter Department.' Experience duties, : learnlng_cbmputer; brown long hair. Very friendly. Call Due to business expansion Transo ««?afd_y.our-resume-ot- letter IrT helpful-but-not^ necessary.-. Detail; ';General typlng-5O/40-wpmr7S- LUNCH ROOM AIDES -MESSENGER/— -'OVERLOOK oriented. Pleasant surroundings. 697-2069. ' •••• Envelope, Hillside, N.J. has open- eluding salary hfstory to: ^762-3 glrl office. Excellent benefits. Westfleld Public Schools Is ings for experienced adiusters and v; HOSPITAL. DELUXE CAff WASH Call488-7700. Ext. 19. :. " .'.- For more Information ball Deb- - substltue & permanent GENERAL OFFICE " FOUND-Black male Labrador adjuster trainees for second • and ~>'\ 412 Somerset St, bleat:.- U^ inch Room Aides for our Retriever, wearing red collar also Jhlrd shift. Positions rtrexpefleftced" ,-'• No.-Plalnflold ••,-••• ;;"V/-^;;;Afciiitkick.'.'.' .' DRIVERS-Wanfed for local taxi/- Elementary Schools. 1 hr. per, ^.PERSON flea collar. Across frpmTrll, stuyve- ad|uSters are available on MO's, '.... livery company. Hlghrprbductlon. day ,11:30 to 12:30, $8.75 per-hcu_ RS's, Mark IV .and 527 folding y /;•;'. •BOOKKEEPER;^-;;; '.;.'••• "••:•••-•• difc- '." ••- DIE ASSEMBLERS — Needed for busy law firm In sant Avenue, Union, Call ,9-5, A8A- . High commission. We' need several Top Waoes_and. benefits. Apply In Apply In person: Springfield.-Ideal situation for 280Q,"Bfter 5,487-2335. Or free to good •machines* 'Trainees • with strong • 75&OO2O-- iLgood full and part time drivers while mechanical ability are required to Experience required lA all phases of person, ask for Dick, active retiree. Caf necessary, •home./ • .. '•• • , ••;: •:.'. I' —r experience Is a plus we are Willing to -Personnel Office Some filing experience helpful, participate in our on the |ob training A/P; Good aptitude for figures. CRT train the-rlght-lndlvlduals. Hours GROUP TEACHER -The child 302 Elm St. " Pleasecall Mrs. Peek: FOUND- CAT • Black long-haired. program. Applicants must be able to experience.experienc : helpfullpful. ExcellenExcellent are'available,for different times of DANLY MACHINE development program of 'Union Weilfleld read and write, perform simple benefits aindworkln inng conditions, Ap- •'•''Union Township Community Action' Call 4S4-3V35. NORTHROiT the day arid week. Tor Interview call 497 Rahwav Ave. : ~ 7 —467-4444 - malhematlcal-calculations, use -a- John at 467-3400. • -w—•- - -.- ~r— Organization Is "'now7 "accepting •LOST- CAT.; Deaf, white .female^ ruler "and~traln on any_shlft. Ap- 279OMonitA*». applications/resumes for a group pllcants please call Mr Cushmeyer DENTALAsslstant-F.ull/part time. GENERAL Clerical-Full time. Typ- .-,with plnk-noseHWedlurti SIHJ. Lost 5INEERING CORP. DRtVER-Llmo for part time work In teacher, With group teacher-cer- ing skills necessary. 40 hour week. Friday, November 19 between Vaux- between lpm & 2pm at (201)353-4700, afternoon «nd early evening. Good X'Ray license required. Pleasant at- tificate or CDA. Send resume to:' GAL/- GUY FRIDAY - Full time or ext.216. ' ...... ••.. •••2 Lawrence Road' ! mosphere Negotiable hours. 475- Full benefits, company, located in hall .Road Bridge and Sayre Road Springfield, NJ 07081 hourly pay*Call Jeff for Interview, p Maria C. • Young, 2410 Springfield' part time. Light-typing, answer Springfield Call weekdays, 9 5, 374 Brldoe (Brook area) Union; Please Equal Opportunity Employer M/F Equal Opply Empj^J 742 0178. ' - — , - 0453. 7fve, Vauxhall, NJ 07088.' phones, clerical duties, Springfield ll office. Call 487 7440. 4300 , • . • tj? 4i».., ..,'' \ '.? HELPWUifEO HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED PROFESSIONAL COUPLE f Seeks warm, loving, mature. Individual to care for children ages 8 & 4, In our P,ART;TJME . .. UCENSEO PRACTICAL NURSE PART TIME • Inside, phone sales-for-growlng com- .SECRETARY 1 Cranford home. Light housekeeping RESTAURANT REGISTERED NURSES FULL TIME/PART TIME MEDICAL RECORDS FILE CLERKS FULL/PART TIME 'Immediate part time opportunity available for LPN to work In our pany: Inritiuslc BRd,'entertainment To$l«.5p«rjMr progressive multl specialty Group Practice Facility. A comprehen- and mealpreparatlon. Must be nonr. Full and Part time positions available for RN's to work Ih our Group smoker, have own transportation . field. Knowledge of music not Practice Facility. Pleasant atmosphere/office envlronment'and ex- sive company paid benefits package and salary commensurate with HELP ; Financially sound company In Full time 37% hour position vacancies available In our. Medical and recent checkable references. necessary, Evenings a must. Phone cellent company paid benefits package. If Interested please call Per- ability accompanies this 30 hour week position. For additional Infor- 1 95ONliY37fr3033 . sonnel277-8433. . ,-..'.• Hillside -wlth-mpdern office Records Department accompanied by an excellent benefits packaoe.— mation, please call Personnel, 277-8433. ., ' . Hours BanMpm, Monday-Friday. Assist, manager with dl\)eF~ Salary ' commensurate -with ex^- PART TME Receptionist/Secretary. facilities and a congenial at- Flexible hours.llghtltYPlng. Assist slfled responsibilities, Unioh_ -mosphere—seeks—Individual- Part time position available to work 11 PM-7 AM Thursday and Sun- perlence. Please call 274-B204J____ doctor. Mlllburn. ophthalmologist. County-ATeaTtxcellenroppor- with: day nights, f ••'.._.•.•','. Phone, 467-1810. turtlty fpr; .aggressive take- PRINTING-Counter/Paste Up per- ; charge typor-Call for Interview.' : •Previous Secretarial Ex- —If Interested, call Personnel. 277-8433. „!____;_: - '. ' " ' vW son for quick print shop. Excellent, PART Time -Telephone sales 120 SUMMIT AVEHUE SUMMIT, MEW JBRSEY-07901 -salary jyeasantworklDg-Condltlons: lMSUMMITAVINUt SUMMIT, NtW JERSEY0790K. perience. . Insurance office In Union. Evenings^ 725,5311 •Good Typing Skills Call379-4990. .•'... - Mature; experienced person prefer ' "•TreasantTelepnorierPefsonall- red.CallGlselleafter.4pm,488-0010. ty IM SUMMIT AVENUE •SUMMIT. NE«V JERSEY VIOI - Immediate Openings : REtEPTIONIST—SECRET ARY— ~iAbll lty~tb~Wof k~Wel F Wl th" LEGAL SECRETARY FJ PART Time ReceptlonlsMJght typ- MEDICAL If you are aresponslble An easy going attorney with a great Others. ...'__ :__ — •SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE" ing arid clerical for Elizabeth Social person with'excellent Inter-personal sense of humor and an enllghtnetf Service/Counseling Agency. Mon- skills, this is the place t6 be. Come RN's outlook seeks an experienced legal Fully\ paid-company benefits handlecustomer Inquiries . . day and Thursday, 5-9 PM, Tuesday |oln our fast growing team In pro- Part time : and competitive salaryrGrowth secretay for a congenial, conve- correspondence' . 8 am-4pm : and Friday, ,9 ;AM- 5PM^ Nesr viding excellence In patient care. Full and Part Time opportunities available for niently located Union County law prepare service orders-,v.: -Elmora -Avenue—Call _Adele,: 352- Benefits: life 81 health; profit shar- •12 midnight • a am right person. ' firm. II you're bright and have ex- • 8375.,:;:-:- v:,;:;,.",'.. .• ,. •.. .-.••. ing, paid,sick time and vacations. cellent typing and steno skills call METER READER Contact Ruth at 273-0700. Individuals must possess a desire to maintain quality care. New com- MANAGERS Lisa at 544:4141 _. t- ^ record meter readings ''•••' . petitivesa|ary scale effective Jan. 1,1987. , Please call Susan Huntley im- PART TIME mediately at 487-7350, Monday- • accurate 1 ••• RN-11-7. Relief nurse1 for • local LEGAL- SECRETARY - Mlllburn good interaction l__Pald.orlentatlon and liberal benefits. ' Friday, 9-5; sole practitioner seeks comptitive retirement home. Call~DIrecToT-oT- JOIN THE WORLD'S 1 valid NJ driver's license' Nurslng. at 742-5050, Monday thru L*.— and pleasant legal secretary for con- Small Parts :.& equal Opportunity genial office'. Salary commensurate Friday between T.Mrund 3 P.M. .Employer M/F .withexperience. Call[JillI379J553. • FILTER OPERATOR : operate purification units' —^— ,i .charge a chemical feeder Assembly & REFRIGERATOR REPAIRMEN DELAIRE NURSING & CONVALESCENT CENTER .-.•:. .v.r .'.'•• ;'" maintains records and equipment Experlencecl_pnly, Ca|l.; . • 400 West StlmpsonAve. 