Volume 19 Issue 30 [PDF]
3 undergraduate education Cornell examined Cornell Abroad's CHRONICLE new directors 3 Support for WSKG Volume 19 Number 30 April 28, 1988 7 New corporate liaison post to boost outreach The university has created the new posi- tion of deputy vice president for research and has named the chairman of the chemis- try department, John R. Wiesenfeld, as the first person to fill it. The announcement was made by Joseph Ballantyne, vice president for research. Wiesenfeld sees his job as coordinating the university's already strong corporate outreach programs. "Cornell already boasts an effective cor- porate fund-raising staff and a faculty that is extremely proficient at working with fed- eral agencies to secure funding," said Wie- senfeld, who will assume his new duties part time effective immediately and full time in January after a sabbatical beginning in June. "We also have many faculty with en- trepreneurial talents who have forged effec- tive partnerships with industry," he contin- Claude Level ued. "My principal role will be to help de- John R. Wiesenfeld velop a consistent plan to coordinate these outreach programs and to support interested year, including support from more than 30 faculty in dealing with corporations." companies. Ballantyne said Wiesenfeld understands Wiesenfeld's duties also will include a "both the academic world of Cornell and its broad role in local Cornell and national re- research, and the benefits that corporations search issues, including representing the hope to gain from interactions with univer- university to regional, national and interna- sities." tional research agencies, Ballantyne noted. The Department of Chemistry received In particular, Cornell needs to encourage $6.6 million in external research funds last Continued on page 8 Final state budget leaves Claude Level some key items unresolved Students celebrate Earth Day on the Arts Quad, April 22.
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