1. Train Station much of McMillan Island. The first bridge to the 5. Maple Tree 8. James Mowat House & Art Gallery island was built at his expense. Mrs. Haldi's inheritance of $500,000 in 1908 made much of Located at the corner of The northern part of this possible. An addition was built facing The Canadian and 96th this charming Glover Road in 2003. Northern Avenue, a massive small house Railway began maple tree stands as a dates back to Langley memorial to A. W. construction of 3. Fort Langley Community Hall 1909. Its the Langley route Wilson, a soldier who builder, James died at Vimy Ridge Heritage in 1910. The Mowat Sr., The Fort Langley during WW1. Planted in station was built in cleared and paved 1915. In 1917 the Community 1923, this is one of the few many of Fort Langley's Society railway promoted a Improvement remaining memorial maples older streets, including nearby Church and beautification project to enhance its rural Association was to survive into the 21st Century. stations. As a result, the station master's wife formed in 1924 St. Andrews. planted extensive perennial gardens very similar by the local to those at the station today. In 1918 the Women's Institute. 6. Fort Langley Cemetery railway became a part of the Canadian National The municipal hall 9. Coronation Block Railway system. The station was designated a and grounds were The first burial took place in municipal heritage site in 1983 and moved to its purchased from the 1882 when Robert Mackie, The Coronation Block current location. Following two years of municipality in 1925. In 1930 James Souter father of the was built in 1911 and restoration by the Langley Heritage Society, it began construction of the new Community Hall municipality's first reeve, named in honour of opened to the public in 1985. The C.N. with most of the work completed by volunteers. died. The cemetery is King George V and Caboose, located on site, houses an operating Archibald Hope, brother of Fort Langley noted for its wrought Queen Mary. model railroad display. The baggage room is entrepreneur Chas E. Hope, had drawn up the iron grave enclosures, Architect Charles converted into an art gallery for weekend plans. The hall features Doric style columns and impressive marble and Hope built the a most imposing pediment. The maple trees on exhibitions of the Fort Langley Artists Group. 0411 granite monuments and store as revenue In 1997 a passenger railway car was moved the grounds were planted in 1931. • ••., mature landscaping. The property for his wife, to the site, restored and named the E & E in names Morrison and Allard Lily Dawson Hope. honour of long time station supporters, date back to the Hudson's Evelyn and Bert Taylor. 4. The Marr House Bay Company times. The cenotaph to WWI soldiers was erected at the instigation of 10. Morrison/Hadden House Dr. Benjamin Butler Dr. Benjamin Marr. 2. Jacob Haldi House Marr was Langley's Now virtually (Bedford House Restaurant) first resident surrounded by physician. 7. St. Andrew's United Church single family Attracted to dwellings, this The Jacob Haldi House house was built stands east of the Langley's oldest surviving by a position with in 1904 by Fort C.N.R. Station church was built in 1885 the C.N. Railway, Langley pioneer overlooking the at a cost of $1,000.00. Marr built his Fort Hector Morrison. The site had been Langley home in1910 Morrison's first wife Fort Langley and McMillan donated by Mr. James and expanded it when he died when the boiler Island. The house Mackie, Langley's first married the daughter of a local blacksmith in of the paddle wheeler was built by local Reeve, and the tower Walking 1913. Dr. Marr was an influential player in com- Ramona exploded just upriver in 1901. His carpenter and hotel and belfry were added munity affairs for many years and was responsi- second wife, Mrs. Margaret Hadden, was very owner William Harvey by Henry Wark. The bell ble for planting the horse chestnut trees oppo- active in community affairs, serving as president Tour Brown for Jacob Haldi in 1908. Haldi settled in came from the Beaver, site his house as memorials to Langley men who of the Fort Langley Women's Institute and I Langley in 1895. He purchased the Hudson's the first steamship to ply died during the First World War. assisting in the formation of the Fort Langley Bay Company store in 1902-03 and operated it the Pacific coast waters. Community Improvement Society. as a butcher shop. Haldi had extensive land St. Andrew's opened as a Presbyterian church holdings in the Fort Langley area and owned but elected to join the newly-formed United _• Church of Canada in 1925.

11. St. George's Anglican Church of art, science and history are featured in the Bedford Channel from Fort Langley. On clear NEC. Special events and exciting days the magnificent Golden Ears Mountains can Opened in 1901, this programs are offered year round for all ages, be seen behind the church. charming Gothic and a unique selection of local artists' style church has handcrafted items are featured in the gift shop. MAP LEGEND been the focus of Anglicans in the Langley 14. 1. Fort Langley Train Station & Art Gallery 10. Morrison/Hadden House community for British Columbia Farm Machinery 2. Jacob Haldi House 11. St. George's Anglican Church many years. The & Agricultural Museum 3. Fort Langley Community Hall 12. Pioneer Cemetery Heritage church contains a 4. The Marr House 13. Langley Centennial Museum & number of fine stained Founded in 1958, this 5. Maple Tree National Exhibition Centre Society glass windows and boasts museum is staffed entirely 6. Fort Langley Cemetery 14. BC Farm Machinery & one of the loveliest interiors in the Fraser by volunteers and is open 7. St. Andrew's United Church Agricultural Museum Valley. The site was originally part of the April to October. It Fort Langley National Historic Park Hudson's Bay Company Farm. It was enlarged houses an extensive 8. James Mowat House 15. and renovated in 2003. collection of farm 9. Coronation Block 16. Church of the Holy Redeemer machinery, as well as Donations in support of our heritage resource books, 12. Pioneer Cemetery catalogues, household Camp Ground McMillan Island and requests for membership furnishings and early applications may be forwarded to: The Pioneer Cemetery is logging equipment. adjacent to St. George's Langley Heritage Society Anglican Church. Most of those buried here 15. Fort Langley Bedford Channel PO Box 982 were Hudson's Bay National Historic Park Fort Langley Company employees or very early settlers of The fort is a partial the Fort Langley area. ay British Columbia, Canada reconstruction of the The wrought iron cross, Hudson's Bay V1M 2S3 attached to the church's ImensftertnillWr Company fur trade 96th Av O National western gable, memorializes enue post of 1858, Historic Park a Hawaiian-born Hudson Bay Cemetery ------Visit Our Website the year British Company employee and formerly stood in the Columbia was 4 Andrews www.langleyheritage.ca cemetery. proclaimed a crown colony. Tours and a ncis '464, • - gift shop are available. Special thanks to 13. Langley Centennial Museum e renowned artists: & National Exhibition Centre Al Colton and Brian Croft 16. Church of the Holy Redeemer 88th Avenue for generously donating Opened in 1958, the -•—■r To Highway # 1 / Walnut Grove Built in 1897 by these sketches museum, located in the heart of historic band members Fort Langley, in conjunction brings art and with the local history to life. Roman Catholic The stories of early missionaries, the explorers, fur traders church is located and First Nations of this on McMillan Island region are interpreted in on Kwantlen First the permanent galleries, and changing exhibits Nations land across the

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