1 ~ . Linden, N.J. . . " •• MODELS NEEDED ; ! ,•'••••-"• valid NJ driver's license-.. '$3.75 An Hour SALES HELP WANTED - Full time, DELIVERY COMPANY 8(2-3399 _ experience preferred. Apply In per- Children only, 4 monttis to 14 years. ReiiMf Alter 90 Dap RELIABLE PERSON - Wanted for DATA PROCESSING OPERATOR/SUPERVISOR cleaning service, days. 272-2341. son: Andrea's Furniture, 540 South Domino's Pizza is prelecting outstanding growth-Over1 20 new stores ..:.:' " IBMSystem34 • . PlwInctnthePUn Aye.,Westfleld. . ••' . • NO EXP.NECESSARY i r In Brooklyn and 1000 worldwide. Our Manners average over $30,000/- •:v;.,.: ,,-. ; •....._• 2ND Shift .. , „• • ..: '~ 7~~"~~" RECEPTIONIST- TYPIST. -Full year plus Bonus. We offer excellent benefits package including paid ' Open call thru January for'place- • 71 year experience .'" We are looking for. long term reliable time or part time. Small-law office. vacation, medical and life Insurance and usually a company car. : ment in upcoming TV commercials. Part Timer employees to |oln our Good typing and telephone manner. Call 882-9150. • ' ' ; BUDGET SUPERVISOR fast-growing medical company. 272-2424. " . SALES CAREER OPPORTUNITY __ degree plus 1-2 years experience-', Duties'will Involve the assembly of budget/actual analysis - ' small parts which requires a steady REAL ESTATE SALES SECRETARY MGT. TRAINEE/ACCTEXECUTIVE ENTRY LEVEL MANAGEMENT ~ MOIE DUN JUST ANOTHER consolidation of departmenta^budgets hand and good manuar dexterity '£ull time real estate sales person for . Prudential, one of the nations leading financial service companies, Is preparation W long-term budgets .- and/or the testing. andJnspexilon.Qf small busy office^ Will.train newly General secretarial 'work, now accepting applications for a limited number of positions at our TYPING JOB ., PC experience a must ','' ;, ' •• '•-•.• Bookkeeping knowledge -new West orange location. T •"' ,...-. ' ... POSITIONS NOW AVAILABLE finished products. WE WILL licensed person. Send-resUme to helpful. Good starting salary & Decent typing speed'andhlghac-. TRAIN I Clean, congenial environ- P.O. Box 193, Roselle Park,. N.J. curacy can bo-your-tlcket ta an In- 'Excellent^salary and benefits package. Send resume and salary re- benefits. Start January 5,1987. ^yJrementeJnjcanfldenceJo Marge Edwards. _ ment. These positions are expeclally 07204i '.•:•;. •••....-••. • •2 Yeir bainlnf propim ' ...'"' We're seeking goal oriented,-hard working, career minded persons teresting lob-In-the-fast-pacedreX"' For immediate Interview call- suitable for those' returning to the Karen: ••."" •Rnt Mir MpiJRfpotigtulto$50,000 ; .. with a strong positive attitude, to train for store management. Must be citing world of weekly newspaper ' work'force^;:.•,:•:;.'.'.•.,;'. -V ' R.N.-To work full time In large In excellent physclal condition, have a. reliable fully insured auto and publishing. You'll pick up a valuable Commonwealth Water Company medical practlcojn South.Orange, •Starting Silaij to J25.0O0 . |ob skill when you're trained on our must be 21 or older: Fast food experience a plus. To be considered, AN AMERICAN WATER WORKS SYSTEM COMPANY CairStnil},9»ni-lZNoMit NJ. I.V. certlflcatldiTandTJTR. ex- please send resume to: •„""••' • ' : : VDT's.—-Minimal experience, perience an asset.: Excellent 241-1090 For ipp't call 32WJ204, Mr. Brock necessary; perfect for hgmemaker 201-382-5600, «t239 benefits. Call 743-5785. returning to work. Full-time, but 233 CANOE BROOK ROAD Prudential, a full financial services company hours-areflexlble. Maplewod ]pca- -•mwmm PERSON • •. RPM PIZZAS INC. 3 lion. Benefits. CairBrett Bayne," — SHORT-HILLS, «J 07078 ••-- -.;-•-- —149 St. George Ave. . . ' »t«wr Ptnonml Otparbiunt - - RECEPTIONISTS FULL TIME/PART TIME -Rosollo, NJ 07034 743-0700,9 A.M.-5P.M. . "•:. i ATTN: JUANITAMORRIS MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONIST - -- ; PLUMBERPT - PART Tlme-Work from homeon ,,:Z.:;A ElectroCatheter —~ - •'-Varl6us-fuirtlmenana"par.rti>ne*posjtI6ns. If Ihteres)ed7 please call: —SECURITY GUARDS"" Radiology, part time, flexible hours. new telephone program. Earn $4" . Personnel at 277-8433 to discuss hours and schedules. SECRETARIAL POSITION Company.ln Springfield looking for tlOTOOor more an hour. Call 488-0753. ation immediate Openings- Call 487-4848,9am-3pm. •:- experienced person to correct-some- rlioapelverr Full -time. Position requires problems. Retirees Invited. Please PART- TIME. Typist/dictaphone Rahway, New Jersey- . good communication and phone ' UNION ESSEX MATURE Person needed full or part call Personnel Manager at 379-5900, skills, clerical skills, organize- time, for cosmetic department for operator. Work at-home and office Equal Opptv-Emp M/F Ext.22. . •••' ' " ; • ;, fill in. Call 274-9250. -tlonal-skllls-and-an-lnterest In Full time, part time.'Good star- MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST sales, inventory, etc. GALLOPING working with College-students Immediate full time day position In our Group practice Facility for ting salary. Call for Interview. HILL PHARMACY, 487-4242, and employers. • IUIIIUB m»Hlral terhrinlnal*!. aso"P~Tfegls1erea'~or'~elialble:—PreeioOSeligible;:—Previous" — Mar lene or Mr. Lerner. " ••;: , i and proficiency In ali l phase. s of laboratory. PAYROaCURK BENEFIT. CalT Judlt Kapolln-at GUARDSMARKYINC. MEDICAL TRANSCRIBERS FULL TIME/PART TIME Experience required handling com- Student Development Center, procedures are required. We offer a 37'A hour work week, competitive ' Seton Hall University, South. 1455 Broad St. salary, excellent company paid benefits program and are located in MACHINIST - Immediate full/part time positions available. Proficient typing skills , •';•*&••• puterized payroll. AM benefits. App- RETAIL ADVERTISING Bloomfleld, N.J. suburban Summit; |us1-mlnutea.from.tne_Garden.state..Rarkway. Experience required In making own and medical terminology required. Flexible daytime hours.: Pleasant ly: •.:.•:••'•.': ' .-'• . . • ••:.;. Orange, N.J. 741-9355. Please call Personnel: 277-8*33. ..•.••.,•.•• -,— set-ups with minimal supervision to -atmosphereand comprehensive benefits package. If Interested call-•'• POSITIONS AVAILABLE ,. Personnel, 277-8433.' .: '..-'..... :.-.:•'.i_-....-'....• "'• '.•.-'• ••'•.• ' • •.••••••-:-• •• work on short run precision produc- •:.•':,' «N£0R ' -•'••'• --. . Short Hills Area tion parts, as well as |lgs and fix- .ENGINEERIN6C0RP: — tures. Must be able* to work from ^.,% Lawrfinie RoadL^^. blueprints and/or sketches. Clean, . Springfield. N.J. 07081 ASSISTANT TO TRArTI&MGR-Responslbllltlei Include scheduling, ads with ^SEGREWRY 120 SUMMIT AVtNUe SUMMnJ«wj£»siEV 07W modern fully .equipped shop. Ex- Equal Opportunity Employer newspapers/coordinating deliveries, proofreadlngrtlght typing, and Steno Minimum BOwpm. Typing SECURITY ":'"•• cellent salary plusbenef Its. Apply:-- general clerical functions.-Experience a plus, but will be happy to minimum" 40wpnf.: 5 years ex- PART TIME-Mornlngs, In Union, train a'hlghly motivated, detail oriented, entry level candidate. • OFFICERS . EN6INEERINGC0RP. general office, work with . some UNION, MIDDLESEX' GREAT- EXTRA MONEY. Respon- ce COUNTIES INSURANCE F/T > 2 Lawrence Road -knowledge of-typlngrGood position; PROOFREADER-F'ull time position; Involves proofreading supermarket ..slble adult with car wanted for early PART TIME . : ! PART/TIME __i FULL & PART TIME : Call 488-4894 or 487-0573. • Call Debbie at: ' •• tr •- . , morning news delivery In Union. Busy agency located in Kenilworth ' Sprlngfleld.NJ 07081 7 ads, circulars and other printed material, very detail.w_gr.k. Position ALL SHIFTS, HIGH PAY & • Equal Oppty Employer ." ~T~—DENTACASSISTANTT _ApproxlmatelyJ)0.anhour-)5 hours seeking mature.minded-person-for ^"TEtEPHONE Do you like people? Do you like a ' •also Involves some clerical work/such as light typing and filing. Call r-GOOD BENEFITS. • "X a week. Call 484-7039. • — 70Ur Underwriting Department. Auto professional challenge? We are look- • Muriel Cruger at"454-4930; Monday thru Friday, between 4 & 5 PM ON- PERSONNa - ; MGROBERTS PROTECTIVE insurance experience helpful. Will NEED MONEY?- Want to work your ing for a part/time experience-Den- ... LY. •••' :•'- ::>••;•: ' • ' ':]•-.•• ' •-.-.'•• , '[•' •' '•' HOUSEKEEPERS- Ulve In and day train self-starter. Pleasant surroun- own' hours? Be a demonstrator-. SOUCItORS PATROUOERK AGENCY ' 1 We have 2 Immediate openings ,tal Assistant. Please call 742-0243 , workers.' References and "ex- dings. Call Mrs. Waksteln at-488- selling wicker baskets and wall k ask for Diane, ' , ,• , . , 'U«iqoeC»njerOpporDjiiitj 73MAIN STwWO^DBRIDGE perience. Call Amelia, 488-9477: - -7700.