Hearing Order OH-001-2014 Board File: OF-Fac-Oil-T260-2013-0302 NATIONAL ENERGY BOARD IN THE MATTER OF the National Energy Board Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. N-7, as amended, (“NEB Act”) and the Regulations made thereunder; AND IN THE MATTER OF the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012, S.C., c. 19, s. 52, as amended and the Regulations made thereunder; AND IN THE MATTER OF an application by Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC as General Partner of Trans Mountain Pipeline L.P. (collectively, “Trans Mountain”) for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity and other related approvals pursuant to Part III of the NEB Act. WRITTEN ARGUMENT OF KWANTLEN FIRST NATION Counsel for Kwantlen First Nation: Tim Dickson Farris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy LLP 2500-700 West Georgia St. Vancouver, BC V7Y 1B3 Tel: 604 661 9341 Fax: 604 661 9349 Email:
[email protected] - 2 - Part I: Overview .................................................................................................................3 Part II: Constitutional and Statutory Framework ...........................................................4 A. Aboriginal rights and title ........................................................................................4 B. The duty to consult and accommodate.....................................................................9 C. Section 35 limitations on the Board’s discretion under the NEB Act ....................13 1. The standards by which Aboriginal rights and title must be considered ..................................................................................................17