FsK ■> i- THE WEATHER NET FURSS RUN ITotwcuit b7 O. 8. WbiiHi*r Bure«B» A<’ERAGB DAILY CIRCULATION f ' Ne«« ? for the month of March, 19C8 f ■ Fair and warmer tiftiij^lj Thurs­ day increasing doudlness and 5,119 warmert followed hy ’ showers. Heinber of the Andit Bnrean of ! CircoUitloiii> PRICE THREE GENTS VOL. XLIL, NO. 170. Classified Advertising on Page 12. MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1928. (FOURTEEN PAGES)

-<$> STATE REPUBLICANS « M M iss Trumbull iii Washiitgton 12 ROOM XH O O l CHOOSE DELEGATES ^ ARE STILL ON ISLAND Envoys to National Conven­ SEN. BINGHAM Dr. Le Verne Holmes, Dis­ Duke” SchiBer Offers to Go tion and Their Alternates MASONIC DEPUTY SMITH FAR AHEAD trict Health Officer, Be­ Back to Take Them to Are Picked— Ask For Re­ BACKS POUCY ' HEREONTU^DAY SO FAR IN RACE lieves Conditions Warrant Mainland — Fitzmaorice turn of Senator McLean. IN NICARAGUA: Larger Building, Manchester Lodge to Re­ Has 326 Delegates Out of Seeks Spare Parts For Hartford, Conn., April IS,— Con-j Devotes Third of Keynote uecticut’s delegation to the Repub-1 Despite recommendations for ceive Louis R. Brock on 446— ^Fear He Cannot i Disabled Ship; Miss Junk- lican national convention at Kan-i Speech to Defense of the j four new schoolrooms in the Hollis- ,=?as City was chosen here today,; I ter street building made last Octo- His Annual Visitation. Keep Up Pace. er at Murray Bay, Steam­ with an alternate for each dele- i j her by Supt. A. F. Howes of the gate, and with both delegates and ^ Administration’s Action Eighth School district and the in­ er to Make Another At­ alternates being given the power| crease of this program to six rooms. Right Worshipful Louis R Washington, April IS.— The to choose their own successors if| Brock, of East Hartford, deputy of commanding lead which Governor In Foreign Lands. Dr. LeVerne Holmes, supervisor American Revolution, two prominent debs served as personal pages to 1 tempt to Reach Germans; needed. the sixth Masonic district of the of health in the first seven school aqT JO sjajqfinna aqj jo “ o '0: ‘uoj:?u|qsnM ui uoijuaAtioo aqj Snunn j A1 Smith is piling up In his march p) >' Delegates at large are: | districts of Manchester will ask for the president of the organization, Mrs. Alfred J. Brosseau, center. L eft! State of Connecticut, will make his toward the Democratic nomination Bad Weather Continues. J. Henry Roraback, of Hartford. Hartford. Conn.. April IS— Sena­ a 12-room addition at the special is Miss Florence Trumbull, dadghter of the governor of Connecticut; j official visitation and inspection of at Houston was exemplified today United States Senator Hiram tor Hiram Bingham devoted more school meeting which is to be held/ right is Miss Bina Day Dineen, daughter of the senator from Illinois. Manchester lodge of Masons, Tues­ by the compilation of a table show­ Jiingham, of New Haven. than a third of his “ key-note” on Friday evening in the assembly day night, April 24. District Deputy Governor John H. Trumbull, of ing that of the 446 (delegates thus FLIGHT DEVELOPMENTS speech before the Republican state hall of the Robertson school on Brock will be accompanied by sev­ Plainville. » North School street. far selected he has at least 326. convention here to a defense of the eral other officials of this Masonic If he can maintain this dizzy ra­ Captain Herman Koehl, pilot of Miss Katherine Byrne, of Put­ Dr. Holmes bases his request on WITNESS TELLS STORY district and a large attendance of nam. tio in the primary and convention- the Bremen, and Baron von Huene- administration’s foreign policies, the conditions in the three schools local Masons is expected to wel­ Judge James F. Walsh, of Green­ filled weeks ahead, his nomination feld were still on Greenly Island particularly the invasion of Nicara- on North School street and the pres­ come the visitors. at Houston is assured. His oppo­ wich. ent overcrowding of rooms there. Ernest E Rogers, of New Senator from Connecticut The Master Mason degree will be nents, particularly those from the today. He maintains that the conditions OF GUEFOYLE SHOOTING conferred upon a candidate by the don. 1 started his speech with that phase anti-Smith southern states, grimly Major James Fitzmaurice, who Mrs. are imhealthful, so much so as to officers of Manchester lodge. Re­ contend that he cannot keep up ' hopped off at Greenly Island with John B. Russ, of Shelton. ] of the national situation, and work against the best efforts of the «>- freshments will be served at .the this pace, but irrespective of claims [ Charles “ Duke” Schiller for Mur­ Tlic .'Alternates [stressed its importance and the teachers. One room in the old close of the meeting. The hour of Alternates to the delegates at] necessity of the people of the (joun- and counter-claims the fact re-j ray Bay to get spare parts for the large are: Union school now contains 64 Member of the Party Says opening the lodge will be 7:30 mains that as of today Smith has try standing behind the president in NATION’S WEAKNESS p. m. Mrs. Henry Hubbard, of Lyme; seventh grade pupils, which ' Dr. captured approximately three-, repair of the Bremen spent the his policy. Holmes says is too many. Mrs. Russell Lee Jones, of Hart­ Senator Bingham’s speech next fourths of the delegates chosen in­ night at Clarke City. Que., where ford; Col. Charles H. Allen. of Future Needs Mrs. Gaudet Was Shot In stead of the required two-thirds. their plane was forced by bad treated the achievements of the He has figured out that the six- LED TO OIL LEASE Rockville; William G. Park, of administration in respect to avia­ ‘NEW HAVEN’ S’ HEAD The Houston convention is ten weather to land. Hanover; John H. Hill, of Shelton; room addition, when and. if it is weeks away. Thus far, eighteen It was reported at Seven, Is­ tion and finance and finally describ­ completed, will be filled up im­ Back— Saw Gun Lying at Raymond F. Gates, of Willimantic; ed “ the present state of representa- states and three territories have lands, Que., that Von HuenefieUU- .ind Hairy E. MacKenzie, of Bethel, government.” He defended the mediately, and that the district will chosen their delegates, either Koehl and Fitzmaurice might con­ have no further room for the ex­ District delegates and alternates action of the administration in all Doctor’s Feet. Admiral Robinson Says EXPLAINS FINANCES through primaries, state conven­ sent to fly to Murray Bay or were named as follows: pansion he believes is inevitable. tions, or by state committees, with Mitchel Field, leaving repairs of the respects by telling his audience; The growth of the district, which instructions, pledges or under­ First District— Delegates; Wal­ “ Choose representatives who are Bremen unlli later. is now mainly in the southeastern standings. They will comprise 27 of ter E. Batterson, Hartford, and worthy of your confidence. Then Hartford, Conn., April 18.— | Country Was In Grave Schiller sent a radio to Greenly Samuel R. Spencer, of Suflield. Al­ section, will increase at a faster President Tells Stockhold­ 54 delegations to sit in at Hous­ Island offering to return and pick give them a free hand. Trust their rate now with the development of terse description of the scene im- ] ton. ternates: Edward M. Allen, of judgment until they give you some up Von Huenefeld and Koehl in his Hartford, and Henry H. Hunt, of new subdivisions in that part. mediately after Mrs. Max J. \ Need of Fuel at the Time. May Help Smith evidence of failure.” plane, but, owing to atmospheric Glastonbury. Officers of the district who were Gaudet, of New Haven, and D r.! ers No Definite Dividend Three states, Ohio, Pennsylvania hinderances to communication, had His Suggestions interviewed on the proposed addi­ and Massachusetts will choose 160 Second District — Delegates: Without mentioning any of the Harold N. Guilfoyle, of Hartford,' received no reply this morning. Charles A. Gates, of Willimantij, tion, said that the survey of con­ Washington, April 18.— A pos-' additional delegates next .Tuesday, Miss Herta Junkers, daughter of questions now at issue Senator were shot in a Maple avenue apart-; Can Be Declared Now. and the Smith total will be in­ and R. Leland Keeney, of Somers. ditions as submitted by Supt. Howes sible “ fatal - weakness” in the I the designer of the Bremen, who Alternates: Wilson S. Reynolds, Bingham suggested; indicates that the four rooms he ment house here last January wasi creased proportionately, for the flew to Montreal from Curtiss Field, “ Some people constantly forget country's national defense plan ; Middletown, and George H. Brad­ asked for will be sufficient to con­ furnished today to the three Su- ^ organizations in Pennsylvania and N. Y.. in the F-13, a sister ship to ford, Montville. that you cannot make a man honest stitute the building program for prompted the leasing of Teapot New Haven, Conn., April 18.— Massachusetts are favorable to the the Bfemen, hastened to Murray by legislation. It is not law,nor perior Court judges who are try­ Third District— Delegates; J. five years to come. Dr. Holmes is Dome to Harry F. Sinclair, the de- , Financial condition of the New Ha^ New; York governor. - Both states Bay by rail. Edward Brainard, Branford, and the constitution which moulds and ing Dr. Guilfoyle for first degree supported him at Madison Square Bad weather continues over the of the opinion that the building fense Implied today in the criminal i ^en Railro'ad are such today as to T’ov c. of Meriden. Alter­ controls our civilization. When law pi'ogram, if followed out as recom­ murder here by Mrs. Julia V. Way, Garden four years ago. Gulf of St. Lawrence. ing •Xkt id Baker, of New Ha- goes beyond the spirit of the people of 69 Colonial Road, Hartford, who conspiracy trial of the millionaire , -dictate a policy of sound financial Smith’s total of 3,26 delegates to mended by the board of directors, was in tke apartment of Guilfoyle oilm an through Admiral J, K. ' ,, . J.A P. Lynch, of Orange. lacksIsicks that support which alone will relieve congestion for less than icaution and that no,definite divi­ date is only 42 delegates less than FI^^ MAY EE URN it certain of obedience.” when the shooting took place. Robtson, Its ‘‘star, witness.” — Arthur Connoly^akes i two years. . his peak'strength on the 7Wh bal­ Seven' Inlands, Quebec, April 18. Senator BIagh,am’s audience re­ Mrs. Way gave her-story under ' Gtpre ; fdif "fu^ oil dend rate shall '■'e declared at this I and Mrs. Julian l\i?" SenuK Congestion lot at Madison Square Garden. This — The f.rce her es of the -latest . ly. of Stamford. Alternate,^: ceived thet declaration apparently direct examination. Her cross-ex­ about the lease, Robison festified time,” E. J. Pearson, president of is considered a remarkable showing epic of the skie&—Captain Hermit • A Herald representative was con­ amination Is yet to come. Under the Althouigh he did not mention the Koehl, Barcn ^ Ehre'frleu vin _^’^rederick M. Salmon, of Westport, with the idea they ^believed he was ducted on a visit through the the road, told stockholders gather­ in view of the fact that only little and Mrs. Annie C. Candee, of referring to the recent constitution­ questions of Hugh M. Alcorn, fact to the jury, he apparently was ed here today for their annual more than a third of the delegate.^ Huenefeld and Major Janies .Jj schools of the district yesterday and state’s , attorney, Mrs. Way slowly talking about the “ Japanese war Fitzmaurice— may r-'lnri to civil'- Norwalk. al amendments. was shown the conditions there. meeting. The gathering was the have been chosen. Fifth District— Frederic C. W'al- Senator Bingham also touched unfolded a picture that kept*, the scare” of 1922 which was brought 56th annual event of the sort. Thus far the New York governor zation out of the frozen nortliland Congestion, he was shown. Is evi­ crowded court room at attention I'ott, of Norwalk, and Edward W. upon “toleration.” He said: out in the conspiracy trial of E. L. I In explaining the dividend situa- has encountered but little opposi­ in -..e Junkers plane 1*'-13, a sister dent in the two schools at the ex­ from start to finish. Doheny, who acquired the other tion from other candidates in his ship of the trans-Atlantic conqu^n - “ The glory of America today is treme north end of the district and ! tion President Pearson told the her tolerance. There is still room Mrs. Way told of the party in naval oil reserve. march through primaries and state or Bremen, accor ing to infornia-' (Conriiiiied on Page :i) also in the portable school, built the Guilfoyle apartment where she I stockholders that “ it must be re- tion rec 'ed here today. i>: for improvement. Some of our Sinclair is charged with having i membered that In the years 1919- conventions. Reed has given him during the war as an emergency and her husband, Mrs. Gaudet and bribed former Secretary of Interior some, but nothing of a strenuous Fitzmaurice, who flew frovi j modern orator’s appear to be afraid measure. ! 23 your company not oily failed to ] of liberty and tolerance. Let them daughter, and Dr. and Mrs. Guil­ Albert B. Fall to lease him the Tea­ nature. Greenly Islanc., with r iator Chari. . This building will be done away foyle were present. When the party ' earn a net income, but accumulated ( “ Duke” ) Schiller to get spate I have no fear. pot Dome oil reserve. a deficit of $27,224,838. From 1923 'The California primary twoj ! with, a member of the board said broke up. at nine o’clock, she said. Defense Weak weeks hence may tell a different parts for the Bremen, so that re­ I “ The state must not interfere to 1928 your company has earned pairs could be n.ade, rerted over STATE REPUBLICANS with my home, my church, my Dr. Guilfoyle left the room and “ I told Fall,” said Robison, “ that story, however. There, • Senator (Coiitlnuert on 2) went to a bedroom. He came out a net income totaling $30,205,850, night at Clarke City, near this j school. How I fit myself to be a in connection with the then situa­ Thomas J. Walsh of Montana is wearing a brown overcoat, with his tion of our nation, there was a 01 $2,980,912 more than the aggre­ entered and the contest is expect­ place. Schiller had sent word bacu. ! good citizen is my affair.” hands in the pockets. gate deficit of 1919-23. In view of to Greenly island that he . oul


PRICE THREE CENTS (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY; APRIL 18, 1028. VOL. X U I., NO. 170. Classified Advertising on Page 12. WILL SUGGEST Miss Trumbull ill Washington STATE REPUBUCANS 3 -4> CHOOSE DELEGATES 12 ROOM SCHOOL ADDITION IN 8TH•f STILL ON I Envoys to National Conven­ \ SEN. BINGHAM Dr. Le Verne Holmes, Dis­ MASONIC DEPUTY SMITH FAR AHEAD Ihike” Sdiffler Offers to tion and Their Alternates Backto Take them to BACKS POLICY trict Health Officer, Be­ H E R E O N T U m Y SO FAR IN RACE \ Are Picked— Ask For Re­ lieves Conditions Warrant Mainlaiill — F lte O riiX turn of Senator McLean.' IN NICARAGUA Larger Building. Manchester Lodge to Re­ Has 326 Delegates Out of Seeks Spare Parts Fpr Disabled Miss Jonk- ■ Hartford, Conn., April 18.— Con-; Devotes Third of Keynote j 446— Fear He Cannot Despite recommendations for ceive Louis R. Brock on necticut’s delegation to tbe Repub-1 1 i lican national convention at Kan four new schoolrooms in the Hollis­ -1I er at Murray Bay; S t ^ - Speech to Defense of the ter street building made last Octo­ ^ His Annual Visitation. Keep Up Pace. \ sas City was chosen here today,! with an alternate for each dele-! ber bv Supt. A. F. Howes of the er to Make Anotber M - gate, and with both delegates and' Administration’s Action Eighth School district and the in­ Right. Worshipful Louis R. Washington, April IS.— The alternates being given the power| crease of this program to‘six rooms. Brock, of East Hartford, deputy of commanding lead which Governor tempt to Reach German^ to choose their own successors if | Dr. LeVerne Holmes, supervisor In Foreign Lands. American Revolution, two prominent debs served as personal pages to the sixth Masonic district of the Al Smith is piling up in his march needed. eqi JO sjejqSnna am JO “ O -Q ‘uojSujqBBM ui nonuoAtioo oqj Snuna | of health in the first seven school State of Connecticut, will make his toward the Democratic nomination Delegates at large are: the president of the organization, Mrs. Alfred J. Brosseau, center. Left i Bad Weather Contmnes. districts of Manchester will ask for is Miss Florence Trumbull, dkllghter of the governor of Connecticut; 1 official visitation and inspection of at Houston was exemplified today J. Henry Roraback, of Hartford. Hartford. Conn.. April IS— Sena­ a 12-room addition at the special right is Miss Bina Day Dineen, daughter of the senator from Illinois. Manchester lodge of Masons, Tues­ by the compilation of a table show­ United States Senator Hiram tor Hiram Bingham devoted more school meeting which is to be held day night, April 24. District Deputy ing that of the 446 idelegates thus FLIGHT DEVEIiOPlVIENTS Hingham. of New Haven. than a third of his “ key-note” on Friday evening in the assembly Governor John H. Trumbull, of hall of the Robertson school on Brock will be accompanied by sev­ far selected he has at least 326. speech before the Republican state Plainville. North School street. eral other officials of this Masonic If he can maintain this dizzy ra­ Captain Herman Koebl. pilot Of Miss Katherine Byrne, of Put- convention here to a defense of the Dr. Holmes base;; his request on WITNESS TE liS STORY district and a large attendance of tio in the primary and convention- the Bremen, and Baron von Huene- nam. administration’s foreign policies, the conditions in the three schools local Masons is expected to wel­ filled weeks ahead, his nomination feld were still on Greenly Island come the visitors. Judge James F. Walsh, of Green­ particularly the invasion of Nicara- on North School street and the pres­ at Houston is assured. His oppo­ wich. The Master Mason degree will be nents, particularly those from the today. I gua. The Senator from Connecticut ent overcrowding of rooms there. Major James Fitzmaurice, who Ernest E. Rogers, of New Lon­ OF conferred upon a candidate by the anti-Smith southern states, grimly He maintains that the conditions don. started his speech with that phase are iinhealthful, so much so as to oflicers of Manchester lodge. Re­ contend that he cannot keep up hopped off at Greenly Island with Mrs. John B. Russ, of Shelton. of the national situation, and work against the best efforts of the freshments will be served at .the this pace, but irrespective of claims [ Charles “ Duke” Schiller for Mur­ The .-llteriiatcs stressed its importance and the teachers. One room in the old close of the meeting. The hour of and counter-claims the fact re ray Bay to get spare parts for tbe Alternates to the delegates at necessity of the people of the (joun- opening the lodge will be 7:30 mains that as of today Smith has Union school now containsi 64 Member of the Party Says NATION’S WEAKNESS repair of the Bremen spent the large are: try standing behind the president in Dr. p. m. captured approximately three- seventh grade pupils, which ' night at Clarke City. Que., where Mrs. Henry Hubbard, of Lyme; his policy. Holmes says is too many. fourths of the delegates chosen in­ Mrs. Russell Lee Jones, of Hart­ Senator Bingham’s speech next Future Needs Mrs. Gaudet Was Shot In stead of the required two-thirds. their plane was forced by had ford; Col. Charles H. Allen, of treated the achievements of the He has figured out that the six- m TO OIL 1eASE|‘NEW HAVEN’S’ HEAD The Houston convention is ten weather to land. _ Rockville; William G. Park, of administration in respect to avia­ room addition, when and, if it is Back— Saw Gun Lying at weeks away. Thus far, eighteen It was .reported at Seven, Is-- Hanover; John H. Hill, of Shelton; tion and finance and finally describ­ completed, will be filled up im­ states and three territories have lands, Que., that Von H'uenefield.', Raymond F. Gates, of Willimantic; ed “ the present state of representa- mediately, and that the district will chosen their delegates, • either Koehl and Fitzmaurice might con­ through primaries, state conven­ and Harry E. MacKenzie, of Bethel, tiyg government.” He defended the have no further room for the ex­ Admiral Robinson Saysl^^P^-AINS FINANCES sent to fly to Murray Bay ot District delegates and alternates Doctor’s Feet. tions, or by state committees, with " ‘ ‘ action of the administration in all pansion he believes is inevitable. Mitchel Field, leaving repairs of tne were named as follows: instructions, pledges or , under­ respects by telling his audience; The growth of the district, which Bremen unlli,later. , First District— Delegates; Wal­ standings. They will comprise 27 of Schiller sent a radio to Greenly “ Choose representatives who are is now mainly in the southeastern 1 Country Was In Grave ter E. Batterson, Hartford, and Hartford, Conn., April IS.- - A i 54 delegations to sit in at Hous­ Island offering to return and-pick worthy of your confidence. Then section, will increase at a faster Saniuel R. Spencer, of Suffleld. Al­ President Tells Stockhold­ ton. up Von Huenefeld and Koehl in hts give them a free hand. Trust their rate now with the development of terse description of the scene im- ternates: Edward M. Allen, of May Help Smith plane, but, owing to atmospheric judgment until they give you some new subdivisions in that part. mediately after Mrs. Max J. Need of Fuel at the Time. Hartford, and Henry H. Hunt, of evidence of failure.” ers No Definite Dividend Three states, Ohio, Pennsylvania hinderances to communication, had Glastonbury. Oflicers of the district who were Gaudet, of New Haven, and D r.! and Massachusetts will choose 160 received no reply this morning.. His Suggestions interviewed on the proposed addi­ Second District — Delegates; i Without mentioning any of the Harold N. Guilfoyle, of Hartford,' Washington. April 18.- A pos- additional delegates next .Tuesday, Miss Herta Junkers, daughter pf Charles A. Gates, of Willimantic,! tion, said that the survey of con­ the designer of the Bremen, who questions now at issue Senator were shot in a Maple avenue apart-, ^ weakness” in the Can Be Declared Now. and the Smith total will be in­ and R. Leland Keeney, of Somers. ditions as submitted by Supt. Howes flew to Montreal from Curtiss Field, Bingham suggested; creased proportionately, for the Alternates; Wilson S. Reynolds, indicates that the four rooms he ment house here last January was N. Y „ in the F-13, a sister ship to “ Some people constantly forget country’s national defense plan organizations in Pennsylvania and Middletown, and George H. Brad­ asked for will be sufficient to con­ furnished today to the three Su­ Massachusetts are favorable to the the Bfemen, hastened to Murrky that you cannot make a man honest OTompted the leasing of Teapot New Haven, Conn., April 18.— ford, Montville. ^ stitute the building program for perior Court judges who are try­ Ne'w York governor. - Both states by legislation. It is not law.nor Dome to Harry F. Sinclair, the de- Bay by rail. - I Third Distpcf^— Delegates; J. five years to come. Dr. Holmes is Financial condition of the New Ha- supported him at Madison Square Bad weather continues over the the constitution which moulds and ing Dr. Guilfoyle for first degree Edward Braifiard, Branford, , and of the opinion that the building fepse implied today in the criminal i yen Railroad are such today as to Garden four years ago. Gulf of St. Lawrence. controls our civilization. When law murder here by Mrs. Julia V. Way, c. Wi'^ox, of Meriden. Alter- ■ ^ program, if followed w--out - as------recom- of 69 Colonial Road,-Hartford, who co^piracy trial of the millionaire i “ dictate a policy of sound financial Smith’s total of 3\26 delegates to d Baker, of beyond the spirit or the peop e j^g^^gd by the board of directors, New Ha-S was in tke apartment of Guilfoyle oil-man through Admiral,. J. K. date is . only 42 delegates leas'than - EE :LBN u F. Lynch, of Orange.\t that support which alone relieve congestionijfOT less than caution and that no ^^definite divL when the-shooting took: place. Rot^dn, ilsi ,.‘'®tor., witness, his pea^" strength on tile 78|th" bal­ '"'"Seven ®a'nds, Quebec, April l ‘.>> uistrict— Arthur Connol^ it certain of obedience. t,wo years. ••'^ r s . Way .gayArlier story under ; '^ea3 fii# "olt d«nd rate shall *>e declared at this lot at Madison gtiuare Garden. ThU — The't^tree her es of the Jatest ,_»^.ort, and Mrs. Julian m s ’-Senutbr Bingham’s audience r-e- Coi^estiou direct examinatiofi. Hef cross-ex­ abbut the lease, Robison estified time,” E. J.'Pearson, president of is considered a remarkable showing epic of the skies— Captain HermJ > .y, 6'f Bftfmford: Alternate^: ceived the declaration' apparently Koehl, Barcn Ehre^ fried v>ii A Herald representative was con­ amination Is yet to come. Under the Althopigh he did not mention the the road, told stockholders gather­ in view of the fact that only little .ederick M. Salmon, of Westport, with the idea they iselieved he was Huenefeld’ and Major Janies ih ducted on a visit through the questions of Hugh ,M. . Alcorn, fact to the jury, he apparently was ed here today for their annual more than a third of the delegates and Mrs. Annie C. Candee, of referring to the recent constitution­ Fitzmaurice— may r"turn to civih- schools of the district yesterday and state’s attorney, Mrs. Way slowly talking about the “ Japanese war meeting. The gathering was the have been chosen. Norwalk. al anjendments. zation out of the frozen northland was shown the conditions there. unfolded a picture that kepl\ the scare” of 1922 which was brought 56th annual event of the sort. Thus far the New York governor Fifth District— Frederic C. Wal­ Senator Bingham also touched in Junkers plane h-13, a sister Congestion, he wm shown, is evi­ crowded court room at attention out in the conspiracy trial of E. L. In explaining the dividend situa­ has encountered hut little opposi­ cott, of Norwalk, and Edward W. upon “toleration.” He said: tion from other candidates in his ship of the trans-Atlantic conqutr. - dent In the two schools at the ex­ from start to finish. Doheny, who acquired the other tion President Pearson told the “ The glory of America today is march through prirnaries and state or Bremen, accor ing to informa-' treme north end of the district and Mrs. Way told of the party in naval oil reserve. , stockholders that “ it must be re­ her tolerance. There is still room conventions. Reed has given him tion rec 'ed here today. (Coiitiniied on t'agc :{) also in the portable school, built the Guilfoyle apartment where she Sinclair is charged with having membered that In the years 1919- for improvement. Some of our some, but nothing of a strenuous Fitzmaurice, who flew frovii during the war as an emergency and her husband, Mrs. Gaudet and bribed former Secretary of Interior 23 your company not only failed to Greenly Islanc., with iator Chari, j modern orator’s appear to be afraid nature. measure. daughter, and Dr. and Mrs. Guil­ Albert B. Fall to lease him the Tea­ earn a net income but accumulated ("Duke” ) Schiller to grt spate of liberty and tolerance. Let them This building will be done away foyle were present. When the party The California primary two pot Dome oil reserve. a deficit of $27,224,838. Prom 1923 parts for the re­ have no fear. broke up, at nine o'clock, she said. weeks hence may tell a different with, a member of the board said Defense Weak to 1928 your company has earned pairs could be D.ade, rer ted over­ “ The state must not interfere Dr. Guilfoyle left the ,room and story, however. There, • Senator STATE REPUBLICANS “ I told Fall,” said Robison, “that a net income totaling $30,205,850, night at Clarke City, near this ^ with my home, my church, my (Continnert on 2) went to a bedroom. He came out Thomas J. Walsh of Montana is in connection with the then situa­ or $2,980,£12 more than the aggre­ place. Schiller had sent word baca. wearing a brown overcoat, with his entered and the contest is expect­ tion of our nation, there was a gate’ deficit of 1919-23. In view of to Greenly island that he . oulrt hands in the pockets. great weakness,in our national de­ ed to provide a showdown fight be­ carry the three trans-Atlantic fly-- ADOPT NEW r u l e s! - - ™ Mr. Way, she said, had gone out the large profit ahd loss deficits of tween the wets and drys. Walsh is fense, and it would have been fatal the past several years it was neces­ ers to Mitchel 1 leld o~ to Murray 1 Senator Bingham declared, with Mrs. Gaudet’s little girl. Dr. in event of certain combinations as dry as Smith is wet, and Califor­ Bay, turning ." back from Clarke sary to overcome the accumulated nia is considered by the party lead­ “ Thank God we have separated D. A. R. LECniRER Guilfoyle waited at the apartrnent against us.” City. But up to the time, this was deficit in net income before start­ ers in Washington as an interesting church and state. , A man is no door for Mrs, Gaudet to pass out Prosecutor Owen J. Roberts written Schiller had nc’ received ing a division of profits.” field on which to stage the combat. Lessen Local Disputes By longer held to commit a crime be­ and then followed her while Mrs. promptly took the witness on cross any reply. ‘ Last Year’s Expenses California’s 26 delegates constitute cause he does not worship as I do, Guilfoyle turned out the lights in examination and developed that isoth tbe meaner land lines an-l TELLS OF RED RULE President Pearson also pointed the prize. nor. is he a traitor because his a bedroom and Mrs. Way turned Robison and Sinclair had engaged the radio .ari swamped with me> out that the New Haven in the year Referring the Matter to church is not my church. out the lights in the living room. in a poker game on, the same night sages and hampered by foul ending December 31, last, spent “We must be on^ our guard Heards Shots a supplemental lease on Teapot weather. against bigotry, intolerance and Mrs. Way then told of hearing $17,400,000 on road and equip­ Storms Gontinne Central C oM ttee. Dome was signed. ment and on Initial and Installment “ BIG BILL” LUNCHES standardization in human affairs. Objects to Recognition of what at first she thought the back­ For the edification of the jury, The stormS Which drove tl:-? fire of an automobile. She hurried payments on equipment trusts. This We demand for each person the Roberts produced a letter Robison Bremen to earth, w en its.gasolin.i into the hall, however, and imme­ was $3,300,000 more than in the' supply had become praotical’y tx- right to mind his own business in wrote Sinclair congratulating the Soviet Russia B]r United diately two more shots cracked previous year. WITH BRITISH ENVOY hausted, have c‘>ntinued inteimi;- Hartford, Conn., April 18.— The his own way so long as he does not oil man on his ability at poker. out. She saw Mrs. Guilfoyle in the The New Haven had a surplus of tently since -last Friday. Gales of Republican State Central Commit- interfere with his neighbor sdoing Great of Sinclair hall standing beside the doctor. $10,432,661 last- year, $1,580,586 wind anj. snow, sweep the' Gulf of lee today took steps to lessen local the same thing.” Savagely tearing into Robison, Mayor and Consul Chat Ami­ States— His Reasons. “ My God, Harold. has been more than in 1926. Operating St. Lawrence, dri-:ng {dangerous ice The Senator made a plea for high Roberts developed that Robison disputes among Republicans of shot!” Mrs. Way testified Mrs. revenues fell oft $3,184,483. “ This ably on Boating and Motors. Hoes through the water and dark tariff, declaring Connecticut suf­ more than ever had been the guest Connecticut by adopting an amend­ Guilfoyle exclaimed. was due,” said the president, “ to ening the ait with whirling snow fered every time the tariff was low­ nf Sinclair and Sinclair officials at Chicago, April 18— Mayor W il­ ment to the committee rules so that Washington, April 18— Opposi­ “ At the doctor’s feet,” said Mrs. falling off in obal traffi'’ and to re­ Hakes. Flying conditions are peril­ ered. the time the oil contracts were be­ liam Hale Thompson, who has wag­ tion to recognition of Soviet Russia Way,, “ there waa a little automatic duced passenger traffic due- in part ous. ' the town committee in any town Of the various discoveries of ing closed up. . ed a fight against King George, and pistol, and all around, his face to favorable weather conditions re­ Miss Herta Junkers, who flew “ when the party members of that “ corruption in high places” Senator by the United States so long as that “ I think you testified yesterday British propaganda, since his elec­ frbm Curtiss x^eld, N. Y., t ' Mon­ there was blood.” Mrs. Way con­ sulting ia increased nrotor coach' Bingham declared President Coo- country is dominated by the Com­ that you w«re responsible for get­ tion Iasi spring, today lunched with treal in .the , F-13, traveled on to town are unable to agree, shall be tinued: and private ajUtomobile travel,” lidge had done his duty, getting rid ting the casiqc-head gasoline H. A. RiOhards, British consul. Murray Bay by rail. 'There is a ...g designated by either the State Cen­ munist Party and Third Interna­ Shot in Back . The stockholders heard Presi- clause in the; Teapot Dbme. lease?” Both were guests at a luncheon air ^e^ot. at Murray owned by tral Committee as a whole, or by tional, with Russia advocating “ Then I looked out.,'into the ves­ (Continued on Page 3} continued Roberts. ' where plans vrere laid for enter­ A’rans-Continental jurways. Ltd. 1^. a committee of that body.” Marxian tenets of world revolution, tibule and I saw Mrs, Gaudet was (Continued on Page 3) “Yes.” answered the witness. . tainment of the German-Irish trans- 'i’he spectacular flight of flij This state convention today adopt­ falling. I got my-hand under Mrs. was voiced at the 37th Continental “ Don’t yoii know that the gaso­ Atlantic fliers, and found them­ Bremen is almost eq'ualled in Jnter ed that proposition as an amend­ Gaudet’s hack. Shq/said; T am shot Congress of the D. A. R. today by line clause is an" exact copy of the selves seated side by side at the est by the dramatic circumstances ment to rule eleven put in the form Silas Blake Axtell, labor lawyer of in the back.- . ' .. “ When I finally got back into the Interior Department form lease?” table. which attended the end of the his­ of an addition'to the rule. Ernest HIGH POWER STATIONS New York, who recenty entered apartment I found Mrs. Guilfoyle “No.” ■ AID FOR FARMERS There was just the slightest toric sky voyage, ' L. Averin, of Branford, deputy at­ Russia with the so-called Trade was bathing the doctor’s face. She “ Well look at It,” snapped Rob­ pause after the introduction, when . Forced down upon the surface *>f torney-general of the state, offered Union delegation as an observer. FOR RADIO ALLOCATED told him to sit down. He- kept erts, shoving a copy of the lease at Mr. Richards iiaid: “ I have bemi a frozen lake on Greenly Island the proposition to the committee on after riding the clouds for 36% Expressing the belief that Com­ standing up. Mrs. Guilfoyle said Robison. , • SOClkiSTS’ PLANK here five years, Mr. Thompson.” rules, when its meeting was held hours, Koehl and von Euenefeld munism would never operate be­ Robison examined the lease, Whereupon “ Big Bill” recalled just before the state convention. ‘They are coming.’ have maintain oa- , their "vigil over New York Gets Four Under yond the Russian border, and would “ Dr. Guilfoyle said "‘Who is com- protested his innocence and sought The rules committee favored the Recognition of Russian By he had a fine time while in England, their damaged machine' upon dhe New Rules— California Also in a few years be unrecognizable ing?’ to return the paper. yachting with Sir Thomas Lipton, idea unanimously, and its report ta even there, Axtell drew a tragic United States Also Urged tiny, isolated .and ic.-bound island accept the amendment went Gets Four. “ Mrs. Guilfoyle said; ‘The 'am­ Roberts . got around -to Fall’s and by the time the cigars were while the whole civilized woi;ld picture of the life of the Russian bulance and police are coming.’ part in the making -of the lease. By Convention. glowing, they were exchanging through the convention without peasant under the existing regime. hungered for their details of their trouble. Washington, April 18.— Tenta­ “ Then Dr. Guilfoyle started up "A s a matter of fact,” he asked, views on gasoline motors, speeding The true Communist is a fanatic, adventure. Factional Fight tive plans for the allocation of high and said: ‘They are not going to “you sat back and relied on Fall to New York, April 17.— Recogni­ and boating. Axtell found, and in Communism The rule was brought about be­ power and other broadcasting sta­ get me.’ ' . do the negotiating?” tion of Soviet Russia by the United the Russian thinks he has discov­ MEETS filSS JUNKER cause of a factional fight in Madi­ tions, based on the assumption “ Then I saM: to-Mrs. Guilfoyle “ Yes, he was our trusted agent.” States, withdrawal of troops from DEMAND INFORMATION ered the cure for all of the world’s Murray Bay, Que., April 18.— son. The committee oh rules also that the Federal Radio Commis­ ‘Have you got the gun.?’ “ Did Secretary of the Navy Denby Nicaragua and, relief for the farnler -Major' James Fitzmaurice was ex­ evils. voted to seat the so-called anti- sion would adopt the report of en­ “ She said ‘No,’ : and. I said ‘You ever confer with Fall about this and "the unemployed, were out­ - Bridgeport, Conn,, April 18.— pected to arrive nere today from gineering advisers by clearing fif­ Bight To Object know the police will need • it.’ Marsden faction of Madison as the lease?” standing plans adopted by the So­ Carl H. H. Meyer, of Greenwich, Clarke City, Que., In “ Duke” Schil­ “ Mrs. Guilfoyle reached into her regular delegates to the state con­ ty channels, were obtained today. “ It is true,” Axtell said, “ that it “ Only through me.” cialist party, befpre .its national con­ who has brought an action in the ler’s rescue plane which brought^ Ten full time stations operating is no affair of ours how the Russian pocket and gave me the giin and vention from that town. Similar ac­ vention closed today. Superior Court seeking, a manda­ him there from Greenly Island af­ on 5,000 watts or more, would be later I handed it to Detective tion was taken at the last state people live within the borders of Norman Thopas of New York ter an overnight * stop at i^atash- allocated to each zone, 18 stations Charles Keefe.”"' mus compelling Robert M.. "Wilcox, convention in the same dispute. their own country or what kind of and James H.'Mahrer of Reading, Greenwich collector of t^ e s, to col­ quan. \ . from 500 to 1,000 watts and 40 government they have or what they' - • Galled "Up Husband. FLYERS SAFE The delegates seated today style Pa., are the -party’s nominees for lect alleged unpaid taxes <■ from, When Fitzmaurice gets here it stations under 250 watts. do within the borders of their own Mrs. Way then told of calling up themselves “ Regular Republicans” President,and ;yice-President of the fraternal and rellg’ ous organiza­ is expected he will courer with Miss Under this plan New York would land, but when they extend their New Haven and telling Mr, Gaudet London, Aprtl 18 .— Fears rover and the designation was accepted United States; . tions in that "town, is* to be asked herta" Junkers, who arrived here by be awarded four high power sta­ national policy outside their own that his wife and Dr. Quilfoyle had the safety of Sir Alan and Lady by the convention. Other planks adopted by the con­ to furnish a more specific state­ train late yesterday, on tne prob­ tions operating on full time and country and into the territorial con­ been shot. Cobham, who are making a 20,000 vention call for-cancelation of war The Madison affair was the only ment as to what taxes are due and lem of g •:iing the replacement one station of this power on 37th fines of our own, and these activi­ “ He said: ‘Who did it?’ ” mile airplane flight over Africa, debts, public ownership of railroads parts to'the marooned Bremen at riffle along the calm waves over time. California would get four “ I answered-‘I don’t know.’ who owes them. Speh proceedings ties conflict with the institutions of and who were overdue at Sierra and power plants, treaties outlaw­ Greenly Island. v ; which the Republican delegates stations over 5,000 2-55, Pennsyl­ “ Then I went home and went to \^ere started in Supertor Court here this country, then we have a de­ Leone, were dispelled this evening ing war, rev-isioa'vof the taxation The place boasts- tbe' farthest traveled today. Senator Hiram vania 3 3-8, the. fraction indicating today. The First Church of (Christ finite right to object,” ■ bed.;’ by an Exchange Telegraph dispatch laws and adoption of an anti-lynch­ north railroad station in the eastern Bingham of New Haven was made pa rt time, Ohio 2 3-7, Texas 2 and Immediately’after Mrs. Way.had I Scientist, the Israel Putnam House permanent chairman of the cbn- Thus far, the powers in control from Cape Town. This dispatch ing law. section of the- Province of Quebep.,; Illinois 2 5-7. To other zones less been excused for the time, the state said that engine troublie" compelled Association and the Masonic Tem­ If he so -'hooses, j?xMrs. Johnson told'of-being seat- Campbell; resigned. i » , to obtain a" city license before the today aroused hope that the B hl»^ New Britain; E. L. Kelly, Bridge­ give New York 20, Pennsylvania issue created by Mrs. Helen Tufts r— port; Frank M. Lynch and Mrs. E. 23 6-7, Ohio 15 6-7, Texas 1 3 % , Baillie. of Boston, into the open, , Washington^;’April J. 8 .- - ‘T'f.eftsUrfy Rep. Slnnot,A. Republican of Ore- dealer will be. allo.wed to sell the y f. Frisbie, assistant secretaries../ Illinois 18 5*8 and California 27.Uu loomed as a oosBibillty to d a y .' . > (Cootlnnea on Paire 8) 4 ^ April 16: $364^"*’ > , .WM gpjKilnted a Judge also. corporation toonsal'ruled todaar* . lOontlaned'on PMR8 RV