-.- .• . • •. ., •.•; ,... •••.. .•••• decor afhome parties; Call Margo 1- for part time telephone RECEPTIO RECEPTIONIST 800-454-5051.; •" •; :,'.'..••. . : .. solicitors, experience preferred : : i. HERBAL LIFE - • Independant Thjs newly created!entry !evei posl- "UNISNAREA FULL/PARTTIME'- STORE: but not necessary, Call Mark PAINTERS - Experienced Interior - — . • -._ ' •-.-•, distributor. Call me for business op- tlon offers the right person growth TRANSPORTAnONCO. Monday-Friday OPTICAL- SALES • Full tlmp . FV-' Cornwall at: ltdCll ttll^th^^fdn portunlty or products. Mr. Katchcr, perlence" preferred but riot •"-—RETURIimGHOIlEIIAKEirS—77 LCLERK: : bench Inspection. Must be able to 373-2242, ment. We need a person with: We require: •..-•.. . . 449-3809. •: '•,,.; •••• . : necessary. Pleasant working condl : PART.TIME Hours from 1 to 5 SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS read blueprints and • use standard 686-7700 •Goodtelephone ,•.,.•:•••.'-., , WELCOME! • v •Exp handling a busy console measuring equipment. All benefits. tlons. Call 245-0900. , PLASTICS -, immediate opening on Heavy phones/must • be mature- PM, Monday thru Friday. $5.00 For private school trips, AM and PM GROWINGPersonnel Agency-Is between 9am-5pm & communication skills Professional telephone skills per hour. For more Information trips available. " 2nd - shift U-12PM) in Ihlectlon ._ •Organizational skills mlnded/speak well with Pleasant looking for outgoing, individual-. to personallty/tactful/efflclenf. : please call: - molding shop. No experience needed— ^Genera! office experience Weolfer: ' • .' ;-. . BAUER BUS LINES v , work In our office handling phones, but car Is necessary; Apply-In person GOOD SALARY AND greeting clients and typing; Hours 1- ENGINEERING CORP. OPHTHALMIC ASSISTANT PART- TIME Bookkeeper-accounts •Payroll exp. a plus':.::"VT •Competitive salary & benefits 941stuyvesantAve. .••-.. "• '* • 2 Lawrence Road-* FwOptHMbittiiiUaioa payable. Good, organizational, typ- , 8ani-4pm, Monday-Friday, Echo BENEFITS FOR , •Opp'ty for advancement : Uhlon, NJ 5 PM. Contact Mjr^llen; ."' —^-RIGHT PERSON I, • \ 2339235 _SprJngfield,NJ 07081_ I poking fnr friendly, rpspomlhlp |no and calculator skills -CRT entry: Molding, 91J. Springfield Road, We offer: •Smoke-free congenial : ' 688-6433 __.240O Morris Avenue ' An Equal Oppty Emp person to be my "right hand" and •30 hours a week. Full benefits. Ex- •Competitive salary & benefits •~.—TrORTVPPT CALL SUE: ~— envlrorthient^ . • ' . • r Union , y '•••••••••'• • 687-5000 run myoff Ice, learn about contact cellent -salary. --Contact New Pro- _~ 'Smoke-free,congenial •;, 201MM5O0 • ' • •.' • . 1 • • • ., •. vidence Board of-.Education; 340 Call for app't or send resume with lenses and eyeglasses. Experience PART TIME- Afternoons-evertlngs^r r • " "environment •.•r-'~'^:;:'!y.-' '•'"•'•' GAL/OUV FRIDAY - Take charge helpful, 4 days, no Wednesdays. Call Central Avenue, New providence, RECEPTIONIST- Part time doc- salary' history; & .requirements to _ JUNIOR CARRIERS N.J. 07974.. 444-9050 for'application. Doctors office, general office work,. - Janet Hamilton: ' : , .. REGISTERED NURSES FULL/PART TIME; . person, mature and motivated for Boys and girls who are .Interested In '944-4046.-:' .'-,• .• •'• .•. ••• ' '~ Will train. Call 487-4848,9am-3pm. ' Call for appfftorsend resume with tor's office., No evenings or Satur- ': '. '' . • • , ' • • • • <*;•'' •' ', ' •• . routine uHIce work, must havotyp- ^EqualoppoKtunlty.emplOyer.:^•."-.:. salary history «. requirements to days. Call 488-5801. earning money, winning cash and OFFICE MANAGER - Full, time for- -Ing, bookkeeping, telephone and f II- prises are needed In the Union Coun- Janet Hamilton: >• ';_•.;.';;;.. o ;;. Full and part time positions available for experienced RN's to work In •o--.—Ing-eXpertenceriBM-PC desirabter busy,)' Irvlngton OB/GYN office. "ty area. Deliver lfie~5tar Cedgerlri Must have 5 years progressive office pur Group Practice Facility •>• . . !_.• ." ' •/, Salary open. Call evenings 274-44)3. your neighborhood.' You must be at and Insurance—experience. High SECURITY Full time opportunities for nurses with Ronal and Ob/Gyn experience. least IT years old. Call toll free 1 salary, good benef itsr=must—have- RECEPTIONIST/LABORATORY GAL/GUY FRIDAY-Busy educa (800) 242 0850 or 877-4222. • —" automobile. Call399-8777, y "'•.;" Fulitlme receptionist position available In our Laboratory to schedule ' tional office needs a "go and receive patients, prepare Lab sllprand-answer telephones. Appli- GUARD* : Vpai't time day and evening schedules for Emergency Room experlenc- Full and Part-tlmeTfpr:area-- RtilSpriii|ntU,.NJ 7d :-Oetter"«.part;Jime^to ^start. (20 OPHTHALMIC TechnlclanTowork cant must possess typing skills and the ability to effectively Interlace Eqiul Opp'tj EniptOTM M/F "ed RN's. hours). Possible sumrner travel. Ex- full time In large Ophthalmology wlth.patlents. A comprehensive benefits package and'37.Vi hour work - Hospital., Starting., rate Is - Also available, part time positions In our ENT Department. Pleasant TEI^(H Rt 22, SprilurtWdN) 07081 $14,000 to 120^X10, Career- atmosphere, office environment and excellent.company paid benefits cellent working conditions. Salary practlce-lirSouthtJrange^NJr^all -weak accompany-thIsposltlon.,IMntorestod( Call Personnel,-277-8433. i- ; minded only need apply. Please- —packagerlf Interested please call Personnel W7-B433.—•-——-^-—:—-•- negotlableTCall Joann,7430480. Wanted 743-5785. .:;•• •'• .'.' : '• •' - -•••; •: ElO^ElM/F SHIPPING/RECEIVING CtERK call: •:• ./ •: . ,r '.:.•;" •'.' LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING/ COM Sweater-Company seeks experienc- PART TIME-Offlce assistant to do fenfry levef position for "%rlght, PANION - Springfield. Hours ed, hand knitters. Must be able to .phQto_£9oy.lng,3nla«ri!Od.>n5yyeL RECEPTIONIST iMILSEN DETECTIWE AGENCY - energenlc person. Some heavy lif- preferably 1PM .7 PM,.4'/i days. speakandread English. Work at htlld> phone calls, light filing and typing to , ' 110 &UMMI1 AVENUE SUMMIT, NEW JERSEY 07W. Do you like people?-Do you enloy a 333 No. Broad Street ting,—Drivers license required. iJOSUMJVUTAVfNUE SUMMIT, NEW JWSEV 07901 Car helpful. By appointment call home. Yam supplied. start. 2-3 hours per day; AM, 5 day professional challenge? We are look • Elizabeth, NJ PldlJ' ' 374-1422. ••••'. •.. , . " samples required; Call 447-9734. weeki Call 488-5740. _.. ' "ln(L~for—a."Full7TInie~"experlenc? 2414803 receptionist. Pleasecall 742-0243 ask 3554290 u for Diane. '., w ; •••.•':•.'• • •• •. "i I £ SERVICESOFFERED CHIMNEY CLEAN ING DRIVEWAYS HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS •'• a HELP WANTED Of HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HEfcP WANTED B.F. WORLDWIDE SEAL-A-DRIVE- Save " Your ._. AIRFREIGHT Drlyeway;-Make-Itloolf better and DELCAN INNOVATIVE STOCK Person-Needed for shipping TEXAS- OIL COMPANY-needs - - TELEMAIUTIlie AARON last longer by. having a Seal-A-Drive CONSTRUCTION SECRETARY SECURITY and receiving .warehouse. Must be mature person ffflt -short trips sur- Application. Call 273-8588 For Free PROFESSIONALS i reliable. Call 2W-O077 for. appoint- rounding Union County. Contact FUUAFARTTIME INTERNATIONAL Estimate. _^J . .. • . ; "CnuBwOtiliniBdCowtnittioo" Immediate opening for phone MAINTENANCE TRINITY CHURCH In CRANFORP ment. customers We train. Write H B FROM LAYOUT ANDJ)ESIGN-TO COI4- Dickerson. .Pres./ 'Southwestern survey persons. Motivated person • Additions»Decks needs a GAL FRIDAY. If you have a must be articulate and enthusiastic. z' DEPENDABU WE WILL PROFESSIONALLY pleasant personality, common ' SECRETARY - Petroleum. - Box 961005, Ft. Worth, FAST COMPLETE DOG TRAINING; sraucnoN, • Basemenb»Attics D.B. KELLY FULLTIME Tx. 74161. Cranford „ location. Salary plus sense, good typing skills, are depen- bonus. HaiHWnfShipmirtsWorlMito CHIMNEY SERVICE HANDLE YOUR EVERY NEED. . • Porch Enclosures dable and would like to learn how to Secretarial position open for a per 272-8400 NoJobTooLvftOrlooSnull use our WP computer, then you're Local Pick Ups loofinf-MtsMirj • Kitchens FULLTIME son'with good typing and phone O ____JFREEJ;STIMATES - forusll . skills. Some previous bank business TELEMARKETING TEACHERNursery School. Creative z CALL: 9974577 PERFECTHOME" ROOFING experience a plus. Please call the environment needs responsible, —DAN-3794M65 We are currently recruiting for 3 FULLY INSURED •Wood»Slate This Is an excellent opportunity In a personnel department, 488 9500 Experience necessary Hourly wage mature person, AM. Immediate. Ex- COMPANIONS, Inc. congenial, small, non smoking office hfghly motivated, and dependable Z- personnel to loin our team of profes- between tlte hours of 9 AM-4 30 PM plus high commission. Excellent cellent salary. Call 233-1181 or 376- CLEAN UP SERVICE OBEDIENCE -——-564-6197 •? Asbestos with a warm & cheery atmosphere — - THEIMKMCEIITEI -- working conditions For Interlvew 1120 in DIANE'S- EVENING CLEANING Flexible' hours, 25-30 per-week. sionals at prestigious corporate => SERVICE Apartments, homes and PROBLEM SOLVING • Asphalt Shingles facilities In the following area*: NATIONAL BANK call- Salary In the $5 OO/hour range. 