Beaver Island 2003-09 September Beacon
September 2003 $2.50 Beaver Beacon T h e I s l a n d M o n t h l y S i n c e 1 9 5 5 CMU Art Show A Sail on the Schooner Madeline Greene Family Reunion, Lumber Yard Party, Homecoming 2003 Beaver Island News, Events, Photography, History, People, Art, and lots more... 3. Contents Beaver Beacon September 2003 McDonough's Market Since 1933 On America's Beautiful "Emerald Isle" 38240 Michigan Avenue Beaver Island, MI 49782 (231) 448-2733 Full line of groceries. Custom-cut meat. Fresh Greene Family Reunion ............................................................................ 4. Beaver Beacon produce, Beer, Wine, Liquor, Block & cube The Caledonia anchors in Paradise Bay ..................................................... 4. the Island Monthly since 1955 BIPOA Annual Meeting ............................................................................ 5. ice. Movie rentals. Post cards. Beaver Island Published by The Lumberyaard Party, part 2 ................................................................... 6. Paradise Bay Press clothing, Hardware, Toys, Public Telephone. Beaver Island Health Fair September 13th ................................................... 7. CMU Art Show 2003 ................................................................................. 8. Beaver Beacon Small & major appliances, Greeting cards, P.O. Box 254 On This Date ............................................................................................. 10. Notary service. Michigan lottery. Fax, Money Beaver Island, MI 49782 Charlevoix County Commissioners;
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