Chinese Cinema Bibliography 1 A Selected Bibliography of Chinese Cinema Jerome Silbergeld, Wei Yang Princeton University, Department of Art and Archaeology Note: This bibliography benefited from many published and online bibliographies of Chinese cinema, some of which are noted in the bibliography itself, as well as from correspondents who sent suggestions. We regret any errors. Please send further suggestions and corrections to the Tang Center for East Asian Art at
[email protected]. The section on special themes is based on Princeton's course, Art 350, Chinese cinema. Version: August 10, 2004 Outline of this Bibliography General Studies Film Theory General, including Western Feminist Theory and Aesthetics in the Performance Arts Special Themes Film as History and History in Film Modernization: Hopes and Fears The Chinese Family Model Gender and Sexuality Youth , Ethnicity and Education The Politics of Form: Melodrama, Embodiment Cinema, Artistic Status, and the Sister Arts Chinese Cinema in a Global Era Defining "China" in a Global Culture: Hong Kong Taiwan Publications about Selected Individual Directors Chen Kaige Hou Hsiao-hsien Hu An (Ann Hui) Kwan, Stanley Lee Ang Tian Zhuangzhuang Tsai Mingliang Wong Kar-wai Xie Jin Yang, Edward (Yang Dechang) Zhang Yimou Zhang Yuan Film Review Indices Bibliographic References On-Line Film Resources Chinese Cinema Bibliography 2 General Studies Bao Minglian. Dongfang Haolaiwu: Zhongguo dianying shiye de jueqi yu fazhan 東方好萊塢:中國電影事業的崛起於發展. Shanghai: Shanghai renmin, 1991. Barlow, Tani and Donald Lowe. “Movies in China.” Jump Cut 31 (1986):55-57. Bazin, Andre. What is Cinema I and II. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1967, 1971. Beach, Rex and Zhang Yingjin.