:v GET TOGET^ a w - .i I cubbyhole, There is no couch In AD SUGGFISTIVE OF KDEHL, HDENEFELD AROUTTOWN this closet. MODERN FLATS “BUCKSPOfCP HBN” OFF'RR DENVERJUDGES WILL SUGGEST No Rest Room BRTliDAY ' The teachers in thb Robertson An advertisement lor a lost STILL ON ISLAND school when in need of a rest room rubber boot lU today's Herald A change in schedule at the Rain­ must use the nurse’s office and on DRIVE MANSIONS STUDY DIVORCE recalls an ad In the “ Bycksport (continued from page 1) bow Dance Palace becomes effective IZ ROOM SCHOOL some occasions these needs have oc­ Hen,” make-believe newspaper this week. Old fashion and modern Cheney Brothers Employees t€ curred when a long line of pupils which thh late Rifchard Golden dancing will be held on Wednes­ Celebrate 16th Anniversary was being given medical examina­ might be ordered to continue Itp OFF PARK LANE used for publicity for his play EVIL IN STATE day hereafter instead of on Thurs­ In Cheney Hall Dinner. tion by the doctor. "Old JTed Prouty” many years journey. ADDITION IN 8TH Dr. Holmes would move the of­ The ice breaker was ordered to days. Bill Waddell’s orchestra will ago. It read: “Lost: One rubber play at the Rainbow tonight and The Cheney Brothers Get To­ fice of Supt. Howe from the Rob­ boot. Will buy or sell.” give up the attempt yesterday when Denver.— The question of mar­ it became apparent that it was mak­ Professor Taylor will prompt. The gether club ■will hold the toal meet­ (Ck>ntinDed from Page 1.) ertson building to the Harding Lpndon.— Lovers of old London school and would make the office are fearful that Park I '•ne, its moat riage— and divorce— ^is seething in ing no headway against the ice­ usual modern dancing will be en­ ing of the season by celebrating Its over into a rest room for teachers. beautiful thoroughfare which; for Denver again. floes of th-' . reJt of Belle Isle. joyed Saturdays. 16th anniversary in a roast chicken, today. It is a wooden building Health work in the schools is years has boasteft' the stateliest LOCAL CANDIDATES FOR First, It was Judge Ben Lindsey, spaghetti and strawberry short­ without any basement and is beat- difficult at present_ because of the *town mansions in England, is famed juvenile •jurist, with his PLANS UNCERTAIN Hose Company No. 1 of the cake dinner at Cheney hall tomorow 5d by an uncovered pipeless furnace lack of facilities with which to doomed to destruction.” mooted theory of companionate South Manchester Fire department evening. The dinner will be served which is located in one corner. In Quebec, Que., April 18— How and supplement the education of the Like its western sister. New DISHUCT INITIATIONS marriage. when Captain HermaUn Koehl and was called out to two fires at noon at six o’clock and will bo followed, Drder to have enough heat for the pupils in the care of themselves. York’s Fifth Avenue, Park Lane is Now, a very different stand has; today. A threatening brush fire in by entertainmenL 'ar ends of the room the furnace been taken by judges of the Denver Baron Ehrenfried Von Huenefeld Dr. Holmes said. The nurse’s room undergoing the changes that the will leave Greenly Island, Hipon the Hiliiards woods section was ex­ James McCullough, prominent must be kept at a high temperature is a part of one of the hallways, passage of time bring. One by one Royal Neighbors to Send at district and county wurts. tinguished with the use of chemi­ Judge Frank McDonough, Sr., of which they have been isolated since Cravat departmeit employee is di­ and the children near it suffer ac­ partitioned off. the beautiful mansions are disap­ Least Ten to Big Hartford cals and shortly afterward it was recting the production of an old^ cordingly. the district court, led his colleagues their epochal 36-hour flight west­ Epidemic pearing, and in their stead are ris­ Meeting For Obligations. ward across the Atlantic, were the necessary to go to Moore street to time melodrama entitled “ SetHed Would Eliminate It ing apartment houses of the New through an Informal discussion that extinguish a grass fire. ^ Congestion is not conducive to resulted in the announcement that main topics of discussion here to­ Out of Court” . Mill employees will There is also gas in the room, Dr. good health and to prove his point York 'variety— scoffed at by the Manchester Camp, No. 2640 Roy­ play the leads and minor parts and die-hards— but better suited to the the Colorado law should he uni­ day. Holmes said, sometimes so strong Dr. Holmes mentions an epidemic al Neighbors will have a class of Mrs. Wells Strickland, Mrs. according to Director McCullogh it conditions of the present day. formly Interpreted to mean that a The German fliers have avowed Prank Handley, Fritz and Lloyd that it is almost enough to over­ of .grip which was responsible for ten or more members for initiation couple must be married for at lea^ their intention of flying to New will be a rip-snorting piece of act­ come the children there. The first 31 of the 40 pupils in the portable The first to go was Grosvenor at the big meeting of camps in this Schonhaar are the committee in House, situated in a commanding one year before they are permitted York in the Bremen. But their charge of the public bridge and ing. thing that should be done, he rec­ school being ill. He is for the 12- district to be held at Hotel Bond, td petition for divorce on the plan may not prove feasible and Rev. George Gilbert of Middle- ommends, is the elimination of this room addition because it will re­ position on Park Lane, directly Hartford, May 3, when the supreme whist party which will be held at overlooking Hyde Park. The state­ grounds* of mental cduelty. The may delay their arrival for some town, well known as a humorous building all together. lieve congestion with the result manager, Mrs. Edna Walsh of In­ the Manchester Community club­ that the school children will be in ly house was sold, its interiors re­ Colorado statute specifically pro­ time. after dinner entertainer, will ad­ •Congestion in the Union school dependence, Kansas, will make her vides that application for divorce house tomorrow night. The social dress the club on ‘‘Connecticut more healthful surroundings. moved and the building demolished. Just how badly the Junkers trans­ held last week at the White house is a serious problem now. Dr. official visit. The officers of the lo may not be made on the grounds of i Atlantic monoplane was damaged He also Tavors Improvement of For a short whue there was a line was enjoyed by so many, there have Rural Humor.” The mill secre­ Holmes pointed but. One room, of cal camp are at work on a drill to non-support, drunkenness or drug | it made its forced landing the ventilation system at the Hard­ and then slowly there arose a gi­ been numerous calls for others taries report an unusual demand seventh grade pupils contains 64 gantic structure of red brick. be presented on that occasion. addiction until the parties involved for tickets and a record attendance ing school. This system is radically Mrs. Rachel Munsie who is state on the tiny lake near the light­ while the weather remains cool. persons while another smaller wrong, it has been said by mem­ Modem Flats have been wed at least one year. house on the ice-bound island was is expected. room, poorly lighted and poorly “ Grosvenor House,” the signs vice oracle has received an invita­ Alimony Pro'vision There will be 12 prizes In all for bers of the board of directors, for still very much a mystery today. the winners tomorrow night and re­ ventilated, has a smaller number. outside displayed. “ Modem service tion to an informal reception and The Denver district court Judges there is no vent in fhe attic. The Because of adverse flying condi­ the games. All TO TAKE VACATION This latter room is lighted by four flats— all latest improvements.” tea to be given on May 2, by Mrs. also made it plain that alimony freshments after air merely circulates through the Rnbianna Koenig at her home on tions and the island’s Inaccessibility flayers welcome. ordinary house windows, placed so ventilators from one room to the Members of the old Guard shook should be allowed only to those by land and water, it is believed it their heads. This, they feared— Campfleld street, Hartford, in hon wives who have had children, or Bridgeport, Conn., April 18.— that they light only a small part of attic and back again and is not or of the state officers, and another will take several days to bring the the room. Artificial light must be changed. was the beginning. Park Lane had from whom marriage has taken a Chief Justice George W. Wheeler to attend a banquet at the Pease “ heavy toil,” and also to women necessary replacement parts to the USELESS ADJUNCT of the Supreme Court of Errors, used at all times. sung its swan song. High tajces, fliers. To make the repairs will cumbersome assessments, those House, Saybrook, for the New Lon who may undergo a “cooling off” has selected Atlantic City as the Move Heating Plant don district a few days later. period between' the time oT prelim­ also take some time. Officer: I’ll have to give you a place where he will seek to re­ twin curses on the heads of’ the Reason for Departure ticket, lady. Your tail ^ight isn’t Four rooms in the Union build­ POLICE CHIEF SAYS wealthy, had struck their blow at The camp followed a brief meet­ inary and final decree of divorce. cover his strength after his recent ing are directly over the heating ing last night In Odd Fellows hall The ire of the district judges was Confidential reports reaching lit. illness with pneumonia. The chief last, and one had capitulated to Girl Driver: But, officer, I don t plant and the air in all of them is the admission that he could no with a setback party. A drawing on aroused when three young women here revealed the true purpose of justice v/ill go to Atlantic City to­ usually stuffy and heavy in the win­ Major Pitzmaurice’s departure from know how to back the car anyhow. HE RECEIVED GRAFT longer afford the luxury of a town the $5 gold piece was held and the within- a 4 8 hour period appeared in morrow. ter, fall and spring. Dirt gathers house on Park Lane. winner was Carl Anderson of Flor­ court seeking severance of the the island in “ Duke” Schiller’s — Life. on the floors and desks and in the A few months later came an even ence street. First prizes at cards marital knot after they had been rescue plane and laid at rest rumors of dissension between the Irish flier small closets. One of the teachers Cambridge, Mass., April IS.— bigger surprise. Dorchester House, were won by Mrs. Gertrude Steven­ marrid but a few months. In all and his two German companions. in these rooms said that when the Former Chibf of Police Edward the finest mansion in London, son and John Hadden; second three cases the petition was denied, the cases being "put over” for six Fitzmaurice is now at Clarke wind blows the soot and dust comes Leavitt, state witness and guilty where Whitelaw Reid lived for Mrs. Oscar Anderson and George Olds, and third, Mrs. Mary Freder- months. City, Que., after making a two hun­ .. put of the cracks in the walls and defendant, in the now famous town fourteen years wh-n Ambassador to ickson and John T. Munsie. Sand­ “ The time has come,” said Judge dred mile flight from Natashquan settles in all part: of the rooms. of Groton cases in the Middlesex the Court of St. James’, was sold Dr. Holmes recommends moving wiches, cake and coffee were serv McDonough, "to put the brakes not where he and Schiller spent the Superior Court was again on the to a syndicate for a price in excess I the heating plant from the building of $2,500,000. The news was re­ ed later. only on thoughtless marriages, but night. witness stand today. The former ceived with universal regret, for on equally impulsive divorces. Prom Clarke City came reports STATE to a separate building of its own. police head was under cross ex­ The purpose of health education the contract state that the palatial “ When flappers, with dresses amination of a battery of counsel, that Fitzmaurice came out of his TONIGHT’S THE NIGHT among the pupils in this school is mansion where Reid had enter­ DECIMO CLUB HEAD above their knees, rouge on their Isolation merely to get repair parts representing six defendants. BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER. defeated at its start. Dr. Holmes tained King Edward VII and many cheeks, lips painted, come into for Bremen and arrange their Nine town officials .ind citizens sho'vyed. He mentioned the fact of England’s greatest noblemen, court with their superficial rea­ transportation to Greenly Island. are on trial on charges involving : that the children are urged to wash would be torn down to make room DENIES TESTIMONY sons why they should be granted a These reports stated that he intends • their hands at every opporunity conspiracy to violate the liquor for an apartment hotel. ! ______divorce from husbands they knew Kiwanis Minstrel only a day or week before marriage to fly back to the island when he and he showed the facilities. The laws and to corrupt town officials. Up To Date Hotel Still under cross examination, Boston, Mass., April 18.— 'Stating the deadly parallel between the has accomplished this task and re­ boys may either wash their hands Dorche- House is still stand­ join \his companions for the flight BENEFIT KIWANIS KIDDIES’ KAMP Leavitt’s testimony brought out ing, but preparations have been that the^ transcript of his e'vldence truth they may tell and the lies In a basin in the basement or in by the committee stenographer did they do tell is created. to New York in the Bremen. PERFORMANCE BEGINS AT 8 P. M. another basement located under a that: completed for Its demolition. The architects of the proposed hotel are not record him correctly and deny­ No Uniform Law To Meet Sister Ship drinking fountain in the toilet He had secured “ graft” in a deal Fitzmaurice is expected to fly to in which Judge Hayes of Ayer had planning to incorporate its priceless ing in some cases the words of the “ There are cases when not to room, located in the school yard. Murray Bay sometime this morning. drawn up r lease for a still in Gro­ murals anu wai-.coting in the new transcript, Hugh D. Monjar, depos­ grant a divorce would work grave TOMORROW AND FRIDAY These two basins are the only ones It is believed he will be met there ton. structure and every possible fea­ ed president of the Decimo Club, Injustice, yet there is no law that available for the boys in the entire by Miss Herta Junkers and will con­ 2— BIG FEATURES— 2 He had secured “ graft” fOr fixing ture of the old house will be re­ today underwent the most severe compels a man and woman to live fer with her upon the arrangements school. I cases for students of the exclusive tained. But it will not look like cross examination of the three together and they can separate. If Stripping the Mask from the Classes In Hall Dorchester House, for it will be a weeks probe by a legislative com­ they desire, until the yehx- rolls to be made for the shipment of the Groton school, famous as the pre ' mittee of the acts and office of At­ around when, after deliberation, replacements parts. King of Crooks Teaching in the assembly hall of school of many famous Americans. “ modern hotel,” with all the im­ • the Robertson school is a problem. provements and alterations that go torney General Arthur K. Reading. they should be privileged to ask for There is some talk current that EDMUND AND MARY Dr. Holmes said and his statement Selectman Trayjie of Groton had with it. In previous testimony, before a divorce.” the German fliers will be taken to told him to go out and get some was borne out by a member of the New York court. Monjar stated Judge McDonough believes that Murray Bay by a second relief plane more bootleggers to do business in The indications are that the LOWE ASTOR board of directors who said that large houses of Par klane will go that he had been deposed by Mr. there should be no uniform divorce reported to be headed towards Groton and that he had persuaded — in— previously it had been hard to hold one by one, just as the Fifth Ave­ Reading, who took a fee of $25,000 law for the United States because Greenly Island. At Murray Bay, teachers who were given the hall two men from Chelsea to transfer nue m.'nsion have disappeared to from the Decimo, while at the same climate, temperament and Ideals according to this rumor, the fliers their operations to the town. for their work. make room for modern buildings. It time, as attorney general, giving it are not uniform. But, he declares, will go to New York in the Junkers ^ ^ D R E S S E D Lighting in the assembly room is Leavitt also stated that he had is hoped, however, that business a clean bill of health in Massachu­ he has come to the conclusion that F-13, sister ship of the Bremen received several hundred dollars / poor and the air is heavy, due to structui-es will not be erected on setts. divorce laws in all of Colorado which is now at Montreal. The from a Mrs. Boynton,— society poor ventilation. And while classes Park Lane, but that the famous Asked how he had spent $486,- should be uniform. F-13 was brought to Montreal by T O K I L L ' ' are in session there the hall may leader of Groton. “ She told me,” he thoroughfare will ue restricted to 000 that had come to him under “ I am refusing and shall contin­ Herta Junkers and Fred Melchior. not be used for assembly purposes said, “ that I could have money ue to refuse to grant alimony where residences— even though they os contract with the Decimo Club, Mr. The German fliers have only two although the need for assemblies is whenever I wanted it.” multi-family apartment houses in­ Monjar stated that It had been ex­ there are no children and where great. This room also will be done there is an evident desire on the alternatives frojn which to choose stead or the proud mansions that pended for the benefit of club if they expect''to^leave the island ADDED FEATURE ' * I f I awav with as a classroom. ARMORY CARD PARTY once held full sway. members, adding under question part of the wife to ‘get loose,’ ” said Judge McDonough. “ I am not before the spring thaws. They “ The district needs 12 rooms in that he was a club member. must either go by air in the Bremen JIGGS, DINTY AND MAGGIE in the new addition,” Dr. Holmes going to be a party to raising up a Legion Auxiliary Members to En­ Several times during the cross lot of frivolous female pensioners.” or in a relief plane, or they will said. “ The six rooms which are tertain On Friday Evening with examination the witness denied now proposed will care only for the ELEVEN GOVERNORS TO . have to resort to dog teams. “BRINGING UP FATHER” Whist and Bridge -making statements accredited to The ice-breaker Montcalm, after present pupils and will not provide him in the transcript from which % for the increase which is inevitable HOUGHTON HAILS making prodigious efforts to reach They’re in the movies now. The auxiliary to Dilworth-Cornell ATTEND GOOD ROADS Attorney Anderson was reading Greenly Island, has been beaten by as home-building in the north end Post American Le,gion will give a and at other times insisted that the continues.” the ice-packed Strait of Belle Isle whist and pivot bridge Friday even­ questions were “ not exactly in CAPTAIN CAMPBEL and has been ordered back to its Doesn’t Allow for Growth ing at 8 o’clock in the state armory MEET AT DES MOINES those words,” but the ^.eanlng was His plan, which will be submit­ routine patrol duties in Cabot CONTINUOUS for the members and their friends. something different. Strait. ted to the voters on Friday even­ Mrs. William Quish heads the com­ FOR AIR RECORD SATURDAY 2:15 to 10:30 ing, will show that the whole six mittee and her assistants will be Des Moines, la.— The sixteenth RAPS NICARAGUA PACT A “ mechanical man” that plays rooms might be used up by second, Mrs. Thomas Dannaher and Mrs. DOUBLE FEATURE BILL seventh and eighth grades without annual convention of the United London.—At a congratulatory chess and automatically responds to Harry Russell who will be in charge States Good Roads Association will Washington, April 18.— The pact the moves made by its human op­ Metropolitan Vaudeville 5 Acts allowing for the usual number of of the whist division. Mrs. Wilfred under which the United States dinner to Captain Malcolm Camp­ 5 Acts new pupils who will come in at the meet in Des Moines May’ 28 to June bell on his return from his triumph ponent has been invented by a beginning of the new school year. Clark is chairman of the bridge 1 with one of its principal objec­ agreed to super-vise the 1928 at Daytona Beach, Florida, when Spanish mathematician. He would eliminate the special section, Mrs. Hector West and Mrs. tives promotion of sentiment in the Nicaraguan elections was charac­ his racing car ;.tt\lned the speed room in the Hollister street build­ James Stevenson will assist. Mrs. interest of an addition to the presi­ terized as an agreement obtained of 206.95 m. p. h. the American ing now used for backward chil­ Walter Gorman will act as chair­ dent’s cabinet of a secretary of by force, intimidation, coercion and Ambassador to England, A. B. dren. This class he would locate in man of the refreshment committee, highways. alleged bribery by Senator Blaine, Houghton, hinted that his country­ the Union schooi in the place where also Mrs. John Bausola and Mrs. The program of the association Republican of Wisconsin, in the men intended to make a bold bid the 8th grade is now located. The T. Edward Brosnan. also' embraces consolidation of all Senate today. for the honors now held by Camp­ seventh grade would be taken from road buildirifg activities of the fed­ Blaine made this statement in in­ bell. the Union school to the Harding PINCHED FOR NAPPING eral government under the bureau troducing an amendment to the “ He beat us fairly and squarely Bigger And Better Than Ever I school and the children in the port­ of public roads. naval appropriations bill which and definitely, : nd on our own able school would be placed in the Fremont,. Neb.— William Belke is Eleven gdvernors already have would prevent the United States soil,” declared the Ambassador. “ He seventh grade room. going to be careful in the future accepted invitations to attend the from making any hostile moves traveled faster than ever man trav­ He would have one second grade about where and when he takes a convention, several of whom will towards foreign,nations without the eled before. He had to. I suggest room in the Hollister street addi­ nap. He was found asleep in the appear on the program. Many of consent of Congress. that from now on he sleeps with tion and one in the Union schooi, railroad yards here while the tem­ the state executives will head large one eye open. There are no rest rooms in either perature stood at 5 below zero. Ho Major Seagrave, British ex-hold- was jailed and the next day the groups of delegates who plan to DEPENDS THE DOG Union or Robertson schools, save journey to Des Moines in motor er of the speed record, announced KIWANIS judge fined him $200 for risking a small closet-like affair in the caravans. Boston, April 18.— “ I am here to he is going to Daytona next year. Union school which resembles a his life in such a careless manner. Captain Campbell paid high tri­ ______The governors who have notified bark for the most faithful dumb Major J. A. Routree, Birmingham, animal among all the animals of bute to American sportsmanship Ala., director general of the asso­ the world,” declared Mayor Ralph and whole-hearted hospitality. State Theatre ciation, who has established head­ S. Bauer, of Lynn, in making an ACCIDENTAIi DEATHS quarters here for the convention, of eloquent plea before a legislative their acceptance are: committee today against changes in Bridgeport, Conn., April 18.- Ben S. Paulen, Kansas; J. E. the present dog laws proposed by Recent deaths of two Fairfield coun­ Better Values For Erickson, Montana; Arthur G. Sor- Prank B. Cummings, director of ty children by motor vehicles were A BRILLIANT ARRAY OF SONGS, lie. North Dakota; Flem D. Samp­ the division of animal industry. declared accidental in findings son, Kentucky; John G. Richards, Mayor Bauer continued: handed down here today by Coroner COSTUMES AND SCENERY South Carolina; Adam McMullen, “Dogs are more faithful than John J. Phelan. 100 Nebraska; Bibb Graves, Alabama; men themselves. When a man has In the case o f Pasquale Firoillo, FEATURING PEOPLE Your Money In Our ten, of Franklin street, Westport, PEOPLE \ 1H. H. Horton, Tennessee; W. J. lost his job and his wife and chil­ Bulow, South Dakota; Harvey Par­ dren push him out as an old fool, the coroner declared that the nell, Arkansas and John Hammill, his dog is happy to stay by his side. brakes of the car driven by Hugo Benefit of of Iowa. When he is laid away in bis grave Ruehl, of Norwalk, who is 80 years Suits and Topcoats and deserted by every one else, you old, were defective, but the coroner Kiwanis Chorus of Forty will often find the dog with his says this fact , had notnirg to do KIWAMIS We sell a high grade line of nationally known clothing TO PAY ARMOUR DEBT head between his paws staying at with the death. The boy v. as rolling «Princ” Quimby, Interlocutor. the grave.” a hoop, and tan directly into the and due to our no-sale policy you always can purchase Chicago, April 18.— Ten million car which Ruehl was driving at ten And that inimitable sextet of your clothing at only a nominal cost. dollars will he advanced from the AND HOW! miles an houL End M en: KIDDIES CAMP personal holdings of Mrs. Lolita Anna Barnes, aged four, of Olen- "Andy” Anderson, “Mush” Gre- ■vllle, Greenwich, ran into the side Sheldon Armours and Mrs. Lolita “ So you want to marry my zel, “Wash” Washburn, “Nate” Armour Mitchell, widow and daughter?” of a truck driven by William Wil­ daughter, respectively, of J. Ogden “ Yes.” son, of Greenwich, on April 11. Richards, “Bill” Dillon and “Pop” Jack Sanson’s SUITS $25*00 up Armour, to meet obligations In- “ Do you know anything about Thienes. Stage Presentation cifrred by the late meat packer, It business?” The Amazons were a warlike was learned today. “ Not much.” race of women who lived near the Featuring Out of this. Armour & Co., larg “ Do you know the difference be­ Black Sea; they never allowed any Beethoven Glee Club TOPCOATS $22*50 and up est creditor of the late packer, may tween an asset and a liability?” man to dwell in their country and Helge Pearson, Director. Jack Sanson realize more than the approximate “ No.” they even sent their own sons and His Presentation Orchestra Buy your clothing on our 10 payment plan— $10 down $18,000,000 which It had advanced “ Well, you will after you mar­ away and brought up only their to the former chairman of the ry.”— Passing Show. daughters. “Doc” Moore Supported by and the balance in 10 equal weekly payments. board of the company. OLIVE NYMAN There will he turned over to the FAYETTE B. CLARKE company 1,000,000 shares of Ar Larry Emmons mour & Co. Class B stock, more DOROTHY WIRTALLA New Shirts, Hose, Caps, Hats, etc. than 300 shares of Armour Class A ARLYENE MORIARTY stock and othe^ holdings to make Borst and Washburn ANN SULLIVAN up the debt. ^SECOND PUNCTURE" A Pair o’ Black Diamonds and 8 ACT COMEDY JOHN I. OLSON George H. Williams DAD LOOKS AHEAD Cheney Hall, Friday Evening, 8 o’clock INCORPORA’TED Prospective Son-Ii\-Law: I quite Oast from Luther League, St. Paul’s Qiurch, BLartford. ADMISSION: SPECIAL CHILDREN’S MATINEE Auspices Girls* Friendly Society and Men's Bible Class, fail to see your objection. You ad 4 o’clock Open Monday, Tuesday, Friday Evening Until 7:30. mit that my character is 'without St. Mary's Episcopal Church. V Children 15c and 25c Evening Performance at Eigh^ JOHNSON BLOCK, SOUTH MANCHESTER blemish. Dancing 0:30 to 12.' Waddell’s Orchestra. ADULTS, ONE DOLLAR Her Father: Yes, that’s just the No Reserved Seats. \ - and trouble. Nice thing It would be for 8 PARK PLACE, ROCKVILLE me to go through the rest of my life Adults 60c, Children under 12, 25c. with you held up( as a shining ex­ ample.— The Humorist. PLAN MEMORIAL ^ c X 5 ----- ^ A x> u J SEN. BINGHAM DAY CORPORATION ^ *^ C O N N E ^ T K S O T CHA3VIBER OF COMMERCE BACKS POUCY Medical Association Mm Is if I ■■ ■■ I The Tolland (Jonnty MecUcal -As­ (113) County Jails sociation held their senit-annual Steps Taken to Give Perma­ IN NICARAGUA business meeting at the Rbakville The daily average population of the ten county jails in Con­ House last eveniitg. Folio-wing the necticut which in 1920 was only 399 is gradually Increasing to­ (CoDtloued from page 1) dinner, the regular business meet­ nent Committee Continu­ ward the maximum population of 1917 when there was an av­ ing was held with Pres.- Ralph B. erage of 1304 prisoners in the jails daily. A year ago the “ of several high Cabinet officials.” Thayer of Somers presiding. Path­ ing Legal Existence. average was 750; during 1923 it was 516. Then he said: ologic reports by Dr. Wilmer M. Approximately 10,000 prisoners are accommodated at the “ Certainly quite a number of Allen and Dr. Ralph Kendall fol­ county jails during a year. The great majority of this number American citizens of great wealth lowed the reports of committees. — 9,239 in 1926— are men and boys, the remainder of the Health conditions throughout the George E. secretary of the and prominent position, socially and 9,929 that year being women and girls. More than a third of politically, have been deprived of county were also discussed. , perr^anent ___lorial Day Commit­ the entire jail population were registered as being natives of their good name. Furthermore, The following officers were elect­ tee, was instructed la«^ night at the Connecticut. some of them, before long, will be ed: President, Dr. John Hanley of first meeting of the body this :ar, deprived of their liberty.” Stafford Springs; vice president. Between $300,000 and $400,000 is spent annually for the Dr. F. N. Dickinson of Rockville; to confer with William S. — N maintenance and repairs of the county -jails. Last year the Of attorneys in these cases he secretary and treasurer. Dr. Roy N. Allowance on your old town counsel, on steps to he taken state paid $116,898 to the counties for board of prisoners. The said: machine, regardless of for incorporation. The committee is jails also are able to meet part of the maintenance cost from “ I wish with all my heart that Ferguson of Rockville; counsellor $ functioning this year for the second earnings and sales derived from work of the Inmates. In a some of our brethren who are de­ Dr. Thos. F. Rockwell of Rockville; age, make or condi­ time and the meenag last night recent year this figure totaled $58,403. During 1907 expenses voting their lives to the law as a censors. Dr. S. W. Walsh of Rock^ tion. was iield for the purpose of organ­ for maintenance totaled $145,264 and tor building and repairs, profession would insist upon speedy, ville. Dr. R. B. Thayer of Somers, izing and ’^aking preliminary plans $27,438. The average cost per inmate per week in a recent swift and impartial administration and Dr. F. N. Dickinson of Rock­ for the observation of Memorial year was $6.82 and for 1907, $2.25. of justice instead of using their ville; State Delegate, Dr. Thomas No reason why you should not Day this year. With the exception of New London and Fairfield counties talents to prolong the law’s delays, F. O’Loughlln of Rockville; dele­ It was the pu..ose of the com­ which have two jails each, there is only one jail in each county. withhold the hand of justice, and gates to the county meetings. New have one of these beautiful mod­ mittee when it was first decided to The New London jails are at New London and Norwich and the bring into discredit that very in­ Haven County, Dr. Wm. L. Higgins make it a permanent one. that it Fairfield county jails at Danbury and Bridgeport. . The other stitution which they of all men of Coventry; Litchfield County, Dr. ern New Home Electric machines should be an incorporated body, so jails are located as follows: Hartford county, Hartford; New should be most anxious to see pre­ Thomas F. O’Loughlin; Middlesex on this splendid introductory that funds could be kept in its Haven, New Haven; Windham, Brooklyn; Litchfield, Litchfield; served.” County, Dr. Harry Moore; Wind­ treasury. O.a soldiers who miglv Middlesex, Haddam; Tolland, Tolland. These jails have a total ham County, Dr. Alvin Cranz; New offer. - ' . have the intention of leaving small of 1,172 cells for men and 149 for women. G. O. P. COMMITTEES. London County, Dr. S. W. Walsh; legacies to oe used for the per­ Hartford, Conn., April 18.— Hartford County, Dr. R. N. Fergu­ They give you the long-tested New Home petuation of Memorial Day would Friday— State Income 8 Times 1907 Figure Republican State Central Commit­ son. then be assured that their money quality, which means permanent freedom tee members chosen at the State Loalbo to Present Orchestra / from sewing machine worries—combined would .. handlea oy an organiza­ Convention here today are as fol­ Announcement that John Loalbo, tion which would use it only for lows: the well-known local musical direc­ •with the ease of electric operation— and best this purpose. tor, will present, in addition to the of all, in thse rich walnut console models you To iOld Residues First District— Walter E. Batter- Another argument in favor of MANY CARD PLAYERS STATE REPUBUCANS son and Mrs. Charles H. Strong. thirty piece band at the Princess get a beautiful and serviceable piece of fur­ incorporation was put forth in the Second District— Charles A. Ballroom Saturday evening, a niture as well. matter of the town appropi-iaUon Goodwin and Mrs. Alice P. Merritt. twelve piece orchestra fbr the danc­ of $500 yearly. Some- years this ap AT LAST IN SERIES CHOOSE DELEGATES Third District— Peter R. Martin ing, has attracted great interest Your choice— either long or round bobbin * propriu-.^a is not used up and the and Mrs. David McPherson, Hart­ throughout Tolland County where head. money that is not spent goes back ford. Mr^ Loalbo is popularly known as a into the town treasury. If the com­ St. James’s Hall Well Filled (Continued from Page 1; Fourth District— E. W. House, director and finished musician. mittee were incorporated the resi­ For Affair—Prizes Awarded Glastonbury and Mrs. Mary Saun­ Saturday evening’s event is the only due of the yearly fund might be To Winners. Gass, of Waterbury. Alternates: ders, East Hartford. public affair to be held in this city arranged so that it Would revert Henry Ellis, of Torrington, • and Fifth District— John H. Trum­ or in the immediate vicinity and back to the commiti_e treasury for Mrs. G. E. Mathies, of Seymour. bull, Plainville, and Mrs. J. C. M. St. James’ hall was filled last many of the local dance fans have use in future years when money in Want McLean Back Bulkeley, West Hartford. arranged to attend. Several of Free Demonstration in Your Own Home excess of the appropriation would evening for the final card party of The convention today was con­ the season. Forty-two tables were Sixth District— Richard Covert, Rockville’s best musicians will be be' needed. ducted swiftly and with precision. New Britain, and Mrs. R. B. Walt- heard with Mr. Loalbo’s orchestra. Liberal Weekly or Monthly Terms. The result of the meeting last filled by the players in the three sections, bridge, whist and setback. The gathering was called to order hour, New Britain. Marriage Intentions Filed night showed the superiority of a at 10:26 and in half an hour had Seventh District— F. E. Healy, George F. Hayes of Tariffville permanent committee over a com­ The door prize'of $2.50 in gold Small Down Payment One Year to Pay; was won by John Tierney, and mrs. adjourned. Before the end of the Windsor Locks, and Miss I. I^. Al­ and Miss Eleanore Eckels of Moun­ mittee that is newly chosen each session a resolution was adopted corn, Enfield. year. There were 15 members pres­ Arline Strange drew the winning tain street have filed marriage in­ number and received a fine rubber expressing the wish that Senator Eighth District— M. D. McGovern tentions at the office of the Town ent and most of the business at­ George B. McLean might be re­ and Mrs. H. D. Townshend. tendant on the arrangements for plant and jardiniere on which Clerk. chances were sold. This was a gift turned to Washington for another Ninth District— D. A. Blakeslee Delegates Attend State Convention the day was transacted and sub­ term. and Mrs. F. L, Roth. committees appointed and instruct­ from the Park Hill Flower Shop. The Republican delegates from In setback Miss Julia Shaw won State Senator Samuel R. Spen­ Tenth District— J. F. Morrissey ed. Chairman of some of these com­ cer, of Sutfield, presented the reso­ Rockville attending the state con­ mittees were chosen last June and first prize, Mrs. John Campbell, and Mrs. Angelina Lombardi. vention in Foot Guard Hall, Hart­ second and Mrs. Thomas Hunni- lution which stressed the need of Eleventh District— L. C. Furcuo- Portable Electric were given the privilege of choos­ the return of Senator McLean as ford are Harry C. Smith, Fred W. ing their own workers. ford, th’ rd; B. Dolzyk, first; Mr. lo and Mrs. Sarah Kay, alt of New Bradley, Parley B.- Leonard and Muldoon, second and Ward Strange, United States Senator from Con­ Haven. SPECIAL: Resolutions to families of sol­ necticut, and expressing the “ hope Reger J. Murphy. diers who have died during the third. Twelfth District J. E. Brainard, Notes High grade portable lectric- -walnut <^se and base— Mrs. M. McCann ran up the high­ that nothing will arise to prevent Branford and Mrs. C. N. Coker, past year will be sent out Lefore his return for another term.” Mrs. Louise Morin of Franklin full set of attachments. Memorial Day, it was decided by est score in progressive whist; Mrs. New Haven. street was the winner of the ten Edward Lynch came out second and The convention, already with lib­ Thirteenth District— E. P. Gold­ Regularly $85. the committee. It was also decided eral applause through the brief ses­ piece dining room suite which was $59.50 to split up the vVorld War commit­ Mrs. Walter Gorman, third; Philip en and Mrs. E. J. Pooley, Meriden. A Year to Pay Burke won first prize; Paul Char- sion, went into turmoil at the men­ given away by the Garber Brothers No old machine allowance on this model. tee into two groups, composed of tion of the senior senator’s name. Fourteenth District— J. W. Furniture Co. of Hartford last tier, second and Patrick Hutchin­ Lynch, Orange and Mrs. Teresa i members of the American Legion The resolution was adopted unani­ week. and the Army and Navy club. The son, third. Watson, West Haven. Miss Florence Fitzgerald won mously. The second whist of a series of appointment oi a marshal has been Convention Opens Fifteenth District— E. W. Goss four will be held by the Wheel deferred unui a later meeting. first in bridge, Mrs. v^eorge Grazi- and Mrs. A. L. Hauerwas. < Michael J. McDonnell was appoint­ adio, second and Miss Loretta The convention got under way Club this evening in the club rooms Burke, thiru. The men’s first was with Governor Trumbull, former Sixteenth District— W. H. Sand- in the Wendheiser block. ed a commiuee of one to arrange land and Laura E. Dutton, of for the church in .which services won by R. Carmody; second, James Governor Marcus H. Holcomb, J. The Rockville Athletic Associa­ Deardon and third, L. J. Chapin. Henry Roraback, and Miss Kath­ Waterbury. tion will hold a regular meeting on will be held on the Sunday preced­ Seventeenth District— F. A. Wa­ ing the holfdav-. At the close of the games the erine Byrne .in conspicuous seats Thursday evening when the base­ committee servea sandwiches, cake upon the platform. Governor Hol­ ters, Middlebury and Mrs. G. E. ball situation will be discussed. ’• amittees Matthies,. Seymour. 4-Drawer Drop Head Followin, h’ are the committees and coffee. comb previously had been holding The Rockville High Sbhool Class an impromptu reception in the halL Eighteenth District D. M. Cronin, of 1903 are making plans: to- ob­ w'hich will iunction: New London and Mrs. E. B. Colby, High grade golden oak cabinet-^ball bearing an(i r.i American Legion: Victor Bron- He appeared to be the most popular serve its twenty-fifth anniversary easy running—full set of attachments. kie, Walter Sheridan, Fred Lorch WITNESS TELLS STORY figure there. Mystic. some time in June. . \ and Thomas J. Rogers. Samuel Eddy, of North Canaan, Nineteenth District— A. J. Bailey The Ladies Aid Society of 'the Army and Navy Club: Michael took the fiooi- at the first opportuni­ and Mrs. F. A. Mitchell, Norwich. First Evangelical Lutheran Church NM OF GUILFOYLE SHOOTING 20 th. District— G. H. Bradford, J. McDonnell, Edward Quish, Ed­ ty to nominate Mr. Roraback of the will be the guests of the Ladies Aid Special gar Morgan. chief of thb delegation. ford, Montyille and Mrs.- M. P. Society of the Trinity Lutheran $42.75 Manning, Stonington. Speakers: Cnarles E. House, A. (Continued from Page 1.) Next, Roy C. Wilcox, state Sena­ Church of Hartford on Thursda-y N. Potter, George E. Rix. tor from Meriden, rose from his 21st. Distrist— George S. Hill afternoon. A Year to Pay Transpor^tion: Frank Ingra­ and Mrs. Ella G. Fleck. ed, reading, in her apartment on seat on the floor to name Senator The Rockville High School base­ No old machine allowance on this model. ham, George Johnson, E. L. G. Ho- the night of the shooting and of Hiram Bingham. 22nd. District— Earl C. Martin ball team will play Its next game henthal, George Gammons. hearing shots that seemed to come With two delegates named, form­ and Miss Bridget A, Lester. Friday afternoon when they will School children and flags: John from the hall. er Governor Holcomb rose. Im­ 23rd. District— Arthur F. Connor meet the Willimantic High School Jensen. Saw Mrs. Gaudet mediately the convention broke into and Mrs. Eloise Peabody, Bridge­ at Windham. Dinners: Fred Lorch. “ I ran across the room,” said port. Hall: victor Bronkie. a storm of applause. Vainly the John Thomas McFarlane of the Mrs. Johnson, “ and opened the 24th. District— W. P. Bailey, Vernon Home has entered Mt. Her- The n.::t meeting of the commit­ “ war governor” tried to stem the door. I looked down stairs and saw tide of racket by lifting first one Bethel and Mrs. Lou C. Meehan, mon School through the kindness tee Will be held on Tuesday, April Mrs. Gaudet lying on the floor with Redding. G. E. Keith Furniture Co., Inc. 24, at 7:30 p. m. hand, and then both hands. He of Dr. J. F. Barton of Farmington a little girl beside her.” was forced to wait for the gather­ 25th. District— J. H. Hill, Shel­ avenue; Hartford. CORNER MAIN AND SCHOOL STREETS, SOUTH MANCHESTER Then Mrs. Johnson said: “ I saw ing to tire itself out. Then he ton and Mrs. W. N. Mitchell, Ne\. ACCIDENT VICTIM a tall man standing in the hall.” nominated Gov. Trumbull. Im­ town. State’s Attorney Alcorn asked mediately another wave of applause 26th. District— C. E., Williamson, Mrs. Johnson: “ Did you see his was lifted across the hall. Darien and Mrs. Nehemiah Can- face?” dee, Norwalk. RECOVERING TODAY “ No,” answered Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Annie O. Vinton, of Mans­ Local Stocks field, followed former Governor 27 th. District— J. ,F. Walsh, “ Could you identify him now?” Greenwich and Mrs. J. M. Emery, Pratt, Whitney, pfd ..90 95 NEW ITALO-U. S. PACT »IRS. GOODHtJE WORSE f “ No sir.” Holcomb to name Miss Byrne as The condition of Charles Orloski, Stamford. t*eck, Stowe & Wil . . 14 — ------■ A. S. Way, the husband, resum­ delegate. Russell Mfg Co ....140 147 19, of North school street who was Others Named 28th. District— J. F. Reardor (Furnished by Putnam & Co.) Washington, April 18.— Italy Northampton, Mass., April 18.-4> removed to the Memorial hospital ed the, stand this morning when the ^oville Co ...... 50 52 and the United States have con­ trial started, being briefly cross William P. Bailey, of Bethel, the Thompson and Miss Katherine Bid Asked Mrs. Lemira Goodhue, ihother rff a yesterday morning suffering from Byrne, Putnam. Smyth Mfg C o ...... 395 — cluded a 'general arbitration treaty Mrs. Calvin CooHdge, who' ha^ examined following his story yes­ Veteran state auditor, was quickly Bank Stocks Stanley Wrks com ..56 58 severe body lacerations as the re­ 29th. District— C. U. Gates, identical in scope with the Franco- been ill with influenza at Dickiip- terday afternoon. He was soon dis­ on his feet at the next opportunity, City Bang & Tr ....900 Standard Screw ....106 110 American treaty signed last Febru­ sult of an accident which took place and presented the name of Judge Windham and Mrs. C. E. Frink, son Cooley hospital, was reporte'^ at the C. -R. Burr Nursery Company missed by the defense. Capital Natl Bank ..300 — 'Torringtou ...... 107 109 ary, the State Department announc­ James F. Walsh, of Greenwich, as Canterbury. Conn River ...... 375 — “in not so good condition” today.: where he Is employed, was reported A photographer, who took pic­ U S Envelope pfd ..120 —' ed today. tures at the apartment house for delegate. Fairfield county dele­ 30 th.. District— H. G.^Ellis, Tor­ First Bond and Mort .— 55 It is possible, that Mrs. Coolid^ today as improved. Union Mfg C o ...... 17 20 Ambassador Martino and Secre­ might return to the bedside of hejf the state identified a group of pic­ gates started applause for Judge rington and Mrs. Ernest Howe, First Natl (Htfd) . .295 305 Whit Coil Pipe ___ 19 21 tary Kellogg will sign the pact to­ Orloski was injured when he be­ tures as his own work. Walsh which swept through the Litchfield. Hart Nat Br & Tr ..560 — mother. f came entangled in a chain pulley morrow. Mrs. Way and Mrs. Johnson took deletgation from other counties 31st. District— M. H. Tanner, Htfd Conn Tr Co . . .795 8l0 The last Italian-American arbi­ and hook apparatus used to lift up the remainder of the time until Winchester and Miss Ella Conso- Land Mtg & Title .. — 60 heavy boxes of nursery stock. One quickly. tration treaty expired in 1923. a recess was declared for lunch More applause was released when dine, N. Canaan. Morris Plan Bank . . .150 —^ of the hooks cut him badly and it Similar treaties are under negotia­ this afternoon. Both were slated Alfred Bingham, of Salem, rose. Park St T r u s t...... 650 — was necessary to remove him to the 12nd. District— A. W: Mitchell, tion with 17 nations. Second Mortgage for cross examination this after­ He named State Treasurer Ernest Woodbury and Mrs. C. B. Emery, Phoenix S tB ...... 460 — N .Y. Stocks hospital immediately where several noon. E. Rogers, of New London. And Plymouth. Riverside Trust ....525 — MEANING WHICH? • stitches were required to close the Bonds /M on ey Wounds. for the final name to be added to 33rd. District— Wilson S. Rey­ the list of delegates-at-large to nolds and Mrs. Claudine Maitland, Conn L P 5 % s ...... 108 110 “ Aren’t you afraid the birds will , Now Oh Band , Brid Hyd 5s ...... 104 — High A process has been found in ‘NEW HAVEN’S’ HEAD Kansas City, John Hill, of Shelton, Middletown. Alied Chem ..159% eat your seeds? You ought to pufc speaker of the 1927 House in the East Conn Power ..101% 103 which seaweed is utilized in the 34th. District— E. J. Clark. Had­ Conn L P 4 % s ...... 102% 103 Alls C h a l___ 125 up a scarecrow.” Arthur A. Knofla State Legislature, presented that of dam and Mrs. E. A. Jennings, Say- “ Oh, it’s not worth it. There’s production of algin and alginates. EXPLAINS FINANCES Insurance Stocks Am Bosch . . . .25% 875 Mabi St. Mrs. John B. Russ,-of Shelton. brook. Am Can .... 83% always one of us in the garden.’’ £ Algin is a substance similar to Aetna Insurance ....850 860 Pbone 782-2. starch and gum arable in its prop­ After the alternates had been 34 th. District—^John Buckley, Aetna Cas & Sure . .1050 1075 Ain Cr & Fdy 104% — Answers. erties, but in many respects su­ (continued from page 1) selected with great precision and Union and Mrs. Annie O. Vinton, Aetna L i f e ...... 870 880 Am Loco . .. .107% perior. the district delegates and their Mansfield. Autoi^obile...... 405 415 Am Smelt ...185 dent Pearson pay tribute to three alternates were reeled off. Judge Organization of the state central Conn General ...... 1825 — Am St Fdy . . 63 directors who died in the past Walsh presented and the committee committee was effected following Hartford Fire ...... 830 840 Am Woolen .. 21% year. They are John T. Pratt, of adopted a motion on giving the completion- of the state convention Hart St Boil ...... 770 790 Anacando .... 66% New York; Harris Whlttemore, of delegates and the alternates the this noon. J. Henry Roraback again Lincoln Nat Life . . . .130 — Atchison .... 191% CONFIDENTIAL QUICK-LOANS FUNERAL Naugatuck, and Charles F. Choate, right to fill any vacancies that may headed the committee with Miss P h oen ix...... I..820 835 Can Pac ...,.210 Jr., of Boston. come to the party before the con­ Katherine Byrne as vice-chairman. National Fire ...... 1190 1210 C M & St Paul 34% ON HOME FURNITURE or ENDORSED NOTES Directors Elected vention ends. Travelers , ...... 1750 1765 < do pfd .... 4 5 % Directors elected today were: Senator Spencer’s resolution in Public Utility Stocks Chi & Nor .. 85% Repayable in Monthly Instalments. Edward Milligan, Hartford; Fran­ favor of Senator McLean was car­ DIES FROM INJURIES Conn L P 8% ...... 120 124 Chi Roc Isl . .113% No Delays—>No Annoyance cis T. Maxwell, Rockville; Walter ried, and the convention adjourn­ Conn L P 7% ____ 117 120 Cons Gas . . . .152% B. Lashar, Bridgeport; Edward O. ed. Then the state central commit­ Stamford, Conn., April 18 — Green Wat & Gas . . .102 104 Corn Prod . . . 79% We trnnKnct all bhatnesa with patroaa. in a careful, Goss, Waterbury; Arthur T. Had­ tee members adjourned to the James Francis Bourke, 22, of Stam­ Hart E L ...... 480 490 Dodge Bros .. 20% conOaential and diKnlhed manner, extendlna enrery coarteay Hart Gas c o m ...... 105 110 pu Pont .... 379 and conalderatlon conaiatent with the tram aactl« • of a, aaf« ley, Edward G. Buckland, Benja­ Hotel Bond where they organized ford, died at the hospital here this loan bnaineaa. Bverythlngr will be carefnily ex^aiaed. min Campbell and Edward J. Pear­ for the two years ahead. noon from the effects of injuries he Hart Gass p f d ...... 85 90 E r i e ...... 56% son, of New Haven; Frederick C. S N E Tel C o ...... 190 195 )^n Elec ,...167% Onr helpful pnrpoae la to aaanre every cooperation that received on the Post Road, west of any borrower can properly claim. Dumaine, Groton, Mass.; George this city, yesterday afternoon, when Conn Power ...... 495 , 505 Gep Motors' ;.191% Dwight Pratt, Springfield, Mass.; YACHTMAN FOUND DEAD his motorcycle crashed into a de­ Conn El Serv ; . . . 92 94 Glllet Raz .,.107 All loaaa are made repayable. la 8 to SO monthly Inatri- Earle P. Charlton,' Fall River, Manufacturing Stocks iBspirat ..... 21% meata of principal aa agreed by borrower, together with the livery truck driven by Harold E. Int Nick .... 88% Intereat actually dne. Intereat may be aaved by mahlng aet- Mass.; James L. Richards and Monument Beach, Mass., April Howard, of Stamford. Bourke sus­ American H a r d ...... 7i5 78 tlement in advance, at option and convenience of borrower. Joseph B. Russell, of Boston; 18.— Robert W. Emmons, interna­ American Silver .... 26 — Int Paper .. 78% tained a fractured skull and inter­ Kennecott . 85 SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS ON PRINCIPAL AS FOLLOWSi Frank W. Martin, of Providence, tionally famous yachtman, . was nal injuries. Acme Wire ...... 14 20 found dead early today in the gar­ Billings Spencer com. 1 3 Mack Truck 85% On 8 30.00 Loan Yen Pay Back ...... 9 3.00.per Month and Howard Elliott, J. Horace Hermafi Muller, of Stamford, rid­ On 8 40.00 Loan Yon Pay Back ...... 8 4.00 per Month Harding and Robert G. Hutchins age of his estate here by T. H. Billings Spencer pfd . 5 7 Marl Oil 43% ing with Bourke, broke his left arm N Y Central . .176 On 8 50.00 Loan You Pay Back ...... 4 5-®® Month and riarold I. Pratt, of New York. Long, caretaker. Mr. Emmons had Bigelow Hard com . . . 93 97' and received, external injuries but ^ew Haven . . 62% On 8 76.00 Loan Yon Pay Back ...... ® 7.50 per Btonth Stockholders then approved the evidently gone into the garage and Bristol Brass ...... 13 15 started the motor of a car, while today was improving. Collins C o ...... 117 125 ^ r Am Co . . . 67% On 8100.00 Loan Yon fa y Back ...... 810.00 per Month issue of $31,000,000 in first and re­ Police of Greenwich who arrest­ Nor P a c ...... 97.% funding mortgage 4 1-2 per cent the doors of the garage were clos­ Colt Fire A rm s ...... 33% 34% On 8150.00 Loan Yon Pay Back ...... •' W®*®®^ l««n*k We make a specialty of fioral de­ ed. Death was believed to have been ed Howard and placed him under Eagle Lock ...... 70 76 Pienn R R .. 69 On 8300.00 Loan Yon Pay Back ...... 815.00 yer Manth. sign pieces for funerals, anniver­ gold bonds, dated December 1, $2,000 bail, say that the motor­ post Cer ....124% 1927 and maturing December 1, due to carbon monoxide poisoning. Fafnir Bearing...... 130 — Pina Lawful Intereat on Monthly Balanc«p saries, or any particular occasion cycle was running at high speed Hart & Cooley ...... 240 — RuU New ... 85% you have In mind; we can supply 1967. Approval was given also to when It hit the truck which Howard Inter Silver com ....162 167 Ralio Cor ...165% you on the shortest notice with the other financing arranged by the di­ THE REBOUND had started to turn from the Post Inter Silver pfd ___ .127 — l^ra Roe . . .100 '^ost appropriate design for the oc- rectors, including the addition of Road into a side street. Landers, Frary & Clrh 75 77 ah Pac ------.121% IDEAL FlNANCIf4G ASS’N; ^,2lon, at just the price you wish a third supplement to the mortgage “ I see that a great author com­ Mann & Bow A .... 19 21 S O of NJ ...43% on the railroad property held by pares his wife with a book.” atudebaker .. (15% 983 Main St.. Room 408, Hartfo pay. do R ...... 11 13 F. W. Howklnowi, Mgr. Phone R-8652 the Bankers Trust Co., of New “ You couldn’t compare my wife The longest suspension bridge in New Brit Ma pfd A. .101 — Prod .. ,.114% York; and authorizing the direc­ with a book.’^ the world connect Philadelphia, do com ...... 26 — R' ,S Rubber .;.45 % Licensed by Bank Cominissionec |uid Bondedjio Anderson Greenhouses tors to issue future notes and to “ Why?” Pa., and Camden, N. J.,; It, is 1750 iJ ,S Steel . . .147% 158 Eldrldge St. Niles Be P o n d ...... 39 43 change the rate of interest on bor- “ You can shut up a book.”— feet long and 135 feet about the J R Mont p f d ...... —- 75 SVostlng 103% T^. 2124 ' rowingg when necessary. Tit-Bits. water level. North & Judd . ._t, 31 —- 25.. : m : ■m A-.,, M .A : ■ /A A : ’A-ArA MANCflES^rER (CONN.) EVENtNQ HBRAlJ>. WEDNESDAY, APKIL 18, 1828. FAG® FOtJR

