Open Access in Sweden and the Programme Openaccess. Se

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Open Access in Sweden and the Programme Openaccess. Se Open Access in Sweden and the programme Ulf Kronman Coordinator of The National Library of Sweden Taylor & Francis workshop, Brussels 2014-06-17 The National Library of Sweden A tripod of duties • Preservation of the Swedish cultural heritage – 1661 – print materials – 1979 – sound and moving images – 2013 – electronic publications • Research library for the humanities • Coordination of Swedish research libraries and public libraries – BIBSAM licensing consortium – The programme Mission Promote free access to works by Swedish researchers, teachers and students Organisation Expert group for open access and scientific publication management – Representatives from the Swedish Research Council and Swedish universities – activities and goals • Web site, blog and mailing list • Yearly conference: Meeting Place Open Access • Publication database SwePub – 650 000 Swedish publications • Support for open access mandates – Funders and universities • Part of EU project OpenAIRE • A national policy on open access Swedish research funding agencies with open access mandates Government funding councils • The Swedish Research Council, 2010 • Formas, 2010 – Sustainable development • Forte, 2011 – Working Life and Social Research Foundations • Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, 2010 – Social Science and Humanities • Knut & Alice Wallenberg Foundation, 2010 – Technical, natural sciences and biomedical fields • The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies, 2011 Swedish National Open Access Coordination • New Swedish research bill 2013-2016 • Swedish Research Council to develop national guidelines for "free access to scientific information" – Result to be delivered by end of 2014 • Swedish Research Council contact point with EU regarding open access • National Library to support the Research Council on open access Commissions from the Swedish government regarding open access in 2013/2014 The Swedish Research Council shall develop national guidelines for free access to scientific information (Open Access). The Swedish Research Council shall cooperate with the National Library of Sweden and other relevant actors. The National Library of Sweden shall support the Swedish Research Council in its commission to develop national guidelines for free access to scientific information (Open Access), especially regarding free access to research results. Aligning Swedish OA policy with Horizon 2020? • Deposit in repository "The beneficiary – deposit the published version or final must ensure open access (free of peer-reviewed manuscript in a charge, online access repository on the date of publication for any user) to all peer-reviewed • Ensure open access via the scientific publications repository relating to its results" – on publication, if an electronic version is available for free via the publisher – within 6 months for manuscripts – within 12 months for manuscripts in social sciences and humanities Why does EC mandate OA in Horizon 2020? • Economic return on a 80 billion € investment! • Free publications – a basis for future research – Meta research studies using text mining and statistics – Education, translations, adaptions … • Research results are driving today’s economy – Research is the industry of the knowledge society – Companies need research results for development of services and products Open Access: Goals – problems – solutions Goals • Free dissemination of per-reviewed scholarly information • A system for merits based on publications Problems • A journal economy based on locking in scholarly information • A merit system based on journal title prestige Solutions • Reverse the publication economy from article products to peer-review services • Judge publications by their own merits – not by the journal title – create a post-publication merit system From product to service – from reader to author • Subscription based journals – Selling a product = toll access articles – Business idea based on a selection to readers • Open access journals – Selling a service = certification (peer review) – Business idea based on a service to authors • Paper-based journal model mixes services to readers and authors • Internet-based article model can separate the services Mega-journals: Free the article from the fetters of the journal! • Peer-review service to the author disconnected from selection service to the reader • A growing list: – PLoS ONE – PeerJ, F1000 Research – BMJ Open, IEEE Access – SAGE Open, Springer Plus, Scientific World Journal (Hindawi) – Scientific Reports (Nature), Science Advances (Science), Royal Society Open Science Thanks for your attention Questions? Discussion! Web: Blog: E-mail: ulf.kronman [at] Twitter: @UlfKronman .
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