In 1987 Vice

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In 1987 Vice O H o co — County Letuler newspaper* k^g JANUARY 15, im- Soys quarry issue will be in town hands By MARK YABLONSKY _ • _ /- ~' with tfier state at the time con- "That sounds fantastic to me," Citing the -power of home rule, struction of Uie^s&mUe 'imissing . State Senator C Louis Bassano of says Karen Whaleivo(SCOPE, the link" of 1-78 beganin 1982. ^ Springfield environmental group the 21st district says he Is in- Bassano, who said he will ask the that is opposed-to an amphitheater troducing legislation that will not Township Committee to "get being placeddn. the quarry. J'JHow- allow construction \of an am- Li.i. -——-"«•""" -r" cui am- uemnbehindu " nihiss' DMbill, , explains tnthe can I not be happy about it? that's phitheater in a municipality without:, legislation will have been submitted what--^ - -permission-of-the local-governing^tbTSenate-PresldeTlt JOhrt Husso of , body first, as far as county-owned * Ocean^s of Tuesday. The bill says' .. Republican Bassano, who represents Tnrf^n!;^ both Whalen and, SCOPE co- Springfield along with eight other Union County municipalities in the state legislature's upper chamber, in ^£gSS££!X-. ^ough>ithmeearliergiading. r says the idea came to Ijim after 1 was first elected to hfeSeaTin 1981. Schneider, the hiost ardent op- hearing for "some time ' about'the ' "Only the legislature can change IL • PQnent'of the amphitheater proposal concern on the part of town residents thnt u 10 tnrm I see It giving the complete that wa" s formerl-"^"y «~>~-»proposeJd to•- th»i~e who remain worried that an am-, jurisdiction toVtiie. local governing phitheater is "secretly" being Freeholders last spring by the New constructed in the southern sector of body. Only^it can give permission Jersey Symphony Orchestra, the former Houdaille Quarry against and allow it to be developed in that remains, "suspicious" of the fact theirjvlshes imm.y^ ~V^—•' • that -several, machines are still 'tit's a pretty straight-forward present at the grading site, even ky ^ The Union County Board of Chosen "11,pm", nhe anasadds.. -Hi"Thee governingoverningg Bodbodyy during the winter months. ~'—-: Freeholders passed a_resolution-hw-ofSpr!ngfield knows what is best for -^ptemberpi^isingilwt^quar^y^UiatcoinmSeptember Pnm^Jtahwg™^^ ^ —,•• •—'.•• "• ^"••"*j.-"_^"-'ivvu-iajuderrtzBhlHp-SpohTT bests egds~ln a re_cent_class 0^ bHl "b -where'BrarrcneTreloar's first-graders learned about making potato pancakes The devdopmentrwouldZ3aReZ.^aceZiiSa^niieJegislature,^_andnonKeJeBislature.l^—-—; : w—' class received experience In measuring Ingredients as well. "without concurrence of the " Mayor Edward Fanning, although governing bodvy of Snrinefield.Springfield." AAtt explaining it was difficult to go into , the same time, however, county detalUbout the content of the bill officials- acknowledged, that quarry »WeYe fortunate to have a guy without seeing it • first, seems , h cares, like Lou Bassano," says land was being graded "in con- pleased by the news. w 0 Legion Post to sell its home figuration with an amphitheater" by II»* »r7 . •• •• •• - . , uumuiiiiBHnanjenreCommitteemaniJeffreyy ivatzKatz,, ""I^ou It certainly sounds very good to does^ticLpirecipltously-without state hired ^contractors ^ in ' ac- i volverilent, Weber says, the Legion American Legion ^at all," adds- cordance with earlier terms reached meJ!Vthe-mayor-says^I-hope:it s—thinlflng. -He researches things By MARK YABLONSKY successful." pretty well," , • A steadily dwindling'treasury and voted In October to sell the building Mayor Edward Fanning, who says amount of organization par- that was constructed on land he was not prepared to discuss what ticipation, have put the Continental previously owned by the town some plans the town might have for the ' Post, '228 American Legion of half a century ago The building "WL , building if it were to be acquired _£prJtagfieldJn.ihe4»sition of having adds, is used primarily for Legion "I'd certainly be happy to consider • \ r to self its building on North Trivett " meetings, ~*hich-now'T)ccur' -wily" -whatever proposal liehas " once a month <• Farmer Township Engineer By MARK YABLONSKY , ^low vacating. According to '.brook close to company property 3trwfl, a leading—officer'6f the In Its first regular-business, .MuUman^ organization says The intent of the organization is to Harold Reed, who leftJiia-Job this sell the buildhig, deposit money week in order tobecome tbtoborough -—. LandjnihT ' ii- foe: govern-, thot piia --social &PJP, the sale iqfa bank, • ' H gave unanimous approval to the functions and meetings*, for many accrue interest while continuing to for Metuchen, i ing TO>ay,sijppointtdH.A. >Raberfe- 4Mriii|g of a new recreation direc- Johnson ,as acHngvdiwtor of yean, >thev house-like' structure maintain its various projects 'Ac- be "realistic" to expand township 1 pjfoper garage facilities ratine site, if the' Public yforta to onpi:to fill a directly, adjacent to the township cording. to-WeberV-the Post would "•Kathleen S ZettsT 28, of continue to meet "anywhere," in building is purchased and razed void that was 'created! with the .:..,: . , ) .... • ..." .. - •. Municipal pudding has become a Elizabeth, will, as of Jan. 2ortake v Burden td the Post, which, according eluding the Sarah Bailey Civic The concept, the former official departure of former Township "I -burn" because this is my says, was not "compatible over the position previously held-^ Engineer Harold Reed, whohas '.. town,^sa,ld Coridori. 