either condition. Just so with to­ himself b'ecause new fangled shoe­ bacco, w'hich is so closely allied to makers, who went in for such non­ tea in its. effects of mild stimula­ sensical things as leather soles and m tion that in ■ some countries they weTts, wc^^e getting his business Stirnins Utrarlb are almost as likely to smoke the away from’^hlm. PUUUSRBD BY UII tea ad.'tb drink it— though it does It is one -of the weaknesses of, TBB HBRALU PRlNTlj^lO CO. western peoples to think of the These charming floors Founded by Blvvood SL BU, not make as good a smoke as to­ I . Oct, 1. 1881 bacco and tobacco certainly does world and the universe only in its BX RODNBX DUTCHEB 'V Avory tCvening Bzeept Sandaya and relation to their own generation. not make as 'good a drink as tea. Washington— ’These be happy Unique! on display this week BoUdaya. Yet each generation-is only a mi­ Entered at tba Post Ofllee at Man- The New York East Conference days for Senator J. Boomboom Mc­ •beater as Second Claes Bail Matter. probably has decided that there are nute link in an endless chain, and Whorter, candidate for the presi­ SOBSOUIFTtON Ra TBS: By Mall the pattern of the chain is eternal­ HEY'RE right in town . . . here tU dollars • year, sixty cents s more important matters • upon dency. month (or shorter perloda which to predicate a decision as to ly changing— and always has The senator is confident that he ing our Spring Linoleum Display . ... By carrier, eighteen cents a week. changed. It is the latter fact, par­ has the nomination sewed u]J. He T the new textured Armstrong’s Lin­ a person’s fltnessr for the ministry Single copies, three cents- ticularly, that Gust forgot. Too has spent no. money, of which he oleum Floors in world-famous effects you SPECIAL advertising RBPRB* than whether he likes either tea has very little, nor even any time SBNTAriVE. Uamllton-Ue Usser. or tobacco. Perhaps the time is not many of us do. certainly should see. IfiO.. 286 Madison Avenue. New York or wind,’ of which he has plenty. and 618 North Michigan Avenue. yet ripe for such an opinion to pre­ Today he hasn’t a single delegate Unique . . . it’s hgrdly the w o rd to des­ Chicago. vail in the church throughout the RECOUNTS and therein, according to Senator cribe these modem moors. Their pat-^ The Manoheater Evening Herald is McWhorter, lies his great strength. on sale in New York City at Schultz's country, but at all events a start Dismissal of the town modera­ terns are embossed into effects like hand- Mews Stand. Sixth Avenue and 48nd. “ It was a hard struggle, but it’s Street and 42nd. Street entrance of toward this particular kind of lib­ tor’s application for an order to re­ over now,’’ said McWhorter in ^ a laid floors— othe^8 in smooth marble Qtarid Central Str.tlon and at all eralization has been made and canvass the vote of Hartford in the recent exclusive interview. “ I effects. Boatllr g News Standa • • • eventually may seem to be worth recent city and town election, by thought for a while that I might \ For the living room, dining room, bed­ general adoption. the superior court yesterday, would get the delegation from my own room . . . for every room in the house our Client of International Nows Ser­ state, but my fears were ground­ vice. seem to be likely to end the con­ less. new AriMtrong’s Linoleum patterns pro­ “ International News Service has the test, since Moderator Guthrie, vide a fascinating range of colorful, new- eaccluslve rights to use for republl^- THE SUFFERING MOVIES Genuine inlaid Armstrong' Linoleum, small tile effects, $1.65, ■ tlon In any form all news dispatches At a dinner given by the Theatre while-mentioning the possibility of “ My nomination Is as sure as a day floors. oredlted to or not otherwise credited $1.79, $1.95, $2.22, $3.75 and $3.95 a sq. yd. In this paper. It la also exclusively Owners Chamber of Commerce at an appeal to the Supreme Court, In speech by Tom Heflin. It Is an In­ Our method of permanently laying these entitled to use for republlcatlon all fallible political rule that the candi­ Armstrong’s inlaid marble linoleum, $1.95, $2.22, $2.35, $3.00 New York Aaron Saplro, new Presi­ effect almost ptomlses to sign the floors in waterproof cements insures a the local or undated ndws published date with the most delegates at the and $3.25 a sq. yd. j herein." Full Service Client of N B A dent of the Motion Picture Exhibit­ returns immediately. floor that wfll always be smooth and f r ^ Service. start of the convention Is never Indented tile effects in genuine inlaid linoleum, $8.00 a sq. yd. ors Association of New York made The essential weakness of the nominated. By the law of compen­ from dustcatching cracks. Ask about this contest lay In the circumstance that sation and converses. It follows Inlaid Jaspe linoleum, green or brown moray effects, $2.50 a WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1928 the unqualified statement that all modem way of installing linoleum and see motion picture theatres, whether the claimed discrepancies between necessarily that the man who comes sq- yd- , -H ^ our floor demonstration. in with the least delegates of all Prices include laying of 15 sq. yds. or more. Extra for ce­ owned by producers, chain opera checklist and machine registration SACRIFICING TILSON were numerically insufficient to af­ ha8 the best chance of all to cop menting. tors or independents, were com­ the little red apple. While Connecticut politicians plaining of a decline In patronage. fect the outcome of the election, “ And no .man has any fewer and newspapers just semi-occasion- We don’t know whether Mr. Sa- even if completely sustained. delegates than I have. There are ally and half apologetically whisper piro was referring to New York It is substantially impossible to some men who haven’t any more, but none of them are actual candi­ the name of Representative John Q. alone or to the country at large, register a vote of many thousands Tllson of New Haven, Republican o f ballots, no matter what the dates. but the inf^ence is that the same “ Who ean deny that the great House leader at Washington, as a condition exists everywhere. method employed, without the in­ curse of a presidential candidate A feature of our Artfibre display— remotely possible candidate for The exhibitors’ executive attrib­ trusion of a slight element of er­ is delegates? n vice-president, the Tllson sugges­ uted the falling off in the interest ror. There probably never has been “ My good friend and esteemed public servant, Jim Watson, will m * ' tion is made openly and with far in the movies to a combination of an election in any city of any size i s l^ore assurance elsewhere. In the that was 100 per cent accurate In have 33 of them if he’s unlucky. two causes— radio and poor pic­ That means my majority over Jim Current issue of Time, national Its return. And to open the way to Arm Chairs and Rockers $11-95 tures. Quite truthfully he said “ The Is 33. news weekly, for Instance, Tllson recounts and recanvasses wherever producer may make the exhibitor “ Yesslr, this campaign of mine HIS new sun porch furniture underneath them are additional Is the only person , mentioned in take poor pictures but he cannot a trifling error can be proved would Is based on the new strategy— that rows of coil springs! The finishes was Warren Harding’s strategy, I is different. It is handwov- connection with the second place make the patrons pay good money be to make the business of elec­ are all new with cretonne uphols­ on the Republican national ticket, tions never-ending. It is doubtful only it was pretty hard to nomi­ -k en of artfibre. Artfibre is to see poor-pictures.” nate him because he aad a few teries to harmonize. These chairs though to be sure -his nomination if any Connecticut court will ever dyed clear through to the steel It is true that the movies gained delegates. If John Davis hadn’t had heart of each piece—dyed before in a choice of colors are a feature % Is by no means predicted. their tremendous hold on the order a recount unless there is a few delegates in 1924 It wouldn't of the exhibit, priced while they . Suppression of anything like a ■sound reason to believe that the have taken 674 ballots to nominate spinning. All cushions are spring American people prior to the seri­ filled, just like your davenport, and last at only $11.95. Connecticut boom for Mr. Tilson ous competition of the automobile will of the electorate has not been him, either. “ The only man I have to fear has, of course, been necessitated by and long before there was any com­ allowed expression. the promotion of the “ Coolidge now Is Vice President Dawes, who petition at all from the radio— There was nothing in the Hart­ Is playing the same game, but he’ll anyhow’’ movement by some of the and to that circumstance must be ford situation to indicate that there probably come In and spoil himself larty leaders. It would be, of credited much of the success of the was anything but the remotest pos­ by getting delegates on early bal­ course, impossible to mention two film business. There was, however, sibility of such a situation. lots. None of the ballots count ex­ cept the last. New England men in the same another factor in the situation breath, and the questionable strate­ “ Maybe some Chicago politician which may possibly have something will say something nasty about me Join the Refrigerator Club Tomorrow gy of boosting for Coolidge in or­ to do with the difference in movie in the next couple of months. Then der to keep Connecticut from com­ patronage now and say a dozen I can- ride to the convention In an army tank and get my picture in mitting herself to Hoover has made years ago. every newspaper In America as the It entirely impracticable to bring The movies attracted swarms of ' Mr. Tilson forward in connection candidate who defied the bombs. patrons through the insignificantly That’ll take care of the publicity. 2- shelf apartment refrigera­ with the vice-presidency. This small charges for admission. They “ Just watch me go after those $5 for your old tor with white enameled lining, would seem to be a rather heavy were a ten cent proposition, and the southern delegates! Nobedy dares 50 lb. capacity, $24.30. price to pay for the amiable Cool­ expense of attendance was almost a New York, April 18.— The far- pay ’em any money this yt ar for votes and they’re pretty discourag­ l-shelf top icer refrigerator idge gesture. negligible factor. Thousands of famed “ gay white way” no longer refrigerator is a mere dizzy glare of bright ed. But after I bring a carload of with white enameled lining, 35 movie fans dropped Into some thea­ watermelons outside the hall and lights. It is one of the New York’s OIN the biggest refrigerator lb. capacity, $13.95. EXPLAINED tre or other quite casually two, most profitable industries. The invite them en masse, every one The reason for Aviator Fitzmau- three, four times a week— many of battle for space upon which to hang of those fine dusky boys will march club we have ever held! $3 3- sheif front icer with^^^3 back in carrying a McWhorter ban­ rlce’s hurried departure from the them rarely missed a day. Today the burning bulbs goes merrily on Jdelivers any Leonard in odr doors and white enameled lin­ ner. companionship of his German the price of admission Is several from month to nionth. Roof space stock—and there is a style, size ing; 40 lb. capacity, $22.95. Is at a premium and old buildings plane mates may have been made times as much. Though people and price for everyone. Pay which once faced destruction of the i 3-door front icer refrigerator clear. It appears from a dispatch have more money, it costs more wrecking crew, rent their exteriors lis date irs, the balance in easy weekly sent out by a Grenfell nurse that to live— the surplus is seldom for fabulous amounts while allow­ sums you’ll never miss—AND with three shelves and white Baron von Huenefeld, at a time greater now than it was before the ing the interiors to remain rotting )AME RICAN STILL RECEIVE THE LOW porcelain lining, 65 lb. capacity, war. Radio and the automobile shells. Landlords have become CASH PRICE! $5 for your $39.50. when the fliers’ situation appeared quite willing to sacrifice rentals In aside, even poor pictures aside, one HISTORY . to be becoming desperate, prepar­ order to sell parking space for old refrigerator besides I ed to shoot his companions and reason why the long lines of the electric signs. Choice corners and April 18 then himself if worst came to ticket offices are seen less seldom locations bring huge figures. 1676— Sudbury, Mass., attacked than in the old days would appear With the cost of upkeep thus by Indians. worst. 1754— Fort Duquesne (later Pitts­ to be ready at band. mounting, the same study is given Fltzmaurice is reputed to be to the bright light signs as marks burgh, Pa.) founded. made of a very dlffereiM sort of Pictures cost much more to- the the beginning of a big advertising 1775— Paul Revere made his fa­ fibre from the sort that will dodge exhibitors now than they did then. campaign. Expert designers now mous ride to Lexington. extremeties of stress by resort to It is doubtful If the theatres could plan the glistening displays and the 1861— Robert E. Lee declined to return to the orlginjil prices and effects are studied with the take charge of Union Draperies suicide, being inclined to see the armies. New— Crawford Ranges pay expenses even with packed same care that a movie director show through, whatever its nature, takes in staging his crucial scenes. 1906— $400,000,000 damage done and not disposed to quit while houses. But if the motion picture One of the best instances of this to San Francisco by earth­ there Is a breath of life repaining. business as a whole fancies that it on Broadway today is the Madison quake and fire. in Colors! It would be entirely natural, then, is going to be able, by any device, Square Garden sign. Since the key 1912— Titanic survivors brought to New York by Carpathia. for him to put considerable space to get as many people Into the thea­ purpose of this huge display is to Fine filet net curtains by tres at the forty and fifty cent point out to the visitor and the NOW you can have your between himself and the kind of a transient stroller the exact loca­ Crawford Range in a color to Scranton with lace edging. person who would assume to de­ prices charged in so many of them tion of the new garden, four huge harmonize with your kitchen 2 ^ yards long, per pair termine for himself and his com­ as they did at a thin dime. It Is glittering arrows flash off and on DUCHESS OF YORK IN furnishings^ panions Just the moment when all doomed to disappointment. so that none can mistake the direc­ Reg. $3.95 ...... $2.85 tion. The Victory Crawford, hope was departed and. In conse­ ONE-COLOR GOWN SETS sketched to the left, Is now on Reg. $ 4 .9 5 ...... $3.50 quence, turn loose with an auto­ CHANGE Those dramas of the night club display In a beautiful new Reg. $5.25 and $6.00------$4 matic. In Chicago Gust Bjorklund and world, such as “ Broadway," are far FASHION FOR LONDON shade of light green, and one ' Under the circumstances very his wife, both more than 75 years from being mere figments of imag­ of the Crawford cabinet ranges Is ready In the same light few will blame the Irish flier for old, committed suicide because ma­ ination. Tense drama, lurking be­ hind the peep-holes of the speak­ green combined with whltel breaking hitches with his trans­ chine shoe repairing had displaced easy door, often come to light. -London.— The Duchess of .York oceanic companions. Who wants to hand work to such an extent that Not long ago one was enacted has set the fashion for a one-color sit at the sticks of an airplane not the old man could no longer earn In 45th street. Gorillas of the un­ scheme In dress with her complete knowing what moment the man be­ a living at the cobbler's bench. derworld were sent out to "get” a "all brown" outfit. hind may go into a blue funk, and Gust just wouldn’t have anything certain place. The lookout man at Breaking away from the paetel the door was warned to keep care­ blues and grey which she so fre­ begin shooting his way out of it? to do with the machinery. He was ful guard. A few nights later, quently wears, she has been wear­ Johnson’s Electric .f f Polisher New jProud of his handicraft, proud while peering through his peephole ing a frock of soft charmeuse in a MINISTERS AND SMOKE enough to givq.his life and that of In answer to the bell he, refused pale shade of brown, which exact­ 24 PIECE formerly $42,50 Whether or not the General his wife to his devotion to it. admssion to a suspicious looking ly matches her com of summer V. m r Special offer for house­ Conference of the Methodist Epis­ There Is something poignantly stranger. At his refusal a gun was ermine— a fur of delicate pale- cleaning season. Com­ Cretonnes whipped out and a bullet went brown shade. admirable about a craftsmanship plete outfit, inclut^g copal Church to be held at Kansas crashing through the door. The Even the shoes and stockings Dinner Set . New Spring cce- City next month gives tacit corisent so devoted as this. And yet, in his doorman was hit In the arm. worn by the Duchess are In the $24-50 1928 model Johnwn’s tonnes 21c to $3 many to the use of tobacco by ministers. scorn for the newer method Gust It was one of those situations same brown tint and the whole is Save $18.00 Electric Floor Polisher, at reduced prices. It is interesting that a step in that quite lost sight of something that where the “ cops’* couldn’t be call­ completed with a close-fitting bat of supple brown felt. Wax Mcip and ^ gal. . Sunfast cretonnes, reg. direction has been taken by the people are very prone to lose sight ed. Nor did the man wish to go to a public hospital and take the risk In thus keeping to a single-color $6.98 Johnson’s Liquid Wax $2.50, reduced to $1.75 New York East Conference, which of— that the glory and pride of of having the affair get Into the scheme the Duchess is following the Same as adver­ has passed a resolution, to be sub­ workmanship and of performance tised in Ladies’ -—•U at the newspapers and thus bring the po­ example of Queen Mafy, who fre­ 4 Dinner Plates, 4 Home Journal Table Scar many mitted to the General Conference, generally did not begin with their lice down on the hideway. Bleed­ quently appears in all grey or low price Oi $24.50. Bread and Butter and Sat. Eve. Post. sizes and cole 98c. providing that candidates for the particular persons or generation, ing and pale, he went Into the mauve. Recently the Queen has been dressed entirely in grey, even Plates, 4 Cups, 4 Sau­ Methodist Episcopal ministry shall or, for that matter, with their kitchen. A steel carving knife was Now you may have floors equal to those in the finest homes carefully cleaned and, after taking to her gloves. cers, 4 Cereal Dishes, 1 no longer be asked whether they methods. Gust’s idea of the right with less care than it takes to keep your rugs dean, this Silk and rayon ovei^ a few shots of the bar’s best brew, A further fashion has been em­ Butter Dish, 1 Round use the weed, ministers being per­ way to bottom a shoe was to sew a amasing machine polishes floors fnd linoleum^ ten times drapes, with .shaped the doorman allowed the bullet to phasized by the Duchess of York Open Vegetable Dish, mitted to use their own discretion welt to the upper and then sew the be cut out with this crude weapon. in the length of her dress; for valances to match, in ­ 1 Round Platter, 1 faster than hand methods. No stooping, kneeling or soil­ in the matter. sole to the welt with a certain kind Bandaging up his wound, he went while her coat Is a full length one, duced from $4.60 tP - back to his/post and stayed there the hem of her d^eus shows for an small Oval Platter. ing of hands. Saves time, energy and yearly refinisMng costs. Whether a man would make a of 8t|tch, every stitch being egre $2.39 pair. until dawn came and the place inch or sq below it, thus setting the better Methodist minister or a fully drawn and every particle of closed up. Then he went to a doc­ seal of her approval on the deMre SEE OUR DEMONSTRATION ^ worse one 1! he used tobacco is a the thread being properly waxed tor. of fashion’s experts to introduce question upon which we have no For any other process be had the The story has become a minor the longer skirt. opinion, and we don’t see how It supreme contempt of the artist for classic In the long list of unwrit­ The fabt that the Dwches* te- an Imitation. His way was the only ten melodramas of the"blg street." cently adopted the more pever hel­ Is possible for anyone to be quite ..GILBERT SWAN. right way, the traditional and the met-shaped hat in place of the pic­ certain about It, But to a great ture shape may be said to indioate many persons It seems a good deal honest way. that her taste In dress la divirglDg like the qnaitlon whether be would Yet if Gust had only stopped to a little from the conservative lines ■WATKINS BROTHERS. Inc. be the better or worse, minister for think of It, It wasn’t so many cen­ on which her toilettes were for­ turies before his time when some merly planned, using tea. In other words,- there EI^CLUSIVE REPRESENTATIVES FOR CRAWFORD AND CHAMBERS RANUBS other shoemaker, in all probability, She has. too, on more than one ieenis very little reason for regard­ Out of thine own mouth will 1 occasion recently worn dresses of ing tobacco as in apy way related conceived life to be empty and judge thee.— Luke 19:22. the “ picture type." TV %o either niorallty or Immorality, hopeless because the making of l|n or aauctlty, goad or evil. ' shoes was departing from the tradi­ Enough words, little wisdom. A London newspaper eays the "some o* the best people in the tional and honest method of nail­ Sallust. prince falls off bis horse so often ing, very precisely and strongly, because of oi/owdlng, hysterical -world drink tea, an4 so do some of Every man to his- taste; some of women on the race courses, We’H the irorat; and have never leather uppers to cunningly shaped us read the comic strips and others believe It if the newspaper will ex­ toSrd It aerlously maintained that wooden soles. Perhaps some an- get their amusement out of the D. plain how it happens the prince ^ uj^hing to do .with Lceitor of (Quet’e may have banged A. R. blacklist. never falls off a dance floor.