5 offices. Reasonable-rates, _Dlaner —-IMPROVE YOUR HOME —PAINTING Kiwwm;tmiTnnia"BisTWta^ 276=0170 ' u. 789 8782. Leave message If no •- SPECIALTY TRAINING_JL_ If you like being part of a team and SECURITY .WANTED I answer. . ' ATTENTION Tralnini dujfiitd to meet tht needs of _y—-Interior—— are willing to work hard to serve our You will receive an excellent star- «wrjdo|omtr. Parishioner*, then this lob Is for you, ting salary In addition to one of the 'GUARDS TEXAS Oil .company-Needs mature People to share summer rental CONTRACTORS DECKS We guarantee you'll -never be best fully paid benefit packages In Full & Part Time person .for short trips surrondlng In Belmar, House of 15 people » HANDYMAN- Small lobs, medium . AUMES FULLY INSURED bored I the Industry which Includes Essex 8. Passalc Counties Essex and Union County. Contact" ages 21 30. $900 per person for % Jobs,, carpentry,'electrical, plumb AU BREEDS ' Custom Built tRipain customers. We train. Write .B, entire summer. Call Joe a. ing, painting. Call 686-4950 Ask for -- 3724282 "Dickerson, President, Southwestern s Marty. 5-7 Yard Dump Truck and Driver Wood Fences & Basements; o-For appointment, call 274 4047 $ MAJOR MEDICAL Excellent benefits available to Farina, days, at 686-7700. Even- -PRIVATE LESSONS motivated Individuals seeking posl Petroleum, Box 961005, Fort Worth, ings call 6863036 (Randy) or Available for Small and Large Jobs. FREEESTIIUTES — O between9AMSi3PM $ LIFE INSURANCE CALL tlons with top, ratd security com Texas 76161 549 5379 (Joe) Removal of Concrete, etc. {VACATION PAY pany. Uniforms and training provld 96M364 964-3575 SUPERINTENDENT -Exp. only N TECHNICIAN Heavy plumbing,' electrical and gen S MERIT INCREMENT PLAN ed. Must have car and home phone 372-0556 688-7426 763-BONE UNITY INTERNATIONAL main. Responsible person to oversee SHOSPITAUJATION and clean poljce record SWEDISH MASSAGE apt. bldg. and small crew of men MECHANICAL TECHNICIAN . WORD PROCESSING1. J4R: _ CONSTRUCTION^COMPANY— $ PREMIUM HOLIDAY PAY PEOPLE ON FIXED Enfry-|evel position requiring CERT1FIELTMASSEUSE Call 373 2242 J MERIT BONUS PLAN minimum 2 years experience In BUILDING I REMODELING INCOME WELCOME ELECTRICIANS rJORMERS*ADDITN)NS SECRETARY - Full time,, typing & electromechanical testing or 2 WANG. CALL 761-7273 BMC CLEANING CO. Training and uniforms provided, years vocational schooling., All All items custom dtsifMd, spKWuJm in All phatei of Interior and exterior shorthand skills preferred, WE CLEAN hart Mod awl formica. work. 10% discount lor Interior work telephone work 8. filing tor pleasant, retirees-welcome;—Clean-reeordr - --PAIDVACATION benefits. Send resume with salary IBM PC •Attlcs*Basement done through Jan. 31. congenial Real Estate off Ice located valid NJ license, H.S. diploma, •PREMIUM HOLIDAY PAY requirement to: DISPLAY WRITER 3 gEtct ^ •WAUUNITSTJESKS' InKenllworth Call 241 5500 transportation and home phone a \ •ADVANCEMENT OPPTY M SPEAKMAN WEHAULAWAr SPURR ELECTRIC •COUNJER TOPS*VANITIES< CALL 688-2460 must. For Interview call: 3548812. VALCOR CARPENTRY NEW AND SWITCHBOARD-"^OPERATOR Mlke-»62-2160,9-3pm •BOOKCASES *TABLES* Since 1948 • Interviews will be held Mon Frl, ENGINEERING CORP. ALTERATION WORK FREEESTIIUTES Full time 9/5 position for experlenc 10AM 4PM ADDIV In person _DICKM»TE Bob-925-3378,54pm Specializing in recessed lighting and ed switchboard operator. Busy SECRETARY ,_. 2 Lawrence Road INCOME TAX RETURN board. Excellent benefits.. Conve Sprlngfleld.NJ 07081 MULTIMATE service changing, smoke detectors, 964-4676 Direct dictation required, full time, An Equal Oppty Emp;" AWL CARPENTRY yard and security lighting, altera- nlent location. Modern offices with benefits. Salary commensurate with tions, and new developments. The Equitable. Life Assurance Socle IMMEDIATE •Sta|rs«Doors 1| CPA-- On Call. No more lono linos experience. Private luxurious of VIDEO- STORE Unlon/Roselle > orcheS'Decks-— HOME CLEANING nNW28 _ ty In Kenllworth Call Mr. Orshan flees. Call 533-1212. Park Sales help -Flexible hours and high prices: Have Vour federal 245-8110. Equal , opportunity r ASSIGNMENT . heetrocklng-Panellng For People On The Go. Fully Insured and state returns done In the conve-. Experience helpful ' but 'not lelllng'Repalrs "SpeciallfOITheHous."— NO JOB TOO SMALL nlence-of• your-homo-or mlno-at- employer. SECRETARY - Small busy office necessary. Call 353-4680. Experienced Operators J&R Excellent positions with FREE ESTIMATES Programs Designed By 851-9614 reasonable rates. Senior citizen dis- SECRETARY- With good typing and near GSP, Essex County Good MARK 10 counts. Call Leonard LlottaCPA;for secretaral skills, typing, filing, some 352-8099 YOU Contractihg ; light shorthand skills needed for TOP COMPANIES 1 apporntmehr,9W 1738. '. Kenllworth office Excellent legal work, heavy.-phones, some SECURITY WAREHOUSE SELECTORS . _ To Meet/— •C*ipMiii*lltte«qr math abilities, no steno. Salary com Person to pick stock Experience ~ In Essex & Union.Countles YOUR i GARAGE DOORS benefits and pleasant working condl 500BLOOMFIEDAVE G. GREEN WALD •Additions* Decks* tlons. call Mr, Orshan "at The mensUrate with exp. Resumes only; MONTCLAIR.J. necessary Good starting salary TOP PAY! Needsl Equitable Financial Services. 245 Secretary, P.O. Box ' 459, West Equal Oppty Emp Full time days, overtime Carpenter Contractors &ARAGE DOORS Installed, garage JEWELERS Caldwell, NJ 07007 available.Liberal benefits. Apply in All type repairs, remodeling, kit- 245-1945 F1IUY INSURED 8110., ' An equal opportunity MAJOR MEDICAL Executive 8. Professional extensions, repairs 8. service, elec- employer, person, J LEVEN & CO , 903 Mur chen, porches, enclosures, cellars, tric operators «.- radio controls. REFERENCES TRUCK DRIVERS ray Road, E Hanover (off Rt 10, with ptntil Option , "attics. Fully .Insured, estimates Home Care, Inc. Steady work, 40 hours per week plus Fully Insured STEVEN'S OVERHEAD DOOR, 372-0556 ( .688-7426 behind- Bradley's) Applications LIFE INSURANCE given 688 2984. Small |obs 241-07.49. . NEW JERSEY SCHOOL CROSSING overtime. Liberal benefits; Ex taken 9arri-3pm. •NEW YORK SECRETARY perlence In store deliveries. Good PAY EVERY WEEK HOUSECLEANING-Wookly/BI- •ANTWERP _S- GUARDS driving record, minimum 3 years weekly to suit your needsrcall 789- DIAMOND SETTINOT . Family services agency needs Ind driving required. Apply In person, J FREE GIFTS! 9Q12 METROPOLITAN DOOR CO. with good skills for typing, telephone WORD PROCESSORS P/T , Residential, Commercial, EXTRAODINAIRE Desparatefy needed. Uniforms sup LEVEN 8. CO , 903 Murray Road, E REFERRAL BONUSES GARRIGAN CUSTOM MAKE OLD MANUFACTURING 1 and receptionist work Mlnlnunv piled Apply In person or phone SPR Hanover (off Rt 10, behind Want to earn additional money using Sales, Repairs & Installed starting salary Is $10,000/Yr plus ful' CARPENTRY ALUMINUM SIDING Service & Parts Department SPECIALORDERS INGFIELD POLICE DEPT at 376 Bradley's). Applications taken 9am the PC you got for Christmas? We Call or visit any of our odloes OFFICIAL G.I.A. - ly paid employee benefits. Qualified 0400. 3pm will train. CaTlBarry, 241-&9O0. TODAY. -• FULLY INSURED , Automatic & radio control CEILINGS NEW candidates should call 8 30 4 30 PM ". ...., door openers. •SHEET ROCK IMPORTER ;; ALL-TYPES • Of Surface cleaning; - • 'SUSPENDED APPRAISER for appointment Bloornfleld 748-7561 All Types Of Carpentry Hot & Cold pressure washing. Free Free estimates. Fully Insured I2OD4SS-6060 ••.