'ISchalble to ite chaplain*,* Bill Weber, still Center on Church Mall, local tem- by Mark R Silance, who^was not wants to continue with its programs, * ples or churches, or other legion aesthetically" due to the presence of since become the borough has not been here anywhere near Town Hall across the street While reappointed to the post after ' engineer/public works director as long as I nave. If he's going to including the town's Legion baseball halls in qther towns eight months in office. Theresa the town would have no real use for for Metuchen, .: . outgrow the areaTtBenTie hasn't club jand visitations to nearby While acknowledging they have Herkalo has been acting director. VeteransttOSpitals heard "rumors" of the Legion's, the building in terms of engineering, At the conclusion of regular . planned properly. The man or the; Zetts received high praise from business, the. governing body The Post, says the chaplain, will decision, however, -township of- however, it would not be "fair for me . business doesn't care. He needs to comment" on other township Committeeman Sy Mullman, who " heard further complaints about pressure put.oithlm" "^ give the town the initial chance to ficials say they have recelVed'no Js-the-governuig body-llalson-to— ——buyihe bnlldlngrirrtis interestediir- formal proposal, either verjj^lljror—needs, Reed says the department ' / [' ' ' Weber, a post member since 1957, recently cited for 24Lfire safety One committeeman explained ' doing so. In writing / "She's a dynamic person with a violations-^by Fire" Inspector "As far as I know, jve still have explains that out of 105 members, that Schaible is currently allowed only five are now active The great personality," ~said William Gras. Already the target "We're giving the town the first nothing in writing/ says Com Mullman, who has been a strong ' of numerous complaints from' < to discharge a Certain amount of; option," explains Weber, who is also mitteeman Jeffrey Katz, who says a decision to selPis a necessity, he . "residual runoff" .jnto the says advocate of Improvement In nearby'" residents, who7 have' _ajnember of the Legion's Board of sale has never' been "formally township recreational program- charged the Mountain Avenue stream, but that the firm has not Governors "We have always done discussed" by_the governing body "There's only five men that are_ -ming "She's what ..this, town firm with growing too large for installed runoff wells as ordered— things (or the town We have always "There's been a lot of things said carrying the thing on We just can't needs We're going to bring in. its current location in recent by the Department of En- been in every function of the town " But that-ccrtainly doesn't constitute do it It's just impossible to do We quaUfied professional people to years, Schaible was condemned. • virpnmental Protection. After being saddled with rising any kind of an offer " don't have the time anymore We've help expand our programs." ;b$. another Tooker Avenue •resl- _ costs and decreasing group in. _^'Wa've never been approached by goUgsellJt" ___ ^^according toanpther_ Zetts, whose "strong points" dentaswellT^ - '• ~: -—~s—• —^ ^_Jbwnship-offlc!ali has appealed are said to be programming, ac- Telling of an instance in which the fire safety violations with the tivity planning and public rela- a recently-bathed dog needed Union County Board of Con- four days of extensive cleaning to tions, has been the Program 1 struction Appeals. The matter • Kolb returns as town code official Manager of the Boys and Girls rid it of a/'stench' reportedly in-";, should be resolved soon, the t)f- With the arriyal of the New Vear - The 27-year-resident of Millburn post in Springfield part time, Club of Union, a position.she is curred ^after wandering into a fitlal said. •'. : •. -.•.•. came the return of a famlliar'face to Township says he would not want to _pverseeing only constructional Sprtngfjeld Barry Kolb; who has be employed in his home town. aspects, and not toning en returned for a third -stint as the "I don't wprk In my fnrcement. » ishlp's
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