/ , •* V Jif;;

.'■ • ■ : . -■. ■. •■ lri> ■ ■ MAWUHiCSl'ER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD. WEDNESDAY, ARRlEnS, 192& ■ ■ : •:. ■ J I'■■ :'K ' ' :- ty ' ■

as, Ipdiana aud Wiscousiu ran 60,- Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Colbert AIRPLANE ON TICK. 000. WAPPING of South Windsor announce the"en- . -.f - NO ACCOUNTING “ I was told the total member­ gagement of their dar hter, Miss ship in the Klan in the United Margaret Anna Colbert, to Edward London, England.— ‘‘‘Could ' yoq, Mrs. Truman H. Woodward at­ Parr Sharp, son of Mr. and Mrs, direct me to the airplane depart­ States at that time was about 5.- Arthur Sharp of TO.^gj^ Winooski river overflow- Stephenson, former Klan ■\ list of operators whose licenses Last Saturday afternpou flooded a stock farm, an old to drive automobiles In Connecticut ijlue angle club held:: a'form al \ leader. Exposing the alleged black horse and a young gray horse m s operations of the . have been suspended for one year tea at the horn, of rs.' Josephine were caught in the rising waters. \ i for driving while under the influ­ C; Willson, Miss Clara Chandler Both started to swim for land. Sud­ X ence of liquor was given out today and Mrs. Edith L. Collins poured. Chicago. April IS.— lii previous denly the old horse faltered, strug­ at the state mortor vehicle depart­ The Federated Workers gave a gled a moment, and went down. articles of his de.)Osition, David C. ment as a part of the effort to re dinner and entertainment for the The other paused uncertainly The j Orford Soap cp. at the school Stephenson, former Grand Dragon | Qu^e tliis highway menace. Then the head of the drowning ? Of the Ku Klux Klan in Indiana. I department statement advised peo- building. The supper was in charge 0___ I of Group No. 1 with Mrs. Walter horse appeared above the water and has revealed the organization of pjp to notify the department or the young horse quickly swam to s the order, its change from its origi- | the police in case they should see N. Foster as chairman. The enter­ tainment consisted of a short its side. The old horse fastened its nal purpose , and methods by whicli | any of these drivers operating teeth in the others mane and the the characters of enemies of the i motor veliicles. sketch, ‘‘Hanging out the Wash, ’ given by Mrs. Clai-ncc W. Johnson latter started for the bank, towing Klan have been blackened. , Bantam. .Mike turlas. his exhausted companion to safety. Today Stephenson reveals from | Bethel. Howard Macauley. and Mrs. G. Walter Smith. Read­ MONUMENTS Bridgeport, Martin R. .Meyer, ings were giv.;t by Rev. Trumau what he declares to he his personal ; H. Woodward, Soprano solos were j kuowledg ‘ the tremendous ramifi- j ,-\le.\ander Sanderson. Grave markers and orna-’ Broad Brook, Warren R. Thomp­ given by Mrs. Phillip Evans and se­ COPS SEEK PERFECT 30. mental stone work of every de-11 cations of the Klan at its peak— 5.- ; lections by tae Pleasant Valley | 000,000 members and an annual in- I son, .\nthony Zelonis. quartet. | scription. come of $60,000,000. No account-j Danielson. Henry Perieault. Raymond Burger, son of Mr. and | Utica, N. Y.—There will be :io ing has ever been made of this ; Darien William Kuban. Mrs. Alexander Burger, has been i more panting or wheezing on police money, Stephenson insists. Devon, William Horwath. su^ering with blood poisoning in beats in this town, and woe to the Gadella & Ambrosins Stephenson quoted a magazine East Hartford. Leon Ouellel. his hand. law-breakers who try to lead the Hartford. Thomas Kusienski, SUITS article as follows: “Th;-oughout the Mrs. Howard H. Spencer of Avery cops a merry chase. A regulation Shop at East end of Bissell St. Walter L. Mongue. William Ridlon, territory where our (Klan) infiu- street entertained the Oakland has gone into effect that over-stout Near East Cemetery. ence is active, we can point to a Louis IL Starkey, James J. Yannel- club at her home on Avery street, officers of the force must use a re­ It takes some tall figuring to get the right suits for all figures at the right figure •Steady rise in the character of pub­ li. last Thursday afternoon. A current ducing machine recently iiistallecl Telephone 1168-12 for every man. We’ve done it. lic oifidals, *an increased respect i New Haven, I’lUil .Miderson, events program was carried out. in the police station. The correct answer to your Spring clothes problem is here ready to fit your purfee for law and order and a return of ] Harry Lillie. government power in the hands of ' New .Milford, James McManus. and person; - I men and women of American Norwich, Elmer A. Leckey. Suits that you can bank on as a safe investment. Suits that pay a big dividend character and instincts.” Plainfield. Alfred J. Bousquet. in service ami satisfaction. Suits that will^eel perfectly at home in any business or So “In the state of Indiana," said : ■ Sheltcn. Edward .41mandinger. Stephenson in his deposition, ■ South Manchester, Carl E. Cus­ cial gathering. ‘‘where without a doubt their i ter. Stamford, Olaf Olsen. power is greater than any other j place in America, law and order lias i SulTield, William E. Barber. KUPPENHEIMER HOUSE’S SPECIAL Wallingford, Steve Cyganik so broken down and disrespect for | ■ Czganik. SUITS the law is so pronounced that there Wauregan, Jerry Doyle. SUITS are more men imprisoned in jails Wethersfield, Milan R. Cook. in the state of Indiana today than Wiliimantic, Louis Gunderson. $22-50‘ 50.00 there have been before in her his­ New York City, Carolyn Mason. tory. West Sringfield, Mass., Timothy Many with 2 pair Trousers. Much Corruption $40.00 “ $50.00 ‘‘The ,-haracter of her state offi­ O'Keefe. cials both elected and appointed is lower than it has ever been before. EATS RAZOR BLADES For the first time in her history the will of the people has been subordi­ Toronto, Ont., Israel Duby eats TOPCOATS nated to the arrogant defiance of lazor blades. Yes sir, not only the vested greed, graft and corrup- | j.^2or blades. Only recently he con- You’ll find all the favored styles of the boulevard, the campus, tion. She has under indictment to- j ^ggsed a youthful passion for his day more officials than ever before | teacher’s spectacles and once ate the open road. Fabrics from famous foreign and*^ domestic'' in the history of the common­ an electric light globe. He start- looms. wealth. out on a bet. One of his friends “When the whole state of In­ bet him $3 that he couldn’t eat two diana was clamoring in 19 26 for an blades. Israel ate the two blades, opportunity to learn the truth washed them down with a glass of $22.50 to $35.00 about the gigantic crimes against water, and has been eating them the taxpayers, one of the most de­ ever since. At last report he was voted Klan vassals stood before 29 still alive. or 30 newspapermen and said: ‘To hell with the people, we are run­ ning this place,’ referring to his Boys Like To Be Dressed activity in preventing exposure of crimes against taxpayers. Special For ‘‘The truth of the matter is, in Up To reference to the articles descriptive \.y\ of the rise ol the character of pub­ Thia Some folks think that because we’re just boys and a little lic officials, that not a single indi­ vidual who was once a metnber of bit careless sorhetimes that we don’t care what kind of clothes the Klan and has sine:; retired •we wear. But we do. We like to look nice and it helps eveiy- would in any respect permit him­ W eek-End thing when a fellow goes to school. That’s one reason why I self to be associated with any pro­ like two-knicker suits. . gram supported by the Klan. Thursday, Friday, Saturday ‘‘The very fact that the Klan is favorable to the candidacy of an Combination‘of Individual in the state of Indiana is $10 00‘“$22.50 i sufficient reason to justify all of Bracelet, Brooch Pin the fo mer membership turning and Choker Beads against that candidate in blind jus­ Don’t forget the furnishings to go with your suit including tice.” to match in azure blue. Shirts, Hose, Hats, Caps, Neckwear and Underwear. “What was the relative strength Regular $3.50 of the Klan at its height?” Stephen­ son was asked. $ 2 .7 5 t “Perhaps the way to answer most accurately would be to give you the approximate figures in the state “Golden Wheel” over which I had control. At the peak in Indiana or at the time of Cigarette Lighters - FOR MEN AND BOYS. my resignation, there were ap­ in green or white gold proximately 315,000 men, women Buy shoes as you buy tires—for mileage. Both style.and comfort^depend'upon and junior members of the Klan. filled cases There was slightly more than in Regular $7.50 the ^ r y thing that makes a shoe give longer mileage—quality. If you don’t look foT Ohio. The state of Pennsylvania quality, you can’t get the other things. ., ran even higher than that figure. In j There’s guaranteed quality in our light-weight new style shoes for Spring. New Jersey the membership was $6 00 never over 60,000. In New York and the northeast states of the Cooperative Styles ...... $7.5(Tto $10.00 union there were probably 300,000 R. DONNELLY members. SelzSix ...... — — ...... $6.00 “Illinois was slightly below Iii- j Jeweler Jiana. Michigan was about the same ' 515 Main St., So. Manchester House’s Specials ...... $5.00 to Buster Brown for Boys and Girls April special C. E. HOUSE & SON, Corona Electric THE MARVELOUS achievement of “Lindy”—America’s aviator- ' hero supreme—was not the accomplishment of but a few hours in which ^ Most of the t^ts of the United Percolator •Hates and Canada-eat only insects, lie electrified the world by his non-stop flight from New York to Paris, b u t' ...lit there are a few fruiteating bats and the result of years and years of painstaking preparation. ;i the extreme south of the United tates and many in Mexico and And not the least part of his getting ready was the careful saving ’entrai America. FOR SALE 14-Pc. China Set of his money. The $2,000 which “Lindy” had saved for just such an opportunity was an important factor in his success. When opportunity This very good 30 acre Tann with 7 room house. 7 CONTRACTING acres tillable. Plenty of wood, 4 acres of tobacco land, meets preparedness—success results. “Lindy’s” feat proves it. / 2 tobacco sheds, one large barn, one side of which can The Corona is made BE READY WHEN YOUR OPPORTUNITY COMES. and be used to hand tobacco in, 2 horses and 12 chickens and and guaranteed by BUILDING two chicken coops. One tool house and all tools. Landers, Frary and Water in the house and well outside. This farm can be bought with small amount of cash and mortgages can Clark, makers of the be arranged to suit buyer. Would make an ideal peach famous Universal Start a Savings Account Here farm. This farm has a southern exposure. / household helps. Will also consider trade for single house. What hav« NOW' you to offer? Regular $13.00 Value We have customers for all kinds of property. If you liav6 anything to sell list with us for quick results. $ 9 .8 5 Mm $1.85 DOWN $1.00 A MONTH Specializing in. Small Houses JOHN F. SHEEHAN Be Sure to Get Yours Now! THE SAVINGS BANK OF knd Bungalows. Get our prices. '527 Main Street, South MMchester MANCHESTER Office Phone 2.326, House Phone iilOS . •< The Manchester Electric Co. 773 Main Street. Phone 1700 • MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, -1928. ]PAGE s i x EASTERN liBAGUE OPENS evadlag responsibility; 450 owners REDS IN NEW BEDFORD of cars with defective equipment; New Haven. Conn., April 18.— ONE IN 12 DRIVERS eight public service vehicle owners; Local Auto Dealers’ The Eastern League baseball clubs sixteen who failed to obey traffic Cable Flashes TO CONDUCT MEETINGS were ready for the opening this af­ officers: ninety-three who passed ternoon. Hartford, Waterbury, standing trolleys; seventy-five who Recent Deliveries Providence and ,«vlbany wIH see the FORCED TO SHOW In home clubs resume the basebail operated cars without permission of campaign. Tomorrow Springfield. owners and 132 who used Improper Refuse to Heed Warning of Textile Strike Leaders, to Pittsfield, New Haven and Bridge­ HNANCE AB lLin number plates and registrations. Foreign News Within the p. r- .nth Dennis P. port will be the home clubs. Cere­ Keep Out of City. Coleman, local Ford representative, monies were planned at all cities. has (leliverc.. five Fordson tractors The opening games today ..ere: New Bedford, Mass., April ,18.— to rmers in the surrounding coun­ Pittsfield at Waterbury. HOLD DRIVER TO BLAME London, April 18— Two of the Despite the disapproval of local tex­ Springfield at Providence. Motor Vehicle Department greatest rivals in the automobile tile unions and the request to leave try. Those who made the purchases Bridgeport at Hartford. FOR NEW LONDON CRASH industry— Henry Ford and R. the city, the Passaic, N, J., textile are: John Porterfield of Lydall- New Haven at Albany. Morris— will meet here before Mr, mills committee today was continu­ ville; Siconda Morra of Birch Discloses Fact That 23,- Ford sails for home. Morris makes ing preparations for the mass meet­ Mountain Road; Anarew Paggiolol small comparatively cheap cars In ing 'called for this afternoon. of Birch Mountain Road and Joseph There are now 340,000 boy 387 Autoists Had to Give Grade Crossing a Private Way England which compare with the William E. G. Gatty, secretary of Debone of Burnside. The latter scouts and 430,000 girl guides In and Proper Caution Was Not Ford in the United States. The the New Bedford Textile Council bor -t two tra:tors. Great Britain. Employed. meeting will be purely social and it addressing William L. Murdock* Proof. is understood that business will not sqcretary-organizer of the mills Investigations completed yester­ be discussed. committee said: “ You are profes­ day by officials of the City of New sional agitators, Murdock, if you London, April 18— Considerable Il has been found necessary by London and the New Haven Rail­ try to start anything here there’ll road placed responsibility upon the damage was reported done to the be trouble.’’ the state motor vehicle department Cunarder Alaunia which collided “ We will do what we came here in the past two years to order more shoulders of Henry Russell, driver of the car, for the accident in which today with a barge off Tilbury. The to do,” Murdock was quoted as say­ than one-twelfth of all Connecti­ Alaunia was bound. In from New cut car owners to give proof of fin­ Mr. and Mrs. George Billings, form­ ing. York. No injury was reported Mr. Batty announced that no at­ ancial responsibility in. case of ac­ erly of Manchester, and Ernest CClark of Rockville were killed on among passengers or crew but it tempt will be m^de by the Textile cident, or to show that they are is feared plates were spread on the Council to break up the mass meet­ able to satisfy damage claims aris­ Sunday in New London. Officials said that Russell did not exercise starboard side. The liner proceed­ ing called for today by the visitors ing from collisions. The total num­ ed under her own power following from Passaic, but that members of ber required to file such proof from proper caution when approaching the Maple avenue grade crossing at the crash. Fog was believed re­ local unions have been adyised to January 1, 1926 to January 1, 1928 sponsible for the collision. has been 23,387. Some already which , the accident occurred. stay away. Reports from the various mills had insurance and simply had to It was later disclosed that the . Berlin, April 18 — Miss Anne today indicated that the strike, file evidence while others had to get Connecticut Supreme Court of Er­ rors recently ruled that the crossing Marie Tengbora, daughter of a which is in protest of a ten per cent now evidence of financial responsi­ Swedish architect, was married in WOMEN’S DRESSES is a private way and not owned or wage cut, was 100 per cent com­ bility. The proof required in most a church ceremony today to Prince cases ha.s been liability insurance controlled by the City of New Lon­ plete. The manufacturerr have Otto Von Bismarck, grandson of the made preparations to withstand a coverage, cash bonds, securities, or don. ; Iron Chancellor. A simple civil liens on real estate. Accidents re­ Witnesses to the accident, includ- j long siege. ing the crew of the switching en- i service took place yesterday at a sulting in death or injury to per­ district registrar’s office. The SMART NEW DRESSES sons, or damage to property to the gine which struck the Russell car, said in effect that they believed the bridegroom is secretary to the FOWL OMISSION extent of at least $50, and convic­ German legation at Stockholm tions for intoxication, speeding, driver of the automobile had not FOR SPRINGTIME WEAR used proper caution when he drove where he met his bride. Landlady: I’m sorry you do not reckless driving and evading re­ think the chicken soup good. I told sponsibility, were the major reasons on the railroad tracks. the cook how to make it. Perhaps for requiring owners to prove fin­ she did not catch the idea. There’s a host of new models here ready for THREE BURNED TO DEATH. ancial responsibility. SMITH KEEPS SILENT Boarder: No; it was the chicken Between 60 and 65 per cent, of she missed.— Answers. selection in styles especially adapted for. the out­ Presque Isle, Maine, April 18. the owners in Connecticut are now Asheville, N. C., April 18.— door days for street or afternoon "wear. One financially qualified, accordin.g to a Three children were burned to Gov. Alfred E. Smith of New York death and their mother and a half ‘department estimate. The majority outstanding candidate for the Dem­ and two piece models of Georgette printed chif­ have voluntarily established res­ brother of their parents were seri­ ocratic presidential nomination, is ously injured here'today when NEUMONIA ponsibility, for the most part fon, printed crepe and flat crepe in solid shades. spending a two weeks’ vacation at gasoline was mistaken for kerosene Call a physician. Then begin throu.gh some form of insurance Asheville and is not on a political ;n kindling a fire in the kitchen P “emergency” treatment with Styles that display many new features in. flares, coverage against possible damage tour. stove. An explosion rocked the claims. Since the l^st of this year The governor himself had to countryside, shattered the house pleats, throw-overs and frills. minor registrants have been requir­ V i C K S make this plain today to various and set it afire. ▼ V a p o R u b ed by law to become financially southern party stalwarts who The dead: Beth Farley, 6; Ootr StMUlioa Ja n Vaid Yearly qualified, and it is expected that be­ sought his appearance in scattered Phyllis Farley, 3 and Georgia SPECIAL VALUES cause of this requirement the per­ sections of the south. Farley, 1. centage will be greatly increased. He is not even talking politics An outstanding benefit of the law while on his vacation. Although his TIME TO GET YOUR authorizing the department to_ re­ candidacy has been formally prn- quire proof of financial responsibil­ jseted by the New York state Dem­ PETTY PETTING? ity from certain ow’ners is that in­ ocratic committee, he revealed to­ that ASHES REMOVED $15.00 to $39.00 day that he planned to make no Mother: How long" did surance companies are beginning to young man stay last night? use the state records before issuing pronouncement regarding his plat­ form until he returns to Albany. Daughter: Oh, ma, don’t bother coverage to “ doubtful” owners. It me with petty matters.— Life. Telephone 1465-2 has already been the case that in­ “ I’m-taking a vacation,” the surance companies have refused to governor reiterated. “ I won’t have give policies to persons convicted anything to say until I get back to of serious motor vehicle offenses or New York. I’m not going to touch who have reputations as reckless any of that business while I'm drivers. In such cases the offenders down here.” have been faced wvith the necessity of keeping off the road. PROTECTION HALE'S SELF-SEnVE Department officials also expect 1 that another benefit from the law Hunter: What’s all the trouble? may be a separation of “ risks,” His Wife: Willie has swallowed G P D C J E P Y eventually allowing a person with­ one of your cartridges and I daren't JT ON VOM Rggfcr out a bad record to get a guaranty wallop him for fear it will go off. from an insurance company at a — Passing Show. rate lower than that allowed the ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD—KP PAYS owner with a poor record. This ' .•C may also work as a safety factor. It is to be expected that the owner Thursday dt Friday with a good record will do every­ thing possible to avoid accident par­ AtC.H.Tryon’s ticipation in order to keep his re­ Specials cord good. Ninty-nine owners involved in Sanitary Market fatal accidents during the past two years and 971 responsible for in­ A Real Law Price! juries to persons were among those required to file proof of financial Tel 441 Tel 442 Meadow Gold Butter, 2 lb s...... 98c responsibility before they were al­ lowed to register their cars. Ac­ (fresh made),...... 1 lb. 49c cidents causing damage to property brought the greatest number of For Thursday and Friday Over 1400 irounds sold last week— it goes farther. owner’s 12,922, within the require­ ment regulation. Sunbeam Pure Vanilla and Lemon Others required to file proof were 2,479 convicted of driving while MEATS Extract, 2 oz. bottle...... 23c intoxicated; 3,031 for reckless driv- When In Hartford ing; 2,782 for speeding; 325 for Native V’cal ‘ From E. G. Lord. Veal Cutlet, 53c lb. Hershey’s and Baker’s Breakfast Veal Chops, 38c lb. you will receive a cordial welcome at our A'eal Pattfes, 3 for 25c. Native Fowl, 42c lb. Cocoa, 1-2 lb. c a n ...... 15c Pork to Roast, 25c lb. Legs of Lamb, 42c lb. Gold Medal and Pillsbury^s Flour, Lamb Patties, 3 for 25c. Beef Liver, 28c lb. $1.19 Home Made Sausage Meat, 2.5c b a g ...... Small Link Sausage, 39c lb. A New Low Price New Office at 233 Pearl St A comprehensive display of GROCERIES SE AFRESH FRESH

Heinz Rice Flakes, 3 Packages for 23c. FROSTED FISH Heinz White Vinegar, 12 l-2c bottle. NO BONES NO WASTE Pure Cider Vinegar, in Fancy Water Bottle, 23c. (All Fresh Fish—Not Salted) Yellow Eyed Beans, 15c lb. Gas Appliances 5 lbs. Pastry Flour, Peerless, 33c Haddock Squares, lb...... 25c Premier Salad Dressing, Large Size, S2c. Carnation Evaporated Milk, 11c Haddock Fillet, lb...... 30c can. will interest you and our Occident Flour, 1-8 bbl. Sack, N ot Fair 81.43. Sole Fillet, lb...... 40c Mrs. Clock’s Pure Fruit Jelly, Tl'.e e.rmora isn't fair! It has 28c, caught the lovely features of dainty Strictly Fresh Eggs, 80c doz. Mackerel Fillet, lb...... 45c Ethel Allis but missed her capti­ Chase & Sanborn Coffee, 49c lb. vating vivacity, the rose-petal col­ Royal Scarlet Coffee, 1 lb. can. or of her skin and the rich beauty :=43c. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables •and gleam of her dark brown hair. P. & G Soap, 6 Bars for 23c. Home Service Department “ So many people tell me about my Fel. Naptha Soap. 5 Bars for 23c, The largest and most complete display in town. hair, nowadays,” says Miss Allis, Ivory Soapt Medium Size, 6c. whose New York City home is the Chipso, Large, 19c. Embassy Hotel, “ that I kno^ what will assist you with your household problems, particularly in arrange they’re going to say when I see them looking at me. ‘What do you MALES ing menus for special occasions. do to it?’ so many ask. I really do FRUIT very little. Like so many of my girl friends here in New York, I Apples, 2 lbs. for 25c. just put a few dashes of Danderlue Grapefruit, 2 for 25c. HEALTH MARKET ' on my brush ^ach time I use it. California Oranges, 69c doz. That always gives new sparkle and Bananas, Oc lb. life to my hair. It keeps it soft and Cranberries, 33c Qt. easy to arrange and holds it in t place. I was bothered with dandruff Special Tomorrow before I started using Danderine ' but it’s all gone now. Every appli­ VEGETABLES cation makes my scalp feel Just grand. And it keeps my hair so Iceberg Lettuce, 12 l-2c head, Lean Rump Com Beef, lb...... 23c clean I don’t need to shampoo half Heatley Lettuce, 15c. as often as I used to.” Celery, 18c. Lean Rib Corn Beef, lb...... 12c The Manchester Gas Co. Danderine does more to bring Tomatoes, 29c lb. out the natural color, the gleam Asparagus, 2 1-4 lb. Bunch, 59c. and lustre of your hair than any Peppers, 5c each. Fresh Pigs’ Liver, lb...... 10c shampoo or treatment. It removes Carrots, 3 Bunches for 25c. all dust, grime and oily film from 4 lbs. Parsnips, 25c. your hair— tones and refreshes New Cabbage, 7c lb. Fresh Sausage Meat, lb...... 18c your scalp— gets rid of dandruff. Spinach, 85c peek. All drug stores have the 35c bot­ Dandelions, 45c peck. Lean Lam]^ Stew, lb...... 15e tles. Lovely, gleaming hair and a Parsley, 10c. healthy scalp for a few cents.— New Onions, 2 lbs. for 25e. Milk M d Cream Every Day.