•• 24J-SS50. - ".- - PLASTER '•• ' WAREHOUSE 574 Bloomfield Ave. FREE ESTIMATES estimates. DAVE'S STEAM ••••.•••• 'PATCHING Catholic Community Semites. START THE NEW YEAR OFF RIGHT AND CLEANING, 762 0027. -Leave To operate fork-lift truck for small . ••••;. .•;•;•;.• bays . .• • ..'• 210 St. Georges Ave. J' . message. • • ' . appliance distributor. Full time per- Union 686-3262 351-9119 >•«!-*.• •:•••' • •; SKISEHINGCO. Linden, N.J. 07036 , manent. Call 379-1200, for Interview -WSAAountalnAvs.- ALL- TYPES - Of Surface cleaning. - —-^824.7600— Sprlngf leld. New Jersey :EauaJ Opportunity Employers EnjoyJhe OOLDGN CLCCTRIC CO: 374-8881 or 3MB880 70E Willow Street, Mlllburn Hot & Cold pressure washing. Free GENERAL SERVICES SECRETARY ~~ Special Advantages estimates. DAVE'S STEAM Afters P.M. EXECUTIVE G&K CARPENTRY CLEANING, 762 0027. , Leave message :—-—-^-1— 687-4163 To corporate officer of one of New oL_- _ WORD PROCESSING asm All Types Of Carpentry —WAKE UP SERVICE Jersey's leading wholesalers of wine .Consulting firm requires experienc- INSURED KITCHEN CABINETS $ liquor. Pleasant working condl ed operator with, one-to two years Tired of oversleeping? Don't be late' O|lp<>rtu lh anymore. For- more Information tlons, good benefits In main office -Wang-background to work on our "F/H/v " ' ••«•»••• **- ALL PRO VINYL SIDING located in suburban Mlllburn Ex -call;' •',-•••• ' ;. . : • •. Olsten 01S 140:3 system. Glossary prferred ESTIMATES PREFERENCES Savo energy this winter, seal your MARGOLIN ,. JAN'S KITCHENS INC. - - . cellent opportunity for Individual but not required/ Pleasant office and GIVEN homo with Insulation & siding. with good organizational 8. ad full benefit package. HOMEIMPR.CO. CUSTOM KITCHENS AT '"• •'••:'}" 381-7910 GUARANTEED 3534)872 'SIDING 'DECKS 'KITCHENS STOCK CABINET PRICES mlnlstratlve skills.: — People CALL9AMTO5PM- 4-INSTRUCTIONS LOWEST PRICES , 379-1938 688-4524 " BATHROOMS 'ROOFING European 8. Traditional Concepts, 6754900 E>t 32^ HIGHEST QU«JTY—: PAINTING .'ADDITONV Featuring the- Dorwood Custom HOMEIMPROVEMENTS~ D O R' M E R S Cabinet Line. Wo wl 11 be jit any bonaf Ide quote, . _ TEMPORARY JOBS WITH MORE! WANTED-For a busy irvihgton GUITAR LESSONS- For students in CaiM OB/GYN office, full "Time medical" Quick Semc«/Sr Citizen Discount - For a Free In Home Estimate. SECRETARY NEVER A FEE terested In professional guitar play- • — Specialists •secretary days, part time medical ing. Accepting limited amount of JOE DOM AN 753-2981/751-4494 •REFACING 'VANITIES secretary evenings, part time students Call Don Rlccl, 687 6763 or A.K.A. CONTRACTORS INC. COUNTER TOPS'MOOULARS We have Immediate opening for high medical assistant. Must have 3-5 687 5773 686-3824 school grad or equivalent With 1 2 •TOP PAY _?SAME WFEK PAY •SKILL years experience. Call 399-8777. •Alterations/Repairs DRIVEWAYS All Types Masonry Work years secretarial experience, good FLEXIBLE IMPROVEMENT 686-8980 MOVING & STORAGE typing and grammatical skills Can SCHEDULES •WORK & TRAVEL •CLOSETS/CABINETS- —Stucco & Interior Works— WAITRESS WANTED -Monday •CUSTOMIZED TABLES/ dldate must be well organized and •BONUSES •MEDICAL PLAN 5-SERVICES OFFERED "CAa 759-8062 AMERICAN RED BALL : have working knowledge of die Friday, Springfield area Call 467 •STORAGE AREAS 8088, ask for Richie — F&D PAVING P&S MAINTENANCE Local & worldwide movers, Red taphono or steno ^Responsibilities •FORMICA/VTOOD Beeper 761-3794 Carpot service to FLORIDA. Agent Include typing, filing, making travel WORDPROCESSORS/pC OEERATQRS- Asphalt Driveways Complete HonnReMin- ' SECRETARIES/TYPISTS — _ AARON /PANEUNG/SHEETROCK- UNIVERSITY-Van Lines. 274-2070. arrangements, screening calls and WAITER/WAITRESS - Daytime Parking Areas ATTICS'BASEMENTS 1401 W. Edflar Road, Linden. PC general clerical duties as assigned DATA ENTRY/CRT hours available. flexlble_to .meet _ MAINTENANCE- /mNDOWS/DOORS -• Concrete Sidewilki CARPENTRY — 00102. .-- -.--• ••••••• ••••••' Centrally located Good benefits your needs weather a working mom 20 YEARS IN BUSINESS package. — or part time student No experience • BHckSteops . ; BARTHE& ' _' Insulation Work necessary, complete training pro COMPLETE CHIMNEY SERVICE Kitcntnl Bathrooms CARPET CARE. . . • PUSSY I CONTRACTING INC. :, BERBERICK&SON ' Send resume to or call vlded For personal Interview call ROOFING-MASONRY ' - ~ FREE ESTIMATES Rooms 'Additions 'Kitchens -Baths . From Minor Repair* Expert MOVING & STORAGE at . Human RfttHHirrft« r>»pf ~ .UNION .- 486 3242 between 2-Spm, Friendly Ice Cream, •Doors (InterlQrjtatleElor) Replace- ToR)a|orR«MNtion •-.-- low costTResldential,. Commorclal. for an appointmenppolntr't 2333 Morris Ave Suite A17 Short Hills Mall, 467 5524 E O,E COMPLETE SERVICE - 964.7854-— "ment;Wlndows-»Attlcs-»Basemenfs- Shore-Trips. Local &-Long Distance, 6M-C900Eit322 mvicu, DAN -379-6865 - •Sheetrock 'Ceilings (All types. Ful- No Job too small. 2V8-0882. Lie 0021p. . •I _' ly- Insured). Free estimates, All CARPET SALES DON'S-MOVING. AND STORAGE. work guaranteed^— • .. i •, •••'••' SECRETARY $4-$6Sq.Yard -R&TPUGLIESE ' ;:: ". ;.:: 9*4-5959 • ': (The~Rei6mmended" Mover) our I- ,v Ji.JiXpeJiXperlencer d secretary reqired with ASPHALT PAVING RMC CONSTRUCTION 25th Year, PC 00019.- 37S Roscland 'lexcellenl t dictating equipment and ~ BuyAtBuildttsfricti •CARPENTRY'MASONAY- PLaceiUrjlon.4870035. •- • 1 B.F.VtRtpWDE DRIKEWAVS -^ X-RAY TICHIIICIAHSJ?ART-TIME- typing skills, Including word pro FIN Musurini ._ - «ROOFING t SIDING* - tesslng Excellent benefits and r PARKING LOTS- PAINTING/ rAUL'S illcatlons for ARRT registered xray technl EIGHT (Hiri.50Sq.Virds) '< •TILE-WATERPROOFING* Red Devil 'working'conditions Send resume • Home or Office CURBS »CONCRETE_^_ PAPERHflNGlNG V MOOVwiUIRMd weekends/holiday hours available If Interested calfPers^nel; % with salary desired to.. r—7«BATHR00MS* KITCHENS*" Formely. of Yale Avenue, Hillside. I M.SPEAKMAN ~ QUALITY WORK AND ALL ODD JOB'S IMM.IU.OWIJ ••Large Selection Fully Insured/Free Estirnates SUD Local and lono distance moving. VALCOR LManyXolors WEEKENPSONLY ' PM00177 •-••. ENGINEERING CORP. >, Residential & Commercial FREE ESTIMATES 488-7748 273M65 .-;• ' • • CALL 379-5266 2 Lawrence Road 686-1121 CALL 388-9424 192SVauxhall Rd. Union. SALES- Seeking nice person to look t J0 SUMMIT AYJNlie JUMMIT. NEW JEftSCY 07*01 v_ Springfield, N J 07081 iK*TPkkUpt

Equal OpptV Emp • •• •.' : : •• '•*• '•'. • '.'• after our customers. "Permanent. CALL 997-6577 ••X Part time. 379-4866. V \ _,_ r

si ORANa£r._WV_SP 01 nuplr l»«i t>ca IrjmK w.lB room Aptrtmenlj. r«nc» type 5un-)0J l»p«' Air I, GENEftAL'REPAlR^ HOUSE SALE' "7 "^ l " fclt [SPEC! ST loll P»fke»- ,'**''"*

1 bAokl . rogi. -t olne and, . o o •n • » 4 M'C«"l i olrier CGCLAP*. VA c on.N M Wf •ndVrch mdo i NEW ft I D «»rly bird* _ z - Wr« «tC MUrdOck >A4I7 U« wrap r BOdylFtfUttrptril . old cucfllrni (ond'i.on - 14 1311 1 VI io cartv txrdi o A}*gnoii« Plact Union HELP) t*r\ ola ««cnirni rond t on _JS JUS 7 Body & Fender Parti z Avbilible«t • HELP/ r> Z fvfo ng^ 7' I) —. o c uo- «-z MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE MOVING* STORAGE PAINTING' TREE SERVICE lim-* REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE

