Introduction Background
Stantec Consulting Ltd. 400 - 1331 Clyde Avenue, Ottawa ON K2C 3G4 September 30, 2019 File: 122170330 Attention: Ms. Barbara Slezak Senior Environmental Specialist, Environmental Services and Contaminated Sites Public Works and Government Services Canada 4900 Yonge Street Toronto ON M2N 6A6 Dear Ms. Slezak, Reference: Data Gap Analysis for Site 2 – Possible Road Access to NTA, Collins Bay Institute, Kingston, Ontario (ON) INTRODUCTION Stantec Consulting Ltd. (Stantec) was retained by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), on behalf of Correctional Services Canada (CSC), to complete a data gap analysis in support of future construction of a National Training Academy (NTA) at the Collins Bay Institute in Kingston, Ontario (ON). A parcel of land is being considered for construction of a possible access road to the NTA in the southwestern corner of the much larger Collins Bay Institute property, herein referred to as the Site. Figures 1 and 2, in Attachment A, present the location of the Site and relevant surrounding features. The requirements of the project are detailed in the Statement of Work for Data Gap Analysis at Collins Bay Institution (SOW), dated July 9, 2019, along with Stantec’s proposal, dated July 15, 2019. This report presents the findings of the Historical Report Review and Data Gap Analysis for the Site. BACKGROUND The Collins Bay Institute is located in Kingston, Ontario and is bordered by Bath Road (north), Days Road (west), Front Road (south) and Little Cataraqui Creek (east). The property comprises approximately 340 hectares (ha) and is shared between the Collins Bay Medium and Maximum Institution (formerly the Collins Bay and Frontenac Correctional Institution), and CORCAN Agribusiness Operations.
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