tie line. In the Province of Shan­ The drive marks the. opqnin^ Campaign Portraits—Gov* Alfred E. Smith BARLEY>MALT SYRUP | BIG SPRING OFFENSIVE tung, the Northerners are said to the long-expected spring dflenw KIWANIS MINSTRELS be retreating In wild disorder with of the Nationalists with Peking? heavy losses. Kwangsi troops are their objective. ; SHOW AT STATE NOW AIDS MANY PRODUCTS STARTING IN CHINA reported to have captured Leng Streets Of East Side Cheng. ~ Mwchester Battle Being Fought Along 100 Benefit Performances For Barley-Malt Syrup, or Malt Ex­ Mile Front. Nationalists Ad­ Camp Fund at Theater This tract as it is sometimes called, is vancing. l^uto Top Co. Afternoon and Evening; not a new product. It has been used BENEFIT in various wayk for more than 50 Were AVs School Two-Features Tomorrow. We Feature years. As new yses have been London, April 18.— War clouds Benefit by our large found from timo> to time, the con­ loomed darker over the Chinese The bigger and better Kiwanis horizon today. purchases before the re­ Sport Model Auto Tops. EDITOR’S NOTE: This, the ventlon that revised the constitu­ sumption has been Increased and tion of New York state. Elihu minstrels madq, their first appear- j large factories have been built for Sanguinary engagements be­ nlath In a series ot Presidential ance this afternoon at the State tween the Nationalists and North­ cent price advance. Slip Covers ^ Campaign Portraits written for Root, a member, said Smith knew the manufacture of malt syrup ex­ more about the state’s business theater and will repeat their show clusively. erners are being fought along a Let us estimate on your The Herald and NEA Service by tonight for the benefit of the club’s 100 mile front, according to a dis­ Carpets for All Cars Robert Talley, Is the second of four than anybody else in the conven­ As a food. Barley-Malt Syrup was tion. Charles Evans Hu,ghes said Kiddles Kamp in Hebron. The after­ not appreciated for a long time. patch to the Daily Express from plumbing and heating re­ articles on Gov. A. Smith of New noon performance showed that the its Toklo correspondent.' No job too big or small. York. The third article on Gov. much the same. Its valuable properties, however, quirements for this Smith was still the ally of Tam­ minstrels have worked up a smooth­ British vessels have been flred Wo can do any job from the Smith will appear tomorrow. were taken advantage of by certain upon nine miles below Hankow, ac­ Spring. many hall, and to its loyal and ly running entertainment and it is now famous breakfast food manu­ chus.sis ii|>. distinguished sons, Tammany Hall expected that tonight’s presenta­ cording to a dispatch to the Ex­ By ROBERT TALLEY facturers. Its addition to their All work fully guaranteed, is not ungrateful. Up to that tion will be better than that of the change Telegraph Company from products enabled them to make an Hong Kong. time. Smith had been supporting afternoon. improved food, both as to flavor Albany, N. Y., April IS.— The Tomorrow and Friday will bring The Nationalists are reported to| Carl W. Anderson his family on his salary as an an'd palatability. The success of fact that A1 Smith In his boyhood assemblyman, but in 1915 Tam­ to the State two big features, each be advancing along the entire bat-j 57 Bissell St. Phone 1433 W. J. MESSIER was a talented amateur actor, gift­ these Malt Syrup products was so many caused his election as of a different type but both good. phenomenal that today the majori­ 115 Oak St. Phon. 1816-3 ed with a remarkable ability to sheriff of New York county. It The first is “ Dressed to Kill” star­ imitate others, probably explains ty of the popular breakfast foods HEALS ECZEMA was then a fee job, reputed to pay ring Edmund Lowe and Mary Astor have Barley-Malt Syrup as one of much of the success that has been and the second is “ Bri iging Up as high as $150,000 a year. The their main constituents. his. rumor that Tammany demanded Father,” with J. Farrell McDonald, An ability to do as others do, to Experiments were made with ' IN 7 DAYS OR LESS half of this as a political contribu­ Polly Moran, Marie Drossier and other food commodities in order to | profit and learn by their examples, tion from Its holder exists bpt is Gertrude Olmstead. has bridged the gap in the neglected utilize its valuable qualities. The unprovable. At any rate. Smith In “ Dressed to Kill” Edmund baking Industry, for instance, found education of this farmer East Lowe, remembered for his splendid Here Is a surgeon’s wonderful held this job for two years and it especially suitable for their busi­ prescription now dispensed by Side newsboy and fish market profited handsomely. work in “ What Price Glory?” plays The clerk who left school before he ness. Its uses in the bread formula pharmacists.at trifling cost, that Smart Shop the roles of “ Mile Away Barry” , resulted in a quicker fermentation, will do more towards helping you was 15 and who now aspires to be Smith served an uninteresting the master crook, debonair, im­ “ Always Something New” the president of the United States. larger loaves with velvety texture, get rid of unsightly spots and skin term as president of the board of maculately dressed, perfectly rich brown crust and improved ap­ diseases than anything you’ve ever State Theater Building, South Manchester This uncanny ability to adapt alderman of New York City, and groomed, patron of the opera and himself has enabled Governor pearance of the finished loaf. used. then. In 1918, he made his first night clubs and consort of silken The candy Industry too found Not only does this great healing Smith, now 55, to keep pace with whirlwind gubernatorial campaign ladles, in direct contrast to the ac­ his opportunities throughout life. Malt Syrup useful in improving the antiseptic oil promote rapid and against Charles S. Whitman, the cepted type of thug who sneaks up food value and digestibility of its healthy healing in open sores and popular Republican governor who a dark alley and belays hie victim If a man had gone through New products. wounds, but bolls, abscesses and was running for re-election. with a black jack. ulcers that are discharging are al­ Thurs. York City In 1873, looking for Gov. Al Smith as he looked In Malted milk preparations served Success, surprisingly enough, Ben Bard is his chief assistant at the soda fountains owe their most immediately relieved and sources of future greatness, he 1019, just before he first became was his and so began his career and Mary Astor plays the leading cleanly healed. Mark the Final Days of Our hardly would have bothered to chief executive of his state. popularity to Barley-Malt Syrup, as governor. feminine role, adding her refresh­ because of the pleasant reaction of In skin diseases its action is lit­ stroll down South street. ing beauty to the picture, while taste and flavor and also the addi­ tle less than magical. The itching South street fringed the lower TOMORROW: Making “ the new Charles Morton plays opposite her of eczema is instantly stopped; the Nil part of the East Side, flanking the helping to keep things running— tional food value. and round up the votes on elec­ Al Smith.” in the romantic role. eruptions dry up and scale off in a Great East river. It was lined with There is much to commend this very few days. The same is true of wharves and piers where, in a tion day. delightful entertainment. Thrills, HELD FOR POSTAGE barbers’ itch, salt rheum and other Foley, keen in political wisdom, tangle of masts and riggings, ORIGINAL AT LEAST laughter, suspense and heart inter­ irritating and unsightly skin trou­ ships from all over the world dis­ saw a future for Al, the amateur Cleveland.— Slavka Boutsewa, a bles. actor. Foley turned Smith’s tal­ est, and a story out of the ordinary charged their cargoes. There A Chinese newspaper contained that retains Its interest from be­ little Grecian miss of 21. evidently You can obtain Moone’s Emerald After Easter Sale w'ere sailors’ boarding houses, ents of dramatic eloquence to this letter from an applicant for wasn’t marked “ handle with care” Oil in the original bottle at any political speech-making. There ginning to end. saloons flourished, lines of wash­ work: “ Bringing Up Father” picture is or “ don’t open until Christmas.” modern drug store. It is safe to use, Beautiful Assortment of ing fluttered from tenement win­ began Al Smith, the politician. “ Sir: I'am Wang. I can drive a She was $450 mail order bride, sent and failure in any of the ailments When Smith married Miss a literal .adaptation of George Mc­ dows then as now, and children typewriter with good noise and my Manus’ famous cartoons. Polly to Peter Perkoff of Massillon, by a noted above is next to impossible. played In the narrow streets. Catherine Dunn in 1900, he was English is great. My last job has smuggling ring. She is being held All druggists can supply you at In a four room apartment on on the city payroll as a subpena Moran plays Maggie, the redoubt­ left itself from me, for the good able wife of Jiggs, and Marie Dress­ here for deportation back to Greece. any time.— Adv. the fourth floor of a narrow tene­ server at $75 a month. Foley reason that the large man has DRESSES ier takes the role of Mrs. Dinty ment at 174 South street, on Dec. had got him" the job. dead. It was on account of no fault 80, 1873, the only man who has Moore. J. Farrell MacDonald, well- of mine. So, honorable sirsf what known character actor, is Jiggs. ever been governor of New York Tom Foley kept his eye on Al about it? If I can be of ig use to four times was born. His father Gertrude Olmsted, who came to the and in 1903, he decided the young you, I will arrive on same date that screen by way of a beauty contest, was a teamster, Alfred E. Smith, man was ready. that you should guess.’— Tit-Bits. Br., a brawny lion of a man, poor is the Jiggses’ beautiful daughter. “ Al, have you got another suit The picture is one long guffaw In money but rich in friends. His of clothes?’’ Foley asked one day. SKIRTS MATCH DANCE Spring Prices mother, Catherine Mulvehill Smith, from beginning to end. It begins Al shook his head and grinned. when -the Jiggses. steerage passen­ had recently arrived from Ireland “ Well,’’ said Foley, “ go home Paris.— A fashionable dressmak­ and had a brother in the Are de­ gers from old Dublin, arrive in Now in effect on best grades of and get this suit pressed and be er "^ re holds the modern dance America in company with the Dinty partment. at the club tonight. You’re going resTOiaslble for short skirts. “ Ball- Moores, and takes them up to the to run for the assembly.’’ roonr changes have resulted in tube­ time they attempt to high hat their Lehigh and Wilkesbarre The stories that portray Al Smith A short time later. Smith was like skirts, which have become IS having "been a dirty child of the elected to the lower house of New shorter and shorter,” he says, “ but corn-beef-and-cabbage origin in ilums are all wrong. His mother York’s state legislature— the as­ recent signs of a return to the their entertainment of nobility at a Long island show place. If you fcept him clean and neat and in­ sembly, as it is called. waltz and barn dances will bring stilled ideas of honesty and char- evening gowns that will be longet, don’t want to laugh till your sides icter in her son. fuller and altogether more grace­ hurt, better stay away from “ Bring­ Lugging a new paste-board ing Up Father.” His parents were devout Catho­ suitcase and wearing a brown ful.” lics, so the church took him early. derby, a loud vest and a louder A shark’s egg is unprovided COAL The Sphinx at Gizeh, in Egypt, At , 7, he was an altar boy at St. tie, the new assemblyman went to Tames’ church nearby. He held is carved from one mass of solid with shell, but the contests are pro­ Albany. He found the assembly natural rock, with the exception of tected by a thick, leathery cover­ this job until he was 14, often a strange, confusing place. His arising at 5 a. m. to reach the the, forepaws, which are built up ing almost as elastic as rubber. Stove Coal $15.00 Ton first term was a dismal failure. \yith blocks of stone. Henry IV died of leprosy. thurch in time for early mass. Having accomplished nothing. I'' ^ ^Wjjen.the box was J8 his father Smith was discoul'a,ged and' "want­ died, after a long Illness. Hard ed to quit. But Foley, knowing Chestnut C o d...... $1475 Ton | times pinched but Catherine that at least two or three terms Mulvehill was not the kind to sit are necessary before a man gets ^ it home and lament her fate. She his bearings, made him go back ' ‘ went out and got a job making Egg C oal...... $1475 Ton in 1905. umbrellas and Al went forth to Smith’s education as a legisla­ make some money in the time- tor, one might say, began with his honored way of East Side young­ second term. Taking Foley’s INSURANCE P e L a l...... $1125Ton sters— selling papers. word that success was in store, Before he was 15, increasing he litched into the job to learn necessity forced young Smith everything he could. He dissected Buckwheat...... $9.50Ton to quit his classes at St. James’ dry-as-dust bills, pushed himself parochial school and get a job. He forward in committees. Smith succeeded so well in (The Best Guardian of Where it is necessary to carry in coal the usual extra was first a “ business chaser” for charge of 50 cents a ton is made. a trucking company and later a 1907 he was named to the com­ combination office boy and clerk mittee to study and revise the Life and Property lu an oil company’s office. charter of New York City. What In the evenings, Al found time he learned there made him an au­ to take part in the amateur the­ thority on the relation between atricals staged in the church state and municipal government. basement. There were no movies In 1911, Smith was named to the ways and means committee Smith Bros. Grain Co. in those days and the plays were largely attended. He could sing and quickly won a reputation for 256 Center Street. Phone 130-2 and dance or play the part of the himself by becoming an authority Insure Your Valuables deep-eyed villlan equally well. on pending legislation. There he In 1892, when Al was 19, he got his first taste of finances and A BOX IN A GOOD SAFE DEPOSIT VAULT got a job in the Fulton fish mar­ soon no budget was too compli­ ket. He went to work at 4 a. m., cated for him to assimilate. IS THE worked 12 hours a day and was paid $12 a week, plus all the fish After the Triangle Shirtwaist BEST AND CHEAPEST INSURANCE. he desired to take home. Co. fire in New York in which A year later he went to work as 145 girls died. Smith was given the a steam-fltter— and there politics task of getting through the as­ The Manchester Trust Co. sembly a program of remedial STATION found him. factory legislation. That was his In those days, as now, Tammany first appearance as a champion of Hall was not only a political organi­ the people against “ the interests.” zation, but a social and benevolent A little later he became speaker organization as well. It was a highly of the lower bouse. organized machine, with numerous- district “ clubs.” Smith lost the speakership when The ward boss was a man who the Republicans came into con­ found jobs for the unemployed, trol in 1914, but in 1915 he Fire and Liability who extended charity to the won fame as a member of the con- needy, who staged boat excur­ sions and picnics. Naturally, on election day he “ collected” in the Insurance form of votes. Tom Foley, autocratic but kind­ BROADCASTING ly boss of the old Seymour Club, enrolled Al as a member. Pretty soon, he was “ one of the boys,” RICHARD G. RICH Tinker Building, South Manchester. Announcing the Continuance Harmony H e ’s Not Afraid Of Its Popular Coal Club Records Locomotives and other fear­ some monsters of a grown up world have no terrors for your Weekly deposits of 50c per ton for as many ton as de­ little boy if you are there to sired and the COAL will be yours when you need it. 35 protect him. You mean financial protection for him, too, against things he 3 FOR $1 doesn’t yet know about — against hardship and want and ^V1lo Licks the Cream? W e Solicit and Appreciate Your Valued Patronage too early assumption of grown up responsibilities. . y - AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE AT COST Have you arranged for th’e- The Luinbernien’s Mutual returned 2 5 % of the premium paid continuance of this financial in to every itolicyhohler last year and have always done so. protection if you don’t live? Did You (Jet Any Mohey Back On Your Policy? ff you want to reduce the cost of your auto insurance see me You can, through adequate before you renew your present policy or insure your car. life insurance. Just call us up. I will be Klad to explain how you cun Insure your car in the MANCHESTER LUMBER CO. w World’s Greatest Mutual at 25% saving. Connecticut General Tel. 201 Tel. 201 Life Insurance Company STUART J. WASLEY REAL ESTATE LNSUKANCE FAYETTE B. CI.AKKE, AGT. R27 Main St.. Tcl. 1428-2, Open Thursday and Saturday Evening lU ileiiut tiquarei ftluucU(wicr« m MANCHESTER (CONN.) BVEl^TING HERALD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1928. p a g e e i g h t f e a t u r e A R T I C I ^ a b o u t INTERESTlKe W (> M B N LATEST FASHION *#3620..- HINTS BY FOREMOST HOME PAGE - -i AUTHORITIES THE f l Keeps Her Marriage to Pianist Secret 4 Years.

^ e iV Lettiers BY RUTH DEWEY GROVES AUTHOR OF ^ANNE AUSTIN ^5AlNfT AND SINNER* ERVCE' *9 Mom, dear: since he had first met and cham­ which Mr. and t/lrs. Bybee occupied Here’s where you get the sur­ ^"Ideal Fashions T H IS H A S h a p p e n e d bushes somewhere with a bullet—” pioned her on the Carson farm? a stateroom she saw the sfiowman prise of you^ life. 1 went, alone SALLY FORD, wnra of tlie otate "Oh!” Sally screamed, as the full Her old feeing of Inferiority and his wife through the open door, and unprotected, to the lion’s den. orplianaKe from the time significance of Gus’ words burst fonr, la “farmed ont” to rose like nausea in her throat talking to two strangers whom she And I came out all of a piece. CARSON when ahe la 10. She upon her. She fainted then, her Life in an orphanage is not calcu­ guessed to be plainclothes police­ Now I’ll tell you what those meeta DAVID NASH, athlete ond little body slumping into a heap lated to give a girl faith in her men from police headquarters oC plans are— those I referred to in a atndent who la working on the at Bybee’s feet, her head striking farm for the anmmer. Caraon own beauty and charm. No one, Capital City. The two men were previous letter. I knew when V Michello asked me to pose for him mnkea remarka about Daald a one of his big shoes and resting until' David’s teasing, fond eyes evidently about to leave, nodding friendahip with Sally that It was purely a business prop­ there. had rested upon her, had thought impatiently that they understood, dent atrlkea him a terrific blow. osition. Don’t ask me how 1 knew. S ally and D arld fiee and Join When she regained conscious­ her beautiful. when Sally appeared, like a fright­ 1 ,rrfh|k|inr^ a carnlral. David aa cook’a helper ness she was lying in the lower ened, pale little ghost In green- | mm '' Even girls of your day must have and Sally In a aldeahow diagniaed Had he been only sorry for her. berth which had belonged to Nita. and-white-striped gtngbam. | ^ s ' known when they appealed, lo a aa “ Princcaa Lalla,” cryatal gaaer. glad of an opportunity to “ blow,” man as a man. I knew I hadn’t NITA, Hula dancer, who knowa and the midget was kneeling on to get out of the state where he She forgot that she was without | "• V <•» V. clicked with Michello. He didn’t the police are after the newcom- the pillow beside her head, dab­ era and who la lafatualed with was wanted on two serious make-up, that the police were look- | seem to be interested in me as an David, threatena to eapoae Sally bing her face with a handkerchief charges? Was he dismayed, too. ing for her as well as for the crlm- | addition to his love gallery. If ahe doean’t keep “handa on" soaked In aromatic spirits of am by the fact that moonlight had inals who bad robbed the safe. But | the young atndent. There were others, I admit, at The carnival goea next to Cap­ monia. tricked him Into telling her that Pop Bybee had not forgotten. Still 015323484853232353485323484848532348532323235353 the party who took notice of me ital City, where Sally apent ao ‘What’s the matter? Is it time he loved her, thus adding the re­ talking with the plainclothes detec­ after the show in a warmly per­ many yeara In the orphanage. tives, he. motioned to her violently She aucceaafully eludea detection to get up?” Sally asked dazedly. sponsibility of her future to the sonal way, but Michello was- not nnder the diagnlae of the cryatal "What are you doing, Betty?” burden of protecting her in this behind his back. She turned and one of them. He told me that he gazer until one afternoon when The midget answered In her tiny, hectic present? forced herself to walk slowly and liked my figure and wanted to the orphana troop In with their sketch me in poses of the dance. hoateaa, a beautiful woman who brisk voice: “ I’m bathing your Then a sweeter, saner memory sedately toward the other end of ' faacinatea Sally. One of the chil­ face with ammonia which Mrs. By­ clamored for attention. She heard the car as the detectives made They’re to be used in illustrating dren recognlzea Sally and ahoula a book on the origin of modern bee senL It should be cologne, and again his fond, husky voice caress­ their farewells and their brusque her name, but CDS, the barker, dancing. cornea to her reacue and dlverta this ammonia will probably dry ing her. his “ Dear little Sally!" promises of “ quick action,” ’ H e’s going to do a series. It attention. Sally la anrprlaed lo your skin something dreadful, but And involuntarily her mouth When the men had left the car will take some time as he can’t aer the beantlfnl “Lady Bono - Bybee’s voice summoned her In a ful" atop and talk with a well- it was the only thing we could get. pursed in memory of his kiss, that work steadily on them. He has dreaaed. handaome Caaterner who You fainted, you know.” kiss that had left her giddy with husky stage whisper, calling her three portraits under way now and earlier In the afternoon haa tena- “ Lalla," so that the detectives, if Ingly rend Sally’a fortune In the Oh, 1 remember!" Sally moaned, delight. several more ordered. Some day I cryatal and naked her lo go to her head beginning to thresh from How unfailingly kind and sweet they were listening, should not hope he w ill do one of me but his anpper with him. identify her with the girl who had When a terrible atorm blowa np side to side on the pillow. “ Have he had been since that first day prices are stiff. I thought he might and the tent falla. Sally finds her- they found David? I know he s when he had strode into her life, run away from the orphanage in offer to do it for less if I posed for aelf aupporfed In the nrma of the been hurt!” with the sun on his chestnut hair the company of a man wanted on him but he insists upon paying me Enaterner. He tells her he knows a charge of assault with the in­ for my work. who ahe la and that the police are They’re looking tor him.” the and the glory of the sun in his after her. When they are res_ midget assured her briskly. "Mr. eyes. He had not failed her once, tent to kill. And say. Mom, maybe you think it isn’t work. Gosh* I’m full of T r a n S. cued. Sally lenrna that David and Bybee took a vote on whether he but she was falling him now, by “ Are you crazy?” Bybee demand­ NItn are missing. t-"*" "*,*?* crinks and knots that I know will 2 0 0’4 was to notify the police about Da­ doubting him, by picturing him as ed hoarsely when she had come run­ night. WINFIELD BVBEE cal never come out. It may sound like everybody Into his car and tells vid’s being gone, as well as Nita, a fugitive in the dark, fleeing with ning to the stateroom. “ Them was them his safe has been robbed. a pair of criminals who bad robbed dicks! Policemen, understand? the life of Riley standing up there MRS. BYBEE neenses Sally and and the vote was ‘N o!’ That ought t the man whose kindness had pro They mighta nabbed ,you. What on a dais and just holding still but 1.^2 6 David, recalling that Sally one to make you feel happier!” it’s torture after a while. I don’t day saw her place money In .the tected him from the law. are you doing up? Get back to bed “ Oh, it does!” Sally began to think I ’ll ever be able to do the hidden safe. Sally pleads her and try to sleep." and David’s Innocence and tells cry softly. "You have all been so Why. she must be crazy to think Black Bottom again^except In slow of Nila’s menacing voice In the kind, so kind! You said Mrs. By­ tor a moment that David could do “ Have you found David?” she m motion. darkness and her quavered, brushing aside his anx­ with the unknown man STEVI., bee sent the ammonia?” she asked a thing like that! No one In the Michello says these poses are un­ The Cardigan Frock Smartly Byhee says he will call In police wistfully. world was as good and kind and iety for her. usually trying but 1 can think of to find Dnvi*> and NIta. Presented “ She certainly did. and she’s in honorable as David. Not a sign of him.” Bybee easier ways to get money than by N O W GO ON WITH THE STOKY liosing for it. Coaxing it out of a the kitchen of the privilege car But where was he? Mrs. Bybee shook his head. “ But 1 didn’t spill A coat (hess interpret^ in terms oi husband is one but I ’d rather take CHAPTER XXX right now, making you some hot had left him to guard the train. the beans to the dicks. I ’d given plain and printed fabrics, uses the the harder way and earn It. There’s p o p BYBEB looked down upon tea. She won’t say she’s sorry, Not for a moment could shea be­ you my word, and Winfield Bybee’s printed material for a cardigan and 11 Here is the beautiful Betty a mental compensation. It will be the plain for the skirt. The cardigan Sally’s agonized face with trou­ probably, but she’ll try to make it lieve that he had failed in his word is as good as his bond.” 1 Short, 21-year-old piano stn- trust. Painfully. Sally tried to vis­ a thrill to have a little money of closes in single-breasted fasmon and up to you.' She’ like that—always “ I ’m going to look for David,” = I dent, who announced tlie my own again. Of course Alan and bled Indecision In his bright blue ualize the dreadful thing that had is belted with suede. The ddrt hrt flying off the handle and suspicious she announced simply, but her other day that she had been y j I get along pretty well on the ar­ eyes. He tried to lift her to her happened. David alone, patrolling deep inverted pleats in front and back of everybody, but she’s got a heart blazing eyes dared him to try to married for four years to rangement we made in the begin­ and is attached to a lining top whiA feet, but her arms were locked as big aa Babe, the fat girl.” the train, his eyes sharp for in prevent her. “ He’s hurt somewhere Josef Hofmann (inset), the ning about the money I was to holds it firmly in position. No. 1526 truders. Then—the sudden appear­ about his knees. The mfdget had "And sd have you!” Sally told —or killed. I ’m going to find him.” pianist. The couple have a, Miss Short is the musician’s have but there are unexpected uses is designed in axes 16,18 years, 88 to ance of Nita and the man, Steve, half years old. scrambled from Sally’s shoulder to her brokenly, taking both of the And before the astonished man son, Anton, two and The first Mrs. Hofmann was fo r, a little cash that bob up now 42 inches bust. Size 38 requires 2J4 weighted down with the contents of tiny hands into one of hers and or his wife could stretch out a hand second wife, and---- is 31 years his ,^ ^ t"“niance started when Miss and' then which make a prenup­ yards 39-inch plain, and 2)^ prmted the floor of the car and as Bybee the safe they had robbed. For laying them softly against her lips. to detain her she was gone. When 10 years older than her luisband. ‘I think we both fell in love tial money agreement nothing but material. Price of pattern 15 cents. hesitated, her tiny Hsts beat upon Sally knew that the robbery must Short and Hofmann met at a musicale Send 10 cents additional tor new she dropped from the platform of a scrap of paper. The midget yanked the green have taken place before David bis right leg for attention. the car she heard the retreating on the spot, she explained. ______~ If the series and my bones hold Spring Fashion Book. curtains together with comical caught his first glimpse of the “ You’re not going to break your roar of the police car. Instinct out I’ll be able to start a savings fierceness, then crawled under the crooks. Otherwise the safe would turned her in the opposite direc­ account. promise to Sally, are you. Mr. By- top of the sheet that covered Sally be Intact now. even If David’s dead tion, away from the city, down the Dearest love, bee’.'” the tiny voice piped shrilly. ‘Tm going lo sleep here with body had been found as silent wit­ railroad tracks leading into the MARYE. Manchester Herald “ I’m listening. Miss Tanner.” you, Sally.” she said. “ 1 don’t take ness that he had fulfilled his trust- open country. Pattern SerVicifi; Pop Bybee acknowledged wearily. up much room.” Her mind shuddered away frhm She did not know and would not And the Woman who was old that imagined picture, went back Pattern No. “ And 1 swear 1 don’t know what have cared that Mr. and Mrs. By­ enough to be Sally’s mother curled to the painful reconstruction of to say or do. If they. ftet clear bee were following her, Mrs. Bybee Price 15 Ceuta. her 29-inch body In the curve of what must have taken place. David muttering disgustedly but refusing away with that money the shown Sally’s light arm and laid her tiny had seen them, had given chase More Books Even though the marriage on that Life's Niceties Same be stranded. Every cent i had in cheek, as soft and wrinkled as a Of course! Otherwise he would to let Sally search alone for the Hundred boy in whom she had such implicit worn kid glove, in the hollow of be here now. Was he still pursu Berlin, the immigrant boy comio.- ^ist: the world was in that safe. Reckon er, to Ellin Mackay, heiress lo one Size Sally’s firm young neck. ing them, or was he lying some­ faith. Peace and War,” Tolstoi; “ Fa­ HINTS ON ETIQUET I was a fool to carry it with me. of America’sAmprina’s greatEieat fortunes, is But long after the midget was where near the road, wounded, bis Dawn was breaking, pale and thers and Children,” Turgenev; Address but I never trusteit a bank, and years old by now, that marriage “ Phincas Finn,” Trollope; “Picture asleep. Sally lay wide-eyed and splendid young body ignomlni- wan, in a sky that was shamelessly continues to “ make page one again of Dorian Gray,” Wilde; ‘ The it was more convenient, having It tense in the dark, her mind a wel ously flung Into a cornfield? cloudless and serene after the vio­ • •• a* ••• • •• • • f and again as a fresh rumor sprouts Downrall,” Zola; “Huckleberry right with me. Tomorrow’s pay ter of fears and love and doubt. She could bear no more, could lence of last night’s storm, when, Send your order to the "P ak i up that r-apa Mackay has forgiven Finn,” Twain; “The Conqueror, 1. Is it good taste to hold no longer lie safe in her berth over a slight hill, a man’s figure tern Dept.. Manchester Bv^plqg day. too. and all of you are in the She had pleaded passionately with his darlin’ darter and gone 'o un- Atherton; “The Clayhanger Fam­ on to people’s clothing when Pop Bybee for David, fiercely shov­ while David needed her somewhere. loomed suddenly, then seemed to Herald. Manchester, Conn," , •, _ same boat with me.” plant a grandfalherly uiss upon t.ie ily,” Bennett; “The Emigrants. cont»ersing with them? ing to the dark depths of her mind Very carefully, for all her haste, drag with unbearable weariness as cheek of his tiny granddang.ater. “ Listen, boss, let’s take a vote it plodded toward the show train. Bojer; “Drums,” Boyd; “Posses­ 2. Does a gentleman or a even the memory of the jealousy she lifted the tiny body that, What a sentiv.ental, romance-ioy- sion,” “The .Green Bay Tree,” “A on it." Gus. the barker, spoke up which Nita had fiendishly aroused nestled against her side and laid “ David!” Sally shrieked. “ Da­ ing, gossippy, plain “ nosy ’ peopie lady ever nudge a person in the suddenly and loudly. "Now me— Good Woman” and “Early Au­ in her heart. But now that she it tenderly upon the pillow, which vid!” we are! 1 believe the kid here Is telling the tumn” by Bromfield; “Her Son’s ribs? The crocodile, given fair play in had saved him temporarily by con­ was big enough to serve as a mat­ Wife” by Canfield; “Death Comes truth. No college boy could crack She began to run, her ankles 3. Is kissing and embracing its native wilds, can live for- 300 vincing Bybee that the boy could tress for the midget. Then, sob­ turning against clots of cinders, The Gigolo for the Archbishop,” Cather. a safe like that. It was a profes­ in public good taste? years. not have taken part in the robbery, bing soundlessly, she groped for but her arms outstretched, a glory The gigolo has come into his , sional job, or I’m a liar! Of course own He now carries a card like a | |The Answers doubt began to insinuate its ugly her shoes in the little green ham­ greater than that of the dawn in FR U IT CUP Nita may have tolled the boy off union man and is officially recog- j 1. No, moreover it is annoying. [ body upward from those dark mock swung across the windows; her face. Grated cocoanut, added to sliced with her and this Steve, since she depths where she had buried it. found them, put them on, slipped nized as “ a gentleman of occupa­ oranges, bananas and raisins gives 2. No. (To Be Continned) 3. Greeting and ' leave-takings j was so crazy about him, but we to the edge of her berth. She was tion.” In case anyone needs a Uet- one Did he really love her—a pa­ you a different fruit cup and often call for such demonstrations, TIowMucli^alCT ain’t got no proof she did, and as profoundly thankful that the girls inition, a gigolo is a ladylike youn.g thetic, immature girl from an or­ children like tremendously. but affectionate greetings should Sally says, if you sick the cops on had not undressed her after she David has been shot, hut he is man who hesitates to soil lus ulj the boy, the jig will be up with phanage, a girl who had been white fingers with menial toil, but be reserved usually for privacy. Should Baly (fet? bad fainted. able to tell his story in the next ZODIAC TRIMMINGS her as well as the boy. Another nothing but a responsibility and who has learned that certain rich ‘S^FhmouBAiithopity’s l ^ a source of dire trouble to him ■ When she reached the car In chapter. Paris sponsors the signs of the thing, Dave may be laying In the ladies past the first fine- flush oi Zodiac for new hat and ensemble youth will pay well for a handsome trimmings. The sign of one s b^rth youth to escort them to teas, dance month may be had in metal, em­ with them, pay checks from thoir broidered in color or even in jew­ Pictures Framed as sort of magic land with Alad­ own purses passed under the tame din’s lamp in the cupboard. and in general, make the world be­ els. See my new designs In Home Page Editorial “ The first years of marriage al­ lieve that lady’s charms per se framing mouldings just re­ ways are an endurance test, be­ havd gained her these gallant at­ HORS D’OEUVRE ceived. A new hors d’oenvre consists or cause prosperity comes gradually. Bring in your pictures and tentions. hot large potato chips dotted with But it will come. If you hold on select frames from large caviar.. Heat chips and put a por­ Daily Health Service P A Y A S Y O U and try to keep up not only your assortment. own courage but your husband’s.” It ’s Sad, Too tion of caviar sprinkled with lemon HINTS ON HOW TO KEEP WELL GO— Gigoloing has been more or less juice in the center of each. Old Pictures restored. by; World Famed Authority; under a cloud until, just recently,, the merry band of boy friends were I PINK FACINGS By Olive Roberts Barton licensed, given cards, ’n' every­ Many spring hats use Pipk or OLD WOOD SHOP thing. It isn’t to the point to ex­ felt facing its squared brim that Pitkin Street. idione 386-2 air by volatilization. This, of course, plain that all this was done because points on each side and tuins up m il k l o s e s v a l u a b l e so many of them carelessly mis­ represents a fairly serious loss to April, May and June! Bride Bridge M e front and back. SALTS YVHEN BOILED placed their lady employers’ jew- the child that takes the milk. months. _ While these considerations are of gIs> b y d r . m o r r is FISHBEIN With all the pomp and glitter of Another Gigolci.ng has brought more great importance so far as they re­ a court presentation these boys Baby specialists agree nowadays, late to the feeding of the Infant, smirks and jeers tor the employer that during the first six months, Editor Journal of the Americ^ and girls are joined together in BY W. W. WENTWORTH than the employe, however. they are not, of course, funda­ babies must have three otinc^, ol Medical Association and of Hygeia, holy wedlock to live together hap­ Doesn’t one see pathos there, too? mental in relationship to the tak­ 1 (Abbreviations: A—acejjK— fluid per pound of body .weight the Health Magazine pily to thirty dollars a week and Iking— queen; J— Jack; ' X— The pathos of a world which de­ ing of milk by adults. daily. An eight pound baby, for From time to time experiments less. mands escorts for women if women The grown up person does not any card tower than 10.) instance, needs twenty-four ounces have been made in the feeding of One responsible for many of go forth at all and which, In the depend on any single food sub­ No Woman On Earth of fluid. Later on the rule is two milk, changing the form or the these unions, an eminent divine same breath, denies them the min­ stance in his diet. He Is likely to ounces of fluid per pound o f body preparation and studying the effects with a sense of humor, has posted ute a woman grows old, whereas a supplement milk or any other food 1— Partner bids one heart weight. The amount of fluid ab­ on children fed with this most com­ a list of rules, a decalogue of mar­ man can “ step out” alone or ac­ can clean shirt cuffs without scrubbing that he may take by a wider va­ ried peace, so to speak, for the aid Second hand bids two dia­ companied to the end of the pic­ sorbed by a breast fed, baby is best plete of human foods. riety of meats, cereals and vegeta­ them. Scrubbing wears the fabric. determined by weighing him before Experiments have been reported of those young people sensible monds. W hat should thirc ture? bles. enough to follow. and after feeding for the whole which show that the boiling of hand bid if holding: spades— Although milk is the most per­ Jewels for Blondes But witE our modern laundry equipment day; and it is easily calculated for milk interferes somewhat with its Not the least of these rules reads fect of foods, it Is not absolutely A Q X ; hearts— X X X ; dia A wealthy brewer recently mar­ the bottle fed one. Then make up content of mineral salts, particu­ tnus:thus: “ Thou inou snaxishalt not,not try iiy to i.u ottm.start r\ -v v . A and methods we are able to clean cuffs perfect, since It lacks greatly some life where thy parents left off. Be- monds— Q X X“ , clubs - ■ A ■ K ried a blonde show girl. He is any deficiency with water. larly calcium and phosphorus, and Giving baby sufficient water oft­ of the mineral salts necessary to gin in low gear and shift gears un- said to have given her ten diamond spotlessly without rubbing. A thor­ that young animals fed on heated 1 Q J ? life and is not even complete In Its til you get in high. Pay as you go and emerald bracelets, three dia­ en relieves his feverish, crying, up­ milk alone are likely to develop 2— Partner bids one heart. ough tubbing in billows of water and set and restless spells. I f tt doesn’t, content of vitamins. and if you can’t pay don’t go.” mond rings, and a 52,000 pearl rickots* Second passes. W hat should give him a few drops of Fletcher’s More and more it Is becoming One young woman said to a necklace. And, after all, what dif­ puij’e, mild soap achieves this result. When children are fed on boiled to be realized that the only safety thirci hand bid if holding: ference does this superfluity of jew­ ! Castortai For these and other ills milk they must he given Increasing friend, "It isn’t fair! I’ve been mar­ ' of babies and children sUch as in diet is a well balanced diet with ried three years now and so far I spades— J XXX; hearts— elry mean to her, and why in the Here we can return your shirts and col­ quantities of cod liver oil in order colic, cholera, diarrhea, gks ph some of all of the important food haven’t had a single thing I’d been world should she be any happier to Improve the growth-promoting X X ; diamonds— A XXX; stomach and bowels, constipation, substances. led to expect a bride was entitled with ten bracelets than with two? lars crisp and clean— a joy to behold and properties, which are to some ex­ clubs— X X ? The tragedy of too much wealth is sour stomach, loss of sleep, under­ to.” tent destoyed by the heating of 3— ^What should you bidthat all too often there seems noth­ wear. weight, etc., leading physicians say “What did you expect?” asked initially when holding: spades ing In particular to do with it. there's nothing so effective. It is, the milk. the friend. Even the most particular man will find Milk is also depended upon by FRENCH TOAST —A Q X ; hearts—K J ■' 10; purely vegetable-rthe recipe'is on the child in many places for get­ Serve French toast for a nice "W ell, I never dreamed the man it’s so after a trial. W hy not that trial, the wrapper— and ihliUons of moth­ sugar clubs— ■ A K J X X X ; dia­ ting its supply of Iodine. Although change, with grated maple I married couldn’t give me a de­ ers have depended oh it in over ginger the supply of iodine necessary to to which a few dashes of cent house to begin with, and some monds— X ? Makes Girls today? thirty years of ever increasing use. have been added. kind of a car. I ’d be satisfied with It regulfites baby^i bowhls, makes the human body Is relatively small [The Answers In amount, it must he kept up to a just a little one. I can’ t get used him sleep, and eat right enables to street cars. And it never occur­ More Attractive PHONE 180 definite level or the child will de BIAS BINDING 1— Two hearts. him to get lull nourishmeht from Three different colors of bias red to me th ^ 1 couldn’t have help. velop symptoms related to the thy 2— One spade. Wouldn’t you, too, like a face pow­ his food, so he. increases in weight binding, stitched all around the We can’t take trips, w.e can’t en­ 3— One club. der that will keep shine away— as ha s^ohld. each package rold gland. Bides of theatrical gauze gives a tertain, we can’t do anything.” Investigators in a medical re­ stay bn longer'— spread smoothly you ^ t a book on MotbbrhoQd modern and colorful dash to win search institute in Aberdeen have The friend, an older woman, — not clog the pores— and always worth Us weight Ih gold. dow curtains. now carried out a series of experi­ patted the girl kindly. "I know, he so pure and fine? It is made by New Model Laundry Just a 'Word o f .caption., liofilt for dear. It’s all wrong. Not wrong NUTMEG FLAVOR ments to find out what happens to If the children are weary of a new French Process and is callted the’ signature-of Chad. H.' that you haven’t these things— I bn the package so ybii*ll be the iodine in milk when the food their spinach, try seasoning it with MELLO-GLO. It Is surely a won­ remember well that your mother getlthe-gehuihe. 'ITie fortyt eeht;!)^- Is boiled before serving. CLEAN ORNAMENTS nutmeg for a change. Cut up fine derful Face Powder. Just try hadn’t them, either— hut wrong tler contain thirty-flTe ^ It was found that heat would Silver ornaments should be wash­ and sprinkle butter, a little cream MELLO-GLO. J. W . Hale Co., So. ed in hot water and ammonia to that all you young girls have been Manchester.— Adv, cause 20 per cent or more of all brought up. to think of marrUige and nutmeg over % , , .the4o!.c^® milk to. p.Mj keej2 them bright ^nd ehln^Et,