z RITTENHOUSE GOLDEN .Retriever Pupples-AKC. -MOVING- PAINTING & FOR SALE 3 WIRELESS GUITAR . Wonderful, gentle pets. Excellent B2IRGAIN Low-cost • movlng-by experienced AL P. BQYEA companion. $300. Only 3 left. Call men. Call 241-9791 for free estimate. -PLASTERING- "BOOM BOX"-Sharp QT 90 double SYSTEM Professiona I Services for less -25-ttARJEXPERIENCE cassette, high speed dubbing. Metal Samson. Used 5 times. $100 or ^ GO. tape capability. Dolby NR,5 banir best offer (Cash or Trade). Call 4%% Commission FREE ESTIMATES EQ Detachable speakers. Auto AAarkat; ODD JOBS Complete Tree Care I "All Commissions are Negotiable" CALL LENNY TUFANO music search Am/FM SW1. Best of 6S6-7700,LtL23OaTJ LOW COST •Landscape Design" ter. Call Mike, 487-7302, Swing i N«M S«IM Uiftif r«M CUmHTCIO wftU 45 DATS HANDYMAN-Odd lobs. Painting, 2734025 371-9057 GUARANTEED ADVERTISING PROGRAM INCIUDIHC TELEVISION t RADIO carpentry, general repalrs,Jndobr_ •Tree & Stump CSC M-Fast/comfortableJO% share Neutering hv outdoor cleanups, also auto repair ~- 'Removal— " ~ ••a Landfall BarlentrHoodrNatitecr UknMesue CitstOoIr I _ _ MULTIPLE lISTINGSERViaESSEX AND UNION COUNTIES No lob-too big or too small. CallJeff Dinghy, Match original owners, 19K, including pregnant pets — EXAMPLE at 245 4382 •Crane Rentals get 4ffdays/year7 Sailors calf SkTpai For Information call: 4WH WILLIAM L •Contracting-. 1-212-787-1804 ' " I OF HOME Ci—lulin \1 Aiilmil IHJiim> 1100,000.00. BAUER WANTED TO BUY W,000.00 14,750.00 """" $1/250.00 RUBBISH REMOVAL FREE ESTATE SALE/UNION I 1150,000.00 $9,000.00 17,125.00 " $1,875^00 PrafmioMlfaintiiii 1330StajMSMtAn. — LkMMOfNJ. 1200,000.00 $12,000.00 ,J9,500.00 ANY LIONEL, FLYER, $2500.00 Th0 Best Buys Exterior/Interior FIREWOOD WEEKDAYSVam-Spm 1250,000.00 $15,000.00 111,875.00 RUBBISH REMOVED TtontoSaLJwlS-tllOC IVESANDOTHER . $3,125.00 Antique carved afid Inlaid furniture, I 1300,000.00 $18,000.00 J14,250.00 All furniture wood & metals taken Paperhandng (Unspllt) TRAINS :. 13,750.00 are in the away. Attics; basements & garage INSURED , , sterling, pain- Top prices paid. . 574-3981 1350,000.00 $21,000.00 $16,625.00 tings, clocks, bronzes, old Hummels, $4,375.00 cleaned. Reasonable rates. and " 435-2058 (also lower rates with proof of cer- 1400,000.00 $24,000.00 $19,000.00 chandeliers Jewelry Bargain 334 8709 I $5,000.00 325-2713 228-7928 9644942 tain fed. or state Assist. Prog.) , "We Load-Not You" GARDEN MULCH Prices UNION GALLERIES,' 944 Complete Real Estate Services - 1440 i BOOKS Residential • Commercial • Industrial Appraisals CALL:;686-7700 We Buy and Sell Books; 8-REAL ESTATE I ROOFING ESTATE Sale-435 Wheaton Road; 321 PARK AVE, PLFD 245-1919 . Union Saturday .-'and.-. Sunday.. • - -PL4-3900 PAINTING— January 17 and 18,10-4pm. Contents : FULLY INSURED ~~ of house. Bedroom sets, living room .COLOR-Portable TV sets and VCR's ALL CASH Pald for any home, 1-10 I families; 2 weeks closing, no obliga- CALL AND SAVEI No Job Too Small or Too Large sets, lamps; tables and much more. wanted to buy, any condition. Days, 753 7333, evenings, 444 7496- —— tions. Essex and Union counties. Ap- One coat on exterior, $475 & up. ^ - All, Types of Repairs -provedTContractors:MrrSharpe;374- I Rooms, hallways, stores, offices Gutters Leaders FIREWOOD LIONEL TOY TRAINS - Any Condi 8700. Realtors. €HARPE painted or papered, $45 00 8. up. TYPEWRITER SERVICE Spilt and-seasoned hardwood. One tlon. Absolutly Highest CASH Paldl Free estimates, fully Insured. 374' DOTSYLOU year old, full cordl 1 Item to entire collection Call Days 5436 or 741 -5511. » I Roofing Contractors PROFESSIONAL^ CALL _831i»0 X - — ATTN: HOME OWNERS!*^ AUTOMOTIVE TYPIST 434-0278 or 583-5885 I intiFl Toy TPAIMS - Any rondl- I 370-87OO .Resumes.-Pissertatlons, Statistical _. "NOW" Union, Nl tloh, Absolutly Highest CASH Paldl FAIRWAY PAINTING Tables, Letters, Theses, Term FIREWOOD- SEASONED OAK. 1 Item to entire collection, Call Days I 32 Morris Ave., Springfield, N J. 3744137. Papers, Legal and Medical GUARANTEED TO BURN CALL IS tHE VERY BEST TIME CONTRACTORS Transcripts. Reasonable Rates. Call 379-4041 8311930. ADS!!! TO MARKET rOUR HOME WITH Seninf Ml Of Union County -WILLIAM H.VEIT Eileen 944 1793 Roofing — Seamless Gutters; Free FURNITURE-And carpeting Trad! OLDCLOCKSft Quality WOfk*Rmonibl* Priced POCKET WATCHES , Estimates. Own work. Insured. tlonal living room, sofa, lamps, end RAMOS REAL ESTATE, INC. BUSINESS PROPERTY APARTMENTS FOR RENT IrnTriopEiterior Since .1932.241-7245. tables, chandeliers, 2 occasional Highest cash paldj also parts Union, -CommettW»ll»ji(Jwtitl- "chairs, 59 yards new white carpet, IB 944 1224 647 CHESTNUT STREET -tlPHOLSTERY- EAST-ORANGE- $140,000. Complete Frte Estimttt$*Fulhf Injured yards blue carpeting, 28 yards pink . UNION, NJ. 07083 LINDEN- 5 rooms with laundry carpeting Call 484-4975 auto repair and Inspection shop. facilities, heat Included. $400. Im- SLIPCOVERS-DRAPERIES WE BUY Land; building and license- -• ready 276-2181 "StniortiUan Discounts!" mediate occupancy C8II~344 4115, HERBAL- LIFE Independent to do business.' Owner retiring and after 4pm. CUSTOM- SLIPCOVERS, JG UPHOLSTERY distributor.' Call.me for;products: ANY KIND OF "MHr.ComputttizediJstinpl" ready to go.- Call Murphy Realty.- AMD RE= l Allan, 944 8549 USED FURNITURE "PtofmiOMl-PeiMMl-Cirini" Better Homes & Gardens 428-0223. UPPER IRVINGTON- I 8, 2 UPHOLSQTERY Guaranteed "(WWriMtal**! jpactments,—taking—ap HILLSIDE PAINTING workmanship,' Your fabric or ours. HALF PRICEI Flashing arrow and Household items plications, near transportation,' 34 years experience, formerly at pbi, signs, $2991- Lighted, non-arrow HOUSE FOR SALE after lpm, 3 Elmwood Terr., see Serving Union County STEINBACH'S. Dlscouht for Senior bootfctMdMKhn S289I Unllghted S249I (Free* Let CHARLES MIKULIK GERA1D). RAMOS, BROKER superintendent basement lnterior*Exterior Citizens. FREE shop's! home ser- New Foam Rubber tersl) .See locally. Call today I Fac- UNION ' AA.L.S. MEMBER -UNION MAPLEWpOD. vice. Call Walter Canter at 757-4455. tory! 1(800)423-0143, anytime Abo, m dun ml CHAMBER OF COMMERCE- UNION - 4 room apartment in 2 INSURED PICK-UP & DELIVERY SERVING UNION-ESSEX- , A NEW LISTING . family, heat and hot water supplied, MOVING- SALE - Beige velvet Attest BttMMnb JWIDDLESEX COUNTIES-- Immaculate move in condlton. security and references required Very Neat AVAILABLE modular sofa with sleeper, black $425 per month, mature couple No job too M| or small TILEVyORK Center, hall colonial with country 1001 Vauxhall Rd., Union lacquer wall units, dinette table, 688-1144 -HEALTOR— "WECARr 851-0320 charm and large property. 3 preferred. 944 0473 mlerowave-cartrTVWand, metal of" bedroom,-great neighborhood, and 9234)731 flce~Ue5k7~Tefrlgerator7—washer/-— 686-5953 Ideal New Yortrcomwutersee this"" DENICCHO TILE CONTRACTOAS— dryer and more 944 1893 evenings. GOVERNMENT-Homes frbm ST7U APARTMENTS WANTED ESTATE SALES repair). Delinquent tax property one flrstl $185,900. Eves. Mlckl, 743- "Established IW5 "— PLAWPUNCT-Stereo radio, nice Repossessions. • Call 1-805-487 4000, •3101. ;••••••• '• ••/ •' •••.••••..; PREPAY YOUR AD FOR YOUR CAR OR, INTERIOR & EXTERIOR t _ CONDUCTED CENTURY-21 -YOUNG—*AAN-45-years-oldr-non: - -TRUCK FOR TWO WEEKS FQR.QNLV— Painting Leaders & Gutters Free WINDOWS- furnlture-p!ecev<9iew-glrls-lndoor- —Ext GH-1448rforcurrentrepollst;—• 6roatJnf-T||« Floon roller shoeskaMs, size M. Best offer'. COMPLETE OR drinker, works steady needs studio estimates. Insured. Stephen Deo. BEATANNE, REALTOR apartment with heat supplied.:. $400. 233 3561. TdbEndoum-ShowtraWb 488:9114 or. leave message. PARTIAL CONTENTS -RAYBEIL- 379-16S1 .rnqnthrtdsk for Bill, 375 5294 or 589- - FREE ESTIMATES Anderson Co. UNION TICKETS ' APPRAISALS Independentlyjhrned/Openhd 3414. :; — _ FUU INSURED __ "2022 Morris Ave ANDASSOCIATES No job too null or too l*p Call SPRINGFIELDBuy owner. 4 J.LCAROLAN r Union, New Jersey 61^5550/3904425 nowr bedroom colonial. Large wooded APARTMENT TO SHARE AND WE WILL SELL- " 851-2M0 backyard. New deck. Lots of extras. PAINTING P.O. BOX 3695, Union, NJ RtpiKMiMtlritilaM 687-7071 INTERIOR-EXTERIOR VINLY-AUIM.-NINOOWS •David Lee Roth- Convenient to buses, and trains to YOURCARFORYOU! Quality Workmanship' — Get (1) free double hung w/every (3) •Rangers NYC. $249,000. Prliicrpalsonly.JCall IFITDOESNTSELL, •J44 9234. • UNION—Professional female, 2Cs, Reasonable/Rates that you buy. Installation Included. •Knlcks seeks^sameXto-shar'e 2 •bedroom —WELL RUN THE AD Free Estimates TREE SERVICE Save $120 00 for each window. Orlg. Recyclers Of Scrap Metal UNION - Brand new bl-level, 3 full pe washer/dryer>y,, wwal l tow wall THE THIRD 434 3475/488 5457 Terms available. Buy 14 windows, carpetlng.vbackyard, etc. $400 v baths, 3/4 bedrooms, family room, 2 .. - WEEKAT" BLUE JAY get 5 free MAS WEINSTEIN SONS, INC car" garage, vinyl . sided, ^:fully ' month jjjuVW utilities Call afaftel r Labor&Wlndows Guaranteed UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT SINCE 1920 carpeted~sSlf~"Cleanlng~oVeTTT TREE SERVICE Senior Citizen Discount ttrrico Silo On Stkettd Item 2424 Morris Ave , Union ~ dishwasher, ceramic tile foyer; cen- J&J PAINTING GO. Our Specialty, taking down difficult FREE ESITMATE5 Daily 8-5/Sat. 8:30-12 tral air, custom kitchen cabinets, SO NO CHARGE trees Renvpyal Trimming 351-7787 FERRARA'SDELI X 120 lot; landscaped, must be seen CONDOS IN FAa, WELL CONTINUE The Finest In Painting' Firewood Fully Insured land Clear ftmtrljr PLEASANT MAMET to appreciate, 1205,000. Excellent Ing. Free Estimates..Serving Union TO RUN THE AD _ INTERIOR-EXTERIOR WORD PROCESSING lS50StaiMM!itAM.lUiilM Vauxhairi6cat«)n7Cairrorlnforma~ County, Call .