A Vision for Lemoine Point And the Lemoine Point Conservation Area A Vision for Lemoine Point And the Lemoine Point Conservation Area Project Team Members: Michael Fran zolini • En am -ul Hoqu e • M. E l izabeth Meiklejo hn • Matt M urray Stefani No r man d • M alcol m N or wood • Adam Ro bb • M adushi S eneviratne Queen's University School of Urban and Regional Planning Department of Geography and Planning December 2016 Prepared for the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority For more information contact: Rob McRae Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority
[email protected] QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING Standard Limitations This report was prepared by students at Queen’s University in the School of Urban and Regional Planning enrolled in SURP 825: Environmental Services Project Course for the account of the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority. The disclosure of any information in this report is the sole responsibility of the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority. The material in this report reflects the researchers’ best judgments in light of the information available at the time of preparation. The findings and recommendations herein are the opinions of the researchers and have not been reviewed or endorsed by the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority. i Acknowledgements The project team would like to thank: The Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority, for working alongside our team and giving us the opportunity to explore the environmental and land use impacts around the Lemoine Point Conservation Area. Rob McRae, for your mentorship, expertise, and constant encouragement throughout the duration of the project. Dr. Graham Whitelaw, for your guidance and support over the course of the project.