i '^ 4 mi'-


son; Faith Hyfand, Elsie Carrier; C in ’S YOUNG PEOPLE SlippetT Jim, Frank Lucas; Harry I DAILY RADIO PROGRAM Moseley, Allred Jansen: Mrs. Wal­ lace, Elsie Hansen; Mr. Wallace, 440.9— WeX-WJR, DETROIT—880. Leading DX Stations. TO GIVE COMEDY HERE Frank Lneus; Detective, Albert Wednesday, April 18. 8hH>—WJZ champion sparkers. 479.6_WSB, —630. Christianson: Will Hyland, Frank The National High School onihea^. 8:80—Kelvlnators musical hour, 8:00—WEAF troubadours; quartet HaUlh; Grace Andrews, Ethel Wil­ 9:30—Studio musical program. made up of 270 of the Jlneat high 10:30—WEAF grand opera. kinson; Lena Moseley, A^hes Han­ school musicians in America direct^ 16:00—Sawyer's saxophone band. 11:45-Carrollton Tabernacle quartet Will Present ‘THie Second by Frederick Stock, conductor of the 10:30—Variety hour; orchestra, 526—KYW, CHICAGO—570. Puncture” at Cheney Hall sen; Delia, Pearl Richardson; Chicago Symphony 11:45—Theater organ reciUL 7:30—Orchestra, political talk. Norab, Elsie Hansen. sent a program which will be brMd- 635.4— WTIC, HARTFORD—660. 3;l)U_\VJZ Sparkers. foresters, This Friday Evening. . cast by WJZ and the Blue ^tw ork at 7;39_-Ask Me Another.” 9-00-WJZ H. S. orchestra concert Between the second and third g;00—WEAF American hour. 10:00—Jaroslav Cimera, arUsis. 9 o’clock Wednesday night. The mem­ 9;00—WEAF troubadours orchestra. acts, Mrs. Arthur Jobert will enter­ bers of this orchestra, who (mme from 11;30_Gaelic Twins, music program. A play entitled "The Second tain with vocal selections. After the 200 cities and represent practically ev- 9 :30 -WEAF orchestra, quarteL 389.4—WBBM, CHICAGO—770. ery state in the union, have been 10:30—WEAF grand opera. , ^ _ 9:00—Studio dance (3 hrs.; Puncture’’ will be pres nted under play there will be dancing until chosen through a senes of competi­ 422.3—WOR, NEWARK—710. 365.6—WEBH-WJJt), CHICAGO—820. the auspices of the Girl’s ’Friendly midnight, the music being furnish­ tions! Each of the members has prac­ 7:10—Levitow’s ensemble; talk. ■j-QO—viclorian orchestra; talk. 8:00—Reid’s relndeara 3;00—WEAK dance orchestra. Society and the Men’s Bible class ed by Bill Waddell’s orchestra. ticed/for weeks on 8:30—Columbia Negro vocal duo. and then under the ‘’ ''■f^tlon of Mn yOO—Mooseheart children’s hour. of St. Mary’s church at Cheney The committees In charge are; 9:00—Columbia Captivators orchestra 9:30—Tneater pieserilations. Stock has been given a jjr!!* 9:30—Columbia great composers Dour hall Friday, at eight o’clock. on ensemble work. Th^e Deim UP«‘ lon 12:00—Studio program, artists. General Chairman, Gertrude Lid- 10:00—Columbia hour with James Mel­ 416.4— WGN-V7LIB, CHICAGO—720. The play is a comedy In throe Glee Club, under tbe direction or iSd ton, tenor, London string quar­ don; music committee, Agatbia ward LaWall Seip. will '[! 8:00—Brunswick music hour, acts written by C. D. Gllpatric and tet. y;l)U_WEAb orchestra, quartet. Wright and Frank McCaughey. a half hour recital through WKAh 11:05—Hale ByePa orchestra. coached by J. Burleigh Morton of and the Red n e ‘ W k « t 7:30. Roraley 11:15—Quintet; boss race. WAY 11:30—'Ihe Witching hour. Fell, until recently the bass soloist of 344.6—WLS, CHICAGO—870. Hartford. It has been previously Sh Paul’s Cathedral. London, will be 333.1—WBZ. NEW ENGLAND—SOO. lO'OO—Swift male chorus. presented by this cast three times 7:15—The Golf nuts. 11:00—"Forgotten operas," organist. TOO MUCH SEX APPEAL the assisting artist. The 7:30—Radio Nature league. and has met with much success. don string quartet ‘ 12:uu—Jean. Jack; iiiiis; trio. 8;00—WJZ sparkers. foresters. 447.5— WMAQ-WQJ, CHICAGO—670. This success, however. Is due part­ ton, youthful tenor, s'"® Jnnr 9-00—Boston musical program. 7:00—Oiehestra, lecture. ly to the unusually fine cast which ture attractions In tbe 10:01—WJZ tango orchestra. through WOR and Ilia Purple 9:00—WOK Columbia hours. consists of members of the Luther London.— Films have "too much 10:30—Newcomb’s orchestra. 11:12—Orclieslra, aerial artists. at 10 o’clflck. Other features are a 491.5— WEAF, NEW YORK—610. sex appeal.” That’s the gist of a d r a Z tic narration of g“ 12:00—Orchestra, Happy Harry. League of St. Paul’s church of protest recently made by the vigil­ musical setting through W^BS at 9. 6:00—Synagogue services. 374.8—w o e , DAVENPORT—800. Hartford. They have had much ex­ 7:30—Delta Upsllon glee club. 7:UU—Eclipse enieriainers. ance committee at Birkenhead to the Denver ladles string Quartet 8:00—American Magazine hour. perience along this line. The lead­ through KOA at 10:15 and the 7 :4 5 -W’JZ political talk. the licensing ma^strates. "The sub­ ^^^ra^-’Marifana’’ through WEAK and 9;00—Troubadours orchestra, x;uu—WEAF progiams to 11:30, ing lady, Miss Florence Chambers, ject matter nof many recent films,” 9:30—Orchestra, Silverlown quartet 325.9— KOA, DENVER—920. i f the Red network at 10.30. 10:30—Grand opera, ‘‘ Marltana.” is well known to local people as says the committee, "is taken from 10:00—Tiieuter orchestia. she has appeared here before. Black face type Indicates best features 11:30—Kemp’s dance orchestra. 10:15—Denver ladies’ string quartet. the seamy side of life and where 454.3—WJZ, NEW YORK—660. 12:00—Gonzale’s orchestra. The cast is as follows: the pictures alone might fall, of­ All programs Eastern Standard Time 1:30—Pierre’s luncheon music. 535,4—WHO, DES MOINES—560, Betty Holmes, Florence Cham­ fensive suggestions are driven home 6:00—Frank WlnegaPs orchestra. 3;U6—Federation music clubs. y.i’i_ 7:00—Savey Plaza concert orchest^ y;U0_\VEAF programs to 12:00. . bers; Dick Lorlng, Clarence John­ by the captions.” XiB&diQS East Stations, 7:25—Talk; orchestra; political talk. 400—PWX, HAVANA—750. 272.6—WPG, ATLANTIC CITY—1100. 8:00—Sparkers orchestra. 8:00—Military orchestra. 7:05—Orchestra: sport talk. 8:30—Sylvanla Foresters quartet. y;yy—Cuban troubadours. 8:00—Studio program; orchestra. 9:00—National High School orchesya. 10:uu—Studio music hour. 8:55—Aviation talk; l9;90_Tango orchestra. Juan Pulldp. 384.4— KTHS, HOT SPRINGS—7E0. 9:30—Hawaiian troupe; Taffyeltes, 10:30—Baritone quartet pianist 10:30—Foley’s orchestra. Old Folks Say Doctor lO'SO_'rhree dance orchestra^ 11:00—Slumber music. 370.2— WDAF, KANSAS CITY—810, 285.5—WBAL, BALTIMORE-^050. 405.2—WLIT, PHILADELPHIA-740. 8:uu—Katz lamlly program. $;30_Studio dinner music, talk. 8:30—WEAF quartet soprano. y;U0_WEAF programs to 10:30. i ; ' 8:00—Studio trio, baritone. 9:00—Theater program. 10:30—Goldkette’s dance orchestra, Caldwell was Right 9-00-WJZ H. S. orchestra concert, 9:30—WEAF orchestra, quartet 12:45—Nighthawk frolic. BRIGHTEN lo'oo—WJZ tango orchestra. 10:00—Arcadia dance orchestra 416.4— KHJ, LOS ANGELES—720. 348.6— WOO, PHILADELPHIA—860. 11:00—Orchestra, vocal soloists. 10-.-50-WJZ baritone quartet 7:00—Birdhouse lesson; songs. 461.3—WNAC, b o s t o n —650. 12:00—Studio entertainments. The basis of treating sickness 7:00—Mohan’s Irish serenadera 3;00_Fireside mixed quartet. 1:00—Dance orchestras. YOUR HOME with 8 :00 -American Legion program. 315.6— KDKA. PITTSBURGH—950. 468.5— KFI, LOS ANGELES—640. has not changed since Dr. Caldwell 8:30—Columbia programs to 11:00. 6:15—T. J. VaStine’S band. 11:00—N. B. C. entertainments. left Medical College in 1875, nor t 11:15—Three dance orches^as. 7:00—Pittsburgh U. address. 12:00—i'acific Coast program. 302.8—WGR, BUFFALO—990. 7'15—King Comfort’s entertainment. 1:00—Dance orchestras. since he placed on the market the 6 :3 0 -Leo Hoth’s orchestra. 7;45_WJZ talk, sparkers, foresters. 322.5— WHAS, LOUISVlLLEv930. laxative prescription he had used MASURY PAINT 7:30-^lfaTm relief, motor talks. 9:00—WJZ H. S. orchestra concert 3;0U—WEAF programs to 11:30. in his practice, known to druggists 11:30—Van Surdam’s cchesUa. 10:00—Ramblers happiness program. 384,4.^KGO, OAKLAND—780. DON’T let your home wear shabby 545.1—WMAK, BUFFALC^^ 10:30—Edward M. Power’s program. 3;00_VVeslern artists programs. and the public since 1892, as Dr. 7-30—Masle Connor, graphologist 280.2—WHAM, ROCHESTER—1070. 1:00—Orchestra, violinist, blues. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. clothes. Give it a bright new spring 8:00—Dye Storehouse program. 6:15—stocks;*talks; dinner music. 336.9— KNX, OAKLAND—890. 7;46_WJZ'P0lltlcal talk. Then, the treatment of constipa­ 8:30—Columbia programs (8 hrs.) 11:00—Courtesy programs (2 bra.) tion, biliousness, headaches, men­ topcoat of paint. It will make your home ii 11:00—Arcadia dance music. 8:30—Musical vista A 1:00—Two dance orchestras. 428.3— WL’W, CINCINNATI—700. 9:00—Studio entertainment 254.1—WRVA, RICHMOND—1180. tal depression, indigestion, sour more attractive, more liveable, and keep }j;00—WJZ eparkers orchestra, 9:30—Eastman School recital. 7:00—Orchestra; bridge game. stomach and other Indispositions 8:30—Studio features. 10:30—WGY mixed quartet. 8:30—rStudlo musical programs. down repair bills. We will be glad to give 5);0(i—Instrumental trio, tenor. 379.5—WGY, SCHENECTADY—790. that result from constipation was 11:55—Time: weather; markets. 11:00—Richmond dance oi'cheslra. 9:45—Studio entertainment. 422.3— KPO, SAN FRANCISCO—/1C entirely by means of simple vege­ you an estimate of the cost. Consult us 10:01—Organist: Vagabond’s orchestra 6:45—Agricultural program. table laxatives, herbs and roots. 6:30—Edward Rice, violinist. 11:00—N. B. C. entertainments. 399.8— WTANI. CLEVELAND—750, 12:00-!-Worri3 plan hour. These are still the basis of Dr.. today. 7:30—Grasselll feature hour. 7:30—WEAF Delta Upsilon glee dub. 8:00—WEAF American hour, 1:00—Studio dunce orchestra. 8:00—Bridge game; trappers. 348.6—KJR. SEATTLE—860. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin, which is 9:00-WEAF troubadours, orchestra. 9:00—WEAF troubadours. a combination of senna and other 9:30—WEAF orchestra, male quartet 10:30—Studio entertainment. 10:30—WEAF grand opera. 1;00—Vic Meyer’s orehestra. mild laxative herbs, with pepsin. 11:30—Dance orchestra. ------10:30—Madrigal —— -=------mixed quartet. Secondary Eastern Stations. Secondary DX Statiens. The simpler the remedy for con­ stipation, the safer for the child 526—WNYC, NEW YORK—570. 288.3—WENR. CHICAGO—1040. JOHN I. OLSON 508.2—WEEi; BOSTON—590. and for you, and the better for the 7:30—"Oh Boy;” musical program. 8:15—Song king; music course. 7:00—Organ; artists: stocks. 9:45—Dinner to W. J. Delaney. y;00—Samovar orchestra; artists. general health of all. And as you Painting and Decorating Contractor. 9;00—WEAF programs to 10:30. 305.9— WHT, CHICAGO—980. A T AQ E 83 10:35—Accordionist; organ recital. 461.6—WCAE. PITTSBURGH—650. 699 Main Street, South Manchester y:40—Mathew Sisters. can get results in a mild and safe 245.8— WKRC, CINCINNATI—1220. 7:00—Studio musical program, way by using Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Telephone 1400 8:00-Book review; trio. 7:30—Uncle Glmbee; talk. 10:00—Ramblers entertainment 9;00—Studio musical program. 8:00—WEAF programs (3 hrs.) 10:30—Your hour league. Pepsin, why take chances with ly people will find it especially 12:00—Popular program. 11:30—Stanley organ recital. 516.9— WMC, MEMPHIS—580. strong drugs? Ideal. All drug stores have the gen­ 265.3— WHK, CLEVELAND—1130. 365.6—WeSH, PORTLAND—820. 9:00—WEAF troubadours. A bottle of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup erous bottles. 8:30—Vocalists; Instrumentalists. 7:00—State of Maine talk. 9;30—WEAF orchestra, quartet We would be glad to have you 10:30—Carol Burke, Jimmy Ague. 293.9—WSYR,» SYRACUSE—1020. 10:30-Studio concert Pepsin will last a family several 11:00—Wood’s Pirates orchestra. 6:32—Syracuse dinner music. 405.2—\^CO, MINN., ST. P A U L -740 months, and all can use it. It is prove at our expense how much Dr. 3S2.7—WWJ, DETROIT—850. 7:35—Carpenter’s quarteL 9;00—WEAF programs to 10:30. good for the baby because pleasant Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin can mean 7:10—Musical programs. 8:00—Instrumental quartet, soprano. 10:30—Radio home program. to the taste, gentle in action, and to you and yours. Just write 8:00—WEAF programs to 10:30. 9:00—Studio ptogram; orchestra- 11:36—Dance program: organist. 16:30—Studio organ recital. 10:00—Bridge game: orchestra. free from narcotics. In the proper "Syrup Pepsin,” Montlcello, Illi­ 11:30—Loew’s theater program. 336.9— WSM, NASHVILLE—890. ^ .1 —WABC. NEW YORK—970. 9:00—WJOAF troubadours orcliesira. dose, given in the directions, It is nois, and we will send you prepaid 9:00—Studio programs. 468.5—WRC, WASHINGTON—640. equally effective at all ages. Elder- a FREE SAMPLE BOTTLE.— Adv. ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD-IT PAYS 348.6—WQBS, NEW YORK—860. 7:00—KItt musical hour. 9:30—WEAF orchestra, quartet 9:00—Dramatic narration “ Wlnga.*’ 7;46_WJZ political talk . 10:30—Minstrel men’s frolic. 11:00—41 boya orchestra. 8:00—WEAF programs to 11:30. 11:15—Soprano: studio program. 1^1 The McGovern Granite Co. Post being elected to serve in the suspenders the firemen wore at place of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Tulsa, Okla. Fires out in Tulsa MEMORIALS Fish, who has recently moved from won’t be nearly as good entainment WTIC the town. An oversight, on ac­ as they used to "be.' €. W. HARTENSTKI.N count of which congressional dele­ Tel. 1021 Travelers Insurance Co. gates were not named, will make 140’ Summitt St. it necessary to hold a second can- Hartford cause to supply the dificiency. MAKES FAT PEOPLE SUM ^r(r. The Ladies Aid Society of the 535.4 nt. 560 k. c. Congregational church will hold a GEO. A. JOHNSON cafeteria supper at the Church New York Physician Perfects parlors at Hebron Center next Simple and Easy Method of Civil Engineer and Surveyor Program for Wednesday Thursday evening. Supper will be Reducing Weight. served from 6 to 8 p. m. After Residence 577 East Center Street i6:25 p. m. Correct Time, Summary the supper a minstrel show will be of Program and News Bulletins. given by the society at the town Dr. R. Newman, a licensed prac­ Telephone 201). 6:30 Sea Gull Dinner Group. hall. ticing physician, of 2 86 Fifth Ave­ /STEE* 6:55 Baseball scores. Earl, the four-year-old son of nue, New York, announces that he him." 7:00 Station WCAC will broadcast Mn and Mrs. Charles Segar, was has perfected a treatment which on this same frequency until taken down with pneumonia about has quickly rid fat people of ex­ 7:30 p. m. a week ago. At the last reports cess weight. What is more remark­ 7:30 Jack Says, "Ask Me Another’’ the child was slightly improved. able is the Doctor’s statement that 8:00 .American Magazine and Mr. and Mrs. Alpheus Nye of he has successfully treated thou­ Woman’s Home Companion Hour Fitchvllle were Sunday guests at sands of patients for fat reduction from N.B.C.Studios. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sher­ without unnecessary change of 9:00 Ipana Troubadours from N. wood Miner. diet or burdensome exercise. He al­ B. C. Studios. The offering in the mite boxes at so says that fat people who suffer ,9:30 Goodrich Silvertown Quar­ St. Peter’s church school for Easter from chronic rheumatism, gout, tette and Orchestra from N.B.C. amounted to over $11. This Is, more asthma and high blood pressure ob­ Studios. than this offering has been for tain great relief from the reduction of their superfluous flesh. Realiz­ 10:30, National Grand Opera Hour some years with the exception of last year when the offering was a ing that this sounds almost too — ‘‘Maritana’’ of William Wal­ good to be true, the Doctor has of­ lace. little more than $13. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Church of fered to send without charge to 11:30 Correct Time, News and anyone who will write him, a free Weather. Norwich and Mr. and Mrs., Wilbur Payne of East Hartford were Sun­ trial treatment to prove his claims, day guests at the home of Mr. and as well as his “ Pay-when-reduced” Mrs. E. G. Lord. plan. If you want to rid yourself "Lookit—that of superfluous fat, write him to­ HEBRON / day, addressing Dr. R. Newman, 286 Fifth Avenue, New York City, TEST ANSWERS Dept. R.— Adv. YOUR OWN car we just passed is a mile The Four-H Club met on Satur­ day afternoon at the Christian ROSES ALL Endeavor rooms with Mrs. Della Here Is one solution to the Porter and Mrs. Mark Hills, to cut eut the aprons which are to be LETTER GOLF puzzle on the comic No More Gas SUMMER & behind us already” made and kept for Inspection on page. / Achievement Night. U T on the great proving grounds of the nation’s Easy, too, to lubricate the chassis. Just push a - F. N. Jones left on Sunday for a In Stomach FALL few days' business trip in New York O highways—where driver vies with driver and plunger and Chandler’s “One Shqt” System auto­ City. p L A N T Plant "WILSON” Roses car meets car in all kinds of friendly contests—to- matically lubricates the car from end to end. No Mrs. Etta Rathbone, Albert and Bowels this spring and enjoy years cUiy’s high'powered Chandler is the victor o f victors! fuss. No time out. Money saved. Rathbone, Norman and Miss Mil­ p L A N S If you wish to be permanently re­ of Rose satisfaction and It is absolutely spectacular the way today’s And just look around and compare other cars dred Ratnbone were the guests in lieved of gas in stomach and bowels, Stafford on Friday of Mr. and Mrs. take Baalmann's Gas Tablets, which Rose Happiness. C h a n d ler eutsprints its contenders in traffic—and with Chandler for beauty. See how sumptuously c L A N s are prepared especially for stomach gaa “ WILSON” Roses will W. R. Park. and all the bad effects resulting from outclimbs them on steep hills — and outruns them Chanffier endows its new Sixes and Roy^ Eights Mrs. Lulu Lord and son Morgan gas pressure. give you a feast of glorious in straight going. \ with all the trappings and trimmings of el^(ance. of Manchester were the guests of c L A S s That empty, gnawing feeling at the pit of the stomach wilt disappear; that blooms this Summer and And the reason is anything hut a secret: Chand­ No skimping, no cutting comers anywhere. friends in town on Saturday. anxious, nervous feeling with neart pal- Fall. . Leon Rathbone was among those c Q. A S s pitation will vaniah, and you will again ler has further increased the power of its Pikes Peak Chandler is Chandler-built—through and through be able to take a deep breath without Every “WILSON” Rose to attend the farewell banquet giv­ discomfort. engine principle— in its new Sixes as well as its —in Chandler’s great $10,000,000 plant. en 'Saturday evening at the Hotel c P O S s That, drowsy, sleepy feeling after has bloomed in the Nursery new Royal Ei^ts* step by step with zealous care in strictest con­ Garde, New Haven by the Eastern dinner will be replaced by a desire for and this class of stock must formity to the hard ahd fast rules o f quality and entertainment Bloating will cease. You’ll fiiod, too, that any new Chandler you drive Dairy Association. Your limbs, arms and nngers will no not be confused with Cheap accu ra cy. Mrs. Bessie Cummings is the c Q. O P longer feel cold and ” go to sleep” be­ is much the easiest car to control you ever knew. cause Baalmann’s Gas Tablata prevent Advertised Stock. guest in Gilead of Mr. and Mrs. gas from interfering Vith the circula­ And the reason ^ this is Westinghouse Vacuum Don’t buy a new car without seeing and driving Winthrop Porter. tion. Get the genuine. In the yellow pack­ All ‘WILSON” Roses are Brakes—three thnes safer than any kind of me* today’s Chandler. Thirty magnificent models— Sidney Hewitt motored from age, at any good drug store. Price |l. Mussolini has decided handshak­ grown by Master Rose Grow­ brakes that depend entirely $995 to $2195, fc o. b. factory—and the finest cars Hartford on Saturday bringing with dhanical or hydraulic ing is undeciaable. He can; he Always on hand at ers. They “will give you upon muMnuhur pressure. $995 to $2195 can command. him his aunt, Mrs. Grace Chamber- complete satisfaction. Uln, who has epont the winter In doesn’t have to run for re-election. An official edict bans tbe red E. J. Murphy’s Hartford with the Hewitt family. \ Jlirs. Chamberlain has opened her country home for the summer. s h a l l w b m a il o u r Mrs. Sherwood Miner has return­ I BEAUTIFUL CATALOG— GEORGE A. BROWN ed from a visit in East Haddam JUST OUT? yrlth her sister. Miss Hannah 10 Cooper Street, South Manchester Fuller. If You Want a Beautiful Lawn Mr. and Mrs. William Griffin AND A THRIVING HOME GARDEN— USE CHANDtBR-CLEVELAND MOTORS CORPORATION CLEVBLANO, OHIO have returned from a visit of sev­ n eral days with their son-in-law and C E Wilson and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond HOLLAND PEAT MOSS Canfield. MIXED WITH POULTRY MANURE Company, At the democratic caucus held at For Sale at tbe Inc. the tpwn hall Saturday evening MAN(3HESTER A Charles Sloan, Ames W. Sisson, C. B..Jones and C. H. Jones were Oakhurst Poultry Farm Offle'es and Packing Callars . ALLEN PLACE Phone 1100 ch)>aen delegates to the state con* PRICE $1.00 PER BAG NEW ROYALHAN EIGHTS NEW BIG SIXES NEW INVINGIBLE SIXES yentlon. The town committee serv­ Phone 74-5 Rockville, Conn. Nurseries) ing for the past year was re-elected, ! 302 WOODBRIDGE ST. yyith one exception^ Mrs. Alfred H. ■ k *■

r~t vrar* PAGE

Major League Manager Clune Denies Standings i

YESTERDAY’S RESULTS Professionalism Story American League Tex Rickard’s threat to send^ ers, hit and get away fellows They want to see a socket and they <$> Cleveland 6, Detroit 4. Gene Tunney and Tom Heeney to ' Chicago 4, St. Louis 2. London for . their heavyweight would go to see Dempsey. He New York-Boston (cold) thing is a queer angle to a very might have dra'wn enough money, Says Meeting Was Simply to Washington-Philadelphia (rain). queer heavyweight situation. there to make a championship fight National League It was a threat or a dodge, as possible. .. Chicago 3, St. Louis 2 (10 in.) the boys in the racket call it, but Would Shift Blame Pass Vote of Thanks to Pittsburgh-Cincinnati (’•ain). they can’t figure the angle for a Tunney no doubt will dispute Philadelphia-New York (cold). threat. The New York boxing com­ this statement, but he hasn’ t been Those Who Had Helped Boston-Brooklyn (cold) mission already is committed to ap- i in England since the decline of proval of Heeney or six bums and Carpentier— if he ever has, been the New York public always is com- i W1U4AM* THE STANDINGS there— and he doesn’t know. He Team and to Talk of Next mitted to a sucker role. So wh; the perhaps doesn’t know what the American League threat? : London boxing experts who saw Burt Shotten says that his Phils Rickard, in a sane moment, and Year's Prospects, will finish ahead of the Brooklyn W. L. PC. him in Chicago think of him. If he usualiy is sane in all his mo­ they went hack home and wrote of Robins, anyway. Your Uncle Wil­ New York ...... 3 0 1.000 1 ments, never would think of trying bert wants to know where he gets Cleveland ...... 5 1 .833 j him as they talked of him in this to stage a heavyweight champion­ country, his market value would Ben Clune, manager of the town that “ we” stuff. Washington ...... 4 1 .800 ship in England when he was obli­ St. Louis ...... 4 • 2 .667 he only that of a freak. champion Rec Five, said this morn­ gated to the extent of a million dol- : In the palmy days of the young ing that there wasn’t any truth to * The Giants aren’t giving * Chicago ...... 2 3 .400 lars. The Bank of England is there, ! * away any of those handsome * Boston ...... 1 4 industry, when Rickard, Kearns, the story published yesterday stat­ .200 ! of course, but it is very well guard­ * souvenir passes this year. It Detroit . . . '; ...... 1 6 .143 Dempsey & Company had to bluff ing that the members of the team ed. ; * might be mentioned that the * Philadelphia ...... 0 3 .000 public officials to get a place for aiscussed playing professional bas­ Eddie Kane and Tom Gibbons their fights, they always had some ketball next season at a so-called * Giants, having given away * National League know the capacity of the British * Mr. Hornsby and traded Mr. • W. L. PC. other country bidding for the fight. secret meeting night before last. pubiic and their willingness to But now the biggest spots in the His stand was backed up by some * Grimes in return for nothing, * New Y o r k ...... 3 1 .750 * are very bearish on gen- * spend large dough. Kane and Gib- . country send delegations to the of the .players although at least champions. In the picture are, left to right, front Chicago ...... 4 3 .570 bons put on a benefit in London * erosity these days. * Ciaiiuing the basketball championship of the United Louis ...... 3 3 .500 Rickard headquarters demanding ;wo members admitted the matter row, "Shorty” Hudgins, forward; Bessie Cannon, several years ago against Jack his big classics. was discussed but no agreement States, these comely Palatka Panthers of Palatka, guard; Edith Quigley, jumping center; Frances (Cincinnati ...... 8 .1 .500 THE RUMOR THAT JACK Bloomfield and the poor promoter Perhaps Rickard wants the New was reached. Manager Clune says Fla., say they are willing to meet any rivals in the Williams, side center; Marie Hudgins, guard. Back Brooklyn ...... 2 2 .500 SLATTERY WAS GOING TO went into an asylum, mentally gone York commission to order him to the meeting was not a secret affair country to prove it. In the last three seasons they row, Marie Cannon, substitute; Bernice McRae, sub­ Philadelphia ...... 2 2 .500 after thi, fight. LOSE HIS JOB AS MANAGER Pittsburgh ...... 2 3 .400 put the show in New York or get and that the principal object was to have won 96 straight games, their last being a 49 to stitute; Margaret Jetter, forward, and Inez Cane, OF THE BOSTONESE HAS BEEN substitute. Boston ...... 1 3 .250 out of the state. That would he a pass votes of thanks to those who PRETTY GENERALLY DENIED. 11 victory over the Columbus Girls’ club, Georgia good out for him as he needs some­ had helped the team during the sea­ PROBABLY JUDGE FUCHS HAS English Not Educated one badly to take the blame for son and to discuss plans for keep­ SINCE LEARNED THAT HOU- According to the current rate of that show. ing together next season. GAMES TODAY DINI’S DEAD. exchange an English pound is Inasmuch as Manager Clune con­ Will Babe And Gehrig Murphy’s Girls Lose about the same as five bucks in tradicts the story verbatim and be­ Cobb and Speaker were present­ Eastern League good American but in London a GIANTS WON MOST IN ROW cause of the controversy which has ed with radio sets before one of the Bridgeport at Hartford. “ quid” is much more treasured arisenTthe Herald sports editor to­ Break Record New Haven at Albany. than a “ finif” is around Sucker games in New York the other day. 1927 By Narrow Margin The New York Giants, by win-^ day called a member of the Recrea­ They won’t have to go to the neigh­ Springfield at Providence. Row in New York. Anyone who has ning 20 games in succession in tion Center Committee requesting bors to hear the world series games Pittsfield at Waterbury. been in England knows how many 1916, have the distinction of th« Sixty-one or bust, says George least bit near their 19 27 marks this " American League that any aclion they might take in the fall. native subjects could be counted longest winning streak ever madt Herman Ruth as he reminisces season, but a great many of their The Casino Girls of Hartford won Detroit at St. Louis. toward reimbursing the Rec play­ favorite pitchers wili he faced upon to pay ten pounds to see a by a major league team. I over his home run record establish­ two O u t of three games from Mur­ ers at tlieir regular meeting this The name of the Italian fly­ again this season and you can’t tell Chicago at Cleveland. colonial fight Tunney. afternoon, might not be influenced weight champion is Giovanni ed last summer after a spirited bat­ phy’s Girls in a state league bowl­ Washington at Philadelphia. The regard in which Tunney is tle for honors with his twin-thrill­ what the Babe or, what Lou will do. ing match last night at Murphy’s by the disputed article. Sili. With a name like that he Here are their 1927 home run rec- New York at Boston. held as a fighter is much lower in er, Lou Gehrig. alleys. However, in doing so, they National League England than it is in this country ought to be able to get into Perhaps they won't come the 1ords; ,fOXV some of those heavyweight were very hard pressed. Boston at Brooklyn. and there are doubts, that Tunney ' It isn’t always an aidvance- elimination bouts next year. Manchester won the first game Philadelphia at New York. can draw here like Rickard wants Ruth Gehrig by six pins and then lost the next Cincinnati at Chicago. a champion to draw. Heeney also ment w hen your firm fampus tVo by eight and two respectively. Others not scheduled. is more or less of a stranger in Tunney has signed a contract APRIL All three games were exciting and puts you on the road. J Ion sportsI with Rickard giving Tex his “ ex- APRIL London and the mere waving of a Mon on Pitcher Men an marked by thrilling finishes. In the New Zealand standard will not open ctusive” services during 1929. It hate and Club Place Base final game, Jennie Lucas made a should have read “ exclusive and Date, Pitcher and Club nace Base the pocketbook of London for $2,- L7— Russell, Boston, N. Y. 2 spare with nine on it in the ninth NO NOVICE AS MANAGER lomfltont 15— Ehmke, Pliila. N. Y. 0 000, 000. " E l elegant.” 23— Walberg, Phila., Phila. 0 L7— MacFayden, Bos., N. Y. 1 box, Manchester losing by two tim­ The Wembley stadium, where ^ ^ B O B MATHERNfi 21— Rommel, Phila., Phila- 2 bers. Gee and Lucas were high Although this is Bill McKech- Jack Sharkey vs. Jack Delaney 24— Thurston, Wash. Wash. 0 the fight might be held outside 29— Harriss, Boston, Bost. 0 23— Walberg, Phila., Phila 0 scorers. The summary: nie’s first year as manager of the — April 30. Will May never St. Louis Cards, he is no first-year London, is twice as big as the Chi­ >IAY MAY . Hartford Not very long ago Dartmouth come? manager. He managed the Pitts­ cago stadium and that means the decided to abandon spring foott\all 1— Quinn, Phila., X. Y. 1 I— Quinn, Phila., X'. Y. 1 Moraney ...... 100 103 86 customers could be seated twice as 1— Walberg, Phila. X. Y. 0 Griffen ...... 101 89 94 burgh Pirates for five years from practice. Immediately there pop­ “ A guarantee of $50,000,000 4— Thurston, Wash, Wash. 1 1921-25. far away from the ring as they ped up the usual cry-—“ Why Spring 10— Gaston, St. Louis, St. L. 2 7— Lyons, Chicago, Chgo. 3 Howard ...... 98 81 89 were in Chicago. But those careful would not draw me into the ring 11— Nevers, St. L., St. L. 1 Football?” a'gain,” says old Jacques. Slice 16— Holloway, Det., Det. 0 Pearson ...... 81 96 85 GOLDMAN SHOWS PROMISE British customers won’t sit that far Perhaps it was because of 17— Collins, Det. Det. 0 19— Buckeye, Cleve., Cleve. 1 Foote ...... ‘ 99 77 91 back. They havei^'t been educated ours a litlle thicker, John. 22— Kerr, Cleveland, Cleve. 1 5 'Cl/ Dartmouth’s actions, one of her 2:;— Thurston, Wash. Wash 0 Jonah Goldman, former Syracuse into the sucker class yet by the 23— Thurston, Wash. Wash. 479 446 445 traditional rivals, that Harvard Yale beat Michigan for the s-wim- 2 7— Braxton, Wash. X- Y. 0 University baseball star, has shown British promoters. 28— Thurston, Wash. X.Y. 2 Manchester officials saw fit to declare five rea­ ming supremacy by an inch. Just 31— Quinn, Plrla. Phila. 0 such talent with the Cleveland In­ Then there is the subject of taxes. sons for spring football practice in 29— MacFayden, Bos. N^. Y. 0 Sherman ...... 90 By the time dear Gene took his how they measured that inch is 30— Walberg, Phila., Phila. « JUNE dians this spring that he is likely a recent issue of the Harvard Ath­ O’Goofty’s question. 3— Holloway, Det., N. Y. 0 G e e ...... 119 to be carried the whole season. purse, paid his expenses, whacked letic News. Those reasons are: 31— Quinn, Phila., Phila. 1 Jackmore ...... 97 31— Ehmke, Phila. Phila. 1 7— Thomas, Chicago, N. if. 0 up the gross between His Majesty’s 1. It affords another option A FEW OF THE BRITISH 16— Zachary, St. L., N. Y. 0 Taggart ...... 9f PHILLIES GET NEW CATCHER revenue department and the income for enjoyable exercise in the JUNE Lucas ...... 9 6 SPORTS WRITERS ACTUALLY 5— Whitehill, Det. N. Y. 0 18— Vangilder, St. L., N- Y. . 2 tax fellows in Washington he would sprin,g. , DOUBT THAT HEENEY WILL' BE 18—Vangilder, St. L., X. Y. 1 The Philadelphia National have very little but the glory left 2. .It axTords opportunities for 7— Thomas, Chgo., X.-Y. 0 483 438 443 'im cAN'ro-i)^ ABLE TO BEAT TUNNEY. THERE 21— Welzer, Boston, Bost. 2 and he might not have much of o — — o experiments which the intensity 11— Buckeye, Cleve. X. Y. 1 League club acquired Walter OUGHT TO BE SOME WAY TO 11— Buckeye, Cleve. N. Y. , 02 3— Lundgren, ^os,, Bost. 1 Lerian, a catcher, from the Eastern that. VoO C-MCi'r uieAB. of the fall season does not permit. PUNISH SUCH DISLOYALTY. 23— MacFayden; Bost. Bost.' 0 The British customers have been 3. It enables men to get more 12— Uhle, Cleveland, N. Y. 0 League Just prior to the opening A s w a 16— Zachary. St. L. X. Y. 1 23— MacFayden, Bost. Bost. 0 JINX TO EDDIE MORGAN of the season as a reserve back- looking all their lives at fighters of ^ © f^A individual training in specialties * A British sports writer is * W^hen Eddie Morgan played foot­ tHAAii^s to t e a 22— Wiltse, Boston, Bos. 0 26‘—Pate. Phila.. N. Y. 0 stopper. •tKi type of Tunney. Stand up box­ goUMCIt. B-UFFS, lOUJA such as kicking and passing. * a man who starts out to write * 22— Wiltse, Boston, Bos. 1 28— Johnson, Phila. X- Y 1 ball in Chicago several seasons ago 4. It enables the “ unheralded * about boxers and, in the sec- * as a member of the Tulane Green- players to get closer contacts with 30— Harriss, Boston. N. Y. 1 29— Wiltse, Boston, X. Y. 0 * ond paragraph, takes up the * JULY 30— Harriss, Boston. X. Y. ■ 1 ies, he was hurt. A few days ago, the coaches than is possible in the * noble subject of “gowf.” * 3— Lisenbee, Wash. W’ash. 0 as an outfielder for the Cleveland fali. JULY Indians, he went to Chicago to 8— Whitehill, Det., Det. 2 1— MacFayden, Bos., N. Y. 2 5. It gives these same players That isn’t so illogical as it make his major ieague debut— and 9— Holloway, Det., Det. 2 4— Johnson, Wash., X. Y. 1 a fairer chance to show their abil­ sounds. British fighters are was hurt again. 9— Holloway. Det., * Det. 1 4— Burke, Wash., N, Y. 3 ity than can be given in the fall. very often better golfers, than 12— Shaute, Cleve., Cleve. 0 To which we add— it makes for I I — Stoner, Detroit, Det. 0 THOMASON IN TROUBLE they are fighters. In fact, they 24— Thomas, Ch.go., Chgo. 0 Unless “ Stumpy” Thomason. better football games! couldn’t be much worse. 17— Gaston, St- Louis, St. L. 0 26— Gaston, St. L., X. Y. 1 18— Nevers. St. L., St. L. 2 Georgia Tech’s brilliant halfback of 26— Gaston, St. L., X. Y. 0 last year, makes up certain scho­ Coach W. H. Thom at Indiana One of the New York boxing 28— Stewart, St. L., X. Y. 1 26— Jones, St. Louis, X. Y. 1 favors elimination of decisions 27— Ballou, St. Louis, X. Y. 1 lastic deficiencies, he will not per­ managers, Walter Friedpan,, has AUGUST form for the Golden Tornadb next in Big Ten wrestling meet^. He gone to Europe to “ scour the 30— Brown. Cleve., N. Y. 1 5— Smith, Det. X. Y. fall. would have only falls counting for country for a new heavyweight 10— Zachary, Wash., Wash. 30— Brown, Cleve., X. Y- 0 points. His reason is that with champion.” We just hope he took 16— Thomas, Chgo., Chgo. AUGUST only falls counting for points along plenty of soap. 17— Connally, Chgo. Chgo. 3— Stoner. Detroit, N. f. 0 wrestling matches would be free 20— Miller, Cleve., Cleve. 3— Gibun, Detroit, N. Y., 0 of the stalling that now accom­ A young Filipino boxer coming 22— Shaute, Cleve., Cleve. 9— Walberg, Phila., Phila. 0 panies them. His idea seems to to the front is called Silvio SUvino 27— Nevers, St. L., St. L. 19— Blankenship, Chic. Chic 0 have found sympathy among Big Jamito. That last name is p ^ - 2 8— Wingard, St. L., St. L. 25— Whitehill, Detroit, Det. 0 Ten wrestling coaches. nounced HAM - EET - O. ^ 31— Welzer, Boston, X. Y. 29— Crowder, St. L., St. L. 2 - wouldn’t have to eat very hard to SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER Track and baseball practice chew up all the hams exhibited re­ 2— ^Walberg, Phila., Phila. conflict and therefore prevent 2— Walberg, Phila., Phila- 0 cently. 6— Welzer, Boston, Bos. 2— Walberg, Phila., Phila. 1 many students from making var­ 6— Welzer, Boston Bos. sity letters in the two sports the 5— Ruffing, Boston, Bost. 1 A Delaney-Sharkey match seems 6— Russell, Boston Bos. 6— Welzer, Boston, Bost.0 same season. Tom Mills of Texas certain. Every possible way to 7— MacFayden. Bos., Bos. A. & M. seems exceptional. He is 1— Harriss, Boston, Bos. 27— Quinn, Phila., N. Y. 0 stave it off failed, and it really is 30— Burke, Wash., N. Y. 2 one of the best broad and high going to happen. 11— Gaston, St. Lous, N. Y. jumpers of his section and in ad­ 13— Hudlin, Cleve. N. Y. dition holds down a pitcher s job 13— Shaute, Cleve., N. Y. during the baseball season. He 16— Blankenship, Ch., N. Y. NEW COACH AT COLGATE also plays football. 18— Lyons, Chgo., N. Y. 21— Gibson, Detroit, N. Y. Lloyd Jordan, former Pittsburgh Three athletic stars at Cali­ Rec Girls Lose 22— Holloway, Det. X. Y. grid and basketball star, has ac­ fornia go in heavy for dra­ 27— Grove, Phila. N. Y. cepted a position as assistant foot­ matics. “ Brick” Marcus gained 29— Lisenbee, lA^ash., N. Y. ball coach and basketball coach at his fame in football, Bobby Seiler 39— Hopkins, Wash. N. Y. Colgate. Your Suit is one of the most prominent at New Britain 30— Zachary, Wash., N. Y. junior tennis players in this coun­ try, and Hubert Caldwell rows in the varsity shell, hut when After a three weeks’ layoff, the Pressed W H Y T A K E A campus productions get under Rec Girls basketball team journej^ way they always are good bets to ed to New Britain last night and be given parts in the play. was defeated by the P. & F. team, winners of the Hardware City 50c INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Industrial League. (Three pieces) C H A N C E ON t i r e s : The score was 19 to 13. At half­ ^ 1 , time, Manchester was leading by New York, April 18— fh e 168- Budweiser Here is excellent service game baseball season of the Inter­ one point, 9 to 8 but in the second There are scores of different ‘brands of tires on the market — half, the home team roved a hit Real Quality national League starts today with at a low cost which you nearly all of the eight clubs con­ superior. The Manchester team M a.lt syrup they all look pretty much alike-^-e very one claims he has the best did remarkably well considering ceded a chance to win the pennant. can afford to use regular­ —there are all kinds of “special offers” floating around—it is no The weaker clubs, notably Read­ the handicap of a long layoff ing, have been strengthened and a The summary: • wonder car owners are confused. Here is one sure way to play most successful season is antici­ NEW BRITAIN' (19) F or a finer ly. B. F. T. safe. Buy a genuine Goodyear Tire from us—they cost no pated. 10 fiLavor and added The Newark club, managed by Motyka, r f ...... 4 2 Your appearance Broffman, If ...... 0 0 0 nutriment * * use more—frequently less. Walter Johnson, is favored to finish 3 in first place although it is crippled Pritkerwitz, c ...... 1 1 Budweiser Malt demands .this JolmsoUf c 2 0 4 Syrup in baking by injuries at present. 0 Our service is always in your interest—Prompt—Expert Cour Olszowlcz, r g ...... 0 0 breadf c a k e s, attention. Peklll Ig ...... 1 0 2 , ONE MAY DO nUAGAIN •-- cookies, etc. teous. 19 Six times in the past seven years, 8 8 American entries have ^ won the REC GIRLS (18). British open golf championship. Daley, I t ...... 0 0 0 ALSO CLEANING Jackson, I f ...... 2 0 4 All Types All Sizes All Prices Walter Hagen and Bobby Jones ■REPAIRING AND won the title twice In that time. Trussell, r t ...... 2 0 4 Jock Hutchison started it in 1921, McHale, c ...... 1 0 2 DYEING AT LOW Hagen in 1922 and W 24, Jim Giblin, r g ...... 1 1 3 ALL GOODYEARS Barnes in 1925 and Jones in 1926 M. Robb, I g ...... 0 0 0 PRICES, EXPERT and 1927. A. G. Havers, a Britlsh- sr, won it in 1928. .6 1 13 A U . product WORKMANSHIP. Referee: Dillon. C^O O Flat Tire Out of Gas Battery Trouble VITT MANAGES HOLLYWOOD Upholding a. good nam e Oscar Vltt, former star Infielder Phone 1551 THINTiS HE W ILL WIN ANHEUSER-^BUSCH, St.Louis/ with the Detroit Tigers, is now C A L L 1 4 1 9 manager of the Hollywood club in “ If I didn’t think I had a good Sold by grocers and Dealers Everywlfere the Paciflo Coast League. chance to win I wouldn’t be here,” Jim Barnes told British golf writers MODERN TWO VETERANS ARE GONE when he arrived in England to STANDARD PAPER CO. Campbell’s Filling Station Urban Shocker and Bob Shaw- start practice for the British open. Hartford, Conn. | Dyers and Cleaners distributors -m m * r ^ e ' Jw m______cey, two veteran pitchers who Barnes, one of the six American en­ 11 School St. jroved of much aid to the tries who have won the last sevpn BM-8 J rankees last year, are not with tournament's, copped the nrlza in he club this seaeom 1925. /