- tlon and^ppolntment 6871374 or;445-- UNION-Orchard Meadows: New I UNTIL YOUR CAR IS' _ Stnini Union I EsserComtits ROSELLEPARK — 484-2207 9547. ' , .-• ;-v •- •.;.: ; •,,...;• . bedroom. Carpet,-dishwasher, FREE ESTIMATES FERNMAR REALTY washer/dryer $700 month plus WE ARE LOOKING FOR , Buying or Selling SOLD CALL JOHN— PARK RAINBOWORD utltites. No pets, \Vi month security. -^HOMEOWNERS Realtor ~ 241-5885 Available Immediately. 477-0544 •3 KM * MMvaur f i 31W.WestfleldAve.,RP - 9-RENTAL 374-9846 TREE SERVICE PROCESSING UNION- Two bedroom, two full COUNTY UABBI HCWSfATOtS To participate In our brand new 1987 EXXON VINYL SIDING PRO UNION • •RtmonlpPnininft,- _For All Your Typing Needs UNION-NEW CONDO Orchard baths, living room, dining room, kit GRAM Qualify and your home will display our siding at tremendous chen, dishwasher, -central- air, ctAssmko. • • PlutliirBnciiir savings No money down 100% financing ACT NOW and you may also AAeadows,;' One bedroom, one bath, T \t ~24hourtiirnowr BUY OR SELL CALL Altappllances. Air conditioning and fireplace. Washer, dryer, carpeting, POMJIXOt K. SCHREIHQFER-Palntlng In * FMOIR|*Clblnif* receive up to a S5O0 CASH REBATE. Very well landscaped grounds, terlor, exterior. Free estimates, In- Call Phyllis: 'Washer/dryer Included. Near all ferMbtiiCalfitS-77N transportation. $475 plui utilities. clMbhou*e_wlth swimming pool sured. 487-9248, 487-3717, . eves, Lets than one year old.ti42,900 447- weekends. 286-2477 Call« AM - 5 PM, 438-3424 or after 6' WHITE ; 241-9684 851-0548 Realty. Realtors 4M4200 PM,235-9445. • ; "' ~.\,?-: «'.. O52J Of 487-1376. ] ORANGE tarqr tcKtou* S'l room-jpartrnrnl '*ncHyp# ,A»r HOUSE SALE CAWCE i r«om» KM) and ^rngMgwa^ggca^gaUt^ '' t&PECT ST lofl Parker ' Sun 10i S. M£» YOU"'" smaiiAds... * odd iobt doi • IO=MI'*"JS*IL sna or S>ew* JA 171] ' bookl — Big Results! other* CELLAR", _ '.MI.',»nd i eiMMO -I* 0iore~No checki «•'*»•»' prelrfrrd AvflV _ 4Ji»J»J-J—471 . NHUUSilT Sodyt, Fendtf Plifll fto.wty birds, ' EAST OBANGE ' >niMr* fd MILLION .Vv^ " -DOLLAR — OFFICE TQIET PRODUCERS 1 OFFICE SPACE ROOMS FOR REHT~ NEWSWORTHY LARGE- FURNISHED - Bedroom, Stories iriterest us ' SPRINGFIELD - Professional of- U«WE quiet private/home, centrally fices to rent. 1 and/or 2 offices, lodge Close to parkway, railroad, and bus. located. ; Mature business shared waiting room In beautiful 1,000-2,000 square feet of beautifully gentleman.£all6B8-3868. • ' professional office.. suite. Morris renovated office space located In a Call us at 686-7700 Ave, oppositeSsks.-«7-2W. ' 250 year old mllLSItuated on a love- ly, river with waterfall surrounded |JRRIIRRINGfiieLD-ColonlaN l Home Is seeking a professional to share home Your Hometown Taper; by magnificent old trees and charm- wlthXltchen and laundry facilities: UNION-For rent 3000 square feet In Ing landscaping-perfect for/' the "modern office building with or discriminating tenant who /Wants without furnishings. Will divide, 'more than lust an office. Call. 276- medical oriented. Call 687-7770. .: 4500 and ask for Ms. Hudak between 8:00-4:00.". '•..•- •..•.•' •/• ' :,y 10-BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Bill Decker UNION-Prlme corner, 1 blockTrpm ROOMS WANTED SCOUXTt'SEXTRArEFFQia'PEQlPLBPRESENT Union Center, 2500-3000 square feet' -Ultra- ,modern_commerclal^^ Bt- YOUNO/WANrNonWr:lF ^JWNYOURJOWN cellentjparklng._Below market! Ing for large sleeping -room with Jean-Sportswear^ _^ ; BnniMlllKniMrRMlton •. private bath. ,$40-145. Weekly. Heat Ladles apparel, "chlldrens/- 1435 Morris Are. Union , -supplied Ask'for BIIJ/375-5294, 5W- maternlty,, large sizes, petite, CAREER SEMINAR •6S6-1M0 . dancewear/aeroblc or accessories store. Jordache, chic, Lee, Levl, liod, Gltano, Guess, Calvin Klein* ROSELLE SerQlo.Valente, Evan Plcone, Liz Thursday, Jariuary 22,7:30 pm.; T , -jf MAPLEWOOD WANTEDTORJEHT Clalborne, Members Only, Gasoline, WEST0RAM6E/LIVINGST0N Healthtex, Over 1000 others, $14,800 rmiilidiaPiflNssioMl Buildlni 1 •to^JfiWO. Inventory, training, fix- f METRORUUCHILTON ;• '{••:;; OPEN HOUSE 1-4 P.M. SPACIOUS COLONIAL GARAGE- • WANTED- —: Sue Gold Approximately 500 square feet, lux- PREFERABLY DOUBLE. TO tures, grand opening etc. Can open $ -uantofflce.Jn-Rdme. Northfleld Aye..; In lSrinys. MR. KFFMAM C«KI *7«. "* Featuring a spaciousliving room, a location, call 736-4420. '" 3639/~T-~-•.-••-- ,•,-;- •.-- • "I Ihought l^golntu lnl atMeararptot- "502TProspect~Sr~Gracious and char . that «ias nine ware ago. No»i I eat, breathe and sfej ming Those words describe this formal dining room and 3 large •real estate. If you're ready tomee t ptopIe.:.UIa:, beautiful center hall Colonial that is bedrooms, this spacious Colonial is in '• HBBpngcs,.jind you want BmHlgg moneyntaldng move-in condition Interior also boasts > waiting for_your visit Set on a op|»rtjDltsthmyou lge»hooladonWfil«i«fctoo!" prestigious area convenient to Iran a first floor den, 1 1/2 baths and many tS^R joureOil^oreale6«^iBacaTOr,«hrtb perkneed salespeople, Ukf Barfean Sduehr cf our DIR Springfield Ave to Pi OspectSt Showcase of Horned Joan Casscrly Metro IM(cfllce,wfl be araBaUe to aKwer your que»- Boos.' Discount coupons lor the Career Dewiopment ••• ANOTHER REALTY CORNER SALE School wffl be given toeach participant. Pont mfes this valuable opportunity, lor the Schlott Bin*-' Effort ftoplet Rerreshmenta wfll he served. No Bntliani Sdwcfcr _J,V- 'reservations^ required. -- i ^ DERECTIONS: Garden State Rirlcway South to edt I31A; or Rt 27, to12 0 CALL VHwdAw.

376-2300 HUMAN RESOUKeESDlG TODAY! 201/633-5000 L Joy Kaplan

. The sale ol this charming Split leveWiome wa> arranged for Call Our Extra-EITort People Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Guerrera by Anne Tomaro* Realtor Associate with Anne Sylvester's REALTY CORNER. at (he Office Listed Itclow: i We would be please to assist you with any real estate transac- THINKING OF A SUCCESSFUL tion. We provide friendly/ personal service and we'll be hap- UNION py to give you a professional market analysis ol your home. REAL ESTATE CAREER? 530 Chpstnut Sti 687-5050

Think about Schlott. Schlott associates benefit Offices in' from the finest training In the business and en- CAREER New Jersey, New \fork, Weichert joy an exciting bonus and incentive package, Connecticut, l\:nnsylvania lake advantage of this rewardingopportunit y I Reattors NIGHT to find out about a career with one of the na- UNION UNION c and Florida. rime: 7:00 P.M. tion's fastest growing real estate companies. STARTER HOME Datei Wednesday, januaiy 21,3987— TheExtra-"Eflort Peopieof SchlottT s Summit o£~ -MINT-CONDITION_ "PlaceHileTclierrCorRealtoB flee Invite you to stop by the Murray Hill Inn, Ihis aluminum sided home_offcrs_j - Insurance-Real EsMte~ 1307^tir]Dresant Aw. "53 5 "CentraiAvenue, New Provldence,-on Mon- r=UriknirNe,w Jersey lome is in mini condition, aiyi ifa J basement and detached garage A Don't py Hay, January 19 at 7:30 pm. For Information, perfect oppoitunity for the right superb location on a quiet street 2 't rilB 8lH« l ReScTentJaJ & Commerical Real Estate •Iwyl M out why-** an «M Mai «KC*MM directions or to arrange a confidential Inter- ownet Inferior-boasts a A bedroom -blocks from 5 Points convemences-An— Serving Union County For Over 60 Years RMI bMi ri»nny hi Uw mttntnmtm ana, view, call Al Rancke, Summit Manager at and a 2 bedroom apartment I here is ideal starterhome Perfect for retirees The Extra-Effort People ~T*erOur4CHOwleTlB€rBnd Experieftco mt hnw t« hm'tmm » HHII^M tt *m mtmt^ 277-177©rAHd takelthe-flrst step toward your a large family room-in the owner too In Washington School area F W C hm N you an (Oatf, yw cmUl te toHw »» apartment Home also boasts a nice Work For You. WeCan. _ $M€aU 687 "HfiU (UNI124) Waldwrt Cfc RMHM*. F«r IIMW»MIIW, fhtm- successful career with Schlott. Ill . yard, modern kitchens «nd balhb and | BUY OR SBUi WITH CONHPENCEI all separate utilities $2N.'MM) Call 1.87 JOSEPH EMMA. MANAGER 5050ft)NI123) ~~ 687-4800 SUMMIT SCHLOTT -UNION OFFICE 277-177J0 PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING CHIMNEYS CONCERT TICKETS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS DRIVEWAYS ATTENTION JERZY PAINTING J.LCAROLAN HILLSIDE •atEATtVEIXSKNAND PAINTING l&J PAINTING CO. AARON UNION TICKETS CONTRACTORS PAVING INC. •EXTERIOR •INTERIOR INTERIOR tEXTEBIOH PAINTING The Finest in Painting MAINTENANCE 2022 Morris Avenue RK»«LAYr^ AND DESIGN TO CONSTRUCTION.WE 5-7 YMD DUMP IllKX WILL PROFESSIONAUY HANDLE YOUR EVERY NEED. , QuaUty ; INTERIOR EXTERIOR union. New jerseV MD MIKIMMUKE FOR MJWIKGMEU NO Job too small SIU11 MID UK£ JOBS Workmanship Smin|UnlM County •CoacntoSMmlkt Reasonable Rates Inttrior/Eibfloi , .20 YEARS— Friendly & Dependable RESIDENTIAL Senrlni Union ( Can Countln HO JOB TOO LUCE OR TOO SMALL •BrictStMsi REAStlNABU RATES Swnni ill d Union Cainhf Insured IN BUSINESS -> 851-2880 FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED FREF, ESTIMATES QiulllyWoik-Resaublypnud INTERIOR •EXTERIOR' FREE ESTIMATES FREE ESTIMATES •InlctlocEiittnor Very neat, no |ob FUUY INSURED too big or small •Daivid Let Roth REMOVAL OF . 