LEADING L E A G !^ ’ NatkHul IL e ig m ^ G£JVE VS. TOM IN JULY—AND WHAT OF IT? I New York, April 18— CleTetaad Grantnam, Pitts...... Turnkey Retired Dempsey banded tke Tigers theli^ elf de­ Cohep, New York . . feat yesterday 8 to 4. tkyener. Hendrick; Brooklyn ..... Sethem, Philadelphia . . . • • • h Petrol^ Midget, got a kome i-on. t. ■ Paiil fildsterilng, tormerly ol Seattle, ll'riiich, St. Lonis ...... was substituted for TotbergiU In Leader a year ago today, Sand,.^ And Picked Tom Heeney AAOAieV the Detroit outfield and dettvered' Philadelphia; BoTM three hits. American L eagu (- Mensel, New York ...... 588;; T?t{9ocOAl OUT' The White Sox won another vic­ Harrett, Chicago ...... -556 BeF&RBifle tory, 4 to 2, at the expense of the Said If Jack Did Not Fight In St. Louis Browns, who dropped to Reynolds, Chicago ...... 600 National League ROOAd / fourth place. J. Sewell, Cleveland ...... 462 K. Williams, B oston ___ . . . .460 R e s u l t s The Chicago Cubs Jumped to Jane He Would Not Meet second place in the national by Leader a year ago today, Fotoetr^ uoaing out the Cardinals i t ■ thg gill, Detroit, .600, tenth, 3 to 2. Percy JonM, south­ l?he Big Five Him— Then He Named At St. liOulsi— Gehrig ...... 886 CVBS 3, CARDS 2 paw, outpitehed Alexander the Chicago Great and scored the winning ran Cobb ...... 333 Heeney. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. on Cuyler’s sing^. Ruth ...... ,273 English, ss ...... 4 0 1 Rain and cola weather held all Hornsby -267 Maguire, 2b ...... 5 0 1 Cuyler, cf ...... 5 0 1 0 0 other teams idle. [Speaker...... 071 W ebb, rf ...... 5 1 1 0 1 By DAVIS J. WALSH Stephenson, If ...... 4 0 0 0 0 New York, April 18.— In the K elly, lb ...... 4 1 2 wake of George L. Rickard’s return Gonzales, c ...... 4 0 1 Butler, 3b ...... 4 0 1 A/Q& t o to the lana of the sky blue cheek Jones, p ...... 4 1 2 bone came a potpourri of affirma­ 5-TfeoSG.LH ASA/AterMl> tions today that seemed to prove 39 3 10 30 14 1 RLErf-rV OF RDOMo that full details of the bout in July St. Louis for the world’s heavyweight cham­ AB. R. H. PO; A. E. pionship— including the selection of Douthit, cf ...... 4 0 2 6 0 0 Thoma-s Heeney, the honest bolon­ H olm , 3b ...... 4 0 0 1 1 0 DIZZY DUG4N Frisch, 2b ...... 4 0 1 0 2 0 U feR B W IU . M C S C ey, as challenger— are being very Bottomley, lb ...... 4 0 0 11 0 0 r ------V BB SOMB a16(j0 capably handled by James Joseph H afey, rf ...... 4 0 0 0 0 CJUMBCe'5 B e x ' s o A Tunney. Roettger, If ...... 4 0 0 0 0 X ijo i'r x a \ s The first of these, as should be, Thevenow, ss ...... 3 1 1 provided to be the most important. O’Farrell, c ...... 4 1 1 A lexander, p ...... 2 0 0 MBBAieV T Mb a r Mb 's It was to the effect that Tunney had Blades, x ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 REALLM more to do with Jack Dempsey’s Martin, xx ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 T V o M 'X i \ B “ retirement” than any other indiv­ f^ O M , * F oL k fS / <5Bt^ 34 2 r 30 9 0 AA K TPoD eS idual identified with the matter, AAiv/MooO ^ A MoStACMB C hicago ...... 010 010 000 1— 3 *T74Ba1 X r b a d not exclusive of Dempsey himself. St. Louis ...... 002 000 000 0— 2 c o p U)l*tA Tunney was said to have effected Two base hit, O’Farrell, Kelly, a e '5 f r o m this pass by insisting that Demp­ Frisch: home run, Webb; sacrifices, BVJBP'^ , Aie c o z b a z -AMd] MB TJOPB t o B e 1 MaX Alexander, English; double play, ’ T T C k B f/ . sey fight him in June or not at all. English, Maguire to Kelly;' left on The alternative, being more in bases, Chicago 7, St. Louis 3; struck <£>Bwe P i c g R tevto b b c a o ^ keeping with Dempsey’s idea of the opt, by Jones 1, Alexander 4; um­ Jq MM'S LOOOBD AAAW!B situation, proved to be the more pires, Quigley, Pfirman and Stark; ^ b p b c /a u tim e 1:48. Credit) Plftere acceptable, it seems. X—Blades batted for Thevenow in BAPCoAlM OFFBR “(He (SrtAMP toow: BAD* The Ultimatum 10th. B e A S R e A X “ Dempsey either will fight me in XX—Martin ran for Blades in 10th. June or he will not fight me again M e c p F=bR t lc w ie X s a u b s . Credit IS Due! at any time,” Tunney was quoted as having declared. “ Unless he ac­ cepts the June date, I know he won’t fight me again because I shall I '^Say B illie, you sure are dancing Am erican League ‘GLUE BALL THE LATEST BUNION DERBY refuse to fight him.’/’ bettmr lately. Who’s your teacher?” The man to whom this statement R e s u l t s Farrell Tells How Tom was made was in New York today New York, April 18— The “ Glue Chelsea, Okla., April 18— C. C. §> I Pyle’s Uunion Derhyists pushed on and this word can be accepted as Ball” is the latest freak pitching de­ **Nobody. It’s my new Florshedi thoroughly reliable. He declared Drew Rickard*^Attention livery to worry National League today toward Miami, their 46th INDIANS 0, TIGERS 4 batsmen. control, and final day’s travel in that Tunney had gone on to explain Cleveland . shoes! They fit so good, the leather that his two-fight plan had been AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Alleging that Charley Robertson Oklahoma. predicated on this program: .First, Jamieson, If ...... 3 2 0 4 0 0 Editor’s Note: This the fifth Ahands, he thought, in Heeney and doctored balls with glue smeared on Andrew Payne, Idol o t this state, is so soft and supple^^no wonder . Dempsey; second, the winner of the Lind, 2b ...... 4 3 2 2 6 0 of six articles by Henry L. Paulino. Why not let them fight his glove thereby causing them to again took the lead, covering the Langford, cf ...... 3 1 1 2 0 0 and no harm would come of it? 1,669.6 miles from Los Angeles in elimination tournament. J. Sewell, ss ...... 4 0 1 1 8 0 Farrell, The Herald and NEA “ sail” in an eccentric manner. I’m dandng better. Dempsey, it seems, refused to be Burns, lb ...... 4 0 2 11 1 1 Service sports writer, telling Paulino’s board thaught Heeney Manager Wilbert Roblnsou of 279:10:52, giving him a lead of the first victim and was ruled off Summa, rf ...... 4 0 0 2 0 0 the interesting story of Tom was a push-over because he was Brooklyn has sent a telegram to 1:56:23 over Eter Gavuzzi, of the turf, pronto, making further Hodapp, 3b ...... 5 0 1 1 1 1 Heeney, who fights Gene Tun­ British and they took the match. President John A. Heydler of the Southaml)ton, England. ^’Florsheims taught me what build-up of the elimination con­ L. Sewell, c ...... 4 0 1 2 1 0 ney for the heavyweight cham­ Heeney accepted also because he National League protesting Boston’s tender unnecessary. The choice of Grant, p ...... 2 0 0 1 2 0 solid foot comfort really means— H udlin, p ...... 1 0 0 1 1 0 pionship in July, and his man­ had to have the dough and because 3 to 2 victory over Brooklyn on LAST NIGHT’C FIGHTS Heeney was then made uy Tunney ager, Charley Harvey, who fin­ Harvey told Mm— “ By jimminy Monday. Umpire Charley Moran in one lesson.” over the strenuous objection of Jess 34 6 9 27 15 2 ally received a “ break.” crickets, you can beat that fellow! ordered Robertson to discard • the McMahon, wb,o not only makes D etroit At Detroit— Sammy Mandell, AB, It. H. PO. A. E. Stop him maybe.” glove at the time, but Uncle Wil­ World’s light champion, won de­ Rickard’s matches but most of his By HENRY L. FARRELL. They fought a ten-round fight Gold Seal Trouting Boots decisions. He didn’t make this one Neiin, lb ...... 4 0 1 6 0 1 bert contends that the pitcher also cision hver Eddie (Kid) Wagner, Gehringer, 2 b ...... 5 0 1 2 3 0 NEA Service Sports Writer. and the judges gave Heeney an should have been expelled from the because it already had been made Rice, c f ...... 5 1 1 4 0 0 Philadelphia, 10; Kid Francis, New Tex Rickard’s office in New York atrocious decision but he did not game. York, outpointed Ward Sparks; Goodyear Sporting Boots for Rickard -y the champion. Heilmann, rS'...... 3 0 1 3 0 0 wail about his hard luck. “ I Admits It McManus, 3b ...... 4 0 0 0 2 0 was hounded so much by Charley Terre Haute, Ind„ bantamweight, 8. Easterling, If ...... 4 2 3 5 0 1 Harvey in his quest for some work think I won the fight but the de­ MAKING m s FIFTH TRIP The best there is in fishing boots. 7 Rickard, himself admitted this Tavener, ss ...... 4 1 1 3 1 1 At Jacksonville, Fla. — Young today, according to Danny Dunn, for Tom Heeney that the attend­ cision stands,” Heeney said. There­ Stribling, Macon. Ga., stopped Shea, c ...... 3 0 ) 4 0 0 in he showed the genial disposition manager of Johnny Risko, who call­ Hargrave, c ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 ants around the Garden felt the William Haywood, Oregon track Italian Jack Herman, New York, 2. ed upon the promoter to discover, Gibson, p ...... 2 0 1 0 2 1 only decision was to throw Heeney and the patient spirit that is so coach, will assist Lawson Robert­ At Wilkes-Barre, Pa. — Chick Sweeney, z ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 son on the Olympic coaching squad if possible, what had happened to in with some good fellow and get characteristic of him. Suggs, negro featherweight of New the heavyweight elimination tourn­ him knocked off. Heeney was then matched with again this year. It is his fifth trip 36 4 9 27 8 1 abroad with the American Olympic Bedford, Mass., drew with Tommy ament. 'me admission was directly Cleveland ...... 101 010 201— 6 Harvey finally was pinned down Jack De Mave, a good heavyweight O’Toole, Portland, Me., 10. GLENNEY'S D etroit ...... 020 101 000— 4 squad. contradictory to Rickard’s person­ in the offices of the great man and from New York, and he won a ten- At St. Louis, Mo. — Battling al statement to newspapermen yes Two base hits. Burns, Lind; home tvas sincere in his statement that round decision and then he was Tinker Building run, Tavener; sacrifices. Burns, Surnames were first used toward Levinsky, former light heavyweight terday but then, if you must try to Grant, Lind, Langford (2), J. Sewell; Heeney would fight anyone and thrown in with Bud Gorman, one of champion, won degision over Jack double play, J. Sewell to Lind to Leo Flynn’s heavyweights. The the end of the 10th century in follow these gentlemen around, you wouldn’t want half the building for McAnlifte, Detroit. 10. will do well to pick your hobby Burns; left on bases, Cleveland 10, word went around that the works England. Detroit 8; bases on balls, off Grant, his end. horse before the rest of them are 3, Gibson 3; struck out, by Grant 1, As usual, Harvey was sincere and were in against Heeney but the big gone. Hudlin 1, Gibson 2; hits, oft Grant 8 he produced a pen. New Zealander paid no attention to In line with this, Rickard de­ in 6, off Hudlin 1 in 3; winning pitch­ There was at that time another it and Harvey passed it off with a 4853484823535323532353482323 53532348535348535323532323892389 clared yesterday that he, personal­ er, Grant; umpires, Hildebrand, Ormsby and Guthrie; time, 1:47. persistent person around the remark— “ They certainly wouldn’t r ly, had picked July as the date for z—Sweeney batted for Gibson in Garden attended by so many man­ do it to us.” the enterprise because he felt it 9th. agers that they were termed his But something must have been in would work out just as favorably “ board of directors.” it because Gorman started throw­ as an engagement in September. Paulino, just in from Europe, ing punches at Heeney’s knees at From sources close to both men, it At Chicago:— wanted some work also and the start of the fight and finally was discovered today that Rickard W H IT E SOX 4, BROW NS 3 Rickard saw in him the color, if was disqualified in the third round Iv/ Yielded on this taint ''nly after a C hicago prolonged protest. Brother Tunney, AB, R. H. PO. A. E. nothing else, of a prospect for his on a foul. The works looked to ANNOUNCEMENT It seemed, desired to tour Europe Mostil, rf ...... 4 0 0 2 2 0 elimination tournament. have been In, not only to steal a Clancy, lb ...... 4 They knew that Paulino was decision but possibly to hurt him. later In the season and had no wish Metzler, cf ...... 3 0 0 to have his plans upset by a promo­ Barrett, 2b ...... 4 tough. One of those fellows who Heeney took it in his amiable ter’s whim. M oore, If ...... 3 0 0 couldn’t he stopped. Not a fancy way and didn’t complain a word. Kam m , 3b ...... 3 fighter -but a tough one. Made He had faith in himself and was We Are Leading Distributors of Cissell, ss ...... 3 other fellows look bad even when getting more and more respect for B erg, c ...... 2 Lyons, p ...... 2 he lost. Something like Willie old Charley. Charley wasn’t one of ALL SEVENTHS WINNERS Meehan, Harry Greb and Johnny the wolves. Barnard School boys and girls 29 4 9 27 11 1 Risko. Heeney was getting good then witnessed an interesting gr ne of St. Louis AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Rickard wanted to use him but and Rickard finally saw him in a basketball at the Rec Tuesday af­ O’Rourke, 3b ...... 4 1 0 1 2 0 he didn’t want him to make any of prospect but he wasn’t good enough ternoon. A team of eighth grade Brannon, 2b ...... 4 0 2 6 5 0 the fighters in the so-cglled “ trust” for a bally-hoo yet. He was a big boys known as “ The Sports” chal­ Manush, If ...... 4 0 0 2 0 0 Schulte, cf ...... '4 1 2 0 0 0 look bad. Jim Maloney, Jack fellow, he had that international lenged ti.e All-Sevenths because the Sharkey and Jack Delaney were angle that Rickard is so keen MASON HYLASnC TIRES Blue, lb ...... 4 0 -2 10 3 0 latter had already won one game McNeely, rf ...... 4 with them. Both teams did good the hot prospects for the heavy­ about, but he needed some real Gerber, ss ...... 3 0 0 weight elminations and Rickard good opponents and Rickard then work. Although “ The Sports” lost K ress, ss ...... 0 *0 0 0 0 0 by a score of 7 to 9 they exempli­ O’Neill, c ...... 3 0 0 0 didn’t want any bums mussing decided to throw him in with his These tires are regular equipment on the Schang, c ...... 1 0 them up. He had two bums on his pet fighters. fied their title. In Rie near future Stewart, p ...... 2 0 “ The Sports” coupled with two Ogden, p ...... 0 ^ 0 0 0 more experienced players, the team Sturdy, x ...... 1 0 0 0 known as Miss Sweeney’s class, will Sax, XX 0 0 0 0 play the All-Sevenths. The result Bennett, xxx ...... 1 0 0 0 0 wefl known Stutz and Lincoln cars and wa’e Mullen, z 0 0 0 0 ought to be easily foretold. Al­ Mellilo, zz 0 0 0 0 though the younger team has played Victor and Vanquished splendidly, it feels it is no match 35 2 10 24 19 2 C hicago ...... 211 000 000— 4 Mrs. Dalton Reymond Leads Field in Annual Gulf used on the world’s champion Stutz cars winch for experienced eighth grade teams. St. Louis ...... 200 000 000— 2 ‘The Sports Two base hit, McNeely; stolen base, States Golf Championship B, F. Schulte: sacrifices, Brannon, Lyons, Jackmore, rf ...... 2 0 Moore: double plays, Gerber to Bran­ Urbaneui, If ...... 0 0 non to Blue (2); O’Rourke to Blue to were winners in eleven stock-car races in 1! Brannon to Blue; left on bases, Jolly, c ...... 0 0 Chicago 6, St. Louis 9; bases on balls, Vennart, r g ...... 0 0 off Lyons 2, Stewart 3; struck out, by Turkington, Ig ___ 1 1 Lyons 2, by Ogden 1; hits, off Stewart 7 in 6 innings: off Ogden 2; losing Totals pitcher, Stewart; umpires, McGowan, 3 1 Van Graflin and Connolly; time, 1:34. A wonderful Tire at a All Sevenths X—Sturdy batted for Stewart in 7th. B, F. XX—Sax ran for O’Neill in 7th. ■yiuillermet, r f ...... xxx—Bennett batted for Gerber in SON 0 0 8th. Kennedy, If ...... 0 0 z— M ullen batted fo r Ogden In 9th. moderate price Kennedy, I f ...... 0 0 zz—Mellilo ran for Mullen In 9th. BALLOON Carlson, c ...... 1 0 Bissel, rg ...... 1 1 Enrico, Ig ...... 2 0 Mack, If ...... 0 0 . . f O X V PUAHhi Let Us Quot^ Our Prices Before You Buy Totals 4 1 The strongest baseball MISS EATON’S LOSERS machine gets nowhere with a weak battery Miss Eaton’s (14) B. F. E. Thoren, r f ...... 1 0 H. Johnson, If .... 2 0 H. Bay c ...... 2 0 P. Amadeo, rg .... 0 0 ires P. Sasiela, I g ...... 0 0 E. Adamson, rg .... 1 0 o o A. Smith, c ...... 1 0 Total 7 0 14 All Sevenths (16) B. F. G. Enrico, r f ...... 0 0 S. Kennedy, If .... 0 0 W. Carlson, c ...... 1 0 F. Bissel, r g ...... 2 0 M. Vuiilermet, g . . 4 2 DEPOT SQUARE GARAGE T. McPartland, rg .. 0 0 E. Maucauley, Ig .. 0 0 > .Total 7 2 16 -i h e n c i UP FROM THREE-EYE LEAGUE T C4 V .(JB From a large field- of leading northern and southern women golfers, "A complete service s^tioit for yottr car, VOO CASi'r Mrs. Dalton Reymond of Baton Rouge, La., recently won the annual Gulf States golf championship at Biloxi. Miss, She defeated Miss Ma­ Paul Easterling, a hard-hitting ••'A HAMPICAP.m rookie outlielder with Detroit bat­ rion Turpee, New Orleans, In the final round for the title. Miss Tur- ^ ©NEA ‘ (h&hikSTo S-COHHeRR«ni pee, pictured at the left, is certainly a good loser and she is simling like ted .348 with Bloomington in the FARMEftSv^lUtSy It-L. J Three-Eye Leaeue last aummar. A chazuTiioa. iii«iuiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiinimiiffliH ^if: , -V? ‘ l^ANckliSnn^ (<^NK.) ty K nVwG iS^KKAtiD/ Al'RIlJ 1 ?/ ■TKSETWELVB A n A d Under Classification 72 Will Sell That House the south. - a d p Wanted •Female cduntiy will be „ JBfaai Ad InXonnatIcm iost ’-nd F ra MORRISON FREED present flight .e$i6s, LOST—RUBBER boot, between Bls- GENERAL HOUSBWOMAN or maid to Wasbirigton, H to,." - sell street and Manchester Green. wanted, by elderly woman, living THSDifORTiffll fi^ht. theje for : Manchester Return 55 Blssell street. alone, In attra ctive hom e, 2 1-2, m iles uniyersaV drMt act from South Manchester. Address OF REOILESSN^S Lfegton- aroused as-netjtr^fpta ^ Herald Box L, or telephone 1461-2, Evening Herald NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN T ^ T jhe interest of- this'major endravor ; Pass B ook No. 3631 o f The H om e after Thursday noon. Phone Your Want Ads Legionnaires Saving ' For Classified Advertisements Bank and Trust Coippany. has been of that organi«tlqii. , _ Count six averaBO worde to a Una. lost, and the owner thereof, has Help Wanted—Male 86 Passage- of , Universal Draft Initials, numbers and abbreviation^ made application for new book. All To The persons are warned against pur­ Jndpent Snspended Fol­ BUI By Present Congress. each count as a word BIG PAY JOBS OPEN In the auto ■words as tw 6 w ord s. M inim um cost chasing or negotiating said book and J If found same should be returned to field. No layoffs, no strikes, lea^ In Hartford, Cpnn.-7-The enrollment la-price ol threoillnea. a few weeks how to earn from ABOUT T0W !t said bank. ______$40 00 to $75.00 p er -week. T he op ­ lowing Hearing in Court of all World War veterans in this liln o rates per day tor- transient LOST—GRAY POCKETBOOK with portunity of a lifetime. Write today state for the purpose of presenting fid& __ blue flower, auto drivers license, for Big Free Book and remarkable Evening Herald a solid front to fight permanent tuition offer Including hoard and In an effort to .give bett^ se^" EUtectlTO M arch small change with 33 also. Gladys This Honung: peace le^slation is urged in a tele­ ice to its patrons. The North. Eno Cash Charge Seelert, 225 Spruce street. railroad fare*. Address J. H. Mc- 6 Consecutive Days ..j 7 olsl 9 ots Sweeny, 400 McSweeny Auto Shops. gram just received at Depjairtment Filling Station, hasr added Geo. ib. Cincinnati, Ohio, or Cleveland, Ohio, Annonncemeats 2 Headquarters of the American Koehler_ t o its force. Mr. K o M le r ! "I “ ‘‘ ““ WANTED —T MEN, no experience Judgment was suspended in tire Legion here from National Head­ has been in the oil business f o r a All orders for Irregular insertions necessary, large corporation operat­ reckless driving case of Thomas quarters in . number of years and is well k n o w n will be charged at the ope-Ume ral^ STEAMSHIP TICKETS—all parts of Gall 664 the world. Ask for sailing lists and ing a chain of retail stores require v^Morrison, 39, of 136 Bissell street Intensive efforts to have the Cap- in Manchester and Hartford... Special rates for long term every a limited number of men for South day advertising given “ P®® request rates. Phone 750*2, Hoberjt J, Smith, which was tried before Judge Ray­ per-Johnson bill, H. R. 8313 and S. 1009 Main stre e t Manchester. Men selected in modern And Ask for‘‘Bee' A ds ordered fo r tbr®®. merchandising, and given opportuni­ mond A. Johnson in Manchester 1289, known as the universal draft BOOZE KHjLS 25 and stopped ®®*®te the third ty to earn permanent positions. Only police court today. The trial last­ measure, passed at this session of dav will bo charged only for the ac Automobiles for Sale those desiring steady work need ap­ Tell Her What You Want ed close to an hour, . Moscow, April 18.— 'Pwenty-five tual number of times the * ply. Call betw een 5:30 and 7, 517 Congress will be made by Edward ed. charging at the rate «®tned, but Morrison was arrested a week E. Spafford, National Commander, persons are dead today and the FO R SALE— 1923 Jordan tou rin g— Main street. hospitals are full of others suffer­ no allowances or refunds excellent throughout, new curtains, She will take your ad. help you word it for best results, ago yesterday afternoon for driving upon the conclusion of his present on six time ads stopped after the tires and paint. Must sell imme­ Live Stdck- •Vehicles . 4J4 a Ford truck which struck and bad­ airplane flight to fourteen states ing injuries or alcoholic poisoning diately— Call 971-2. and see that it is properly inserted. Bill will he mailed ^^No^nTil forbids” ; display lines not ly injured (Jeorge Weir, 61, of 96% the last of April. Commander as the result of the three day Rus­ FOR SALE—HORSES 20 head fresh same day allowing you until seventh day after insertion sian Easter. hc»iday. It was one of 1927 Willys Knight convertible and acclimated horses. S. D. Pearl, Foster street while the latter was Spafford has announced the main ®°The Herald will not be responsible to take advantage of the CASH RATE. the wettest celebrations in tbe his­ coupe. 120 Woodland street. riding along the side of East Center object of the flight is for prepared­ for more than one incorrect *"8®^^'°® 1927 W h ippet F ou rd oor sedan. street near Hamlin street on a bi­ tory of the Soviet Union. More of any advertisement ordered for 1926 W illy s K n igh t sedan. ness to maintain peace. than 1,500 persons were yarrested , m ore than one tim e. in<*or- 1925 Overland 4 cylinder sed-n. FOR SALE—75 YOUNG PIQS. Rein­ cycle. The elderly man suffered The telegram reads: The Inadvertent omission or Incor a broken finger, abrasions on his charged with drunkenness. It is es­ 1925 Overland 4 cylinder coach. hardt Lehmann, Buckingham, Conn, a “ As you know. Commander Spaf­ rect publication of advertis ng ^lU be 1926 Ford T udor sedan. head and on his left leg in addition timated that ?4,000,OOD worth of rectified only by cancellation of the 1925 F ord tou rin g car. ford has been intensely interested vodka and wine was consumed m charge made tor tne service render- Fon y and Supplies 43 to bruises on his right knee and left in large national membership. 1924 E ssex coach. Farms and Land for Sale 71 this city alone and another ? 10,- 1925 Chevrolet touring car. Wanted— to Buy 58 shin. At the time of the accident, • • • MILLER’S BABY Chlx, Reda and Leg­ When he returns here the last of 000,000 worth hutside of Moscow. 1924 Overland tou rin g car. Mr. Weir was removed to the April he will have completed his All advertisements must Price very low. Cars guaranteed. horns from our healthy trapnested f o r s a l e — o n STATE ROAD only in style, copy and typography wl^^ breeders, state-tested and free from WANTED — TO BUY old-fashioned $4,000 buys a nice sm all farm , house Memorial hospital for treatment. In tour of departments and we wish Cash or term s. ____ furniture. Also repairing and re- regulations enforced by the Polish PICKETT MOTOR SALES disease. Good sized birds and egga In good condition. P rice Is right. court this morning, he still limped to surprise and welcome him with ers and they reserve the right to Heavy producera Hatch weekly. finlshlng of antique and mo(«rn Easy terms Call Artb ir A. Knofla, 22-24 Maple Street. furniture. V. Hedeen, 333 Center ot. add his arm was in a sling. unprecedented membership. edit, revise or reject any copy con- Phone 1063-3. Fred Miller, North 782-2. Morrison was returning from t Idered objectionable. 1925 4 cyl. O verland Sedan. Coventry. (Ask me about poultry “ Please urge the posts of your CLOSING HOURS-^lasslfled ads supplies and equipment).______WILL PAY HIGHEST prices for all work at Edward J. Holl’s summer Houses For Sale 1925 4 cyl. Overland Coach. kinds of poultry. We will also buy Houses for Sale 7 a department to accompish this rec­ to be published same “ gf.Jldays 1925 C hevrolet Touring. rags, papers and all kinds of junk. home in Bolton. The truck is own­ ord and forward every possible ceived by 12 o ’clock ^on. Saturdays 1923 Cleveland Coach. OLIVER BROTHERS day old chicks $2;600 is the price for a small from two year old hens. Hollvwood Call 982-4. ______SPECIAL PRICE—Two-family house ed by Mr. Holl.,Riding in the front membership by them. 10:30 a. m. 1924 Overland Sedan. of 10 rooms on North Main street. cottage with fair sized lot, elec­ 1923 O verland Sedan. Strain-Blood tested and free from seat with Morrison was James “ Such record will give him the Telephone Your Want Ads white diarrhea. Oliver Bros., Clarks Boarders Wanted 59-/V A ll im provem ents $4450. $1500 cash. Lovett and sitting in back was tricity, bathroom, garden and poul­ 1923 Studebaker Touring. A pply 243 or 247 N orth Main. Tel. solid, united hacking of the field try place. Why pay rent? Cen­ are accepted over the telephone 1924 E ssex Coach. Corner, Conn. Tony Prete, both workmen for Mr. and be an inspiration in concen- CH AR G E RATE, given above 1923 D urant Coupe. WANTED—^TO BOARD two children 438-12. tral location. ‘ asas, a convenienceconvenrence_ to advertisers, but 1924 O verland Touring. BABY CHICKS—Best local stock; of school age, preferably girls. Box Holl. The accident occurred about > Crating his efforts at this most vital Seven room single, furnace, gas, FOR SALE—MAIN STREET. ;iice 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Mr. on our peace legislation fhe CASH RATES will be accepted as 1924 C hevrolet T ouring. popular breeds; guaranteed live de­ L, H erald. ______bungalow, just the place for busi­ period on our peace etc,, walk and curbing, 2 car garage, y ;y^i'"lsYUENT 1. p . i a « t h . ^ 1925 F ord T ouring. livery: we do custom hatching; free ^Weir was riding in a westerly di- WANTED—HAVE ROOM available ness Car washing and greasing program as embodied in the univer­ poultry house, land for anoth^ ness office on or before the All these used cars have been re­ catalogue. Clark’s Hatchery, East equipment. Garage (for ten cans) or rection two feet and eight inches 6^y following 'the first lP®®f«on of for two gentlemen, good table sal draft bill now before Congress.” house or garden. A few fruit conditioned and carry a service Hartford, Conn. workshop 50x30. Lot 66x270. Investi­ from the side of the road when the each ad otherwise the CHARGE guarantee. board. Mrs. Fallow, 169 Main St. Commander Spafford' Is schedul­ trees and grapes. Price"-f6,600, ?tATB will be collected. No responsl- gate. Call Arthur A. Knofla for truck struck him from behind, ac­ MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES BABY CHICKS term s and price. Tel. 782-2, 875 Main. ed to end his record flight in terms. . hilitv for errors In f®l®P^°P®^ Dependable Used Cars Baby chicks, blood tested, Ohio Apartiiien*- — Hals-— cording to testimony. Indianapolis April 23 after visiting will be assumed and their accuracy 1069 M ain St. Tel. ,740 State Dnlverslty accredited. Order In FOR SALE—STATE ROA to Hart­ Although the truck went a dis­ Porter street, nice single with 2 advance. Manchester Grain and Coal Tencmenis for Kent «>« Minnesota, South Dakota, Wyom­ cannot be guaranteed. Dennis P. Coleman, Mgr. ford. 6 room single, 2 car garage, tance of 84 feet before it came to car garage. House Is all ihodern Com pany Phone 1760. corner property Price only $54C0. - ing, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Nevada, and the rooms are well arranged. It Phone 664 12 GOOD USED CARS including 1927. COZY 4 ROOM FLAT for roomers or $800 cash. Call Arthur A. Knofla. a halt after, striking the bicycle, Oregon, Washington, Montana, , Oldsmobile Landau, 1925 Oldsmoblle is offered at $7,500, $1,000 cash. a s k f o r WANT AD SERVlCH Articles tor Sale 45 small family, with bath, electric Teleplione 782-2. 875 Main street. there was no evidence that the North Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas • • • • Two-Door sedan, Crawford auto lights, hot water, cement cellar; also truck had been going at an exces­ Six room American coloniaL oak Supply Co., Center and Trotter garden, with garage $20. Call today, KOK SALE— NEW 6 ROOM bunga­ and Oklahoma. He is flying in a trim and floors down, steam, gas,, Index of Classifications streets. Tel. 1174 or 2021-2. FO R SALE—PERFECTION oil heater, 91 Main street. S o u t h . ______low, all laaprovements. Telephone sive rate of speed. Testimony good condition, 3 jardinieres and I Curtis 0-11 plane with Capt. R. G. white plumbing, 2 car garage, high 140 2632-3 or call 108 Bent.en street as. to this point varied from fifteen Breen as pilot. The War Depait- Evening Herald Want Ads are now FOR SALE—LATE MODEL Bulck other small articles. Inquire FOR RENT—MAY 1st—Flat of five elevation, north end. Price only coach. Fully equipped. Low mileage. Cooper street, Fouracies. to twenty miles an hour. The rea­ ment is furnishing the plane and grouped according to classifications rooms, modern Improvements; also son for the long distance which the $6,600, $1,000 cash.’ Llow and for handy '■eference ^wl 1 Price very reasonable. Inquire 34 garage if wanted. Call at 38 Pearl Houses for Sale ra pilot. Five room single, Greenacres. A Bidwell street. FOR SALE—8 TONS HAY; also 15 street or phone 1781. A dults pre­ truck traveled after the accident is appear In the numerical order indl- cords 4 ft. dry hard wood. C. N. The airplane flight immediately nice little cottage, all modern ferred. FOR s a l e —DELM f)NT STREET — believed to have been due to Mor­ cated- ^ I 1927 Studebaker standard Sedan. Loomis, Bolton, Conn. Tel. 276-3. followed an extensive trip through $6,500. $500 cash. Lost and Found ...... J Special 6 Sedan. seven roont single, fire place, oak rison becoming excited after the Announcements ...... g • 1924 Studebaker FOR RENT—2 FIVE ROOM FLATS floors and trim, shade trees, price 1924 Studebaker Big 6 Sedan. FOR SALE— KITCHEN stove, ice box with bath and garage, 2 minutes Building lots. Buy now when Personals ...... and kitchen table, 123 Wells street right Call Arthur A Knofla Tele­ crash. Antomoblles 1524 Studebaker B ig 6 T ouring. walk from trolley, 32 and 34 St. For fully three-quarters of an prices are at lowest of year. Prices 1923 Studebaker B ig 6 T ouring, or tel. 2041. phone 78’3-2. 875 Main street. Automobiles for Sale ...... 4 Johns street. So. Manchester. E. A. INTERNATIONAL PAPER as low as $150 with city water and 5 .1924 Studpbaker Light 6 Sedan. Standlsh. Andover. Conn. Telephone hour. Prosecuting Attorney Charles Auton7obiles for Exchange •••• 1924 Studebaker Light 6 Tourng. FOR SALE—STABLE MANURE about Keal Ksiate for Evciiaiige 76 COMPANY electricity. $350 with sewer, Auto Accessories—Tires ...... 6 1351-3—Willimantlc. R. Hathaway and Attorney John J. 7 — 1921 Studebaker B ig 6 Touring. 10 ;cords. S. D. Pearl, 20 Woodland New York* M^rch 2Stii* 1928 water, gas and electricity. These Auto Repairing—Painting ...... street.- Burke of Hartford for the defense, 7-A ,,.1922 Studebaker Light 6 Sedan., APARTMENTS—Two, three and four FOR SALE OK EXCHANGE property The Board of Directors have declared a are absolute bargains and a lot for Auto Schools ...... • A* fejv cars of, all makes. Good buys questioned cross-examined witness­ Autos—Ship by Truck ...... 8 -1 Singer $5.00. room apartments, heat, janitor ser­ in tow n, in good locality W hat have quarterly dividend of Sixty Cents (60c) a little. 9 W r Utile money. SEWING MACHINES- vice. gas range, refrigerator, In-a- es and debated over technical Autos—For Hire ...... 2 White. 1 Royal, 1 Standard. All you to offer? VVm. Kanehl. Telephone a share on the Common Stock of this Garages—Service—Storage ... 10 : THE. CONKEY AUTO CO. door bed furnished. Call Manchester points involving the position of the 7 Distributors,'-Studebaker & Ersklne makes repaired and cleaned. R. W. 1776. Company, payable May 15th, 1928, to Motorcvcles—Bicycles ...... * It Construction Company, 2100 or tele­ 20-22 East Center St. TeL 840. (iarrard. Tel. 715. bicycle, the Ford truck, a Hartford- Common Stockholders of record at the Wanted Autos—Motorcycles • • • 12 phone 782-2. lo-Willimantic bus, a car driven by Itiistness nnd Professional Services close of business. May 1st, 1928. Robert J. Smith CHEyROLET SALES & SERVICE f o r s a l e — f e r t i l i z e r for lawns. Patrolman Joseph Prentice and an­ Business Services Offered ...... Karl Marks, 136'Summer street. Tel. Checks to be mailed. Transfer books 1009 Main Street Household Services Offered ....rl3->A If you are In the market for a good FOR REN’T—FIVE ROOM tenement, YOUNG PEOPLE’S RALLY other occupied by Mr. Holl himself. re-condltioned used oar we have them 1877. with garage. 184 Hilliard street. will not close. REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE Building—Contracting ...... a :, The prosecutor tried to prove .Ow e n S h e p h e r d * at all prices. Vice Pre^.c^ Trea*» STEAMSHIP TICKETS Florists—Nurseries ...... to H. A. STEPHENS HUDSON S’l'REET. R UuOM tenement TO BE HELD HERE SOON that Morrison was guilty of reck­ Funeral Directors ...... • .. Center at Knox Tel. 939-2 Bui ding Materials 47 and garage, near Depot. In good Heating—Plumbing—Roofing condition Modern improvements. less driving because Weir was rid­ Insurance ...... ing only 32 inches in from the Auto Access'»ries— Tires’ -i FOR SALE—CONCRETE building Telephone 981-2. THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE: Millinery—Dressmaking .... blocks and chimney blocks. Inquire shoulder of the road and that Mor­ Moving—Trucking—Storage Societies In This Section to Frank Damato. ’24 Homestead street, FOR RENT—6 ROOM TENEMENT at rison made no effort' to avoid strik­ Painting—Papering ...... ; q . x i t E PISTON RINGS for all 256 H ackm atack, rent $16. Inquire F. (266) Robins and Thrushes ■ Services ...... Manchester. 'Telephone 1507. Gather at Second Congrega­ Professional makes of cars. They give your R. Manning. 230 Hackmatack. Tele­ ing him by a left turn] The de­ Sketches by Bessey; Synopsis by Brauchet Repairing ...... engine more power, more miles per tional Church April 26. fense, however, maintained that Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning ... j’ EleclHcal / ppliaiices— Radio i* phone 1065-2. gallon of gas; also stops oil pump­ Weir turned on to the sand at the Toilet Goods and Services ...... ing. P’red H. Norton, 189 Main St. TO RENT—NEW brick house, 2 tene­ Wauled—Business Service ...... ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING appli­ ments. 6 rooms each $22 month. In­ Young people’s societies in this side of the road to allow the bus to EdacntloDiil DISTRIBUTOR FOR Prest-O-Llte ances. motors, generators, sold and quire 309 1-2 Sp'ruce street, corner section who will he represented by pass and that be swerved back on­ "NCourses and Classes ...... 2i batteries for automobiles and radios. repaired; work called for. Pequot Private Instruction ...... 48 Charier Oak. large delegations at the rally to be to the road too late for Morrison to All sizes and cars. Complete battery Electric Co., 407 Center street Phona held Thursday evening, April 26 at D ancing ----- , ...... service Center Auto Supply Co. 155 1592 FOR RENT—SEVERAL first class avoid striking him. Musical—Dramatic ...... Center street, Tel. 673, rents with all improvements. Apply Second Congregational church, in­ Judge Johnson, making his de­ Wanted—Instruction ...... “ b Edward J, Holl, 865 Main street. Tel. F inancial Puibl and n’eed 4 9 -fl clude the following; the Gyp club cision, said there was no conclusive Bonds—Slocks—Mortgages ... . 31 Garages— Service— Storage 10 560.______^______from Center Cpngregational church, proof of reckless driving on the Business Opportunities ...... 32 FOR SALE— BIRCH WOOD cut In FOR BENT—4. ROOM tenemen* with the Luther League o f the Swedish part of Morrison insofar as speed Money to Loan ...... , 33 FOR RENT—GARAGE rear of 701 stove lengths $11 per cord. Phone gas electricity, bathroom,'set tubs, Luthean church, the young people’s or the position of the truck and bi­ Money Wanted ...... 34 Main street. Apply to Aaron John- 143-1’2. C. H. Schell. newly decorated. 19 Ridgewood Help nnd Sitnntloiis . son. 62 Linden street or to the •■'.reet, near Hartford trolley. Tele- j societies of the Swedish Congrega­ cycle ■ were concerned. He said it FOR SALE — HARDWOOD stove Help Wanted — Female ...... 35- janitor. piione 1810-2. tional church, St. Mary’s Epscopal was a case of negligent driving, if Help Wanted—Male ...... 36 length, under cover. Call after 6 < and the Federated church of Wap- anything, and that the dejgree was Help Wantefd—Male or Female . 37 p. in. V F lrpo 116 W^Mf street. B t^ in ess Service o.fered ts 3 ROOMS FOR RENT at 170 Oak Agents Wanted ...... 37-A Phono 1307-2. street,'air Improvements, hot water ping, as well-' as Christian En­ insufficient for him to find Mor­ Situations Wanted—Female . . 38 heat. Call 616-5. deavors from the Talcottville Con­ rison guilty. He thought it a mat­ Situa'ions Wanted—Male ... . 39 FOR SALE—HARDWOOD large load gregational church. ter for the civil court to decide. • Emolovmenl Agencies ...... 49 ASHES TO CART AND plow. L. T. $8. Ashes moved. Charles Palmer. 44 FOR RENT— FIVE ROOM PLAT- on Live Stock—Pels—Ponllry—Vehicles W ood, 55 Bissell. Phone 496. Henry street. Telephone 895-3. Wadsworth street, all modern and This get-together of church D og s— B irds— Pets ...... • 41 new. steam heat,, oak flo’ors, rent groups of young people will be one FOOD PRICES DROP Live Stock-Vehicles ...... 43 CHAIR CANING NEATLY done. Price Household Goods 61 reasonable. See Stuart J. Wasley, ; right, satisfaction guaranteed Carl of a chain of such rallies to be held Many birds are equally at home in Europe and Poultry and Supplies ...... _ 4d 827 Main street, telephone 1428-2. ' for three weeks in various parts of Washington, April 8— The Labor Wanted — Pets—Poultry—Stock 44 Anderson, 53 Norman street. Phone 3 OR S’ PIECE MAHOGANY suite, re- America, The Robin Redbreast Is one of these, kegend For Sale— MIscellaiieonB ; 1892-2. Connjcticut, under the auspices of Department; announced today that upholstered, new springs inserted Wanted to Rent 08 Articles for Sale ...... 45 and finished. Make your own selec­ the state Chistian Endeavor union. during the month of March there and fancy cluster thick about the beloved Robin but ail B oats and A’ccessorles ...... 46 Movlr:g--Trrcking—Sto age 2t. tion of covering. Call forvfree sam­ 47 Under the slogan “ Crusade for was a decrease in the average cost arise from the fact that his breast is a rich Orhnsort. Building Materials ...... ples. Tel. 1268. WANTED—A HOUSE of .two or three Djaiuonds—Watches—Jewelry .. 48 bedrooms, near the mills, no chil­ Christ’’, a nation-wide religious of food in the following cities: MANCHESTER & N. Y. MOTOR Dis­ HOLMES BROS. FURNITURE CO.. The Robin is the friendliest little creature of ail the Electrical Appliances—Radio .. 49 649 Main Street. dren. Box N, Herald Office. movement among the young people Baltimore and New York, 2 per 49-A patch—Part loads to and from New wilds. He will hop about a gardener's feet. His coming Fuel and Feed York, regular service. Call 7-2 or is in progress. cent; Chicago, Fall River, New Garden—Farm—Dairy . Product* 50 4 PIECE AMERICAN Walnut bed­ WANTED TO RENT by two adults, Haven, Philadelphia, Portland, Me., is one of Spring's sure harbingers. t: Household, Goods ...... "1 1282^______room suite, fu ll-sized van ity $89. five or six rooms, with all improve­ Representatives of the above ment^ Address Box R, Herald. one per cent. , Boston, Bridgeport By NEA. Through Spoelal Ptmi!*s|on of tho PubIMiort ef-7h> Book of Knowl«4g», Copyrii^t. Machinery and Tools ...... o2 PERRETT AND GLENNEY—Local Good values in bedding. See us be­ societies met with Rev. Frederick Musical Instruments ...... 53 and long distance moving and truck­ fore you buy. Ostrinsky’s Furniture C. Allen, pastor of Second Congre­ and Columbus reported a decline of Office and Store Equipment...... 54 ing. Daily express to Hartford. Liv­ Exchange, 28 Oak. ITALY WITH U. S. gational church and laid plans for less than five-tenths of one per S porting Goeffis— Guns ...... 55 ery’ car for hire. Telephone 7-2. Specials at tfie Stores ...... o j A NEW LINE OP GAS and oil stoves the coming rally. The speaker of cent. f'-- W earin g A pparel— F urs ...... 57 w a n t e d —LOCAL and long distance now on display, $19 up. New re­ the evening will be Russel’ J. Blair, W an ted —Tp_ Buy ...... 08 frig era tors from $13.‘ Geneva, April 18.— Italy today 4 CHILDREN KILLED Room s— Bon ril— Hotels^—Resorts moving. We have five trucks es­ field secretay of the Massachusetts pecially equipped for moving, rang­ WATKINS FURNITURE EXCHANGE, lined up with the. United States in Restnnrants the fight for government control of Chistian Endeavor organization. ing In capacity from one to five tons. Sisterville, W. Va., April 18— The Rooms Without Board ...... 69 Experienced men, 56 Bissell street. FOR SALE—FLORENCE oil burning the manufacture of opium and oth­ The subjects he will take up will be Boarders Wanted ...... Tel. 496. L. T. W ood. hot water heater and tank. P. J. er narcotic drugs and of their dis­ evangelism, good citizenship and charred bodies of four children C ountry B oard— n e s o r t s ...... 60 Young, 454 Middle Turnpike. Man­ were removed from the ruins of Hotels—Restaurants ...... 61 chester Green. tribution. Signor Cavazzonl, Italian world peace. Wanted — Rooms — Board ...... 62 Painting- -Papering 21 delegate to the League of Nations Miss Evelyn Jones of Second Con­ their home, at McBlroy Creek, Real Estate For Rent THIS IS BEDDING WEEK at The opium commission j declared that gregational church and Ray War­ Tyler county, 15 miles from here, Apartments, ^jats. Tenements 63 WANTED—^PAINTING by day or job. Benson Furniture Company. A look today, following a fire which swept Business Locations for Rent . 64 Good work done reasonable, also In our window will -onvince you morphine prouuction had doubled ren of Center church were appoint­ Houses for Rent ...... 65 . shingling; also saws to file. B. P. that this Is the home of good bed­ between 1921 and 1926. He esti­ ed to have charge of music; Frank­ the upper story of the home of Mr. Suburban for Rent ...... 66 , Green, 182 Spruce street. Phone 2414. ding. 20 per cent off on all bedding mated that 132,000 pounds was lin Smith of Second Congrega­ and Mrs. Denton Tennant. The Summer Homes for Rent .... 674 this week. Your credit is good at manufactured in 1926, half of dead .are; Vonda, 8; Brooks, 10; Wanted to Rent ...... 68 B enson’s. tional church, publicity. The social Renl "Ostate For Sale Repairing 23 which went to illicit trade other committee, will provide refresh­ Garnet, 7 and Betty Lee, 3. Apartment Buildings for Sale ••• 69 than for medicinal, use. Business Property for Sale ....• 70 LAWN MOWER shr’-nenlng, repair­ One of the new spring fads Is ments. Miss Mabel Wetherell, presi­ Farms and Land for Sale 71 ing.' Phonographs, clocks, electric dent of thie Endeavor society and The birth-rate for England and ' cleaners, locks repaired. Key mak­ the ankle corsage.. We almost had Wales for 1927 was the lowest Houses for Sale 72 forgotten where the ankle was. A Brighton (England) booksell­ Rev. F. C. Allen will conduct the Lots for Sale ing. Bralthwalte, 52 Pearl street. meeting, which Is scheduled for ever recorded— 16.7 per 100 of Resort Property for Sale ••••••# A special branch of municipal er nam^d Brewer invented the en­ It is believed the Robin Suburban for Sale ...... LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED and velope In 1830; while Edwin Hill, 7:30. the population. This is 1.1 per repaired, chimneys cleaned, key fil­ court has been set to work airing 1000 lov(er than the previous began its association Real Estate for Exchange .... election fraud cases In Chicago. brother of Sir Rowland Hill,' In­ Wanted—ReaJ Estate ing. safes opened, saw filing and Every normal ear of corn has year; while in birthrate with man back in the The sweet song of tho Auction—Legnl NotIcM grinding. Work called for, Harold Do the courts hold nothing sacred vented the flrst envelope-making was ^. . Wqrbler is familiar in Auction Sales 78 Clemson, 108 North Elm street. TeL any more? machine. an even number of rows of grain. 2 1 cave days when the bird Legal Notices ...... 79 462. could fly In at the open many sta,tes* The artist By Frank Beck door and share man's has sketched a GAS BU(5GIES— The Road Hog rough fare. Warbler. IF VOOR WE*RE I ’ W ISH EVERYBODY HEM. J ^ V E N S ! . ' HOWDY, UO HADN'T CATCHING UP HEM WAS WITH WARNED ME LOOK OUT! blo*m n o f f WITH 'E M AGAIN. US y tIUJAN. AGAINST A FOLKS, IF HE^D «4L Y ”b l u n o e r b u s.” w e Ire righ t y d u ’ r e JUST A S WE STEP ON IT. M U S T N ’T GOING W E 'U . SHOW 'T R Y TOUR CAR THEY STEER ON THE EDGE, LILLIAN y ... t ip p in g TO PASS THAT AMV HOW SICK ONCE y h e ’d l ik e CANAL BLOCK CAR YOUR WIFE A " BUINDERBUS** OUT A * s p it f ir e ’ BO/d’S , ANCL. THE US IS IN , I’ D CAN MAKE A D1DN»T RIDE ------GOSH.. ANOTHER r o a d . OVER. h a v e s h o w n "'SPITFIRE" LIKE A WHO'S IN AND------IT # UP LONG LOOK. BABY BUGGY. SUCH A AGO. HURRY.

.i ;-Ar, &


FLAPPER ?. INY SAYS: SKIPPY By Pocy t . Crosby I SENSE and nonsense HER MISTAKE. r In her silken stockinged feet H A v e l 6ee( i JlTWA/ She stands five feet, she’s petite; Yo ^AYcH Vou A " ogc/* When she puts her stilted pumps P t e .c e o r MU5YA f\Ooor ^•TriAT ^—I I on she is higher 3y three inches then she humps R i d S o f i L o T Y i f ! L 0 ( ^ Both her shoulders and she stumps Through the city, but her gait we can’t admire. A local flapper: “ Love is like an onion— it’s easy to bite, but after you’ve bitten you wonder why you did.” An astronomer has recently con­ structed a chart to show the re­ lation of radio disturbances to spots on the sun. These figures will probably be known as statistics.

Little Mary getting her first sight of a peacoc|\. “ Look quick auntie, one of your chickens is in bloom.” REG . U. S. PAT. O FF. CopTTi^t, 192S, Percy L. CnAj, Centnl Amb AMb., lae. 01928, BY NEA SERVICE. INC. Store Manager— “ They say brunettes have a sweeter disposi­ Dignity is one thing that can’t tion than blondes.” be preserved in alcohol. Clerk— “ Well, my wife’s been The Terrible Tempered Mr. Bang By Fontaine Fox OUR BOARDING HOUSE both, and I can’t see the differ­ ence.” By Gene Ahem Millions for citizens military training but not one cent for citi­ SILl-V OLD - M WORP MR. ^ zens health training. virM’lUfirC sfOPip 0^uIALPEit^*^AS HlS It seems that children do not pay I VJlt-t -THE MA'Tor SliSPECT IS MAJbRU FOR BAC KYARD GARDENS any more attention to their parents than the parents do to them. A KAPI0 6 RAM-T0 Sl^-TU lS MAV ' ^ ; This is the season of the year when it’s easy (according to the There’s usually a lot to be said -se -


lA. sy!mw igilvicg. wdkrt.t».ap»T.oro.

FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS What Kindness Does! By Blosser

6ee.’lC00L.0 67A^iD ASRSNtou Ape>«o\)o:i A t o t OF PECPL6 O L Y M ^ lAi , m S R E A L L CAV COAXl/0<3 yoO MUSTA AAAPE O? AFRICA NNOCJLPAAWe S)1PTVX>7>V6 M iW E-mfey SAoj yoo-yx ) m o s t M/M 7 0 COAK^ DOkW/O TD yoU R MlA»D yoU ’P ' M£,AAX> AE'D SriLL. 7 0 CQMS VW17H t VHANreOTO BE CO/Vi^O/O'.VMAAr D o LOTS’ DOVOOV)0AN>TrD S W O P /Ai 7AS /ViS a f t e r ALLy CLIMB UPATpeS nZBS/ MORE vwim klAltVOSSS 7WAM FoK? iv^jo/or y o o -CAAi vjdiTUL A eu jo n p w r y o o / f


Q i J/ik/onu. m tM wMu. SALESMAN SAM Ah, Ha! A Clue! By Small READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE ------^ — HeRE — JUST see IF The wooden man soon dipped nearby, and when they gazed up VNeCC, 60L7.,t'M 60(H' flo P e H a WAv/e OH e o y \ ( s o t t a clu&! i'l l fAN' YA "miMK VoU've. and turned until the Tinymites all in the sky, the Tinies saw the big e-eTTepy e»e.Tc«A THIS HoRseSHoe Be- FOUND OUB. MACS S E S T o h ,t h a t s TH' SHOe PITS WHERei learned that he knew how to fly black bird that they had seen be­ OViT A S AIM -lA s e e IF I CAM LQCATe LUCK THIS LONCtS TA 0OMBON*t KM€W BeCAUse YA pvcKeouF e A S % BOMBOM LAST, real well, so they were not afraid. fore. “Why, that’s the bird,” some­ A Ho(?.se.SHoe ? wecL G V iM u - K i c K e o M e ! , Said Carpy, “ We will be all right, body cried, “ that took poor eoN B O N « T I M € , . I’ D 6

ENGAGEMENT. , , > Mr. and Mrs. David Treadwell of ---.Li.Y MODERN-OLD FASHION ‘T ANNIVERSARY Banbury announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Lillian M. \ Dandng COMMITTEE TO MEET Treadwell of the Ninth District schools here, to Stuart G. Segar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. ATTHERADIBOW Segar of 110 Main street. Mr. Chairman Charles W . Holman Segar is a bond salesman for a Calls Meeting of Board For Hartford concern. TONIGHT Tomorrow Night. Change In TTsnal Schedule BlfectiTe This Week A meeting has been called by JOBERT— ^MURRAY WADDEMi’S ORCHBSTEA Charles W. Holman, chairman of Prof. Taylor, Prompter. the local entertainment committee Announcement was made yester­ preparing for the 10th anniversary day in Rockville of the marriage Modern Dancing Saturdays. convention and dinner of the Hart­ of Miss Florence Jobert, daughter COATS ford County Y. M. C. A., to be held of Mrs. Eulalia Jobert of that city in the Chamber of Commerce to James Murray, of this town. The DON’T FORGET rooms tomorrow evening. It is ex­ wedding took place on Monday in pected that the convention on May Rockville. 14 will be the most widely-attend­ $79.50 “Townfield^ DANCE ed of any in the ten years of the association’s history. TOMORROW ^^GHT, THURSDAY A special program for the occa­ OUR POLICY April 19, at Turn Hall sion is being planned which, will $69.50 “Townfield” WEIMAN’S ORCHESTRA include a pageant being prepared Norton’s A Good Time For All. by Rev. Truman H. Woodward. A / OF REDUCING ALL STYLE MERCHANDISE speaker of national renown is be­ AFTER IT HAS BEEN in stock four weeks assures MODERN-OLD FASHION ing secured to make the principal address. Harry Hedley Smith, the SPORT COATS our customers of extremely attractive prices on DANCE man who organized the Hartford At I Electrical what Is really new merchandise, and it allows us County Y. M. C. A.,- now general to keep in touch with the New York market every JEXCK’S LONE OAK sthte secretary of the Connecticut Tweed, kasha and covert ensembles in light ^nd Thursday Evening State Y. M. C. A. committee, has week for the very latest modes that are presented. Given by Jolly Four dark tan, green or oxford with silk crepe dechine^ accepted an invitation to attend. blouse or fine knit sweater. Sizes 18-40. These BILL WADDELL’S ORCHESTRA The local entertainment commit­ Service At $49-50 Fred Taylor, Prompter REDUCTI0NS OF 10% to 20% BRING YOU are “ Townfield” models. To be really smart, one tee consists of: Charles W. Hoi must have an ensemble, and here is an opportunity.' m^n, chairman; George Rix, Law $59.50 arid $69.50 COATS at $49.50. All imported fabrics— tweeds, kashas, wool to purchase one, such as is shown in Fifth Avenue:8 “ Come Out of the Kitchen” rence W. Case, George Nichols, smartest shops, at an unusually low price. Frank Cheney, Jr., George Keith, mixtures. Cplors—Rose beige, grey, green, You ■yril find $16.75 dresses at $14.75, 3 ACT COMEDY James Irvine, Wells Strickland, blue, tan. Sizes 16 to 38. Fayette Clarke, Jerry Fay, Clar­ Cheney Hall, Thursday, April 26 ‘‘Townfield’’ typifies the smartest of sports ap­ All $14.75 dresses which have been in stock fo^- ence P. Quimby, Ray Pillsbury, parel— well tailored to the last detail. Attractive Auspices of Epworth League Calvin Davidson, Earl Rogers and plaids In belted models with squirrel or fox collar. weeks are now $12.50. S. M. E. Church. Jay E. Rand. Kashas, tweeds and sport mixtures with fur collars Tickets 50c. __also several models bordered or bound with con­ All $10.00 dresses four to six weeks old are now $35.00 and $39.50'Silk trasting color. RUMMAGE SALE $7.95. ABOUT TOWN The ensembles bring you $79.50 Paris models at ALL DAY FRIDAY $49.50. ENSEMBLES Mrs. Robert L. Lathrop enter­ Johnson Block, 695 Main St. tained the Octette Bridge club with Home and Foreign Missionary THESE GARMEN'i?S ARB ON SALE TOMOR- a luncheon bridge yesterday at her Societies, South M. E. Church. RO'W MORNING. NONE RESERVED. Every­ home on Academy street. The floral one selected from the best New York manufactur­ At decorations were pink tulips and ers and represent the season’s best style creations. the color scheme of pink and green In the light colors as well as the darker -shades; was carried out in the courses, the $59.50 and $69.50 You will find a rose crepe ensemble with coat of table settings and prizes. Mrs. E. rose metallic material— a green crepe coat with tan. B. Inman won first prize and Mrs. embroidered georgette facing and tan georgette Harold Puter, second. dress, several black crepe -ensembles and also navy. Sizes 18-40. Mrs. William Crawford, presi­ DRESS COATS dent of the Ladies’ Guild of St. Mary’s church, heads the commit­ tee in charge of the food sale $16.75 Silk which the members will hold Sat­ urday afternoon in the basement of the J. W. Hale company’s store. At $49.50 Her assistants will be Mrs. Clar­ $29.75 ence Johnson. Mrs. Robert McKay, USE and Mrs. Harry Armstrong. The Generator In this group you will find the latest scarf coats ladies are requested to have their in kasha and broadcloth, black satin coats with food at Hale’s store as soon after - butter-mole collars, kasha coats with attractive At SUITS o'clock Saturday as possible. Your Furnace and Starter and Ignition tucking in back— with your choice of butter mole, sun ray mole, natural fitch or embroidered collar. The usual Saturday evening Repaired at a reasonable Colors: tan, grey, green, black in sizes 16 to 44. This group Includes prints as well as solid colorsi dance will be held this week at the Your Coal Bin charge. We can save you ex­ There are models in . light georgettes with dainty Highland Park Community club­ pense and annoyance as we drawn work, figured dresses in tailored styles and At house. Case’s orchestra will play Need not feel gloomy. We’U also navy and black dresses In the larger sizes. and Cornelius Foley will call off fill them up with our good coal. have instruments which Ibcate Tan. rose. blue, black ari4 prints. Sizes 16 to 48. all electrical trouble quickly. For traveling and general street wear, a servlc«^ the old-time numbers. If its fuel oil your tank needs able navy blue twill or oxford suit Is essentj^. we have that too. Double or single breasted models bound with satim • Mrs. Addie William formerly of his town but who now makes her Norton Electrical or braid. Sizes 16-40. home with her mother in Moosup, G. E. Willis & Son, Inc. Instrument Co. 'vas the guest yesterday of Mrs. 0. F. Toop of Wadsworth street. [Via.son Supplies, $10.00 to $15.75 a Main Street Phone 50 Hilliard Street, Manchester The Justamere Whist club will $14.75 Silk meet tomorrow afternoon with Mrs. Crace Lathrep of 37 Benton street. $16.75 Many local Grangers are in at­ tendance at the sessions of East Central Pomona Grange at Wapping PHQNB SUITS this afternoon and evening. A busi- ness meeting was called at 4 o’clock supper will be served at 6:30 and At $7,95 At during the evening the fifth de­ gree will be conferred. GOOD THINGS TO EAT In tan, navy, black and prints— pleated skirts— In georgette, crepe and a few in the ■ spring At tucks, etc. Dressy as well as plain tailored mod­ woolen materials. Dressy and talloffed models. Clarence L. Taylor of West Cen­ Colors: rose, tan, light blue, navy, black. _ Sizes els. Sizes 16-48. Only a fe\fr navy twill suits, bound with braid; ter street has sold his residence to GIVE THE BUS CREDIT 16-44. Sizes 18-20. Single breasted models. Louis Villa of Hillstown. The transfer was made through the Nearly everybody keeps an account with the Arthur A. Knofla agoncy. family automobile. ' Most folks can tell pretty ON SALE MAIN FLOOR closely what it costs to keep the old bus in commis­ Another of the modern old-fash­ sion. They don’t forget to charge up the gas and ioned dances will be given tomor­ oil, the tires and the repair bills. Arid sometimes row night at Jenck’s Lone Oak they shake their heads and wdnder whether they dance hall. Pleasant Valley. Bill can afford it. ' NATURAL Waddell’s Orchestra will provide But they almost never remember to put down the music and Fred Taylor will Items that belong ou the credit side. prompt, One of these, for Instance, is the great freedom VARNISH STARTING TOMORROW of movement the old car gives in the matter of Mr. and Mrs. George Ferrell and buying things. No longer is the housewife re­ family who have lived for upwards stricted to one or two or three markets and grocer­ of ten years on Delmont street have ies because that’s all that are within a practicable FINISHED moved to a house on the corner of distance. She can go where she pleases— where Foster and Hawley streets. she knows that she is going to get quality and right prices. 3 Days Selling Mrs. Cora Johnson of 195 North Here’s Pinehurst, as an example. Plnehurst CHAIRS Main street has been entertaining isn’t a mere neighborhood store by any manner of her mother, Mrs. Fred Littlefield of means. Far from it. If it were it couldn’t begin Moosup and her.son Warren who to carry the variety of food commodities it does— has been home from Mount Hermon some of them quite unusual. No one neighborhood school for the spr^g vocation. culd justify such a stock, such variety. Here we are, in a residential neighborhood, half David Housen of Housen’s way between two major divisions of the town, with Depot Square Garage, is spending a 2000 yards 49^'''^- customers all over Manchester. A great many ■week’s vacation in New York. He people who live a mile or two away are just as reg- drove to the big city yesterday in ularJn their visits here as our friends from around company with Gustave M. Kahn, the corner or over the way. north end tobacco warehouse man­ ■pie automobile ought to be credited with the ager. money savings and the satisfaction that comes The American people pay $20,- from this freedom. Put them Into figures and many itmes you’ll be surprised to find how little 000,000 a year for music, that is the old boat is costing, after all. va their— ^well, their music. Dress Prints 29<=

Bleaching Water, Special 3 Bottles Width 32 Inches ' ( Quart il^ttles Ammania, 1 bottle WATKINg BROTHERS 1 Large Gold Dust with dish washing . Moppet Free fo r ...... $1.49 SEE WINDOW DISPLAY . ; (As sketched) Rattan seht. i^ u n e r a l These chairs can be used on the Headquarters for Fresh Fish porch, in the bedroom, or for patterns and colorings that are guaranteed fast. In this assortment you will find, de­ Onr sales on fi«eh shad have simply been beyond all expec­ the summer cottage or lodge. signs that are suitable for Summer draperies as well as women’s and children’s frocks. d ire cto rs tations and though we increased our order last week we wei-e "Well made chairs, natural var­ NEW! sold oat early Friday. Again this week by express early Thurs­ nish finish. ik the time to buy Prints. This cloth was made to retail at 20c a yard more than our Robert K. Anderson day at low prices. price for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Buck Shad NOW .A Phone; 500 or 748-2 Roe Shad Fresh Halibut (not frozen), Steak Cod COME IN AND Of course you have heard of the famous Forty Fatheun Fish HALEYS FOR YARD GOODS Fillets— fresh from the ocean to you. Boneless, economical. SEE OUR 40 Fathom Fresh Haddock Fillets. 40 Fathom Fresh Dressed Haddock. UNPAINTED Charles Laking 40 Fathom Fillet of Sole (genuine deep sea sole). , 40 Fathom Dressed Flounders. FURNITURE ' A- ‘■^4* ' Auto tops repaired, recovered Head and tall removed— ready for the pan. FREE PARKIN® and rebuilt. Automobile trim­ 40 Fathom Smoked Fillets. AT GREATLY ming in all its branches. Best Yon wlU enjoy this Boneless Finnan Haddle. ■SPACE AT- materials used. All kinds of REDUCED leather goods repaired. R]^R OF srp i^ Pinehurst Hamburg ... PRICES. Pinehurst Sausage Meat SOUTH MCHESTER • CONN ■ Also Harness Repaiifeg. Bacon in the piece •••••• 2 5 c lb. 314 Main St., Teli 128-4 Soutt Manchester

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