379-5366 CALL •Cmmuclil • Rttldentiil CALL JOHN COMPLETE CHIMNEY SERVICE Frw Estloulcs • Fully I turned FREEESTMATES RtoflntMisMqr •Rangers CONGRETEfETC.- 634-3475 9230731 374-9846 •Knicks 564-6197 372-0556 *FREE ESTIMATES 688-5457' 276-2181 376-5923 OAN-379-6865 688-7426 964-7854 PAINTING PAINTING PANTING PAINTING/WALLPAPERING PAINTING/WALLPAPERING DRIVEWAYS ELECTRICIAN ELECTROLYSIS ENTERTAINMENT HOUSE CLEANING SPURR ELECTRIC PAINTING SONSHINE PAINTING PAINTING —PET SITTER HOME CLEANING INTERIOR A EXTERIOR WILLIAM €. R&T PUGLIESE CHRISTINE'S HaitiniThe - - AND •INTERIOR PAPERHANGING BOARDING Uc.Na.72tt FOR PEOPLE ON THE GOI ALSO ASPHALT PAVING •EXTERIOR .AND ALL ODD JOBS BAUER IN MV HOME ELECTROLYSIS Perfect tSuty? SPECIALITY OF THE HOUSE' PLASTERING HOME IMPROVEMENTS DRIVEWAYS —LEADERS MUTTERS— WEEKENDSONLY- Professional •Saofe Motion . _MediuUyApprowd— JCALI !5Y«rt£ifititon pwmmcuns FtMEtUnutoi INSURED a FREE ESTIMATES No Job too Small CALL379-5266 Painting firlM Method Of -, JtlEEQSI 851-9852 All odd jobs - WORK —. PwmjUMt _ -245=1945 Neat Clean Work •Exterior/Interior Fully Insured EXCELLENT SERVICE H*ir Removal -"•Paperhanging- Fre«.Eitlm»tes REASONABLE RITES EXECUTIVE Md PROFESSKNUL WALKED* TIMES DAILY , INSURED MfatUtCU CALL 226-7387 HOME ORE, INC 687-4447 CALL371-O784 272-8865 NOW! . 964-4942 GraonlniMnMUblo 851-9614 SOS-TOST C«»t|~ 'Sol ion Soot «itk ImulitlM 1 diUm CMtfMfdal*R«MMtU. nantEos F«0wl7Y ;REPAIRS*GROUTING ROOFING _ PAINTING Crt PET SUPPLIES FOR AIITrpaofRepiin •GUARANTEEO.- TILEFLOORS ' RMC CONSTRUCTION smmti GttahUte- •New Roofing & Repair IUB.ENCLOSURES •dTtNOKtMIMOOMS •ADDITIONS •ALTERATIONS •PAINTING ALL YOUR NEEDS" FlatRooflng :• LOWEST PRICES^: >• •'{• '' • . • CUPMTHY'MMOWY •uonMnu Knras •TSHEETROCWNG • CEILINGS Roofing Contractors WlMiliiHl . FREE ESTIMATES wmtnooniK - •DECKS-BATHROOM •KITCHEN Tnln!n( MMS 01 (Mf]f OQ( flWMft _Mo |o6 tot null orto bi0_. rag ESTIMATES QUtei/StttlDIt -CM-5S5O/39(M42S :••?• IOS0MMUUIB FULLY INSURED INSURED •counnrow mooiui s fU North ta. CAU •> 3744137 381-5145 , PAMX36S5 - REEESTIIUIII 753-^981/751-4494 tolU1 V CAU.3H-MM 372-4282 666-8980 ' nuYinuKD 688-9538 763-5992 _ 763-BONE TREE SERVICE TREE SERVICE WINDOWS WORD PROCESSING UPHOLSTERY l>% HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS WHMVM. At P. S»ft*' SUMMIT JftR - IMPROVE YOUR HOME MAKE OLD TRBHISBRUICB P&S WITH GIL UNITY INTERNATIONAL JG UPHOLSTERY VyOODWORKING TIRES ~ COMPLETE RfptanAMiillmirtiM MAINTENANCE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Removals • Pruning TREE CARE "RA1NBOWOF RUUDW6S&REM0KUNC ~ NEW •CooputuBtlMtt planting •BRACING Vinyl ffiAvOwS -~ DORMERS •ADOmONS Feeding* cabling PROCESSINC ATTICS •IASEMEHTS - servlno All Union Co. •Lmdicspt DMIIM' IIIIIN ikubh hiad w/mq (3) too bn l«UUbonlncl»(i«J.S»w.JlM ...for ill now typlHf nttdT •««a UNITS •DECK DECKS •PLASTER interiorjwmotWlng Neuif Foam Rubber 241-9684. — •T(«iStiwipI«monl CARPENTRY MpkwiiltiMiiMlaM •Cmbotib lor uto «IMIM Ttrm mlliblt 24 hoar tumour INSutATMNNOM •COUNTER TOPS CUSTOM NUUTIRETWRS Hi Its Acarita hM « Mi -•PATCHINP-- NCXUPiDEUVEIf •KIRIwns ALFORD AUTOMOTIVE •Copli»tti«i_ Bin 14 oladon f^t S tm- labofA •VANITIES tlllL HVMLAIU WwlontiuniiloKL «ITCHENS*UnWOMS •Rtc Rooms TIRE WAREHOUSE FROM MINOR REPAIRS •MOKCASES FULLY INSURED CALLPHYLLIS om 824-7(00 . •Porch Encloiurti 20MSori>|fioM«M. TO MAJOR RENOVATIONS CALL 688-2460 / FIREWOOD n FREE ESTIMATES 964-8364 686-5953 UaiM,pJw>luU Fri«E»timitM 351-7787 851-0548 375-4221 wrusrjL 687-4163, mamma Sn-1090etCSM040 245-1919 964-3575 -6544459

_- L OVER 220 NEW CARS AVAILABLE IFS OFFICIAL' ACTION WAS RATEDJIai IN THE 75 ALLIANCES 30 WRANGLERS ZONE FOR VOLUML FOR '87 WE'RE GOING FOR No. 1. 20COMANCHES 1SP0RTWAG0N TO DO THIS WE'LL EVEN GIVE CARS AWAY! THIS WEEK 80CHER0KEES 8 WAGONEERS LTDS ONLY YOU CAN BUY A GRAND WAGONEER ft GET AN &•. 8GRANDWAGONEERS L-z- ORDER YOUR NEW ALLIANCE FREE!! - o \ < z 1987 MEDALLION TODAY! I . 3 o JM7ALUWICE I9S7AUIMCE RENAULT 4 tyl eng 4 spd RENAULTr4-cyt eng; 5 spd | man trans pwt str/brks.. nun trans, pwr str/brks bucsts 2dr slh No 05$7. buc sts. rr def. AM/FM I- LIST7RICEJ6896. stereo/cass stk No 103-7 .tf •. —, 1987JILLIANCE LIST PftlCE $8429 1987ALLUKCE- $ nunr, < tH mu •* kmjm */•*. tec* . a. at mi. tin a* IHHI, im ma sw. 6556_ FULL PRICE'6195 SAVESHI _ li^y-PRICE^lM sm%m_ SAVEJSSS

MMC 1987ALLUU(CE GWCOHVERTIBU RENAULT, 4 cyl eng auto 1987 RENAULT, 4 cyl eng 5 spdv trans pwr str/brks, buc-sfe- ALLIANCE man trans pwr str/brks air 4 dr sedan AM/FM I- t>uc sts Inter wprs air GTA stereo/cass stk No 0541 AM/FM/5teteo/cass stk LIST PRICE $10,819, ' 1987COMANCHE twm. r*> iWkrk. Utik.M-iii.il ipafcr <* •Hn **V fe. No 095-7 LIST PRICE 4 ><•>»«. •wkHxHtli.UcMk.lM ituMihiMiuflnlian)« $15 957 -SHE $2800 1 FULL PRICE '8679 MVE$I«7 PRICE W» SAVE'IU; FULL PRICE 6707 19I6SPORTWAG0N 19WMUANCEL RENAULT 4cyl eng auto RENAULT, 4 cyl eng 5 spd trans pwr str/brks/ win / man trans pwr str/brks dr Icks air cr con rl rdch buc sts, rr def air 4 dr rr del. AM/FM I stereo/- AM/FM/ stereo/cass. stk tape stk No 0676 8300 No 028-6 8353 mi. demo c -1987 WRANGLER mi demo-fl nuts LIST LIST PRICE $10 377 ii««.>«*/».b.ui»«i,u!ifticni<."i. • . . S*VE$2O03 • S»yEH096 ••••>- FULL PRICE *12,561 SMEH710 USED CARS FULL : i979 pttrtb r -"" 197S6l:•._ 1979 Sf HIT . 1977UD- 1979F«EUID£ 1MI, AUC S Cfl w* 4 nx) nun I 1179 COIU rORO. 4 til »|. luta tilM. SUB. I nl tn| < ud mu IORD, Bqlt"!. wto biM, pi UONU. 4ql IWJ. ! ud nil MIWWT, 4q|. t>i Nb 'GMUDPII TOTOTA. 4 trl «t 5 ud m .KUH/lfi' « dil. Mj v) Irut |M ib/Wi II dil, buc I'm. p-t il'/twlii / dr. pwr btedd tiMt. iwt -ifr/biki air.-w/w .!f>!i:niW, vi, n dtl. buc ill id mtra I irut jm H/hta/ul, a> mtdf, ti/w H bvc Itt AH vfrnU) ipmm. «U;fH7. b* In.n*l.bdf id ml*UIJ- buc n. b9>id wudt us rt. Ih, u mmi. «M/I« •!««;• 'pwr rt/Wifc-BM;MIW iaa rlL- *kll»lMWaa. M sn fe umi. vin ta txiSH Ho «J?». VIX Mo. Hit i .to«. str-m-wjlt. SB. No. MHO,' MN-No. UI cr CM; ip' mm. M/fUJ- Sttrlo.U2».»7Um> 16/100. %H9 mi w2IU2.U,4tSinl. > ;-.•• ttno/Ocw. Sit Mo. «J1M,- IIS «»m, tun« '.••• ' •VtDU)2.l).M'i«...' nia i7Qi;:; ruu .roar. niu ruu:' MICE •:•-•• /•» PIIC£ '795 »995 '1495 '2495 PRICE! 2995 PRICE f«ICE • , PRICE »2?95 19MTIHP0 1M51MCU . DMSLU0 HUiDIMOO ' 1911 MO ZX • 19l3«WfiOK ijuctuu 19S5COHJWCHE oumuwir, i nl ••«. iu» 1M5C0U6M rDR0..4 crl.Ml.mla-lu I0V011 < trl irci led mil SU«Iini.*cili<.ial<«Iini*ll . lur^4 cii tx.4 ud am van 4 cii m, utt tan. pwr iti/bfb. it ill w/w'ta litnt. pwr btu. man tit. II dtl, A* nl «m..> ud HIM pwr itr/bifci. lir. Itt wU, it trMt pwi ttr/biWils/wi«/dr Iwn. pwr ilr/biU/wiii/Mt. n trwlw^gVbrldV./111/dbrldVwj./111/dii Ml Id ta* bue 111. UI/FU tiun bwl Ib/bikt. it M, buc >Kk ir 4.1. boy id nidi W tint pwi ttl/biity IP own, kb: iir. m wH w/w.trLir 'M'«MM,H n drl but 111 «U/IU/H«H(IUI, Sit No CCIU. VIN .lit dri/iwc ifa.:Mi>id.midi cr .kl. n Ml is bd> id nidi, buc ill. i»w*w' Stk No. AU098, VIH. Na (KVn.UIIU/ilit M..U..W, id nudmt cr ih, ip nwii wn il.MI/ru/. rid. bdi M nidt cr cm m coa. V mun. ua It, AH/f U/. /rVtoW ul/IWU/ !» No. '2120M.3l.taim:'-:- j»IHilU3l'' cm StlUIIU/li NorAUI3l. VIN.N/b ll«lo.SliNa»li]C,VINIfe. it..Mniutilmo/tm. Stk. tUito/cau. Sli.No. W0I2. 0IS«!U)H ' 4:4i«. >;,)» mi. •••••. No.' mil, VIN No. J|OM. VINMo lUUSl.UHOi 3 ^3995: roa*4995 58^5995" PRICE W" '8995

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